It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => General Board => Topic started by: BigAlSouth on September 28, 2011, 05:04:07 AM

Title: A Week in the Life of BAS
Post by: BigAlSouth on September 28, 2011, 05:04:07 AM
Hey Y'all.

I have survived. Barely.

In the past week, my oldest son married a beautiful young lady, my youngest daughter gave birth to my first grandchild (boy, 8 lbs. 20.5 in. healthy, hardly cries except for feeding time, only every 2 hours) and I have completed a move out to the country. It's not the end of the world, but I swear you can see it from here. The power company asked if I wanted to turn on the outside street light. I said hell no, I want to see some stars!

Daughter, baby and fiance' have moved in. (Kids these days do everything ass backwards.)

I just have finished setting the computer and network so I hope to comment more and even post some.

Observation No. 1: Why does everyone move all their stuff to a new place and then go through and throw out a third of it? Would it make more sense to just go over your stuff BEFORE the move? Is it just me?

Observation No. 2: Has anyone ever moved without accessing moderate amounts of alcohol and Ibuprofin? I kept forgetting. Is it two tablets and 4 beers or four tablets and two beers? Too late. The stuff is in and nothing broken that was worth anything.

In closing,

I hope the two neighbors across the street don't flip out when I stake out my Herman Cain sign.
Title: Re: A Week in the Life of BAS
Post by: warpmine on September 28, 2011, 06:25:31 AM
Congrats on the new addition(s) to the family and homestead.  ::thumbsup::

Most of your neighbors probably have never heard the candidate or what he stands for. Perhaps an education will be in order. Good luck, we all need it.
Title: Re: A Week in the Life of BAS
Post by: Libertas on September 28, 2011, 07:21:49 AM
Sounds like a full week BAS!

Congrats all around!

Maybe the sign will draw in some new friends.

Title: Re: A Week in the Life of BAS
Post by: ToddF on September 28, 2011, 08:15:46 AM
I throw away a third of my stuff BEFORE the move, thank you.   ::angel::

Congrats on the move.  Always nice...after it's done.  ::laughonfloor::
Title: Re: A Week in the Life of BAS
Post by: Pandora on September 28, 2011, 08:42:07 AM
Was wondering where you've been.  Congratulations on the grandbaby, and the successful move!
Title: Re: A Week in the Life of BAS
Post by: AlanS on September 28, 2011, 09:16:06 AM
Congrats on all accounts! ::beertoast:: If you're like me when you move, you find items you lost years ago and lose items you just had. ::gaah::
Title: Re: A Week in the Life of BAS
Post by: IronDioPriest on September 28, 2011, 09:16:19 AM
Congrats on the new lil one Al.  ::newyear:: Grandchildren are a blessing.  ::grouphug::
Title: Re: A Week in the Life of BAS
Post by: AmericanPatriot on September 28, 2011, 10:35:22 AM
Congrats on all the life changes.

They all sound good
Title: Re: A Week in the Life of BAS
Post by: charlesoakwood on September 28, 2011, 10:43:36 AM

You're a true survivor, and a granddad too, congratulations!

Title: Re: A Week in the Life of BAS
Post by: Damn_Lucky on September 28, 2011, 04:25:16 PM
Congrats on all accounts! ::beertoast:: If you're like me when you move, you find items you lost years ago and lose items you just had. ::gaah::
Ain't that the F'n truth. ::bashing::
And BigAl cigars all around. ::beertoast:: ::grouphug::
Title: Re: A Week in the Life of BAS
Post by: LadyVirginia on September 28, 2011, 04:29:50 PM
sounds like a satisfying week
