It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => The Police State => Topic started by: Pandora on April 11, 2020, 02:12:38 PM

Title: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on April 11, 2020, 02:12:38 PM
Vermont did it first.  Now ... (



eta:  And now this: (
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on April 11, 2020, 02:20:52 PM

... On April 6, my 12-year-old daughter was playing basketball alone at the court, as she often does, when a city truck drove over to her. She quickly came home to get me. I headed down to the court to talk to the city workers, who told me that they were taking down the basketball rim to keep groups from gathering.

... this basketball court is seldom used by anyone besides my three children and is never used by a crowd. It is a public court that my tax dollars pay for.

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on April 11, 2020, 02:32:27 PM

And he was literally dragged.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on April 11, 2020, 02:36:29 PM

... Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer banned drive-in religious services ahead of Easter Sunday. This goes against CDC guidance on the issue. More importantly, it goes against the United States Constitution, specifically the 1st Amendment which prohibits government from acting against our freedom of religion. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wrote a letter to the mayor in his home state alerting him of the problem.

... Sitting in our vehicles and hearing the Word of God on Easter Sunday does not significantly increase our chances of contracting or spreading the coronavirus. The disease is simply a smokescreen to hide the left’s contempt for the hope that is within us. It’s why we’re proud to have several pastors speaking at the Saving America Conference on April 18th.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on April 11, 2020, 02:54:01 PM

...     To continue safely serving their communities, faith institutions are directed as follows:

        Church buildings and other physical locations for worship should be closed.
        Livestream or other virtual services are best.
        The minimum number of necessary personnel should be used at all times for any services.
        Staff and volunteers who are not speaking should wear masks.
        Drive-in services may be conducted only under these conditions:
        Attendees must be inside vehicles at all times.
        Attendees should not interact physically with clergy, staff or participants in other vehicles.
        Vehicles should contain only members of a single household. Do not bring your neighbors or others outside of your household.
        Cars must be spaced the equivalent of every other parking spot or approximately 9 feet apart.
        No one may exit a vehicle at any time.
        Portable bathrooms are not allowed on the premises and no church facilities may be used by attendees.
        It is preferred that no communion be distributed.
        In instances when communion is distributed, only prepackaged communion may be used and must be prepared and distributed in a manner that meets food safety standards.

    The following individuals who are vulnerable and at higher risk for illness should not attend:

        Persons who are 65 years and older.
        Those who have severe underlying medical conditions, like heart or lung disease or diabetes.
        Individuals who are sick.

New info from Governor's office says the above list was separate from the E.O. however:

    Hans Fiene @HansFiene
     · 23h
    Replying to @JoyPullmann @GovHolcomb

    So he was pretending to ban non-happy-meal-kit communion but didn't actually do it?

    Joy Pullmann

    As far as people can tell based on the actual executive order text, yes. Although his statement was still an official statement that comprised religious discrimination and I suspect it's legally actionable. Just not before Easter.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on April 11, 2020, 05:49:34 PM
New Jersey shut down its state parks. Although I mainly run a trail that takes me to the park, the trail's entrance is blocked with barricades. This morning I ran a county road adjacent to the park & actually entered the park near the end of the property; a section that lets me run under a bridge & avoid a busy traffic intersection that would take me over the same bridge.

On the return trip I noticed a person walking their dog in that same section. I do not think the police will police that section. If they do (most of them know me as I've been running here for close to30 years), we'll discuss it, amicably.

That same park was closed during the last NJ hurricane. That time I entered the main park, post hurricane (had it to myself) & ran my usual route. The park rangers ended up chasing me on ATV's. When they caught up with me I merely said I was exiting the park . . . via the south entrance . . which allowed me to complete the morning's run.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on April 11, 2020, 05:53:02 PM
I'll bet that, if you grab a few seed packets & use the self-check out aisle, the seeds will ring up as usual & out you go.

Last week we were in PA, picking up the new Springer pup -- stopped @ a local Walmart & bought 6 boxes of facial tissue (the limit was 2). I used the self-check aisle & it presented zero issue. That Walmart had a LOT of items my local one was out of -- we naturally stocked up (family of 4 consumers).

The REAL issue is, of course, why they're banning seeds. It seems counter intuitive: "Don't go to the store if possible, but also do not grow your own veggies??"

Forgot about the paint part. The wife & I are addressing several projects @ the homestead while staying home more than usual. We happened to buy the necessary supplies awhile ago. But not "allowing" the purchase of arbitrary items? There's ZERO authority vested in ANYBODY for doing that.
Now I'll stand happily corrected if it turns out that drinking copious amounts of Glidden Spread Satin proves to be a cure for the virus . . .

Next they'll say you can't invite the Governor over to your house for dinner & then shoot him @ the dining room table (Sicario style). Sheesh!
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Alphabet Soup on April 12, 2020, 12:22:42 PM
WallyWorld is offering free shipping for orders above $35. My coffeemaker died so I just bought some other groceries to bring the total order above the threshold. Cheaper than driving there and putting up with the nonsense!
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on April 13, 2020, 07:44:29 AM
They don't want people buying seeds...but they are still within reach?  Ya got pockets?!

Bleep these bleeping despots and the piss-pants cowards complying with them!

Nullification, resistance..rebellion is our God-given mandate!


Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on April 14, 2020, 12:05:24 PM
The Reckoning...the commies are doing everything to ensure it happens by using this over-blown virus as an excuse to be the thugs they've always wanted to be...

Let them try to fire the first shot...then squash 'em like the bugs they are.   ;)
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Alphabet Soup on April 14, 2020, 01:01:31 PM
I committed my act of open rebellion this morning - going out to purchase flowers for my backyard and plants for my garden. I was surprised to note the traffic - there was a lot more than I was lead to believe!

The low-grade moron who is Washington's governor punted (again) and joined up with the crap-weasel from Oregon and the insane but still petty criminal from Californicate to resist Trumps restart of the economy. It's all kabuki (the worst rendering of it) and ALL pointless.

What struck me during my outing is that they've set up a dual-plane structure of "essential" people (by virtue of the work they do) and the rest of us motley crew of do-nothings.

Divide and conquer - it's the Dhimmicrat way...
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on April 15, 2020, 08:26:47 AM
Rebellion is our duty!

Look at NC, the Raleigh Gestapo just deemed the Bill of Rights non-essential. (

Well, if that is true...then nothing is essential...and obeying these goons is less than non-essential!

And Demoscats, fresh off their pleading for funding of murderous Pali muzzies and Moloch faithful baby-slaughtering...are now lobbying for billions of US taxpayer dollars for the demonic caliphate of Persia. (

Apprarently they enjoy being told to  ::vafancoul::

And I want to see more of this! (

Your move, sweetie!


Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on April 15, 2020, 08:54:38 AM
DOJ Sides With Mississippi Church in Drive-in Worship Case (

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on April 15, 2020, 09:25:51 AM
Saw that, seems an easy one to slap down, pathetic it has to even be discussed!   ::outrage::

See this?

First, Big Brother is voluntary...then it becomes mandatory...and viciously enforced...

And I submit...that it is lawlessness, criminality, corruption and treason at the highest levels of government being unpunished that makes all this other sh*t possible!!!



The BS stops when the gallows floor drops!!!
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: John Florida on April 15, 2020, 05:25:18 PM
And I submit...that it is lawlessness, criminality, corruption

  Will never stand up in a court room.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on April 16, 2020, 08:23:07 AM
And I submit...that it is lawlessness, criminality, corruption

  Will never stand up in a court room.

...because of lawlessness, criminality, corruption!   ::outrage::


And rebellions grow... ( ( (

To rebellion!   ::beertoast::

PS-NJ clown is really asking for it! (

I'm ready to get things going here in MN!

And as far as the Do-Nothing Obstructionist Senate Dem's are concerned and the openly hostile rogue Pelosi House is concerned...I say if they try to fight Article II, Section 3... (

...if pissing on Executive Power and leaving it hampered staffing-wise...then it pretty much renders any legitimacy the Congress has to interfere with Executive staffing and President Trump can put in place anybody he chooses and ignore any expiration since Congress has nobody to physically stop him from doing so, so a big fat showdown might be just the thing, right?
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on April 17, 2020, 08:54:38 AM


Despot without a clue Gov Murphy - "By what authority are you holding me at gun-point?"

Freedom Patriot - "God, the Declaration, the Bill of Rights...any last words?"


Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on April 19, 2020, 11:17:00 AM (

Intolerable!  Demands an outpouring of righteous demonstrations of militant liberty.

In the people's gulag of Minnesota...No-Balz Walz "relaxed" Lockpocalypse Now to allow outdoor activities...

Yeah...relax this!  (obscene gesture)

Doesn't take away from the facts!  Walz eagerly destroyed our economy and wiped out untold small businesses...because he and his experts (the same experts who over-hype the data with bogus models not unlike the ones used by Michael Mann to lie about the climate...and who still overstate death statistics in a pathetic attempt to justify their tyranny) seeing an opportunity to reshape the post-hype world into their jaundiced utopia instructed him to do it. At the start of this he trotted out Andrew Zimmern to beg people to support the restaurant industry yet his closure hit them perhaps the hardest, and even his modified beer & wine sale relaxation is half-assed since mixed rinks are a huge part of their revenue.  Walz aligned himself eastward toward tyranny by joining with MI, OH, WI, IL, IN & KY and not westward toward liberty like SD, ND & WY. 

And so far the response in MN is quite lame...there's some group called Reopen Minnesota, only has 17k people signed up and they are going out of their way to be overly nice...which in times like this is tantamount to not doing anything anyway! (

So much for Liberating MN (

My guess is most people are looking to the end game...cannot fault that...I can run hot and cold...

Anyway, I do encourage people to be vocal, visible and rebellious.  And perhaps larger scale rebellion is just starting. (

To rebellion!   ::beertoast::

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on April 20, 2020, 09:53:29 PM

 ::machinegun::   ::overkill::
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on April 20, 2020, 10:03:14 PM
I've seen it in movies, but exactly how much ordnance does it take to blow one of those reinforced SUV's to itty-bitty pieces??
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on April 21, 2020, 08:46:06 AM
I've seen it in movies, but exactly how much ordnance does it take to blow one of those reinforced SUV's to itty-bitty pieces??

I don't know, but if these petty tyrants don't cut the sh*t, we might find out.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on April 24, 2020, 10:11:00 AM
It is times like these that veils drop and tyrants are exposed.  Mark them well!   ;)
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on April 27, 2020, 10:35:19 AM's coming!

Time to increase the pressure.

Tyants and those obeying them will have to choose, and choose wisely...for We are watching!

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on April 27, 2020, 12:02:10 PM
Effing extreme anti-Americanism and Constitutionally illegitimate crap!  Everybody associated with this tyranny is a fricken traitor and should be round up, prosecuted, convicted and hung!!! (

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: John Florida on April 27, 2020, 12:53:58 PM
  Not a surprise at all.   Bastards.   foottapping
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on April 29, 2020, 08:32:46 AM
GoebbelsMedia giving Pence all sorts of shizzle over not wearing a mask during his Mayo visit...and ignore the facts relayed by him on that score...while the POS of NYC can arrest people for what he is doing... (

...and gets a pass by the GeobbelsMedia for being a little Jew-hating thug bitch!

And it appears Jackson, MS has descended into a turd world African Marxist sh*thole... (

Normally, I’d disapprove of the people suffering for the misdeeds of the government, but apparently those citizens elected their king by a 93% supermjaority. They’re getting just what they deserve.

Yup, surround that sh*t, starve them into oblivion.


No more Demoterrorist tyranny!!!
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on April 29, 2020, 01:04:58 PM
The idiots in Jackson elected a mayor named Lumumba and didn't expect to get a dictator?
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: paulh on April 29, 2020, 01:08:33 PM
Geez, and I thought the south was our only hope ::falldownshocked::
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on April 29, 2020, 01:18:52 PM
Honeypie, many of the folks down here are just as intimidated by "the law" as anywhere else. 

Except us rebel deplorables.

People just flat do not, can not, or will not get it through their f uckin thick heads that until the populace develops some herd immunity, this sh it will continue.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on April 29, 2020, 01:37:44 PM
Yeah...and wondering what it takes seems to be a pointless endeavor...

We the few, the 3%...
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on April 29, 2020, 04:57:13 PM (

...  The wave of cities unveiling snitching hotlines, websites, and apps isn’t the most depressing thing.

Many of these are a response to 911 and city numbers being overloaded with calls from informers eager to rat out their friends, neighbors, and anyone else they’re not happy with.

Las Vegas cops have asked people to stop calling 911 to report non-essential businesses.

The true tragedy is not that government bureaucrats want people to inform on their neighbors, it’s that so many people are eager to do the informing. Totalitarian systems are a lot easier to defeat than the internalized totalitarian mindset that we have seen in socialist countries around the world.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on April 30, 2020, 07:59:12 AM (

...  The wave of cities unveiling snitching hotlines, websites, and apps isn’t the most depressing thing.

Many of these are a response to 911 and city numbers being overloaded with calls from informers eager to rat out their friends, neighbors, and anyone else they’re not happy with.

Las Vegas cops have asked people to stop calling 911 to report non-essential businesses.

The true tragedy is not that government bureaucrats want people to inform on their neighbors, it’s that so many people are eager to do the informing. Totalitarian systems are a lot easier to defeat than the internalized totalitarian mindset that we have seen in socialist countries around the world.

Just like 1930's Germany...except this time we are not burdened by an impotent President and the oppressed are armed and not willing to go along with this BS that always ends in camps and genocide!
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Alphabet Soup on April 30, 2020, 09:53:06 AM (

...  The wave of cities unveiling snitching hotlines, websites, and apps isn’t the most depressing thing.

Many of these are a response to 911 and city numbers being overloaded with calls from informers eager to rat out their friends, neighbors, and anyone else they’re not happy with.

Las Vegas cops have asked people to stop calling 911 to report non-essential businesses.

The true tragedy is not that government bureaucrats want people to inform on their neighbors, it’s that so many people are eager to do the informing. Totalitarian systems are a lot easier to defeat than the internalized totalitarian mindset that we have seen in socialist countries around the world.

People forget that the reason for 911 is to have someone available to cart the bodies off and swab up the blood...
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on April 30, 2020, 10:15:49 AM (

...  The wave of cities unveiling snitching hotlines, websites, and apps isn’t the most depressing thing.

Many of these are a response to 911 and city numbers being overloaded with calls from informers eager to rat out their friends, neighbors, and anyone else they’re not happy with.

Las Vegas cops have asked people to stop calling 911 to report non-essential businesses.

The true tragedy is not that government bureaucrats want people to inform on their neighbors, it’s that so many people are eager to do the informing. Totalitarian systems are a lot easier to defeat than the internalized totalitarian mindset that we have seen in socialist countries around the world.

People forget that the reason for 911 is to have someone available to cart the bodies off and swab up the blood...

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on April 30, 2020, 10:18:52 AM (

If the authoritahs feelin' their inner-thug maybe SWAT will be sent...have the meat wagons and alert. (

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 01, 2020, 08:55:11 AM (

Michigan sucks.

NY sucks.

VA sucks.

CA sucks.

WA sucks.

MN mostly sucks by aligning with ilk like MI...and No Balz Walz extended this BS for a 3rd time to 5/18...saying it won't be green flag racing whenever the open up happens...

Pissy little tyrants...God I loath them!

Liberty message for the day -


Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 04, 2020, 12:43:17 PM (

Only makes sense to ask the question armed to the teeth.   ;)

Otherwise...too easy for tyrants to blow you off as a nothing serf...

Eff that noise!

WRSA had these two graphics...they belong together...



LEO's must be given fair warning that siding with tyrants and oppressing the people comes with consequences they will not be allowed to pass off on others whose illegal orders they acting on!

And our Gov No Balz Walz by aligning with the Michigan despot Wittmer is refusing to re-open MN...over something no more virulent than the ordinary flu!


So, the message to all tyrants is the same! (

Get ready for Go Time...

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 06, 2020, 08:58:45 AM
Pathetic, infuriating!

I would deem this a canary in a coal mine type situation...if a large town in Texas is capable of such statist buffoonery...well, the saturation point has been reached...too many ferals, locusts...too many beta's & gamma's...the next canary in line in medium sized and some small towns already has a bad cough...

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: John Florida on May 06, 2020, 07:34:21 PM
  If the rest don't open in support they are screwed.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 07, 2020, 08:04:28 AM
Meanwhile in Ventura County Commifornia...overlords are attempting to see if a) LEO's follow their orders and b) non-compliant citizens resist with force... (


TX salon owner update - (

All well and good, still...the Gov needs to go the next step...he was careful not to disclose what would be appropriate measures to take...but not saying it doesn't get him off the hook...he has to modify his order to allow people to exercise a reasonable operation of their livelihoods...period.

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 07, 2020, 09:28:30 AM
H/T - TLR/CT - (

Can't stop the signal, Mal.

Unfortunately cannot appear to stop the oppression either...

IL targeting "church's" by banning their re-opening! (

Religious persecution...a hallmark of true communism!

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 10, 2020, 01:09:40 PM
Elon is having his Atlas Shrugged moment... (

...move, or LIB.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: patentlymn on May 10, 2020, 01:44:15 PM

Powerline wrote about Jax Cafe in NE Mpls. For those outside MN, Jax is an old steakhouse.
Lots of wood. You could film Godfather scenes there. Jax may not make it. (
Bill Kozlak is the third-generation family owner of Jax Cafe in northeast Minneapolis, just across the river from downtown. Like so many small business owners, Bill is on the precipice of closing the doors for good. In the three-minute video below posted on May 1, Bill lets loose with a cri de cœur to whom it may concern.

Jax is one of the few restaurants that has managed to survive in Minneapolis for over 50 years. As Mrs. Loman asserts in Death of a Salesman, “Attention must be paid.” Perhaps the Star Tribune can assign a reporter to write a sidebar on the uncertain fate of Jax Cafe. (
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: patentlymn on May 10, 2020, 01:59:02 PM

Kentucky Orders All Churchgoers To Wear Yellow Cross
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 10, 2020, 02:42:55 PM

Powerline wrote about Jax Cafe in NE Mpls. For those outside MN, Jax is an old steakhouse.
Lots of wood. You could film Godfather scenes there. Jax may not make it. (
Bill Kozlak is the third-generation family owner of Jax Cafe in northeast Minneapolis, just across the river from downtown. Like so many small business owners, Bill is on the precipice of closing the doors for good. In the three-minute video below posted on May 1, Bill lets loose with a cri de cœur to whom it may concern.

Jax is one of the few restaurants that has managed to survive in Minneapolis for over 50 years. As Mrs. Loman asserts in Death of a Salesman, “Attention must be paid.” Perhaps the Star Tribune can assign a reporter to write a sidebar on the uncertain fate of Jax Cafe. (

Great food.  And no, I do not see the democommies running State or Local government allowing anything to return to normal...he will be lucky if its 50% capacity for the long term...which as he states is not sustainable.  My advice would be to loudly, defiantly and constantly defy their edicts...make them make the Nuremberg LEO's go goon and shut him down and arrest him.

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 10, 2020, 02:54:38 PM

Kentucky Orders All Churchgoers To Wear Yellow Cross

It's no longer satire, it is the next step for despots.  Like Jax above, if limited to 50% capacity...defiance is mandatory.  They mean to end the last vestiges of America as it was thought to be...then any tenuous linkage to Founding Principles and documents will be eliminated...and the democommies will reconstitute Soviet Russia in America...state-controlled everything...suppression of religion...confiscation of private wealth...outlawing private ownership of firearms...

I will DIAPOB first.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: John Florida on May 10, 2020, 05:43:41 PM
  Yellow cross my ass! Why not Star David it's what the last Nazis made people ware before prison camps.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: patentlymn on May 10, 2020, 06:30:44 PM

Powerline wrote about Jax Cafe in NE Mpls. For those outside MN, Jax is an old steakhouse.
Lots of wood. You could film Godfather scenes there. Jax may not make it. (
Bill Kozlak is the third-generation family owner of Jax Cafe in northeast Minneapolis, just across the river from downtown. Like so many small business owners, Bill is on the precipice of closing the doors for good. In the three-minute video below posted on May 1, Bill lets loose with a cri de cœur to whom it may concern.

Jax is one of the few restaurants that has managed to survive in Minneapolis for over 50 years. As Mrs. Loman asserts in Death of a Salesman, “Attention must be paid.” Perhaps the Star Tribune can assign a reporter to write a sidebar on the uncertain fate of Jax Cafe. (

Great food.  And no, I do not see the democommies running State or Local government allowing anything to return to normal...he will be lucky if its 50% capacity for the long term...which as he states is not sustainable.  My advice would be to loudly, defiantly and constantly defy their edicts...make them make the Nuremberg LEO's go goon and shut him down and arrest him.


How are state employees to be paid when revenues are down so much?
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 11, 2020, 10:00:27 AM

Powerline wrote about Jax Cafe in NE Mpls. For those outside MN, Jax is an old steakhouse.
Lots of wood. You could film Godfather scenes there. Jax may not make it. (
Bill Kozlak is the third-generation family owner of Jax Cafe in northeast Minneapolis, just across the river from downtown. Like so many small business owners, Bill is on the precipice of closing the doors for good. In the three-minute video below posted on May 1, Bill lets loose with a cri de cœur to whom it may concern.

Jax is one of the few restaurants that has managed to survive in Minneapolis for over 50 years. As Mrs. Loman asserts in Death of a Salesman, “Attention must be paid.” Perhaps the Star Tribune can assign a reporter to write a sidebar on the uncertain fate of Jax Cafe. (

Great food.  And no, I do not see the democommies running State or Local government allowing anything to return to normal...he will be lucky if its 50% capacity for the long term...which as he states is not sustainable.  My advice would be to loudly, defiantly and constantly defy their edicts...make them make the Nuremberg LEO's go goon and shut him down and arrest him.


How are state employees to be paid when revenues are down so much?

How does Congress fund trillions in a giveaway?
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 11, 2020, 10:01:55 AM
See this Black Panther home/body invasion scheme? (

 ::vafancoul:: ::machinegun::

PS-They add a 4th "6" just to make it less scary or what?
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on May 11, 2020, 10:54:51 AM
See this Black Panther home/body invasion scheme? (

 ::vafancoul:: ::machinegun::

PS-They add a 4th "6" just to make it less scary or what?

c) Priority.—In selecting grant recipients under this section, the Secretary shall give priority to—

(1) applicants proposing to conduct activities funded under this section in hot spots and medically underserved communities; and

(2) applicants that agree, in hiring individuals to carry out activities funded under this section, to hire residents of the area or community where the activities will primarily occur, with higher priority among applicants described in this paragraph given based on the percentage of individuals to be hired from such area or community.

Trying to funnel more money out to their gimmie-dat peeps.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 11, 2020, 11:06:20 AM
So dey b grate full wen da knockin comes?   ;D
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 12, 2020, 08:32:18 AM

Put up or shut up, Poodle-face!

Defying this clown will be fun...let's see how this plays out.   ::popcorn::
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 12, 2020, 01:04:23 PM
It would be poetic justice if that was the governor's house...and he was standing by the window...


Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: John Florida on May 12, 2020, 07:03:35 PM
  Doesn't matter they'll re elect him any way.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 13, 2020, 07:57:17 AM
 ::cussing:: zombies!

Double-tap!   ::rockets::

ETA - For the foolishly unarmed...

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 13, 2020, 04:59:49 PM
No Balz expected to continue his reign by edict...

Somebody ought to remind these moronic despots a couple things...first, with Obamian's getting away with violating the sh*t out of the Constitution by spying on people, threatening people, entrapping attempting coups against a sitting President...and not being hung for it isn't exactly a winning endorsement for respecting the rule of law let alone indicative of a functional Republic...and two...


...words of fools and tyrants don't really mean jack sh*t in the face of such lawlessness on their part!

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: ToddF on May 13, 2020, 06:54:32 PM (

Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down stay at home order

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Alphabet Soup on May 13, 2020, 07:19:34 PM (

Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down stay at home order



Looks like they threw out a state-wide (bad) plan that will be replaced by a patchwork-quilt assortment of (bad) plans. Tyrants gotta tyrant.

 Some days I wonder why I ever got outta bed!
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on May 13, 2020, 09:36:47 PM (

Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down stay at home order


What Soup wrote, plus, I want to know who assigned these fckers the "designators of essentiality" title regarding businesses?
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: ToddF on May 14, 2020, 05:12:33 AM
Here in Iowa, most everything opens up this weekend.  People are starting to openly flaunt the closings, so Reynolds is caving.   ::thumbsup::
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on May 14, 2020, 08:03:41 AM
So I'm on LinkeIn this morning & see a "like" by one of my connections - it's from some builder/developer

Transit oriented development is going to remain an extremely important way to solve our housing shortages. It is also true that all of our behaviors will likely be modified in some way as an outcome of the pandemic. EYA has always focused on townhomes as a smart growth alternative to multifamily apartments and condominiums. Urban townhomes offer an opportunity to still live in walkable neighborhoods close to transit. Townhomes also provide the flexibility for home offices and private outdoor space on roof top terraces. As a leader in urban housing EYA will continue to focus on transit oriented walkable neighborhoods featuring both townhomes and multifamily and will look to adapt its designs to address the impacts of the pandemic. “Life within walking Distance”, EYA’s hallmark, is not going away.

and there are comments high five-ing this guy, saying "Good news", "Great work"; so I reply

All that “behavior modification” isn’t a “good thing” — and walkable neighborhoods having NOTHING to do with a pandemic and EVERYTHING to do with the “sustainable” goals of the United Nations & the “Climate Change” hoax.
The goal seems to be corralling us — and that won’t fly.

Think about the faulty logic: "Denser" neighborhoods when the strategy is distancing -- & mass transit when we've observed that as part of New Your City's problem - transit easily spreads the virus. This is nothing more than "Sustainability" repackaged in light of the pandemic - maybe they think they can onboard a few more by leveraging fear & faux "common sense".

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 14, 2020, 08:24:48 AM (

Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down stay at home order


What Soup wrote, plus, I want to know who assigned these fckers the "designators of essentiality" title regarding businesses?

Well, now they have to raise angry crowds, armed would be best, and start raising heck in county seats and city halls!  Can't let up on these commie punks one iota!
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 14, 2020, 08:25:44 AM
Here in Iowa, most everything opens up this weekend.  People are starting to openly flaunt the closings, so Reynolds is caving.   ::thumbsup::

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 14, 2020, 08:28:40 AM
So I'm on LinkeIn this morning & see a "like" by one of my connections - it's from some builder/developer

Transit oriented development is going to remain an extremely important way to solve our housing shortages. It is also true that all of our behaviors will likely be modified in some way as an outcome of the pandemic. EYA has always focused on townhomes as a smart growth alternative to multifamily apartments and condominiums. Urban townhomes offer an opportunity to still live in walkable neighborhoods close to transit. Townhomes also provide the flexibility for home offices and private outdoor space on roof top terraces. As a leader in urban housing EYA will continue to focus on transit oriented walkable neighborhoods featuring both townhomes and multifamily and will look to adapt its designs to address the impacts of the pandemic. “Life within walking Distance”, EYA’s hallmark, is not going away.

and there are comments high five-ing this guy, saying "Good news", "Great work"; so I reply

All that “behavior modification” isn’t a “good thing” — and walkable neighborhoods having NOTHING to do with a pandemic and EVERYTHING to do with the “sustainable” goals of the United Nations & the “Climate Change” hoax.
The goal seems to be corralling us — and that won’t fly.

Think about the faulty logic: "Denser" neighborhoods when the strategy is distancing -- & mass transit when we've observed that as part of New Your City's problem - transit easily spreads the virus. This is nothing more than "Sustainability" repackaged in light of the pandemic - maybe they think they can onboard a few more by leveraging fear & faux "common sense".

Like Jedi mind tricks...this Agenda 21 garbage only appeals to the most gullible in the herd...those hive-minded losers we've come to know and despise...
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 14, 2020, 09:30:06 AM
No Balz letting his order "lapse"...but is weaseling things as is his long-standing practice since entering politics...he has fooled many into believing he is a moderate...what he is is no different than any other democommie...he just keeps his leftist actions under the table, hides them in double-speak...

For example, he says he is modeling his re-opening along White House lines...but he just says that without specifics and yammers about the timeline being close to White House goals...blah blah blah...


Details as I understand them - 50% capacity cap on establishments (will kill most off), groups only of 10 or less (good luck with that), on 6/1 bars grills gyms salons etc...@ 50% limit (not gonna cut it, many will not open let alone be fully staffed)...those 65+ and with health issues advised to self-quarantine (which with the symptomatic should have been the only ones doing it!)...and I hear unconfirmed chatter that masks will not be mandatory (for fear of lawsuits I suspect) but don't know this for sure...suspect they'll kick that liability to businesses to enforce...more on that latter bit at the end here...

Meanwhile, many areas want to stay full totalitarian... (


 ::vafancoul::      ::bigmooning::    ::doublebird::

Oh...and got to have this message emblazoned on hats, shirts, patches, etc...can you imagine the commie heads a poppin'?!


Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: patentlymn on May 14, 2020, 10:50:30 AM (

Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down stay at home order


What Soup wrote, plus, I want to know who assigned these fckers the "designators of essentiality" title regarding businesses?

It was a 4-3 decision. That is scary. The court said she had to follow the law in making such orders and exceeded the statute.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 27, 2020, 01:29:28 PM

Commissar Cooper....


Cloth cannot stop a virus, virus cannot only survive in a 6' bubble, virus cannot exist in the grocery store, liquor store, government building but it can in restaurant, bar & grill, business and a church?  Right...


Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on May 27, 2020, 05:37:52 PM
Riiiight.   ::saywhat::
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on May 30, 2020, 09:38:37 AM
"JUST IN: the Supreme Court upholds California's pandemic restrictions on worship services. Chief Justice Roberts joins the liberal justices on the 5-4 vote."

... Although California’s guidelines place restrictions on places of worship, those restrictions appear consistent with the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.  Similar or more severe restrictions apply to comparable secular gatherings, including lectures, concerts, movie showings, spectator sports, and theatrical performances, where large groups of people gather in close proximity for extended periods of time.  And the Order exempts or treats more leniently only dissimilar activities, such as operating grocery stores, banks, and laundromats, in which people neither congregate in large groups nor remain in close proximity for extended periods.    The precise question of when restrictions on particular social activities should be lifted during the pandemic is a dynamic and fact-intensive matter subject to reasonable disagreement.  Our Constitution principally entrusts “[t]he safety and the health of the people” to the politically accountable officials of the States “to guard and protect.”  Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U. S. 11, 38 (1905).  When those officials “undertake[ ] to act in areas fraught with medical and scientific uncertainties,” their latitude “must be especially broad.”  Marshall v. United States, 414 U. S. 417, 427 (1974).  Where those broad limits are not exceeded, they should not be subject to second-guessing by an “unelected federal judiciary,” which lacks the background, competence, and expertise to assess public health and is not accountable to the people.  See Garcia v. San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority, 469 U. S. 528, 545 (1985).    That is especially true where, as here, a party seeks emergency relief in an interlocutory posture, while local officials are actively shaping their response to changing facts on the ground.  The notion that it is “indisputably clear” that the Government’s limitations are unconstitutional seems quite improbable.

 ::machinegun::      ::overkill::
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on May 30, 2020, 03:50:57 PM
And we continue to inch towards the inevitable solution . . .
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on June 10, 2020, 08:51:21 AM
Yes, the inevitable is inevitable...

And more for the isn't this pathetic files... (

...4 states...only 4...even remotely serious about recall...

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on August 06, 2020, 08:53:39 AM
LA Mayor Garcetti is going full-Putin...treating non-compliant slaves like Ukrainians...

...yeah, sounds legit from a dictatorial perspective...good luck with that.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on August 31, 2020, 10:31:29 AM


Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on September 15, 2020, 08:13:50 AM

A treasonous Marxist bastard will be found to resume setting fire to the Constitution...
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on September 30, 2020, 11:29:07 AM
Another Scamdemic Freudian slip...

 ::cussing::  despots!!!

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on October 02, 2020, 09:17:10 AM

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on October 02, 2020, 04:20:00 PM
If I hear or read one more time that 'masks are effective', I'm gonna shriek.  The paper muzzles most people wear have right on its packaging 'not effective for virus' or somesuch, nevermind most of them come from China.

Everybody will get this virus to some degree and we need to get that done and get it over with.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on October 02, 2020, 04:24:58 PM
Yup...just like...gosh...the flu...

 ::oldman::   ::outrage::
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on October 06, 2020, 03:52:02 PM

Over 1700 medical professionals and thousands of citizens.

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: John Florida on October 06, 2020, 09:30:02 PM
  The governors will pretend it doesn't exist and the press won't mention it.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on October 07, 2020, 08:15:41 AM
Stuff it in their face.

Attach it to e-mails.

Staple it to their foreheads.

Any method will do... 

Another paddle for the spankings...

ETA - More people need to give Warren Wilhelm, Jr (Sandinista POS!) aka Bill DeBlasio the finger!

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on October 07, 2020, 12:42:38 PM
Here is Warren...using his goons to round up Jews...
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: John Florida on October 07, 2020, 02:38:34 PM
  They need JLM flags .
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on October 07, 2020, 03:57:11 PM
...and resist much...
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on October 08, 2020, 08:52:23 AM over 7000 doctors and scientists on-board with the Great Barrington Declaration... (

...I expect it will continue to grow...


Hey, DemoCom's...follow the science!!!



And, this should be trumpeted (heh!) everywhere -

Shares of Regeneron are ripping higher Thursday in premarket trading, building on its gains from Wednesday evening, after the company submitted its COVID-19 antibody cocktail to the FDA for emergency-use approval.  The news follows President Trump's full-throated endorsement of the therapy, which the president credited for his speedy recovery, calling the treatment a "cure" for COVID-19. (

…”I want everybody to be given the same treatment as your president.”.. (

Regeneron Cocktail please?  And a ballot for Trump!   :D

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: John Florida on October 08, 2020, 07:59:52 PM
  One can only hope that Harris?Biden don't take it since Trump endorsed it.    ::bustamove::
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on October 09, 2020, 08:29:21 AM
Yes, also Trump likes oxygen...DemCom's should avoid that at all costs as well...

If they need help all they have to do is ask...   ;D

See this BS?

“The individuals in custody are suspected to have attempted to identify home addresses of law enforcement officers in order to target them, made threats of violence intended to instigate a civil war, and engaged in planning and training for an operation to attack the capitol building of Michigan, and to kidnap government officials, including the governor of Michigan,” AG Nessel said. (

So...the DemCom media and it's cheerwhores, benefactors and beneficiaries would have you all believe these white devils are Trump supporting Republican racists and terrorists...


They are pAntifa-style anarchist terrorists and described Trump as "not your friend" and a "tyrant" and "enemy"... - (

Ringleaders own words DemCom propagandists!

He is closer to one of yours!!!

Oh, and if plots to overthrow an elected officeholder is all it takes to get the Obama-KGB into kinetic about yet another attempted coup against a duly elected sitting President (

And, if merely stating an intent to kill police officers is enough to swing into kinetic action...then the Obama-KGB must not review social media accounts of fellow DemCom's...because NOBODY issues mroe threats against cops and politicians than they do!!!  They routinely call for the destruction of the nation...WTF these praetorian pricks waiting for?  If they are truly the unbiased uncompromised bastions of justice they'll leap into action...and prosecutors and judges will follow suit.


Two America' corrupt, compromised and diseased beyond understanding...another victimized and oppressed...and between them ignorance and stupidity on a massive scale...a recipe for disaster if there ever was one...

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2020, 09:23:42 AM
Post at WRSA@GAB nails this.


“They [WHO] corrected themselves today and said I was right,” the President reiterated (

And yet more proof masks are an excuse... (
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2020, 10:52:43 AM
Witchmer shows a dedicated despot never gives up... (

...obviously being nice and by the rules is a loser idea...

Meanwhile, I bet this helps other races in that goofy maybe this one... (
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on November 19, 2020, 11:48:22 AM
Good! (

...but it is pathetic there are only two states announcing this...

And in communist occupation zones...such rebellion like this is MANDATORY for any who profess to cherish Liberty! (


Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on November 20, 2020, 08:44:20 AM

Orange County isn't completely co-opted.


For No Balz Walz via WZ -



And I hear MI House filed articles of impeachment on Witchmer...FWIW...
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on December 09, 2020, 07:59:53 AM
You know what this is? (

Proof that statists don't use legal anything in their lockdown utopia.

Merry Resistmas!


Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: paulh on December 13, 2020, 09:44:27 AM (

Well it didn't start in Ca. but in my dumbass state
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on December 13, 2020, 11:25:29 AM
You know what this is? (

Proof that statists don't use legal anything in their lockdown utopia.

Merry Resistmas!

"The word, my fellow, red-blooded, American patriots . . . is 'legs'.
Go ye forth and spread the word!"

~Alice Little
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on January 29, 2021, 02:41:49 PM
Outdoor Dining Reopens in Los Angeles, But Health Department Bans Restaurants From Having Their TVs Turned On For Customers

It’s obvious the Health Department wants to stop people from watching the Super Bowl outdoors at sports bars/restaurants, so they are now going to force people to watch it indoors with private home gatherings by taking the outdoor option away. Absolutely brilliant 🙄

— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) January 29, 2021

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on January 29, 2021, 03:31:48 PM
What about BYOTV?

"Damn, Mr Public Official . . .we removed OUR set . . . but those sneaky/snarky customers done brought in their own!!"
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on January 29, 2021, 04:03:20 PM
Ya, da Gestapo would rather kick doors in of dissident homes than an even more public roundup on the streets...

Er, wait...the dissidents cannot watch the Stuporbowl on government-monitored private communication devices, can they?

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on February 01, 2021, 01:34:16 PM
As forewarned...lot's of numbers left to assign to viruses...and a perpetual police state! (

JoeFraud Amerika is a police state!


This - (

Should be a universal response to all bogus police state actions!
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 05, 2021, 11:09:38 AM
Took long enough... (

...oust the deadbeats!

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on May 05, 2021, 12:01:44 PM
WTF is the CDC that they thought they had the authority to decree such a thing in the first place?   foottapping

I'm not surprised but I am outraged.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: ToddF on May 05, 2021, 02:24:48 PM
The government is essentially taking without compensation.  It shouldn't have taken this long to get it tossed.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on May 05, 2021, 03:12:24 PM
No, it "should not" have, nevertheless, here we are.  I confess to being surprised at how many people have allowed themselves to be cowed and for how long.  Maybe I shouldn't be, but now I wonder if even 3% of us can/will stand.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 05, 2021, 04:53:20 PM
DIAPOB if I have to, else I am condemning my soul to eternal damnation for participating in the corruption, enslavement and murder of others.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 19, 2021, 12:44:35 PM
Next up for back-birth Witchmer...whack a pipeline during a shortage and rising prices! (

WZer SunflowerGal gets credit for the pic of the day -

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on May 21, 2021, 09:12:07 AM
It's bad enough that governmental officials are despotic people-hating power-mad assholes...

...but the police acting like blindly obedient Gestapo thugs for them?

Yeah, hard to feel any mercy towards either...both chose poorly...


If their homes and families experience BLM/Antifa style festivities...don't expect many of us to GAFF...
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Lady Virginia on May 21, 2021, 05:53:12 PM

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Alphabet Soup on May 23, 2021, 02:31:36 PM

That was very interesting. How did you happen across it?

I've caught myself playing a variation on it - "Who goes fascist?" now and then. Of course the short answer is "any dhimmicrat"...
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Lady Virginia on May 25, 2021, 09:22:39 AM

I read it a number of years ago. And refer to it every so often. I'm always surprised to find it's still online.

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on August 05, 2021, 09:19:56 AM (

Need a massive tsunami of resistance to tyranny!!!


Landlord destruction update - (

That's just it, the destruction of landlords is what they are after...they want more wards of the state and they want squatters squatting rent-free remaining wards of the state.

Despotism is evil incarnate, it is who they are and what they do...they must be fought at all costs!

And this is just one element to their planned destruction of America!  And it is global! (

And since the battle over delta is being lost...they are ginning up the next on their list! (

Their reign of terror must end, we must end it!
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on August 06, 2021, 12:00:36 PM
( (

Should be a slam-dunk...but as we know...courts full of the corrupt and compromised too...

But if this crap doesn't end...the pauperization schemes of the elite will go into hyper-drive...
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pandora on August 06, 2021, 02:08:40 PM
... But if this crap doesn't end...the pauperization schemes of the elite will go into hyper-drive...

Leaving many, many with nothing to lose ....... and we know what that means.
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on August 06, 2021, 02:19:53 PM
... But if this crap doesn't end...the pauperization schemes of the elite will go into hyper-drive...

Leaving many, many with nothing to lose ....... and we know what that means.

Which means if the worst suspicions of the vax is true...that is the elites final solution - culling the herd to a size more manageable for them to control...

I guess in a year and a half or two we'll have our answer on that one way or another...
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on August 06, 2021, 08:59:56 PM

I guess in a year and a half or two we'll have our answer on that one way or another...

“Our ancestors built this wall, using ancient stones from the bosom of Greece herself; and, with a little Spartan help, your Persian scouts supplied the mortar.

Go now. Run along and tell your Xerxes that he faces free men here; not slaves.

Do it quickly . . . before we decide to make our wall just a little bit bigger.”

~Stelios, 300
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on August 12, 2021, 11:26:49 AM

Nice, call me "Master"!

Do as DeSantis does...

DeSantis Education Dept. puts Broward County School Board on notice: Curb mask mandate or lose paychecks

...or take your kids out, make arrangements with other parents fed up with this BS and home school'll thin the payroll if enough do it!

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on August 13, 2021, 10:01:25 AM
Mentacide...child abuse version - denounced by a spot-on angry father -



Now, back it up by pulling your kids out of those abusive schools!!!

Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on August 16, 2021, 09:59:07 AM
See this? (

If they can't kill people off with improper medical treatment, dangerous gene-altering jabs and bacteria-riddled face-diapers incapable of blocky ANY virus...might as well make them dumber...

Meanwhile, their soft revolution against capitalism is still near and dear to their cold black hearts... (

...and the increasingly fat lazy stupid squatters and lazy lemmings advance the end of private property...

Their America-destroying crap has to be fought...and not always by their rules...soon to be not at all by their rules... (

Rebellion to tyranny is obedience to God!
Title: Re: State and local governments bans and confiscations
Post by: Libertas on August 27, 2021, 01:51:24 PM
SCOTUS overturns eviction moratorium 6-3...

...the cynic in me thinks partially because people refusing the jab as a work mandate can add to the human/economic damage...