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Topics => General Board => Topic started by: IronDioPriest on March 17, 2011, 10:18:53 AM

Title: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: IronDioPriest on March 17, 2011, 10:18:53 AM
Guests, feel free to register & join the discussion! (

This video is very enlightening. I won't take what I've just watched at face value until I learn more. But it is compelling enough to warrant further investigation. I'd not heard of the UN "Agenda 21", thus I had not heard if any kind of international policy connection to the plague of "Smart Growth/Sustainable Development" policy in America. If this video is relating facts, the web of world-wide Socialist control in the guise of environmentalism has been on the march for decades, and it is far-reaching, entrenched, and here - now - in the form of "Smart Growth/Sustainable Development" policy.

Some will call it conspiratorial. Watch the video and see what you think.

Agenda 21 For Dummies (

Here also is a BING page with several videos ( relating to "Agenda 21"

Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: charlesoakwood on March 17, 2011, 10:42:32 AM


We still own the land and the things necessary to sustain it.

Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: Pandora on March 17, 2011, 10:58:52 AM
Carroll County, Maryland elected five new County Commissioners in November. These brave souls voted unanimously to get rid of all traces of the "Sustainability" agenda in the county. They abolished their "Sustainability" office and dropped out of ICLEI (the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives), the first county to do so.

This may not sound like much but is in fact, huge. The ICLEI has been busy training local governments in implementing the UN's Agenda 21. If you recall, this was the key product of the 1992 Rio de Janeiro "Earth Summit," where Maurice Strong, Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Environment and Development, set the tone with the following memorable quotes:

    "It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class, involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and workplace air conditioning, and suburban housing, are not sustainable.

    "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring about?

Link (

I know I posted on Agenda 21 several times at the old place, because I've been trying to bring people's attention to this UN-pushed endeavor for some time.  I haven't watched the video, but if it's alarming to you, IDP, there's a reason why it is and you can take my word for that.

It is through the above linked American Thinker piece that I found a link of localities that are involved in the ICLEI and my podunk neck-of-the-woods was a dues-paying member.

Anytime you hear "stakeholder", "sustainability" or "smart-growth", Agenda 21 is afoot, whether the utterer is aware or not.

Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: John Florida on March 17, 2011, 11:12:44 AM
Guard the children!Be involved in their schooling. Don't trust the system!!
Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: IronDioPriest on March 17, 2011, 11:31:31 AM
....I found a link of localities that are involved in the ICLEI ( and my podunk neck-of-the-woods was a dues-paying member...

Thankfully I do not see my town or county on the list. Many in MN are though, including of course, Hennepin & Ramsey Counties, home of Minneapolis & St. Paul.
Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: Pandora on March 17, 2011, 11:35:20 AM
Within the official Agenda 21 documentation is a section on how to get your local government involved; there are "change agents" - sort of like community activists - made available to instruct and advise individuals and groups on how to get it done.
Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: charlesoakwood on March 17, 2011, 11:48:21 AM

I thought this was something the Commies were trying to slip in, never knew that there were Americans gullible enough to fall for this garbage.

Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: Pandora on March 17, 2011, 11:50:11 AM
Gullible?  In some cases, maybe.  Most often, it's the statists for whom this is a blueprint for implementing their goal of total control of everything, everywhere.
Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: Pandora on March 17, 2011, 11:52:42 AM
Where did you get that video from, IDP?  Was there an article attached?
Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: ToddF on March 17, 2011, 11:57:19 AM
Just a little throw away little thing in my weekly paper.  Hennepin County actually employs someone to make up little activity packets (like a child in kindergarden would get) and go around to churches, to engage ADULTS about sustainability.

No, with so many otherwise unemployable employed by the leftist trash that runs Hennepin County, I would have no idea why taxes are going up 10% per year...
Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: IronDioPriest on March 17, 2011, 11:58:03 AM
Where did you get that video from, IDP?  Was there an article attached?

I drilled through one of the links at the AT article you cited to another site, and the link to that list was there.

ETA: Click on "Part III" @ the AmThinker article, and then click on "approximately 600 local governments" in the next article. *Popup alert.
Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: Libertas on March 17, 2011, 12:00:16 PM
Yeah, smart growth begat sustainability in MN and more bastard children of the same concept is not making their bullsplattery any more palatable, necessary or wanted!
Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: ToddF on March 17, 2011, 12:00:52 PM
This is what happens when churches forget the very reason they exist (

And yes, this includes

New Tool Kit for Congregations - Launch Event March 10- Hennepin County is looking for local faith-based communities to use a recently developed toolkit to educate and engage their members in environmental actions — specifically, in reducing waste, recycling, reducing toxicity, conserving energy and protecting water resources. Hennepin County will provide program support, training, technical assistance and educational supplies for your congregation to implement environmental education projects and encourage environmentally sustainable behavior.

God help us all.
Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: Libertas on March 17, 2011, 12:03:30 PM
Morons!  But that kind of leftist buffoonery is SOP at apostate churches across the land!


Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: ToddF on March 17, 2011, 12:05:52 PM
A lot can be said for independent churches.  The bigger the bureaucracy, the greater the chance of someone thinking that's a great idea for church.
Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: charlesoakwood on March 17, 2011, 12:08:09 PM
A lot can be said for independent churches.  The bigger the bureaucracy, the greater the chance of someone thinking that's a great idea for church.


Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: John Florida on March 17, 2011, 12:08:25 PM

I thought this was something the Commies were trying to slip in, never knew that there were Americans gullible enough to fall for this garbage.

Every major city in Tx

 I would bet most don't know a damned thing about having it.
Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: Pandora on March 17, 2011, 12:31:31 PM
Where did you get that video from, IDP?  Was there an article attached?

I drilled through one of the links at the AT article you cited to another site, and the link to that list was there.

ETA: Click on "Part III" @ the AmThinker article, and then click on "approximately 600 local governments" in the next article. *Popup alert.

Been there, done that - in February - but I didn't see the video then.

How could you have found the video in the AT article when I didn't post the article til after you posted the vid?
Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: Libertas on March 17, 2011, 12:34:54 PM

I thought this was something the Commies were trying to slip in, never knew that there were Americans gullible enough to fall for this garbage.

Every major city in Tx

 I would bet most don't know a damned thing about having it.

The big cities are, if anything, ground zero for breeding such lunacy.  They are the dark seamy petri dishes of society!  Don't touch it!


Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: IronDioPriest on March 17, 2011, 12:50:17 PM
Where did you get that video from, IDP?  Was there an article attached?

I drilled through one of the links at the AT article you cited to another site, and the link to that list was there.

ETA: Click on "Part III" @ the AmThinker article, and then click on "approximately 600 local governments" in the next article. *Popup alert.

Been there, done that - in February - but I didn't see the video then.

How could you have found the video in the AT article when I didn't post the article til after you posted the vid?

I'm sorry, in my haste I misread your initial question. I thought you were asking me to retrace how I found the list of municipalities. ??? Why I thought that, I cannot say.

Anyhoo, the video: I received a link to the "Bing" video page (linked at the end of the first post) from one of my "Twitter" followers.
Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: charlesoakwood on March 17, 2011, 12:59:18 PM

Here's a problem, getting Main street Joe to accept Agenda 21 as valid.
Some entities take the outrageous Agenda and jack it up with hyperbolic Build-a-Burger conspiracy caricature which puts an onus on the whole idea. At that point Joe wads up the notion that it is a real Agenda and throws it in the trash.

Mainers Oppose Agenda 21 and Gateway 1 Corridor Action Plan
Mainers Oppose Agenda 21 and Gateway 1 Corridor Action Plan (
Uploaded by MaineWebNews on Nov 23, 2010
Is Maine's Gateway 1 Corridor Action Plan an organic response to a local problem or a small part of a much broader agenda? Are property rights at risk?

If the video had stuck with those questions it would be a stronger representation.

Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: Pandora on March 17, 2011, 01:45:38 PM
Where did you get that video from, IDP?  Was there an article attached?

I drilled through one of the links at the AT article you cited to another site, and the link to that list was there.

ETA: Click on "Part III" @ the AmThinker article, and then click on "approximately 600 local governments" in the next article. *Popup alert.

Been there, done that - in February - but I didn't see the video then.

How could you have found the video in the AT article when I didn't post the article til after you posted the vid?

I'm sorry, in my haste I misread your initial question. I thought you were asking me to retrace how I found the list of municipalities. ??? Why I thought that, I cannot say.

Anyhoo, the video: I received a link to the "Bing" video page (linked at the end of the first post) from one of my "Twitter" followers.

Aha!  Somebody else is awake out there.  Good.
Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: Libertas on June 22, 2011, 08:49:30 AM
The Blaze has more on Agenda 21...Duh Wun's new "White House Rural Council"! (

Make sure your no trespassing signs are well posted!

Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: charlesoakwood on June 22, 2011, 09:34:15 AM

Is it possible that concerns about 13575 are just typical anti-government paranoia? Let us review the mission and function of WHRC:

    Sec. 4. Mission and Function of the Council. The Council shall work across executive departments, agencies, and offices to coordinate development of policy recommendations to promote economic prosperity and quality of life in rural America, and shall coordinate my Administration’s engagement with rural communities.

I always thought rural communities were self sustaining, the backbone of America.  I didn't know.

Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: charlesoakwood on June 22, 2011, 09:36:23 AM

With these folks driving the Council one may rest assured the intent for rural America.

The new White House Rural Council will probably be populated by experts in the various fields that might prove helpful to the folks who live and work outside of large urban areas, right?  Well, Tom Vilsack, the current Secretary of Agriculture, will chair the group, but let us review the list of members appointed to serve on this new council – according to the order, the heads of the following groups have been appointed:

    (1) the Department of the Treasury; Timothy Geithner
    (2) the Department of Defense; Robert Gates
    (3) the Department of Justice; Eric Holder
    (4) the Department of the Interior; Ken Salazar
    (5) the Department of Commerce; Gary Locke
    (6) the Department of Labor; Hilda Solis
    (7) the Department of Health and Human Services; Kathleen Sebelius
    (8) the Department of Housing and Urban Development; Shaun Donovan
    (9) the Department of Transportation; Ray LaHood
    (10) the Department of Energy; Dr. Steven Chu
    (11) the Department of Education; Arne Duncan
    (12) the Department of Veterans Affairs; Eric Shinseki
    (13) the Department of Homeland Security; Janet Napolitano
    (14) the Environmental Protection Agency; Lisa Jackson
    (15) the Federal Communications Commission; Michael Copps
    (16) the Office of Management and Budget; Peter Orszag
    (17) the Office of Science and Technology Policy; John Holdren
    (18) the Office of National Drug Control Policy; R. Gil Kerlikowske
    (19) the Council of Economic Advisers; Austan Goolsbee
    (20) the Domestic Policy Council; Melody Barnes (former VP at Center for American Progress)
    (21) the National Economic Council; Gene B. Sperling
    (22) the Small Business Administration; Karen Mills
    (23) the Council on Environmental Quality; Nancy Sutley
    (24) the White House Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs; Valerie Jarrett
    (25) the White House Office of Cabinet Affairs; and such other executive branch departments, agencies, and offices as the President or Secretary of  Agriculture may, from time to time, designate. Chris Lu (or virtually anyone to be designated by the 24 people named above)

Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: Libertas on June 22, 2011, 12:07:00 PM
The WHRC is not welcome here!

Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: AlanS on June 22, 2011, 05:26:56 PM

Is it possible that concerns about 13575 are just typical anti-government paranoia? Let us review the mission and function of WHRC:

    Sec. 4. Mission and Function of the Council. The Council shall work across executive departments, agencies, and offices to coordinate development of policy recommendations to promote economic prosperity and quality of life in rural America, and shall coordinate my Administration’s engagement with rural communities.

I always thought rural communities were self sustaining, the backbone of America.  I didn't know

That's the problem. We're too independent. Can't have that.
Title: Re: The UN "Agenda 21" and American "Sustainable Development" policy (Video)
Post by: Libertas on June 23, 2011, 07:35:19 AM
It is the proglodyte way...punish succcess and reward obedience...

It's almost as if they want to start another civil war, eh?