It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Politics/Legislation/Elections => Topic started by: Libertas on November 16, 2022, 09:41:22 AM

Title: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 16, 2022, 09:41:22 AM


Marxists everywhere are in a full-blown panic...

...and the corrupt UniParty clowns should be scared sh!tless.

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 17, 2022, 12:50:53 PM
The number one reason... (

...why DeSantis better not get ahead of himself... driven by two very important facts:

1)  Without Trump there would be no DeSantis

2)  Without Trump...DeSantis would take his turn as the DemoCommie's Public Enemy Number One... (

DeSantis would be denied the White House. would anybody else with Trump out of the way would be denied any office of importance... would be the Cuck n' Commie snuggle fest where the former pretends to battle the latter and the former holds no grudges when the latter defeats them on everything...eventually leading to the former being "Box 3'd" out of existence.

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 28, 2022, 09:13:38 AM
I can find noting to nitpick Sundance for on this, his analysis seems sound...and it is far too early to tell for certain if Noem's commitment to sacking McDaniel is sincere or not and to what end her removal presents for we Liberty-lovers...

...If I had to lay bets on both I would say yes, sincere and on motivation being to replace her with someone she thinks can help her...

...the latter is a little vague and lazy I know but that's what I got!  I believe all know my previous support for her back when she ran for Congress and then Governor...she is pretty sharp and makes few missteps...the flip-flop on the trans athletes bill being perhaps the worst and some early missteps in scamdemic issues most stumbled on were quickly recovered later...I don't see her as a reliable establishment tool but I understand the reservations about her...far better than Haley may not be a ringing endorsement...but this mess is 2 years out and since 2020 & 2022 proved "voting" is dead and "ballot counting" (see "Stalin") matters...all of this is probably a waste of time to discuss anyway...

Sorry about wasting your time!  Shame on me!   ::slapfight::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 06, 2023, 12:57:01 PM (

Talk about terminal decline...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 19, 2023, 09:59:59 AM

The Communist Chinese are our principle adversary in the world...what is going on now is 180 degrees out of phase with sanity.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 30, 2023, 09:33:16 AM (

Domestically there is no greater battle.

But, given the scale of totalitarian rot, not just at the national level but at the state and municipal level...not sure there is the time or architecture sufficient to be in position to effectively engage it through this means...

But, as I've said before I cannot begrudge the effort to attempt it...

The War must be waged on all fronts, not just one or two...

Deus Vult
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Pandora on January 30, 2023, 09:38:12 AM
Re-electing Ronna McDaniel surely isn't going to help.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 30, 2023, 10:16:43 AM
It'll help me hope a third party...or rather more accurately a legitimate second party...rises...

But realistically I am probably looking at being a non-participant in fraud...

ETA - (

Sadly, those days likely never to return again...not if The Rot isn't entirely removed...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 11, 2023, 10:35:14 AM

Sundance is correct, he will try to wait and be last to commit...and forcing him to openly embrace his benefactors cannot be postponed though I wonder how material it will the time being he can send emissaries on his behalf, until in-person comfab's are unavoidable.

I think the personal links to known Cuck personalities will be better game more than their affiliated entities but the latter will be thrown in for good measure.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 13, 2023, 09:45:40 AM

Let the No Governors memes commence!!!

PS - Those 3 clowns act like they are in a sauna together...


PPS - What does Dominion predict?
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 14, 2023, 12:23:30 PM (


Little Mikey Pence's whisperer won't last long...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Pandora on February 14, 2023, 04:12:08 PM
Yeah sure; she certainly has my vote after what she did to South Carolina with the flag crap!  /s
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 15, 2023, 08:27:35 AM
Yeah sure; she certainly has my (pre-Dominion tabulation) vote after what she did to South Carolina with the flag crap!  /s


Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Pandora on February 15, 2023, 09:40:33 AM
Yeah sure; she certainly has my (pre-Dominion tabulation) vote after what she did to South Carolina with the flag crap!  /s



Sure, why not. 
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 16, 2023, 11:50:20 AM
“If we wanted a ‘Bush in heels,’ Republicans would vote for Liz Cheney,” Greene concluded. (

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 17, 2023, 09:03:12 AM

Only one word describes this - disturbing.

As for this...

The Establishment has always used social issues as a not so much a wedge but a shiny distraction...which is perverse because fighting the woke, the ESG, the predatory perversion etc is not a distraction, it is necessary...and it should not distract from focusing on a host of issues simultaneously and holding people accountable on all of it!

The focus must remain primarily on defeating the UniParty/Globalist totalitarians!  The little tyrannies will then be easier to eliminate...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 17, 2023, 12:44:47 PM
Didn't take long to hit into a game-ending triple-play...


You have failed utterly and completely...please go away in shame and never be seen or heard from again!!!

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Pandora on February 17, 2023, 09:16:57 PM
Indeed, Nimrata, GO!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 18, 2023, 10:36:51 AM
Yeah, and when did we establish anchor-baby's qualified...They Kenyan-McCain corrupt bargain?  I still reject that as illegitimate.

And wouldn't her Sikh parents be disappointed in her failure to transform all five of the "five thieves" of Sikhism (kaam (lust), krodh (wrath), lobh (greed), moh (attachment) and ahankar (ego or excessive pride)?

She lusts for a power she will never hold, hates MAGA people and our national history (Confederate flag), not sure about greed but as evidenced by her ability to woo billionaire donors (Stand for America outfit, campaigns) this is pending a deeper dive to assess, and not sure what all encompasses "attachment" but everybody is attached to something...but I think ego is definitely a checked box.

Generously speaking her faith fails in at least 3 of the 5 thieves of common sense...

Just sayin'...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 18, 2023, 01:34:52 PM


That's up to the #NeverTrump Cucks, the DemoCommies and the corrupt Dominion tabulators et al...

Plan accordingly.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 21, 2023, 09:41:50 AM
Personally, I think Ron is making a mistake trusting Cuck donors and politicians...

...I think the combination of them and opposing Trump could taint his brand...and part of me fantasizes this would play out better if it was a long con between them ending in a deep embrace...but that is probably horsesh*t...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 26, 2023, 08:46:22 AM
Frankly, I think DeSantis is hurting his chances...he became successful when he adopted Trumpian America First policies...he cannot be seen as a viable anti-Establishment candidate by becoming intimate pals with leading GOP Establishment Cucks like Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell!!!

I thought Ron was smarter than this...but it appears his ambition has overridden his senses...

And, it seems either way this plays right into the hands of the Cucks...they have their most favored in-pocket or lose...the Cucks win...  As always they do not care and seem to prefer losing Presidential elections, and with the new stay in your basement and wait for the magic of fraud and corruption to anoint you victor rules it is even easier to lose...and the UniParty marches everyone merrily deeper into Hell on earth...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 27, 2023, 09:21:19 AM

Ron thinks that chain on his manhood is worth the big bucks...while the Establishment clowns will yank it often and chuck the anchor if necessary...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Pandora on February 27, 2023, 09:46:14 AM

Ron thinks that chain on his manhood is worth the big bucks...while the Establishment clowns will yank it often and chuck the anchor if necessary...

... Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ entire narrative as governor, including the anti-wokeism efforts, has been designed to support a previously planned outcome.  DeSantis was always going to be elevated as the 2024 non-Trump alternative.

Pushaw is essentially doing an “influence operation” inside the U.S. political system that parallels what was done in Ukraine to install Volodymyr Zelenskyy.  It’s not some whacky theory, just look at what they are doing.  DeSantis is as controlled and subsequently inauthentic as Zelenskyy and World War Reddit.

That’s why we are seeing this extreme inversion.  It’s all about the money.

And, about "stopping Donald Trump and the America-First platform he represents."

I'm so tired of all the bullspit.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Syzygy on February 28, 2023, 07:23:45 PM
I didn't see it in this article,  but did see it elsewhere--one of the attendees to DeSantis' little soiree was Ann Coulter.  No doubt looking for a soft spot on the guv's back,  whereas to stick the knife should he ever be elected,  same as she did Trump. 
We have a saying down here about people like Coulter:  She's anybody's dog that'll hunt with her.
And in Coulter's case,  the dog is of the female persuasion.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 01, 2023, 09:16:55 AM
Call the dog Catcher! Got one for the pound!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: WilliamVA on March 01, 2023, 10:15:24 AM
I didn't see it in this article,  but did see it elsewhere--one of the attendees to DeSantis' little soiree was Ann Coulter.  No doubt looking for a soft spot on the guv's back,  whereas to stick the knife should he ever be elected,  same as she did Trump. 
We have a saying down here about people like Coulter:  She's anybody's dog that'll hunt with her.
And in Coulter's case,  the dog is of the female persuasion.

Yep!  Yah don't ever wanna turn your back on that beeatch.   foottapping
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 02, 2023, 12:42:42 PM

Oh my...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 14, 2023, 09:17:39 AM
Last week Tucker Carlson asked the prominent names announced or anticipated to run for the 2024 Republican nomination to provide their policy toward Ukraine.  Many of the candidates responded, a few did not. Nikki Haley, Chris Sununu, Mike Pompeo, John Bolton and Asa Hutchinson did not respond at all.


President Trump and Governor Kristi Noem were the only responses that answered each question specifically.


The remaining candidates ignored some, gave obtuse poll-tested responses to other points or just ignored the central element of the questions they were uncomfortable with.

(Of these Abbott gets a pass because he is focused on Texas and seems little interested in POTUS run, Pence can FOAD, Christie can FOAD, Scott makes no sense so he can KMA and DeSantis made a nice statement layered with nuance and sound bites but answered no questions...he will be pinned down one way or another as this goes on, even if all he does is stick to talking points and looks like a robot)

Trump is consistent in his positions, he properly sees Ukraine as a European problem...something globalist totalitarians find anethema to their agenda and survival.  Noem sounds even more strident...but she had one slip up when asked about regime change in Russia...she should have said a flat "no" and ditch the phrase "not at this time"...the latter indicates a willingness to consider later if the DeepState provides the adequate motivation...she may not have meant the implications of that answer but someone should tell her.

So far looks like one out front adult, one near-adult and a robot...with a long train of useless behind them...

Now I will watch Carlson's take -

Hmm, more charitable I think than myself...

Also, missed Ramaswamy...he did give a good answer on Ukraine...

...will need to hear more on other things...but add a possible OK candidate to the mix.

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 21, 2023, 08:49:24 AM
Looks like the (still) cuck-led RNC is running up the white flag in WI... nice to see not a f**king thing has changed...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 06, 2023, 12:00:32 PM
One good thing happened in WI...


Find a DA who will indict the POS Judge, then remove it from the bench...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 12, 2023, 10:19:11 AM
Looks like FJB is planning another bunker-campaign...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 20, 2023, 09:38:09 AM

Am I out of line to predict the 99.9% Marxist-contaminated Dem's will not like this kind of talk and if demonizing him as a tool of Trump/MAGA blah blah blah doesn't stick ...they will be forced to make another martyr of a Kennedy?
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 25, 2023, 08:38:11 AM
I think Ron made a huuuge mistake thinking he could take on Trump...

And selling his soul to The Butthead and Team Cuck is costing him...and now it is costing Florida!


Trump is crushing you in all polls...get your ass back to Florida and get to work!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 27, 2023, 10:49:33 AM
How Sundance characterizes this makes me chuckle...

As expected, the Florida Senate has passed the Ron DeSantis is a liar law, permitting the Florida Governor to run without resigning, by a vote of 28-12.

The previously created Ron DeSantis media group, Florida’s Voice, celebrates the news:

Meanwhile, the inbred cabalists and sundry brain-dead Pubbies who voted Wrong Way Ronna back into leadership of the RNC are once again prepping the battleground for certain failure...

For frack sake...everybody must divorce themselves from this suicidal band of money-grubbing Scrooge's and treat them as hostile combatants like the Totalitarian Dems!

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 01, 2023, 06:49:32 PM (

Well, that should be fun...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 04, 2023, 08:07:08 AM

I'd skip them all!

Rallies, old-fashioned Lincoln-style stump speeches and audience interaction...

 ::doublebird::  Totalitarian Dem's & Cucks!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 08, 2023, 08:35:58 AM (

Good point, and with the bogus religion in full swoon and being used to finish off the US as a nation...a timely issue to pin down...

I am highly skeptical of the answer being addressed tot he satisfaction of the sane...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 09, 2023, 01:37:04 PM
Grifters grift...

...accruing wealth only matters, not winning...and their anointed is getting shellacked - well as FJB getting shellacked...which is why another steal is certain to be attempted...

...and the ballot-harvesting is one of those things that should never have been yielded on...the delegate wooing may or may not be effective...

We shall see...but hope/best & plan/worst as usual...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 10, 2023, 09:15:03 AM

Boner, ErICKson, The Butthead, Kreepy Kemp, Loser Loeffler, Club for China clowns et al...

The Demonic Cucks scheming and plotting their nefarious treachery upon real Americans...

Ratfrackburger & Maricopa Marxist Mafia conspiring with treasonous leftist scum -

 ::mooning::   ::doublebird::   ::vafancoul::   ::effu::   ::asskicking::

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 11, 2023, 10:45:03 AM
Wow, catching these highlights...looks like Trump hit for the cycle and boy, has it been a while since we could dine on so much leftist tears!


Drill, baby drill!   ::whoohoo::

End the war in 24 hours!   ::thumbsup::


He pulled it out!   ::clapping::

Amen!  Victims of the Fedsurrectionists are not criminals!

And yeah...looks like CNN tapped out!!!


The leftist tears -


Mmmm, tastes yummy!





Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 12, 2023, 08:40:36 AM
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 12, 2023, 10:01:21 AM
PJW on the Trump demolition of the Censorship-Industrial Complex's #1 cable puppet...


Oy my...this clownette came from Daily Caller and Tucker and sounded sane?

Wow, she whored out quick!  I think if I was in her family I would disown her for this total sell out than if she stripped for a living!!!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 17, 2023, 10:08:25 AM

Ouch, Ron "culture of losing" DeSantis and McConnell & Cucks lose Ron wished he never made that culture of losing quip about Trump...or maybe he didn't and it was boilerplate from The Butthead...whatever...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 22, 2023, 03:38:24 PM

The Kenyan has always hated free speech. (

I say go after him and ALL Totalitarians with truth and ridicule and condemnation!!!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 23, 2023, 08:00:17 AM
Faux is deep into the Cuck agenda...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 25, 2023, 12:47:00 PM


OK, that was one of the funniest things I've seen yet!

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on June 06, 2023, 08:43:46 AM

I like it. 

He will drive the Marxist-dominated D party into hysterics and more than likely into electoral shenanigans we know all too well and if that fails to make him go away they may get even more desperate and call on their DeepState allies for help...

But I wish him well physically and hope he makes a difference in that circus...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on June 06, 2023, 02:43:03 PM
RFK Jr. should remember what the CIA likely did to the last Kennedy who crossed them.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: paulh on June 06, 2023, 02:47:36 PM
Read some of his statements. He does
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on June 12, 2023, 09:52:19 AM (

And the idiots should know that if they are ever stupid enough to do something stupid like get rid of him that a martyr will only make the ranks of patriots swell.


Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on June 12, 2023, 02:43:35 PM

I heard that De Santis was against US involvement in Ukraine war but his donors got to him and turned 180 degrees in a few days. Reminds me, German foreign minister Baerbok demanded that Putin change direction "360 degrees."
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on June 14, 2023, 10:53:28 AM

 ::puke::   ::exitstageleft::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on June 15, 2023, 08:28:41 AM
Sundance called it...

...split Florida...and they/them will want to roll this model out in all other key states...

They/Them will no doubt have the eager support of the DemComs in this regard...make it easier to serve up another hapless Cuck for them to play with...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on June 16, 2023, 08:38:49 AM (

Well, his uncle could not get elected as a Democrat 30 years he could not get elected as a Democrat or a Republican (under Cuck control) Trump he is a pariah to the elite...and his father would be viewed as too idealistic and independent for the rigid orthodox statist socialists that still erroneously call themselves Dems...and RFK Jr. is going to have a hard time with that latter group too and he has no fit in the Cuck-run GOPe either...

IMO the math is super easy now...if the DeepState and their sundry puppets hate somebody...those are the people we need to pay attention to..
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on June 16, 2023, 08:45:10 AM


You sell out to Cucks and abandon the people of your state...

People know a sh*t sandwich when they see one...the Cucks have no cover anymore...they are TOTALLY exposed...

Time to wave buh-bye to the GOPE!

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on June 19, 2023, 03:47:35 PM

Atty Robert Barnes is on Duran. Long. He talks about the Trump cases. He starts at around 11 min. He focuses around 45 min. Complex issues.

Out of control Biden White House w/Robert Barnes (Live)
The Duran
358K subscriber
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on June 20, 2023, 01:08:28 PM
Caught a piece of that...

Did ya see RFK Jr. joined Rumble?


Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on June 22, 2023, 12:46:29 PM
The so-called "democrats" hate giving people a choice...they are in fact fascists...

And if rampant fraud and corruption aren't enough...and in light of massive evidence of fraud in AZ, GA, MI, WI et al...there has been ZERO pushback by Pubbies on FJB's dictate weaponizing the federal government on taxpayer dime to game the system more for the fascists (

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on June 23, 2023, 11:04:06 AM (

Bloated Cuckfascist is a nothing, a nobody along with a bunch of other nothings...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: ToddF on June 23, 2023, 12:25:40 PM
I'm just going to leave this here. (

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on June 24, 2023, 01:16:08 PM
The great white zero
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on June 29, 2023, 12:31:50 PM (


And, deal with the phantoms... (

We have to do this, we cannot count on anybody else, not the corrupt RNC...maybe not even state parties...get local...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on July 18, 2023, 09:19:36 AM
Yeah...poor Ron sold his soul to the UniParty Cucks...does the big shake up thing with handlers...still pulls this juvenile crap...

...and then expects people to buy the Brutus ploy...

...knife to deployed later...

No sane person is going to buy this BS.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on July 20, 2023, 02:51:16 PM


Judas Iscariot Pence

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on July 26, 2023, 10:01:15 AM

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on July 27, 2023, 08:30:23 AM


Unfortunately the corrupt electoral architecture is still in place...

 ::outrage::   ::cussing::   ::angry::

The no-hill-worth-dying-on GOP is killing the Republic through its willful negligence...

Their complicity will not be forgotten or forgiven...they appease and enbale demonazi's...they share their fate.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on July 31, 2023, 11:51:48 AM

Just one of the many stupid things still in place and awaiting exploitation in a repeat of 2020...(and 2022)...


Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on August 03, 2023, 08:29:04 AM
The UniParty dream  ::puke::  matchup...

Faux democracy...Demonazi's get their new puppet...RNC serves up a sacrificial stooge...elite get more wealth and power...people get less freedom and prosperity...and the subversion of America continues until America is no more...then the locusts move on to the next field...


Sundance has this strategy nailed.

Sadly, given electoral fraud and corruption has not been held to account in any sane way in our judicial system...highlighting more fraud and corruption in LEO outfits and the judicial branch..."voting" is largely symbolic now as the elites determine outcomes from here on out...

We let them flip our Founding Charter upside down...


It appears there is no unfracking this politically...with political opposition being largely banned and persecuted and replaced with faux opposition meant to divert and deceive...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on August 16, 2023, 07:50:47 AM


However, a lot of if's and but's between here and there...the least of which is Cuck treachery and collusion with demonazi scum....
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on August 17, 2023, 09:24:13 AM

Ron needs to find a way to gracefully eject and go back to Florida and rehabilitate his tarnished brand...repudiating the Cucks would be a good step...


And, no...Trump does not have to go to a BS debate and generate one cent for McDaniels and her Cuckfested RNC or Faux Newz!   ::vafancoul::

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: paulh on August 17, 2023, 09:39:41 AM (

Should follow this suggestion
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on August 17, 2023, 10:03:41 AM (

Should follow this suggestion

Oh, my...yes, at the very stroke when the rest of the herd begins their silly debate!   ::cool::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on August 17, 2023, 01:50:12 PM
PL's village idiot Scotty J just keeps reminding people he is a Quisling Cuck... (

Jackasses like this have a big share of the blame in killing common sense in America...

(,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/ (

Go ahead Scotty, reward enemies by agreeing to be a chump in the GOP establishment...serving up human sacrifices in one bogus election after another...keep your head up your ass all the way to the inevitable rail cars and death camps...

Just know we all will not be there for you when you need us most...we would rather die fighting for liberty than die on our knees whimpering and soiling our clothes...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on September 01, 2023, 09:05:24 AM ( (

Big surprise...


Well, like I said already...Ron ought to go back to Florida and rehab his reputation...

The Cuck money will pick the next utter failure...

Haley?   ::hysterical::

It really doesn't matter...

ETA - In totally not unexpected news... (

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on September 12, 2023, 01:44:23 PM

2024 is MAGA burning the ships behind us.  This one is for all the marbles. This is not a place where tepid half-measures and gentlemanly pastels will suffice.  Get right with God, put on the armor, absorb the focus of fighting like the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s ark, and get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Our ally is anyone who stands beside us, right now. Our enemy is anyone who doesn’t.

The new sons and daughters of the revolution are going to look completely different.  The Green Dragon Tavern may be a church, a lunchroom, a picnic table or a tailgate.  The assembly is not focused on the labels of the assembled; there’s no time for that.  The mission is the purpose… The fight is wherever it surfaces…. Delicate sensibilities must be dispatched like a feather in a hurricane.

A reckoning is needed!

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on September 12, 2023, 02:52:41 PM

I did not pay close attention. Apparently the DNC has put proposed strange rules to screw over RFK Jr.  He said he might have to win 80% of the vote to win the primaries?   

If anyone sets foot in IA or NH then  the votes for that candidate will not be tallied. If he sets foot in NH then none of his GA votes count? Rules not finalized yet. They may make him pay for the primaries.
 RFK Jr. Realized Primaries Are Rigged!
Dangerous Ideas with Lee Camp
46.7K subscribers
2,843 views  Sep 11, 2023  #rfkjr #democraticparty #riggedprimaries
Lee delves into the Democratic primary election process, drawing attention to a significant revelation by RFK Jr. #rfkjr

Here is the original interview.
 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Blasts DNC's 'Rigged Process,' Slams Biden In New Forbes Interview
Forbes Breaking News
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on September 13, 2023, 10:26:34 AM
100% correct... (

...the entire DemoNazi Party is in lock-step agreement to torpedo any chance RFK, Jr. has...he should go Third Party.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on September 14, 2023, 09:34:31 AM
About the above...


Oh, he knows it, Mike.

He just issued his communique about approaching the Rubicon...and he's already said he may need to take alternative measures...and he is addressing them in their own language I think very purposely...


IMO this really puts the DNC and in particular FJB in the vise...they do not want to yield to him but they really cannot afford to see him bolt Third Party style...

If I had to bet I'd wager they'd try to back-peddle a bit while still quietly gaming the system...which will eventually backfire...or they have to find a Plan B to replace FJB & HeelsUpHarris who can beat RFK, Jr somewhat straight up...

They have a lot of choices most of which are bad!   ::smallestviolin::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on September 14, 2023, 09:55:22 AM
The proposed DNC rules are hard to believe. I would love to see RFK Jr. run third party.
I recall that Biden admin refused to extend secret service protection to RFK Jr.,even though it is customary.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on September 14, 2023, 11:46:34 AM (

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on September 15, 2023, 09:26:50 AM

"The remedy is Kennedy."  ::thumbsup::
In short, the DNC wants SC to be first primary so Biden can win. NH said no way.DNC said we will finalize the punishing rules on Sep. 14. NH said go ahead. DNC said on Sep 14, Uh, Oct 14 is the new date.

BTW Lee Camp said he listened to the DNC in court say they can do whatever they want. Smoke filled room is legal. DNC can decide at last minute to select Newsom even if he did not run.
FK JR: “DNC Leaders Have Hijacked the Primary Process”
Kim Iversen

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on September 15, 2023, 09:34:58 AM
The Parties can indeed do whatever they want...which is THE problem.  When they exceed public tolerance it is the peoples turn to remind them who calls the final shots in a Republic.  Something I think RFK, Jr understands.  What I do not understand is the patience and tolerance of RFK,Jr.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on September 15, 2023, 12:15:22 PM

I'd like to see a Trump/RFK Jr ticket maybe third party w Trump promising to step down after 2 years. Make a real sh*t show.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on September 19, 2023, 12:40:23 PM
Not me, I'd rather see RFK,Jr go third party because he would suck a lot more from the Dems...assuming Trump doesn't get Cucked out of the GOP nomination...

See this? (

Just think how much fraud one can commit with a 100% registration roll!  It's what this totalitarian Gov is counting on...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on September 21, 2023, 12:16:32 PM
FWIW, a Third Rail idea... (
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: AlanS on September 21, 2023, 01:54:51 PM
Not me, I'd rather see RFK,Jr go third party because he would suck a lot more from the Dems...

I'm pretty sure they couldn't manufacture enough votes to win if that happened. ::hysterical::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on September 26, 2023, 08:36:40 AM
Total joke...

Eff them both!!!  (The two idiots and the two so-called Party's!!!)

 ::effu:: ::effu::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on September 26, 2023, 10:54:23 AM
Total joke...

Eff them both!!!  (The two idiots and the two so-called Party's!!!)

 ::effu:: ::effu::

How many will watch this snooze fest?  Trump or Tucker should do a live stream at the same time.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on September 27, 2023, 09:55:58 AM
Kicking DemoNazi and Cuck asses...

...and with this latest news coming out of the fascist dissolution of Trump business empire and more damning Biden Crime Family evidence I expect more material changes in the numbers...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on September 28, 2023, 10:43:14 AM

Whatever, Cuck of the Month, next month or two they'll bail for another loser...   ::mooning::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on September 28, 2023, 02:13:14 PM

BOOM!  That is a MOAB truth!

They are all incapable of fighting the DeepState...they are either in league with it or scared of it!

Also...the polls indicate Trump need not attend these feces-slinging primates MFM circuses...

And let us close with a humorous note...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: paulh on September 28, 2023, 02:33:43 PM
Three e-mails today so far. To Ronna's poll on who won the debate I told her "you left someone out you stupid beech", Ron's I just told him to go away and the third I don't know who he is.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on September 28, 2023, 03:30:18 PM

I honestly did not know the debate had happened. I thought it was further out.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on October 03, 2023, 11:57:33 AM
Limited scope and material margin of error in this internal poll...

...but it makes it appear Pat's idea is thinly marginal over mine...

...still, I have a hard time seeing it sustain let alone improve that direction...

...and I am dubious of FJB wanting to see RFK.Jr bolt the party as much as I am dubious FJB will actually be chosen to run again...

And this is all without the baggage RFK,Jr brings...right now he is scoring points among a variety of people on just a couple issues...on a host of other issues he is in fact still quite IMO once that comes out I think support from the right will fade and this giddiness over this point in time poll will fade quickly...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on October 09, 2023, 11:55:09 AM
RFK,Jr just announced an independent run for POTUS.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on October 11, 2023, 09:46:37 AM (

Nice family, lol!

Anyway, part of me (must be that skeptical part again!) sees where he could be a useful tool for the DeepState...and from the context of seeing somebody-else than FJB is likely it makes sense to muddle things up from their point of view...

Plus, why would RFK,Jr be so ruffled by his past left-wing positions on other issues (conservatives and libertarians find his anti-vax & anti-censorship positions attractive...but...) like with his support of climate cult crap and sundry liberal social positions that are in lock-step with rank-and-file leftists?

What should be happening is a campaign to promote his leftist positions as one would tout them as a democrat candidate.  He shouldn't be attacked for them, he should be praised for them...and downplay his anti-vax/anti-censorship stances as out of step and unimportant in democrat voter minds.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on October 12, 2023, 12:46:30 PM
Never Back Down... (

...unless your candidate cannot get up off the floor...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on October 15, 2023, 08:51:20 PM
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: paulh on October 16, 2023, 05:24:51 AM
Have to be a member to view---ain't joining
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on October 16, 2023, 08:58:25 AM
Yeah, I pass on that too...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on October 16, 2023, 02:17:44 PM

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on October 16, 2023, 03:57:01 PM
Have to be a member to view---ain't joining

I think I linked to a comment to a post not a post. Hmmmm.
It was a Ukr war meme. Bugs vs Daffy. Ukraine season vs Israel season. Maybe a gif.
I cannot find it elsewhere.
I think you just need the telegram ap not an account to view most stuff. Reddit and twitter can be very censored so I found Telegram. There were of social media posts on there from civilians and military alike for all sides.

Any pro RU stuff is banned on most of reddit. There is one sub that allows it but it is  mostly war porn, war videos. Even there are attempts to cancel the sub. There is a reddit sub for almost anything. I started over a health issue sub. (
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on October 16, 2023, 06:02:22 PM
Hard to know where any stuff comes from...

Hardly being covered by non-partisan reporting...neither side wants that crap for the same or different reasons on a case by case basis...

All want the fog of war to stay foggy till the contest is decided one way or another...then the victor can write all the history extoling their virtuous and glorious triumph over their wicked foe...

Same ol' same ol'...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on October 16, 2023, 08:28:30 PM

Does this link work? Bugs vs Daffy.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: benb61 on October 17, 2023, 09:58:58 AM

Does this link work? Bugs vs Daffy.

Yes, thanks.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on October 19, 2023, 09:13:36 AM
The only way FJB can survive seems to be through a RFK,Jr independent run...if this Marist poll is anywhere near accurate...

And I guess what stinks for me is he isn't running as a centrist but a everything for everybody snake-oil populist...and I guess the kicker sealing his willingness to conspire with his so-called former party is his new CIA-linked daughter-inn-law as his campaign would think a Kennedy would shun associations with that institution relative or, seems to seal the DeepState tool status convincingly.

And I don't know who being a climate cultist organic energy hater and reparations pimp draws more votes from Trump than FJB...makes zero sense...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on October 23, 2023, 08:58:49 AM
Now this is how I thought things would trend with independent runs...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on October 27, 2023, 09:18:07 AM
Next loser-rama... (

Mmm, no...that's a hard pass on that noise.  Pretty sure policing the yard for canine scat is a better use of time...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on October 27, 2023, 11:09:02 AM

Relax, probably just another undocumented democrat, there's millions of them and God knows what else pouring in through the porous Obama/Biden border...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 07, 2023, 03:35:06 PM
It appears Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds bought the shoe something... (

...or maybe the Establishment donors made her an offer she cannot refuse...

Whatever.  Likely to be deemed an immaterial act without any impact on the end result...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 07, 2023, 03:48:56 PM
2020...2021...2022...2023... (

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 08, 2023, 08:32:56 AM
Trump's guy in Mississippi won easily and had coattail effect down ticket...

What happened to Cuck McConnell's hand-picked guy in KY?  Lost.  What happened to Youngkin's #NeverTrumpers in VA?  Lost big.

What did Cuck McDaniels' RNC do for Ohio or anywhere?  Zip, zero...nada.


And the first losers are still light years behind Trump in the electorate...

The lessons are obvious, for victory and defeat.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 08, 2023, 11:26:55 AM
AINO/RINO/Cucks do not fight, that's how this keeps on happening... ( (

...allow cheating, capitulate to leftists, follow the UniParty, lie about being conservatives, back-stab us...

...all it is doing is ensuring America's final reckoning is an unpeaceful one...

...and the suicidal cucks will deny their culpability even as they are reduced to political irrelevance...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 08, 2023, 11:56:58 AM (

Ouch.  Another hit for Shoe-lifts...

Another score for the ass-kicker...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 09, 2023, 01:45:42 PM
Somewhat surprising given its Minnesota... (
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 10, 2023, 12:22:05 PM
More SSDD... ( ( (

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 13, 2023, 08:51:35 AM
Not to mention - Still allowing mail-in voting, electronic systems like Smartmatic, Dominion & drop boxes?

RNC et al has done NOTHING to stop the fraud...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 15, 2023, 09:28:05 AM

All dark money, all PACs, all of it must go one way or another...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 16, 2023, 09:27:30 AM
Hey?  Looks who isn't getting rounded up for insurrection and put in gulag...

...just like the left's Summer Of Hate...

...and the conspirators are still conspiring...

...and they/them are maneuvering puppet FJB aside and he acts like he is still running...

...the DNC convention in Chicago next year should be a hoot...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 17, 2023, 08:39:32 AM
Probably not enough to impact 2024 in any meaningful way...


...the infrastructure allowing the totalitarians to commit fraud is too endemic...and the Cucks are happy to do nothing...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on November 17, 2023, 03:03:51 PM

I saw RFK Jr saying why he ran independent. The DNC was changing the rules. Someone said that the DNC argued in a court that they were a private organization who could do whatever they want including making a choice in a smoke filled room.


Then I saw a video reporting on some past Iran election where the Mullah's not allowing some candidate to run for president was controversial because he was really OK. I thought, which is worse? How can the US criticize the Iran system? At least they believe in a God. IMO the wrong God but still.

I read a couple military history books on how the French conquered the Sahara and some other region in Africa. It said that the new sultan was selected based on bloodline, military prowess, and piety. It helped to be a little crazy as this meant you were closer to God.

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 20, 2023, 08:52:02 AM
Really looking forward to Chitcago '24 DemoNazi Convention... (
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on November 20, 2023, 11:22:05 AM
Really looking forward to Chitcago '24 DemoNazi Convention... (

1968 all over again, but no Mayor Daley. I recall he gave instructions to shoot to maim looters and shoot to kill arsonists.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 20, 2023, 11:41:54 AM
Really looking forward to Chitcago '24 DemoNazi Convention... (

1968 all over again, but no Mayor Daley. I recall he gave instructions to shoot to maim looters and shoot to kill arsonists.

He was there in spirit on J6, sure a demonic spirit but people got shot, stomped, gases, stunned, rubber-bulleted, stampeded, hunted down and railroaded into gulag...

In 2024 will these tribal lunatics they fed be   ::popcorn::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: ToddF on November 20, 2023, 01:14:50 PM
Let's Go Brandon!  Give a big Chicago welcome to the devolved savages that make up the Democrat voting base.   ::stirpot::

Remember all you little Nazis out there.  No cash bail, so have the party of your lives. 
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on November 20, 2023, 02:46:32 PM
Really looking forward to Chitcago '24 DemoNazi Convention... (

1968 all over again, but no Mayor Daley. I recall he gave instructions to shoot to maim looters and shoot to kill arsonists.

He was there in spirit on J6, sure a demonic spirit but people got shot, stomped, gases, stunned, rubber-bulleted, stampeded, hunted down and railroaded into gulag...

In 2024 will these tribal lunatics they fed be   ::popcorn::
There were no looters or arsonists on j6. Just one protester who got shot in the face.
Mayor Daley rules are fine with me.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 21, 2023, 09:48:34 AM


Even Argentina is more ethical than America!!!

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: ToddF on November 21, 2023, 01:27:22 PM
I'm going to guess there weren't a lot of mail in "ballots," either. 
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 22, 2023, 08:25:57 AM (

Leftists must be having grand mal seizures over this...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 27, 2023, 09:21:35 AM
RINO/AINO/Cuck money bails on DeSantis for Nimrata...

...and I say let them waste their money on yet another DOA Uni-Party puppet...

...and this idiot apparently didn't get the same memo...

...goes for yet another complete failure!

Chip may be the most schizophrenic clown in the circus.

Idiots and their bundlers just don't get it and have no chance...

The only opposition they can muster has to be bought...


People have had enough of UniParty BS.

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 27, 2023, 12:50:36 PM (

The stupid continues...   ::unknowncomic::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 28, 2023, 12:22:02 PM
Wow, impossible to audit touch-screen voting machines? (

The perfect deem and pass system for the perpetually corrupt...

That dumbocracy!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on November 30, 2023, 09:31:58 AM
Another Demonazi panic button hit...

...if Jamie "Bail out" Dimon is sh*tting his pants...puppets and bundlers have to be loading up theirs too...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on December 04, 2023, 09:57:00 AM

Sundance seems a bit too optimistic to me...I can see things going way worse...the totalitarians and their puppets in the UniParty will be all-in on a host of tyrannical antics...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on December 05, 2023, 09:10:34 AM
The answer to the question "Do they want a Civil War?" -

If Victoria Nuland's husband Robert Kagan is accurately messaging CIA musings about JFK-ing President Trump then the desperation to retain the corrupt unaccountable un-American DeepState control of the federal government has reached peak insanity.  Looks like the CIA went full-on Dan Goldman.

I mean read how hard this loon is screeching to justify the most unthinkable thing possible - Drop WaPo link into -

The ends justify the means (Lenin's "greater good" BS) lunatics always need to be closely monitored...they are tone-deaf to their own anti-American totalitarianism.

Stealing another election, assassinating Trump and making him a martyr...these are actions certain to shorten the lifespan of the DeepState...and make no mistake the lifespan of the DeepState is finite, totalitarians never ever last long...but stupid crap like repeating the sins of the past will jump-start their demise...but I am not entirely convinced they/them are able to avoid it...

ETA - A companion article -

Far be it from the demonically-possessed DemoNazis and Cucks to refrain from weaponizing government to target one movement and its standard-bearer with unsubstanitated, fraudulent corrupt schemes to deny people their desired choice of leader...IMO their bleating fears over retribution are falling on deaf ears...and any would-be martyr-makers best realize the cold hard fact that their actions place them on the wrong side of The People, Righteousness and Heaven.

No mercy, no surrender, no quarter.

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on December 05, 2023, 12:41:17 PM
Wow, what a despicable low-life witch... (

...what she desperately needs to consider is an exorcism!!!

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on December 06, 2023, 09:01:08 AM
Trump campaign & allies respond to the WaPo/CIA screed by Nuland's bitch -

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said in response on X, "They're obviously green-lighting assassination."
"All of these articles calling Trump a dictator are about one thing: legitimizing illegal and violent conduct as we get closer to the election," wrote Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) on X. "Everyone needs to take a chill pill."

"It’s August 2016 all over again. Skyrocketing cost of health care has millions worried. President Trump’s Dem. opponent off the campaign trail & hiding from the press," wrote senior Trump adviser Jason Miller on X, adding "Dems & their media allies have given up on debating issues & have shifted to name-calling & rhetorical fearmongering."

Trump campaign responds

"This is nothing more than another version of the media’s failed and false Russia collusion hoax," said Trump spox Steven Cheung, referring to The Atlantic's project to devote their January/February issue to analyzing what a second Trump term would mean for immigration, civil rights, the Justice Department, climate and more.

Other Trump allies similarly chimed in, with Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) saying that the Atlantic is using "the same hysterical scare tactics from 2016 & 2020 to attack Trump," while Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-TX) said in response to WaPo that the left has gone into "FULL PANIC Mode," and said that instead - a second Trump term would mean "the end of dictators in America, NOT the beginning." (

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on December 06, 2023, 12:38:56 PM
Words of wisdom worth remembering... (

And as to this... (

...yes, but they are going to begin the antics as soon as the Trump juggernaut rolls, prepare now, yes, and be prepared for early episodes of their lawless crap.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on December 07, 2023, 09:18:57 AM
FWIW...which I am uncertain it is much at this point... (
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on December 08, 2023, 08:17:30 AM (

Yeah, wouldn't that be a hoot!  Drive Cucks, DemoNazis & DeepStaters batshyt-crazy.   :D

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on December 12, 2023, 01:15:22 PM

Either Americans have a choice, or they don't.

Liberty or Tyranny, that simple.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on December 15, 2023, 09:53:38 AM
This is good...and I agree with it 100% -

Engage in living your best life.  If they put a roadblock in front of you, walk around it.  Go live.

It's that original American patriotic independence, our God-given Rights, love of family and Faith in God that prevents them from controlling us.


And a companion emphasize the existential need to refuse to be the slave of despots...

...we are free people with inalienable rights from God!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on December 15, 2023, 01:10:39 PM

No, noo, nooo, NOOOO chicks with dicks!!!!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on December 18, 2023, 03:07:26 PM
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 01, 2024, 06:03:07 PM
Saw this a while back...interesting speculation...

I am not opposed to Carson at all, just not sure electorally if it is a plus or not, think it i but I really don't know...the top of the ticket matters more...not that the bottom matters less, it's just the latter matters more as an Ben "the one"?

As for the rest...I understand the lure of RFK,Jr but as CIA head?  Seems a bit risky and not sure how well he would be able to dismantle the politicized rot there...

In here Sundance hedges his bet with Patel and Deputy....

And I would rather see Ron Paul at Fed, that could be epic.  The rest is fine.

Oh, and WH spokesperson I nominate this golden-tongued fella -


And I like this....ben pushing for something like it myself for over 40 years...


And get rid of all this scat...


And as evidenced by this...


...designating the so-called democrat party an insurrectionist hate group may be legitiamtely warrented.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: paulh on January 02, 2024, 06:41:16 AM
Not Ben, too soft spoken. Need some fire in the belly ::rockets::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 03, 2024, 12:04:49 PM
Tired of this BS... (

...need to start turning the tables and all these demonazis...

And, isn't this going to be a fun discussion? (

...somebody(s) should file suit and red state Sec St's not owned by Soros or the corrupt RNC should remove her from ballots.

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 04, 2024, 08:47:07 AM
This is spot on!

ETA - WEF globalist minion...past BS catching up with her...

So so wrong...the waves pouring in are 90% military age men from all over the damn globe...they don't GAFF about America, they aim to occupy it...they are worse than criminals, they are invaders!

And this illegitimate candidate knows it!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 08, 2024, 08:21:41 AM
Consider the Demonazi/DeepState panic button being punched...


Obama and Clyburn are worried about Trump’s appeal to black voters.  Specifically, if the BLM/AME network will activate as strongly in 2024 – given the potential for scrutiny as the AME precinct group in Philly, Fulton, Racine, Clark, Wayne and Pittsburgh counties might be nervous about doing the ballot scheme again.

That’s it.

That’s the fear.

[ps. My guess is the BLM ’24 trigger event will be activated by the FBI on/around April 19th.]

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 09, 2024, 08:24:18 AM
AME scum...

They should be undergoing a RICO prosecution and have their tax exempt status removed!

And the DNC is just a straight-up criminal enterprise...

...but so is Ronna's RNC...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 09, 2024, 12:11:10 PM (

We have only just begun to scare the likes of Big Mike...

Their national socialist tyranny is about to end!!!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 15, 2024, 08:57:42 AM
Point out of heckle these un-American scumbags! (
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 18, 2024, 10:30:17 AM
Looks like some shot callers are starting to plan for the return of a legitimate POTUS... his core he is a "the business of America is business" kind of guy and he is being totally pragmatic with respect to his business, its survival and health and his clients...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 19, 2024, 10:50:46 AM
No, no, Hell NO! (

Tired of Obama's...

Tired of America-hating trash...

Tired of racists stoking anti-white/anti-Christian hate...

Tired of totalitarians targeting political opponents and weaponizing DeepState asshats...

Totally tired of tranny's!!!

 ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking:: ::asskicking::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 24, 2024, 09:28:53 AM
Been resistant to talk about this for reasons that will be obvious, but with Trump rolling and Cucks dropping out and being down to one sapper left to dispatch from the GOP race...and with Dems like Phillips and others openly chastising the demonazis for being delusional about FJB and his prospects given the ineptitude in a dangerous world, the cratering economy and several tens of millions struggling day to day...the endless ooze of sleaze and corruption et al...the time is now for at least people in our camp to start muting the FJB will be replaced talk...not because it isn't going to happen, but because I believe the chatter in the demonazi camp is increasing...I believe they mean to get FJB to get Harris to resign in return for something like a appellate court gig...backfill with whatever dreck they deem muppet-worthy...then either get FJB to resign for health reasons or whatever or get 25th'd out by his muppet a pivot on our team will have to happen...and why not get in front of it all?
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 25, 2024, 09:00:15 AM (

Garvey doesn't back down...which you cannot do against any demonrat but especially a malignant POS like Schiffhead!

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 25, 2024, 09:34:46 AM
I like Charles Payne, Air Force Vet, host of the Making Money segment on Fox Business Channel (the only Fox channel worth a damn) and a solid stand up common sense guy -

All Biden and demonrats have is hatred...and it ALL began and continues under the Obama's...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 25, 2024, 10:56:21 AM
Satan's Chief Emissary in the United States hits the panic button... (

Go back to Big Mike and cry in his lap...   ::vafancoul::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 26, 2024, 09:01:23 AM
A small in-case-of-emergency-break-glass item... (

...regarding a small disturbed mind...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 29, 2024, 01:05:24 PM (

This is actually pretty simple, The Founders would declare such foreign meddlers as enemy combatants conducting espionage in out land and treated accordingly..citizens aligning with them are traitors to be prosecuted accordingly.

Here is a nice compilation of known facts... ( is telling to note that 1) America is not a democracy but a Representative Republic and the central idea in a Republic is Liberty and limiting central authority to trample said Liberty that in our case originates from God and is inalienable and also in out case is woven into the Federal system of the Constitution that grant sovereignty to our states to further buttress Liberty of citizens and balance the Federal system with the Congress and Courts and 2) how is it demonazis can utter phrases like this - “the law is... almost helpless against a president who’s willing to ignore it.” as an illegitimate condemnation of a political opponent in the face of their leader purposely ignoring the LAW with respect to securing our addition to saying that without being hit by lightning or having their pants burst into flames?  They are dead wrong in the former having been proven guilty of what they charge, but then again they are guilty of everything they've tried to persecute Trump for having not done...and as for the is what it is, which is disappointing.  However, it is up to We the People to be the lightning and the fire, we hold them accountable, not the other way around!  And if any of their actions results in creating a martyr or igniting a civil war, let it be known it is their actions that do it.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on January 31, 2024, 09:05:26 AM

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 01, 2024, 09:15:32 AM
Perhaps the demonazi top of the ticket games have begun...?

But what this guy says could be a mix of truth and

If they are serious about replacing these disasters it will be both...first Veep then POTUS...and whoever is the new Veep will be who they want for POTUS...

Sticking with either is insane...but they ran from a bunker and cheated like demons before, so...

And, a related humor break...


Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: ToddF on February 01, 2024, 01:18:24 PM
I didn't have 'James O'Keefe as a honey in a honeypot scheme' on my 2024 bingo card.   ::hysterical::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 01, 2024, 02:53:24 PM
You would have cleaned up, dude...   ::rolllaughing::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 05, 2024, 09:46:23 AM
Regardless if HIs Fraudulency actually runs again...nefarious outfits like this will be doing nefarious things! (
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 06, 2024, 08:27:32 AM
Monumental? (

Even is rolls are cleaned up, the demonazis will pump them up again and you are left trying to obtain records from obstructionist officials after the fact!   ::outrage::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 07, 2024, 11:49:16 AM

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: ToddF on February 07, 2024, 12:20:39 PM
Now run it on TV.   ::bashing::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on February 07, 2024, 11:29:45 PM
Nikki Haley is trounced by the ‘none of these candidates’ option in Nevada’s Republican primary
Nikki 31 pct
None of these 63 pct
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 09, 2024, 04:36:44 PM

Not gonna happen unless Heels-Up Harris is moved aside...

And as for this stuff (insert whatever stupid name)...

...would be scrapping the primaries and the people running in them...which I know demonazis don't care about...and coronate next puppet at their Chitcago convention...which could add the the 1968-like festivities coming anyway...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 12, 2024, 08:40:59 AM (

Short of accidents to these illegal ballot harvesting bins...

The level of fraud this go around is going to be double 2020...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 12, 2024, 11:14:14 AM
Looking more and more likely that FJB is going to be moved aside...DOJ wing of the DeepState has their propagandist calling for it... (
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on February 12, 2024, 12:20:07 PM

Yeah. DOJ says Biden too senile to prosecute for violating secret docs case.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 12, 2024, 03:45:08 PM

Yeah. DOJ says Biden too senile to prosecute for violating secret docs case.

But fit to serve as POTUS...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 14, 2024, 10:06:45 AM (

Should be armies of observers & lawyers reviewing voter lists and votes...but doubt the McDaniel cuck-filled bankrupt RNC will do it...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 14, 2024, 10:08:11 AM
Run from Trump...get your ass handed to you... (
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: ToddF on February 14, 2024, 10:51:38 AM
Looks like New York just voted for more "refugees."
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 15, 2024, 01:12:30 PM
Soros buying up a radio network, no doubt to make it easier to push demonazi propaganda... (

Fortunately, few are new/talk format, mostly music...but doesn't exclude format changes post acquisition...

Interestingly, in Minnesota WCCO is one of those new/talk stations...but they are already leftist and only the brain-dead listen anyway...,_Inc. (,_Inc.)

On a side note, I hear Hillary's former handler Huma is going out with the demonic spawn of George...nothing like a match made in Hell...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: paulh on February 15, 2024, 01:23:01 PM
The station I stream 12-3 since Rush in gone-1210 WPHT from philly is on there
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 16, 2024, 09:04:52 AM
The station I stream 12-3 since Rush in gone-1210 WPHT from philly is on there

Might be finding a new station to stream soon...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 16, 2024, 09:16:22 AM
I've been migrating toward a convention route for the demonazi conundrum...the daily piling of corruption, incompetence, failure, cognitive collapse and continued rogue weaponized statism, the crumbling economy, the spiraling spending compounding fiscal doom, resurging high inflation and oh the open border madness on the one hand and the optics of canning a sitting Veep and installing an heir apparent prior to getting a sitting POTUS to resign or be 25th'd being excpeptionally problematic on the other means something has to happen and the convention route seems the most likely.

But this I've always thought to far a longshot to take seriously...primarily for Obama fatigue, race-card fatigue, zero experience and totally dangerous...and well the obvious... (

Then I read this line...

“Pure lunacy!” said Karl Rove speaking to host Stuart Varney on Fox about the possibility of a Michelle Obama candidacy. “People would say, ‘You know what, that’s Barack Obama going for a third term.’ They wouldn’t go for it.”

Normally I would agree...but it would be a fourth term for The Kenyan you idiot, not a third!  The third is happening now (no thanks to you and your fellow #NeverTrumpers & fraud deniers!) through his surrogates planted throughout this corrupt rogue regime...the fourth would be easier with The Kenyan inside the White House as First Whatever!

If The Butthead thinks it is unthinkable then I have to change my opinion on the odds...   ::unknowncomic::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 19, 2024, 08:34:17 AM
On volatility in the markets, Armstrong predicts, “Look for volatility to start around July, and there may be some false flags too.”

Armstrong continues to say Trump is still looking like he can “win in a landslide in 2024,” but expect the Deep State to pull every dirty trick in the book to keep him out of office.  Armstrong points out,

“If Trump gets back in power, they are all fired. . . . They know they are losing power.  Instead of reforming and doing the right thing, they clamp down and they think they can retain power by pressing us even more.  Sorry, but that’s what creates revolution.”

In closing, Armstrong says, “Pretty much everything is going wrong for the Deep State. . . . confidence in government has collapsed everywhere.”

This is what makes the Deep State Dems, RINOs and Neocons very dangerous. (

All of They/Them think they will be not be called to account for their crimes against humanity and their vile sins.   The will be proven incorrect on the latter by God...and by the oppressed and persecuted people for the former.

Deus Vult
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 21, 2024, 11:45:15 AM (


Can't be very hard to do better than Tammy flippin Baldwin!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 22, 2024, 03:53:49 PM
The Executive Director of FFO - ( - just caught Un-American Cuck-extreme Liz "Psycho" Cheney using word for word the CIA playbook that goes back a long, long way... (

The level of filthy low-life criminal scum shenanigans these insufferable little despots with little "d's" and "r's" after their nefarious names is going to be off the charts!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 28, 2024, 08:19:53 AM
The demonazis have to be experiencing greater panic now...

There is over $101k "undecided" votes in MI for FJB as a result of the extreme far-left rabid pro-fake-nation protest calls...enough to show that even a state like MI can swing to Trump if they stay home or vote 3rd party in the general...

All I have to say is - keep up the campaign against the terrorists Israel!

Oops, forgot to check CTH before posting...shame on me!

Hopefully the Chitcago Convention is a total sh1!tshow and their picks is equally disasterous!   ::whoohoo::

Any of their potentials all have so much baggage and handicaps it is almost unfair to throw them in for what is in essence a two month push...IMO the Obamians have to float a preference before hand to promote to the general public to prime that, the real games should begin shortly...certainly no later than going into Memorial Day...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on February 28, 2024, 06:38:25 PM

Now I understand the MI Dem vote. There was a movement to vote for "uncommitted" by 10,000, the Dem margin of victory last time. They got 100,000.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 29, 2024, 08:00:41 AM
Yeah, Muzzies all butthurt over fake-nation plight (which is totally their own fault for allowing themselves to be ruled by Hamas terrorists)...

Go Israel!   :D

And I hear some C(r)ook County judge is unilaterally taking Trump off ballots...showing the rabid extreme-leftists are hammering the panic-button constantly now...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on February 29, 2024, 09:25:40 AM

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on February 29, 2024, 02:55:37 PM

I have youtube on a lot in background via roku.
Recently there have been countless political ads rather than commercial ads.
I never let them finish. REecently Trump said US should not defend NATO members who are not paid up then says he would tell Putin to go ahead.

Trump has a big mouth. Gee, I did not know that?
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 01, 2024, 08:34:38 AM

I have youtube on a lot in background via roku.
Recently there have been countless political ads rather than commercial ads.
I never let them finish. REecently Trump said US should not defend NATO members who are not paid up then says he would tell Putin to go ahead.

Trump has a big mouth. Gee, I did not know that?

You have to see it in its entirety, not read quotes and ranting by Nimrata & the demonazis and other Cucks and the co*suck!ng fascist media...

This should not be a newsflash - Trump is irreverent, snarky and blunt...making fun of fools and yes, deadbeats, is how he warns MFers to stop the behavior that is injurious to say defaulting on your defense spending commitment but expecting the wealthy abused spouse to come to your aid anyway when the big bad bear kicks your door in...

I feel the same, not you?  It highlights the absolute and total joke NATO is.  It was created to keep the totalitarian Soviet state in its own territory, period!  It should have been dissolved once the Soviet Union fell and the nukes were all accounted for, and Europe should have to stand on its own for frackin once! 

THAT is what Trump was saying in his own irreverent, snarky and blunt style.  And I agree.  Don't want the bear devouring you?  Protect your damned self!!!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 01, 2024, 11:48:44 AM

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on March 01, 2024, 02:33:14 PM

I have youtube on a lot in background via roku.
Recently there have been countless political ads rather than commercial ads.
I never let them finish. REecently Trump said US should not defend NATO members who are not paid up then says he would tell Putin to go ahead.

Trump has a big mouth. Gee, I did not know that?

You have to see it in its entirety, not read quotes and ranting by Nimrata & the demonazis and other Cucks and the co*suck!ng fascist media...

This should not be a newsflash - Trump is irreverent, snarky and blunt...making fun of fools and yes, deadbeats, is how he warns MFers to stop the behavior that is injurious to say defaulting on your defense spending commitment but expecting the wealthy abused spouse to come to your aid anyway when the big bad bear kicks your door in...

I feel the same, not you?  It highlights the absolute and total joke NATO is.  It was created to keep the totalitarian Soviet state in its own territory, period!  It should have been dissolved once the Soviet Union fell and the nukes were all accounted for, and Europe should have to stand on its own for frackin once! 

THAT is what Trump was saying in his own irreverent, snarky and blunt style.  And I agree.  Don't want the bear devouring you?  Protect your damned self!!!

I agree. I find the ad irritating as it is more like a clip from a newscast, which it is. They keep shoving this news clip into my YT feed with words like "shocking" and "backlash."

Long ago I remember when NATO expanded east. My reaction was it was US aggression and would be seen as such by Russia. Then I sometimes heard about alleged military incompetence in European countries.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on March 02, 2024, 10:53:14 AM
I finally listened to the entire YT video. It is 100 pct video from some newscast ranting about Trump saying US should not defend NATO countries behind in their dues and invite Russia to attack them. There is no part at the end begging for money or votes for someone else. Someone must be paying YT ad rates to rerun this news video.

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 04, 2024, 08:07:19 AM
Follow the money...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 06, 2024, 09:14:16 AM
It’s all going to play out the way it is going to play out, and my dearest friends… this is going to be the biggest, ugliest, most consequential and potentially transformative inflection point in modern USA politics.

Trust your instincts; I mean really trust them.  Trust that sense of foreboding you feel, and steel your nerves for some of the most dangerous times ahead.

She knows what is coming.  Senator Sinema may not know the details and/or the specifics, but she knows the scale of conflict that is going to happen, and she’s not internally prepared to participate in it.  It’s not about the current polarization from a left -vs- right conflict; the traditional issues are not akin to debate.

This is full combat bloodletting that is coming into focus, and it is going to be exceptionally ugly.  The stakes are extreme, and we will walk through them in advance. The U.S intelligence apparatus is going to participate on behalf of the worst elements in government.  As if they have not completely dropped pretense already, and on behalf of the administrative state that provides their authority, the powerful institutions of our nation are going to forcefully align in combat against We The People.

Arizona will be one of the “all or nothing” states this year – filled with extreme anger.  Not accidentally clad in purple hues, Senator Sinema is tapping out in advance.

Ugly probably doesn't begin to describe it, which is why Trump has to be the standard-bearer and others have to fall in line or else reap the bitter harvest.

Speaking of ugly, I hear Biden lost America Samoa?   ::hysterical::

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 06, 2024, 12:25:48 PM
Some good news in Texas... (

Successful RINO hunt!   :D

Meanwhile, in MFM swamps... (

These creatures are vile Evil filth...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 07, 2024, 12:08:29 PM


Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 11, 2024, 04:30:28 PM (

Ahem! ( (

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on March 11, 2024, 05:08:26 PM

The Musk tweet means lots of people now know that about the census. I recall it has never been litigated.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 12, 2024, 08:15:19 AM
Well, somebody needs to get off their ass and do something about it.

Meanwhile, in Gruesome Newsom's California shady crap keeps on rollin'... (
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 18, 2024, 10:21:53 AM
It's always hilarious when demonazis get butthurt over the truth and start foaming at the mouth and spinning ridiculous misstatements...

Having previously written about the issue of three major Chinese EV makers putting massive investment into production facilities, the remarks by President Trump in Ohio warning of a “bloodbath” in the auto industry are exactly accurate. {Background Context Here}

According to media, last December the three Chinese auto manufacturers, MG, BYD, and Chery, announced they were going to spend billions building new EV manufacturing plants in Mexico.  Each Chinese auto manufacturer was going to spend between $1.5 to $2.0 billion. The Chinese don’t make that much of an investment in something unless they are sure the U.S. government is going to force the EV market to exist.  These manufacturing plants would crush the U.S EV market.

Drawing attention to the issue, President Trump said he can stop the pending crisis. However, if he did not win the election the American auto industry would end up with a “bloodbath” of closed plants, lost jobs and diminished labor union workforce. Trump is not wrong. (

( (

100% tariff   ::whoohoo::

POS Scarborough runs and hides after attempting a drive-by lie... (


Meanwhile, for your entertainment...some truth from the "community" that demonazis keep in their place on their plantation... (

There's probably a reason why Trump is crushing the independents...

( (

Meanwhile, Cucks are distraught... (



If opponents want to participate in the Trump Tsunami...they have to wake the eff up first. 

And, last but not least...JDG speaks - (

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on March 18, 2024, 09:26:09 PM
🇺🇸 This is how St. Patrick’s Day Parade was held in Wisconsin. Joe Biden is welcomed by local citizens.

Did you know that he’s Irish?
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 22, 2024, 09:13:18 AM

Well, help make it so by ensuring actions at your precinct aren't corrupt.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 22, 2024, 11:43:41 AM

If folks are unconcerned and do nothing... (

Same as telling people it is OK to do, right?
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 25, 2024, 01:20:38 PM
Ridiculous yet completely revealing...the POS that did more to destroy the country bemoaning the danger to the Constitution posed by people who are not destroying the country on behalf of those who are destroying the country...

Liz Cheney: “T believe that we’re in a situation where the future of the democracy depends upon making sure the Republicans are not in the majority in the House and in the Senate in 2025. I say that as somebody who has significant disagreements with policies of many of my Democratic colleagues… We can’t survive leaders who are going to torch the Constitution.” (

Psychotic America-hating witch who couldn't get elected roadside sh*t-collector should be deported to North Korea!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 27, 2024, 10:37:48 AM
Well, looks like RFK,Jr. is throwing away independent votes for loony-tune radical progressives by picking a Veep with a Golddigger past and connections to Soros and supporting a wide range of hard-left losers...

...on the plus side they should cut more into FJB support and leave independents to be wooed by Trump.

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on March 27, 2024, 11:37:04 AM

Those Irish stick together.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 28, 2024, 09:36:24 AM
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 28, 2024, 09:38:06 AM

Those Irish stick together.

Reminds me of Blazing Saddles...   ::laughonfloor::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 29, 2024, 09:19:19 AM
FJB joins Slick Willie and The Kenyan to suck money out of the rich and shameless...

...Trump donates to T2T who then turns around and T2T pays off the Diller mortgage.

Contrast could not be starker!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on March 29, 2024, 11:45:23 AM
Wow. (

Let's see how this strategy works. 
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 03, 2024, 12:09:55 PM
Election Day, November 5th, will be the most important day in the History of our Country,” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “It will also be Christian Visibility Day, the biggest turnout of Christians in the history of our Country!” (


Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 05, 2024, 12:38:26 PM
He's right on a few things... (

...batshyt-crazy as any demonazi with the rest.  Look forward to him sucking votes aways from Biden, Newsom...whoever the frack...

As for this sh*t... (

...eff 'em!  Employing the Biden Precedent means ignoring courts and mere regulations can KMA! 

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 08, 2024, 08:35:35 AM (

Seems he is more PO'd than Bernie was about being shoved aside...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 10, 2024, 01:26:50 PM
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 11, 2024, 01:06:49 PM

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 16, 2024, 09:21:01 AM

Uhh huh...sure, I bet the RNC has a plan for this...and mail-in ballots...and kicking observers out and blocking out windows...etc etc..

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 23, 2024, 08:27:30 AM (

Meh, minor win.  For ever one of those there is throat-punch and a hard kick in the groin...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 23, 2024, 01:45:08 PM (

Well, duh...of course they'll have illegals cast illegal ballots...and nobody is doing jack sh*t about it...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 24, 2024, 08:01:04 AM
A momentary lapse of subconscious truth slipping out in between pep-shots and stale scripts and the fog of dementia...

Awesome, just awesome!

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 24, 2024, 01:16:55 PM
Low-life douchebag Reid Hoffmann (co-founder of LinkedIn) throwing money Clear Choice PAC to thwart RFK, Jr campaign as well as any other independent third-party candidates that pop up...

...but mostly RFK,Jr as he poses a larger threat.  They drove him out of the Dem party and now they want to keep driving him out.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 25, 2024, 12:34:48 PM

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 26, 2024, 12:26:35 PM
Violating the Constitution is one sure way to start a civil war...

...these people are insane and need to be stopped.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on April 29, 2024, 01:35:12 PM (

I still say 38.7% seems too high.

But, crap like this is just one reason how a stupendous jello-headed piece of corrupt slime can overcome the will of the people... (*t is as sh*t does...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on May 04, 2024, 05:12:04 PM
Google is censoring this pro-Trump ad to protect Biden.?
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 06, 2024, 08:39:00 AM
Why the question mark? 

BigBroTech censors everything, algos direct all traffic to They/Them's a de facto agent of the DeepState and this corrupt Gestapo DOJ...all of this is known...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 10, 2024, 08:38:28 AM (

He isn't wrong.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 10, 2024, 08:44:25 AM

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on May 10, 2024, 02:43:45 PM

Don King played the token board member in head office. the only black guy. Funny and short
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 13, 2024, 09:02:05 AM


Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 14, 2024, 02:32:50 PM (

Well, we know for sure the UniParty DeceptiCon RINIO/AINO Cucks don't GAFF...the RNC changed leadership and they look like (there's the red flag) trying to do something...

So it still looks like the level of Stanlist ballot stuffing is still in play...and a much higher hurdle to straddle...

Oh, if by fracking magic after the fascist FISA passage and one censorship scheme nixed we have Reichsführer Garland and Chris "Lavrentiy Beria" Wray eagerly kicking off another censorship and propaganda op!!! (

And Congresscritters sit like potted plants with heads and both thumbs up their stupid asses!


Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 15, 2024, 09:32:24 AM

Something every state should do...

And, get out of that  ::cussing:: ERIC crap if they are in it!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 16, 2024, 09:07:27 AM
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 20, 2024, 10:15:03 AM (

The impulse to dump this cratering team before Chicago must be reaching manic levels...

 ::pokeineye::   ::evilbat::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 20, 2024, 01:10:38 PM
For every public one of these... (

...there are probably a lot more not well publicized...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 28, 2024, 10:46:27 AM

Make it so!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 28, 2024, 12:55:36 PM (

The first two posts clearly make it obvious the Leftist panic over preserving their totalitarian rule has begun to reach foaming-mouth mania.

So professional make-up wearer Robert DeNiro tries doing something he's failed at in his last ten movies, injecting drama and drawing an audience.



More on the mentally-stunted totalitarian DeNiro - (

All ass and no class.

More sings of panic... (

...we need your list of low-life bundlers, stat!

( (

Now is the time to really press, make the panic increase...   ::evilbat::
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 29, 2024, 09:01:42 AM

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 29, 2024, 09:22:18 AM

Oh yeah...get that stark contrast on T-shirts, stat!!! 
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 29, 2024, 10:12:03 AM
DNC in Chicago, initially a hoot given their democrat-run soft on crime hard on citizens domination...

( amped up from ordinary Chicago daily violence to politically-charged pro-fake nation jihadist-wannabe's disrupting their peaceful and scripted affair with what could be several factions within the convention wanting to go to Plan B ( anybody but Biden!)...

...and now it appears the DNC may be moving to suppress the angst by end-running it (kinda like skipping campaigning and end-running the Constitution by focusing on counting rather than legit voting) to make it easier to coronate FJB one more time...

...denying us all the entertainment value of so much built-up (much of it encouraged by these same idiots) rage and a potentially hilarious floor fight. (

So, virtual nominations...just virtual butthurt and virtual rebellions?

So lame.

And unlike Daniel, I think the replacement is still in play.  Many of these "Biden people" were/are Obma people...and while I find the Big Mike scenario unlikely (I do not think he/she/it wants to do it or has the name popularity some pretend he/she/it has) I reckon something so stupid isn't impossible...nor do I see a Hitlery re-do a possibility realistic as a proven loser to Trump in an election that was "in the bag"...and I still see a Gruesome Newsom (,19856.0.html) pick as possible given the rising panic over the horrible record and behavior of FJB and because Newsom is basically a white Obama - all the hatred, all the destruction and menace (see California record in Newsom thread!) of Obama in a pasty vanilla package.  Perfect for brainless foaming-mouth demonazi faithful.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 30, 2024, 09:18:31 AM

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: patentlymn on May 30, 2024, 02:16:09 PM
I thought this was posted but cannot find it.
...Merchan just delivered the coup de grace instruction. He said that there is no need to agree on what occurred. They can disagree on what the crime was among the three choices.  Thus, this means that they could split 4-4-4 and he will still treat them as unanimous...

Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on May 31, 2024, 08:18:22 AM
And the illegal jury instructions and vague charges pinned to no law issued guilty verdicts.

They just made him a martyr, and martyr's cannot be defeated...

Trump just went from winning in November to winning in a landslide...
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: ToddF on May 31, 2024, 12:42:24 PM
I just made my first political donation, ever.  But I won't underestimate the ability of Idiocracy to re-elect the Biden Trailer Park.
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: paulh on May 31, 2024, 01:19:17 PM
I love the July 4th nomination proposal---do it!
Title: Re: If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...
Post by: Libertas on June 03, 2024, 10:03:43 AM (

And FJB and the rest of the demonazi filth is already parroting the "convicted felon" mantra like crazy which is the centerpiece of their campaign strategy (along with rampant lying about their own record) and proving beyond a shadow of a doubt what this was all about from the get-go.


And persecuted just keeps raking in donations and support...because people know they'll be next...

It's why they are still being thuggish with Jones, Giuliani, Eastman et al... ( (

These Satanic bastards go after regular folks expressing their Constitutional Rights! (

They are trying to bully Judge Cannon and the 11th Circuit has had to say they are ignoring them! (

The handwriting on the wall is so large and undeniable it cannot be ignored!  ANYBODY daring to claim later they didn't know is a straight-up liar!

And MFM trash like Streptococcus continue to gaslight and spew lies... (

This banana dictatorship bullsh*t will not cease until the hammer drops, We the People are the hammer, and we need to demand law enforcement officials start charging and trying demonazis in a like manner on a massive scale.

And we need to let them know who they call felon we call Champion!

I hear chatter about 10% of "GOP voters" are dropping support of Trump in wake of this corrupt trial...whatever, say it is means a bunch of Cucks who always hated Trump because he is anti-Establishment who didn't vote for him before will still not vote for him...yeah, whatever! 

 ::mooning::   ::hysterical::

What they fail to realize is the big uptick in Independents and yes, even so-called "minorities" because they see the decent into madness that needs to be halted and reversed or America is well and truly f**ked nine way to Sunday.