It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Politics/Legislation/Elections => Topic started by: charlesoakwood on October 13, 2011, 11:39:42 AM

Title: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 13, 2011, 11:39:42 AM

Redstate (

During the "Live Chat GOP Debate" comments, at IAL, were made alluding to
participants softballing Romney.  Rush,the other day, said the participants
were responding as if having lost the competition.

Here is another observation; this time of Romney softballing a competitor to keep
the "game" going in order to prolong the opposition from aligning against him.


 It was the one question in the Bloomberg-Washington Post debate that gave away the game. A source close to, but not in, the Bachmann campaign told me it was that question when he realized the game was over for Michele Bachmann. It was that one question that, according to a source close to the Perry camp and a source close to the Cain camp, raised a red flag for the Romney campaign and shows just how worried the Romney camp is about the race consolidating.

Link (

Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2011, 11:56:07 AM
Interesting, CO.

"Perry must (A) deal with the immigration issue effectively as that remains a serious sore spot with primary voters and (B) get people back into a comfort level with him — easier said than done. But if he can, he has the money to compete and Romney’s question to Bachmann is a clear indicator the Romney campaign knows consolidation of the field is still possible and would work against Romney."

"Mitt Romney needs the field to stay crowded to win. "

Yup, he needs cover.  But for cover to be effective it also has to be compliant.  If Cain, Gingrich & Perry all decided to lay off each other and obliquely fire their ammo at Romney then the Ruling Class effort could be defeated.  This is the point in time where under the table horse-trading goes on.  I cannot wait to see who will try to eject my latest meal out of my stomach first...

Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: Delnorin on October 13, 2011, 11:57:12 AM
In another thread I had voiced a mild-concern that Glenn Beck might have laid the foundation for Romney to be more palatable to the American People.  The idea I was putting forth (and this isn't even a hypothesis at this point.. it's just a random what-if idea.. so shoot this down quickly and I won't take it personally) was that Beck has been making Moronism more acceptable, showing he's a loving and caring and passionate person that wants the same things we want for our Country.

Good and well enough.

So this got me thinking just now as I was cleaning the bathroom (housework)....

Here in Phoenix (I believe the 2nd highest per capita of Mormon's outside of Salt Lake City, UT) we get bombarded with commercials both television and radio about.... "I'm a father... I'm a brother.. I'm a mother.. I'm your mechanic.. I'm your grocer.. I'm your butcher.. I'm the guy working on fixing your streets.. blah blah... and I'm a Mormon".

There is a HUGE push going to force into your mind using mass media that Mormons are just normal and common people too.

Yes.. true.. I agree...

But why the massive push by the Mormon church to tell you something so obvious?

Is it an organized religious backing of Romney?  The commercials are not saying... "Sponsored by the Romney for President" comments.. they're from the Church itself.

Just asking What-if again.
Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2011, 12:00:41 PM
I see ad's like that from time to time...not sure if I've noticed more of them now or if orchestrated...but I guess I don't know.
If orchestrated that would be disconcerting to say the least.
Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: Alphabet Soup on October 13, 2011, 12:06:33 PM
Somewhere I read, "there are 37 reasons why I cannot support Romney. Mormonism isn't one of them".

I cannot say whether Beck is showing Romney (or any of the candidates) favoritism - I just don't know. I would find it the height of folly for him to do soon the heels of all his "Ignore the party - vote for the man" silliness. But then I consider Romney indicative of the problem - not a solution to it.
Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: Delnorin on October 13, 2011, 12:12:34 PM
Somewhere I read, "there are 37 reasons why I cannot support Romney. Mormonism isn't one of them".

I agree completely.

I'm just daring to ask the questions that seem to be forbidden to be asked.  I tend to do that.. I like to poke giants in the eyes with sticks.. because I want to see what will happen.  ::thinking::

Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 13, 2011, 12:12:53 PM
I'm not Mormon
Hell, I don't even think I know any.

Good food for thought, Charles.
You may be right but I'm thinking it's just good old evangelizing

All religions do it. Some in different ways.
Muslims evangelize by giving the choice, convert or die

15th century Catholicism had a similar tactic in the New World

I'm thinking Beck's thing is to make Mormonism "acceptable" and show it as a "real" religion.
He's said a number of times that he doesn't like Romney and poo-pooed the idea that he was in the bag for him just because he's Mormon.
He recused himself from commenting on Huntsman because of his relationship with the father

I think that was the purpose of 828,too.
Although the little conspiracy theory nut in me occasionally thinks it may have more to do with making all religions the same leading to a one world religion
Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: Delnorin on October 13, 2011, 12:18:06 PM
He's said a number of times that he doesn't like Romney and poo-pooed the idea that he was in the bag for him just because he's Mormon.

Ah yes.. awesome.  Thank you AmericanPatriot.  That makes my concern ebb and flow away quite a bit.  Thank you.

Although the little conspiracy theory nut in me occasionally thinks it may have more to do with making all religions the same leading to a one world religion.

There is a LOT of that going on.  Especially in the "Christian Church"... So many churches you go into today will Preach that Jesus is love... he accepts you as you are.. no need to change your life.  We are all one.. blah blah.. no need to read that Bible.. just come to church and hug everyone and feel good.

The Christian religion is being stripped and diluted and perverted by a good 80% of the churches.  It took months to find a good church in our area.  A good 30+ websites to read their beliefs and statements of faith pulled the plug on a good 25 right away.  Some you have to go spend weeks at before you see the Marxist teachings and straying from Biblical truth for the 'greater good'.

But yeah... the one world faith is part of the one world government... and the basis of/for political correctness.
Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: Alphabet Soup on October 13, 2011, 12:23:35 PM
Although the little conspiracy theory nut in me occasionally thinks it may have more to do with making all religions the same leading to a one world religion

I have to confess that I tuned out 828 for precisely that reason. I thought it naive of him to say that "all the political parties are cut from the same cloth" but pretend that all religions stand on equal ground. He's welcome to that belief but I'm not gonna join in that silliness.
Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: jpatrickham on October 13, 2011, 01:25:33 PM
Morning Examiner: GOP is unhappy with their field

By Conn Carroll

"First, Herman Cain surged to double-digits and was in second place behind Mitt Romney. Then he faded away and Michele Bachmann came to within points of Romney. Then she faded away and Rick Perry took a commanding lead over Romney. Now Perry has faded, and, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, Cain has taken a small lead on Romney.

The one constant in all this polling is that somewhere around 75 percent of the Republican primary electorate has consistently chosen anybody but Romney as their top choice for the Republican nomination. Republicans may tell pollsters they are satisfied with their options, but their actual preferences show otherwise.

The overwhelming majority of Republican primary voters are desperate to have anybody but Romney as their nominee. They just can’t find a better candidate to fill that roll. Just as John McCain went on to win the GOP nomination about his campaign was declared dead earlier in 2008, calling Romney “inevitable” now is premature."

The idea that the Mainstream Media has lost sway in the U.S. has been greatly exagerated! ::pokeineye::
Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: Pandora on October 13, 2011, 02:07:56 PM

Redstate (

During the "Live Chat GOP Debate" comments, at IAL, were made alluding to
participants softballing Romney.  Rush,the other day, said the participants
were responding as if having lost the competition.

Here is another observation; this time of Romney softballing a competitor to keep
the "game" going in order to prolong the opposition from aligning against him.


 It was the one question in the Bloomberg-Washington Post debate that gave away the game. A source close to, but not in, the Bachmann campaign told me it was that question when he realized the game was over for Michele Bachmann. It was that one question that, according to a source close to the Perry camp and a source close to the Cain camp, raised a red flag for the Romney campaign and shows just how worried the Romney camp is about the race consolidating.

Link (

The question:

    Let me turn to Congresswoman Bachmann and just — just as you, Congresswoman. As — as we’ve spoken this evening, we’re all concerned about getting Americans back to work. And you’ve laid out some pretty bold ideas with regards to taxation and cutting back the scale of the federal government. And there’s no question that’s a very important element of getting people back to work.

    And I’d like to ask you to expand on your other ideas. What do you do to help the American people get back to work, be able to make ends meet? You’ve got families that are sitting around the kitchen table wondering how they’re going to make — make it to the end of the month. You’ve got — you’ve got young people coming out of college, maybe not here at Dartmouth, but a lot of colleges across the country wondering where they can get a job.

    What — what would you do — beyond the tax policies you describe — to get people back to work?

That question said so much. The implication for the Bachmann campaign is clear. The Romney camp is calculating, accurately, that Michele Bachmann has no path to victory, but she can very clearly be a spoiler.

The Bachmann campaign was pronounced dead with that question.

I must be dense because I don't get it.  How does Romney asking Bachmann this question, any question -- a question -- become a pronouncement of a dead campaign?  And how/where does Romney get the power to pronounce anybody else's campaign alive or dead?
Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 13, 2011, 02:13:04 PM
From the RedState link...

"The conventional wisdom is that it is Romney’s race to lose, but I wonder if the conventional wisdom might be wrong. If any consolidation starts happening, it will work against Romney. Just as Perry’s fall helped Cain get ahead of Romney, any fall by Cain could see those voters go back to Perry (if he rebounds) or go to someone like Newt Gingrich. And yes, a failure to consolidate should help Romney, but look at what is happening. When the voters move their gaze from one candidate to another, that candidate not Romney suddenly takes the lead. He’s the perpetual bridesmaid."

My conclusion is that some of these people need to go away so that the anti-Romney vote can coalesce around one candidate. Before Iowa would be best. But who is actually going to leave the race before Iowa for the sake of conservatism and the future of America? I don't see it happening. Cain obviously will not quit to make room for consolidation around another candidate, since he is currently in the lead.

I'd like to think Bachmann would put principle over ambition. But I also know her to not be a quitter, nor to believe people who tell her she cannot do something. Paul will not quit. Gingrich should not quit - he's making the case for conservatism and against Obama better than anyone on the debate stage. Perry's just getting started and has deep pockets - he will certainly see it through beyond Iowa.

That leaves Hunstman and Santorum.

Santorum might leave if he doesn't generate some concrete support soon. If he stays and drops later after Romney has the nomination locked, I would look for him to endorse Romney and forever be accused of being an establishment stalking horse for the Romney campaign. If he leaves, he may regain some of the conservative credibility he lost when he supported Arlen Specter over Pat Toomey.

It is safe to say that any support Hunstman now has would move to Romney if he leaves.

So if Hunstman and Santorum are the only wild cards in this thing, I see little chance that their exit would dramatically effect the race one way or the other. If Hunstman goes and Santorum stays, boon for Romney. If Santorum goes and Hunstman stays, likely - but not certain - boon for not-Romney. If they both leave, likely a wash.

The best and only hope for an anti-Romney candidate to emerge as a clear choice with a chance to win before Iowa is if Bachmann, Paul, Gingrich, or Perry leaves the race. I just don't see it.

And so once again, the GOP machine will likely spew out a candidate that does not reflect the will of the conservative electorate.

Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 13, 2011, 03:54:19 PM

That's a lot of good food for thought.

I've read that Santorum has spent a lot of time in Iowa, causing one to think more time than other candidates, cultivating turnout if that's so he may get an Iowa boost.

Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: warpmine on October 13, 2011, 07:19:50 PM

That's a lot of good food for thought.

I've read that Santorum has spent a lot of time in Iowa, causing one to think more time than other candidates, cultivating turnout if that's so he may get an Iowa boost.

Rick was my Sen from PA and I like him very much but I'm supporting him for Pres because he's a politician and some of his positions suck wind. Cain is my guy thus far. If it's Willard, I will pray that he slips in the shower but I will never vote for another RINO ever again. ::puke::
Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: Delnorin on October 14, 2011, 09:09:04 PM
Thankfully Rush hasn't swallowed the Romney Koolaid.

He comes STRAIGHT and true and tells everyone that Romney is NOT a conservative.  The only thing he really has going for him is that he is not Obama.. and he's been in a lot of debates and looks relaxed because of it.! (!)
Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: Pandora on October 15, 2011, 12:08:20 AM
Obama’s Maniacal Science Czar John Holdren Advised Romney on Environmental Policy (

Read it.  One more good reason to see he never makes it to nominee.  He's been dancing all along with the Obama admin.
Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 15, 2011, 12:44:26 AM

Full reach around the aisle kind of guy.

Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: rickl on October 15, 2011, 01:53:08 AM
Is the Republican Party trying to throw the election?  Because it sure looks like it to me.
Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: Pandora on October 15, 2011, 02:24:54 AM
Is the Republican Party trying to throw the election?  Because it sure looks like it to me.

Some in the Republican Party are fine with size and shape of the government, the only disagreement is who's in charge of the levers and switches. You know this, rickl, nu?  Ruling Class vs we the people stuff.

Thinking about Romney and his people pow-wowing with Obama's people over Obamacare and now with Holdren .....   I'm not going to pull the lever for this guy.  I'm just not doing it.
Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: BigAlSouth on October 15, 2011, 05:22:05 AM
Forget Romney's East Coast Establishment credentials. I would not vote for him in the primary because of two things: Past support for a "woman's right to choose" and more importantly, his belief in man-made global warming. Ignorant and out of touch he is.

These AGW morons just get my blood boiling. Romney tries too hard to be all things to all people. That, my friends, is not a man of principle.

Now, Herman Cain, on the other hand . . .
Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 15, 2011, 09:32:14 AM
Forget Romney's East Coast Establishment credentials. I would not vote for him in the primary because of two things: Past support for a "woman's right to choose" and more importantly, his belief in man-made global warming. Ignorant and out of touch he is.

These AGW morons just get my blood boiling. Romney tries too hard to be all things to all people. That, my friends, is not a man of principle.

Now, Herman Cain, on the other hand . . .

Past support for a "woman's right to choose",  belief in glowball warming, cap and trade, RomneyCare, consorting with the enemy the list just goes on and on.  He's disgusting.  The last seven years he's been polishing his act but he's not changed his tune.  Disgusting.

and they haven't landed a punch in the debates, disgusting
Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: Libertas on October 15, 2011, 01:42:29 PM
Well CO, you know as well as I do Repub's are better at beating themselves than anybody else...

Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: LadyVirginia on October 15, 2011, 07:58:56 PM
I think I'm making progress on getting my brother to see the light on Romney.

My mother still a work in progress   ::facepalm:: 
Title: Re: Romney's debate manipulation
Post by: Delnorin on October 15, 2011, 08:19:58 PM
I think I'm making progress on getting my brother to see the light on Romney.

My mother still a work in progress   ::facepalm:: 

Keep at it... slow and steady wins the race.  If you don't have that sort of time.. then get out the baseball bat. :)