It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => World/Foreign Affairs => Topic started by: patentlymn on March 11, 2023, 03:19:18 PM

Title: Globalism
Post by: patentlymn on March 11, 2023, 03:19:18 PM

I had some random thoughts on globalist type things. It is about the globalist identities they want people to have vs the historical basis of identity.

In the US it is not OK to say that someone born in Iran is not and could never be an American. People from Italy can be called Americans. We are raised to think that from birth. Anythings contrary is racist or bigoted.

The US is not the whole world. Other countries and cultures can be different. People in China will tell long time foreign residents that they will never be Chinese. China grants citizenship to almost no one. If you ask  a Kurd inside Turkey he will tell you he is a Kurd, not a Turk. His cousin inside Syria will tell you he is a Kurd. Americans cannot understand that.

[size=150]Language, culture, and religion are important to most people's identity throughout history. Globalists are destroying these old practices where they can. They want disconnected people who only value money and consuming. People running the west are like that. [/size]

The globalists want to destroy the meaning of borders, language, culture, and religion. Why do they flood EU with swarms of people from the third world? I drag in Ukraine at the end because I think people with a globalist world view do not understand why Russians in Russia would be upset by the treatment of Russians in Ukraine. 

I thought about this stuff in trying to figure out Ukraine. Some comes down to the above where Americans' view of identity is not that of the whole world.

Within the borders of modern Ukraine long ago there existed ethnic Poles in the west, ethnic Ukrainians in the center, and ethnic Russians in the east. If you asked their identity it might be Pole, Ukrainian, Russian. The regions now in modern Ukraine were controlled by various empires, lastly the Russian empire. Some historian said there was no official Russian empire name for the center region with ethnic Ukrainians but Finland and some other such places had official names.

There might be names on the map like Romans had for Germany which was not  sovereign or a country.

When the tsar fled and the Russian empire fell, three regions declared independence. The western one likely aligned Poles, the center one likely Ukrainians, and the eastern one likely Russians. They lasted less than a year as I recall as the Russian commie consolidated power.  WWII messed a little with Ukr borders.

So, there was never an independent country Ukraine up until 1999. Stalin maybe drew lines on a map and named the place Ukraine. He liked to mess with people by including different groups in one named part of the USSR.

After the US backed coup and Ukr govt change the Kiev govt outlawed much Russian language use in schools, govt, commerce, and media.They enforced these laws and removed Russian language school books. Recently Kiev attacks on some churches.

People in eastern Ukr say they are Russian. Americans with a globalist view tell them they are Ukrainians. Americans do not understand why Russians in Russia would care about Russians being shelled in eastern Ukraine. The MSM are globalists so they cannot understand why people in the east would be upset just because the Russian language was mostly banned. Language, culture and religion is important to many people and worth fighting over but not to globalists.

I am a little slow in some areas. The Ukraine war made me think harder. Also US/EU practices vs Russia and China in trade. The US/EU meddle more than Russia and China.

IMO, any country that values independence, borders, language, culture, and religion gets put in the cross hairs of US/EU programs for regime change or war. If your country is not for sale to Black Rock chaos regime change is in order.
Russia is no longer for sale. China is not either. Globalists hate them both.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: IronDioPriest on March 11, 2023, 06:26:16 PM
Call me an a-hole, but I’m still not sure who the good guys are in Ukraine. The way I see it, if the global elites, including our Democrat and Republican parties, are all telling me that Vladimir Putin is Satan personified, at the very least, this is the pot calling the kettle black. But my mind wonders… perhaps these Democrats and Republicans and their globalist cohorts are against Putin because his mission is to uncover and expose their corruption in Ukraine. Maybe they all live in fear of the world knowing just how depraved they’ve all been, and how extensively they’ve used Ukraine as a money laundering operation for their corruption and the destruction of Western civilization. Maybe that is what Putin’s threat truly is to them, and maybe that’s why they’re pulling out all the stops to prevent him from succeeding. I’m just saying maybe. Maybe there’s bad guys and worse guys, and our guys are the worse guys.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on March 12, 2023, 12:33:16 AM
Call me an a-hole, but I’m still not sure who the good guys are in Ukraine. The way I see it, if the global elites, including our Democrat and Republican parties, are all telling me that Vladimir Putin is Satan personified, at the very least, this is the pot calling the kettle black. But my mind wonders… perhaps these Democrats and Republicans and their globalist cohorts are against Putin because his mission is to uncover and expose their corruption in Ukraine. Maybe they all live in fear of the world knowing just how depraved they’ve all been, and how extensively they’ve used Ukraine as a money laundering operation for their corruption and the destruction of Western civilization. Maybe that is what Putin’s threat truly is to them, and maybe that’s why they’re pulling out all the stops to prevent him from succeeding. I’m just saying maybe. Maybe there’s bad guys and worse guys, and our guys are the worse guys.

It is this man's opinion that Vladimir Putin is NOT a "good guy"; but that, in this instance . . . he's the good guy.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: Libertas on March 12, 2023, 10:50:34 AM
There are no good guys...except us, our families and close friends and allies...everybody else is totally suspect.

I instinctually despise distinctions like evil and's the napalmed frog vs the boiled the end the frog is dead as sh*t!

Having said the very start of The Kenyan's reign of terror destroying what made America "America" and the time for transition came...that bastard, Clinton and entire DNC with the eager help of the DeepState went all-in on doing whatever it takes to destroy Trump...he destroyed the Pubbie Establishment and dispatched all forces arrayed to foil is nomination, thrashed Hitlery and became an even greater threat to the DeepState and their UniParty puppets and globalist money-launderers.  It's what pisses me off the most about this Russophilic obsession with Putin being elevated to Saint, Visionary and Undisputed Master of 4D Geo-Policial Strategery.  Total Bullsh*t!  If that SOB was so effing smart how is it he was incapable of seeing his enemies were Trump's enemies, our enemies?  What did he do to improve relations and find an exit ramp out of crap like Ukraine?  Russophiles come out with laundry lists of excuses why that usually center on butthurt nonsense that totally evades the fact Putin didn't do a damn thing to cut deals when deals were being cut by Trump everywhere else on the damn planet.  Vlad looked into his crystal ball and saw an easily played puppet coming along, one so weak in fact that the DeepState is calling all the shots and willing to risk a global thermonuclear war to protect their continued preeminence and prevent Trump or anything like him from mucking with their business.  And Vlad will go all-in to defeat the evil West too, even if it means nukes fly.  Brilliant strategery!


It is unfortunate that the big and little demons cannot be dispensed with without impacting the innocent.

Oh well...

Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: patentlymn on March 12, 2023, 12:13:11 PM

Repeat what I said above.
IMO, any country that values independence, borders, language, culture, and religion gets put in the cross hairs of US/EU programs for regime change or war. If your country is not for sale to Black Rock chaos regime change is in order.
Russia is no longer for sale. China is not either. Globalists hate them both. See also Iran. Called dictatorships, their leaders thugs.

Protecting the sovereign nations include the so called "information space." I.e. censorship. Like it or not that is what they do. Can you open a TV station in any of these countries and pump out pro US/ant-mullah materials? NO.

Every culture has its modesty rules. Iran requires head scarves. We are told this represses women. It's their culture  they want to preserve. Globalists want to destroy it.

In the book Monsoon he said that in Indonesia (or Malaysia?) you will see young women with head scarves on the back of their boy friends motor cycling wearing a short skirt and heels. Modesty ends from the neck down some said. Islam is also a maritime religion which got diluted as it spread east.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: paulh on March 12, 2023, 01:01:55 PM
So who do you put in your 2nd sentence? Sure as hell ain't us these days.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: Libertas on March 12, 2023, 02:54:14 PM
Everybody censors, everybody spins.  We are all targeted by elites.  It's their way or no way.  Can argue more-so and less-so...but it exists, so a boiled frog feels better about its fate than a napalmed one, yippie...
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: patentlymn on March 12, 2023, 04:33:45 PM
So who do you put in your 2nd sentence? Sure as hell ain't us these days.

Russia, China, Iran are not for sale. Anti religion in China.
Russia defends Orthodox Church. But the most religious member of the Russian federation is Chechnya which is Muslim. Weird to me.
Countries that show even a tiny bit of independence are smeared, like Hungary.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: patentlymn on March 12, 2023, 04:35:45 PM
Everybody censors, everybody spins.  We are all targeted by elites.  It's their way or no way.  Can argue more-so and less-so...but it exists, so a boiled frog feels better about its fate than a napalmed one, yippie...

Someone said the Russia arrested 400 people last year for social media posts. No surprise to me.
UK arrested 3300. Surprise to me.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: patentlymn on March 12, 2023, 07:29:41 PM
Everybody censors, everybody spins.  We are all targeted by elites.  It's their way or no way.  Can argue more-so and less-so...but it exists, so a boiled frog feels better about its fate than a napalmed one, yippie...

What bothers me most is when they censor about physical, factual things rather than politics.E.g. masks, covid, vaxx, energy, climate.  The MSM has an almost total blackout on news from the Donbass or Russian controlled areas. MSNBC made the mistake of sending a reporter to Crimea and asking people questions. Kiev put him on their kill list.

That plus bad reporting. Recently there were reports that Russia launched a bunch of missiles (true) and the Zap. nuke plant lost external power (possibly true). What was the CAUSE of the power loss? I think they wanted people to think that a Russian missile  hit the plant or close to it, which is possible but not likely.

Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: patentlymn on March 12, 2023, 07:35:25 PM
So who do you put in your 2nd sentence? Sure as hell ain't us these days.

Russia, China, Iran are not for sale. Anti religion in China.
Russia defends Orthodox Church. But the most religious member of the Russian federation is Chechnya which is Muslim. Weird to me.
Countries that show even a tiny bit of independence are smeared, like Hungary.

Also, under Yeltsin Russia WAS for sale and much sold. I think male life expectancy (avg death age?) dropped by 10 years.  I recall that much of Ukraine has been sold or long term leased to giant ag companies.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: Libertas on March 13, 2023, 08:00:43 AM
So who do you put in your 2nd sentence? Sure as hell ain't us these days.

Russia, China, Iran are not for sale. Anti religion in China.
Russia defends Orthodox Church. But the most religious member of the Russian federation is Chechnya which is Muslim. Weird to me.
Countries that show even a tiny bit of independence are smeared, like Hungary.

Not for sale?

They are permamnently stuck with each other...and in the end The Dragon will consume its allies.  But, not my problem is closer.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: Libertas on March 13, 2023, 08:07:25 AM
Everybody censors, everybody spins.  We are all targeted by elites.  It's their way or no way.  Can argue more-so and less-so...but it exists, so a boiled frog feels better about its fate than a napalmed one, yippie...

What bothers me most is when they censor about physical, factual things rather than politics.E.g. masks, covid, vaxx, energy, climate.  The MSM has an almost total blackout on news from the Donbass or Russian controlled areas. MSNBC made the mistake of sending a reporter to Crimea and asking people questions. Kiev put him on their kill list.

That plus bad reporting. Recently there were reports that Russia launched a bunch of missiles (true) and the Zap. nuke plant lost external power (possibly true). What was the CAUSE of the power loss? I think they wanted people to think that a Russian missile  hit the plant or close to it, which is possible but not likely.

Russians cannot report anything anti-war, anti-draft etc.  Chinese cannot even think of saying anything negative about any government action and are under 24/7 surveillance.  Iran, they like Taliban treat women as cattle and enjoy beheadings and their "religion" (ha!) endorses it and all sorts of perversions...and doesn't tolerate dissent and their media follows the Mahdi Death Cult wizards' party line.  I don't see people wanting to flood into these happy lands.

As for Zap, they are in control, and you're already buying their "not my fault" meme?
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: Libertas on March 13, 2023, 08:13:03 AM
So who do you put in your 2nd sentence? Sure as hell ain't us these days.

Russia, China, Iran are not for sale. Anti religion in China.
Russia defends Orthodox Church. But the most religious member of the Russian federation is Chechnya which is Muslim. Weird to me.
Countries that show even a tiny bit of independence are smeared, like Hungary.

Also, under Yeltsin Russia WAS for sale and much sold. I think male life expectancy (avg death age?) dropped by 10 years.  I recall that much of Ukraine has been sold or long term leased to giant ag companies.

If you can manage your economy 100% internal hooray for you.  We used to be like that and tried going back to it under Trump...look how we were rewarded internally and externally.  But, at some point you have to deal with others, be nice if it was mutually beneficial, but greed has its admirer's everywhere, even Russia.  Think the Russian's like selling arms and nuclear tech to some of the planets worst regimes because they love their politics and societies and the proceeds are just nice?
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: patentlymn on March 13, 2023, 11:44:04 AM

As for Zap, they are in control, and you're already buying their "not my fault" meme?
No. I was trying to find the cause of the loss of outside power. The poorly written 'news' said:
Russia launched missiles.
The Zap external power was lost.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: Libertas on March 13, 2023, 02:08:13 PM

As for Zap, they are in control, and you're already buying their "not my fault" meme?
No. I was trying to find the cause of the loss of outside power. The poorly written 'news' said:
Russia launched missiles.
The Zap external power was lost.

Well, they've been hitting other power plants with missiles (some Satan hypersonics supposedly as well...I posted the one vid)...

Maybe an oops, who knows?  But they have Zap...
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: patentlymn on May 10, 2023, 02:51:50 PM
 This international finance stuff is way over my head. Michael Hudson understands this stuff and wrote books on it. He used to work for the dark side of the force, for large banks and oil companies. He helped them avoid taxes etc. I think he might have been involved in analyzing US policies that allowed shady characters around the world to stash assets in the US.

He got real upset over something Krugman said he thinks is stupid.

Hudson worked as an economist for a large bank. He said he flunked his PhD orals on banking because he answered the questions based on how banking really worked. He hit the books and learned the fairy tale versions and passed.
 NY Times is wrong on dedollarization: Economist Michael Hudson debunks Paul Krugman's dollar defense
Geopolitical Economy Report
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: Libertas on May 11, 2023, 08:20:40 AM
This international finance stuff is way over my head. Michael Hudson understands this stuff and wrote books on it. He used to work for the dark side of the force, for large banks and oil companies. He helped them avoid taxes etc. I think he might have been involved in analyzing US policies that allowed shady characters around the world to stash assets in the US.

He got real upset over something Krugman said he thinks is stupid.

Hudson worked as an economist for a large bank. He said he flunked his PhD orals on banking because he answered the questions based on how banking really worked. He hit the books and learned the fairy tale versions and passed.
 NY Times is wrong on dedollarization: Economist Michael Hudson debunks Paul Krugman's dollar defense
Geopolitical Economy Report

I've worked in a range of industries including banking...and the oil industry is one in which I've followed as an investor for a long time...

It isn't tax avoidance like something nefarious...these are provisions corrupt congresscritters put in legislation so as to curry donations...the businesses are paying their fair share according to the laws congress passed...those that get greedy (usually fat-cat demoscats, the latest being SBF) end up getting the rest saddled with more bureaucratic gobbledegook that does nothing to stop the next ponzai scheme but adds costly burdens to everybody.

Krugman only looks stupid, he is in fact and for a very long time the DeepState shill for the Big Lies needing his (ha!) expert economic opinion...anything he says is sure to be total sh*t with only enough side sprinklings of truth to make the unwary wonder if the moron is right...

I don't even bother reading his dreck anymore...

As for real life experience vs book learning...I learned very early in college (like first semester!) to spoon feed a moron's BS back at them, take the A and tell everybody what an idiot that Professor is!  What took him so long?  LOL!
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: patentlymn on May 11, 2023, 12:40:06 PM

I've worked in a range of industries including banking...and the oil industry is one in which I've followed as an investor for a long time...

It isn't tax avoidance like something nefarious...these are provisions corrupt congresscritters put in legislation so as to curry donations...the businesses are paying their fair share according to the laws congress passed...those that get greedy (usually fat-cat demoscats, the latest being SBF) end up getting the rest saddled with more bureaucratic gobbledegook that does nothing to stop the next ponzai scheme but adds costly burdens to everybody.

Krugman only looks stupid, he is in fact and for a very long time the DeepState shill for the Big Lies needing his (ha!) expert economic opinion...anything he says is sure to be total sh*t with only enough side sprinklings of truth to make the unwary wonder if the moron is right...

I don't even bother reading his dreck anymore...

As for real life experience vs book learning...I learned very early in college (like first semester!) to spoon feed a moron's BS back at them, take the A and tell everybody what an idiot that Professor is!  What took him so long?  LOL!

I did not mean that tax avoidance was evil. I just meant that he is no leftist hack with no real world experience. He has worked in the belly of the best many times over.

Michael Hudson was an acquired taste for me. If I hear the word "Marxist" I get triggered and write the person off immediately, even though the word can mean many things.

IMO it would be a mistake to write him off as a flake until you listen to the details of what he says. In short, debt grows exponentially without regard to the ability to pay. The economy does not grow exponentially. Every recovery since WWI has started with an increasing level of debt. Prior to the Greeks and Romans some Eastern civilizations wrote off debts to avoid destruction of the their civilizations. Now finance has taken over the US govt.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: Libertas on May 11, 2023, 03:06:54 PM

I've worked in a range of industries including banking...and the oil industry is one in which I've followed as an investor for a long time...

It isn't tax avoidance like something nefarious...these are provisions corrupt congresscritters put in legislation so as to curry donations...the businesses are paying their fair share according to the laws congress passed...those that get greedy (usually fat-cat demoscats, the latest being SBF) end up getting the rest saddled with more bureaucratic gobbledegook that does nothing to stop the next ponzai scheme but adds costly burdens to everybody.

Krugman only looks stupid, he is in fact and for a very long time the DeepState shill for the Big Lies needing his (ha!) expert economic opinion...anything he says is sure to be total sh*t with only enough side sprinklings of truth to make the unwary wonder if the moron is right...

I don't even bother reading his dreck anymore...

As for real life experience vs book learning...I learned very early in college (like first semester!) to spoon feed a moron's BS back at them, take the A and tell everybody what an idiot that Professor is!  What took him so long?  LOL!

I did not mean that tax avoidance was evil. I just meant that he is no leftist hack with no real world experience. He has worked in the belly of the best many times over.

Michael Hudson was an acquired taste for me. If I hear the word "Marxist" I get triggered and write the person off immediately, even though the word can mean many things.

IMO it would be a mistake to write him off as a flake until you listen to the details of what he says. In short, debt grows exponentially without regard to the ability to pay. The economy does not grow exponentially. Every recovery since WWI has started with an increasing level of debt. Prior to the Greeks and Romans some Eastern civilizations wrote off debts to avoid destruction of the their civilizations. Now finance has taken over the US govt.

Agreed, the Neo-Keynesians (not Keynesians) hijacked things and ran with pump-priming without a care for anything else and since they owned the presses spewing out fiat they could debase monetary value like King's of old would kill to do...but those King's of old tried (debasement...diluting gold and silver with base metals over and over and over again) until the bill came due...(from being deposed/killed to civil war/invasion) the Neo-Keynesians think they can do this forever without consequence...emerging from WWII and being top superpower gave them a boost with the preeminent world reserve currency...Nixon breaking the link to gold flung Pandora's Box wide open and the Big Govt politicians seized the opportunity to blow spending into ever increasing levels of insanity, also foolishly thinking the bill will never come due...

If these lunatics think they can wipe out all debtors they are beyond will trigger a global war and all the horrors that come with it.

Since they are probably possessed by Satan's demons it is probably what they are precipitating...

I like him calling Krugman stupid and asking him to return his credentials!   ::hysterical::

Uses that Neo-Con label...DeepState Uniparty scumbag more accurately!

As for de-dollarization...

Not sure the Pound Sterling losing reserve status (to us) would be comparable to US losing reserve status...simply because of our insane spending, insane debt, insane inflationary monetization and gamed banking...

If the global finance/trade systems bifurcated would America survive, sure, if that is all that happened...but do we think debtholders like China would want to keep holding that paper?  What would these thugs do if they had to pay it off?  Who would they sell out?  Even if they seize all private wealth individual and corporate they'd be coming up short.  Would China et al accept cents on the dollar and at what level?

This is the ultimate rock/hard place...dollar remaining world reserve currency kicks the can down the road, makes the bill coming due institutes instability that could have bad global consequences depending what foreign powers holding our debt do...

The rest is noise, right/wrong/indifferent...IMO the demonization of the elite lunatics running us into the jaws of Hell loses focus when people we all know declare "America" is Evil...America is not Evil, but it is despotically controlled by Evil people, not the same thing...but we the vicitimized citizen is being thrown out with the trash...

In any East vs West discussion this casual lumping in is a peeve of mine...and I cannot always tell if people mean it or not...some seem obviously OK with it...

Just like us wanting a peaceful divorce from a tyrannical government it would be nice if the world sought a peaceful divorce from America...but I am not seeing such intent...

If true why should anybody be nice to anybody and not scorch the Earth on the way out?
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: patentlymn on May 11, 2023, 06:44:56 PM
As I always say, this international finance stuff is way over my head.

Michael Hudson tries to explain it and has for years. He said he wrote the most recent edition to Super Imperialism  after the Chinese asked him to. He said the title was not his choice. Someone read the newest version into youtube. Several hours long. Maybe I will listen to it some time.

He says that the east (Byzantine? Asia Minor?) used to have debt jubilees.  He also said that merchant debt was distinguished from consumer debt, as best I recall. Having the king's potential soldiers and corvee laborers sold into debt bondage to lenders was bad for the  king and empowered the lenders vs the king. He said older Jewish texts included debt jubilees but later practice included allowing the debtors to sign away that right so guess what happened? 

He said that some of the Greeks and Romans tried debt jubilees but got killed.

He always said why the Lord's prayer was re-written from "And forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors."
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: patentlymn on May 11, 2023, 07:00:28 PM
Superimperialism book pdf is at
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: Libertas on May 12, 2023, 08:13:43 AM
As I always say, this international finance stuff is way over my head.

Michael Hudson tries to explain it and has for years. He said he wrote the most recent edition to Super Imperialism  after the Chinese asked him to. He said the title was not his choice. Someone read the newest version into youtube. Several hours long. Maybe I will listen to it some time.

He says that the east (Byzantine? Asia Minor?) used to have debt jubilees.  He also said that merchant debt was distinguished from consumer debt, as best I recall. Having the king's potential soldiers and corvee laborers sold into debt bondage to lenders was bad for the  king and empowered the lenders vs the king. He said older Jewish texts included debt jubilees but later practice included allowing the debtors to sign away that right so guess what happened? 

He said that some of the Greeks and Romans tried debt jubilees but got killed.

He always said why the Lord's prayer was re-written from "And forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors."

In the Biblical version we are talking about the end of a 7 year cycle (shmita)...and I doubt the scale of debts held by a debtor was of such high-risk or high-level that the person owed would collapse into poverty at the time of forgiveness...they did not lend foolishly.

Antiquity was also an agrarian and barter based economy.

Trying forgiveness now on the scale required to save a nation let alone the US is IMO a non-starter.  At best you can negotiate with those holding your IOU's and seek a write-down...but there is zero chance of total forgiveness.

And for consumers...forgiving all their debts would collapse businesses, and if government bails out some guess who just got the burden back?

The forgiveness like the reparations stuff is typically only popular in fringe groups like anarchists, socialist agitators, racists, chronic deadbeats who blame everybody but themselves for their actions...and not saying Hudson is one of those, just saying he as a very steep hill to climb to distance himself from that muck.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: Libertas on May 12, 2023, 08:25:41 AM
Superimperialism book pdf is at

He talks about the balance of payments a lot, and Nixon taking us off the gold standard is why that didn't matter any more.  And I am concerned that is his zeal for de-dollarization, which would benefit the nations doing it, and would in his words "constrain" US/NATO ability to operate as a benefit to these same nations abandoning these dollars seems to recklessly assume it.  Are you sure the cabal running America right now would constrain military spending?  I think they would throw the citizens aside in a heartbeat to maintain control of their primary forces to control others inside the nation and abroad.  I think his idea is precipitative for total global conflict.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: patentlymn on May 12, 2023, 12:10:12 PM
As I always say, this international finance stuff is way over my head.

Michael Hudson tries to explain it and has for years. He said he wrote the most recent edition to Super Imperialism  after the Chinese asked him to. He said the title was not his choice. Someone read the newest version into youtube. Several hours long. Maybe I will listen to it some time.

He says that the east (Byzantine? Asia Minor?) used to have debt jubilees.  He also said that merchant debt was distinguished from consumer debt, as best I recall. Having the king's potential soldiers and corvee laborers sold into debt bondage to lenders was bad for the  king and empowered the lenders vs the king. He said older Jewish texts included debt jubilees but later practice included allowing the debtors to sign away that right so guess what happened? 

He said that some of the Greeks and Romans tried debt jubilees but got killed.

He always said why the Lord's prayer was re-written from "And forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors."

In the Biblical version we are talking about the end of a 7 year cycle (shmita)...and I doubt the scale of debts held by a debtor was of such high-risk or high-level that the person owed would collapse into poverty at the time of forgiveness...they did not lend foolishly.

Antiquity was also an agrarian and barter based economy.

Trying forgiveness now on the scale required to save a nation let alone the US is IMO a non-starter.  At best you can negotiate with those holding your IOU's and seek a write-down...but there is zero chance of total forgiveness.

And for consumers...forgiving all their debts would collapse businesses, and if government bails out some guess who just got the burden back?

The forgiveness like the reparations stuff is typically only popular in fringe groups like anarchists, socialist agitators, racists, chronic deadbeats who blame everybody but themselves for their actions...and not saying Hudson is one of those, just saying he as a very steep hill to climb to distance himself from that muck.

I don't recall him ever calling for forgiveness of debts in the modern economy. Maybe I forgot. From memory, he describes two types of ancient debts, silver debts and the other kind. Maybe the other kind is agrarian farmer debts.  He said when a new ruler took over they would announce a debt jubilee. He said the agrarian debts were forgiven if there was a drought.

He has said that restructuring the way way taxes are levied would correct many modern US problems but he does not put any hope in that happening. He often says that most modern wealth is not generated through income but through capital gains so taxing income will not do much.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: patentlymn on May 12, 2023, 01:02:37 PM

Superimperialism book pdf is at

He talks about the balance of payments a lot, and Nixon taking us off the gold standard is why that didn't matter any more.  And I am concerned that is his zeal for de-dollarization, which would benefit the nations doing it, and would in his words "constrain" US/NATO ability to operate as a benefit to these same nations abandoning these dollars seems to recklessly assume it.  Are you sure the cabal running America right now would constrain military spending?  I think they would throw the citizens aside in a heartbeat to maintain control of their primary forces to control others inside the nation and abroad.  I think his idea is precipitative for total global conflict.

I started listening to his book to fall asleep but it was too interesting so it kept me awake.  As I said I do not understand this stuff but according to him, neither do most economists.  He says that most economists analyze the economy as though it is done though barter, as though money and banking does not matter much.    I mentioned before how he flunked his PhD orals on banking because he knew how they really worked.

BTW I took one year of econ long ago. I thought micro was OK. I thought macro was some kinda fantasy.

Here is the current version of Super Imperialism, part 1/6 is 3 hours long. I downloaded it using down load helper with Firefox.
[FULL AUDIOBOOK] pt.1/6: Super Imperialism by Michael Hudson

At 5:11 he goes into his initial publications. McNamara pressured Arthur Andersen into not publishing his analysis. NYU did. The NY fed reserve said his NYU analysis was unbelievable, but a leaked internal memo said he was correct.

6:50 The US dept of commerce had changed table 5 of it balance of payments report dealing with foreign aid and other such programs. The new table hid the transfer of money from the foreign countries to the US. Hudson called them.

7:10 Some technician told Hudson that they used to report that data but some joker (Hudson) published a report showing we were actually making money off the aid we were sending so we changed the accounting format so no one can embarrass us like that again. The aid helped US exporters, bankers, and bond holders.

8:00 He said that balance of payments is not taught in schools. As though there was equilibrium.
At 14 min he describes how his first 1972 edition of the book was embraced as a how to manual in DC and wall st. He was hired as a consultant by many including the Pentagon.

He may be saying that de-dollarization will reduce NATO expenditures. We shall see.
It was so easy for me to write of Hudson as a flake as I trigger on commies and socialists and I thought he was one.   He took some getting used to. The only suggestions he made, that I recall, were changes to the tax code to tax capital gains but he has little belief that will happen.

Here is an entertaining video on his bio.
Michael Hudson - Life and Thought 20180507

One disagreement I have with him is his pro govt stance. IMo the US govt is so flakey that is a dumb idea.

I saw the Chinese CCP/CPC standing committee many years ago. 6 engineers by training and 1 economist. How do we hire them? The head of the Russian central bank is apparently a rock star. How do we get her to defect?
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: Libertas on May 12, 2023, 01:20:47 PM
As I always say, this international finance stuff is way over my head.

Michael Hudson tries to explain it and has for years. He said he wrote the most recent edition to Super Imperialism  after the Chinese asked him to. He said the title was not his choice. Someone read the newest version into youtube. Several hours long. Maybe I will listen to it some time.

He says that the east (Byzantine? Asia Minor?) used to have debt jubilees.  He also said that merchant debt was distinguished from consumer debt, as best I recall. Having the king's potential soldiers and corvee laborers sold into debt bondage to lenders was bad for the  king and empowered the lenders vs the king. He said older Jewish texts included debt jubilees but later practice included allowing the debtors to sign away that right so guess what happened? 

He said that some of the Greeks and Romans tried debt jubilees but got killed.

He always said why the Lord's prayer was re-written from "And forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors."

In the Biblical version we are talking about the end of a 7 year cycle (shmita)...and I doubt the scale of debts held by a debtor was of such high-risk or high-level that the person owed would collapse into poverty at the time of forgiveness...they did not lend foolishly.

Antiquity was also an agrarian and barter based economy.

Trying forgiveness now on the scale required to save a nation let alone the US is IMO a non-starter.  At best you can negotiate with those holding your IOU's and seek a write-down...but there is zero chance of total forgiveness.

And for consumers...forgiving all their debts would collapse businesses, and if government bails out some guess who just got the burden back?

The forgiveness like the reparations stuff is typically only popular in fringe groups like anarchists, socialist agitators, racists, chronic deadbeats who blame everybody but themselves for their actions...and not saying Hudson is one of those, just saying he as a very steep hill to climb to distance himself from that muck.

I don't recall him ever calling for forgiveness of debts in the modern economy. Maybe I forgot. From memory, he describes two types of ancient debts, silver debts and the other kind. Maybe the other kind is agrarian farmer debts.  He said when a new ruler took over they would announce a debt jubilee. He said the agrarian debts were forgiven if there was a drought.

He has said that restructuring the way way taxes are levied would correct many modern US problems but he does not put any hope in that happening. He often says that most modern wealth is not generated through income but through capital gains so taxing income will not do much.

Well, I am not sure why he brings it up then if not to propose it in some sense.  And for wealth generation he must be talking about the elite, not the rest of us...we get more from income than gains.  And he knows taxing gains will get shot down by the elites, even though some caps are in place and there is the inheritance taxes that have especially caused family farms to disappear and corporate farms to increase...and the elites have the means to offshore wealth to protect themselves from adverse tax situations.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: patentlymn on May 12, 2023, 01:39:04 PM
Well, I am not sure why he brings it up then if not to propose it in some sense.  And for wealth generation he must be talking about the elite, not the rest of us...we get more from income than gains.  And he knows taxing gains will get shot down by the elites, even though some caps are in place and there is the inheritance taxes that have especially caused family farms to disappear and corporate farms to increase...and the elites have the means to offshore wealth to protect themselves from adverse tax situations.

I cannot remember everything. He once went into how the capital gains are shielded using loans to escape taxation. He is talking about the elite and the so called 1%.
I recall that most of the elite know how to shield their wealth from inheritance taxes.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: Libertas on May 12, 2023, 01:44:20 PM

Superimperialism book pdf is at

He talks about the balance of payments a lot, and Nixon taking us off the gold standard is why that didn't matter any more.  And I am concerned that is his zeal for de-dollarization, which would benefit the nations doing it, and would in his words "constrain" US/NATO ability to operate as a benefit to these same nations abandoning these dollars seems to recklessly assume it.  Are you sure the cabal running America right now would constrain military spending?  I think they would throw the citizens aside in a heartbeat to maintain control of their primary forces to control others inside the nation and abroad.  I think his idea is precipitative for total global conflict.

I started listening to his book to fall asleep but it was too interesting so it kept me awake.  As I said I do not understand this stuff but according to him, neither do most economists.  He says that most economists analyze the economy as though it is done though barter, as though money and banking does not matter much.    I mentioned before how he flunked his PhD orals on banking because he knew how they really worked.

BTW I took one year of econ long ago. I thought micro was OK. I thought macro was some kinda fantasy.

Here is the current version of Super Imperialism, part 1/6 is 3 hours long. I downloaded it using down load helper with Firefox.
[FULL AUDIOBOOK] pt.1/6: Super Imperialism by Michael Hudson

At 5:11 he goes into his initial publications. McNamara pressured Arthur Andersen into not publishing his analysis. NYU did. The NY fed reserve said his NYU analysis was unbelievable, but a leaked internal memo said he was correct.

6:50 The US dept of commerce had changed table 5 of it balance of payments report dealing with foreign aid and other such programs. The new table hid the transfer of money from the foreign countries to the US. Hudson called them.

7:10 Some technician told Hudson that they used to report that data but some joker (Hudson) published a report showing we were actually making money off the aid we were sending so we changed the accounting format so no one can embarrass us like that again. The aid helped US exporters, bankers, and bond holders.

8:00 He said that balance of payments is not taught in schools. As though there was equilibrium.
At 14 min he describes how his first 1972 edition of the book was embraced as a how to manual in DC and wall st. He was hired as a consultant by many including the Pentagon.

He may be saying that de-dollarization will reduce NATO expenditures. We shall see.
It was so easy for me to write of Hudson as a flake as I trigger on commies and socialists and I thought he was one.   He took some getting used to. The only suggestions he made, that I recall, were changes to the tax code to tax capital gains but he has little belief that will happen.

Here is an entertaining video on his bio.
Michael Hudson - Life and Thought 20180507

One disagreement I have with him is his pro govt stance. IMo the US govt is so flakey that is a dumb idea.

I saw the Chinese CCP/CPC standing committee many years ago. 6 engineers by training and 1 economist. How do we hire them? The head of the Russian central bank is apparently a rock star. How do we get her to defect?

In my day they taught balance of payments in MacroEcon...but what has happened in the intervening years is a migration from basic finance in banking and business to MIT-whiz kid leveraging, arbitrage and most nefariously high-flying derivative madness.  This I believe is the finance-based economy Hudson is referring to.  Coupled with an abandonment in government of sane budgeting practices and opting only for a simplistic always increasing incremental approach to every line item and a Neo-Keynesian Fed and we are sadly where we are.  We should rid ourselves of the high-risk whiz-kid shenanigans, focus on America-first orientation (especially in reducing our overseas overextensions and foreign aid and outdated membership in NATO and domestic energy production and exploration), adopt zero-based budgeting, abandon foreign schemes like ESG/net zero and UN anything, require balanced budgets, end the Fed and use legislation to put fiscal and monetary sanity back into Treasury operations, simplify taxation to a national use-based tax and end the IRS, pay off our debts and once the debt load is a tenth of what it is now get back to a gold standard.  Could be leaving a few things out but you get the drift...and I bet Hudson would go for it too.  Alas, like he says though...stuff like this is about nearly impossible as possible can get with these band of UniParty puppets and DeepState jackasses.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: Libertas on May 12, 2023, 01:45:46 PM
Well, I am not sure why he brings it up then if not to propose it in some sense.  And for wealth generation he must be talking about the elite, not the rest of us...we get more from income than gains.  And he knows taxing gains will get shot down by the elites, even though some caps are in place and there is the inheritance taxes that have especially caused family farms to disappear and corporate farms to increase...and the elites have the means to offshore wealth to protect themselves from adverse tax situations.

I cannot remember everything. He once went into how the capital gains are shielded using loans to escape taxation. He is talking about the elite and the so called 1%.
I recall that most of the elite know how to shield their wealth from inheritance taxes.

Ya, shelter it or in his example loan it out and collect payments with interest where only the interest is taxable and at a lower rate than gains.
Title: Re: Globalism
Post by: Libertas on November 27, 2023, 12:03:55 PM

Schwab & the WEF, UN, WHO, NGO's, Soros, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg et al are nefarious and need to be fought constantly!!!