It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => World/Foreign Affairs => Topic started by: Libertas on August 25, 2021, 01:36:20 PM

Title: Weakness of Illegitimate Biden-Harris Regime rightly spooking Taiwan & Japan
Post by: Libertas on August 25, 2021, 01:36:20 PM
Time for a new thread dedicated to the next likely victims of hostile aggression fueled by corrupt compromised American DemCom leadership!

( (

They best step it up quick-time...because I don't think the ChiCom's are going to wait very long to pounce!  And just importantly, do not trust the illegitimate American government or the DeepState clowns...all will certainly betray you.

Beijing-Biden has already capitulated to Xi's demand on the COVID-19 origin (, can continue to lie and betray citizens as easily he can lie and betray nominal allies!

We all have a common enemy, one who hates truth, one who hates Liberty!  Some are merely closer to one or the other!

Title: Re: Weakness of Illegitimate Biden-Harris Regime rightly spooking Taiwan & Japan
Post by: Libertas on September 01, 2021, 10:07:14 AM (

Uhh huh, well none of this should be a surprise given Chi-Com meddling via cyberwarfare in the past or their involvement with our corrupt voting machines...

It means at a minimum y'all need to train units to operate individually where possible to a range of scenarios where normal communications and control are impacted and adopt old low-tech comm backup systems and mobile C&C units for sector coordination.  That way you mitigate anything the Chi-Com's do once they've decided they've been fricken triggered!

In fact, their efforts, desires and actions should be TRIGGERING you into action!

And other regional states should likewise prepare accordingly!



Only question is how many American's die in this vain show of support...?
Title: Re: Weakness of Illegitimate Biden-Harris Regime rightly spooking Taiwan & Japan
Post by: Libertas on October 04, 2021, 08:49:43 AM (

This is just an exercise, all is well, peace is good at any price...

Title: Re: Weakness of Illegitimate Biden-Harris Regime rightly spooking Taiwan & Japan
Post by: Libertas on October 05, 2021, 12:23:36 PM (

No sh*t?

Well, be sure to watch your back...that's where the sh*t running America into the sh*tter like to put knives...
Title: Re: Weakness of Illegitimate Biden-Harris Regime rightly spooking Taiwan & Japan
Post by: Libertas on October 07, 2021, 08:57:00 AM
Notably, Japan has lately become more vocally and firmly in Washington's corner of late on the Taiwan issue - also as Japan is engaged in its own small contested island dispute with China off its south - so Beijing is sure to see the latest warship and carrier exercises as aimed in its direction. (

Yeah?  They have a righty to be nervous...about Chi-Com's and backstabbing JoeFraud and the prancing woke US military...

And Psycho Psaki aka Bride of Chuckie is about as trustworthy as a chimp with lighter...

"We urge Beijing to cease its military, diplomatic, and economic pressure and coercion against Taiwan," and added that the US will "continue to assist Taiwan in maintaining a sufficient self-defense capability."

Uhh huh...

Taiwan...y'all better do all you can when you can while you can...
Title: Re: Weakness of Illegitimate Biden-Harris Regime rightly spooking Taiwan & Japan
Post by: Libertas on October 08, 2021, 04:31:17 PM
Here we go... (

A U.S. special-operations unit and a contingent of Marines have been secretly operating in Taiwan to train military forces there, U.S. officials said, part of efforts to shore up the island’s defenses as concern regarding potential Chinese aggression mounts.

About two dozen members of U.S. special-operations and support troops are conducting training for small units of Taiwan’s ground forces, the officials said. The U.S. Marines are working with local maritime forces on small-boat training. The American forces have been operating in Taiwan for at least a year, the officials said. (

Makes sense, started under Trump...and Biden, either because the Woke REMF's at teh Pentagon aren't ready to mount a full retreat...yet...or because he thought nobody would notice...or more likely because he had no fricken clue even if anybody told him...they stayed there.

And the Chi-Com's are issuing demands... (

Time for BeijingBiden to obey one of his masters...probably not before he convenes an emergency meeting to discuss how they can dick it up as much as possible so the rest of the neighboring nations can sh!t themselves...
Title: Re: Weakness of Illegitimate Biden-Harris Regime rightly spooking Taiwan & Japan
Post by: Libertas on October 11, 2021, 08:20:48 AM
A too late discussion... (

This shill for Red China undercut himself...if indeed the Chi-Com's aren't interested in occupying radioactive land...the wise choice would have been to go nuclear...and to announce a first-use policy in the case of a conventional invasion...but it's too late for that...if the Chi-Come it will likely be sooner rather than later, so nowhere enough time for Taiwan to play nuclear catch up...

So it seems this shill is more interested in setting the tone that occupation by the Communists is inevitable and resistance is futile...

Yeah, OK...more Yuan for this clown for hookers and blow...
Title: Re: Weakness of Illegitimate Biden-Harris Regime rightly spooking Taiwan & Japan
Post by: Libertas on October 18, 2021, 08:15:04 AM
Will The US Abandon Taiwan? (

Is Joe a fraud?  Is he compromised by Red China?  Does he have a track record of appeasement and surrender?
Title: Re: Weakness of Illegitimate Biden-Harris Regime rightly spooking Taiwan & Japan
Post by: Libertas on October 28, 2021, 09:10:17 AM
More admission of American boots on the ground... (

Famous last words - “I do have faith given the long-term relationship that we have with the United States. and also the support of the people of the United States as well as the Congress,”

Title: Re: Weakness of Illegitimate Biden-Harris Regime rightly spooking Taiwan & Japan
Post by: Libertas on November 04, 2021, 08:34:44 AM
Training in Guam... (

 "politically-motivated attempt to provoke the mainland authorities' bottom line."


Yo, yellow-bottom...put up or shut up...

Thought you had poopie-pants and his puppets masters right where you wanted him?
Title: Re: Weakness of Illegitimate Biden-Harris Regime rightly spooking Taiwan & Japan
Post by: Libertas on November 04, 2021, 11:33:22 AM
Wow, you know friends and foes will be all over this BS spilling out of the woke REMF yap of Milley...

“just interested in a peaceful outcome.”

...those (defend or not to defend) decisions were “presidential decisions” in terms of “whether or not we do that.” (

Communist China - "horry phuc, disso eazy!"

Taiwan, Japan, Korea...  ::ohno::
Title: Re: Weakness of Illegitimate Biden-Harris Regime rightly spooking Taiwan & Japan
Post by: Libertas on November 09, 2021, 08:49:53 AM
China prep's for war with the US Navy in their Taklamakan Desert...mock ups of a destroyer, amphib assault ship and carrier...for target practice...

We've never been weaker in leadership terms from CIC to REMFs on down...

Reckon the Chi-Com countdown clock is prepped as well...
Title: Re: Weakness of Illegitimate Biden-Harris Regime rightly spooking Taiwan & Japan
Post by: Libertas on November 30, 2021, 09:56:21 AM
The Xi still aching for war... (

...and his bitch JoeFraud just waffles...
Title: Re: Weakness of Illegitimate Biden-Harris Regime rightly spooking Taiwan & Japan
Post by: Libertas on January 24, 2022, 09:52:16 AM
Gosh, wonder why Xi is upping his probing of Taiwan & Japan?


(Cough!  BeijinBiden!  Cough!)


Taiwan's airspace was once again buzzing with activity this weekend as Beijing decided to add to the general feeling of worsening geopolitical tension by staging the largest incursion into the rogue island's airspace since October.

Sunday's incursion included 39 warplanes, mostly advanced fighter jets, the largest number in a single day since China dispatched 56 bombers and fighters and spay planes into the ADIZ on Oct. 4.

And it happened amid reports (and complaints from the Taiwanese) about an expansion in the PLA-Navy's presence in the Pacific. Apparently, their naval perimeter has expanded even further toward southern Japan and eastern Taiwan.

According to the FT, for at least six months, the Chinese have rotated destroyers and other warships and transport ships through the waters east and south of the southermost tip of the Ryuku chain (which are referred to as the Nansei islands by Tokyo). The FT cited officials from "Taiwan, Japan and the US" in its report.

One US defense official who spoke to the FT said that the increase in the PLA's waterborne presence between the Nansei and Taiwan has happened mostly over the past year. He said it now had a consistent presence of one warship in the area that was often accompanied by a second warship.

Beijing views the ability to operate freely in the waters as key to its naval strength. Military analysts see the western Pacific as the main location for a potential clash between the US and China if Beijing attacked Taiwan.

Both Taiwanese and Japanese defense analysts insisted that the PLA's movements make one thing clear: China is planning for a potential future war over Taiwan as President Xi prepares to make his dreams of Chinese "reunification" a reality perhaps before the end of his current five-year term.

And it wants to make sure that when it decides to invade the island, that it has a large enough buffer in the Pacific to stop any foreign interference, which probably isn't a terrible idea given America's treaty obligation to intervene in such circumstances.

As another analyst pointed out, a few years ago, reports about Beijing's aggressive naval posture in the Pacific focused on the Senkaku islands in the East China Sea, once the most strategically-contested piece of barren rock in the Pacific. Now that Beijing has transformed Senkaku into what Steve Bannon once described as a "immovable aircraft carriers".

"In the past, one narrow interpretation of Chinese naval movements in this area was that they were mainly a concern regarding the Senkaku," said one person briefed on talks between the US and Japan, referring to the islands China also claims and calls Diaoyu. "But it is becoming much clearer that the risk is to the Nansei Islands and to Taiwan."

The expansion on the part of the Chinese has reportedly already gotten the US and Japan talking about preparing a force of US marines armed with "advanced mobile rocket launchers" to counter any further expansion by Beijing - using force, if necessary.

As Taiwan continues to prepare for what seems like an increasingly inevitable Chinese invasion, one senior defense official told the FT that they had worked out an efficient strategy of "battlespace management".

The High Mobility Artillery Rocket System would put Chinese ships operating near the Nansei islands at risk. “This plan is one of several components of our discussions around joint operational planning for such a contingency,” said another person briefed on the matter. “Chinese forces would want a quick, decisive victory,” said a former senior Taiwanese military official. “For that they need to destroy our fighters and warships in the east which we would evacuate there."

Taiwan’s war plans envision sailing its fleet to the western Pacific once it expects a Chinese attack, which was traditionally believed would come from the west.

They include sheltering fighter aircraft in tunnels in a mountain range at a base in Hualien on the remote east coast. “We talk a lot about the PLA’s activity to the south-west and increasingly to the south-east of Taiwan. But what they are really doing is practising battle-space management in our eastern waters,” said Hsu Yen-chi, a researcher at the Council on Strategic and Wargaming Studies in Taipei.

In November, while a Taiwanese minister participated in the US-hosted virtual democracy summit, Taiwan spotted two Type 071 amphibious transport docks between its east coast and Yonaguni, the westernmost Japanese island, which is just 150km away. Such warships can carry troops, helicopters and beach landing craft — the kind of equipment likely to be used in an attack on Hualien air base

Although whether this would be enough to fight off the Chinese, of course, remains to be seen. Given the obvious disparity in size and equipment (the second of which the US has done its best to help Taiwan bridge), there's reason for the Taiwanese to be concerned.

In what might be some foreshadowing, market strategists blamed selling in Europe and in the US premarket on the increasingly tense geopolitical tone, blaming most of this on the situation in Ukraine (although the latest headlines out of China were cited by some as contributing to the dour mood for risk). (

The cratering JoeFraud regime reeling on all fronts is a green flag for the worlds bullies and crazies to act on their base impulses.
