It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => The Police State => Topic started by: Libertas on October 04, 2011, 08:33:32 PM

Title: Another TSA grope down...
Post by: Libertas on October 04, 2011, 08:33:32 PM
...this time a cancer survivor gets pawed... (

Heck, I'm not a gal or a cancer survivor but my boycott on flying is still intact...

Junk-grabbers!  I bet more Flying Imam's were just waved on through unmolested by man or machine!

Title: Re: Another TSA grope down...
Post by: LadyVirginia on October 05, 2011, 11:48:05 AM
I'm not flying either.

I have a chance to go on a trip in December that I'm turning down.  My daughter has to fly next spring and I really can't think about it too much.  She keeps saying if anyone crosses the line they'll regret it.  I resent that citizens are put in that position of risking arrest to protect their privacy and Constitutional rights.

This same daughter got into a heated discussion with her grandmother a couple of weeks ago.  My mother insists that when she gets a pat down they are soooooo
respectful yada yada yada. My daughter kept trying to tell her that's not the way it is for everyone.  She wants to believe it's all okay and that it keeps her safe.  When my daughter said but it's not keeping you safe my mother lost it and yelled at her.   My mother really is an FDR democrat. She claims to be a conservative republican but that came from the pro-life issue.  She really wants to believe the government will keep her safe.  She's scared spitless about guns and never talks 2A issues. And she believes AARP cares about her and won't drop her membership. 

Is the TSA going to be another thing people gripe about but we never change?
Title: Re: Another TSA grope down...
Post by: LadyVirginia on July 01, 2013, 10:19:23 PM
Flying last week one of my kids had her single braid down her back searched. Twice.

Title: Re: Another TSA grope down...
Post by: Pandora on July 01, 2013, 10:20:24 PM
Fer crissake.
Title: Re: Another TSA grope down...
Post by: AlanS on July 02, 2013, 03:46:33 AM
.....but my boycott on flying is still intact...

Mine, too. And will be intact as long as I can control it.

Luckily for me, my wife has never flown. ::whoohoo::
Title: Re: Another TSA grope down...
Post by: Libertas on July 02, 2013, 06:39:43 AM
.....but my boycott on flying is still intact...

Mine, too. And will be intact as long as I can control it.

Luckily for me, my wife has never flown. ::whoohoo::

I haven't flown for over six years...hopefully I can make it more than 5 times that (or however much time I got left)!   ::praying::

(If I get groped, somebody is gonna get their butt kicked!)
Title: Re: Another TSA grope down...
Post by: LadyVirginia on July 02, 2013, 01:03:49 PM
Our family recently went to an outdoor concert venue.  In all the years we've gone there's never been a security check at the gate.  This year there was a "random" bag check.  It said random so I just walked on by pulling my cooler behind me.  One of the guys called out to me, "Can I check your cooler?"  I did turn around and consented. It was a total farce. It's a soft-sided cooler and I had it stuffed.  So he just felt it up and then let me go.

Later my daughter and I had to go back to the car and as we re-entered we noticed that the "random" bag check had turned into automatic as everyone with a bag dutifully walked up to the table and opened up their bags without being asked.

Title: Re: Another TSA grope down...
Post by: Libertas on July 02, 2013, 02:11:48 PM
Humans...are so compliant...

Title: Re: Another TSA grope down...
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on July 02, 2013, 04:47:34 PM
Flying last week one of my kids had her single braid down her back searched. Twice.


That is so retarded. I wish I could boycott. My family is a country-span away, so I cannot.  I will say that the TSA people have been extremely good to me. The time when my knee was acting up, they took my Gator-head cane, and gave me a fully wooden one to get through the detector, gave mine back, assisted me in every way possible. Most of them are surely decent folks, with an occasional thoughtless drone among them, that should be weeded out and forced out. 
Title: Re: Another TSA grope down...
Post by: warpmine on July 03, 2013, 05:06:04 AM
Flying last week one of my kids had her single braid down her back searched. Twice.

Next time, tie a dummy hand grenade to it and see what happens. Tell them it's part of her jewelry.
Title: Re: Another TSA grope down...
Post by: Libertas on July 03, 2013, 06:33:34 AM
Flying last week one of my kids had her single braid down her back searched. Twice.

Next time, tie a dummy hand grenade to it and see what happens. Tell them it's part of her jewelry.

Might not buy it.  Maybe some 5.56 earrings to accessorize?
Title: Re: Another TSA grope down...
Post by: warpmine on July 03, 2013, 08:37:48 AM
Flying last week one of my kids had her single braid down her back searched. Twice.

Next time, tie a dummy hand grenade to it and see what happens. Tell them it's part of her jewelry.

Might not buy it.  Maybe some 5.56 earrings to accessorize?
How about braiding accessory made from cannon fuse?
Title: Re: Another TSA grope down...
Post by: Libertas on July 03, 2013, 11:22:17 AM
Flying last week one of my kids had her single braid down her back searched. Twice.

Next time, tie a dummy hand grenade to it and see what happens. Tell them it's part of her jewelry.

Might not buy it.  Maybe some 5.56 earrings to accessorize?
How about braiding accessory made from cannon fuse?

And gunpowder blush?
Title: Re: Another TSA grope down...
Post by: Libertas on April 15, 2015, 07:50:31 AM
A CBS4 investigation has learned that two Transportation Security Administration screeners at Denver International Airport have been fired after they were discovered manipulating passenger screening systems to allow a male TSA employee to fondle the genital areas of attractive male passengers.
It happened roughly a dozen times, according to information gathered by CBS4.
According to law enforcement reports obtained during the CBS4 investigation, a male TSA screener told a female colleague in 2014 that he “gropes” male passengers who come through the screening area at DIA.
“He related that when a male he finds attractive comes to be screened by the scanning machine he will alert another TSA screener to indicate to the scanning computer that the party being screened is a female. When the screener does this, the scanning machine will indicate an anomaly in the genital area and this allows (the male TSA screener) to conduct a pat-down search of that area.” (

Apparently these two are no longer with the TSA, where they went and what they are doing now, especially the serial-groping phagg, who knows?  All I know is letting them go is not enough!  Charges, trial, convictions and sentencing?  Pah!  That's for common citizens like you and me!

Meanwhile, perv's aplenty still out there I bet!
