It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => 2nd Amendment/Firearms => Topic started by: TeachX3 on December 27, 2012, 11:17:34 AM

Title: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: TeachX3 on December 27, 2012, 11:17:34 AM
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) announced plans to outlaw 120 specifically-named firearms including certain semiautomatic rifles, handguns, and shotguns.

Via Drudge:

Feinstein’s bill will mandate that “grandfathered weapons be registered.” (
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on December 27, 2012, 11:19:35 AM
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: IronDioPriest on December 27, 2012, 11:44:01 AM
I don't think this will go anywhere. But it will go back on the table after being off. They'll never ever stop. We knew that before and we still know it.

All I can say is molon labe. [ETR: probably not a good thing to announce in public]
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on December 27, 2012, 12:16:43 PM
I don't think this will go anywhere. But it will go back on the table after being off. They'll never ever stop. We knew that before and we still know it.

Yeah, we didn't think Obamacare would go anywhere either, that at some point -- hopefully the Supreme Court -- it would be stopped.  Granted, Congress won't be controlled by the statists come January, but I do NOT trust the House Republicans.

[ETR: probably not a good thing to announce in public]

No, that's not the way they'll do it.  They'll come at us sideways, in a manner that puts at risk other things if we don't comply.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: TeachX3 on December 27, 2012, 12:22:59 PM
This is being discussed multiple places... and many comments are saying things as:  "time to bury".  I do not understand that point of view.  How does that old saying go (don't know who penned it)... "when you feel it is time to bury your guns, it is then that it is time to use them", or something like that.  This link keeps coming up too: (  ... don't know the amount of truth to it, but it is an interesting read.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on December 27, 2012, 12:24:24 PM
Michael Moore: ‘Calm Down, White People, and Put Away Your Guns’ (

Documentary-maker and liberal activist Michael Moore said the reason for mass shootings in the United States is largely due to fear and racism, and on Christmas Eve he pleaded,  “calm down, white people, and put away your guns.”

In a blog post entitled “Celebrating the Prince of Peace in the Land of Guns,” while still calling for stricter gun-control laws, Moore said such laws will not stop mass killings because of “who we are” as a nation.

“We are a country whose leaders officially sanction and carry out acts of violence as a means to often an immoral end,” Moore said. “We invade countries who didn't attack us. We're currently using drones in a half-dozen countries, often killing civilians.”

“This probably shouldn't come as a surprise to us as we are a nation founded on genocide and built on the backs of slaves,” said Moore, a multi-millionaire filmmaker with an estimated worth of $50 million.

Three things, according to Moore, make America unique in its violence: poverty, “fear/racism,” and the “me society.”

“We're an awfully fearful country considering that, unlike most nations, we've never been invaded,” he said.  “Why on earth would we need 300 million guns in our homes?”

“I get why the Russians might be a little spooked (over 20 million of them died in World War II). But what's our excuse?” Moore said.  “Worried that the Indians from the casino may go on the warpath? Concerned that the Canadians seem to be amassing too many Tim Horton's donut shops on both sides of the border?”

“No. It's because too many white people are afraid of black people,” he said. “Period.”

Moore continued:  “The vast majority of the guns in the U.S. are sold to white people who live in the suburbs or the country. When we fantasize about being mugged or home invaded, what's the image of the perpetrator in our heads? Is it the freckled-face kid from down the street – or is it someone who is, if not black, at least poor?”

Firstly, the CT murderer was White.  Secondly, he apparently needs the link to our thread on "Black culture", wherein we've documented the activities of "black people".

“I think it would be worth it to a) do our best to eradicate poverty and re-create the middle class we used to have, and b) stop promoting the image of the black man as the boogeyman out to hurt you,” he said.

“Calm down, white people, and put away your guns,” said Moore.

... Tough gun laws “won't really bring about an end to these mass slayings and it will not address the core problem we have,” Moore said.  “Connecticut had one of the strongest gun laws in the country. That did nothing to prevent the murders of 20 small children on December 14th.”

Despite those views, Moore supports stricter gun-control laws in the wake of the massacre, including a ban on “automatic AND semiautomatic weapons” and magazine clips that hold more than seven rounds.

“These gun massacres aren't going to end any time soon,” he said.

“I'm sorry to say this,” he said.  “But deep down we both know it's true. That doesn't mean we shouldn't keep pushing forward – after all, the momentum is on our side.”

“We need a ban on automatic AND semiautomatic weapons and magazine clips that hold more than 7 bullets,” Moore added.  “We need better background checks and more mental health services. We need to regulate the ammo, too.”

Unh hunh.  A ban won't address future massacres but it needs doing anyway.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: IronDioPriest on December 27, 2012, 12:28:28 PM
This is being discussed multiple places... and many comments are saying things as:  "time to bury".  I do not understand that point of view.  How does that old saying go (don't know who penned it)... "when you feel it is time to bury your guns, it is then that it is time to use them", or something like that.  This link keeps coming up too: (  ... don't know the amount of truth to it, but it is an interesting read.

Anything that refers to "Ulsterman" should be viewed as suspect.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: TeachX3 on December 27, 2012, 12:43:44 PM

Anything that refers to "Ulsterman" should be viewed as suspect.

Well, that is good news if that 'article' can be dismissed.  Tin foil hats tend to slide down over our eyes, and I don't want to be blind  ;)
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: IronDioPriest on December 27, 2012, 12:46:40 PM

Anything that refers to "Ulsterman" should be viewed as suspect.

Well, that is good news if that 'article' can be dismissed.  Tin foil hats tend to slide down over our eyes, and I don't want to be blind  ;)

There's almost a creative writing industry built around anonymous sources "inside" the government dishing "secrets" about the plans of the government.

Nothing is beyond belief anymore, and that is to the benefit of our enemy. They overwhelm us with a constant barrage of activity and statements that have been heretofore unquestionably absurd.

But there are enough sourced absurdities. Unsourced ones aren't needed for us to know the nature of the enemy we're up against.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on December 27, 2012, 01:07:27 PM
This is the great gun grab that has been hypothesized for years. If this thing is enacted, it is time.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: robins111 on December 27, 2012, 02:22:17 PM
I kinda see two issues here, first, the only possible reason for registration, if future confiscation.. There is no other possible reason for this to exist.  They'll start with single makes and models, such as the Bushmaster AR.. they'll do this by ramping up the angst and fear..  The next phase will be to ban or prohibit, variants of these guns.. which is ever AR in the US.   If this flies, they'll then get a committee together, made up of professional victims, expect the Brady Campaign to be represented, in some cases, having power to enforce their agenda, by the committee being numerically stacked.  That's what happened in Canada..

The second thing I see, is by specifically going after certain firearms, they are hoping to polarize the firearms community, this worked in Canada, when, they went after things like AR's, the owner of a 30 30 Winchester, couldn't care less about your rifle in lots of cases, as long as they leave his alone.  They then started funding assistance, to various provincial hunting/shooting organizations, to 'train' people.. they then made it clear that the funding would stop, if they got to uppity..  as a result, our collective voice was sold, like a $20.00 hooker.

Frankly, I think that you may have to follow Canadian shooters policy of committing the largest case of civil disobedience in Canadian history.. we didn't register, we didn't turn in, we refused to fund organizations that prostitute themselves, and got ready for the next election.  Ultimately, we completely destroyed one long term political party, the second one is effectively nonexistent,..

The last possibility is that the various alphabet agencies will try to forcefully confiscate the firearms, if that's the case.. your Bill of Rights, provides the answer....  You have to understand, you've just got yourselves into a battle, there is no compromise, ever, for every inch you give up, they'll demand something else..

Good luck people.. and keep your powder dry..
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on December 27, 2012, 02:37:48 PM

The second thing I see, is by specifically going after certain firearms, they are hoping to polarize the firearms community, this worked in Canada, when, they went after things like AR's, the owner of a 30 30 Winchester, couldn't care less about your rifle in lots of cases, as long as they leave his alone.  They then started funding assistance, to various provincial hunting/shooting organizations, to 'train' people.. they then made it clear that the funding would stop, if they got to uppity..  as a result, our collective voice was sold, like a $20.00 hooker.

United we stand...divided we fall. I have little to no interest in the high capacity military rounds. Yet i know the above statement by Robin is so very true.  The gun-grabbers do not stop. They cannot be sated. You cannot feed your leg to the lion today, for he will return hungry again tomorrow, until he has fully eaten you. Then he will go after the next meal.....or in this case right or freedom.  We must not give a single inch.

The truth is these people created the gun-free hunting zones that are favored by crazies, terrorists, and criminals.  Liberals deserve ALL the credit for these deaths created by their policies.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: AmericanPatriot on December 27, 2012, 03:00:01 PM
Anything that refers to "Ulsterman" should be viewed as suspect

This isn't Ulsterman.
It's Hagman and Hagman

Not sure if they're any more credible and (I think) they associate with Alex Jones.

However, I'm finding the extreme much more believable these days

Just a short while ago, who would have believed the things that are happening now?
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on December 27, 2012, 03:02:23 PM
I know Barnhardt has been on the Hagman & Hagman show a few times. She usually makes a point of distancing herself from the Alex Jones types, but really I know nothing of them otherwise. I definitely agree that I no longer know what is tin foil hat territory anymore.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: TeachX3 on December 27, 2012, 03:12:05 PM
Just a short while ago, who would have believed the things that are happening now?

I definitely agree that I no longer know what is tin foil hat territory anymore.

Years ago I spoke of different situations (agenda 21 was one of them) and was called a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist... today, they are reality.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on December 27, 2012, 05:00:28 PM
Just a short while ago, who would have believed the things that are happening now?

I definitely agree that I no longer know what is tin foil hat territory anymore.

Years ago I spoke of different situations (agenda 21 was one of them) and was called a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist... today, they are reality.

Good grief!  I've been talking about Agenda 21 for that long as well; people looked at me like I was crazy.  Now I know how Cassandra must have felt.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on December 27, 2012, 05:10:47 PM
I think we have now entered the next phase. The hot part of the civil war is going to be upon us sooner than I previously thought.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: robins111 on December 27, 2012, 05:12:49 PM
I think we have now entered the next phase. The hot part of the civil war is going to be upon us sooner than I previously thought.

I think you're probably right, and its been prepared for, during the last 4 years..
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: trapeze on December 27, 2012, 06:00:31 PM
As long as the House is in Republican hands we stand a good chance of this legislation going nowhere. Besides, the public isn't behind it. It's not even close. The politicians need to be able to be re-elected and if they (most of them) vote for this they are toast.

But if it ever does pass it will be one big civil disobedience protest followed up with a civil war. Personally, I wouldn't want to go up against people who frequent shooting ranges because it's fun or face people who compete in shooting matches for accuracy and speed. I wouldn't want to try and hunt down hunters. I don't know who would.

As the last two presidential elections seem to have more than amply demonstrated, though, you can't fix stupid so there might be some idiots out there who think they could successfully confiscate several hundred million firearms. Just the math on that is daunting. You would need to collect over 80,000 guns per day for a year to get close to 300 million.

Plus, this isn't exactly rocket science anymore to make guns. It hasn't been for a long time. A few computer controlled milling machines and lathes, some metal stock and you can make anything you want in a few days. Pretty much the same with ammunition. And that would be to create a good weapon. A cheapo crappy weapon could be made with hand tools in a few hours.

Perhaps they should try and regulate brains.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: TeachX3 on December 27, 2012, 06:25:18 PM
Hello trapeze, my comments are with all due respect...

As long as the House is in Republican hands we stand a good chance of this legislation going nowhere.

I have absolutely no faith in the republicans.  The state of our nation as it is, is proof they cannot be trusted nor relied upon.

Besides, the public isn't behind it. It's not even close.

The public was not behind the health care fiasco that passed either.

The politicians need to be able to be re-elected and if they (most of them) vote for this they are toast.

Assuming elections will continue...
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Alphabet Soup on December 27, 2012, 06:37:03 PM

The second thing I see, is by specifically going after certain firearms, they are hoping to polarize the firearms community, this worked in Canada, when, they went after things like AR's, the owner of a 30 30 Winchester, couldn't care less about your rifle in lots of cases, as long as they leave his alone.  They then started funding assistance, to various provincial hunting/shooting organizations, to 'train' people.. they then made it clear that the funding would stop, if they got to uppity..  as a result, our collective voice was sold, like a $20.00 hooker.

United we stand...divided we fall. I have little to no interest in the high capacity military rounds. Yet i know the above statement by Robin is so very true.  The gun-grabbers do not stop. They cannot be sated. You cannot feed your leg to the lion today, for he will return hungry again tomorrow, until he has fully eaten you. Then he will go after the next meal.....or in this case right or freedom.  We must not give a single inch.

The truth is these people created the gun-free hunting zones that are favored by crazies, terrorists, and criminals.  Liberals deserve ALL the credit for these deaths created by their policies.


The one bright spot in all of this madness is that dhimmicrats have a bad habit of overreach. They just can't help themselves. It's especially true with respect to gun control. Had they approached it like they have education, the environment, and public-sector unions (using incrementalism) we would be in the same boat as Great Briton today. But they always try too hard and reach too far.

They are doing so now and it because of this overreach that I believe their gambit will fail.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: charlesoakwood on December 27, 2012, 06:57:35 PM

Senator Reacharound will extend his hand across the isle and they will come in magnanimous compromise to an agreement which will cede only 1/2 of our remaining rights. 

They've already got one hand in your pocket and eyes on your email; why on earth would they stop?
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: IronDioPriest on December 27, 2012, 08:22:35 PM
Thinking that ugly political realities would prevent absurd overreach got us obamacare.

Politics is broken. We can no longer live with the illusion that unpopular Leftist agenda items will be back-burnered for political reasons.

A GOP house gives me zero comfort.

Literally, zero.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on December 27, 2012, 08:46:32 PM
Exactly. I feel incredibly ill at ease right now. I am honestly expecting another "event" to occur. They're going to get their legislation one way or another.

This bill from Feinswine strikes me as textbook haggling. Come in with a ridiculous offer, giving yourself room for a great "compromise" that still gets you 75% of it. Then the GOP will congratulate itself for removing a few token items from it.

Weisshaupt often mentions "bleeding out in the driveway", and I can't shake that thought from my head. I think they're really about to make the play they've been wanting for decades. Don't they almost have to? The mathematical reality of the economic situation means they are at risk of being defanged once the world laughs at the thought of being paid in US dollars or treasury notes. They have to cross the finish line somehow or another, before that mathematical reality smacks them down.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: AlanS on December 27, 2012, 09:03:03 PM
Thinking that ugly political realities would prevent absurd overreach got us obamacare.

Politics is broken. We can no longer live with the illusion that unpopular Leftist agenda items will be back-burnered for political reasons.

A GOP house gives me zero comfort.

Literally, zero.

The ONLY option I see is prepare.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on December 27, 2012, 09:53:27 PM
There is ONLY one solution: We must daily, in every forum, speak of the deaths that liberalism has caused in Connecticut. These kids and many others have died BECAUSE of gun-free zones. That is an invention of liberals. They need to not only have the credit, they need to constantly absorb the blame. Liberalism KILLS.  Gun-free zones multiply deaths and attract crazies and criminals and those who seek fame but will accept infamy.  We must not allow them to hang THEIR sins around OUR necks. They own this. Make it known far and wide.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: trapeze on December 27, 2012, 10:05:06 PM
I am a hopeless optimist.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on December 27, 2012, 10:15:47 PM
Thinking that ugly political realities would prevent absurd overreach got us obamacare.

Politics is broken. We can no longer live with the illusion that unpopular Leftist agenda items will be back-burnered for political reasons.

A GOP house gives me zero comfort.

Literally, zero.

The ONLY option I see is prepare.


Made a trip to the outdoor range today.  I'm damn good with the carry .38, but I can effortlessly kill yer ass with the Kimber.  By the time I got to the M1 Carbine, the blood had drained out of my trigger finger again (Raynaud's Syndrome ( and I was done after I hit the bullseye on a half-magazine at 50 yards.


Upper right pic.

*sigh*  I am NOT gonna be much good in an outside firefight in the cold.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Alphabet Soup on December 27, 2012, 10:38:59 PM
Gunsmith will just have to find you some heated triggers   ::doh::
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on December 27, 2012, 10:41:15 PM
Maybe keep a hand warmer in your pocket? Or in your gloves, with an enlarged trigger guard.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on December 27, 2012, 10:48:13 PM
Maybe keep a hand warmer in your pocket? Or in your gloves, with an enlarged trigger guard.

Do they bend?  The gloves I use are just fine with regular trigger guards; I just need to be able to slide a bendy hand warmer in 'em, if they exist.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: IronDioPriest on December 28, 2012, 12:03:11 AM
Jeepers Pan, I've never seen anything like the pics in your post. Does that hurt, or is it numb?
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on December 28, 2012, 12:23:14 AM
Jeepers Pan, I've never seen anything like the pics in your post. Does that hurt, or is it numb?

Numb first, then pain.  Not the tingly, blood coming back into circulation pain, another kind of pain.  Doesn't do to let them get blue; tissue dies off.

When numb, better trigger control (and that says very little about my shooting skills); once the pain set in, couldn't squeeze the trigger anymore.  Then, warm up -- THAAAT'S when the tingly pain sets in.

Pain in the ASS.  (Hand).  I can stimulate circulation by firmly stroking arm from elbow down to hand, literally pushing the blood in/down.  Takes a few minutes, though.  And is then offset by the cold.

My father had it too.  He thought it was because he'd broken his fingers so many times -- auto/truck mechanic all his life.  Evidently not, although the link said nothing about heredity.

But! I found these .....


Sending link to Gunsmith.  My birthday is next month.  And I'm going to be 59.  And everyday, I feel it more and more.  At 39, I had more relative muscle-mass than most men do at 50.  Or most of them at 39, for that matter.  I don't know what happened (well, yes I do), but I don't like it.

My prayer:  Please God, if it is Your Will that we have to stand up for Your Way, give me strength.

I'll be getting some, to see if they work.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: AlanS on December 28, 2012, 07:36:26 AM
Jeepers Pan, I've never seen anything like the pics in your post.

Me, either. I don't know about painful, but it sure doesn't look healthy.

According to the link, there's not a whole lot that can be done as far as prevention/cure. Hope it doesn't increase in severity, Pan. ::praying::
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on December 28, 2012, 10:06:56 AM
Jeepers Pan, I've never seen anything like the pics in your post.

Me, either. I don't know about painful, but it sure doesn't look healthy.

According to the link, there's not a whole lot that can be done as far as prevention/cure. Hope it doesn't increase in severity, Pan. ::praying::

Hasn't so far, and it's just from the cold, so I'm really okay.

/Don't mind me, just feeling a bit melancholy about the birthday.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on December 28, 2012, 10:46:00 AM
Thinking that ugly political realities would prevent absurd overreach got us obamacare.

Politics is broken. We can no longer live with the illusion that unpopular Leftist agenda items will be back-burnered for political reasons.

A GOP house gives me zero comfort.

Literally, zero.

The ONLY option I see is prepare.

Anybody voting for the Feinswine bill is a traitor, period.  Most are probably already on The List anyway, but whatever.  And given the state of the the GOP and the fecklessness of the Roberts Court, I find no satisfaction in anything beyond our control.

Prepare, yes.

We should begin acting and drilling like militia.  We are the last guardians of freedom and liberty.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on December 28, 2012, 10:47:54 AM
Jeepers Pan, I've never seen anything like the pics in your post.

Me, either. I don't know about painful, but it sure doesn't look healthy.

According to the link, there's not a whole lot that can be done as far as prevention/cure. Hope it doesn't increase in severity, Pan. ::praying::

Hasn't so far, and it's just from the cold, so I'm really okay.

/Don't mind me, just feeling a bit melancholy about the birthday.

A birthday is an affliction we all suffer from, may yours be an occasion for blessings.   ::praying::
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: RickZ on December 28, 2012, 10:56:41 AM
If one complains about a birthday, then I'm reminded of what W.C. Fields wanted as an epitaph on his tombstone:  "Here lies W. C. Fields. I would rather be living in Philadelphia."*  Birthdays or the alternative?  Hmmm.  Tough choice.

* Fields constantly mocked and belittled Philadelphia, the city in which he was born.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: AlanS on December 28, 2012, 01:39:14 PM
Jeepers Pan, I've never seen anything like the pics in your post.

Me, either. I don't know about painful, but it sure doesn't look healthy.

According to the link, there's not a whole lot that can be done as far as prevention/cure. Hope it doesn't increase in severity, Pan. ::praying::

Hasn't so far, and it's just from the cold, so I'm really okay.

/Don't mind me, just feeling a bit melancholy about the birthday.

Damn. I missed it. Happy Birthday!!


You could do like me and ignore them. ::oldman::
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on December 28, 2012, 01:42:30 PM
You didn't miss anything, it hasn't happened yet, but, thank you, Alan.

I'd ignore 'em if they'd ignore me .......
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: charlesoakwood on December 28, 2012, 03:37:14 PM

—Ace (

British Doctors Call For a Ban on Kitchen Knives, To Reduce Stabbings

Click image for link.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on December 28, 2012, 03:47:51 PM
Ban libtards, 100% effective.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Alphabet Soup on December 28, 2012, 06:11:40 PM
That picture reminds me of the great old Dan Aykroyd as Julia Child skit. I looked for it on u-toob but the nazis confiscated it.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: AlanS on December 29, 2012, 11:17:03 AM
That picture reminds me of the great old Dan Aykroyd as Julia Child skit. I looked for it on u-toob but the nazis confiscated it.

Damn shame.

"Save the liver. Don't throw it away!." ::laughonfloor::
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: AlanS on December 29, 2012, 11:19:47 AM
Found it!!
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Alphabet Soup on December 29, 2012, 11:38:41 AM
Found it!!

That's it! Thanks
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: robins111 on December 29, 2012, 04:03:02 PM
If I was you fellows, I'd consider this bill by Swine-stein as a classic misdirection, they know there's no realistic chance of it getting through, I'd be watching Bammy, and after this bill fails, and the one by Fish-lips Pelosi, he'll use the power of that bill that gives him control of resources.  Till this time, they've  always use the commerce clause, to push gun related bills through, but these have limitations, and require the individual states to buy in.   I think Bammy is just frothing to attack your second amendment, but needs to do it without state, congressional or Senate support..  mark my wrds, he will try this method, and the media will applaud..
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on December 29, 2012, 05:01:22 PM
If I was you fellows, I'd consider this bill by Swine-stein as a classic misdirection, they know there's no realistic chance of it getting through, I'd be watching Bammy, and after this bill fails, and the one by Fish-lips Pelosi, he'll use the power of that bill that gives him control of resources.  Till this time, they've  always use the commerce clause, to push gun related bills through, but these have limitations, and require the individual states to buy in.   I think Bammy is just frothing to attack your second amendment, but needs to do it without state, congressional or Senate support..  mark my wrds, he will try this method, and the media will applaud..

I suspect I speak for the lot of us when I say that we're aware; nothing can be put past him.

And for anybody elsewhere that is still even *thinking* there is something Obongo won't do, or at least attempt, because he "can't", he has another think coming.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: robins111 on December 29, 2012, 06:17:27 PM
Its gonna get interesting real soon... keep your powder dry guys.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: AlanS on December 29, 2012, 09:59:16 PM
.. keep your powder dry guys.

And have mass quantities.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on December 29, 2012, 10:19:54 PM
Which would be better, Alberta or Saskatchewan?
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: robins111 on December 30, 2012, 08:48:33 AM
Glock, I live in Ontario, was stationed in Alberta during army service, but I'd pick Saskatchewan, better government (sort of super conservative) better hunting, huge deer and moose, better women ( lots of farmers kids that know you have to pull your weight) and more land.  Its generally sold in sections ( square miles) or quarter sections.  The air is black in the fall with game birds...  now the down side... cold, effing cold, snow, lots of snow..  so winter, you snuggle down with your farmers daughter...   lol.

For me, if it gets goofy, I'll be taking me and mine out of urban south Ontario and heading north..
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: AlanS on December 30, 2012, 01:47:57 PM
. cold, effing cold, snow, lots of snow.. 

Eff that.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Predator Don on December 30, 2012, 04:33:20 PM
Part of our problem over the "gun" situation is a conversation between family and friends over the holidays....All gun owners, but we had more than one who believed banning semi auto's doesn't affect them because they do not own any. I politely reminded them the 2nd amendment minds, which means I mind...and they should too. It is your rights and do you think it will cease with a few guns confiscated?

And WHEN dems push thru a ban, no one will be showing up at your door. You will simply receive a letter from the IRS, as they will be the enforcing arm, just like obamacare. Don't turn your weapon in? Face penalties and interest and leins on your property.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: trapeze on December 30, 2012, 04:45:26 PM

And WHEN dems push thru a ban, no one will be showing up at your door. You will simply receive a letter from the IRS, as they will be the enforcing arm, just like obamacare. Don't turn your weapon in? Face penalties and interest and leins on your property.

I will report my guns stolen and bury them before I allow anyone to show up and confiscate.

A few packets of desiccant in a sealed schedule 40 pvc pipe and they will be good forever, ammunition and all.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: warpmine on December 30, 2012, 04:58:17 PM
Nice thought!
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Predator Don on December 30, 2012, 05:25:22 PM

And WHEN dems push thru a ban, no one will be showing up at your door. You will simply receive a letter from the IRS, as they will be the enforcing arm, just like obamacare. Don't turn your weapon in? Face penalties and interest and leins on your property.

I will report my guns stolen and bury them before I allow anyone to show up and confiscate.

A few packets of desiccant in a sealed schedule 40 pvc pipe and they will be good forever, ammunition and all.

A federal tax lien won't care, but I certainly hope it will be that easy.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on December 30, 2012, 05:49:17 PM
Seriously. If it is time to bury them, it is time to use them.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: trapeze on December 30, 2012, 06:01:27 PM

And WHEN dems push thru a ban, no one will be showing up at your door. You will simply receive a letter from the IRS, as they will be the enforcing arm, just like obamacare. Don't turn your weapon in? Face penalties and interest and leins on your property.

I will report my guns stolen and bury them before I allow anyone to show up and confiscate.

A few packets of desiccant in a sealed schedule 40 pvc pipe and they will be good forever, ammunition and all.

A federal tax lien won't care, but I certainly hope it will be that easy.
I am pretty sure that I could get the local sheriff to verify that my guns were stolen. Advantages of a small community.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: trapeze on December 30, 2012, 06:04:07 PM
Seriously. If it is time to bury them, it is time to use them.

Burying would not be a first choice. Neither would shooting people.

As with a lot of things, the right choice depends on the situation.

Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: trapeze on December 30, 2012, 06:24:16 PM
Which would be better, Alberta or Saskatchewan?

I've lived in both and have family in both.

Both are very cold.

I would choose Alberta over Saskatchewan. It would be like choosing Colorado over Kansas.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: John Florida on December 30, 2012, 06:25:00 PM
Maybe keep a hand warmer in your pocket? Or in your gloves, with an enlarged trigger guard.

Do they bend?  The gloves I use are just fine with regular trigger guards; I just need to be able to slide a bendy hand warmer in 'em, if they exist. (

   Try those on.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: John Florida on December 30, 2012, 06:28:14 PM

And WHEN dems push thru a ban, no one will be showing up at your door. You will simply receive a letter from the IRS, as they will be the enforcing arm, just like obamacare. Don't turn your weapon in? Face penalties and interest and leins on your property.

I will report my guns stolen and bury them before I allow anyone to show up and confiscate.

A few packets of desiccant in a sealed schedule 40 pvc pipe and they will be good forever, ammunition and all.

   Vaccume pack then tube them for best results,
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Alphabet Soup on December 30, 2012, 10:35:00 PM
Seriously. If it is time to bury them, it is time to use them.

Burying would not be a first choice. Neither would shooting people.

As with a lot of things, the right choice depends on the situation.

Maybe not (yet) but it sure as heck is moving up the list.  :o
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: trapeze on December 30, 2012, 11:30:48 PM
Found near the top of The Drudge Report:

Demand A Plan - Demand Celebrities Go f**k Themselves (
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: robins111 on December 31, 2012, 11:19:36 AM
The people's cube had a farcical article on this issue and claimed Bammy wanted the new gun confiscation bill ready for signature on April 19th. He would then perform the approval signing in the Massachusetts, at a park in the Lexington/Concord area.  Work  has already been started an a platform on a bridge with some historical meaning, that slips Bammy's mind.  Spokesman for the FBI/BATF, Lon Horiuchi said it was a long needed bill, and he was pleased to assist in making the country safer.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 01, 2013, 01:55:54 PM
We the Militia, don't tread on us, ye be warned.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on January 03, 2013, 08:02:49 AM (

Feinstein .... she's friggin NUTS!  She wants to ban, among other guns, my M1 carbine.  NOW, it's *really* personal!

Listening to the radio this morning, Quinn was discussing her "proposal", including the "grandfather" clause, wherein we're allowed to keep those guns included -- with several conditions including a tax -- but will not be allowed to pass them to our heirs; upon our deaths, they are to be confiscated by the government.

I'm not burying, I'm not paying a tax and I will not allow the BATF on my property to do their warrantless "inspection".  What do you think is going to happen to me then?
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 03, 2013, 11:30:57 AM
Same thing that will happen to me.

Use 'em or lose 'em.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: AlanS on January 03, 2013, 10:30:14 PM
Same thing that will happen to me.

Use 'em or lose 'em.

Well, Hell. At least I know I'll be in good company.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Predator Don on January 03, 2013, 10:55:02 PM
Found near the top of The Drudge Report:

Demand A Plan - Demand Celebrities Go f**k Themselves (

Now that's entertainment.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 04, 2013, 06:41:41 AM
Same thing that will happen to me.

Use 'em or lose 'em.

Well, Hell. At least I know I'll be in good company.

Right back at ya!   ::hat-tip::
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 04, 2013, 06:42:32 AM
Found near the top of The Drudge Report:

Demand A Plan - Demand Celebrities Go f**k Themselves (

Now that's entertainment.

It would be even more entertaining if it was a paid for ad on all the libiot networks!
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 04, 2013, 11:38:03 AM
Good letter.  Not sure I could have written it and restrained either my language or my intentions toward the recipeint... (

Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: John Florida on January 04, 2013, 08:03:58 PM
  All I know is I can't buy ammo and I can't get my hands on any brass. But you can bet I will load up ASAP.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 05, 2013, 10:21:07 AM
I wonder what the smart bot programs scouring data for their societal prediction models are saying about all this?  The end is near?
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on January 05, 2013, 10:28:12 AM
I'd like to know more of what regular people are saying.  I'm not getting much feedback, and I don't know whether or not to believe that a majority of the NRA membership is okay with more gun laws.  My intuition tells me nah, but since the election, who the hell knows.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 05, 2013, 10:54:05 AM
Chances are regular people are probably spanning the gamut in terms of what they think, what they feel and what the prospects are going forward, I think it is too fluid to get a solid reading on.  You and I would like to think people are rightly concerned, but...we've seen bad compromise and outright stupidity rule the day before, expecting anything different is likely to make one a fool. 

I just hate these times...

My grandparents and parents survived FDR and his merry band of progressives, will we be as fortunate?

Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on January 05, 2013, 10:57:06 AM
This crap you're hearing about NRA members supporting "more" laws is just misdirection. From what I've seen, most of the stuff they trumpet as being support even by the NRA are laws that already exist, i.e. background checks when buying from a gun store.

The Left always likes to find some example of "even <insert name>" agrees with this. That's what pisses me off to no end every time the milquetoast beltway conservatives try to make conspicuous efforts at being oh-so reasonable. The only thing they're accomplishing is handing the Left another bat to beat us over the head with, and it's not like they somehow earn respectability for their comments. And just who do they think they would be getting respectability from in the first place? The Left? Who GAS about currying favor with those treasonous, enemy agents?
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 05, 2013, 11:01:28 AM
You are right about that G, and it is infuriating when people take that same moldy bait and walk right into the trap.

Just like the Pubbies, we long for people of principle who are willing to don the armor and wade into the battlefield and wage an offensive campaign that is not designed to punish our enemies in the hopes that they will be reformed but wading into battle intent upon obliterating them.

Will I ever see the day?!
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on January 05, 2013, 11:18:17 AM
I think it goes to show that most conservatives simply do not have a political instinct. This is actually part of what is endearing about our side, it's a testament to the fact that we really just want to be left alone and unmolested in our own individual pursuits. But it's a big weakness when in the ring with the Left, for whom literally everything is political.

My constant refrain is that you should never, ever offer a life line to the enemy. Even if you sometimes think the other side has accidentally stumbled onto something that partly has some merit, why is it our punditry falls all over themselves to point it out? Why the pretense that there is some collegiality between us and them, that at the end of the day we're united by an intellectual need to pursue the truth? That's pure fantasy. We need to take a page out of Alinsky's book, the enemy is 100% wrong and our side is 100% right. Of course that will never mirror objective reality, and that's not even the point. Conservatives just need to learn that this is trench warfare, and niceties will only be used as weapons against us.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 05, 2013, 11:27:08 AM
Damn right!  Did our Founders give quarter to the British or Tories in their midst?  Did they cede moral or temporal power of any kind to the enemy?  Hell no!  It keeps coming back to principles and objectives and knowing your enemy as well as you know is cowardice and treason to give the enemy anything.  Everything must be turned upon them, the full weight of our will must be leveled upon them before the can hope to destroy us.  It is basic warfare 101.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on January 05, 2013, 11:31:29 AM
Conservatives just need to learn that this is trench warfare, and niceties will only be used as weapons against us.

Our termite inspection guy, in his early forties, came Thursday morning; we three had a lengthy chat in the kitchen.  He said he spent the week after the election in bed -- depression -- (his wife was worried about a PTSD recurrence) and when he got up, he promptly dumped all his Dem/progressive/Obongo-voting customers, including a Sikh who admitted to his face that his vote for Obongo was deliberately anti-White.

If "politics is personal" as the Left says, we need to take them at their word and deed and return fire.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: warpmine on January 05, 2013, 03:22:06 PM
Conservatives just need to learn that this is trench warfare, and niceties will only be used as weapons against us.

Our termite inspection guy, in his early forties, came Thursday morning; we three had a lengthy chat in the kitchen.  He said he spent the week after the election in bed -- depression -- (his wife was worried about a PTSD recurrence) and when he got up, he promptly dumped all his Dem/progressive/Obongo-voting customers, including a Sikh who admitted to his face that his vote for Obongo was deliberately anti-White.

If "politics is personal" as the Left says, we need to take them at their word and deed and return fire.
I just hike the prices for poor quality workmanship, it's a fell good winner.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Weisshaupt on January 05, 2013, 10:49:32 PM
Celente on Alex Jones. (

Wow. The anger is out there folks.

Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: RickZ on January 05, 2013, 11:32:17 PM
Celente on Alex Jones. (

Wow. The anger is out there folks.

Norton gave that link the Bad Juju Award, an attack warning and would not open it.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on January 05, 2013, 11:44:55 PM
Not sure why. Norton gives it the green light here: (
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Weisshaupt on January 06, 2013, 09:27:05 AM
Celente on Alex Jones. (

Wow. The anger is out there folks.

Norton gave that link the Bad Juju Award, an attack warning and would not open it.

Its INFOWARS. Its Alex Jones.  Its a fairly big site for the tin foil hats.  I wonder if some ad posted/linked didn't set it off?  Either that or the powers that be really are trying to keep you from listening to Alex Jones. 

I posted the link for Celente. He has a good track record as a prognosticator. He appears regularly  on mainstream media as well - and it could be he has discovered he gets a good business from the Tin Foil Hat crowd and panders a bit more to them on infowars,  but in the past when I have seen him, he iwas  calm, "above it all" and trying to seem objective.  I haven't seen that Celente in a  couple of years.  I think  He is getting genuinely scared.His business is tracking trends and I think he is very alarmed by what he sees, because he knows history and he knows what the likely outcome here is.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on January 06, 2013, 11:03:15 AM
I've actually started listening to Jones' podcast on a somewhat regular basis. Yeah they're all into tinfoil hat stuff (like weather control and fluoridated water as a mind control agent) but I think he's pretty much on the money when it comes to the nature of this government and its intentions. Plus ever since the dark day of 11/6/2012, I have been searching for commentators who more adequately represent the sense of outrage and desire for obstruction that I have. It's time to be angry and defiant in the face of this incipient tyranny. I just can't take any more "it's politics as usual" demeanor from some of the people I used to listen to.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on January 06, 2013, 11:13:44 AM
I've actually started listening to Jones' podcast on a somewhat regular basis. Yeah they're all into tinfoil hat stuff (like weather control and fluoridated water as a mind control agent) but I think he's pretty much on the money when it comes to the nature of this government and its intentions. Plus ever since the dark day of 11/6/2012, I have been searching for commentators who more adequately represent the sense of outrage and desire for obstruction that I have. It's time to be angry and defiant in the face of this incipient tyranny. I just can't take any more "it's politics as usual" demeanor from some of the people I used to listen to.

Me either, and as such, that leaves out everybody but Levin.

Strategizing about 2014?  Talk to the hand .....
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: charlesoakwood on January 06, 2013, 09:07:58 PM

In business, if they screw you once they'll screw you again.
If someone lies to you once they'll do it again.
If part of a formula is incorrect the conclusion will be incorrect.  
If someone is whack-o one must assume their conclusion is whacked.  

It is worrisome to me when a whack-o expresses an observation with which I concur.  Of course, a broken watch is right twice a day but how is one certain when that is unless he has a perfect watch of his own?

Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 07, 2013, 06:32:06 AM
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 08, 2013, 11:39:55 AM
So predictable that they trot out Gabby for their "Steal their guns, &%#@ the constitution!" efforts...

Useful Idiot (
I don't fault her though, she took a bullet in the noodle, but the hubby has no such excuse, apparently he likes trotting her out to politicize deaths and is happier than a Nazi at a Nuremburg rally to unarm every American and make them slaves of the state...

 ::mooning::   ::doublebird::

Glad this guy is still getting attention, eveybody ought to be sounding warnings about these fascist un-American crazies!

Sound the alarm (

And I swear to God I hear one more IDIOT refer to the second amendment in terms that it ONLY applies to hunting and not include hunting FASCIST STATIST TYRANTS in the description I'm gonna kick the piss out of somebody!

Fascist Jackass from Iowa (

Obviously, this jackass is a fascist piece of scat and a traitor, somebody should earn a medal for dispatching this scat on sight!
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: charlesoakwood on January 08, 2013, 12:54:51 PM

"...he likes trotting her out to politicize deaths and is happier than a Nazi at a Nuremburg rally to unarm every American..."

In the picture he appears to be dragging her she appears reluctant and addled.  Bloodsuckers.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 09, 2013, 06:35:53 AM
The wickedness of our enemies knows no boundary...
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 09, 2013, 11:33:58 AM
I hate being right...

Cuomo -

Mario the Nazi (

New Yorkers should storm Albany...armed!

Libiots - Lure Alex Jones in and shoot him, ha, ha!

Shoot Alex ha ha (

Yeah, real funny...every one of the statists fvcks should be swinging from street lamps, now that's be a riot!   ::whoohoo::

Make ammo pruchases harder -

Just another Nazi (

But keep targeting gun owners, really, you are getting our attention!

5th Columnists Scared (

ATL Show (

Ohio Teachers (,0,4582657.story)

Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: charlesoakwood on January 09, 2013, 05:18:45 PM

It should be Federal law that in order to receive a voter ID (a state DL would be an acceptable ID) one must pass a certified firearm safety and operations course whereupon the issuance of ID one is also issued a sidearm, a rifle and ammunition for each.  Americans would fulfill the necessary qualifications for personal responsibility, citizenship, our founding fathers desire for a well armed militia, and to vote.   
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Weisshaupt on January 09, 2013, 06:54:05 PM

It should be Federal law that in order to receive a voter ID (a state DL would be an acceptable ID) one must pass a certified firearm safety and operations course whereupon the issuance of ID one is also issued a sidearm, a rifle and ammunition for each.  Americans would fulfill the necessary qualifications for personal responsibility, citizenship, our founding fathers desire for a well armed militia, and to vote.   

I am not sure mandatory  arming of  morons is a good idea.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: TeachX3 on January 09, 2013, 07:30:37 PM

It should be Federal law that in order to receive a voter ID (a state DL would be an acceptable ID) one must pass a certified firearm safety and operations course whereupon the issuance of ID one is also issued a sidearm, a rifle and ammunition for each.  Americans would fulfill the necessary qualifications for personal responsibility, citizenship, our founding fathers desire for a well armed militia, and to vote.   

I am not sure mandatory  arming of  morons is a good idea.

Or illegals.  There are at least three states that allow illegals to have a drivers license   ::facepalm::
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: John Florida on January 09, 2013, 08:09:43 PM

It should be Federal law that in order to receive a voter ID (a state DL would be an acceptable ID) one must pass a certified firearm safety and operations course whereupon the issuance of ID one is also issued a sidearm, a rifle and ammunition for each.  Americans would fulfill the necessary qualifications for personal responsibility, citizenship, our founding fathers desire for a well armed militia, and to vote.   

   Care to rethink that one Charles?
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: charlesoakwood on January 09, 2013, 08:29:05 PM

It should be Federal law that in order to receive a voter ID (a state DL would be an acceptable ID) one must pass a certified firearm safety and operations course whereupon the issuance of ID one is also issued a sidearm, a rifle and ammunition for each.  Americans would fulfill the necessary qualifications for personal responsibility, citizenship, our founding fathers desire for a well armed militia, and to vote.   

   Care to rethink that one Charles?


To qualify one must -"...fulfill the necessary qualifications for personal responsibility, citizenship, ..., and vote." - nowhere in the statement is there room for maroons, morons, slackers, felons, or non-citizens. 

Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Alphabet Soup on January 09, 2013, 08:47:04 PM

It should be Federal law that in order to receive a voter ID (a state DL would be an acceptable ID) one must pass a certified firearm safety and operations course whereupon the issuance of ID one is also issued a sidearm, a rifle and ammunition for each.  Americans would fulfill the necessary qualifications for personal responsibility, citizenship, our founding fathers desire for a well armed militia, and to vote.   

   Care to rethink that one Charles?


To qualify one must -"...fulfill the necessary qualifications for personal responsibility, citizenship, ..., and vote." - nowhere in the statement is there room for maroons, morons, slackers, felons, or non-citizens. 


It pretty much precludes dhimmicrats, too.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: John Florida on January 09, 2013, 09:29:14 PM

It should be Federal law that in order to receive a voter ID (a state DL would be an acceptable ID) one must pass a certified firearm safety and operations course whereupon the issuance of ID one is also issued a sidearm, a rifle and ammunition for each.  Americans would fulfill the necessary qualifications for personal responsibility, citizenship, our founding fathers desire for a well armed militia, and to vote.   

   Care to rethink that one Charles?


To qualify one must -"...fulfill the necessary qualifications for personal responsibility, citizenship, ..., and vote." - nowhere in the statement is there room for maroons, morons, slackers, felons, or non-citizens. 


 So were alone then? ::danceban::
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Weisshaupt on January 09, 2013, 11:58:26 PM

To qualify one must -"...fulfill the necessary qualifications for personal responsibility, citizenship, ..., and vote." - nowhere in the statement is there room for maroons, morons, slackers, felons, or non-citizens. 

Okay, I will bite, what are the necessary qualifications for personal responsibility? Not being on the public  dole in any way shape or form?  What about taking private charity? If my Brother helps support me, of his own free will am I still considered responsible?
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on January 10, 2013, 12:00:35 AM
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: trapeze on January 10, 2013, 02:37:34 AM
Filled out the background check papers on this ( yesterday:


I wanted the Ruger LCP but my gun store was out and when they checked they said there were none available anywhere so I went with the slightly more expensive S&W. This will be my first truly compact CC gun. I plan on having it with me at all times. Need to start stocking up on .380 ammo. It only comes with one magazine so I ordered another. Could be two weeks before the background check is finished.

I think that I am going to go back tomorrow and buy the full size S&W 40 that they had. I'll regret it if I don't. Hard to beat a quality Glock knock off at $350. Besides...someone is turning 21 in another month and a half so...

Plus more ammo.

mrs. trapeze sez that I need a bigger gun safe. Who am I to argue? Maybe one just for ammo.'s hard to believe that (brass, non-Russian/ChiComm) .223 is $1 a round. And the cheap stuff will not work in the AR...irritating...

And I think that it's time to start accessorizing the AR15. Rails, scope rings and bipod for starters. Laser and tac light after that.

If things ever return to normal I am also thinking about upgrading my defensive shotgun situation. Maybe a Saiga 12. They are hard to find right now but maybe in a few months I can find one and maybe the prices will have returned to something approaching reasonable. Or not.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 10, 2013, 07:05:21 AM
Came close to buying the Bodyguard, but I have a few options in that flavor already so I passed, look forward to the range report.

The Obama Regime has really set the panic alarm rocking, I think prices for just about everything is going to be high and be high for quite a while...
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: John Florida on January 10, 2013, 01:04:57 PM
Came close to buying the Bodyguard, but I have a few options in that flavor already so I passed, look forward to the range report.

The Obama Regime has really set the panic alarm rocking, I think prices for just about everything is going to be high and be high for quite a while...

Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: warpmine on January 11, 2013, 07:21:16 PM
I picked up one of these today: (       .30 06

It came with a scope and the thing was never fired. Five round clip and now ten round clips available.
Can't wait to try it out, oh I don't hunt.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on January 11, 2013, 07:52:39 PM
I picked up one of these today: (       .30 06

It came with a scope and the thing was never fired. Five round clip and now ten round clips available.
Can't wait to try it out, oh I don't hunt.

You do now.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: charlesoakwood on January 11, 2013, 08:17:29 PM

Each in his own way is on it today.  
Rush should have called them out ...named names.

Rush: Republicans Begin Gun Cave (,7500.msg87671.html#msg87671)
Hannity (
Savage (
Levin (

Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: trapeze on January 11, 2013, 11:52:01 PM
Bought this ( today. Just doing my part to boost firearms sales nationwide.


BTW...chronic deranged racist prick Louis Farrakhan says ( that the new Tarantino exploitation flick is his excuse to promote a race war or something. Timing is everything, of course, and what better time to start a race war than right after a few million seriously pissed off right wingers stock up on guns and ammo?

And warpmine isn't alone. I don't hunt, either. Maybe someday. I am wondering if a Barrett 50 cal wouldn't be a nice addition to the collection. It'll probably be banned before I can get one, though. Or the Saiga 12.

At any son is going to get a very nice present on his 21st birthday in a few more weeks. And it's a surprise so don't tell him.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: warpmine on January 12, 2013, 07:35:49 AM
Bought this ( today. Just doing my part to boost firearms sales nationwide.


BTW...chronic deranged racist prick Louis Farrakhan says ( that the new Tarantino exploitation flick is his excuse to promote a race war or something. Timing is everything, of course, and what better time to start a race war than right after a few million seriously pissed off right wingers stock up on guns and ammo?

And warpmine isn't alone. I don't hunt, either. Maybe someday. I am wondering if a Barrett 50 cal wouldn't be a nice addition to the collection. It'll probably be banned before I can get one, though. Or the Saiga 12.

At any son is going to get a very nice present on his 21st birthday in a few more weeks. And it's a surprise so don't tell him.
Look into this one before the Barrett. Priced is pretty good and they have decent reputation as you know. (
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 12, 2013, 11:36:22 AM
Gosh, that Bushmaster is hot!  This is more in line with what I am wanting for hunting!

I might need a desert eagle or something to go with it.  I'm feeling a desire to inflict maximum effect upon my prey.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: John Florida on January 12, 2013, 12:28:06 PM
I picked up one of these today: (       .30 06

It came with a scope and the thing was never fired. Five round clip and now ten round clips available.
Can't wait to try it out, oh I don't hunt.

Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on January 12, 2013, 06:18:39 PM
That Benelli is very nice. Their name is so synonymous with shotguns, I always forget they make rifles too.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: trapeze on January 13, 2013, 12:34:04 PM
Look into this one before the Barrett. Priced is pretty good and they have decent reputation as you know. (

Not a semi auto, though. Which is nice.

And I would be good with the Lapua round, too.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on January 13, 2013, 04:27:30 PM
I am glad to see all these new acquisitions.  My latest one:

Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Alphabet Soup on January 13, 2013, 04:44:53 PM
You're the first guy I know "personally" who has purchased a DPMS - I look forward to a report on how it performs.

Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on January 13, 2013, 04:51:15 PM
So far I've only had a chance to stand back and admire it. Hopefully next weekend I'll have a chance to fire it.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on January 13, 2013, 05:19:05 PM
Ooo, a scary black rifle.   ::thumbsup::
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: John Florida on January 13, 2013, 07:31:15 PM

Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 14, 2013, 07:01:02 AM
Get spare mags.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on January 14, 2013, 08:28:48 AM
If I can find any. Magpul, makers of the popular PMAG, have a backlog in excess of 1 million units. The AR is just something I had been wanting to get anyway, and the urgency of the moment moved it to the front burner. Lack of mags and ammo isn't a big concern for me right now. My go-to platform is still the AK and I am in fine shape on mags and ammo for the Soviet Union's single successful consumer export ;)


Yes, the sling is on backwards
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 14, 2013, 11:16:18 AM
Looks like it will handle most pest control issues.   ::thumbsup::
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 14, 2013, 11:36:16 AM
Gestapo Gov Cuomo first to chip away at 2A rights... (

Stupid ass pointless act that only hurts the law-abiding, killers can still enter the kill-at-will zones (schools etc) that the Left has established and slaughter as many kids with whatever they can steal or buy on the street from your local punk who is free to peddle all manner of crime because cops don't go in those areas even if called...

 ::cussing::   ::gaah::

Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on January 14, 2013, 11:37:49 AM
Obongo to give press conference on his "proposals" today ......

Stand by.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 14, 2013, 11:42:16 AM
Obongo to give press conference on his "proposals" today ......

Stand by.

Not much in there other than the demonization of those so-called "high-capacity" magazines!  (Stoopit jurnotard lingo!)...,7513.0.html (,7513.0.html)
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on January 14, 2013, 04:30:32 PM
3D printer successfully used to produce 30-round AR magazines: (

And yes, you can download the files from the link. Step two is to get yourself a 3D printer for a few tens of thousands of dollars ;)
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Predator Don on January 14, 2013, 05:18:46 PM
Great. I can see no more than 7 bullet clips for any weapon. I hope I am never accosted by more than one person.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: charlesoakwood on January 15, 2013, 12:22:27 AM (
The White House has identified 19 executive actions for President Barack Obama to move unilaterally on gun control, Vice President Joe Biden told a group of House Democrats on Monday, (
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Monday told a group of John Hopkins students that President Obama ought to sidestep the wishes of Congress and order swift new executive gun control measures. (
Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman threatened Monday afternoon that he would file articles of impeachment against President Barack Obama if he institutes gun control measures with an executive order.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: IronDioPriest on January 15, 2013, 01:04:23 AM
Executive orders are bad enough. But to issue them regarding a constitutional right, where there is a distinct divide in public opinion, is tantamount to an act of war. He'd essentially be saying that regardless of the fact that the Supreme Court has ruled time and time again that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right, that he has the unilateral power to determine how that right manifests for the people, without even involving the legislative body.

That is an act of war.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 15, 2013, 07:07:11 AM
Executive orders are bad enough. But to issue them regarding a constitutional right, where there is a distinct divide in public opinion, is tantamount to an act of war. He'd essentially be saying that regardless of the fact that the Supreme Court has ruled time and time again that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right, that he has the unilateral power to determine how that right manifests for the people, without even involving the legislative body.

That is an act of war.

Damn right.  And this national background check by executive order is nothing but a poorly veiled attempt to create a national database of gun registration to be used against said gun owners!  This asshole Obama is going the Hitler route and apparently only this congressman from TX seems to be willing to take the fascist bastard straight on!

If anybody doubts we are now at war with a tyrannical government then they are dead to me.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on January 15, 2013, 09:59:49 AM
Executive orders are bad enough. But to issue them regarding a constitutional right, where there is a distinct divide in public opinion, is tantamount to an act of war. He'd essentially be saying that regardless of the fact that the Supreme Court has ruled time and time again that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right, that he has the unilateral power to determine how that right manifests for the people, without even involving the legislative body.

That is an act of war.

Last evening, Levin outright called for impeachment if Obongo arrogated to himself the authority to raise the debt ceiling.

This issue of the Second Amendment, however, is a more pertinent reason, in terms of people's general understanding.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on January 15, 2013, 10:23:37 AM
Here is the crisis: the House could impeach him, but the Senate will never convict. I mean never. Obama could get on live TV right now and admit the purpose of Fast & Furious, and admit he ordered a stand down of rescue forces in Benghazi, and the Senate would still not convict.

What do you do when a system of government is that hopelessly broken?
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Pandora on January 15, 2013, 10:26:03 AM
Here is the crisis: the House could impeach him, but the Senate will never convict. I mean never. Obama could get on live TV right now and admit the purpose of Fast & Furious, and admit he ordered a stand down of rescue forces in Benghazi, and the Senate would still not convict.

What do you do when a system of government is that hopelessly broken?

The Founders demonstrated and then gave us the manual.  Whether we do it or not ......  ::whatgives::
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on January 15, 2013, 10:30:05 AM
Right. I agree, of course. I just wonder what's taking so long. People remain anesthetized by the normalcy factor, and the phony legitimacy of process -- "Well, he was elected".
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: warpmine on January 15, 2013, 10:33:19 AM
Great. I can see no more than 7 bullet clips for any weapon. I hope I am never accosted by more than one person.
People will just ramp up the caliber they carry so the effectiveness is absolute....death. A .500 mag will definitely do the job and there won't be much left but then they set the rules that generally have unintended consequences.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: IronDioPriest on January 15, 2013, 10:35:28 AM
I think he wants to be impeached by the House. I believe he's daring them to do it, hoping they will, so he can truly defy the rule of law and claim public support for doing it. As Glock says, he'll never be convicted by the Senate. To add to that, the media will rally behind him and against House Repubicans like nothing we've seen yet. It would be the final step in assuming dictatorial power.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: warpmine on January 15, 2013, 10:38:37 AM
I think he wants to be impeached by the House. I believe he's daring them to do it, hoping they will, so he can truly defy the rule of law and claim public support for doing it. As Glock says, he'll never be convicted by the Senate. To add to that, the media will rally behind him and against House Repubicans like nothing we've seen yet. It would be the final step in assuming dictatorial power.
Double dog dare? This piece of sh*t has got to know his limitations and the House best get down to it or risk being complicit.

What really pisses me off is they should have challenged his eligibility from the get go but none of them would dare be called out as racists for doing so. They are cowards!
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Weisshaupt on January 15, 2013, 11:04:12 AM
I think he wants to be impeached by the House. I believe he's daring them to do it, hoping they will, so he can truly defy the rule of law and claim public support for doing it. As Glock says, he'll never be convicted by the Senate. To add to that, the media will rally behind him and against House Repubicans like nothing we've seen yet. It would be the final step in assuming dictatorial power.
Double dog dare? This piece of sh*t has got to know his limitations and the House best get down to it or risk being complicit.

What really pisses me off is they should have challenged his eligibility from the get go but none of them would dare be called out as racists for doing so. They are cowards!

If he does any real gun control by  executive order  ( not Database sharing and the like)  there will be an impeachment by lead. I wish I could start an in-trade bet on it.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 15, 2013, 12:02:11 PM
Right. I agree, of course. I just wonder what's taking so long. People remain anesthetized by the normalcy factor, and the phony legitimacy of process -- "Well, he was elected".

Obvious retort "So was Hitler, how'd that work out?"!
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Libertas on January 15, 2013, 12:03:04 PM
I think he wants to be impeached by the House. I believe he's daring them to do it, hoping they will, so he can truly defy the rule of law and claim public support for doing it. As Glock says, he'll never be convicted by the Senate. To add to that, the media will rally behind him and against House Repubicans like nothing we've seen yet. It would be the final step in assuming dictatorial power.
Double dog dare? This piece of sh*t has got to know his limitations and the House best get down to it or risk being complicit.

What really pisses me off is they should have challenged his eligibility from the get go but none of them would dare be called out as racists for doing so. They are cowards!

If he does any real gun control by  executive order  ( not Database sharing and the like)  there will be an impeachment by lead. I wish I could start an in-trade bet on it.

Why is the database not included?
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: charlesoakwood on January 15, 2013, 01:47:11 PM

Database is the most insidious.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: IronDioPriest on January 15, 2013, 02:02:05 PM
Any data base of firearm owners in the US will eventually (if not immediately) be demanded by and shared with the UN.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Glock32 on January 15, 2013, 03:48:53 PM
Among the 19 executive orders, it is speculated that one of them will be pertaining to the import of firearms, ammunition, and "parts kits". Clinton categorically banned the importation of rifles and ammunition from China, and Obongo is going to try and use the same "authority" across the board. I had forgotten about the Chinese ban, but the fact that it has remain unchallenged since the early 90s means he will probably get away with this particular order.

The liberals are of the belief that gun owners will bitch and moan for a while, but then fall into line because nobody wants go to prison or an early grave. Undoubtedly this will be true for many. But if there is no resistance to an effort at confiscation, then we will all wish we'd gone to early graves. What they plan for us is the same thing these Marxist terrorists have always done.
Title: Re: Democrats Announce Plans to Go After Handguns
Post by: Alphabet Soup on January 15, 2013, 06:23:27 PM
Among the 19 executive orders, it is speculated that one of them will be pertaining to the import of firearms, ammunition, and "parts kits". Clinton categorically banned the importation of rifles and ammunition from China, and Obongo is going to try and use the same "authority" across the board. I had forgotten about the Chinese ban, but the fact that it has remain unchallenged since the early 90s means he will probably get away with this particular order.

The liberals are of the belief that gun owners will bitch and moan for a while, but then fall into line because nobody wants go to prison or an early grave. Undoubtedly this will be true for many. But if there is no resistance to an effort at confiscation, then we will all wish we'd gone to early graves. What they plan for us is the same thing these Marxist terrorists have always done.

I keep telling them that I have no interest in prison but I'm not afraid of an early grave. But If I go I'm sending a busload ahead of me.