It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Weather, Climate, & Natural Disasters => Topic started by: ToddF on February 16, 2012, 10:00:33 AM

Title: Fake, but accurate...News orgs run with fake document
Post by: ToddF on February 16, 2012, 10:00:33 AM
detailing how Heartland Institute is conspiring to get science out of the classroom.  Someone mixed in a made up document, with some routine fund raising memos from Heartland, to get MSNBCNewYorkTimesTardianIndependent to write gotcha articles.

Did I mention the smoking gun is fake?

The last gasp of a dying cult.  Detailed as usual at WUWT (

and (

A lot of reading, forensic analysis, ect.
Title: Re: Fake, but accurate...News orgs run with fake document
Post by: Libertas on February 16, 2012, 11:14:05 AM
Nice.  I find the actions after the fact by JurnoTards to be predictably revealing.

Too bad most people are so conditioned by'd be lucky to get a message to them that this e-mail was fake, let alone any detail as to why which would probably be completely ignored anyway...

Title: Re: Fake, but accurate...News orgs run with fake document
Post by: trapeze on February 21, 2012, 02:01:21 AM
Update: The leaker confesses. ( Lawsuits to follow.
Title: Re: Fake, but accurate...News orgs run with fake document
Post by: Libertas on February 21, 2012, 06:52:49 AM
UPDATE8: 11:20PM Over at DeSmog Blog they are praising Gleick and spinning his confession so fast that it has created its own localized climate distortion. They are labeling him as a whistleblower.


I hope the soap gets slapped out of his hands a lot in the prison shower!

Title: Re: Fake, but accurate...News orgs run with fake document
Post by: ToddF on February 21, 2012, 07:19:52 AM
Update: The leaker confesses. ( Lawsuits to follow.

It wasn't a leak.  He impersonated someone in order to get those documents.  Plus it's still open as to whether he faked the one with all the "smoking guns" every J-Tard from New York to Los Angeles with Seth Borenstein in the middle, has been running stories about.  He's claiming the faked one came from an unknown source.

That is felony identity theft.  This piece of trash needs jail time.  
Title: Re: Fake, but accurate...News orgs run with fake document
Post by: trapeze on February 21, 2012, 09:12:12 AM
It wasn't a leak.

True...I should have put it in quotations. It was meant to mimic the leak of emails for East Anglia University, though. He was trying to create a leftist version of that phenomenon much as the libs have tried to create a leftist version of the Tea Party via the OWS crap fest. It's funny how the left and their accomplices in the MFM have used the term "astro-turfing" to define a fake grass roots movement (the Tea Party movement in their minds) and yet they are as guilty as it gets in this area.
Title: Re: Fake, but accurate...News orgs run with fake document
Post by: Pandora on February 21, 2012, 04:45:53 PM
What the hell does that even mean, "get science out of the classroom"?
Title: Re: Fake, but accurate...News orgs run with fake document
Post by: Alphabet Soup on February 21, 2012, 07:56:29 PM
What the hell does that even mean, "get science out of the classroom"?

Wuz that a rhetoric question? Cuz you know what it really means is "Only DNC-approved propaganda allowed beyond this point"
Title: Re: Fake, but accurate...News orgs run with fake document
Post by: Pandora on February 21, 2012, 08:37:09 PM
What the hell does that even mean, "get science out of the classroom"?

Wuz that a rhetoric question? Cuz you know what it really means is "Only DNC-approved propaganda allowed beyond this point"

No, not really.  I understand the "Only DNC-approved propaganda allowed beyond this point", but what "science" specifically are they whinging about; glowball warmink?  Teaching evolution as a theory?
Title: Re: Fake, but accurate...News orgs run with fake document
Post by: Alphabet Soup on February 21, 2012, 09:46:55 PM
The left is livid (can't you see them stomping their tiny feet and shaking from rage?!) over the failure to launch re: Gorebull Warming. They were so close they could taste it. They had it in their hands but they just couldn't make the sale. And now the moment is past, the magic is over, the thrill is gone.

The "true believers" like william represent the left's version of "bitter clingers" stubbornly refusing to admit the party's over. It truly must hurt like the dickens to be so young and see such a huge emotional investment crumble before your very eyes.

So yea, the ability to shove MMGW "science" down the throats of impressionable children appears to be their current whine.

I am so glad that I no longer have children to worry about. Crap like the New South Wales indoctrination would put me around the bend.
Title: Peter Gleick's Global Warming Fraud Explained
Post by: BigAlSouth on February 26, 2012, 05:50:29 AM
By now, many have read in passing the story of Peter Gleick scandal. ("Gleick is a founder of the liberal Pacific Institute and a member of the National Academy of Sciences. He is an expert on water resources, not climate. Like many left-wingers in irrelevant fields of study, he has irrationally strong feelings about (Man-made) global warming. So, as Gleick has now admitted, he obtained documents from the Heartland Institute under false pretenses–that is, by lying–and published them in hopes of discrediting the Institute."

When Gleick admitted that he impersonated a board member to obtain "internal documents", he released one particularly devastating document that painted the Heartland Institute as an anti-science, pro-business conspirator with the Koch brothers. Apparently, that document was faked by Gleick.

Many commentators have critiqued Gleick’s actions, and in particular, have addressed the question whether at least one of the documents he published–the only significant one, really–was forged by him. Megan McArdle has done an especially good job in this respect. I am not sure whether she was the first person to raise the question of Gleick’s fake document, but she was certainly among the first.

Read this all. It is really, really good: (
Title: Re: Peter Gleick's Global Warming Fraud Explained
Post by: warpmine on February 26, 2012, 09:51:58 AM
An excellent paragraph by paragraph disection complete with analysis of the fraudulent document. ::thumbsup::
Title: Re: Peter Gleick's Global Warming Fraud Explained
Post by: Alphabet Soup on February 26, 2012, 10:26:41 AM
I got a kick out of the comments (read them all!).

Goofy crap like "you didn't prove he wrote it. With stuff like proof"

I so love smacking warmists when they're down!
Title: Re: Peter Gleick's Global Warming Fraud Explained
Post by: Pandora on February 26, 2012, 11:37:06 AM
Merging with previous thread, BAS; hope you don't mind.
Title: Re: Peter Gleick's Global Warming Fraud Explained
Post by: BigAlSouth on February 26, 2012, 02:04:37 PM
Merging with previous thread, BAS; hope you don't mind.

No prob.
I hate the Warmists so much I don't spend much time in this thread.