It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Weather, Climate, & Natural Disasters => Topic started by: Libertas on June 16, 2015, 11:57:09 AM

Title: Pope Francis is the next bully to push the Prog-slop of Climate Change
Post by: Libertas on June 16, 2015, 11:57:09 AM (

More signs the end is near...

Satan himself must be licking his chops with glee over this idiot pushing an agenda which will lead the world into suicidal destruction of jobs, families, lives and whole nations...the entire population of non-elites will be worse off than the peasants of previous centuries will the masters like this asshole of a Pope enjoy a life of ease, luxury and lack of want.

The brand DenierTM being nothing more than the modern equivalent of a little yellow Star of David.

Way to go, Francis, you despicable jackass!

"Let his days be few; and let another take his office." - Psalm 109:8
Title: Re: Pope Francis is the next bully to push the Prog-slop of Climate Change
Post by: Libertas on June 20, 2015, 11:09:31 PM (

What a schmuck!  Francis the braying mule just wants sycophants!

Title: Re: Pope Francis is the next bully to push the Prog-slop of Climate Change
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on June 21, 2015, 06:04:52 AM
a.k.a. The Vicar of Hell
Title: Re: Pope Francis is the next bully to push the Prog-slop of Climate Change
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on June 21, 2015, 07:05:35 AM

What a schmuck!  Francis the braying mule just wants sycophants!


Title: Re: Pope Francis is the next bully to push the Prog-slop of Climate Change
Post by: Alphabet Soup on June 21, 2015, 11:40:31 AM
Must read: "Why I’m Disregarding Laudato Si and You Should Too" (

Title: Re: Pope Francis is the next bully to push the Prog-slop of Climate Change
Post by: Pandora on June 21, 2015, 01:38:59 PM
Thanks for that, 'Soup.

I remember the days when one would shake one's head, proclaim a nut as a nut, and other sane people would nod in acknowledgement and agreement.

This particular nut, however, is dangerous because he has the power to rally other nuts, some with power also, to his misbegotten and unGodly causes.

In the mid-80s, when I was in my mid-30s, we had Reagan, Thatcher, Pope John Paul and Helmut Kohl helping to keep the world sane.  Now we have the Mulatto Mafia (H/T the zman) in the WH, Cameron, Merkel and the above-mentioned nut advocating the UNsane to the UNsane all over the world, whose numbers appear to be increasing and increasingly irrational.

I would despair if I didn't have Faith.  Sometimes I do despair anyway.
Title: Re: Pope Francis is the next bully to push the Prog-slop of Climate Change
Post by: Alphabet Soup on June 21, 2015, 03:10:52 PM
I grieve for my Catholic friends. I inadvertently offended some when I called the popester out early on. My attempts to reassure that I meant no personal offense went unheeded and I've been reluctant to say much more on the topic ever since.

I recognize that it isn't my place to criticize someone else's leadership but I am alarmed when that "leadership threatens my survival in addition to theirs.

This man is wrong for the job. His job is to tend to his flock and try to make things better for them. He seriously needs to mind his own business and stick to his job (until he can be replaced by someone who possess some basic competency)

I'm mostly sick and tired of being sick and tired.


Edit: altard-proofed
Title: Re: Pope Francis is the next bully to push the Prog-slop of Climate Change
Post by: Pandora on June 21, 2015, 03:27:23 PM
I grieve for my Catholic friends. I inadvertently offended some when I called the popester out early on. My attempts to reassure that I meant no personal offense went unheeded and I've been reluctant to say much more on the topic ever since.

I recognize that it isn't my place to criticize someone else's leadership but I am alarmed when that "leadership threatens my survival in addition to theirs.

This man is wrong for the job. His job is to tend to his flock and try to make things better for them. He seriously needs to mind his own business and stick to his job (until he can be replaced by someone who possess some basic competency)

I'm mostly sick and tired of being sick and tired.


Edit: altard-proofed

Just so you know, I'm not offended by criticism of the Pope and he isn't and wouldn't be my leader even if I weren't a lapsed Catholic; I follow Christ, God. 

I do want to suggest, however, that it is not his job, nor that of any other spiritual leader, to make things better for their flocks; it is their jobs to help their flocks make things better for themselves by saving their own souls.

The current heretic in the Vatican is mis-leading (purposeful spelling) his flock and further damaging the Church.  And I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but the idea that God would send a bad pope is thought not beyond the pale.
Title: Re: Pope Francis is the next bully to push the Prog-slop of Climate Change
Post by: Pandora on June 21, 2015, 03:34:39 PM
Do I grieve for my fellow Catholic friends?  I don't know .... 

I have a good friend, a staunch Catholic (it bothers him to go to mass on Saturday evening instead of Sunday morning, for instance.  He says it doesn't count.), who, I suspect, would argue *for* this Pope's ridiculous encyclical teaching on human relationships with animals and how they, too, need to be led back to Christ (for Pete's sake!!) because he loves his herd of little dogs.  He'd make a pretzel of himself in order to do so, but I suspect he would.  I could be wrong and I hope I am, but I'm not sure it would cause me grief.  Pissed off,  more likely.
Title: Re: Pope Francis is the next bully to push the Prog-slop of Climate Change
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on June 21, 2015, 10:14:44 PM

I'm mostly sick and tired of being sick and tired.


Edit: altard-proofed

I really don't care who I offend...anymore. I'm one more lost freedom away from full warrior mode. I speak truth to any who cross my path: pastors, timid congregants & ass-wipe idiots looking to be offended. Watching American Sniper made me realize that I fit into the 'sheepdog' category: the %-tage of humans with higher than average levels of aggression, the ability to laser-focus on certain critical tasks & who have a difficult time dealing with stupid.

I have a mantra: when you encounter 'stupid'...move on, lest the stupid stick to you. I often exercise the option of verbally bitch-slapping them before moving on...(just for fun!).'s simply the way I'm wired.
Title: Re: Pope Francis is the next bully to push the Prog-slop of Climate Change
Post by: Libertas on June 22, 2015, 07:06:14 AM
I grieve for my Catholic friends. I inadvertently offended some when I called the popester out early on. My attempts to reassure that I meant no personal offense went unheeded and I've been reluctant to say much more on the topic ever since.

I recognize that it isn't my place to criticize someone else's leadership but I am alarmed when that "leadership threatens my survival in addition to theirs.

This man is wrong for the job. His job is to tend to his flock and try to make things better for them. He seriously needs to mind his own business and stick to his job (until he can be replaced by someone who possess some basic competency)

I'm mostly sick and tired of being sick and tired.


Edit: altard-proofed

Just so you know, I'm not offended by criticism of the Pope and he isn't and wouldn't be my leader even if I weren't a lapsed Catholic; I follow Christ, God. 

I do want to suggest, however, that it is not his job, nor that of any other spiritual leader, to make things better for their flocks; it is their jobs to help their flocks make things better for themselves by saving their own souls.

The current heretic in the Vatican is mis-leading (purposeful spelling) his flock and further damaging the Church.  And I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but the idea that God would send a bad pope is thought not beyond the pale.

My thoughts exactly.  Bad leaders are seen throughout the bible, Popes are no different, and despite what some might think they are not exempt from error or judgement.

This early summation in 'Soup's link goes back to the point you made about a time when people knew a nut when they saw one:   "In short it is as if Al Gore, Karl Marx, and Teilhard de Chardin wrote an encyclical."

Teilhard (Jesuit trained, Ann would have fun with this one for hours!) was once shunned by the Church and his writings banned...and not in a Nazi "burn them!" fashion (for any libiots reading this!) and now he is praised by this heretical Pope.  And Marx, thanks to Progs, is no longer a hated founder of a sick ideology that spawned multiple genocidal pyschopaths.  And AlGore...My God, anybody taking this college drop out silver-spoon elitist dweeb seriously is more effed up than Al is, and Al is one effed up twisted shakra-tossing monkey!

So yes, the Age of Stupid gives us B Hussein O and Francis the Yapping Mule...what could possibly go wrong?

PS-The extinction part and the funny pic of the Great White and Megalodon made me snort Diet Dew!  So stealin' that pic!

And the hippies crying over dead trees is always hilarious...Cat Stevens or whatever Islaminal name he goes by can FOAD!

It is time to call Francis what he is...


Oh, and this is good!

John Kasich To Pope Francis: The Environment Shouldn't Be Worshiped -- "That Is Called Pantheism" (

[pan-thee-iz-uh m]

the doctrine that God is the transcendent reality of which the material universe and human beings are only manifestations: it involves a denial of God's personality and expresses a tendency to identify God and nature.
any religious belief or philosophical doctrine that identifies God with the universe.

Bam!  There it is!  Proof Francis is pushing a false religion under the guise of the legitimacy of the Church he is leading astray!

Heretic!  Apostate!  Traitor!  Anti-Pope!