It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Judiciary, Crime, & Courts => Topic started by: Libertas on September 28, 2020, 02:00:23 PM

Title: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on September 28, 2020, 02:00:23 PM
See?  That's didn't take long now did it?

So much for keeping kids out of politics.

Liberals on social media are questioning whether two children adopted by President Trump’s expected Supreme Court nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, were adopted legitimately — as Senate Republicans leaped to defend her.

“Some adoptions from Haiti were legit. Many were sketchy as hell,” wrote a Democratic activist and former Capitol Hill staffer, Dana Houle, in a since-deleted tweet on Friday. “Would it matter if her kids were scooped up by ultra-religious Americans, or … when there was family in Haiti?”

Another left-wing activist, John Lee Brougher of the NextGen America PAC, added fuel to the fire.

“As an adoptee, I need to know more about the circumstances of how Amy Coney Barrett came to adopt her children, and the treatment of them since,” Brougher wrote, according to Breitbart News. “Transracial adoption is fraught with trauma and potential for harm.” Brougher’s tweet has also been removed.

Houle’s tweet served as cannon fodder for Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, who has set up a campaign-style online “war room” to combat Democrats’ attacks.

“Disgusting,” Cotton responded in a tweet that was amplified on his Supreme Court War Room website. “The left now smearing Amy Coney Barrett for adopting children.”

“It was the most predictable thing in the world that Democrats would attack Amy Coney Barrett’s children,” Cotton posted Saturday.

An enraged Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) tweeted, “This is the Dem gameplan. Nothing but raw bigotry and hate. I promise you, this will not stand.”

Barrett is the mother of seven children — five biological and two, Vivian and John Peter, adopted from Haiti.

“Vivian is our miracle,” she told the Senate Judiciary Committee in a 2017 hearing, explaining that the girl, then 13, was so ill when she was adopted at 14 months that doctors doubted she would ever walk or speak. “Today Vivian is a track star, and I assure you she has no trouble talking,” Barrett said.

She said that John Peter, then 10, “joined our family in 2010 when he was 3 years old after the devastating earthquake in Haiti.”

Was that the same earthquake the Clinton Foundation used to fleece millions designated for Haiti? 

And since they put kids on the table...

Who's your Daddy?


You know that was a test tube deal!


And I believe DemCom's are experts in everything "sketchy"...though in this case I think they stepped on their own junk.

If this is all they got they're in trouble.  But I expect the baby-slayers for Moloch will launch screed after shrill screed about abortion... I would not rule out another unfounded salacious hit-job like last time...


Demons have to demonize...evil is as evil does...haters gotta hate...liars have to lie...
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: paulh on September 28, 2020, 02:11:29 PM
No reason to put her thru this. They were advised now consent you assholes. Lindsey says a vote by Oct 26 is he nuts ::pullhair::
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Pandora on September 28, 2020, 03:29:26 PM
No reason to put her thru this. They were advised now consent you assholes. Lindsey says a vote by Oct 26 is he nuts ::pullhair::


I firmly believe the hearings are an unnecessary kabuki theater and torture session, and I am flabbergasted at who on the Right say it's correct to have them after Kavanaugh.
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on September 28, 2020, 04:30:58 PM
Stupid, schedule the vote...screw these grotesque abuses of responsibility...every single Senator supporting hearings should be tarred, feathered and run out of town!

 ::cussing::   ::asskicking::
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on September 29, 2020, 02:11:58 PM
More self-identifying terrorists for The List...

Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Alphabet Soup on September 29, 2020, 05:11:12 PM

    Over our dead bodies. Literally.

    — Reza Aslan (@rezaaslan) September 19, 2020

Your terms are acceptable.


Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Pandora on September 29, 2020, 05:40:01 PM
More self-identifying terrorists for The List...


mooslim, born in Iran.

Tell me again why we need these effin people here.
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on September 30, 2020, 08:21:05 AM
More self-identifying terrorists for The List...


mooslim, born in Iran.

Tell me again why we need these effin people here.

Outside of live target practice...I got nothing...
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 12, 2020, 08:48:07 AM
The unnecessary circus begins...the DemCom Inquisitors mugging the cameras to spew hate and lies...

They are why dueling needs to be made legal...
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 12, 2020, 03:41:06 PM
The DemCom sh!tshow and its attendant toddler-level tantrums have begun...

You can go see the stupid yourself...I have no desire to, though the BB came through in flying colors once again...

( (


The DemCom's know they have no way to stop this from being voted on...

Chuck U-America Schumer is already looking to make a grand toddler stunt on voting day... (

Mental midgets...51 is a quorum...53 GOPer's...just as if these hearings were not scheduled...Mitch needs to deliver his caucus...

Are the usual suspects in Mitch's caucus going to be more or less likely to have a quorum with or without hearings...?

The onus is on him...and denying a quorum or blowing the vote is going to have major repurcusions on the down ticket ballots if they dick this up.

Even lefty media types know the end result of these hearings is unavoidable... (

And, in closing, lets let our DemCom's shoot down their own arguments... (

Petard, thine arse is hoisted.
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Pandora on October 12, 2020, 05:13:18 PM
McConnell didn't have to do this -- hold hearings so the Dems could grandstand, insult and denigrate -- he had/has enough votes to just get her approved.
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on October 12, 2020, 07:56:27 PM
Chew 'em up! Rip their livers out -- I'll happily provide the Chianti!

Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2020, 09:15:54 AM
Damn...all I have is chianti (and other fine spirits) fava beans...
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on October 13, 2020, 10:18:31 AM
Financial Tip of the Week: Buy up ALL the back-alley space you can . . . . while the gettins' good. That & Dry-Cleaning Supply shops.
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on October 13, 2020, 08:27:50 PM
A new gay bar game, in honor of Senator Hirono:

Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 14, 2020, 08:18:20 AM
The DemCom game plan is no different than any fascist or communist game plan when confronting anybody who dares profess an independent mind...presumed guilty of crimes against the (fascist/communist) state until tortured into a confession to the same or be killed trying to achieve it. will...

Baseless accusation one after another...

Because allegation is conviction in a statist mind...

Well, I say somebody should nominate me for a position requiring confirmation...not to hold that position, the odds of that are remote...but solely as a means to have somebody like me go upm there and turn the tables on these despotic bastards, out-filibuster their bloviating...and expose them as the statist un-American filth they are...

But I am also accustomed to disappointment, or more precisely I have realistic expectations given the track record of the clowns in question...

Sad actually...a damn good opportunity is being missed, I think such a display would be soaked up by a public yearning to see people stand up and kick these statists in the teeth!
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on October 14, 2020, 11:17:01 AM
I'll have to thank Senator Hirono – for the “preferences” comment.

We’re NOT hosting free candy this Halloween – too many state restrictions:
(homeowner must wear mask, no “community” candy bowl, setting lines on your
driveway for social distancing, etc.).

A few of the neighbors kids asked about it – so I told them -- then asked after their “confectionary preferences”!

BIG mistake!! It's apparently an outdated & offensive term with today's youth.

The one girl identifies with Mary Jane Taffy – her brother says he was born a Snickers guy, while his best friend is trans-caramel.

Who knew??
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 14, 2020, 01:03:48 PM

Never, you sick twisted creature.  How many babies have YOU and the rest of your coven fed to Moloch?!

Hawaii should be this garbage typical for your state?  If so...come on volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunami's!
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: paulh on October 14, 2020, 01:08:37 PM
It's a trap just to get her on the record. You think they're not canvassing every student she's had to catch her. These demons are evil bastards. Only takes one to delay. Remember Ford and it was all bullsheet
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Alphabet Soup on October 14, 2020, 10:29:17 PM

Never, you sick twisted creature.  How many babies have YOU and the rest of your coven fed to Moloch?!

Hawaii should be this garbage typical for your state?  If so...come on volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunami's!

Payback's a bitch maize - and so are you!
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 19, 2020, 10:08:40 AM

::thinking:: ( (

...should we say what they say to us?  "Hope they all die of the 'Rona!"?

PS -

Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: paulh on October 21, 2020, 06:09:29 AM
It's a trap just to get her on the record. You think they're not canvassing every student she's had to catch her. These demons are evil bastards. Only takes one to delay. Remember Ford and it was all bullsheet (

TOLD YA, here it comes
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 21, 2020, 08:25:40 AM
It's a trap just to get her on the record. You think they're not canvassing every student she's had to catch her. These demons are evil bastards. Only takes one to delay. Remember Ford and it was all bullsheet (

TOLD YA, here it comes

This piss is magnitudes weaker than the Kavanaugh hit job...

That whole article is laughable...

From the same leftist clowns that claim to not visit the sins of fathers or others on innocents...that's all this is...and their agenda is clear right off the bat...these so-called concerned folks claim they felt “triggered” by the Barrett nomination?  BS!  Triggered by what?  Article says her Pappa involved and she participated as a dutiful daughter...and NEITHER are implicated in any misconduct of any kind...there is nothing,!  This is just religious bigotry by DemCom's, part 2 actually since Catholic-bashing failed...they tried this BS.

I would ridicule anybody trying to raise this on the Senate floor as a weak-minded desperate religious bigot...

Another case where challenging a POS to duel would end this BS in a heartbeat.

Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 21, 2020, 09:43:38 AM
McConnell schedules confirmation vote Monday 26th (
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: paulh on October 21, 2020, 10:44:54 AM
You trust that sneak? I don't, I'll believe it Tuesday
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 21, 2020, 11:55:38 AM

I would have scheduled it today!
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: patentlymn on October 21, 2020, 05:46:25 PM
You trust that sneak? I don't, I'll believe it Tuesday

Sad but true.
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 26, 2020, 11:13:42 AM
When RINO's fold... (

...the game is over.
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Alphabet Soup on October 26, 2020, 11:31:47 AM
Watching the dog n pony show now: (

Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 26, 2020, 11:48:36 AM
Every time a commie opens their lying ass mouth...or twist facts into perverse shapes to fit their wicked trigger-finger starts dry-firing...I betchya I could pull a howitzer cord with just that one finger...

Do I need more exercise?   ::thinking::
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: paulh on October 26, 2020, 12:04:55 PM
They haven't voted yet and Pence won't be there to break  tie.
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 26, 2020, 02:41:11 PM
DemCom's still having toddler meltdowns?  Awwww, ain't that just tough scat!

Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 26, 2020, 04:52:02 PM
Hey 'Soup?  The YouTube feed just went dark...did Chuck U Schumer have an asshat pull a plug?  Anybody not a commie bastard still alive in that chamber?

Any way, check back a damn cold but don't give a rip...I want a stogie...
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 26, 2020, 06:58:34 PM
Guess they got the plug fixed...

All the democommie diaper-flingjng is time.
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 26, 2020, 07:08:28 PM
52-48 for confirmation.

Let the lamentations commence...
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on October 26, 2020, 07:38:00 PM
52-48 for confirmation.

Let the lamentations commence...

To Democrats everywhere: Chew Harder!
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 26, 2020, 08:26:04 PM
Just sworn in by Thomas, hope DemCom fears come true.  An originalist majority.
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Alphabet Soup on October 27, 2020, 07:13:29 AM
Hey 'Soup?  The YouTube feed just went dark...did Chuck U Schumer have an asshat pull a plug?  Anybody not a commie bastard still alive in that chamber?

Any way, check back a damn cold but don't give a rip...I want a stogie...

I was following a link from a FReeper post - it turned out to be an archive of the original hearing so I shut it off. I did go back in time to see that shyt-stain maizie pull her act ( What a thoroughly disgusting POS she is!

Congratulations Justice Barrett!
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 27, 2020, 07:54:42 AM
Hey 'Soup?  The YouTube feed just went dark...did Chuck U Schumer have an asshat pull a plug?  Anybody not a commie bastard still alive in that chamber?

Any way, check back a damn cold but don't give a rip...I want a stogie...

I was following a link from a FReeper post - it turned out to be an archive of the original hearing so I shut it off. I did go back in time to see that shyt-stain maizie pull her act ( ( What a thoroughly disgusting POS she is!

Congratulations Justice Barrett!

Yeah, that one is of the typical stupid lazy-ass communist who just reads what its handlers put it front of Minnestupid we have 2 senators and half our rep's fitting that stained template...


As with all things in recent decades...if it makes commies react like they're being exorcised of has to be something good for America.  Judging by their despicable performance capped by the upside down rantings of that asshat might be a very good thing for America.



Cry, Commies, cry!!!

Meanwhile, the usual traitors are plotting... (

That brother-humping enemy of liberty ought to be in prison for fraud and deported back to its sh!thole of origin...only thing it will be packing is bruises!

Same for that failed bartender and this co-conspirator in treason... (

More schemes... (

Perfect timing, anybody left undecided, ought to be paying attention to what these scumbags are threatening.

It's all they have, threat, hate...violence...

Domestic enemies, each and every one!
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Pandora on October 27, 2020, 09:34:39 AM
Just sworn in by Thomas, hope DemCom fears come true.  An originalist majority.

Yeah, my hope as well.  I'm not counting on anything with Barrett, though.

/just wish she didn't sound like a chipmunk.
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 27, 2020, 10:57:27 AM
Just sworn in by Thomas, hope DemCom fears come true.  An originalist majority.

Yeah, my hope as well.  I'm not counting on anything with Barrett, though.

/just wish she didn't sound like a chipmunk.

Yeah.  As always...hope for the best, prepare for the worst...
Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 27, 2020, 02:03:13 PM
And the classless asshats wasted no time...less than 24 hours after being confirmed and sworn in...

Title: Re: Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS and the typical DemCom demonization
Post by: Libertas on October 27, 2020, 03:47:09 PM
Oh my...WZ folks hit this out of the park!



And this...

Even the Dread Traitor Roberts couldn't bring himself to screw us on this one.  Barrett effect?