It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Politics/Legislation/Elections => Topic started by: BMG on November 01, 2011, 01:13:30 PM

Title: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: BMG on November 01, 2011, 01:13:30 PM (

Members of the Occupy Iowa movement have launched a new operation, the “First in the Nation Caucus Occupation.” It’s exactly what it sounds like: A move to effectively shut down the Iowa caucuses, to bombard the Iowa campaign offices of presidential candidates and to force those who want to win the White House to talk solutions to the overblown problem of income inequality in this country.

Title: Re: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: IronDioPriest on November 01, 2011, 01:20:27 PM
They're begging for it.
Title: Re: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: Pandora on November 01, 2011, 01:30:20 PM
They're begging for it.

“the idea is to basically take over until we get response to our satisfaction or we are forcibly removed.”

And if this is their plan, they're going to get it.  Democrats don't play "oooo, what will the media say?" games like the Republicans.

Title: Re: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: ToddF on November 01, 2011, 01:48:47 PM
It's cold in Iowa, in January.  Just thought I'd throw that out there, for the retards the Ivy League now churns out.
Title: Re: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: Libertas on November 01, 2011, 08:57:05 PM
That's OK MNHAwk, I bet unionistas have plenty of heated buses on standby...

I'd like to know where they are coming from, maybe intercept the convoy and say howdy!

Title: Re: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: charlesoakwood on November 01, 2011, 10:50:16 PM

In route logistics complications.
Man, that would let the air out of their fun.

Title: Re: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: Sectionhand on November 02, 2011, 04:05:37 AM

In route logistics complications.
Man, that would let the air out of their fun.

A  " Counterterrorism Operation " would be in order .
Title: Re: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: Libertas on November 02, 2011, 06:49:37 AM
Hey, I just wanna say "howdy" my own way, of course!

Title: Re: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: ToddF on November 02, 2011, 07:23:12 AM
Hey, I just wanna say "howdy" my own way, of course!


Down trinkles...
Title: Re: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: AmericanPatriot on November 02, 2011, 07:42:53 AM
“the idea is to basically take over until (a)we get response to our satisfaction or (b) we are forcibly removed.”

I'm in favor of (b)

Title: Re: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: Sectionhand on November 02, 2011, 08:53:49 AM
Make no mistake , this is Stymie's army and they will be allowed to do pretty much as they please . A pack of aimless , intellectual drifters are ripe for any sort of nihilistic shennanigans .
Title: Re: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: trapeze on November 02, 2011, 08:58:40 AM
Should be an interesting confrontation. I look forward to it.

They have guns in Iowa, right? What's the bag limit on hippies?
Title: Re: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: charlesoakwood on November 02, 2011, 09:03:41 AM

Open season?

Title: Re: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: trapeze on November 02, 2011, 09:04:58 AM
BTW, my alleged blue state of Colorado voted down every single tax increase on the ballot yesterday despite the education lobby depicting certain doom for school children should the measures be defeated.

I am guessing that even places like this are dialing down their lib/hippie tolerance to near zero.

So, yeah, bring it, hippies.

Title: Re: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: Libertas on November 02, 2011, 09:06:54 AM
Yeah, this could be the sporting event of a lifetime!
Title: Re: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: Alphabet Soup on November 02, 2011, 09:11:22 AM
On some other forums I've interacted with lefties whose averred opinion is that these are good people doing honorable things. When presented with boundless evidence of misbehavior (and much worse) they invariably rationalize it away with a personal attack, "You're just trying to make them look bad" and present U-toob vids of peaceful protests.

The false dichotomy is that they present evidence of the bad parts of a good thing and I present the bad side of a bad thing. It isn't a proposition of "equal but opposite" attitudes.

On some other forums I've seen attitudes right out of the starting gate that intimated wanting to do violence against the OWS agitators. I've voiced my opposition to that, too. I believe the OWS agitators to be misguided in purpose, myopic in message, and misleading in intentions who blurred the line between civil assembly and protest and civil disobedience and anarchy. They were a nuisance from the start, but a nuisance that highlighted the silliness and pointlessness of the left so I was of a mind to let them be (with tight supervision of course).

My assertion all along is that a significant portion of the organizing effort behind OWS wants violent confrontation. They've worked to stage the scene in ways that appear peaceful but contain all of the elements for confrontation and conflict. At some phase of this melodrama they wanted to LIHOP (let it happen on purpose) the more violent characters into fights with the cops in the hopes of full-scale riots.

So why not cut to the chase with the water cannons and billy-clubs? Because the more violence-prone OWS groups are gathered in cities ruled by leftists such as bloomy and that blithering idiot Quan. Look at the mixed messages they've put out. They naively want to see the best in these agitators but they also (more importantly) need to maintain order. They are so conflicted that they're spinning in tight little circles. The cops see this and are exasperated. The agitators see this and are elated. They've mucked it up and now there's no getting back to good.

I'm watching the same sequence occurring right here in the Emerald City. The moron mayor has reversed himself so many times that there is a vote of no-confidence in the works by the cops. Much of this could have been avoided if only the mayors had set the expectations. "You may gather and protest as long as you do so legally and civilly" Implicit within that should be the clear threat, "Break the rules and we'll break your heads".

In the absence of such uncommon common sense we need(ed) to wait until things got violent and then put it down. I believe that we are now at that point. It may be too late to stroll out and deliver the aforementioned expectations, but unless the law asserts itself (and asserts itself now) they are guaranteeing violent confrontation.

Fortunately I do not have to cross paths with any of these degenerates (unlike the WTO riots where I found myself at ground-zero). I wish the best for anyone who must put up with these idiots....
Title: Re: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: AmericanPatriot on November 02, 2011, 09:21:04 AM
Here in Pa, it's open season on some varmints

Would these "people" fall into the varmint classification?
Title: Re: OWS planing to disrupt the Iowa Caucus
Post by: Sectionhand on November 02, 2011, 12:31:30 PM
Here in Pa, it's open season on some varmints

Would these "people" fall into the varmint classification?

Varmint or Vomit ... Take your pick !