It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => General Board => Topic started by: trapeze on March 02, 2011, 02:23:19 AM

Title: had better take the blood pressure meds right now
Post by: trapeze on March 02, 2011, 02:23:19 AM
I'm serious.  Don't read the linked article if you face a chance of croaking from high blood pressure.


Remember, you were warned.
Title: Re: had better take the blood pressure meds right now
Post by: BigAlSouth on March 02, 2011, 05:10:09 AM
Of all the American towns and cities I would like to visit, Seattle ain't even on the very, very long list. (I do love San Francisco, though.)

Trap is dead on. It's like Animal Farm on steroids.
Title: Re: had better take the blood pressure meds right now
Post by: IronDioPriest on March 02, 2011, 07:59:43 AM
FTA:[blockquote]"If we start to learn and understand that one of those institutional causes of racism is actually in the criminal justice system, it's our obligation as prosecutors to address it," Holmes told Fox News' Megyn Kelly in an on-air report.[/blockquote]

How does a person or group of people come to the conclusion a) that equal application of the law is inherently institutionally racist, and b) that the answer to the perceived racism is more institutional racism?

What freaking planet do these people come from?
Title: Re: had better take the blood pressure meds right now
Post by: trapeze on March 02, 2011, 08:06:00 AM
Liberaltopia, of course.

Human nature, being what it is, this can only end badly.

Very, very badly.  Fortunately, Seattle isn't a gulag (yet) and thinking people can still leave and lead normal lives elsewhere.

I honestly do not think that the libs will ever be satisfied until caucasians are a 20% minority population and are the daily victims of lynchings and all of the other pre-1960's era racial abuses.  With unforced errors such as those being committed in Seattle, this can be the only conclusion that one may arrive at as regards their ultimate goal.

Either that or they really, really want a race war.  Helter skelter, baby.
Title: Re: had better take the blood pressure meds right now
Post by: ToddF on March 02, 2011, 09:18:59 AM
Note to the leftist trash out there:

If you move north, out of California, and vote for the same leftist trash you voted for in California, you will achieve different results.


I mean you believe it, don't you, or you wouldn't have voted again for the same trash that's in power in California, when you escaped.

Work on it awhile...  ::thinking::
Title: Re: had better take the blood pressure meds right now
Post by: Predator Don on March 02, 2011, 05:43:46 PM
I'm serious.  Don't read the linked article if you face a chance of croaking from high blood pressure.


Remember, you were warned.

Man...... Seattle...sanctuary city for all....non whites.
Title: Re: had better take the blood pressure meds right now
Post by: IronDioPriest on March 02, 2011, 05:46:09 PM
Seattle was the first (and only) place where I ever had to explain to my small (at the time) children why that man with no shoes was laying in a pool of his own vomit on the sidewalk and nobody seemed to care.
Title: Re: had better take the blood pressure meds right now
Post by: John Florida on March 02, 2011, 06:08:11 PM
Wait till Soup sees this one.

  I saw the Prosecutor on with Meghan Kelly and he was trying to defend this based on dollars.What a worm.
Title: Re: had better take the blood pressure meds right now
Post by: AlanS on March 02, 2011, 07:29:26 PM
Wait till Soup sees this one.

  I saw the Prosecutor on with Meghan Kelly and he was trying to defend this based on dollars.What a worm.

I bet that went over like a turd in a punch bowl.
Title: Re: had better take the blood pressure meds right now
Post by: John Florida on March 02, 2011, 07:49:01 PM
Wait till Soup sees this one.

  I saw the Prosecutor on with Meghan Kelly and he was trying to defend this based on dollars.What a worm.

I bet that went over like a turd in a punch bowl.

 She just let him hang himself!
Title: Re: had better take the blood pressure meds right now
Post by: Pandora on March 02, 2011, 08:51:20 PM
"Social justice".  It's all the rage now that the DoJ is doing it - and, of course, the churches.
Title: Re: had better take the blood pressure meds right now
Post by: warpmine on March 02, 2011, 09:10:07 PM
Seattle, sanctuary city for the insane. Ans I bet you though Gaddafi was nuts almost sane in comparrison. ::rolllaughing::
Title: Re: had better take the blood pressure meds right now
Post by: Magnum on March 02, 2011, 09:50:42 PM
"Social justice".  It's all the rage now that the DoJ is doing it - and, of course, the churches.

BINGO!  Social justice is a made up lefty word used as a euphemism for equality. Egalitarianism is what the lefties value, while us Conservatives value Liberty.
Title: Re: had better take the blood pressure meds right now
Post by: Glock32 on March 02, 2011, 10:07:25 PM
Well if we're going to explore this line of "reasoning", I demand restitution from the US Government for the seizure of my ancestors' chattel property. Or at the very least a store credit.

Where's that clip of Charlton Heston finding the Statue of Liberty on the beach? I'm channeling that every day now.
Title: Re: had better take the blood pressure meds right now
Post by: Alphabet Soup on March 02, 2011, 11:36:01 PM
Yea, I saw it.


I live about 30 miles out of the city. The town I live in is somewhere slightly right of center. Even at that the degenerate influence of "that place" and the Seattlunatics that haunt the place make living here like living next to a kid doing the "fingernails on a chalkboard" deal all day long.

The stink of arrogant entitlement permeates "that place". I only go there for business and I'm always (multiply) armed when I do go. It's a pity because it used to be a neat place. A lot of places in our country used to be a neat place. And not much surprises me anymore.

seattle is a microcosm of what wrong with America. We were disgustingly prosperous in our heyday (still not doing so badly all things considered), and as leftists oozed their way into dominance it served as their personal piggybank. The leftists have made some of the worst bone-headed blunders in fiscal and cultural (mis)management, but we were making so much money that it never seemed more than a flea-bite. That flea-bite has become more a vampire bat bite and we're lately realizing that we're just about bled dry.

"The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." - Margaret Thatcher

We've run out of money. Simple as that. Like the ancient Romans, when times got tough, the tough serve up distractions. As social programs start to dry up the rabble is getting increasingly irritable. The gangs are on the prowl, the loose bands of black are active and hostile, and liberal white people are cowering in their Starbucks cafes.

A few nights ago we had a "riot" of local anarchists run rampage through our "Capitol Hill" area. Although there were various reports of damage and conflict, I couldn't find a report of a single arrest. The cops just followed them through town as they rampaged.

"Social justice".

my ass...