It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Politics/Legislation/Elections => Topic started by: ToddF on July 01, 2011, 07:32:48 AM

Title: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: ToddF on July 01, 2011, 07:32:48 AM
You're not in pain or anything, are you?  You're not hungry, your family is not hungry, your car is running, you were able to actaully take a dump this morning?  ::mooning::

Judging from headline reading, all of that is now impossible in Minnesota.

For the uninitiated, Powerline has been really good chronicling the heavily medicated train wreck, that is our governor.

But, meantime, yes I have actually done all of the above, so far today, without the help of anyone in a government union. 
Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: trapeze on July 01, 2011, 07:39:32 AM were able to actaully take a dump this morning?

Imagine my relief. (and theirs')
Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: Libertas on July 01, 2011, 08:17:15 AM

I had a lovely commute into work!  Light traffic due to less state workers on the road (probably still sleeping off last night bender with the guys) and people bugging out last night for the long weekend.

 ::whoohoo:: (

And I guess the traffic cameras being down gave courage to one idiot in a Corvette to blow past me on the highway doing about 120...apparently he didn't get word that the troopers are deemed critical and still out in force...maybe he found out on down the road a piece...

“This is a night of deep sorrow for me,” Dayton (aka Dickhead, my edit) said.

I more excited than a waterhead in a room full of bouncy-ball's!

I wish these shutdowns happened more often!

I don't need nonessential government, I'm not ass-riding parasite, so Dayton et al can KMA!


Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: IronDioPriest on July 01, 2011, 08:50:03 AM
My government-approved toilet still functions the same today as it did yesterday.
Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: charlesoakwood on July 01, 2011, 10:37:24 AM

MN now has a comprehensive list where to trim personnel.

Best of luck to MN trimming the DFL come election time.

Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: ToddF on July 01, 2011, 10:50:32 AM
As for people missing government...well that meme officially starts off in the hole, as ramp meters are now off!  ::thumbsup:: ::cool:: ::USA::

Sorry government union employees.  You're going to have to try harder than attempting me to miss ramp meters.  ::hysterical::
Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: Libertas on July 01, 2011, 11:29:09 AM
Are meter maids essential personnel?  I wonder if on street parking is now free?

No ramp meters.

Lighter traffic.

What's the downside of government closing again?

Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: LadyVirginia on July 01, 2011, 12:44:06 PM
Are meter maids essential personnel?  I wonder if on street parking is now free?

No ramp meters.

Lighter traffic.

What's the downside of government closing again?


I'm jealous!

Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: John Florida on July 01, 2011, 01:26:10 PM
Are meter maids essential personnel?  I wonder if on street parking is now free?

No ramp meters.

Lighter traffic.

What's the downside of government closing again?


I'm jealous!

 ::slapfight:: ::angry::
Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: IronDioPriest on July 01, 2011, 02:56:08 PM
You know, we have people coming in from out of town - a family in our adoption group  we traveled with to China - we planned on spending Sunday with them at the Minnesota Zoo. So this will directly affect our plans. I place the blame squarely at the feet of Marx Dayton.
Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: Libertas on July 01, 2011, 08:41:04 PM
Dayton ran the Obama playbook, refuse to negotiate, blame the other side, and then deny any specific measures to alleviate obvious unnecessary disruptions so as to cause the most angst and heap more blame on Repub's.  He wanted this shutdown, period, and I am glad to give it to him.  I wouldn't even reconvene without Marx dropping all demands to raise taxes.
Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: Sectionhand on July 03, 2011, 04:19:54 AM
Back around 1974 John Gilligan ( father of Kathleen Sebelius ) did the same thing in Ohio . It didn't work .

Regarding the Minn. situation , I read an article this morning in which a person from Minneapolis opines that now she can't buy lottery tickets or visit her friends in prison . She must be a Deomocrat .
Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: charlesoakwood on July 03, 2011, 10:28:23 AM
Back around 1974 John Gilligan ( father of Kathleen Sebelius ) did the same thing in Ohio . It didn't work .

Regarding the Minn. situation , I read an article this morning in which a person from Minneapolis opines that now she can't buy lottery tickets or visit her friends in prison . She must be a Deomocrat .

 ::ohno::    ::rolllaughing::   ::ohno::

Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: ToddF on July 05, 2011, 08:38:59 AM
Back around 1974 John Gilligan ( father of Kathleen Sebelius ) did the same thing in Ohio . It didn't work .

Regarding the Minn. situation , I read an article this morning in which a person from Minneapolis opines that now she can't buy lottery tickets or visit her friends in prison . She must be a Deomocrat .

Evil Republicans quashing White Trash dreams.  I think Dayton should run on it.  Maybe throw in a free bottle of Mad Dog, to show he's at one with the downtrodden.  ::popcorn::
Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: IronDioPriest on July 05, 2011, 11:03:13 AM
...Regarding the Minn. situation , I read an article this morning in which a person from Minneapolis opines that now she can't buy lottery tickets or visit her friends in prison . She must be a Deomocrat .


Mussette Wade, 37, hoped to buy Minnesota Lottery tickets at a Minneapolis gas station. But the state shutdown prevented her from doing that. "I usually buy scratch-offs once a week when I get paid," she said. "It's just something I leisurely do."

Wade was more upset by a bigger shutdown inconvenience: She was not able to visit a friend who is incarcerated in a Minnesota prison. Staff cutbacks at correctional facilities have ended visitation rights for inmates.
Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: IronDioPriest on July 05, 2011, 11:27:36 AM
So... I mentioned several days ago that we had planned to meet some people at the Minnesota Zoo Sunday, and that we wouldn't be able to because of the government shutdown....

Well, a judge made the decision to allow the zoo to reopen as of Sunday morning, so we were able to attend. I have 2 comments regarding that.

1) Every government function that was deemed "necessary" and "allowed" to stay open for business was determined by a judge, which does not pass the state constitutional smell test. The purse-strings are in the hands of the legislature. A judge cannot legally allocate funds in the absence of a signed budget. It is the duty of the legislature and the governor to pass and sign a budget, and if an impasse results in a shutdown, nowhere is there a provision for a judge to decide what is necessary and what is not, and how to allocate funds to those functions. The legislature and governor have the responsibility under all circumstances. They should have either passed and signed a "lights-on" bill and designated some entities as "necessary" to be funded, or they should have passed the budget items upon which they agreed and saved the disagreement for later. To hand unconstitutional power to a sole judge is... unconstitutional, and the people of Minnesota are ill-served by a GOP that allows it without a fight.

2) Mrs. IDP and I were talking on Saturday, when we thought the trip to the zoo was still a no-go. We recognized that the zoo can never "close". The MN Zoo is vast, and open, with acres upon acres of "natural" habitat that imitates free-roam environment. Animals need to be fed. Their enclosures need to be maintained. Veterinarian services need to be administered.

The ONLY thing they were going to be able to close was public admittance - the sole function of the zoo that provides revenue for the zoo. It is subsidized by the taxpayer, but it relies on visitor revenue for sustainability.

Mrs. IDP and I predicted that the zoo would re-open at some point soon - of course, we had no idea it would be within a day. But our conversation led us to the conclusion that the governor and his bureaucratic hacks made a hasty decision to close the zoo in order to inconvenience people into agitation and action, so that the media could use it as another club with which to beat upon the GOP. We believe that smarter people than the governor came to the same logical conclusion that my wife and I did - that justifying closure of the zoo was untenable, and that it would easily be seen for the partisan play that it was - so they hastily re-opened it.

They are really shamelessly going by the playbook with this. State parks, for instance. As you might imagine, access to camping and hiking in MN state parks is a big deal. And of course, people come from all over the country to vacation. The parks closed down, and people have come from all across the country to find a "closed" sign, when they have a paid and confirmed registration in a campground. And of course, the local media hacks are right there with a camera in their faces, blaming the evil Republicans.

The Left is desperate for a win here. Of all the places where conservatives are pushing back - New Jersey, Ohio, Wisconsin, etc. - I feel less confident that the Minnesota GOP will hold the line than I have in those other locales. I predict a GOP cave-in, and I predict that Minnesota will be back in the hands of the Leftists because of it. I think leadership of Koch and Zeller is excellent, but the rest of them will not withstand the bludgeoning.
Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: Pandora on July 05, 2011, 11:36:07 AM
All of this type of thing agitates the hell out of me, IDP.

What the hell business does any government have using taxpayer money to fund a zoo?  Run a "state" park?

It's my suspicion that state and local governments do it in order to keep these types of "services" out of private hands in order to "provide jobs", engendering employee loyalty, and because there's money to be made if done properly.  Which leaves out government in most cases.

Then the bureaucrats use the closing of these "services" as a stick with which to beat the tax/fee paying public until they get their way.

I'm sick to death of all of it.
Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok? UPDATE: Dayton Caves!!!
Post by: IronDioPriest on July 14, 2011, 11:33:26 AM
Gov. Dayton Agrees to Republican Budget to End Minnesota Shutdown (

Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: IronDioPriest on July 14, 2011, 11:39:19 AM
Upon a deeper look, the headline is misleading, both at HotAir where I got the original link, and the link itself.

Dayton has made a counter-proposal - his first such that does not include a tax increase. But his counter-proposal will not be an easy sell to the GOP.

This is Dayton orchestrating with the media to propagate the idea with Minnesotans that the shutdown is over, so that if the GOP refuses, they can be made to look unreasonable.
Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: Libertas on July 14, 2011, 11:50:56 AM
Dayton can stick his counter-proposals!

Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: Libertas on July 20, 2011, 07:13:08 AM
I don't much care for stupid accounting tricks and I really don't like more borrowing against anything...but at least these Repub's aren't volunteering to be viciously raped by DemonRats and held the line on taxes! (

And I guess my commutes will once more get longer once the state workers and attendant parasites start buzzing around again, not to mention the increased frenzy of road construction!

Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: ToddF on July 20, 2011, 07:24:42 AM
I thought tobacco money was for smokers' health care.  ::)
Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: Libertas on July 20, 2011, 07:31:50 AM
Siwwy Wabbit! 

Those carrots are all for Ruling Class pimps to blow on Ruling Class whores!
Title: Re: Hey IDP, Libertas, you ok?
Post by: LadyVirginia on July 28, 2011, 02:48:45 PM
I thought tobacco money was for smokers' health care.  ::)

Like state lotteries are for education?