It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Politics/Legislation/Elections => Topic started by: hemm on March 13, 2011, 08:44:35 AM

Title: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: hemm on March 13, 2011, 08:44:35 AM
 ::rant:: This will surely help. What are the city and government doing to raise the education level of the people that couldn't pass? Lowering standards WILL NOT DO THAT. What greater insult to lower standards based on skin color/ethnicity. ::rant::

Oh, and the fire department is next.  

link @abc  (

Link to article below (

City agrees to lower test scores for police exam

By Lucas Sullivan, Staff Writer   Updated 12:27 PM Thursday, March 10, 2011

DAYTON — The city’s Civil Service Board and the U.S. Department of Justice have agreed on a lower passing score for the police recruit exam after it was rejected because not enough blacks passed the exam.

The city lowered both written exams a combined 15 points that resulted in 258 more people passing the exam, according to a statement released Thursday by Civil Service officials. The agreement allows the city to immediately resume its plans to hire police and firefighters.

The original passing scores determined by Civil Service required candidates to answer 57 of 86 (66 percent) questions correctly on one portion and 73 of 102 (72 percent) on the other.

The lowered benchmark requires candidates to answer 50 of 86 (58 percent) questions correctly and 64 of 102 (63 percent) of questions on the other.

A total of 748 people passed the exam under the new benchmarks. It is unclear the demographics of those who passed.

The passing candidates will undergo preliminary background checks and, once that hurdle is cleared, will be subject to an oral interview. Those dates have not been determined.

The Justice Department’s rejection of the passing scores last month delayed the city’s firefighter’s exam that was slated for April 2. A makeup date has yet to be set for the exam.

The city said it wants to put new hires on the street in both police and fire departments by next year to replace dozens of retirees that have left public safety forces near all-time lows.
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: IronDioPriest on March 13, 2011, 09:04:21 AM
God, I thought this kind of blatant racist quota crap was dealt with and dismissed.

It sure rings a helluvalot like THIS CASE ( to me, and it seems obvious that if challenged in court, this will go down in flames. There's no other reason for Holder to force this issue other than to pit the races against one another again.

God, how I despise these people. I hate them to the core of my being.
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: Libertas on March 13, 2011, 11:46:14 AM
Part of the proglodyte plan to dumb-down all police forces and the military so that they can come after us bitter-clingers who still believe in stuff like merit, freedom, liberty and rule of law.


Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: charlesoakwood on March 13, 2011, 12:26:09 PM

"My people"
It’s a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not enough African-Americans passed the exam.

Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: Libertas on March 13, 2011, 12:39:26 PM
He's be more honest...still a POS...but more honest if he said...

"My stupid can't cut the mustard people"!
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: Glock32 on March 13, 2011, 12:59:07 PM
There's no political solution for this. You just have to let the whole rotten system collapse under the weight of its own corruption and incompetence.

Even though it is going to result in some very difficult times, strange as it may sound I'll be perfectly honest - I don't dread or fear the inevitable collapse, I welcome it. It's the only thing that might actually motivate a return to reality based on empirical results. The country as a whole has become like a self-delusional addict, and like the addict it will have to hit rock bottom before it starts the healing process.

"Hitting rock bottom" will be brought on by many things, but definitely one of them is when your essential emergency services are populated by the least competent and qualified, and not by accident but as a matter of deliberate policy.
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: charlesoakwood on March 13, 2011, 01:26:47 PM

Neighborhoods with its own private security force.

Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: Sectionhand on March 13, 2011, 02:11:07 PM

The city said it wants to put new hires on the street in both police and fire departments by next year to replace dozens of retirees that have left public safety forces near all-time lows.

And the ignorant , illiterate bastards won't even be able to fill out a parking ticket !
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: hemm on March 13, 2011, 02:26:18 PM
There's no political solution for this. You just have to let the whole rotten system collapse under the weight of its own corruption and incompetence.

Even though it is going to result in some very difficult times, strange as it may sound I'll be perfectly honest - I don't dread or fear the inevitable collapse, I welcome it. It's the only thing that might actually motivate a return to reality based on empirical results. The country as a whole has become like a self-delusional addict, and like the addict it will have to hit rock bottom before it starts the healing process.

"Hitting rock bottom" will be brought on by many things, but definitely one of them is when your essential emergency services are populated by the least competent and qualified, and not by accident but as a matter of deliberate policy.
G32......these fricking morons are beyond "Hitting Rock Bottom". They are there and are calling for heavy equipment and explosives so they can keep on going.

When not if, tshtf, its going to be a mess, of epic proportions...........
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: warpmine on March 13, 2011, 02:48:20 PM
Part of the proglodyte plan to dumb-down all police forces and the military so that they can come after us bitter-clingers who still believe in stuff like merit, freedom, liberty and rule of law.



This is why we have an overabundance of idiots in the police force with nary a thought o what the Constitution is and represents. Think about it in this way, if the technology was available to install androids or robotic cops on the street, these asshat progressives would do it in a heartbeatknowing full well that they could easily program the new technobots to ignor the constitution and the rights it protects. ::falldownshocked::
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: bullonay on March 13, 2011, 11:35:57 PM
Ain't it great that Affirmative Action is alive and going strong...

Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: IronDioPriest on March 14, 2011, 12:21:30 AM
Ain't it great that Affirmative Action is alive and going strong...


Yeah, here's to hoping that after Obama and Holder, America has had enough affirmative action.

Welcome to the forum!
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: radioman on March 14, 2011, 07:49:50 AM
They started lowering test standards for the Houston Police Department way back in the 70's. We objected then, and still do.

Hey, I escaped having to pay for some speeding tickets because the AA police officer didn't know how to write out the ticket correctly, so it worked for me. :)
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: ToddF on March 14, 2011, 08:42:56 AM
I see this as the Obama administration coming right out and staying, Black are genitically inferior.

There is no other way of spinning this.

Blacks are genitically inferior...thereby we have to lower the standards.

What's the solution?  Some elected Republican has to call Obama on this.  In this fashion.  Force the issue to the forefront.  Or it will just continue.
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: IronDioPriest on March 14, 2011, 08:57:06 AM
I see this as the Obama administration coming right out and staying, Black are genitically inferior.

There is no other way of spinning this.

Blacks are genitically inferior...thereby we have to lower the standards.

What's the solution?  Some elected Republican has to call Obama on this.  In this fashion.  Force the issue to the forefront.  Or it will just continue.

The other option is that they are saying that decades of race-based preferences have not worked, and must continue in perpetuity, which means... that Blacks are genetically inferior and cannot succeed without race-based preferences....

Nevermind. You had it 100% right to begin with.
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: Pandora on March 14, 2011, 09:05:02 AM
I see this as the Obama administration coming right out and staying, Black are genitically inferior.

There is no other way of spinning this.

Blacks are genitically inferior...thereby we have to lower the standards.

What's the solution?  Some elected Republican has to call Obama on this.  In this fashion.  Force the issue to the forefront.  Or it will just continue.

That ... and they're touting the notion of their "nobility" as an historically oppressed "people" while they're at it. 
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: Pandora on March 14, 2011, 09:54:48 AM
Remember that in Black Run America (BRA), Black people are never at fault for their actions. Black (mis)behavior {and failure - P.}can only be explained by rampant racism inherent in a corrupt system that demands that they abide by the same rules as everyone else. (
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: radioman on March 14, 2011, 10:10:55 AM
Can I take advantage of the 'black' rules?
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: Pandora on March 14, 2011, 10:12:57 AM
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: Predator Don on March 14, 2011, 12:54:23 PM
The sad part is the "standard", before it was lowered, was 66% correct answers. 66 friggin %. ::hysterical::
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: Glock32 on March 14, 2011, 03:51:27 PM
I have semi-personal experience with this sort of thing. One of my relatives, now retired, was a professional firefighter for a large urban FD. Having many years of experience, he was qualified to sit the exam for promotion to battalion commander. He did quite well, with an exam score in the top 5 of the 50+ candidates. However neither he nor any of the other top scorers got the job. The job went to the candidate who scored 17th, because #17 was the highest scoring candidate of the correct skin color.

Liberals of course pat themselves on the back and bask in the self-satisfaction at just how multicultural they are for imposing this sort of asininity on their fellow citizens. But imagine it's you or your family trapped in a burning building. You'd probably like to assume that the fire department's responding personnel occupy their various positions because they were the best qualified. But you can't. Not in this Alice in Wonderland sort of America. It's not unlike the cavalier attitude from the DoD following the Ft. Hood massacre, basically in so many words "the death of a few expendable serfs every now and then is an acceptable price for Diversity".
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: Dan on March 14, 2011, 03:56:31 PM
He's be more honest...still a POS...but more honest if he said...

"My stupid can't cut the mustard people"!
::hysterical:: ::rolllaughing:: ::laughonfloor::
Holy crap, that was funny!
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: hemm on March 14, 2011, 05:40:39 PM
The sad part is the "standard", before it was lowered, was 66% correct answers. 66 friggin %. ::hysterical::

I am not a math guy, but having to only get 66% and now even less, I wonder what the probability is that you could guess randomly and pass. Sad.Pathetic.
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: charlesoakwood on March 14, 2011, 05:46:43 PM
... One of my relatives, now retired, was a professional firefighter for a large urban FD. ... He did quite well, with an exam score in the top 5 of the 50+ candidates. However neither he nor any of the other top scorers got the job. ...

He prolly wouldn't have been hired anyway.  For each job there is a desired skill level capacity, if one does not fit into those parameters he will not be hired.

Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: Glock32 on March 14, 2011, 05:51:04 PM
Well apparently #17 had the only skill required, extra melanin.
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: IronDioPriest on March 14, 2011, 07:02:44 PM
.... The job went to the candidate who scored 17th, because #17 was the highest scoring candidate of the correct skin color....

Aside from the implications on a public whose taxpayer dollars and perhaps their very lives are paying for someone else's diversity engineering project, imagine being that minority. Imagine knowing that other men who outscored you and who deserved the promotion more than you were passed over because some government bureaucracy believes that because of the color of your skin or ethnic heritage, you are incapable of success without prejudice against your peers. Under such a regime, even a man who performed well on the test will always question whether he was chosen because of his race, and he will always wonder if his peers and subordinates are judging him on that basis.

Even a subconscious acceptance and approval of such race-based preferences on the part of the beneficiary will undermine his accomplishments, and he will be negatively affected whether he feels it or not. So too will his wife and children, as he brings that attitude home.

Bush called that the "soft bigotry of low expectations". I think it is rather more like a violent attack on minorities, meant to completely undermine their personal self-worth. You can't tell an entire race of people that they cannot succeed without being handed success by government, and expect that race of people to be successful, or to even see themselves as entirely free. It's enslavement without the chains.

It is no wonder that more minorities who break out of those molds and succeed without such affirmative action are conservative. It is also no wonder that such people, while common, are still viewed and treated by the Left as an anomaly that proves the rule.

Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: John Florida on March 14, 2011, 07:21:10 PM
Guys in Miami they took the swimming part out of the test because(are you ready)Haitians for the most part can't swim.
Now were talking about an area that's criss crossed by canals and surrounded by water and we have cops that don't have to know how to swim.
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: Predator Don on March 14, 2011, 07:51:11 PM
.... The job went to the candidate who scored 17th, because #17 was the highest scoring candidate of the correct skin color....

Aside from the implications on a public whose taxpayer dollars and perhaps their very lives are paying for someone else's diversity engineering project, imagine being that minority. Imagine knowing that other men who outscored you and who deserved the promotion more than you were passed over because some government bureaucracy believes that because of the color of your skin or ethnic heritage, you are incapable of success without prejudice against your peers. Under such a regime, even a man who performed well on the test will always question whether he was chosen because of his race, and he will always wonder if his peers and subordinates are judging him on that basis.

Even a subconscious acceptance and approval of such race-based preferences on the part of the beneficiary will undermine his accomplishments, and he will be negatively affected whether he feels it or not. So too will his wife and children, as he brings that attitude home.

Bush called that the "soft bigotry of low expectations". I think it is rather more like a violent attack on minorities, meant to completely undermine their personal self-worth. You can't tell an entire race of people that they cannot succeed without being handed success by government, and expect that race of people to be successful, or to even see themselves as entirely free. It's enslavement without the chains.

It is no wonder that more minorities who break out of those molds and succeed without such affirmative action are conservative. It is also no wonder that such people, while common, are still viewed and treated by the Left as an anomaly that proves the rule.

It is undermining thier personal self worth. It's like watching a child being told every day by niave parents they won't amount to nothing. As time passes, the child will begin to believe the lie....Then as parents, they will pass that lie on. The chain unbroken. It's unfortunate the message liberals teach.
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: John Florida on March 14, 2011, 08:24:36 PM
Looks like failure is an option.
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: Libertas on March 14, 2011, 08:39:30 PM
Sure is JF.  I remember back in my schoolin' days where 66% got you nothin' but a big fat F and a note for your folks to come in and talk to the teacher!  And that wasn't the worst part...that came later when pappy tanned my behind!
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: John Florida on March 14, 2011, 09:34:22 PM
Sure is JF.  I remember back in my schoolin' days where 66% got you nothin' but a big fat F and a note for your folks to come in and talk to the teacher!  And that wasn't the worst part...that came later when pappy tanned my behind!

  If I ever failed at anything It was a good old fashioned beating and a half.My grades had to be passing and that started in 1st grade and I didn't speak English for the first half of the year. I passed because it was first grade more than anything else. But from there on no breaks pass fail my choice.

  If I got a 66 on that test pride would stop me from taking the job. But since were dealing with a bunch that has been rewarded for failure it means nothing. The translation from Italian to English is "they have no face"in other words they have no shame so how can they have any pride.
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: Predator Don on March 14, 2011, 11:07:23 PM
There's been times, in hiring, where I believed the better qualified candidate did not "test" the best. There have been times when a "test" was required, which I believed unnecessary to hire the best candidate. Of course, these were not gov't jobs.

I don't necessarily have issue with a "test", but I believe we do a disservice by only promoting or hiring by a test. Imo, we pass on many qualified people by not going beyond a score on a piece of paper. Consideration should be given thru an interview process, recommendations, past training and experience,etc. A host of qualifications should go into a hire.

We've all known qualified people who may not do well in certain aspects of a job. In the private sector, companies work with employees to strengthen weakness. I believe minorities, heck everyone, would benefit by broadening the decision making process. We could truely get the best qualified.

In the other hand, if you can't score a 66 and need the bar lowered...there probably isn't much to work with. ::whatgives:: ::doh::
Title: Re: A RACE based INSULT of the worse kind
Post by: BigAlSouth on March 15, 2011, 05:26:50 AM
You needed that job . . .

Jesse Helms "Hands" ad (