It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => General Board => Topic started by: Lady Virginia on April 20, 2021, 08:51:39 PM

Title: Vaccine
Post by: Lady Virginia on April 20, 2021, 08:51:39 PM
How many articles reporting side effects with a final paragraph which always says "but the vaccine has been proven safe and no one should hesitate to get one" does there need to be BEFORE people start asking why we had to have draconian lockdowns and masks 24/7  "because it was worth it if it saved one life" but a vaccine for a virus that has a 99.97% recovery rate with a side effect of death is OK?

 ::thinking:: ::thinking:: ::thinking::
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Pandora on April 20, 2021, 09:55:35 PM
There is nothing anyone can say or point to that would convince such people.  How many dutifully go for their flu shots every year even though the effectiveness of those is something like 10%, iirc?

They've been, literally, scared out of their wits by the "media" and Fauci, AND the medical industry to the point where they *know* that to get the WuFlu is a 20-25% chance of death.

They've heard they're to get tested and upon a positive result, told to go home and if their lips turn blue, to go to the hospital.  Then their choices are Remdesivir and/or ventilator.  The information about HCQ+ and Ivermectin, and now the few other drugs that are known to be effective, have deliberately been kept from them in the pursuit of their fear-based compliance, and out of that fear, they are willing to take a chance the non-vaxx won't hurt them and they'll be able to go back to their normal lives.

Except they won't, they're told they won't -- MASK UP! -- and still they get it.    ::facepalm::
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Libertas on April 21, 2021, 08:21:43 AM
The public will be abused until the public in total accepts cradle to grave submission to the enlightened rule of the totalitarian elite.

Therefor, total resistance to them is mandatory...whatever it takes.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Lady Virginia on April 21, 2021, 03:53:43 PM
just heard a clip on radio top of the hour news of Biden saying  2 weeks after your 2nd vax shot you are guaranteed almost 100% free from dying from covid......

no word on dying from side effects though..... ::facepalm::

or you were likely never at risk if you're under 55

or not obese

or immune compromised

etc etc

AND no word on why you have still wear a mask or distance

Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on April 21, 2021, 04:51:45 PM
just heard a clip on radio top of the hour news of Biden saying  2 weeks after your 2nd vax shot you are guaranteed almost 100% free from dying from covid......

no word on dying from side effects though..... ::facepalm::

or you were likely never at risk if you're under 55

or not obese

or immune compromised

etc etc

AND no word on why you have still wear a mask or distance

"Guaranteed almost . . .", "Almost guaranteed . . .", "It's for sure . . . or just about 'for sure'"

Confidence inspiring . . . NOT.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Lady Virginia on April 21, 2021, 09:37:43 PM
I heard the clip again and even as he says it his tone is so uninspiring that's it's pitiful...

Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Pandora on April 21, 2021, 09:49:17 PM
'Cause he's pitiful.  And, now, we're pitiful 'cause Mr. Demento is the President of These United States.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: IronDioPriest on April 21, 2021, 10:33:18 PM
I heard the clip again and even as he says it his tone is so uninspiring that's it's pitiful...

My oh my, we haven’t seen you around these parts for some time! Not that I’ve been very present myself for a while now, but I pop my head in several times a week. Welcome back.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: IronDioPriest on April 21, 2021, 10:37:12 PM
I’m not getting this shot unless my employer forces me, and even then, I may consider quitting rather than complying. I’m working in the medical field now, and my work has me in and out of several medical facilities in a day, and some of them nursing homes. I come in close contact with staff, who in turn come in close contact with patients. So if they try to compel it, I understand why, but I don’t want it in my body. I’ve had Covid, and my own immune system overcame it quite easily. I never felt in any danger whatsoever. It was like a very mild case of the flu, without the vomiting and without the diarrhea. Just a low grade fever, body aches, faitgue. Lost my sense of taste for about a week and a half. That’s about it, unless the Chi-Comms baked some nasty delayed effects that nobody knows about yet.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Pandora on April 21, 2021, 10:45:01 PM
I’m not getting this shot unless my employer forces me, and even then, I may consider quitting rather than complying. I’m working in the medical field now, and my work has me in and out of several medical facilities in a day, and some of them nursing homes. I come in close contact with staff, who in turn come in close contact with patients. So if they try to compel it, I understand why, but I don’t want it in my body. I’ve had Covid, and my own immune system overcame it quite easily. I never felt in any danger whatsoever. It was like a very mild case of the flu, without the vomiting and without the diarrhea. Just a low grade fever, body aches, faitgue. Lost my sense of taste for about a week and a half. That’s about it, unless the Chi-Comms baked some nasty delayed effects that nobody knows about yet.

I suspect that more about the non-vaxx than the WuFlu.

It's good to "see" you, too; need to see you around more often.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Libertas on April 22, 2021, 07:58:04 AM
I will under no circumstance accede to this madness...
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Weisshaupt on April 22, 2021, 11:58:04 AM (

Fact:  The Tests widely used to test for COVID are not calibrated and can be over-cycled - giving false positives
Fact:  The False positives were and are used to drive hysteria to drive lock downs and widespread natural rights violations while benefiting big corporations at the expense of smaller enterprises
Fact:  Deaths that are not COIVD, and  are unrelated to COVID but  occur conincdient with other illnesses/injuries  are reported as COVID deaths (after being given a test that may be presetning a false positive for COVID)
Fact: The chance of dying from COVID if you are under 70 is around 5 in 10,000. The doctor is right there is no way to measure the efficacy of the vaccine to see if it reduced to 0-4 in 10,000)  without a trial in the  millions 
Fact : The Vaccines are reported by their makers to only  94-95% effective and some people are still getting COVID after the vaccine( (
Fact: The government is working with Big Business to impose a defacto requirement for immunization to travel or shop
Fact: The government is actively making plans to attempt to disarm the population, and/or make it possible to arrest gun owners as a form of persecution
Fact:  Big Tech has engaged in censorship to stop the propagation and sharing of these facts
Fact: Election anomalies occurred, eyewitnesses reported fraud, illegal rule changes were made, information was suppressed and  and legal audits are being hampered all of which call the results of the last election into question with large portions of the population.
Fact: Government debt to GDP ratios are well into historically unsustainable territory.
Fact: The government is allowing unofficial shock troops to terrorize and victimize politcal opponents without consequence.

The writing is on the wall folks. There is a plan to reduce the U.S. population under absolute despotism.
If you are healthy and under 70  do not get the vaccine.
Get out of the city or be prepared to leave in short order
Pay off debt.
Prep for your basic needs
Become as self-sufficient as possible
Build your networks of like minded individuals.
Draw your lines in the sand and prepare yourself mentally, physically and spiritually to defend them

These people are all in and things will not get better.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Libertas on April 22, 2021, 01:33:52 PM
Oh yeah...JoeFraud putting people in that are making the sh!t worse...

Genocidal maniac...

Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Lady Virginia on April 23, 2021, 05:23:12 PM
IDP-glad to you. Nice to see almost everyone I remember is still checking in.

Some madness --my daughter had covid a few months ago--tested positive twice (rapid & PCR), recovered & tested positive for antibodies. She went out of state to see her uncle who was recovering from life-saving surgery  and has been told by employer when she returns she must quarantine for 5 days and negative test if not vaxxed and quarantine for 3 days and negative test if vaxxed before retuning to office.


The owner of the company has been meeting with his lawyers to see if he can require employees to get vaxx or be fired.

and I read this today and it's heartbreaking but unfortunately not enough to stop the madness...
Two-year-old baby in Virginia dead six days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA shot

why why why --kids don't get it, kids don't spread it

what are they testing??? The control group isn't going to have sick kids because kids don't get it. So what's the point of comparing the control group with the trial group?? Are they testing to see if kids get sick from the vaccine???

And the parents are eager to sign up their kids!!

I heard a doctor on the radio supposedly an MD expert in disease say babies are a reservoir of potential covid infection........ ::facepalm:: ::facepalm:: ::facepalm::

no they are not but the show host says nothing.......
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Pandora on April 24, 2021, 06:14:14 AM
This ^^ is the insanity that's taken hold of almost everyone -- people are not *thinking*!  What we are experiencing now are human trials of these "vaccines", without that being explicitly stated.

Military members may, for now, refuse the gene therapy shot because it was authorized for emergency use and is not FDA approved.  If the military members can demur on that basis, so can anyone else, I'd imagine.

A nurse from my GI doc's office called yesterday and asked if "accommodating" me by allowing me to wear a face shield instead of a mask would be satisfactory as I am overdue for my colonoscopy.  I said no, that if I was sick I wouldn't be going to the office anyway, and, not being sick, I wasn't going to pretend I was by covering my face.

A lot of what I read informs that folks are not seeing their doctors because they fear becoming infected with the WuFlu.  I never read/hear that any are just fed up with the "precautions".  I'm hoping there are more like me and fewer of the scared.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: patentlymn on April 24, 2021, 02:03:03 PM
This ^^ is the insanity that's taken hold of almost everyone -- people are not *thinking*!  What we are experiencing now are human trials of these "vaccines", without that being explicitly stated.

Military members may, for now, refuse the gene therapy shot because it was authorized for emergency use and is not FDA approved.  If the military members can demur on that basis, so can anyone else, I'd imagine.

A nurse from my GI doc's office called yesterday and asked if "accommodating" me by allowing me to wear a face shield instead of a mask would be satisfactory as I am overdue for my colonoscopy.  I said no, that if I was sick I wouldn't be going to the office anyway, and, not being sick, I wasn't going to pretend I was by covering my face.

A lot of what I read informs that folks are not seeing their doctors because they fear becoming infected with the WuFlu.  I never read/hear that any are just fed up with the "precautions".  I'm hoping there are more like me and fewer of the scared.

I went to the doctor wearing a neck gaiter as I can breathe easier. That wasn't good enough for them and they handed me a disposable mask. I put it on and my  glasses fogged up. So my breath was going out through the top.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: patentlymn on April 24, 2021, 02:05:36 PM

I take some zinc and lots of vit D. Dr. Fauci said he takes 8,000 IU per day in winter. I take 4-5K IU per day.

FTC takes censorship to a whole new level, charges and fines St. Louis man for questioning vaccines, promoting zinc and vitamin D
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on April 24, 2021, 03:57:11 PM
I have made zero changes to my lifestyle (other than standing 6 feet apart at the checkout line). My wife & I have taken supplements, including a 3-6-9 balanced Omega product + Krill oil, for years. I'm in the field, visiting small businesses 3 days a week -- shaking hands & discussing solutions (masked if they ask me to). Our church has met for over a year -- everyone unmasked and I have attended numerous funerals (all held in Christian schools to end-run the rules) with 300+ unmasked people hugging & shaking hands.

So either I'm incredibly lucky -- OR supplements work wonders -- OR . . . the "pandemic" is total horse-sh*t and an excuse to wipe freedom from the planet & move us to one world government along with Agenda 21 implementation.

I will not take the vaccine under any circumstances & will shoot, knife or beat to death any attempting to make me do so. I personally don't think it'll come to mandated vaccination -- however IF it comes to having to show proof to grocery shop or go to Home Depot . . . then my name will become a household name overnight!
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Pandora on April 24, 2021, 04:12:09 PM

I take some zinc and lots of vit D. Dr. Fauci said he takes 8,000 IU per day in winter. I take 4-5K IU per day.

FTC takes censorship to a whole new level, charges and fines St. Louis man for questioning vaccines, promoting zinc and vitamin D

Forget Fauci.  (I'm watching the vulgarity otherwise I'd have written another verb.)

I'd suggest adding vitamin C to your routine; according to Dr. Colleen Huber, 1000 IU 2X a day.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: patentlymn on April 25, 2021, 07:51:13 PM

I take some zinc and lots of vit D. Dr. Fauci said he takes 8,000 IU per day in winter. I take 4-5K IU per day.

FTC takes censorship to a whole new level, charges and fines St. Louis man for questioning vaccines, promoting zinc and vitamin D

Forget Fauci.  (I'm watching the vulgarity otherwise I'd have written another verb.)

I'd suggest adding vitamin C to your routine; according to Dr. Colleen Huber, 1000 IU 2X a day.

Someone asked why we only see on doctor on TV and on that never treats patients.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Pandora on April 25, 2021, 08:33:38 PM

I take some zinc and lots of vit D. Dr. Fauci said he takes 8,000 IU per day in winter. I take 4-5K IU per day.

FTC takes censorship to a whole new level, charges and fines St. Louis man for questioning vaccines, promoting zinc and vitamin D

Forget Fauci.  (I'm watching the vulgarity otherwise I'd have written another verb.)

I'd suggest adding vitamin C to your routine; according to Dr. Colleen Huber, 1000 IU 2X a day.

Someone asked why we only see on doctor on TV and on that never treats patients.

TPTB don't want you seeing anybody with any - actual - helpful information, except for The Fauch ('cause he ain't helpful).
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Libertas on April 26, 2021, 09:42:22 AM
The are not following science...just like with the climate hoax, they are only following their leftist political dogma...power corrupts and these criminals are addicted to it.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: paulh on April 26, 2021, 02:34:40 PM (  this guy, a doc has it down. He refers alot to this site ( for tons of info.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Libertas on April 26, 2021, 04:03:10 PM
Well, your Goolag link is naughty!

Attackers might be trying to steal your information from ( (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: paulh on April 26, 2021, 04:54:58 PM
OOPS, leave out the www...just (
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Libertas on April 27, 2021, 08:04:27 AM

But things didn't improve upon entry...

Articles about COVID-19

CDC NEJM JAMA Lancet Cell BMJ Nature Science Elsevier Oxford Wiley medRxiv

Stand on the shoulders of giants


Where's my "Things I trust more than" list... 
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Libertas on April 27, 2021, 09:29:15 AM (

Sacre Bleu!
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: paulh on April 27, 2021, 11:19:28 AM
Did you google anything? I put in covid vaccine and got 147,000 results
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Libertas on April 27, 2021, 11:28:36 AM
Try searching for problems...see how the Goolag algorithm works its dark magic...get a lot of results about "hessitancy" et al...

Probably better to launch a Ubuntu OS flash drive and access TOR network and search the Deep Web for legitimate information on the horrors of the vax because so little is being allowed to reach the surface web where the sinister forces control access.

Also, saw this at CTH... in the fricking frack is this sick practice remotely close to legal?!?!?!

This is akin to treating kids as lab rats!!!  But worse, far far worse!!!
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Lady Virginia on April 29, 2021, 03:55:08 PM
I never read/hear that any are just fed up with the "precautions".  I'm hoping there are more like me and fewer of the scared.


I avoid places that are strident about masks.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Pandora on April 29, 2021, 03:58:16 PM
I went maskless a couple weeks ago to renew my BJ's membership (at a "we want you back bargain price"  ::bustamove:: ) carrying three $100 bills in my hand, intending to flash them at whoever gave me grief about the no-mask:  as in, mask or money spent.  No one did, no one has yet on my 3rd visit.

New motto:  "NO MASK, NO VAX, DON'T ASK"!
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Lady Virginia on April 29, 2021, 04:30:06 PM
I went maskless a couple weeks ago to renew my BJ's membership (at a "we want you back bargain price"  ::bustamove:: ) carrying three $100 bills in my hand, intending to flash them at whoever gave me grief about the no-mask:  as in, mask or money spent.  No one did, no one has yet on my 3rd visit.

New motto:  "NO MASK, NO VAX, DON'T ASK"!

I normally only go to places I know won't give me grief about mask wearing. If I do go to a place that I can't avoid it then I wear it below my nose. Yes, I'm special. I can't breathe or really function with it over my nose. No, I don't think I have to get used to it. Anyway, there's one grocery store I go to that absolutely requires it (a suburb that  will call the cops on you) so I  put it below my nose and no one for months now has said a thing until 3 weeks ago...the cashier was having trouble and called the manager over and the manager told me she would not process my payment until I put the mask over my nose. I walked out. ::bustamove:: ::bustamove:: ::bustamove::

Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: WilliamVA on April 30, 2021, 10:29:55 AM
I went maskless a couple weeks ago to renew my BJ's membership (at a "we want you back bargain price"  ::bustamove:: ) carrying three $100 bills in my hand, intending to flash them at whoever gave me grief about the no-mask:  as in, mask or money spent.  No one did, no one has yet on my 3rd visit.

New motto:  "NO MASK, NO VAX, DON'T ASK"!

I normally only go to places I know won't give me grief about mask wearing. If I do go to a place that I can't avoid it then I wear it below my nose. Yes, I'm special. I can't breathe or really function with it over my nose. No, I don't think I have to get used to it. Anyway, there's one grocery store I go to that absolutely requires it (a suburb that  will call the cops on you) so I  put it below my nose and no one for months now has said a thing until 3 weeks ago...the cashier was having trouble and called the manager over and the manager told me she would not process my payment until I put the mask over my nose. I walked out. ::bustamove:: ::bustamove:: ::bustamove::

At the local grocery store half the checkers wear the mask below their noses.  Personally, I wear glasses, I wear the mask below my nose, because otherwise it fogs my glasses. 
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Pandora on April 30, 2021, 11:40:11 AM
I went maskless a couple weeks ago to renew my BJ's membership (at a "we want you back bargain price"  ::bustamove:: ) carrying three $100 bills in my hand, intending to flash them at whoever gave me grief about the no-mask:  as in, mask or money spent.  No one did, no one has yet on my 3rd visit.

New motto:  "NO MASK, NO VAX, DON'T ASK"!

I normally only go to places I know won't give me grief about mask wearing. If I do go to a place that I can't avoid it then I wear it below my nose. Yes, I'm special. I can't breathe or really function with it over my nose. No, I don't think I have to get used to it. Anyway, there's one grocery store I go to that absolutely requires it (a suburb that  will call the cops on you) so I  put it below my nose and no one for months now has said a thing until 3 weeks ago...the cashier was having trouble and called the manager over and the manager told me she would not process my payment until I put the mask over my nose. I walked out. ::bustamove:: ::bustamove:: ::bustamove::

At the local grocery store half the checkers wear the mask below their noses.  Personally, I wear glasses, I wear the mask below my nose, because otherwise it fogs my glasses.

Which ought to be proof to anyone willing to consider it that the cursed masks don't work as advocated.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: ToddF on April 30, 2021, 01:37:58 PM
I wear my glasses granny style when masking.  That cuts the fogging.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: WilliamVA on April 30, 2021, 08:00:13 PM
I wear my glasses granny style when masking.  That cuts the fogging.

Actually, I do too!   
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Pandora on April 30, 2021, 09:45:57 PM
Good to see you 'round these parts, William.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: WilliamVA on May 04, 2021, 05:25:20 PM

I take some zinc and lots of vit D. Dr. Fauci said he takes 8,000 IU per day in winter. I take 4-5K IU per day.

FTC takes censorship to a whole new level, charges and fines St. Louis man for questioning vaccines, promoting zinc and vitamin D

Forget Fauci.  (I'm watching the vulgarity otherwise I'd have written another verb.)

I'd suggest adding vitamin C to your routine; according to Dr. Colleen Huber, 1000 IU 2X a day.

Someone asked why we only see on doctor on TV and on that never treats patients.

Yep!  I wanna know why my next physicians visit with my VA doctor is supposed to be video....My BC/BS gets billed the same as
when I visited him?  To make the logic worse, one month later I have scheduled an audio visit, exact same place where my "physician"
is located, (less then 60 feet between their offices).  The Audi appointment is face to face....I have to go in the sound dead room again.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: paulh on May 05, 2021, 06:00:31 AM
Did they request that audio or did you?
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: WilliamVA on May 05, 2021, 07:17:25 AM
Did they request that audio or did you?

They did, it's my normal every 2 years visit.   I had my left HA repaired  in January, took a month, when it came back
I had a face to face appointment with Audi to retune it, and the right one.  For the physical exam in June, I still have
face to face blood work. 
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Libertas on May 05, 2021, 11:41:52 AM (

Dangerous, ineffective and free of any accountability...

Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Pandora on May 05, 2021, 11:55:38 AM
The people in charge *everywhere* are pretending there is no such thing as herd immunity from previous infections. 

Decades of epidemiology experience ignored in favor of the new practice of "vaccinating" everyone in sight, including teens, children and babies.

I fear for the people who don't know any better who have proudly taken the "jab".
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Libertas on May 05, 2021, 01:28:44 PM
They're making zombies, these mRNA carrying folks are getting others sick and still getting the WuFlu themselves...and the idiots do not even have recourse if the jab makes them seriously ill or kills them.  It is totally insane!
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Lady Virginia on May 09, 2021, 10:37:52 PM
The people in charge *everywhere* are pretending there is no such thing as herd immunity from previous infections. 

Decades of epidemiology experience ignored in favor of the new practice of "vaccinating" everyone in sight, including teens, children and babies.

I fear for the people who don't know any better who have proudly taken the "jab".

Suddenly herd immunity doesn't exist! Unless you have EVERYONE get vaccinated. I've read Fauci and other doctors actually such thing as herd immunity...he says it and it gets accepted like Gospel truth...

Sadly, my family and friends are getting these...and I feel helpless to stop them...they just don't understand why even when I tell them....
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on May 09, 2021, 10:40:45 PM
Quickly becoming 'Night of the Living Vaccinated'. It will soon be time to shoot or decapitate ANYONE who tells you they've taken the vaccine.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Lady Virginia on May 09, 2021, 10:45:56 PM
Quickly becoming 'Night of the Living Vaccinated'. It will soon be time to shoot or decapitate ANYONE who tells you they've taken the vaccine.

seriously, I don't want them around me shedding ......

Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on May 09, 2021, 10:50:53 PM
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Libertas on May 10, 2021, 08:12:55 AM

They suffer, and die!

I'm thinking pre-emptive self-defense with a homemade flame-thrower.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on May 10, 2021, 11:17:37 AM

Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Libertas on May 10, 2021, 03:18:23 PM
Best - Add Bill "Genocide" Gates.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: HATES_LIBS on September 22, 2021, 01:18:07 PM
It's obvious to me that liberals embracing the vaccine is intended to commit genocide against Conservatives. I haven't gotten it because they want me to. I'd want to but I just can't let them win and I won't let them force me to. This is them trying to get rid of us and we need to call it like it is.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Pandora on September 22, 2021, 01:28:31 PM
We here *have been* calling it like it is.  Welcome to the party.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: Libertas on September 22, 2021, 02:28:34 PM
Yup, and "they" are not "liberals"...old-school liberals used to welcome debate even if they didn't like it and did not censor, did not shout down people, did not close public meetings when challenged, did not walk talk and act like totalitarians..."liberalism" is dead, decency, ethics, morals...dead, Dead, DEAD!  And the Quislings in the GOP DeceptiCon ranks are NO better.  They are FALSE opposition, foils to fool the simple-minded and the cowardly into accepting the dark and twisted new (ab)normal!  The war has many fronts!!!
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: HATES_LIBS on September 23, 2021, 10:39:46 AM

Liberals have always been lying murderers ever since Carl Marx started the whole thing!

One of my favorite movie lines "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist". And liberals have allllllways been the devil.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: HATES_LIBS on September 23, 2021, 10:45:08 AM
FWIW I am taking ivermectin and hydroxychloroquin and do UV light treatments every day
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: paulh on September 23, 2021, 11:14:11 AM
How did you get it?
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: HATES_LIBS on September 23, 2021, 12:11:06 PM
Ivermectin & hydroxy thru the internet. The UV is at planet fitness. I researched it & UV light kills COVID so I go there to get cleared out every night.
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: paulh on September 23, 2021, 12:32:52 PM
Got a link?
Title: Re: Vaccine
Post by: HATES_LIBS on September 23, 2021, 01:01:01 PM
I got it through ebay, check, you might get lucky. Set on ivermectin for awhile but lately I'm getting hydroxy from my niece. She has lupus.