It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => World/Foreign Affairs => Topic started by: Pandora on July 22, 2011, 10:42:08 AM

Title: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Pandora on July 22, 2011, 10:42:08 AM
OSLO, Norway (AP) - A large explosion shattered windows Friday at the government headquarters in Oslo, which houses the prime minister's office, injuring several people. (

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg is safe, government spokeswoman Camilla Ryste told The Associated Press. There was no immediate word on the cause of the blast.

Witness Ole Tommy Pedersen was standing at a bus stop near the high-rise around 3:30 p.m. (1330 GMT) when he saw the blast shatter almost all windows of the 20-floor high rise. He said a cloud of smoke is billowing from the bottom floors.


The government building houses the prime minister's office and his administration. Several ministries are in surrounding buildings.

The blast comes as the Scandinavian country has grappled with a series of homegrown terror plots linked to al-Qaida, and six years after an uproar over cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in neighboring Denmark.

Last week, a Norwegian prosecutor filed terror charges against an Iraqi-born cleric for threatening Norwegian politicians with death if he's deported from the Nordic country.

The indictment centered on statements that Mullah Krekar -- the founder of the Kurdish Islamist group Ansar al-Islam -- made to various media, including American network NBC.

Danish authorities say they have foiled several terror plots linked to the 2005 newspaper cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that triggered protests in Muslim countries.

Last month, a Danish appeals court on Wednesday sentenced a Somali man to 10 years in prison for breaking into the home of a cartoonist who caricatured the Prophet Muhammad.

An update says car bomb.

Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: IronDioPriest on July 22, 2011, 10:44:34 AM (

Islam is the largest minority religion in Norway, which consist between 2.0% and 3.4% of the population. In 2007, government statistics registered 79,068 members of Islamic congregations in Norway, about 10% more than in 2006.[1] 56% lived in the counties of Oslo and Akershus.[2] Scholarly estimates regarding the number of people of Islamic background in Norway vary between 120,000 (2005) and 163,000 (2009).[3] The vast majority have an immigrant background, with Norwegians of Pakistani descent being the most visible and well-known group. The Islamic community in Norway is highly diverse, but many mosques are organised in the umbrella organisation Islamic Council Norway (Islamsk Råd Norge).
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Pandora on July 22, 2011, 10:51:26 AM
I'm waiting to see how long it takes for the rest of the media to get around to including the information about al Qaida that CNS did.

If I knew how to do a screen grab of the CNS piece, I would, just in case revisionism happens.
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Pandora on July 22, 2011, 11:43:01 AM
Neil Perry has sent me more details of the shooting on the Labour party youth camp, which suggests co-ordinated attacks. It is a Google translation from Dagbladet, tidied up a bit, so it is not perfect.

    yewitnesses told the AP that a man dressed as a police officer has fired several shots at Utøya in Buskerud. AP spoke with one of those who were on Utoya where there is an AUF event with over 700 people.

    "Suddenly, we heard lots of shooting. People had to run and hide. We have been told to get off the island."

    "We now have reports of a serious situation there - a critical situation on Utøya," Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg told TV 2

    The police are now on site and sealed off the area. Bjorn Jarle Røberg-Larsen of Labor, is not in Utoya, but has had telephone contact with young people who are on the island.

    "They say that at least one person wearing a police-like uniform was firing shots with a handgun," he said.

    He says that the young people he talked to were hiding and dared not speak on the phone anymore for fear of being discovered by the perpetrator.

    "Young people have to swim in panic, and it is far to the mainland from Utoya. Others are hiding. Those I spoke with did not want to talk more. They were terrified," he said to VG Nett. (

H/T Drudge
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Libertas on July 22, 2011, 11:44:22 AM
MFM will have fun sweeping this one under the rug...

Tolerance of Musslim trash, it just kills ya, huh?!

Until people realize these cultists want to convert or kill everyone on the planet...get used to the carnage.
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Glock32 on July 22, 2011, 11:57:05 AM
And on a not unrelated note, literally 100% of the rapes in Oslo are committed by "immigrants".  What the hell else is it going to take?  It's like that scene from H.G. Wells Time Machine, where the Eloi are lined up and passively marching to become food for the Morlocks.
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Pandora on July 22, 2011, 11:58:37 AM
Yep, Eloi.
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Libertas on July 22, 2011, 12:02:45 PM
Eloi suck!

Kidnap their women and start a new colony somewhere where people aren't mindless sheep!
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Pandora on July 22, 2011, 12:48:04 PM
18.03 Will McCants now says that Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami (Helpers of Global Jihad) seem to make a claim of responsibility. They claim it is in response to the occupation of Afghanistan and insults to the Prophet Mohammed. It has come via Shmukh, an elite jihadi forum (
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Libertas on July 23, 2011, 12:27:33 PM
Now they're saying it is a home-grown terrorist. (

But I'm confused...this guy did the island shooting...and the bombing and Jihad only leeched onto the action cause they like the outcome?

This story has a lot of questions to ask, but so far the MFM is having too much fun pinning this on a white neo-nazi clown.  Little would it occur to them that many of the people jihadists and nazis hate are the same people.
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: AlanS on July 23, 2011, 04:45:01 PM
......... but so far the MFM is having too much fun pinning this on a white neo-nazi clown.  Little would it occur to them that many of the people jihadists and nazis hate are the same people.

They're going to play it for all it's worth. Pretty soon, he'll be made out to be a Tea Party member. ::falldownshocked::

The Norwegian police on Saturday charged a man they identified as a right-wing fundamentalist Christian in connection with a bombing in central Oslo and a shooting attack on a nearby island that killed at least 92 people.

Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: rickl on July 23, 2011, 08:47:44 PM
It's the Norwegian "gun culture".
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: rickl on July 23, 2011, 09:50:10 PM
Comment seen at Neo-Neocon (
br549 Says:
July 23rd, 2011 at 10:36 pm
In America, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away. In Norway, it’s an hour and a half.
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Pandora on July 23, 2011, 10:04:25 PM
... identified as a right-wing fundamentalist Christian ...

That's the angle they're playing.  McVeigh redux.  Right wing, right wing, right wing ......   Still dodging around the fact that the Nazi's were LEFTIES.
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: rickl on July 23, 2011, 10:16:54 PM
I've been reading Gates of Vienna.  They have numerous posts and comments about this.  Here's one:  What Do We Know? (

The mass murderer at Utøya is now said to have been a Norwegian named Anders Behring Breivik. He is reported to have posted frequent comments at various anti-jihad websites up until sometime last year. The Scandinavians tell me that these comments showed mainstream Counterjihad sentiments, with no incitements to violence or evidence of homicidal insanity.

Perhaps for that reason, some people have rushed to identify Mr. Breivik as “one of us”, that is, a member of the Counterjihad, more or less like me, Fjordman, Bat Ye’or, Robert Spencer, or Geert Wilders. This is absurd. If this slanderous meme is pushed by the MSM and they continue to beat that hollow drum, then judge them by their fruits.

Consider these questions:

1.  How do you know the man who made those comments on various websites is the man who is in custody now?
2.  How do you know that the identity assigned to the man existed more than a few days ago?
3.  Has anyone tracked the supposed culprit from childhood through high school and university, right up to today? If this were the USA, hundreds of reporters would be analyzing his old report cards, talking to his aunties, interviewing his former employers, etc. Is any of that happening now in Norway?
4.  Is there any substantive information about him that was not provided via the government or government-backed media?

The Left and the media (but I repeat myself) is really going to town on this.  Can we say "Reichstag Fire" yet?
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Glock32 on July 23, 2011, 11:08:31 PM
Again, any one person with a CCW could have ended that before 90+ people were shot. But no, the media will go full throttle with their old assumption that if firearms can be un-invented by statute and regulation, everyone will live in peace and harmony.

They're also going full throttle with another meme, already printing headlines like "Muslims feel sting of initial blame". Boo freaking hoo. Maybe if they weren't killing people around the world with such disgusting regularity no one would have thought of them first.

Out of the whole spectrum of leftism, the journalistic malpractice of "the media" enrages me perhaps most of all. They are the enemies of individual liberty, working tirelessly to debase our entire culture, and I look forward to the comeuppance heading their way.
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Pandora on July 24, 2011, 11:11:50 AM
Reading around the web, it looks as though this guy is the left's dream come to life - a self-proclaimed, right-wing, anti-muslim, anti-multi-culti, anti-Oppressive mass murderer of "children".  (Scare quotes around children because there have been few pictures; the one that was published was of a 30-something man, and the media has been very quiet on this element.)

He's a perfect representation of everything the left says of the right.  He also managed to devise, assemble and detonate a massive bomb with little to no "formal training".

Something stinks in Norway. ( ( (
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Libertas on July 24, 2011, 12:57:33 PM
I said the same thing re: CCW to my family last night G.  These liberal European countries and their insane fear of guns in the hands of responsible citizens could have made a huge difference on that island!  So the leftists have a lot of blood on their hands yet again.

And there is too much repetitive ring-wing hate roiling through the MFM and Leftardland to get at any real truth here.  We'll see if he stays alive long enough for trail.  Usually mass murderers that don't kill themselves and survive their atrocity can't wait to tell people why.

If he is a neo-nazi, then people have to understand what the word socialist in national socialist party really means!

Plus, the hog-piling on fundamentalist Christians tarring all Christians as evil apostates like this prick is playing a game the left hates to have played against Muzzies...but until mainstream Christians start killing people on the same scale as the Muzzies they better stuff that Christian-bashing crap right now!  It sure does stink of a "Reichstag Fire" manipulation about it!
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: rickl on July 24, 2011, 10:19:01 PM
Wow. I downloaded and have glanced at the manifesto. No, I haven’t read all 1500+ pages, and probably never will.

This man is in no way insane. What he did was commit a cold-blooded, conscious, premeditated act of war against the Norwegian ruling class. Those are the people who are responsible for opening the floodgates for Muslim immigration.

He deliberately targeted and exterminated the next generation of Socialist leaders of that country. That was what the “youth camp” was all about: The children of the elites were being groomed to take their “rightful place” in the leadership.

Yep, we’ll be seeing more of this sort of thing, all right. And of course the elites will crack down even harder on any kind of dissent.

World Civil War I, folks. Get used to it.

Dozens of excellent comments, as usual, at Belmont Club. (
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: John Florida on July 24, 2011, 10:22:32 PM
You can only push so hard.
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Glock32 on July 24, 2011, 10:59:54 PM
I had much the same take on that, rickl. This is the inevitable reaction to having one's entire culture, history, folkways, and nation taken away and replaced with the "cosmopolitan" prescription that is only universal to white, Western countries. The only missing ingredient for years has been these individuals' assessment of what's left to lose. There will indeed be more of this sort of thing.
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: IronDioPriest on July 24, 2011, 11:12:09 PM
Wow. I downloaded and have glanced at the manifesto. No, I haven’t read all 1500+ pages, and probably never will.

This man is in no way insane. What he did was commit a cold-blooded, conscious, premeditated act of war against the Norwegian ruling class. Those are the people who are responsible for opening the floodgates for Muslim immigration.

He deliberately targeted and exterminated the next generation of Socialist leaders of that country. That was what the “youth camp” was all about: The children of the elites were being groomed to take their “rightful place” in the leadership.

Yep, we’ll be seeing more of this sort of thing, all right. And of course the elites will crack down even harder on any kind of dissent.

World Civil War I, folks. Get used to it.

Dozens of excellent comments, as usual, at Belmont Club. (

So, it appears that someone - albeit not an American - has come to the same conclusion as many of us have here: that the Left is the primary cause of the proliferation of evil in the world, and that there is little to no hope of reconciliation.

Is this simply an inevitable manifestation of the coming conflict?

I always ask, when people start polishing their guns, "Who exactly are you gonna shoot?" It appears that this man identified a target: the Leftist government, and a Leftist indoctrination camp for socialist youth.

How do we feel about this? The easy answer is, "terrorism against the innocent is never legitimate". I've said it hundreds if not thousands of times myself, and I believe it - at least morally. I abhor terrorism. But I'm willing to contemplate the unthinkable as I explore my own thoughts on the matter.

If things pan out that this was really an attack against the Leftist establishment by a patriotic Norwegian who could not stand to stand by and watch his country crumble without acting definitively, I'm not so sure the lines of good and evil regarding terrorism are as Black and White as my past rhetoric indicates. It's one thing to rail against terrorism when it is committed against what one perceives as "good". It's another thing to be faced with the exact same act committed against what one perceives as "evil". I consider Leftism to be evil - the greatest enabler of evil on planet earth.

Just thinking out loud, not drawing conclusions.
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: rickl on July 24, 2011, 11:25:12 PM
Civil wars tend to be very messy in an ethical sense.  And bloody.
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Libertas on July 25, 2011, 10:50:20 AM
We can see what the left has been up to for decades and how the whole multi-culti/diversity/pc cultists have eroded traditional national identity and how it has made the soft-terrorism/conversion of the West for the Muzzies easier to sow its malicious seed.  But in any inevitable conflict control of the narrative will shape the nature of the conflict, who is viewed as the aggressor and perhaps help determine the final outcome.  The problem with this Brevig case to me comes down to it appearing to be an easier sale for the left to blame the conflict on their enemies.  After so many kids have been gunned down how much of a receptive audience is there going to be for people blaming this on leftists and their surrender to Muzzies?  At the start of any conflict it is almost always worse for the aggressors...who draws first blood.  If a similar situation arises here I would prefer our enemies to act first.
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: rickl on July 26, 2011, 08:37:55 PM
Well, looky here, from Ann Barnhardt:


This is starting to come into focus - just a bit. The Norwegian murderer's "manifesto" is pretty much a 1500 page cut-and-paste job. Lots of word-for-word plagiarism. It appears that it may have been constructed quoting from multiple folks in the anti-jihad movement in order to then "implicate", or at least damn-by-implied-association people who obviously had nothing to do with the Norwegian Nutter.

This was sent to me by reader L last night.

Click here and read "Sagunto's" multiple citations.

Great work there by "Sagunto". Finding plagiarism (if that is the correct term for this) really isn't that difficult. Here is how you do it. Find a sentence or phrase in an essay that is relatively unique in composition. For example, the sentence I just wrote above:

"It appears to me that it may have been constructed quoting from multiple folks in the anti-jihad movement in order to then "implicate", or at least damn-by-implied-association people who obviously had nothing to do with the Norwegian Nutter.

In the entire history of humanity and the English language, those words have NEVER been assembled in that order ever before. Therefore, one can do a simple google or other search engine search on that sentence by putting quotation marks around it in the search engine entry field. This will yield EXACT match results. So, with Brevik's manifesto, all one need do is pull out unique sentences, or even just phrases, and do a search on them. Any matches will pop right up.

It seems to me that if Brevik was an insane "philosopher" like the Unabomber, he would be all about writing his own stuff. Writing your own stuff is kinda the point for philosophers - both the sane and the insane. The Brevik "manifesto" seems to be more of a contrived "smoking gun" specifically designed to implicate prominent names in the anti-jihad movement. And that is exactly what they are doing. They have already gone after Geert Wilders, Pamela Geller (from Atlas Shrugs), the guys and girls over at and Robert Spencer to name just a few.

And yes, even I have an anti-gun propagandist who is tasked with "smearing" me on the internet. He doesn't get much traction, but he sure tries! About all he can do is call me "crazy" over and over and over again, but sure enough, within hours of the Norwegian attacks, he made a post calling me "America's Brevik". Now, you might be thinking that this is no big deal and I certainly do take this guy with a grain of salt, but there is one aspect to this that bears note, and I think perhaps ties back to the phenomenon of the constructed Brevik manifesto and the immediate attempts to smear anti-jihad authors. This propagandist assigned to me? He works and runs his blog out of the United Nations World Food Programme office in Rome. No kidding. The kind gent at the following link sent me a heads up back in February when he saw the U.N. blogger's first post about me. The U.N. blogger's handle is Mikeb302000. Copy and paste the URL below to see both IP address proof AND Mikeb302000's own admission of his location and employment. (

Can you now see why I view all of this Norway stuff with extreme suspicion? I already personally know that the U.N. pays people (with OUR tax dollars, by the way) to act as agents provocateurs against the United States, its Constitution and its citizens. The U.N. wants to disarm Americans via the Small Arms Treaty and has the full cooperation of the Obama/Clinton machine. Operation Fast and Furious was designed and executed to achieve that goal. The U.N. is also deeply anti-Israel and pro-muslim, specifically the Muslim Brotherhood. The Norway mass murder serves practically every U.N. agenda simultaneously. It really is spooky to see how all of this stuff is connected, and you don't need to dig down very far at all to find these connections.

Which will segue into my next post. Why in the hell haven't we withdrawn and evicted the U.N. from American soil . . . ?

I hope this tidbit of info helps. (
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Pandora on July 26, 2011, 09:32:57 PM
Knew it.  Made to order as the left's wet-dream mischaracterization of the right.

Something stinks in Norway.
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Glock32 on July 26, 2011, 09:50:01 PM
You can also count on the "gun ownership in Scandinavia is high compared to the rest of Europe" angle.
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: trapeze on July 29, 2011, 10:33:22 PM

Check out this story (with incredible photo) ( of one of the bombing victims.

Spike through head for real.

Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: John Florida on July 30, 2011, 12:22:07 AM
I bet you folding money that I could sell guns to all the survivors on that Island and their parent now.
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: trapeze on July 30, 2011, 01:53:17 AM
Good luck with that, JF.

I would have bet good money that Jews would never support abortion on demand (as promoted by the left). I would have bet good money that Jews would never support a party that hates Israel and abhor a party that does.

In both cases I would have lost my shirt.

That's because liberalism is a religious faith for leftists.

So that goes for the Norwegians, too.

The funny thing is that leftists are big on Darwin. Natural selection. Survival of the fittest and all that stuff. And yet, they will deny themselves the means of self preservation over leftist ideology every single time. Kind of funny in that, given enough time, they will stop contributing to the gene pool and make themselves extinct rather than adapt to their environment.

Too bad that they insist on taking everyone else on their demented trip to oblivion.
Title: Re: Breaking News: Explosion Shatters Norwegian Capital
Post by: Libertas on July 31, 2011, 08:01:38 PM
"Too bad that they insist on taking everyone else on their demented trip to oblivion."

Seeing this thesis proved time and again is beyond infuriating.  The species is consciously choosing self-termination.  If just one permit-carry adult was present, this bastard would have been dropped in his tracks.  But societal ignorance marches one....