It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => The Police State => Topic started by: Libertas on August 08, 2022, 07:36:14 PM

Title: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 08, 2022, 07:36:14 PM (

First shot of Second American Civil War!

Who signed this nefarious warrant?!
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: IronDioPriest on August 08, 2022, 08:20:22 PM
This sh*t just cannot continue. And what can’t continue, won’t continue. The Leftists are demonstrating that they’re only good and fit for one single purpose: fertilizer.
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: ToddF on August 08, 2022, 09:20:49 PM
Leftists also make nice tree ornaments.   ::noose::
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Pandora on August 08, 2022, 10:13:45 PM
Leftists also make nice tree ornaments.   ::noose::

Yeah, outside, maybe.
I wouldn't have one in my house on my CHRISTMAS TREE.

Damn these people TO HELL.
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on August 09, 2022, 06:57:33 AM
22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment . . .
~Matthew 5:22

O.K., "Cause" enough.
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 09, 2022, 09:20:10 AM
First, the rogue despots Garland & Wray should be put in pillory's.

See that urgent flight KGB Wray had to catch when he ditched this last Senate hearing where Cruz and Hawley were using a cheese-grater on what's left of his disappearing manhood? ( (


The American KGB must END!!! (

It is a thoroughly corrupt out of control bunch of politicized goons...end them or they will end America!

And has far as this sh*t goes... (

Fvck hearings!  You see what's been going on?  You think the DemoCommies and Cucks are going to let sane people regain power within a corrupt election system?  You CANNOT count on winning sh*t!  This is a sh*t or get off the pot moment, you stand with the corrupt illegitimate anti-American state or you stand with the people...there are no other options, you will be forced into one or the other or you'll be surrounded and ground into mush.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” ~ Sam Adams

This is worse than (as Dan B said) "third world bullsh*t" for the simple fact that the sane, balanced, moral system The Founders gave us if properly maintained within those Founding Principles then nothing like "third world bullsh*t" should have ever become anything possible...but decades of leftist overreach and corruption aided and abetted by Quisling Cucks have perverted our Foundations and created so much corrupt bureaucracy and ever-expanding despot rot...that the unthinkable (but NOT unwarned by Our Founders!!!) has become our nightmarish reality.

This goes beyond "escalation"...this is a fully naked brazen abuse of power by Fedcoats at all levels!  This is an invasion of American Principles...a direct assault on the Constitution, a mockery of the Bill of Rights and a declaration of war upon citizens the state deems enemies not seen since Revolutionary times. (

Lauren is're next...

Bullsh*t stops when the hammer drops...

They kicked the hornets nest, and I don't think they care about the blowback, which is yet another red flare for where their despotic mindset is at!

They are not going to let up.  Everything else has failed, Russiagate, Impeachments, kangaroo courts, harassment, non-stop media hatefest,...the DemoCommies, Cucks and Praetorians are all in...and I think folks calling for Trump to stop being coy and officially announce for 2024, really he has no choice, he's a fighter...he's not a quitter or a coward... (

And disturbing as this is...I think Bernie Kerik is right...the only option left to these ghouls is assassination (, which means picking a running mate early as an insurance policy the nation can rally around will be essential...and then they'll have to make a good selection too, since who would expect these malignant bastard to stop at one murder?

People are not going to let this crap stand, these punks need to know there is more of us than them. ( (

And this is BS! (

Locals have to stop being Fedcoat bitches!

DeSantis needs to get hopping on this... (

...immediately!  No more cooperation with a corrupt Federal government!  Time to play real hardball with these goons!!!


Likely won't stop it, but it would be fun to see.


Probably spot on!


The American KGB, the DemoCommie Congress...the illegitimate occupation government...all, totally out of control and have nothing but hate and contempt for the American people... (

...anybody defending this lawlessness and persecution of political opposition is guilty of stupidity or treason.


All images H/T - CTH

Live free or die on your knees?

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 09, 2022, 12:20:40 PM
They got people righteously aroused...going to be impossible to walk back any of this, they've made it clear there is no more law, no civility, no reconciliation possible...they mean to end America... ( ( (

Some are thinking it was this nefarious DeepState shill and card-carrying DemoCommie who signed the despicable warrant -



Looks like that demon catches more than he pitches...

Bugs should be saying "What a filthy criminal!"


These are dark times...and dark times call good and faithful people to higher purposes and enjoining a battle that can no longer be ignored...

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these political oppressed and persecuted people of America today; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present so-called "Democratic" government and the DeepState bureaucracy and Quisling Republican establishment members enabling it is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over this present Nation.


Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Pandora on August 09, 2022, 12:36:20 PM
This needs to be answered.   ::cussing::
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: paulh on August 09, 2022, 01:11:55 PM
The problem is who's going to ask the questions ::cussing::
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: patentlymn on August 09, 2022, 07:56:56 PM

Also, from 42 min to around 1 hour 10 min, he goes into the Alex Jones trial. I  had no idea how bad it was.
Trump raid, Biden DOJ crosses the Rubicon w/Robert Barnes
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Pandora on August 09, 2022, 09:39:41 PM
The problem is who's going to ask the questions ::cussing::

The question has already been asked:  Whatcha gonna do about it?
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 10, 2022, 10:02:41 AM
The problem is who's going to ask the questions ::cussing::

The question has already been asked:  Whatcha gonna do about it?

PJW asked.

Scant details, no itemized list of items seized...and no copy of the warrant?  Why then did the Secret Service let them in?  Should have shot them has hostile invaders.  Whole thing stinks to high heaven!  If I were Trump I'd fire the Secret Service detail, hire some former SpecOps guys who I am sure would be happy to handle his security in a legitimate and faithful manner!  And what were they looking for in Melania's wardrobe?  She isn't Sandy "Burglar" Berger!  What about the Kenyan bastard?  Estimated 5 years to go over his WH files...archives to this days has zilch.  Classified material?  Uhh, Hilary's unsecure server!!!  Hunter's laptop!!!  A supposed "warrant" nobody is allowed to see signed by a DemoCommie judge, Obama donor and Lois Lerner champion and close confidant and client of Jeffery Epstein?! ( 

Piece of sh*t will recuse himself in a civil case...after ruling on many key motions between March and June...

...but eagerly sign a DeepState warrant?  A warrant nobody can see!

Hello, America...YOU are being railroaded into a totalitarian state!!!


(Via New York Post) FBI agents scoured Melania Trump’s wardrobe and spent several hours combing through Donald Trump’s private office, breaking open his safe and rifling through drawers when they raided the former First Family’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida Monday morning.

The Post has learned that the search warrant used by the FBI to enter the palatial Palm Beach property focused solely on presidential records and evidence of classified information being stored there.

A source close to the former president expressed concern that FBI agents or DOJ lawyers conducting the search could have “planted stuff” because they would not allow Trump’s attorneys inside the 128-room building to observe the operation, which lasted more than nine hours.

The raid by over 30 plain clothes agents from the Southern District of Florida and the FBI’s Washington Field Office extended through the Trump family’s entire 3,000-square-foot private quarters, as well as to a separate office and safe, and a locked basement storage room in which 15 cardboard boxes of material from the White House were stored.

Feds arrived at 9 a.m. and didn’t leave until 6:30 p.m.

An eyewitness to the raid said all of the boxes were confiscated by federal agents Monday, but it is unknown if anything else was taken as no itemized list of items was provided by the FBI. (read more)

We know why Wray blew out of town on a government jet to his vacation spot...he wanted to be out of touch of anybody questioning him.  Wokestapo General Garland?  Nobody knows where that treasonous puke is!

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 10, 2022, 10:43:32 AM
Somebody took a deeper dive into a DOI2.0 - (

May need some tweaks but on the right path.
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 10, 2022, 11:47:37 AM
From the Israel National News, Alan Bergstein wrote an excellent summary of what happened when the FBI stormed President Trump’s home.  Here’s an excerpt:

Mark the date in your memory; August 8, 2022. It will be recorded in history as the “Kristallnacht of American Democracy.” Basically the day similar in nature, to the German Nazis’ opening salvo of fascism, the beginning of the extermination of Jews and democracy, on November 9, 1938.

Can't argue against that.

Nor can the clip with VDH be challenged on the facts! (

And this illegitimate occupation government is neck-deep in this totalitarian thuggery!  At least three Garland Leutnants were in on the unprecedented politically-motivated un-American assault! ( (

Kurt and all of us know this will not happen, there are no good people of normal conscience and ethics left in that nefarious institution! (

Traitors and cowards is all they have!!!

Meanwhile, proven crooks are being rehab'd for further assistance in advancing anti-American totalitarian aims... (

 ::outrage::   ::angry::   ::cussing::

The reign of terror and despotism of this regime and the rogue Federal bureaucracies must END!!!
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 10, 2022, 12:11:49 PM
Will the despotic and corrupt DemoCommies and rogue bureaucratic thugs allow peaceful political protests to their increasing tyranny oppression and persecution...or will they go banana republic thug again?

Washington, DC - 8/14...Kingwood, TX - 8/13...St.Louis, MO - 8/14... ( (

Position multiple video recorders and record everything and DO NOT be bullied into surrendering your personal property!

ETA - (

Not just St. Louis, everywhere...the FBI will attempt to directly or through patsies infiltrate any sane American gathering that calls all these despots out...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 10, 2022, 12:22:31 PM
Former President Donald Trump said he declined to answer questions in Democratic New York Attorney General Letitia James' probe.

He was subpoenaed to testify on Wednesday as part of the New York AG's investigation into his family and the Trump Organization's business practices.

"under the advice of my counsel and for all of the above reasons, I declined to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution," he said on Truth Social.

In his statement, Trump outlined all of the ways that James has attacked him in recent years.

"James developed a political platform and made a career out of maliciously attacking me and my business before she was even elected, or reviewed one of the millions of pages of documents we willingly produced," he wrote.

Wise to pass on playing into their perjury trap...if they had more than jack squat they'd be going straight to indictment and the MarxistMedia for another round of TDS hysterics...

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: AlanS on August 10, 2022, 04:47:53 PM
Just in case you missed it....

Video Montage of Unhinged New York Attorney General Letitia James Threatening President Trump (
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 11, 2022, 07:51:54 AM
Domestic terrorist
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: paulh on August 11, 2022, 08:52:07 AM
CTH has a good synopsis of the whole operation today
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 11, 2022, 09:12:17 AM
I know, see below...

The backstory on this document crap and other details coming out are all absolutely damning to the illegitimate occupation government, weaponized DOJ and thoroughly corrupt Praetorians...

Two months before his Florida home was raided by the FBI, former President Donald Trump secretly received a grand jury subpoena for classified documents belonging to the National Archives, and voluntarily cooperated by turning over responsive evidence, surrendering security surveillance footage and allowing federal agents and a senior Justice Department lawyer to tour his private storage locker, according to a half dozen people familiar with the incident.

While the cooperation was mostly arranged by his lawyers, Trump personally surprised the DOJ National Security Division prosecutor and three FBI agents who came to his Mar-a-Lago compound on June 3, greeting them as they came to pick up a small number of documents compliant with the subpoena, the sources told Just the News, speaking only on condition of anonymity because the visit was covered by grand jury secrecy.

The subpoena requested any remaining documents Trump possessed with any classification markings, even if they involved photos of foreign leaders, correspondence or mementos from his presidency.

Secret Service agents were also present and facilitated the visit, officials said.

Trump signaled his full cooperation, telling the agents and prosecutor, "Look, whatever you need let us know," according to two eyewitnesses. The federal team was surprised by the president's invitation and asked for an immediate favor: to see the 6-foot-by-10-foot storage locker where his clothes, shoes, documents and mementos from his presidency were stored at the compound.

Given Trump's instruction, the president's lawyers complied and allowed the search by the FBI before the entourage left cordially. Five days later, DOJ officials sent a letter to Trump's lawyers asking them to secure the storage locker with more than the lock they had seen. The Secret Service installed a more robust security lock to comply.

Around the same time, the Trump Organization, which owns Mar-a-Lago, received a request for surveillance video footage covering the locker and volunteered the footage to federal authorities, sources disclosed.

The disclosure Wednesday to Just the News raised immediate new questions in legal and congressional circles about the necessity for the subsequent raid, including whether the judge who approved the warrant new of the earlier cooperation.

“The more we learn, the more confusing this gets,” George Washington University Law professor Jonathan Turley told Fox News program Hannity. “….Did they relay this history to the magistrate? That, according to these sources, that the president had cooperated.

”I mean, the idea that he was subject to a subpoena, complied with a subpoena, didn't challenge it, voluntarily showed the storage room to the agents, followed their advice, secured it to meet their demands. All of that is hardly a basis for saying now we need to send in 40 FBI agents on a on a raid,” he added. “I mean, if the subpoena worked the first time, then presumably a second subpoena would work the second time if there were remaining documents.”

Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., told Just the News that Trump mentioned to her Tuesday night the prior cooperation, and that she viewed the raid as an effort at nullifying his future run for the presidency in 2024 if he chooses.

“Look, this is exactly what people, the public is seeing: a two-tiered justice system. This is impeachment 4,” she said, citing Trump‘s prior two impeachments and the January 6 hearings that preceded the raid. (

Former President Trump’s son Eric Trump reveals key details on the FBI’s raid of Mar-a-Lago.

Trump told the Daily Mail that the FBI refused to to hand over the search warrant for their raid on the Florida residence.

He also recalled about 30 FBI agents kicking his attorney off the property.

“So they showed it to her from about 10 feet away. They would not give her a copy of the search warrant,” Trump said.

“There’s 30 agents there… They told our lawyer … you have to leave the property right now. Turn off all security cameras,” Trump said.

He said that the former president’s attorney Christina Bobb was forced to stand at the end of the Mar-a-Lago’s driveway during the raid.

Calling the event another “coordinated attack” on his father, Trump said Bobb was confused why a lawyer for the person's home being raided by the FBI was not able to see or obtain a copy of the search warrant.

He questioned whether a real warrant even existed, saying that he would be “thrilled” to know.

"When I arrived and kind of announced myself as the legal representation for President Trump. I asked to see a copy of the warrant,” Bobb recalled.

She said that once she was able to see the warrant, it was partly sealed which made it impossible for her to read why the judge granted a raid on the property.

“Initially they refused and said, 'You know, we don't have to show it to you.' And there was a little bit of an exchange about whether it was appropriate to withhold the warrant when you're searching the residence of the former president, who's likely to be the Republican nominee in the next election, though they conceded and let me see it, they did not give me a copy of it right away, but they did let me see it,” Bobb said.

Additionally, Trump insisted that there was no way President Joe Biden was clueless about the raid despite what the White House is claiming.

This comes as the Department of Justice is facing calls to explain why they searched the grounds of Mar-a-Lago. Both Republicans and Democrats are calling the raid “illegal” and an “abuse of power.” (

The corruption inside the American KGB is out of control and the Hatch Act is totally being ignored!

Prior to the FBI's raid Monday on former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, a string of whistleblower reports alleged that senior officials at the FBI exhibited a pattern of bias in their handling of politically sensitive investigations and also reclassified cases without justification to substantiate the White House's public narratives on crime and extremism.

Beginning in late May, Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley called attention to then-Washington Field Office Assistant Special Agent in Charge Timothy Thibault over political bias concerns. Thibault expressed support for several "highly partisan" opinion articles on LinkedIn and made a series of politically charged social media posts, according to Grassley, who referred Thibault to the Office of Special Counsel to address the federal agent's potential violations of the Hatch Act, which bars government officials from partisan political activity.

Concerns surrounding Thibault escalated in July, as whistleblowers came forward claiming Thibault's partisan persuasion directly impacted his work at the bureau. While seeking approval from FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland to open an investigation into Trump's 2020 presidential campaign, Thibault withheld from them that his predicating evidence was based in "substantial part" on information from a "left-aligned organization," according to Grassley's office.

In a separate instance, whistleblowers claim Thibault worked to falsely discredit evidence against President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, and prevent the bureau from investigating him.

"Whistleblowers have told my office that the FBI maintains many sources that have provided extensive information on Hunter Biden," Grassley said in August. "That information allegedly involves potential criminal activity such as money laundering. According to allegations, the underlying information was verified and verifiable. However, instead of green-lighting investigative activity, the FBI shut it down."

Grassley also pointed to Robert Pilger of the Election Crimes Branch, who he alleges was of vital aid to Thibault in his efforts to open the investigation into Trump. Former Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue, the Iowa Republican noted, testified that "Pilger's conduct frustrated the department's ability to properly operate the Election Crimes Branch."

Thibault, Grassley confirmed, was reassigned to an unspecified posting prior to the bureau securing a warrant to raid Trump's estate. Sources briefed on the raid confirmed to Just the News that the agents came from the Washington Field Office, in which Thibault was serving until just days prior.

In late July, whistleblower reports emerged that bureau supervisors were pressuring agents to reclassify cases under the label of "domestic violent extremism" (DVE) without substantive justification in order to support White House narratives.

House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Wednesday outlined the issue in a letter to former Assistant Director of the FBI Counterterrorism Division and Executive Assistant Director of the National Security Branch Jill Sanborn seeking her testimony.

Citing remarks from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the pair noted that the Biden administration has ranked domestic violent extremism as the "greatest threat" to the United States. Whistleblower claims allege the FBI's top brass has worked to pad the number of DVE cases to support that claim.

"Whistleblower disclosures made by multiple FBI employees from different field offices suggest that FBI agents are bolstering the number of cases of DVEs to satisfy their supervisors," Jordan and Johnson wrote. "For example, one whistleblower explained that because agents are not finding enough DVE cases, they are encouraged and incentivized to reclassify cases as DVE cases even though there is minimal, circumstantial evidence to support the reclassification.

One of the senior officials allegedly applying improper pressure to manipulate data to support ideologically predetermined conclusions, the lawmakers notified Sanborn, was Sanborn herself.

"Another whistleblower stated that a field office Counterterrorism Assistant Special Agent in Charge and the FBI's then Assistant Director of the Counterterrorism Division pressured agents to move cases into the DVE category to hit self-created performance metrics," they wrote.

Sanborn is no longer with the FBI and is now an employee of Roku, Inc.

The FBI press office did not immediately respond to a request for comment on this article. (

Jonathan Turley goes into all of this and brings up a fact people need to know/be reminded of -

I previously testified in Congress on the seizure of some boxes of material at Mar-a-Lago and the authority of the National Archives to seek intervention by the attorney general to force compliance with the PRA. The PRA is rarely subject to criminal prosecution, and past prosecutions have resulted in remarkably light punishments.

While the PRA requires the preservation of documents — and Trump’s alleged removal of records likely violated the law — it is relatively weak on enforcement elements. As shown in prior administrations, presidents have long chafed over the PRA’s limitations and required disclosures.
Records violations involving both presidential and non-presidential material are common, however. Those laws were raised with regard to former FBI Director James Comey removing FBI material and then leaking information to the press, yet he was not prosecuted.

In the case of President Clinton’s former national security adviser, Sandy Berger, the violations involved stuffing classified material into his pants and socks to remove them from the Archives and, after dropping them at an outside location, to retrieve them later. Berger was allowed to plead to a misdemeanor, given two years’ probation and a three-year suspension — not a permanent revocation — of his security clearance.
Thus far, Trump’s reported behavior is well short of Berger’s.
We will soon learn if a criminal case can be brought on the fruits of this search. Absent such charges, the empty safe at Mar-a-Lago could become the most indelible and embarrassing image since Al Capone’s safe. (

And, not surprisingly...the DemoCommie/DeepState targeting of their preeminent political opposition has never ended...

According to Newsweek, the FBI had a 'confidential human source' (a mole) inside Mar-a-Lago, who was "able to identify what classified documents former President Trump was still hiding and even the location of those documents."

Gosh, who would KGB Praetorians enlist as a mole?   ::thinking::  Maybe Secret Service Praetorians?   ::outrage::

Fire those pricks!  Get private security, NOW!!!

"The FBI and others from the Federal Government would not let anyone, including my lawyers, be anywhere near the areas that were rummaged and otherwise looked at during the raid on Mar-a-Lago," he (Trump) wrote. "Everyone was asked to leave the premises, they wanted to be left alone, without any witnesses to see what they were doing, taking or, hopefully not, 'planting,'" he added. (

Don't these corrupt traitors have to plant bogus crap?  All of their previous schemes failed, sans fraudulent election...they have two options left...manufacture more lies...or assassination. ( (

( H/T-BB


Sundance at CTH is going down the whole rabbit trail on this story weaving in all pieces and players in this non-stop DemoCommie/DeepState persecution of an American citizen and President... ( ( (


And in the dark America of today...fat chance on this...


The breadth and width of the corruption in politics and the bureaucracy and media has never been greater, it got an overdose of steroids under the traitor Obama that enabled everything potentially nefarious before it become absolutely nefarious in action...there has never been so much malignant evil let loose upon America, ever...this is what will destroy America thoroughly if not rooted out and destroyed like cancer!

Rubicon crossed?

More like the Rubicon was nuked out of existence.


And this remains 100% truth! -

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: AlanS on August 12, 2022, 05:31:10 AM
The part that pisses me off more than anything is Demorats REFUSE to see how corrupt the FBI has become. ::pullhair::
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: benb61 on August 12, 2022, 09:50:53 AM
The part that pisses me off more than anything is Demorats REFUSE to see how corrupt the FBI has become. ::pullhair::

Because the FBLie is working for them.
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 12, 2022, 10:34:28 AM
The part that pisses me off more than anything is Demorats REFUSE to see how corrupt the FBI has become. ::pullhair::

Because the FBLie is working for them.

I think it is more they are working for the DeepState...the DeepState just protects those that feed it more power...both are addicts on a power-trip that can only lead to total death and desolation...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 12, 2022, 01:43:11 PM
Reichsführer Garland lied through his demonic teeth...this was partisan, not objective...this was not about the rule of law, this was about abuse of was not about a limited scope WH docs issue, it was an open fishing license snatch everything and anything raid...this was not about equal justice, it is about inequality of justice...everything this piece of socialist filth said was a total lie to the actions both the Obama DOJ and illegitimate JoeFraud DOJ have DONE!

Just a few examples...there are hundreds!!! ( ( (

Heinrich Wray is likewise full of lies! (

And these gutless thugs won't release a damn thing! (

...not timely that's for certain...takes time to alter something and try to sneak it through to be gobbled up by corrupt Marxist presstitutes and partisan Congressional co-conspirators.

It's a continuation of the non-stop DeepState/DemoCommie/Cuck conspiracy to deny Trump another term no matter what...and cover for continued efforts to lie, cheat and steal elections and national wealth...period!  Without criminalization of political opposition there can be no one party rule, without one party rule there can be no hope of unchallengeable authority for the DeepState...without unchallengeable authority of the DeepState...there could not be totalitarian control of every soul...there could be no control of their actions, their productivity...their thoughts and beliefs... (

That Davidson fella seems way too optimistic to me...








But. with Twitter moving on to permanent political censorship...probably won't be long till they all use the same means, eh? (

And I would suggest the muppets at WaPo... (

...must like having sh!t blow back in their face...

BTW, those posts by Scott Adams hit like coffin nails!   ::thumbsup::

Still want to see the warrant and the video of the KGB raid ( so we can see the scope exceeded and note the socialist fervor of the goons conducting it...then wait for Reichsführer Garland and Heinrich Wray dodge accountability yet again...

Oh, and an itemized list of what was seized...though I suspect they are still embellishing it for cartoonish planted dreck...

And they can request and probe all they want... (

...but people have had enough of this sh!t...nothing short of ending these despotic bureaucracies, impeaching and removing and prosecuting their leaders and making sure nothing like it or they ever rise again is the only sane option to consider...

I want to increase their fear... (

...provoke more naked partisan lawlessness...

...reap the righteous indignation of the people...



( ( (



Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 13, 2022, 12:47:08 PM
The FBIDEN sh!tshow just gets more and more desperate and absurdly partisan by the second...

As I noted earlier...the Fedcoat raid blessed by Epstein attorney/Obama judge for a despotic DOJ continuing to wage war on political opponents is all about a a fishing expedition...

( (

The KGB agent signing the inventory receipt is a J6 goon... (

And just WTF are they pulling with this vague "Box Labeled..." BS?  They just don't want to identify sh*t!

Full warrant and receipt - (

Cites these three statutes...


...that Hilary Clinton is more guilty of than anybody!

( (

And since by Presidential order... (

...all documents... (

...are declassified...and, these Fedgoons would have to amend their warrant... (

...think they'll bother, or will they try to plow ahead with an indictment that will blow up in their faces even larger?



...Durham needs to get off his damned ass!  Right now, he's looking like he's been paid off by the DeepState!

This is ALL about political persecution!!!  If this un-American Constitution-shredding weaponized-politicization isn't ended...America ends.


Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 15, 2022, 12:17:56 PM
I called this sh!t right away...

And just WTF are they pulling with this vague "Box Labeled..." BS?  They just don't want to identify sh*t! - Libertas 8/13/22 12:47pm

Fox News reported exclusively on Saturday that records covered by attorney-client privilege and/or executive privilege were among other covered materials seized by agents last Monday. Since then, Trump has taken to his Truth Social platform to demand they be returned.

“Oh great! It has just been learned that the FBI, in its now famous raid of Mar-a-Lago, took boxes of privileged ‘attorney-client’ material, and also ‘executive’ privileged material, which they knowingly should not have taken,” he wrote. “By copy of this TRUTH, I respectfully request that these documents be immediately returned to the location from which they were taken. Thank you!”

Sources familiar with the investigation told Fox News Saturday that the former president’s team was informed that boxes labeled A-14, A-26, A-43, A-13, A-33, and a set of documents—all seen on the final page of the FBI’s property receipt —contained information covered by the attorney-client privilege.

The FBI seized classified records from Trump’s Palm Beach home during its unprecedented Monday morning raid, including some marked as top secret. But the former president is disputing the classification, saying the records have been declassified.

“Sources told Fox News that some records could be covered by executive privilege, which gives the president of the United States and other officials within the executive branch the authority to withhold certain sensitive forms of advice and consultation between the president and senior advisors,”

By not describing contents these despotic goons think they can end run Constitutional protections and Constitutional Executive authority and exceed the parameters of the warrant with premeditation and malice!  Full police-state fishing expedition on the principle political opponent of the current fraudulent WH occupant and the party that is running Congress into Hell hand in hand with the DeepState traitors who nakedly look the other way to Obama's spying on Trump, Obama's politicization and weaponization of the bureaucracy, Obama's running guns to Mexican cartels getting USBP agents and civilians murdered...Clinton's leaking sieve private e-mail server LOADED with the highest classified data and subsequent cover up...and the never-ending assault on Trump just keeps going on and in by these out of control anti-American lawless criminal 100% confirmed!!!

These assholes are transforming America into a totalitarian state before your very eyes!!!

How chummy is Biden's CIA Director with current Chinese communist given his close recent ties with Chinese Communists? (  Don't expect DeepState Praetorians to give a damn, he's in-the-club and thus immune from accountability...besides Donald Trump is a mortal threat to the democracy that is a bloody soiled cloak hiding the rising totalitarianism The Club needs to make America 100% theirs.

So, the Amerikan KGB bugged the crap out of Trump's Mar A Lago estate (, he's an existential threat to totalitarian-democracy...the majority rule by the mob would never ever bug you, raid you or persecute you in any such have their honorable pledge on that!

Yes, are not in Kansas are not really in the United States of America anymore are in a corrupt criminal/pedophile run kleptocracy, a dying Republic in name only, seeing the last vestiges of Founding Principles systematically destroyed before our eyes...

Only Hell can be reached at the end of this path...and options to avoid it are dwindling to almost none...





Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: paulh on August 15, 2022, 12:52:25 PM
Ya see Scarnobrains expert guest today---Strzok, can't make it up but they keep trying
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: patentlymn on August 15, 2022, 02:24:11 PM
 Trump Investigation: The Espionage Act’s Use To SILENCE Politically Inconvenient Figures
6,636 views  Premiered 47 minutes ago  Find Michael Tracey on Substack
Kim Iversen
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 15, 2022, 04:14:30 PM
Ya see Scarnobrains expert guest today---Strzok, can't make it up but they keep trying

Only reason to have traitors like that on TV is to broadcast the execution of their sentences for treason...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 15, 2022, 04:30:35 PM
 Trump Investigation: The Espionage Act’s Use To SILENCE Politically Inconvenient Figures
6,636 views  Premiered 47 minutes ago  Find Michael Tracey on Substack
Kim Iversen

That BS is DOA. DemoCommie Homie Comey already set the precedent for that by not seriously investigating Hilary Clinton's notoriously insecure private e-mail server loaded with Top Secret + government data and by declaring her intentions innocent with respect to aforementioned espionage act...

So, based on that precedent, there is several thousand degrees less intent on this drummed-up Trump political assassination 5.0 or whatever number we're up to with these assholes...not to mention the hard to get around declassification authority of a President...

Also, Swalwell and his ChiCom honey-trap...Feinstein and her ChiCom hired al along with Clinton pretty much has obliterated any credible application of the Espionage Act...

Heck, Barry and F&F aiding Mexican drug lords with weapons and a porous border...handing piles of taxpayer funds to bribe the Iranian theocrates into a bogus agreement that would have ZERO effect on preventing them from becoming a nuclear power terrorist empire...not to mention a slew of of other nefarious high crimes...

Please, stick the bogus acts, the phony investigations and all this bullsh*t!
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 16, 2022, 09:06:24 AM
They took passports... (

...really, what's their excuse?  Weren't sure what they were?  Uhh, der...we jus goosesteppin' goons, no think, do as ordered....der!

What BS! (

Looks like the Fedsurrectionists are cherry-picking the ill-gotten booty.  Miserable totalitarian scrunts!


According to the DOJ, "Disclosure of the government’s affidavit at this stage would also likely chill future cooperation by witnesses whose assistance may be sought as this investigation progresses, as well as in other high-profile investigations."
The DOJ added while confirming that it has no objections to other information related to the warrant being released, "There remain compelling reasons, including to protect the integrity of an ongoing law enforcement investigation that implicates national security, that support keeping the affidavit sealed."
The request to view the information was filed in the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida by various media groups.
Senators Mark Warner (D-VA) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) wrote Avril Haines, the director of National Intelligence, and Attorney General Merrick Garland for more information on the raid.
The decision now returns to the magistrate judge.

Lies, all lies!!!  If they had ANYTHING to pin a legitimate charge to it would have happened immediately, these so-called witnesses (moles] must have nothing but egg on their faces!  There is no legitimate basis for a continued persecution!  It's just more weaponized bureaucratic persecution and oppression!

“The RAID was Politics, the Midterm Elections, and 2024. It’s another form of Election CHEATING - That’s all the Radical Left Democrats know what to do. They use the FBI & DOJ to try and dirty up their opponents, but the people of our Country are wise to them like never before. Be careful what you wish for!” Trump wrote in a statement on his Truth Social platform on Aug. 13. (

Eff'n-A!  We need to shine bright lights on these roaches and smoke them out and be on them like white on rice! (

Screw these clowns.  Grab 'em by the nose and kick 'em in the ass!


Yeah?  Hold public hearings in a private location and lets hear what they have to say then!!!


Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 16, 2022, 09:50:48 AM

If true, it is the same BS play that kicked off the bogus Russia crap!  NY Slimes being the DOJ/KGB muppets of choice for dissemination of propaganda and disinformation...


Stay on offense!!!

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 17, 2022, 11:58:23 AM (

The question on every good American's mind is: Why is this stunted slime low-life KGB goon and all his treasonous despotic co-conspirators not feeding maggots?


These punks just keep proving the corrupt institutions they belong to are totally out of control, unaccountable and will destroy this nation and Liberty no matter how many how many lives are ruined or murdered!

Their active duty goons are telling you political opposition will not be tolerated...they're just too puking-dog gutless to admit it straight out...

Project Veritas on Tuesday released a leaked DHS bulletin on ‘domestic violent extremists’ in wake of the FBI’s raid of Trump’s Florida residence.

The DHS told its agents that Americans who discuss topics such as “government overreach” and “election fraud” are a threat.
The DHS also warned the agents that the public should not be aware of the information in the new bulletin.
“Information contained in this intelligence bulletin is for official use only. No portion of this bulletin should be released to the media, the general public, or over nonsecure Internet servers. Release of this material could adversely affect or jeopardize investigative activities.” (

Here, let me translate their propaganda:

The DHS told its agents that Americans who discuss topics such as “government overreach” and “election fraud” are a threat to all of us in the DeepState and our cooperating allies in the great battle to fundamentally transform America into a totalitarian state of one-party rule with enforceable conformity by all to the state.

Release of this material could adversely affect or jeopardize investigative activities targeting political opponents who infuriatingly cling to Founding Principles and outdated protections in the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights, and whom stubbornly refuse to be obedient servants to the totalitarian model we and our comrades are striving to achieve.

Their actions literally make more sense when truthful vs the candy-ass BS they peddle!

America...Americans are being railroaded by despots!  The plethora of un-prosecuted legitimate traitors, grifters and frauds in the DemoCommies ranks proves beyond any doubt these operatives are corrupted beyond salvage and are the preeminent clear and present danger to American Liberty and national survival!

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 18, 2022, 08:51:01 AM
Expecting Marxist judges and weaponized Marxist bureaucrats to be be consistent to the law?  Ha!

Not in an America being forced into a totalitarian state!

 ::outrage::   ::angry::   ::cussing::
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 18, 2022, 11:57:43 AM (

Sure, making the whole thing an illegitimate affaird from the get-go and proof of a political fishing expedition/opportunity to bug and plant crap in Mar A Lago residence.

Open question for the desperate totalitarian scumbags - Do you think there isn't enough on you filthy bastards in private hands sufficient to prosecute all your asses?  You think this stops anything from coming back on y'all?  You have REINVIGORATED Trump and millions of good think you can escape accountability?

Ha haa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!  Fools!!! (

Such a life-affirming video!  (sigh)
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: benb61 on August 22, 2022, 01:49:44 PM
Watch this, shows that bribem is completely outside of the law on the raid. (
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on September 01, 2022, 11:02:29 AM







Not a coincidence, and a clear abuse of authority up down all around...fraud up down all around...lying up down all around...TOTALLY POLITICALLY-MOTIVATED OPPRESSION AND PERSECUTION!!!

The politicization went nuclear under the treasonous POS between Bush2 and Trump!

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on September 01, 2022, 11:56:15 AM ( (

Whatever...this POS just outed himself and everybody in that scum-sucking DemoCommie Party as 100% totalitarians...only a despot claims our country is a is not, The Founders HATED democracies...we have a REPUBLIC!!!




Any DemoCommie, any Cuck...any asshole say we are a democracy needs to be verbally corrected and throat-punched until they get it right!

REPUBLIC, bitch!

Don't be a gutless mindless pawn in their war on anti-Totalitarians!!!
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on September 06, 2022, 09:05:54 AM (

Judge Aileen Cannon grants Trump’s request and orders the appointment of a special master to review questions over the materials seized at Mar-a-Lago. She also halts use of the materials for “criminal investigative purposes” pending the special master’s review.

I have zero trust that the corrupt DOJ or the corrupt FBI Amerikan KGB will honor legally in letter or spirit the orders of the judge.

On May 10, 2022, NARA informed Plaintiff that it would proceed with “provid[ing] the FBI access to the records in question, as requested by the incumbent President, beginning as early as Thursday, May 12, 2022” [ECF No. 48-1 p. 9].

This is a zillion times more nefarious than ANYTHING Richard Nixon did!!!  This is in-your-face political persecution and an obscene abuse of authority unprecedented in American history!  This entire corrupt regime should be impeached, tried for high crimes and sentenced to the fullest extent possible for treason!!!

The cocksucking muppet got caught in a big fat lie!

August 24, 2022, Joe Biden was questioned about how much notice he had regarding the FBI raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago in Florida.

Question: “Mr. President, how much advanced notice did you have of the FBI’s plan to search Mar-a-Lago?“

BIDEN: “I didn’t have any advanced notice. None, zero, not one single bit.” (

Materials seized by the FBI in last month’s raid included “medical documents, correspondence related to taxes, and accounting information” according to Judge Cannon. (

The corrupt government rejected the immediate Trump request for a Special Master...


...they were all-in on their politically-motivated illegal fishing expedition!  We should be all-in on ENDING THEM!
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on September 08, 2022, 09:36:04 AM
As noted by the Vice-Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), if the Mar-a-Lago document issues were so vital why was the Gang of Eight never briefed?

Because the Gang of Eight doesn't need to authorize politically-motivated illegal already had a UniParty consensus from that Star Chamber to green-light the JoeFraud raid on the preeminent political opposition to the UniParty.

This is what tyranny looks like.
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on September 09, 2022, 09:32:28 AM
Reichsführer Garland and his despotic band of goons is totally off the Constitutional map...these goons do not want to answer to anybody outside themselves!!!

The corrupt and politically motivated Lawfare prosecutors state they have serious concerns about handing government secrets to a third party and will not allow it.

In essence, the DOJ-NSD, an agency within the justice department created by Eric Holder, is claiming no one outside the DOJ-NSD should be allowed to review the documents they have defined as “national security” interests. Main Justice really, really doesn’t want anyone seeing what the DOJ-NSD are defining.

The DOJ lawyers begin by telling the judge she must respond to them on their timeline, or else they will go to the eleventh circuit court of appeals and have them block her ruling. Do as we say, or else…

The majority of the rest of the motion for the Judge to stay her own prior ruling, surrounds various claims of national security compromise.

If the DOJ is forced to let an independent arbiter look at what they are doing, irreparable harm may ensue.

When the agency in power to seize documents, seizes documents that carry evidence of the corruption within the agency by weaponizing tactical lawfare to keep evidence of their corrupt activities from the public, this is what happens.

Our justice system was politically weaponized by Barack Obama and Eric Holder.  The aftermath of their compromise has collapsed the credibility and authority of the institution; however, most people just haven’t admitted it yet.

Perhaps Judge Cannon will.

Judge Cannon needs to tell these rogue goons to STFD and STFU!!!

Any attempt to circumvent and go the the 11th...should be met by the 11th spiking this totalitarian crap down!

There is NO national security issue...there is a they cannot dare to allow others to see the lawless BS they are up to issue!

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on September 09, 2022, 11:55:15 AM

When goose-stepping totalitarian thugs are not stopped...your nation has ceased to be a Republic and you are in an illegitimate thugocracy where all sorts of lawlessness by the unaccountable will become rampant and horrifically escalated...

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on September 12, 2022, 10:24:46 AM

When goose-stepping totalitarian thugs are not stopped...your nation has ceased to be a Republic and you are in an illegitimate thugocracy where all sorts of lawlessness by the unaccountable will become rampant and horrifically escalated...


Got that right - (

And, Sundance's take on the Trump v. Clinton lawsuit seems logical...but does pin a lot on getting the Special Master... (

...and the only ways out for the despots is to go harder into despotism...which will ensure their reckoning goes harder not easier.

So be it.
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on September 13, 2022, 11:50:04 AM
Somebody needs to help me out here...

How are the totalitarians going to regret this... (

...when I see this idiot who blindly signed off on the Carter Page FISA crap? (

Has Trump been betrayed by Quislings around him yet again?
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on September 15, 2022, 09:44:10 AM

Also, from 42 min to around 1 hour 10 min, he goes into the Alex Jones trial. I  had no idea how bad it was. (
Trump raid, Biden DOJ crosses the Rubicon w/Robert Barnes (

It's a farce.  Let's agree you're culpable and let's agree to tilt the tables some more and oh yeah...handicap your defense from having any defense...

Just like Stalin's "Moscow Trials"...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on September 16, 2022, 10:53:44 AM (

Yay, but assumes the goons haven't already looked, copied, altered...

And some are saying this Dearie is some sort of 4D good thing, I dunno...we shall see, but I am skeptical...

“I don’t think the people of the United States would stand for it,” (

True, but as is with all things, I don't think these psychotic totalitarians give a damn about the country...they only care about themselves, their and wealth and all-consuming lust for more...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: paulh on September 16, 2022, 10:57:27 AM
She gave him til 11-30 for a decision, well past the primaries
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on September 16, 2022, 11:26:48 AM
Of course...

The way it rolls in the last days...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on September 21, 2022, 12:14:49 PM (

Wow, she stoopit!

If I was Trump, I'd send her a McD's gift card for the highest amount allowable and wish her a fond FU!

She lookin' a little anemic, eh?


Man the fore harpoon!

 ::hysterical:: ::laughonfloor::
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: ToddF on September 21, 2022, 01:16:16 PM
It's not even a criminal charge.  It's a civil lawsuit.  WTF?
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: benb61 on September 21, 2022, 01:20:45 PM
It's not even a criminal charge.  It's a civil lawsuit.  WTF?

And the charges have been debunked, as a matter of fact Trump actually under vaued his property.
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on September 22, 2022, 08:26:19 AM
Meanwhile, the 11th Circuit lap-monkeys just capitulated to the DeepState...

Eliminate the Dept of Homeland Security.
Eliminate the Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Eliminate the DOJ National Security Division
Eliminate the FISA Court.

And...the corrupt FBI, the useless CIA, the despotic ATF...and these surrender-monkeys caving into the DeepState in the courts!!!

Meanwhile, real crime and existential threats to national security - Clinton Foundation & private server, Biden scams & Hunter laptop, Swalwell and his ChiCom whore/spy, etc and the Halfrican Marxist Bi-Sexual Mohammadan leaving Classified docs unsecured in Chitcago ( - ALL GO UNINVESTIGATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on September 23, 2022, 08:37:44 AM (
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on September 23, 2022, 11:35:47 AM
Somebody needs to help me out here...

How are the totalitarians going to regret this... (

...when I see this idiot who blindly signed off on the Carter Page FISA crap? (

Has Trump been betrayed by Quislings around him yet again?

/\  /\  /\

See, this is why I am still justifiably reliant upon my healthy skepticism of pretty much everything... (

So, Dearie knows Trump's team was removed by the FBI Amerikan KGB and thus in no position to know what they took, they were there HOURS...and even rummaged through Melania's underwear drawer, because, well, that's what sick goons do...and now he wants proof from those denied from the residence to declare what what taken or planted?

When this dickhead was a judge...did he ask ask a murderer to provide evidence he didn't murder someone by a specific date or prove evidence was planted while he was cuffed and hauled off to jail?  Did he ask robbers to certify what they stole from a premises and evidence for what they didn't steal?

What kind of an assclown is this schmuck?

A DeepState assclown, obviously.

Et Tu, Trump Team?

 ::cussing::  sake!!!

What the  ::cussing::  does it take for a  ::cussing::  to understand that you never, ever play by  ::cussing:: Marxist  ::cussing:: DeepState rules or rely on  ::cussing:: worthless staff?!?!?!

Meanwhile this POS can literally flaunt in faces his not-unclassified classified crap in peoples faces and all these dickhead judges and thuggish punks in Amerikan KGB do is snicker... (

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on September 29, 2022, 11:54:43 AM
wistful claims by the Government (

How else is a corrupt government and corrupt rubber-stamping black-robed clowns supposed to get away with things if you make them adhere to the law and to facts?

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on September 30, 2022, 12:15:56 PM
Judge spanks Special Master... (

...probably won't be the last one this idiot gets...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on October 03, 2022, 09:29:40 AM
Umm... (

...more like intended to and clearly did...

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on October 05, 2022, 12:11:31 PM (

Lost my ass!!!  STOLEN!!!   ::viking::
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on October 07, 2022, 08:58:26 AM


Thought I heard some chatter about a second KGB raid on Mar a Lago...

Probably want to plant stuff this time...

I'd put in a ton of livestream cameras, set some funny boobytraps like stink bombs...sticky stuff...feathers...just get the drinks and snacks ready and get ready for some hilarious stuff...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2022, 08:26:52 AM

Also, from 42 min to around 1 hour 10 min, he goes into the Alex Jones trial. I  had no idea how bad it was. (
Trump raid, Biden DOJ crosses the Rubicon w/Robert Barnes (

It's a farce.  Let's agree you're culpable and let's agree to tilt the tables some more and oh yeah...handicap your defense from having any defense...

Just like Stalin's "Moscow Trials"... (

Sundance - It is doubtful that any of this award will be recovered by the plaintiffs.

Besides a laundry list of due process denying rulings by this Marxist politically motivated judge in lockstep with the needs of the bogus attention-seeking whores pimping this nonsense and scoring at this level in the judge-shopping safari...there is the lesson learned during the Goldman the OJ!


Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2022, 12:08:59 PM
Meanwhile...back on the President Trump persecution front...Reichsführer Garland's corrupt and politically weaponized DOJ asks The Dread Traitor Roberts Court to sign in blood it's agreement that shamefully endorses political persecution a legal practice to employ in America... (

The classic neo-Marxist double-negative spoiled toddler diaper toss clearly indicates their desperation level...

I guess we'll see if those Epstein files and photos on Roberts exist in another statist's hands...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on October 25, 2022, 09:48:40 AM
Move on Trump?

See Monkey's update at 12:00 mark...also, at 14:00-18:00 goes into disturbing internal military flights around the country... (

...this is not normal activity...and I do not put anything past this rogue regime or the DeepState...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on October 26, 2022, 09:28:13 AM
Is this what the Amerikan KGB feared was in Trump's possession when they raided his Mar A Lago home? (

FBI agent Kevin Helson (

Where is this bastard?  Is a alive?  Seems cracking this POS can crack the whole damn dirty Trump coup mess!
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on November 15, 2022, 11:06:51 AM (

Seems a weak avenue to pursue, but then again DemoCommie despots are insane and desperate, so...

But hey, wars have started over much less...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on November 18, 2022, 12:24:41 PM
The election is over, so the narrative is no longer needed. Narrative dropped…

(Via WaPo) – Federal agents and prosecutors have come to believe former president Donald Trump’s motive for allegedly taking and keeping classified documents was largely his ego and a desire to hold on to the materials as trophies or mementos, according to people familiar with the matter.

As part of the investigation, federal authorities reviewed the classified documents that were recovered from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and private club, looking to see if the types of information contained in them pointed to any kind of pattern or similarities, according to these people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

That review has not found any apparent business advantage to the types of classified information in Trump’s possession, these people said. FBI interviews with witnesses so far, they said, also do not point to any nefarious effort by Trump to leverage, sell or use the government secrets. Instead, the former president seemed motivated by a more basic desire not to give up what he believed was his property, these people said.
The people in/around Governor Ron DeSantis look even more stupid now for going along with the DC construct.

Uhh huh, well, let the blowback and payback commence then...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: ToddF on November 18, 2022, 05:50:30 PM
Nope, election not over. (

He's already publicly said that he's doing this because Trump is running.  These garbage people don't even have to hide it, anymore.

 ::noose:: ::guillotine::
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Pandora on November 18, 2022, 08:40:25 PM
Nope, election not over. (

He's already publicly said that he's doing this because Trump is running.  These garbage people don't even have to hide it, anymore.

 ::noose:: ::guillotine::

I  ::noose:: ::guillotine::  concur!!
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on November 21, 2022, 09:29:11 AM
( (

Just Mueller 2.0 designed to hamper 2024 run, which like Mueller 1.0 won't amount to squat, but that isn't the point...the point is the circus.

As always...only the innocent get investigated...the corrupt, the treasonous...the truly vile in The Club...

H/T's -WZ
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on November 26, 2022, 10:09:22 AM

The mere fact that the corrupt DOJ keeps changing their story and refuses to provide the original unblemished un-doctored warrant and the Judge letting them getting away with it (and seeming to confirm their own corruption) tells every American all they need to know about this entire sh*tshow and an accurate preview of the Smith sh*tshow about to commence...


Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on December 02, 2022, 08:37:22 AM
This statist catch-22 BS proves the courts are every bit as corrupt as any branch of government!

Satan has everything by the short-hairs...


Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on December 02, 2022, 11:54:16 AM

Also, from 42 min to around 1 hour 10 min, he goes into the Alex Jones trial. I  had no idea how bad it was. (
Trump raid, Biden DOJ crosses the Rubicon w/Robert Barnes (

It's a farce.  Let's agree you're culpable and let's agree to tilt the tables some more and oh yeah...handicap your defense from having any defense...

Just like Stalin's "Moscow Trials"... (

Sundance - It is doubtful that any of this award will be recovered by the plaintiffs.

Besides a laundry list of due process denying rulings by this Marxist politically motivated judge in lockstep with the needs of the bogus attention-seeking whores pimping this nonsense and scoring at this level in the judge-shopping safari...there is the lesson learned during the Goldman the OJ!


Button #1 it is... (

Now, employ same template to the criminal architects of personal destruction and bankrupt totalitarian enterprises by the score...

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: ToddF on December 02, 2022, 12:54:04 PM
What did Clownshow think was going to happen?
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on December 02, 2022, 04:41:35 PM
Wasn't button #2!

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on February 16, 2023, 11:47:32 AM
Scum-sucking Swamp-Nazis still trying to make a lemon look like a potato... ( proof needed, just the corrupt weaponized DOJ wants it, so lapdog corrupt judge saying yes will be spun as a legit process when it stinks from dawn to dusk...

And at the end of the day all Corcoran has to do is say 'f**k no" to their false premise questions...

They have no proof, otherwise it would have been used already...and Corcoran knows they only have a thin hope to get him to agree to their lies to even get a case in front of a jury of imbeciles...

DOJ is filled with Evil rotten children.

We're gonna need a sh!tload of Exorcists!
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on June 07, 2023, 10:03:37 AM

And the scumsucking DeepState POS Weissmann writes the prosecution memo for fellow traveler Monaco to sign off on for Smith's bogus politically-motivated persecution of Trump...

These miserable swamprats might enjoy another empty victory lap on their puppet-media shows nobody watches...but there is a very special place in Hell awaiting all of them and there is nothing but vacancies there!
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on June 08, 2023, 09:53:07 AM
However, at a certain point that legal fabrication runs into the reality of a judicial system it is not designed to defeat.

If the leaks to the media are accurate, WE WERE RIGHT!

Main Justice and DOJ special counsel Jack Smith have run head-first into the problem that President Trump declassified all the documents he retained in Mar-a-Lago.

Again, if the media reports are accurate, Jack  Smith is now relying on 18 U.S. Code 793, a law created in 1948 intended to stop contractors to the Defense Dept from stealing, selling, or copying U.S. defense system secrets, or patents on defense products. [READ THE LAW]

Here is how the media are putting it:

The Independent has learned that prosecutors are ready to ask grand jurors to approve an indictment against Mr Trump for violating a portion of the US criminal code known as Section 793, which prohibits “gathering, transmitting or losing” any “information respecting the national defence”.

The use of Section 793, which does not make reference to classified information, is understood to be a strategic decision by prosecutors that has been made to short-circuit Mr Trump’s ability to claim that he used his authority as president to declassify documents he removed from the White House and kept at his Palm Beach, Florida property long after his term expired on 20 January 2021.

That section of US criminal law is written in a way that could encompass Mr Trump’s conduct even if he was authorised to possess the information as president because it states that anyone who “lawfully having possession of, access to, control over, or being entrusted with any document …relating to the national defence,” and “willfully communicates, delivers, transmits or causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted or attempts to communicate, deliver, transmit or cause to be communicated, delivered or transmitted the same to any person not entitled to receive it, or willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it on demand to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it” can be punished by as many as 10 years in prison. (LINK)

Main Justice is now stretching Code 793 to claim any document the government designates as a “national security document” is a national defense document.

I am almost certain this is because the 11th circuit court of appeals ruled the DOJ can label whatever it wants, in any form it wants.  As long as the DOJ claims it is a national security interest, it becomes a national security interest.  This ruling came from the arguments over the Mar-a-Lago documents.
[NOTE: In the post 9-11 surveillance state, this approach by the DOJ-NSD is a pillar holding the Fourth Branch of Government in place, as we have outlined.  The other pillars are (2) the Dept of Homeland Security, (3) the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and (4) the secret FISA Court system.  All four pillars maintain an omnipotent fourth branch of government that operates entirely without oversight.  As you can see in the 11th Circuit Court ruling, there is no check or balance in the post 9-11 national security state.]

However, their target isn’t an ordinary citizen or target.  The target of these “definitions”, and make no mistake – ultimately this is what the case comes down to, definitions – is the former President of the United States who had unilateral authority to define anything he wanted.

The case against President Donald Trump might look bad on paper, because that is what the case against Donald Trump was designed to do.  However, ultimately this case is on a trajectory to go up to a much higher court in discovery and pre-trial argument, because eventually these definitions are going to become an issue for the prosecution.

? THE TELL – Here’s the “tell” that every pundit, analyst and litigation expert will pretend they don’t notice.  It’s the funniest part of the entire thing and yet no one, again except us, is noticing it.  The DOJ has already predicated the baseline of their claim by saying they cannot tell anyone, even the court, what the nature of the documents are that underpin their assertion.  Remember, they wouldn’t even let a court appointed “special master” review the documents.

Stop and think about that for a moment.  NO ONE knows what the documents are, and the DOJ has stated they will never say what the documents are.  The DOJ is filing a case about the mishandling of documents, in whatever legal construct they put forth, while simultaneously saying they are under no obligation to tell anyone what the documents are.

DOJ: Trump violated USC 793 in his discussion and/or handling of documents.

Trump Lawyers: What documents?

DOJ: We can’t say, and we won’t tell you. ( ( (

‘You Don’t Know What The Warrant Says?’

‘There are no criminal penalties attached the the Presidential Records Act… does not exclude classified documents either…’

‘personal records are excluded from the Acts preservation requirements’

‘the Court’s view under the statutory scheme established by the presidential records act the decision to segregate personal materials from presidential records is made by the president during the president’s term and in his sole discretion’

‘according to the presidential records Act only President Trump had the authority to determine presidential versus personal records…’ (

In a sane nation devoid of corruption and despotism this should get nuked lightning fast right out the courthouse door...

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Pandora on June 08, 2023, 08:59:50 PM
Trump indicted.
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on June 09, 2023, 08:30:42 AM
The hard-left totalitarians and the only softer totalitarian cucks conspiring with them crave BITS...

But this latest scheme will fail, not as early as it should given the level of corrupt Quisling judges in the lower courts...

But one day not far off their lust for BITS will arrive.

Fraud and corruption has consequences...these are but some of them...the banana republic is here...

They can gin up BS like this against a President...what chance do you think you have against their arbitrary actions?

When it all hits the fan...commies cucks and Quislings will be running like rats...

If McCarthy wants to rehabilitate himself in the eyes of We the People...a good start would be impeaching everybody in this corrupt regime and every corrupt judge on any bench...

Alas, Founding Principles are dead in such gutless cowards...

Here's a good idea...

...hold them all accountable to how they react to this, we know many are scum-sucking criminals...but hold them ALL accountable...

So far DeSantis (nice use of AI in attacking trump with deep=fake crap, asshole!) reaction is boilerplate...he is so tightly handled, he needs to be pestered on camera for an impromptu response without handlers...

Any candidate in/running for office not rallying on behalf of Trump at that Miami federal courthouse or locally at federal buildings and statehouses is a straight-up un-American traitor, period.


( H/T's-CTH

If this BS succeeds...things will get exponentially worse...and America is totally gone.
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: ToddF on June 09, 2023, 11:45:04 AM
A pretty good rant. (
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on June 09, 2023, 12:58:17 PM
A pretty good rant. (

Yeah, I read that earlier and didn't get around to posting it myself, thanks.  It is spot-on. 

Like I said above, it takes war-footing action to pushback on the Dems & Cucks...but the latter is hindering that...but that in no way absolves others (states, counties, cities, townships) initiating general political rebellions and responding in kind.

The lack of response is infuriating and hence, AOS's frustration is shared by many...and it appears only a total systemic collapse triggered by any number of a plethora self-inflicted wounds hitting the fan that the national body is suffering from is going to create The Great Reckoning.

It is beyond sickening watching this totally avoidable sh!tshow...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on June 12, 2023, 10:20:30 AM

Total clown world BS...

It is this kind of rogue star chamber crap that is going to destroy them...

And as noted by one commenter they have a huge credibility problem to overcome...they never asked to search for defense documents...

That, and their manufactured BS and denial of Presidential authority is going to implode this farce...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on June 12, 2023, 12:21:01 PM (
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on June 13, 2023, 09:13:47 AM

Making up definitions...does not make something legal per statutes...

Trump is right, THEY flung open Pandora's Box...they get to have the contents shoved down their damned throats!!!


He had fun with Herr Mueller's nothingburger...

Open all fronts, get impeachments rolling...

Yeah... surrender!

Stuff your corrupt indictment!
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on June 14, 2023, 10:07:46 AM

They'll get it...after too late...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on June 14, 2023, 10:54:28 AM
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on June 14, 2023, 11:10:10 AM (

Thugs don't allow evidence injurious to their manufactured case against anybody they oppose, certainly not the leading opposition candidate in the entire nation...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on June 19, 2023, 04:37:37 PM (

So, government can leak sh*t every second...citizens, even high-profile ones and leading candidates to the despot in office have no such right...

The very definition of tyranny!

Also, note this -

The order from Reinhart, who was appointed by other judges and has criticized Trump on social media, comes in response to a request for such an order from prosecutors.

 ::cussing:: impartial POS should recuse himself!!!!
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Pandora on June 19, 2023, 09:11:14 PM
He's not impartial, he's very much a partisan.  For the enemy.
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on June 20, 2023, 08:18:15 AM
So tired of this game of stupidity...our cowards recuse or succumb to bullying...their criminal trash just does whatever they want unimpeded, unaccountable, unmolested...

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on June 20, 2023, 09:03:31 AM

If bureaucrats are illegally elevated above the Executive then the Constitution has been burned to a crisp and no citizen is beholden to government any longer...this is what they are asking judges to do...they want the Constitution rendered moot...and they are too stupid and too corrupted by a lust for unlimited power to realize what this does to any law/regulation in the land...

The Constitution goes, it ALL goes!


The DeepState and its puppets need to be defeated, period.
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on June 20, 2023, 01:02:39 PM (

Whatever... (

A good demographic to jury-shop for mouth-breathing imbeciles...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: patentlymn on June 20, 2023, 02:55:32 PM
The duran had atty Barnes on for a long video. Barnes went through all the constitutional issues to be litigated. I doubt a trial can be that quick unless Trump is being railroaded in even more ways.
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on June 20, 2023, 04:34:09 PM
Trump's legal team, properly, is seeking to have this dismissed for prosecutorial misconduct and seeking to deny the use of one of his lawyers handwritten notes against him...these are legal slippery-slopes that if allowed will result in civil wars and revolutions like have happened in the past...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on June 27, 2023, 09:16:54 AM
Jack Smith is one of the lowest of the low-life pond-scum statist filth...the latest i a long line of SeepState punk-ass thugs doing their gutter-dwelling best to persecute the innocent on behalf of the guilty filth contaminating all corners of government...



And the above on the heels of Smith getting his absurd "special rules" restricting Trump spiked in his swamp-rat face...

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on June 28, 2023, 08:03:10 AM
Of course...

...the operative element to law-fare is not law but war-fare...

They need to be held to account for their war-crimes!!!
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on July 18, 2023, 04:14:30 PM
More totalitarian BS!

This is going full dictatorship sh*t-show!   ::outrage::
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 02, 2023, 02:32:42 PM
sh*tbags do sh*tbag stuff... (
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 07, 2023, 01:27:24 PM
Smith continues to do the same crap he pulled in past cases where he got his little pee-pee hit with a gavel... ( (

He's a sh!tbag...and it is why this corrupt DOJ under Reichsfuher Garland chose him...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 22, 2023, 09:43:56 AM
This is weak as Hell...

...and it does prove Sundance's postulate on Lawfare is correct...


... and either Meadows repudiates the perjury the corrupt inquisitor attributed to him...or he gets to go on trial...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on August 28, 2023, 10:48:30 AM
This rogue gangster just keeps adding fuel to the flames that will consume him and his co-conspirators... (
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on November 02, 2023, 11:23:58 AM (

Why wait?

Kick it out a full year, eff these Lawfaring Fedcoat thugs!
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: ToddF on November 02, 2023, 02:46:36 PM
Why wait?  Because they don't have a case and they know it.
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on November 03, 2023, 08:40:28 AM
They are trying to get a rush to judgement with simpleton jurors...drag ass on discovery to hamper the defense collecting massive amounts of exculpatory evidence...

A fully sane Judge would throw this crap out, same for the BS in Manhattan...and no Judge should tolerate process violations by the prosecution...somewhere along the line a saturation point of corruption ended that least for certain non-state sanctioned political views of defendants...

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on November 03, 2023, 12:08:52 PM

Delayed, no new date mentioned...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on November 06, 2023, 08:40:10 AM

It has been and is still a massive DemoNazi-DeepState conspiracy...

...for now all we have is end game happy thoughts...

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on December 04, 2023, 02:01:46 PM

Jackass Smith and his travelling star chamber doesn't want people to see what he is up to...

Clown is the definition of a due process despiser...or anti-American thug if you will...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on February 14, 2024, 11:49:36 AM (

Nobody asked Judge Cannon for a comment?   ::whatgives::
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on February 20, 2024, 12:17:22 PM (

The corrupt FJB regime is so despicable, so owned by enemies foreign and domestic!
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on February 21, 2024, 02:14:30 PM (

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on March 01, 2024, 11:52:17 AM (

Pretty sure most of the "judges" are corrupt...probably will go along merrily with the election interference...

And still amazed this hasn't been shot down for being so frivolous...POTUS can (and Trump did) declassify ANYTHING!  Zero standing on this issue...

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on March 04, 2024, 08:50:56 AM
A corrupt judiciary centered in The Swamp poses an existential threat to Liberty and if not pushed back means the end of the Republic...

Why there is not an investigation launched by people of good conscience into this abuse of power is shocking...perhaps such people simply no longer exist...

Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on March 15, 2024, 08:31:00 AM
I pray Sundance is correct...

While many voices say this initial motion to dismiss failed, there are several indications the ruling was more about targeting the issue of statutory definitions to latter phases in the pretrial legal process.  Essentially, allowing the DOJ to try and square the circles that are seemingly unsquarable.

Cannon is avoiding the trap of removal from the case by carefully and meticulously following a very routing process to allow the full sunlight of judicial consideration to apply at the moment when the interpretation has the greatest importance.  Despite ruling against dismissal, this is not a loss for the Trump legal team, as the issues behind the dismissal motion have not been rectified.  These issues will surface again at more critical moments.

If the Lawfare case is going to be dismissed in whole, as opposed to part by part, Julie Kelly was present in the court and also noticed that Judge Cannon appears to be positioning herself to dismiss the case on “selective prosecution” grounds. See this Great Thread HERE.

Summary. 👇

While Cannon did not accept the Trump motion to dismiss today, the elements of today’s motion will face strong scrutiny as the case progresses.  Additionally, if the case is to be dismissed, the technical definitions could be moot if the judge uses another more transparently obvious context, “selective prosecution,” to dismiss the case.
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on March 19, 2024, 12:22:45 PM
Special Counsel Jack Smith now faces a dilemma. He must decide whether to allow jurors to examine the classified documents found at Mar-a-Lago or give them instructions that would likely lead to Trump’s acquittal. Smith could appeal to the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, but that would delay the trial even further.
While some saw Cannon’s decision last Thursday to not dismiss the case as a victory for Smith, it was more of a strategic move to set up her ultimatum on Monday. Now, prosecutors must decide whether to show jurors the classified records or inform them that a president has the sole authority to categorize records as personal or presidential during their term.

The first option would require Smith to allow any potential jurors in this rural Florida area to suddenly have access to these sensitive national secrets. The second option would essentially force jurors to acquit Trump, as they would be told he had the power to claim personal ownership over any government document within his reach.

In her two-page ruling, Cannon proposed a new version of the law without a lengthy judicial order to back it up. This proposed jury instruction would state: “A president has sole authority under the [Presidential Records Act] to categorize records as personal or presidential during his/her presidency. Neither a court nor a jury is permitted to make or review such a categorization decision.”

There is no way Smith wants anybody to see the documents, learn what is in them and spill it in a tell-all deal after the trial...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on April 03, 2024, 12:34:57 PM (

Proper answer to this despotic politically-motivated stunted piece of human slime can only be  ::doublebird::
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on April 22, 2024, 04:19:10 PM
All a corrupt Biden DOJ op to target a political foe!!!

Time for the persecuted to DA & Judge shop and file all sorts of suits against every one of these low-life scum sucking despots!
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on April 25, 2024, 09:55:21 AM
Judge Cannon is obviously very bright, very astute in navigating the minefield created by the corrupt conspiring FJB DOJ! ( ( (

This is a criminal abuse of power from POTUS down to asshat Smith!  Talk about high crimes!!!   ::outrage:: (

I want these despots exposed, shamed, ridiculed and prosecuted!
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on May 06, 2024, 09:02:27 AM
IIRC (and I believe I am) this was noted early on shortly after the FJB raid of his chief political rivals estate on bogus grounds unfolded before our eyes... (

...and one would think at some point somebody would hold the government accountable for their rogue subjective acts...
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on May 08, 2024, 10:34:25 AM

Good, Judge Cannon after the latest evidence of Smith's sleazy operation with the evidence tampering, vacated the case on the court's calendar...

...renders that crap dead in the water probably past the election.
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on May 09, 2024, 01:11:23 PM (

Definitely. (

Yup.  Screw Zampolit Smith!   ::vafancoul::
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on May 10, 2024, 08:42:24 AM
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on May 23, 2024, 09:43:27 AM
More Holy Water on Demons exposing their inability to operate in the light in both the FJB raid on MAL case and the BS NYC trial without a crime case -

It shows how malevolent and out of control these people are, they do not want to be questioned or held accountable for anything they do, they just want their outcomes...and ironically are all about rights and due process when the shoe is on the other foot and that cognitive dissonance is oblivious to them!  This indicates how deep the corruption in the DOJ is, how corrupt the IC is, how corrupt this Admin is, how corrupt too many courts are and how corrupt this Admin is.

These people want a Star Chamber for their political enemies and no interference in their schemes.  Just like Stalin, just like Hitler, just like Mao...just like every despotic government in history they want obedience to their decisions, period.

Their totalitarian actions are ensuring there will be a massive pushback and cost for their grotesque excesses.
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on May 28, 2024, 01:11:51 PM
Joe Biden’s FBI justified its authorization of the use of deadly force during their Mar-a-Lago raid because of “life-threatening” contraband in the kitchen and gym.

But wasn’t it just standard policy?

“Without no basis whatsoever, in the affidavit or otherwise, FBI agents searched the private bedrooms of the First Lady and President Trump’s youngest son. See Walter v. United States, 447 U.S. 649, 657 (1980) (“[A] warrant to search for a stolen refrigerator would not authorize the opening of desk drawers.”). The FBI’s photo log demonstrates that the agents took extensive photographs of those rooms—42 and 27, respectively—for no apparent reason. See Ex. 5 at USA01285293-300. There was no factual basis for the agents to rummage through rooms not specified in the warrant and, not surprisingly, they seized nothing from these other rooms,” according to Trump’s motion for relief relating to the Mar-a-Lago raid and unlawful piercing of attorney-client privilege. (

Only fevered totalitarians can see common kitchen utensils and gym equipment be described as "life-threatening"!

These goons are out of control! (

Judge Cannon spikes Smith's ridiculous gag order and warns him to stop violating the rules or face sanctions.  I hope he and his gang of thugs violate the rules some more!
Title: Re: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!
Post by: Libertas on May 29, 2024, 09:00:38 AM
Hmm, a traitor...

But the bleed out of Smith's antics, shortcuts and violations of due process seem to be a slow-motion strangulation of his case...

Poor dumb bastard doesn't know (or isn't allowed) how to quit...