It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => The "Educators" => Topic started by: Glock32 on March 07, 2013, 11:08:46 PM

Title: Yale hosts workshop teaching sensitivity to bestiality and incest
Post by: Glock32 on March 07, 2013, 11:08:46 PM
H/T: Ann Barnhardt

Crossposted to our imaginary "Circling The Drain" category. Any real surprise here? But remember there's no slippery slope!

On Saturday afternoon, Yale hosted a “sensitivity training” in which students were asked to consider topics such as bestiality, incest, and accepting money for sex.

During the workshop, entitled, "Sex: Am I Normal," students anonymously asked and answered questions about sex using their cell phones, and viewed the responses in real time in the form of bar charts.

The session was hosted by “sexologist” Dr. Jill McDevitt, who owns a sex store called Feminique in West Chester, Pa.

Survey responses revealed that nine percent of attendees had been paid for sex, 3 percent had engaged in bestiality, and 52 percent had participated in "consensual pain" during sex, according to an article published in the Yale Daily News on Monday.

Event director Giuliana Berry ’14 told Campus Reform in an interview on Monday that the workshop was brought to campus to teach students not to automatically judge people who may have engaged in these sorts of activities, but rather to respond with “understanding” and “compassion.”

"People do engage in some of these activities that we believe only for example perverts engage in,” she said. “What the goal is is to increase compassion for people who may engage in activities that are not what you would personally consider normal.” (

Title: Re: Yale hosts workshop teaching sensitivity to bestiality and incest
Post by: Predator Don on March 07, 2013, 11:26:11 PM
H/T: Ann Barnhardt

Crossposted to our imaginary "Circling The Drain" category. Any real surprise here? But remember there's no slippery slope!

On Saturday afternoon, Yale hosted a “sensitivity training” in which students were asked to consider topics such as bestiality, incest, and accepting money for sex.

During the workshop, entitled, "Sex: Am I Normal," students anonymously asked and answered questions about sex using their cell phones, and viewed the responses in real time in the form of bar charts.

The session was hosted by “sexologist” Dr. Jill McDevitt, who owns a sex store called Feminique in West Chester, Pa.

Survey responses revealed that nine percent of attendees had been paid for sex, 3 percent had engaged in bestiality, and 52 percent had participated in "consensual pain" during sex, according to an article published in the Yale Daily News on Monday.

Event director Giuliana Berry ’14 told Campus Reform in an interview on Monday that the workshop was brought to campus to teach students not to automatically judge people who may have engaged in these sorts of activities, but rather to respond with “understanding” and “compassion.”

"People do engage in some of these activities that we believe only for example perverts engage in,” she said. “What the goal is is to increase compassion for people who may engage in activities that are not what you would personally consider normal.” (

Really? Only 3 percent had sex with democrats?
Title: Re: Yale hosts workshop teaching sensitivity to bestiality and incest
Post by: trapeze on March 08, 2013, 12:59:30 AM
But what about rape? And murder?

Rapists and murderers are people too, you know.

...the workshop was brought to campus to teach students not to automatically judge people who may have engaged in these sorts of activities, but rather to respond with “understanding” and “compassion.”

"People do engage in some of these activities that we believe only for example perverts engage in,” she said. “What the goal is is to increase compassion for people who may engage in activities that are not what you would personally consider normal.”

And can we show some respect for the necrophiliacs? I mean, c'mon.

Can we get a shout out for the cannibals and anyone involved in ritual human sacrifice?
Title: Re: Yale hosts workshop teaching sensitivity to bestiality and incest
Post by: Libertas on March 08, 2013, 06:51:00 AM
I think I have an idea on that ritual human sacrifice angle, Trap.

How about a workshop that teaches deviants sensitivity to hollow point rounds?  I'm thinking they might find it useful, since I know so many people who would put them down faster than a rabid dog.

Then another workshop on the proper treatment of deviants.

Our love of freedom of assembly and freedom of speech should not be honored any less, eh?! 
Title: Re: Yale hosts workshop teaching sensitivity to bestiality and incest
Post by: IronDioPriest on March 08, 2013, 07:52:32 AM
I would lay a bet that before my time on this earth is through, IF this society is allowed to continue its headlong plunge into the abyss, pedophilia will be trumpeted by the Left as a sexual preference, and mainstream Leftist demands for normalization and non-criminalization will occur.
Title: Re: Yale hosts workshop teaching sensitivity to bestiality and incest
Post by: charlesoakwood on March 08, 2013, 08:51:31 AM

Homosexuality, an aberration, was not even addressed as something odd. Circling the drain, indeed.
Title: Re: Yale hosts workshop teaching sensitivity to bestiality and incest
Post by: Glock32 on March 08, 2013, 11:34:01 AM
Oh they're already on the march for that IDP.  I recall about two years ago there was a symposium of a major psychiatric association where the subject was pedophilia and whether it should continue to be classified as a psychiatric disorder, or just a form of alternative sexuality. There were lots of these symposiums in the lead up to the newest revision of the DSM, the bible of psychiatry. The normalization of homosexuality took the same path, as it too was once classified a psychiatric disorder until it was declared otherwise in the 1970s.