It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Radical Islam/GWOT => Topic started by: jpatrickham on September 28, 2011, 11:41:36 AM

Title: The Trash of Islam
Post by: jpatrickham on September 28, 2011, 11:41:36 AM
Wednesday, 28 September 2011 05:45 Daniel Greenfield

"Two years ago the Egyptian city of Cairo, the largest city in the Arab world and the "timeless city" of Obama's Cairo speech, the heart of the Arab Spring, was suffering from a garbage crisis. The crisis had a very simple cause, the pigs that used to eat the garbage were killed to prevent the spread of Swine Flu.  

The pigs living in "Garbage City" had served as both organic garbage disposals and food sources for the Zabaleen, families of marginalized Christian Copts who made a living by collecting the garbage, reselling the inorganic garbage and feeding the organic garbage to pigs. The system worked fine so long as there were pigs, but without the pigs, Cairo's streets are filled with giant mounds of rotting garbage.

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It might be shocking for most people to realize that the trash collection system for the largest city in the Arab world, the capital of what passes for Arab Muslim civilization, depended on a class of "untouchable" garbage collectors as young as eight years old, and their pigs to keep the city from drowning in its own garbage.

A system that is not simply medieval, but pre-medieval, that seems positively Bronze Age. But that is only because the Arab Muslim nations are not actually civilizations in the modern sense, they are post-colonized tribal clumping with bits and pieces of borrowed governmental structures and technology that never quite work right. And underneath them is something far darker and more primitive, a miserably brutal and ruthless Levantine existence defined not by moral laws, but by tribal ones. And underneath them all are the pigs. Kill the pigs, and the system collapses.

It isn't just about the piles of reeking trash in Cairo's streets. The Arab and Muslim world has been exporting far more dangerous forms of waste in the forms of immigration and Islamic radicalism and we are their Zabaleen, the Christians and Jews who are expected to clean it up.

Virtually every Arab rulers balances the tension between national allegiance and Islamic law by exporting terrorism abroad, whether it is Arab governments funding suicide bombers in Israel, rabid mosques in Oslo and Manchester or Al Qaeda hijacked planes racing toward Manhattan-- the homelands of Islam have been calculatedly dumping the garbage they don't want on foreign shores.

"Don't fight a civil war, fight a global war", has been the anthem of the ruling families of Saudi Arabia, the UAE and numerous other Arab Muslim dictatorships, who extend one crooked hand to the West, and another to Islamic terrorists; dumping their exploding garbage in foreign laps. The more the angry young men with fierce shovel cut beards go abroad, hoping for a shot at an American GI or an Israeli family or a Thai Buddhist schoolteacher, the more the House of Saud can take a deep breath, count their oil revenues and buy another piece of Manhattan or London."

In the evening, when the wind is just right, I believe you can smell it. Oops! That could be Dearborn Michigan! ::exitstageleft::

Title: Re: The Trash of Islam
Post by: ttomm46 on September 28, 2011, 01:14:00 PM
Maybe you smell Muslim women..after all wearing the burkas has to cause a lot of sweating>> ::puke::
Title: Re: The Trash of Islam
Post by: jpatrickham on September 28, 2011, 01:37:38 PM
Maybe you smell Muslim women..after all wearing the burkas has to cause a lot of sweating>> ::puke::

Thanks Tommy, was just getting ready to scarf down a few coney dogs! ::barf::