It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => World/Foreign Affairs => Topic started by: patentlymn on February 14, 2022, 03:47:37 PM

Title: China
Post by: patentlymn on February 14, 2022, 03:47:37 PM
I had a documentary on about a north south water project in China. Not to be confused with the old grand canal.

It is about water but is an example of how China does things and screws up things. Goes into how cities in the north signed up for lots of water until they later learned they would have to pay for the water and it costs too much. The flooding last year was likely the result of the screwed up water projects.  They diverted water out of ancient rivers into artificial rivers.  Then they build on the land of the ancient rivers. Then the rains came and returned to the real river beds and wiped out lots of people.

The water is often too polluted to even set foot in. Lots of cancer cities.
South-North Water Transfer: 2.5X bigger than 3 Gorges, runs into deficit & threatens people’s lives
Premiered Jan 25, 2022
The Three Gorges Dam and the South-to-North Water Transfer Project are two of the Chinese Communist Party's major operational water resource projects. The construction of the Three Gorges Dam sparked heated debates among Chinese scholars in the 1980s and 1990s, but in 2000, the South-to-North Water Transfer Project, which is 2.5 times larger than the Three Gorges Project, was launched amidst a wave of silence.
In fact, it’s an illusion created by the Chinese government. Even before the project is completed, it has shown that its potential damages are even worse than those of the Three Gorges Project.

Title: Re: China
Post by: Pandora on February 14, 2022, 04:10:21 PM
I don't understand this stuff.  The Chinese are supposed to be intelligent, so, even accounting for massive corruption, how is much of the country so effed up.
Title: Re: China
Post by: Libertas on February 14, 2022, 04:27:15 PM
But they're good managers...

Just don't ask "Of what?" or you'll be culturally purified by a piece of lead delivered by a Chinese knockoff of a certain Russian instrument of the 7.62 variety...

Title: Re: China
Post by: patentlymn on February 14, 2022, 05:21:35 PM

My point about the current CCP is that it is not like Latin America where a commie bus driver turns into dictator 2 years later. Or Mao or Lenin or Stalin where they manage to kill off their rivals and grab power. They have to work their way up and get selected by those in power above them to rise to the next level. I think it took Xi decades.

I read about some faction that is almost as strong as the Xi faction, that represents the former head of the state security police or some such.

China is not like the west and I still do not understand it. They build sky scrapers in record time that are high quality. One mile away there may be a tall building that falls over after 2 years. One such building had no rebar.  The ADV China guys used to report better when they lived in China. Things got creepy as the govt turned on the anti foreigner sentiment. They once walked up to a cement pillar base of a relatively new building. They dug their fingers in and the material came out like paper machete.

Title: Re: China
Post by: Libertas on February 14, 2022, 09:30:15 PM
Oh I get it.  Years ago, eons maybe...when China began plowing all their excess cash not needed for domestic (ha!) uses or the military/military application (bingo!) they wnt on a building binge building cities nobody populated...

Yeah, there is a merit system but 100% devoted to unquestionable communist party orders (as it is with everything!) and those that obey are promoted.  That's it, you do not need to apply any other prism to it than that!  I think Trap pr Charles started that thread...Charles started the String of Pearls with me that I later had Pan I believe consolidate into the thread below she initiated...,3910.0.html

...can't remember if that was a legacy one or not, damn...getting long on the tooth!   ;D

Anywho...they do weird crap...about all they do related to their genetic inheritance is their "long game" economic/military strategy (which they do not separate in their thinking) the String of Pearls (bases, artificial islands) and goal of circumventing/eventually render obsolete American trade and monetary dominance (BRICs, advantageous trade imbalance, currency manipulation) are hand in hand with their objectives of world domination.

The KISS Principle definitely works with these don't over-think things.  Much of their big things are for show, a transient display of their dominance...but apart from their military it is often kabuki...and even there there are suspects.  Their carrier is still window dressing, they are not near true operational status yet and will not be for a while...and on par with the US who has been operating them for a century quite far off.  And their so-called "stealth" fighter is also window dressing and not operational as far as any news I can scrub...and I scrub a lot.  But, where one hand is performing magic the other is doing things...the String of Pearls is real, the economic warfare is real, the territorial expansion with artificial islands is real, their expanding ICBM and submarine and air assets is real.  They are the primary threat to America, not Russia...Russia can be easily contained and checked...China is the real threat and they know that and they need Russia as a distraction for us to divide our attention and weaken us in their eyes...and under the JoeFraud puppet government we've nver been weaker in generations and they all know it.
Title: Re: China
Post by: patentlymn on February 15, 2022, 06:34:09 AM

I am not singing the praises of China although their economic growth has been great, thanks in large part to US money and trade. They operate differently than some incompetent commie dictatorship in Latin America. I think around 10 percent of their pop is in CCP and the CCP runs things. Every now and then their people rise up and take over a factory or some such which is impressive.
Title: Re: China
Post by: Libertas on February 15, 2022, 08:24:37 AM
Well, to be fair (snort!) to the Latin American commies...they do not have China's ruthlessness or a similarly-sized military and 24/7 surveillance apparatus....but unlike China their dictators may last a while longer than China's...


An article criticizing Chinese leader Xi Jinping was allowed to go viral in mainland China, which analysts say reflects the intense struggle among different factions in the Chinese Communist Party and its impact on Xi’s ruling.
“The 40,000-word long article listed mistakes that Xi Jinping has made in politics, economy, and diplomacy. It’s a summary of Xi’s ruling over the past nine years,” Li Hengqing, a China expert at the Washington Institute for Information and Strategy, told the Chinese-language edition of The Epoch Times on Feb. 8.
The author then went on to list three factors that could cause the collapse of Xi’s ruling alongside a predicted worsening of the political situation. It said the achievements claimed by Xi are fabricated, the political foundation of Xi’s ruling has been destroyed, and “the entire CCP bureaucracy” is opposed to Xi and his handful of supporters.
Don’t treat the CCP as a political party! It’s actually a political gang. Like the former head of the Soviet Union Vladimir Lenin said, the communist party grows by fighting internally and cleaning (killing) its members,” Cai Xia, a former professor of political ideology at the CCP’s Central Party School, wrote in an opinion piece on Feb. 6 that was published on U.S.-based Chinese media Yibao.

Cai said: “Due to the cruelty and bloody infighting within the party, all senior officials understand the hidden rule, which is to choose a faction and fight for it without thinking about what’s right or wrong.” (

Not always a fan of "experts" but they seem to have got this one right...this cannot happen without high-level CCP assistance and infighting in Politburo's is par for the Marxist course...the hard part for observers is figuring out who is in what faction and what do they want to do if they have the power...

Given that American leadership has never been this corrupt, inept, illegitimate and self-destructive...I suspect the winning faction is the one itching for less distractions and more bold moves...

And, it's possible Xi could survive if he decides to say screw it and yield to the new faction...though maybe as a figurehead only...
Title: Re: China
Post by: patentlymn on February 15, 2022, 10:18:21 AM

The book The Party tried to describe the CCP and how it operates in China. Back when the book was written there was little censorship and the censorship that existed was like that in the US. Journalists knew what would hurt their careers so self censored. Unfavorable stories popped up but were not allowed to go national or be repeated so they just died.

The CCP tolerated some dissent to take the pulse of the  nation but absolutely did not tolerate ANY organization that might go national and challenge the CCP some day. That even included Amway and MLM rackets that sprang up. Also any clubs similar to rotary.

I read the book after some US ex pat business guy described China and the CCP and objected to Xi being called a dictator as he had to work his way up over decades and could be removed by other factions.  The CCP is all powerful. He said corruption is allowed up to a point but if too public you get a bullet in the head.
Title: Re: China
Post by: Libertas on February 15, 2022, 10:53:13 AM
Well, that's being too cute IMO, Xi not a dictator is both true and is true in a public perception sense in that he is the titular head of the is false in that he is but the senior dictator in a top echelon of several dictators...

It's easy for the uneducated to not know this...especially since the collapse of the Soviet Union...but anybody old enough to remember the Soviets knew they operated the same way...their Chairmen were just lead dog in the gang...
Title: Re: China
Post by: patentlymn on February 15, 2022, 06:26:21 PM

I saw some video on how the Chinese smart phone vaxx/health passport works. It has the colors green yellow, or red showing. If you have red you get quarantined. If your phone comes too close to a phone of a covid positive person then that gets recorded and I forget what happens next. Politics can affect your phone color.

The ADV China guys explained how everyone in China had a smart phone and used it for everything like banking and buying things. That was many years ago.

I know that there is corruption in China etc. IMO the leaders at least try some to improve the lives of Chinese and have over decades. They line their own pockets first.  I learned about China mostly through lots of stories and examples. They are not western and you cannot explain their govt with a flow chart. They are very racist and damned proud of it.
Title: Re: China
Post by: patentlymn on February 15, 2022, 08:07:04 PM

I just saw a clip of Trudeau saying he envied the Chinese because they could turn the economy on a dime. Barf.
Can you imagine him with that kind of power? He would destroy the economy in a heart beat. The Chinese build new coal plants. He would tear them down and let people freeze.
Title: Re: China
Post by: patentlymn on February 17, 2022, 02:22:20 PM
Toxic Rice | 10.3% Has Excess Cadmium; & 28.4% Has Excess Lead | Arable Land Severely Contaminated

Corrupt as usual.
Title: Re: China
Post by: patentlymn on February 17, 2022, 02:26:59 PM

Coal increased in price over 3x from last year. people are freezing
Chinese people are in big trouble to keep warm/Still suffering from electricity and coal shortage
Title: Re: China
Post by: Libertas on February 17, 2022, 04:44:54 PM
China relies massively on coal...and they don't scrub the byproduct like we do...which is why people gag on smog over there...

Yeah, they're friends of mother, rapists, rather...and get a free pass by the useless Greenies...cause Marxism is awesome!


 ::puke::    ::asskicking::
Title: Re: China
Post by: patentlymn on February 17, 2022, 05:25:53 PM
China relies massively on coal...and they don't scrub the byproduct like we do...which is why people gag on smog over there...

Yeah, they're friends of mother, rapists, rather...and get a free pass by the useless Greenies...cause Marxism is awesome!


 ::puke::    ::asskicking::

We shut down coal plants in the US and they are replaced with coal plants in China that spew SOX and NOX big time.
A net negative.

I found a new good source for info on China. China Insight.

Here are some video clips.
These are truly disgusting. Gutter oil, poop in tofu, plastic rice, plastic tapioca, fake eggs, etc. (
Chinese Food Scandals That You Won't Believe

In short, Chinese cops shake down drivers with traffic cameras and lane markings that have to  be violated. I think they get a piece of the fine action. Truck drivers are shaken down and screwed big time. State run filling stations charge for more gas than sold. (
China's Highways: the fastest money printing machine in the world/ Broken and continue to build

Here they feature a famous Chinese youtube star who I used to watch. In real life she has production assistance.
In real life most young people leave the countryside and often leave their children to be raised by the grandparents. (
The wonder and gloom Li Ziqi brings/228M migration population try to run away from the countryside

She has a youtube channel also w 16M viewers and Chinese are not allowed to watch this. She has 10M followers in China. (
Title: Re: China
Post by: patentlymn on February 17, 2022, 05:47:38 PM
I am curious about China and have been for a while. I am not a  fan of communism.
I learned that the word "communism" does not convey much information.
China is not north Korea is not Cuba is not North Vietnam.
Mao was a monster. In one example, during WWII he would provide false info to other commie generals so they would get wiped out so Mao would remain standing. There was no difference in ideology. Mao wanted to be on top after WWII.

In one example he told a general that the swamps were frozen over and passable. In reality they fell through and froze.
He also sent them to get slaughtered by the Japanese. Of course his ag policies starved millions. He was a poet dictating ag and industrial policies. He was more like Trudeau and modern liberals going green than current CCP members who often have engineering training.

Title: Re: China
Post by: Libertas on February 18, 2022, 09:23:29 AM
Communism is still communism...

And world domination is the CCP goal.

I can only hope if they win this race... (

...their machines turn on them.
Title: Re: China
Post by: patentlymn on February 18, 2022, 10:01:50 AM

If you follow China, they have adapted AI very quickly. They use facial recognition and even gait recognition to track the movement of people across a city and ID them.

When the ADV China guys first video blogged from China I was surprised at all the happy energetic people in the videos. I had thought that China was just one step above North Korea. They later reported on the increasing anti foreigner sentiment created by the govt and also the increasing censorship and repression. E.g. some guy made a snarky anti police statement on line and within the hour he was dragged into the police station begging for forgiveness.
Title: Re: China
Post by: Libertas on February 18, 2022, 11:06:45 AM
Ahh, totalitarian socialism and technology...mmmm....


I was born, raised and trained to fight commies...let's just say no matter where you may are likely surrounded...
Title: Re: China
Post by: patentlymn on February 18, 2022, 02:56:57 PM

Communism has an evil track record.  I cannot remember the totals. Over 100 million dead?
I also figured out that communism is a label that does not confer much meaning now.
It is some kind of operating system that varies from country to country.
Mao is different from Deng who is different from Xi. There were others in between.
The CCP is about 10 percent of the country and they run things. They can force out Xi if they want. Unlike North Korea.
The PLA reports to the CCP, not the govt.
China is strange. Calling it a communist dictatorship does not convey enough information.

Some things about Vietnam blew my mind.
My daughter has a friend who's parents are basically boat people from Vietnam. They go back for vacations and may even retire there. WTF? 
A US Vietnam vet sat next to some 20 something Vietnamese male on a plane.
Q, Don't you fate us?
A. We don't hate you. We want to be you.

10 years after the war the Vietnamese offered the US use of Cam Rahn Bay for US warships. WTF? I know why they did it but it surprised me.

I recently read that in 2 countries the people have a higher opinion of the US than US citizens. Poland and Vietnam.

What is the US operating system now? The 1% buy off congress and control the govt.
What if Joe Biden had to first be governor of Iowa and Mayor of Newark etc. and not screw it up?
It is not the same thing but close enough. Just food for thought.
Title: Re: China
Post by: Libertas on February 18, 2022, 04:28:34 PM
My folks hosted a South Vietnamese refugee a facility in Texas I think...sponsored through our church...

Nice, 2 boys & got busy...

Anyway, little girl had some issues...older sister married, kids etc doing fine...two boys smart as heck and married kids etc and pulling down big money in CA in tech engineers I passed some years ago...

Good, hard-working folks.

In my Navy days we were still fishing refugees fleeing communism off their makeshift rafts and sinking mid-80's all that needed to get out got out or were otherwise caught/trapped...

Neighbor at lake who passed away last year was a Navy pilot during the war, P-3's...went back there with some war buddies back in 90's...same reaction, people didn't hate Americans, just wanted to do their thing...were curious and polite...he went back several times, looking at old airfields and such...

Communism is communism...and corruption is everywhere for the upper echelon...and the people live under various degrees of authoritarianism...

Vietnamese are not constantly spied on because not enough people to do it and can't afford that much infrastructure & tech like China can...being in a backward part of the country in a communist nation is probably (if you have to be there at all) the safest spot to be in...
Title: Re: China
Post by: patentlymn on February 18, 2022, 06:24:48 PM
I am not pro commie, especially as I know the evil history. I also keep my eyes open. Some ex pat US business guy said about "Communist dictatorship", "In what kind of dictatorship do you have to work your way up for 3 decades, maybe make it to the standing committee if you are lucky and work hard, serve two terms, then step down?"  Xi got rid of term limits later.

I recall the Vietnamese forbid the type of leader worship like the Chinese have for Mao and Xi. During the war Ho Chi Minh said the Americans were not bad people and after the war ended he would invite them for tea. WTF? Kim Iversen had relatives in re-education camps.

The ADV China guys rode their motor cycles through Vietnam and filmed it. They said Vietnam now is like China was maybe 10 years ago? Very vibrant. Open. They noted changes in China they did not like. More repression. The CCP is trying to tighten up the country often against an imagined outside enemy. They said the CCP regularly runs anti Japanese WWII movies with evil cartoonishly evil Japs.

The Chinese own tik tok but do not allow it to be viewed inside China. They export that filth to the west and have a clean version for inside China.

I liked all the old ADV China videos from inside China. Hundreds of stories. Having drinks with the guys usually includes banging prostitutes, especially if married. Foreigners are kept on a very tight leash. Stay in limited hotels. Must use special train ticket booths. Cannot own property.

The Chinese people riot and protest more than Americans when they are pissed off. Not animals like BLM. Middle class people. The CCP tried some type of affirmative action for university admission, adding points for being from impoverished regions. All hell broke lose and they backed down.  The Chinese are racist and proud of it.
Title: Re: China
Post by: Pandora on February 18, 2022, 10:07:55 PM
What is racist?
Title: Re: China
Post by: patentlymn on February 19, 2022, 10:25:20 AM
Blacks are inferior to other races and Han Chinese are superior to all. They prefer light skinned Chinese to dark.
They are very open about this and do not GAF what others think about them holding these beliefs.
They also openly generalize about what people from other China regions are like. I think they say that northern Chinese are loud mouthed drunks and like to fight. Not sure about that.

This is just one thing I got from watching the ADV China guys over the years when they were in China.
The Chinese also gave great weight to what white foreigners say. Such words hurt more coming from such people and help more also. Those guys early on had "white monkey jobs."  E.g. show up at a meeting for a start up carrying a clip board pretending to be an architect so people would be more likely to invest. Fake. Pretend to be a doctor or a teacher to influence likely customers.
Title: Re: China
Post by: ToddF on February 19, 2022, 11:58:28 AM
Chinese outside China think mainlanders are uncivilized.
Title: Re: China
Post by: Libertas on February 19, 2022, 12:09:30 PM
Mao was good at exploiting differences...that hasn't changed much at the top...if the rabble is griping among itself and not bothering the party and its plans all is well...
Title: Re: China
Post by: Libertas on February 23, 2022, 09:21:46 AM
Check this out... (

...I have to give him credit, he is sticking to his principles and beliefs and forsaking wealth and adulation and not capitulating to whitewashing the totalitarian sins of the CCP!

His principles should be elevated...and the capitulators shouted down.