It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Politics/Legislation/Elections => Topic started by: sfetter on December 15, 2015, 11:51:28 AM

Title: New World Order and Election
Post by: sfetter on December 15, 2015, 11:51:28 AM
I recently read on our interweb that the NWO has determined that Clinton is who they want as the head of the USA for the next term.  Therefore, accordingly, this NWO will see that these results are achieved for the greater good.  Can't remember where I read this but the source indicated that the results are already set.  Could that be why Clinton is so calm and detached from any reality?

If so, then the country has been gone for far longer than most of us have realized.  Whether you are a Trump fan or not you have to love this circus we are watching on the other side of the isle.  Personally, I don't trust any of them much more than the Commies on the other side. 

I few more months and we should know if the elections are now meaningless.  More and more it looks like we are headed to that result.  Not so slowly, we are headed to the end of Liberty and Freedom that so many have died for.  I wish I could have a more positive outlook.

Title: Re: New World Order and Election
Post by: Libertas on December 15, 2015, 12:25:20 PM
I recently read on our interweb that the NWO has determined that Clinton is who they want as the head of the USA for the next term.  Therefore, accordingly, this NWO will see that these results are achieved for the greater good.  Can't remember where I read this but the source indicated that the results are already set.  Could that be why Clinton is so calm and detached from any reality?

If so, then the country has been gone for far longer than most of us have realized.  Whether you are a Trump fan or not you have to love this circus we are watching on the other side of the isle.  Personally, I don't trust any of them much more than the Commies on the other side. 

I few more months and we should know if the elections are now meaningless.  More and more it looks like we are headed to that result.  Not so slowly, we are headed to the end of Liberty and Freedom that so many have died for.  I wish I could have a more positive outlook.


That succubus has been that way for as long as anyone can remember...
Title: Re: New World Order and Election
Post by: Weisshaupt on December 15, 2015, 02:06:56 PM
The cheating is rampant.. but I think there is still a margin of cheat they need to be within..  or they are planning another theater vote counting production s they can pretend the Republican elected isn't 100%  in charge of protecting their achievements.
The results of the primaries are certainly set, but I don't think the full election is really determined in advance. They would have to be kicking a lot more judges out of polling centers were that the case.. though with the electronic machines, maybe its all in the bag.

Title: Re: New World Order and Election
Post by: Libertas on December 15, 2015, 02:52:48 PM
Who runs Diebold?
Title: Re: New World Order and Election
Post by: ToddF on December 16, 2015, 08:01:00 AM
They've (a generic they, not  ::foilhathelicopter::  ) been working at dumbing down America my entire life.  I think they're probably confident, now, they've achieved a critical mass of stupid.

Ready for Hillary.  Corruption for a failed people.
Title: Re: New World Order and Election
Post by: whimsicalmamapig on December 16, 2015, 08:29:39 PM
In a way, Hillary as the next CIC would land her smack in the middle of the disaster coming our way. She would only have recourse to blaming obama for terrorist attacks and an attempt to conviscate weapons could spark a reaction she could not contain. I sense an undercurrent of many itching to rumble in so many words and phrased utilized in post etc. Has anyone else noticed, other than a large uptick of weapons sales, that there is subtle hints of a common idea forming?

Let her inherit the mess, electing a GOP stooge isn't going to make much difference and if it could kill the dems for good, win-win
Title: Re: New World Order and Election
Post by: Libertas on December 17, 2015, 07:26:01 AM
To a certain extent I agree with that, but I flop around on this point...mostly because I don't see anything killing off the Dems, or any strain of Prog...without incurring loses in the Liberty ranks.  Perhaps that is simply meant to be, but for me in terms of modern political and economic is hard to both want the kabuki to end and to want to see the most guilty oppressors punished now...I long for both.
Title: Re: New World Order and Election
Post by: whimsicalmamapig on December 20, 2015, 06:27:19 PM
It seems that there is a rise in 3% type blog spots and websites. If I am on facebook and I respond with a simple "Sons of Liberty" as a post, I get many likes from people I do not know at all.
I do think many realize this situation is not fixable, politically, just as our first revolution was not.
Title: Re: New World Order and Election
Post by: warpmine on December 20, 2015, 09:17:31 PM
It seems that there is a rise in 3% type blog spots and websites. If I am on facebook and I respond with a simple "Sons of Liberty" as a post, I get many likes from people I do not know at all.
I do think many realize this situation is not fixable, politically, just as our first revolution was not.
We're way past what the Founders had to endure as far as usurpation of our natural rights is concerned which always brings up the question of why aren't we shooting by now?
Title: Re: New World Order and Election
Post by: Libertas on December 21, 2015, 07:07:02 AM
It seems that there is a rise in 3% type blog spots and websites. If I am on facebook and I respond with a simple "Sons of Liberty" as a post, I get many likes from people I do not know at all.
I do think many realize this situation is not fixable, politically, just as our first revolution was not.
We're way past what the Founders had to endure as far as usurpation of our natural rights is concerned which always brings up the question of why aren't we shooting by now?

The most obvious answer?  We are not the same caliber of people as the Founders, nor are we of sufficient numbers in those that aspire to be.

Title: Re: New World Order and Election
Post by: Weisshaupt on December 21, 2015, 07:59:04 AM

The most obvious answer?  We are not the same caliber of people as the Founders, nor are we of sufficient numbers in those that aspire to be.

Our Founders were a lot less wealthy than we are now, and therefore had less to loose. Even so,  they were dealing with this type of slow tyranny for at least a decade before the revolutionary war. And even so did not start shooting until the British attempted to seize an armory.  At that time Boston Harbor was blockaded, and troops were being quartered in people's homes - and it had been going on  for at least two years. (

No one wants this bloody civil war on our side, and the liberals push for it because they are so narcissistic and arrogant that they really don't care if millions die.
Its all just part of making their Utopian omelet.  The shooting will start when they attempt to disarm us. If they never do, then the power of the few will wane as the dollar does. Hard to say when for sure, but that it will happen is inevitable now .