It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Politics/Legislation/Elections => Topic started by: Pandora on May 10, 2011, 04:06:53 PM

Title: Senate Has Oil Production In Its Sights
Post by: Pandora on May 10, 2011, 04:06:53 PM (

    Senate Democrats are looking to bring to the floor next week a plan to strike billions of dollars in annual tax incentives for the five biggest oil companies.

    “That’s what we’re thinking,” a Senate Democratic leadership aide told POLITICO Thursday evening, adding there won’t likely be a vote on the measure next week.

    Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) will also hold a hearing next Thursday on gas prices and oil tax incentives for the biggest oil companies — including ExxonMobil, BP, Chevron, Shell and ConocoPhillips.

    One major question for the Senate leaders: how any money saved from reducing the tax incentives would ultimately be used. Many Democrats are pushing for the money to go toward deficit reduction, the leadership aide said.

The money will NOT be going to deficit reduction and if anyone still believes they're stupid rather than malicious, I've got Arizona ocean-front property to sell you.
Title: Re: Senate Has Oil Production In Its Sights
Post by: Sectionhand on May 11, 2011, 03:27:54 AM
First : This will never pass the House . The Dems are playing their patented game of
         "Bluster & Bullsh*t" .

Second : I hope the CEOs of the above namned companies have the guts to tell Baucus to "fold it four ways and
            stick it where the sun don't shine !"   ::mooning::
Title: Re: Senate Has Oil Production In Its Sights
Post by: Libertas on May 11, 2011, 07:23:29 AM
I think you're right SH, looks like a typical DC shuffle to me, give them cover with their rabid base, blame the evil Repub's for killing this idea...blah, blah, blah!

But if the Repub's were smart, and unfortunately for us they aren't, they would attach an amendment to this bill stripping all subsidies, no sacred cows!

Calling their bluff the DemonRat meme would be blown out of the water!  We could rightly state they want to protect their sacred cows while we were prepared to sacrifice them all!

Too bad my sage advice will fall on deaf ears...
