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Topics => Politics/Legislation/Elections => Topic started by: IronDioPriest on February 20, 2011, 11:52:53 AM

Title: Florida Flexing its Electoral Muscle for 2012 Primaries
Post by: IronDioPriest on February 20, 2011, 11:52:53 AM
It has seemed ridiculous to me since I started paying attention to politics that such massive importance is placed in Iowa and New Hampshire as the kickoff points for a campaign's success or failure.

Florida's not threatening to necessarily upset that applecart, but they are making some demands that go clearly against the will of the national parties and their established preferences.

HT: Politico

Florida threatens to shred 2012 calendar (

A deepening standoff between national Republicans and top party leaders in Florida has the potential to blow up the 2012 presidential primary calendar — and do lasting damage to the GOP in the nation’s largest swing state.

At issue is the early date of Florida’s presidential primary election, currently set for Jan. 31, 2012. As of right now, it’s the first primary scheduled.

That’s in blatant violation of Republican and Democratic National Committee rules, which say only four states — Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada – can hold primary elections before the beginning of March.

But despite the pleas of GOP officials in Washington, the Republican leaders of Florida’s legislature say they have no intention of shifting the date in a way that could diminish the Sunshine State’s influence in 2012. Key officials signaled they would accept nothing less than going fifth on the primary calendar — not leapfrogging the four early states, but clearly marked off from the other 45...

More @ (
Title: Re: Florida Flexing its Electoral Muscle for 2012 Primaries
Post by: Glock32 on February 20, 2011, 02:37:26 PM
I agree it's ridiculous that the first 3 or 4 primaries basically dictate the direction for the rest of the 57 states. In Iowa you're gonna get an ag subsidy advocate, in NH you're gonna get a New England RINO squish. Once a clear leader emerges from those first few primaries, the rest of the primaries are almost an afterthought.

I don't see why we can't have all primaries on the same day, just like a general election. When people see that their preferred candidate is already behind by several delegates, they tend to shift their vote to the candidate among the leading 2 who isn't quite as bad as the other. The whole thing is clearly rigged to serve the interests of the entrenched Ruling Class establishment.

Out of all the political warfare that has emerged since Chairman Zero's anointing, I think the most illuminating has been the exposure of just how hostile the GOP leadership is to grassroots movement.
Title: Re: Florida Flexing its Electoral Muscle for 2012 Primaries
Post by: IronDioPriest on February 20, 2011, 05:14:46 PM
...I don't see why we can't have all primaries on the same day, just like a general election...

Bingo. Unfortunately, given the states' sovereignty over election law enumerated in the constitution, I think it would take a constitutional amendment to make it happen.

When people see that their preferred candidate is already behind by several delegates, they tend to shift their vote to the candidate among the leading 2 who isn't quite as bad as the other. The whole thing is clearly rigged to serve the interests of the entrenched Ruling Class establishment...

I wonder whether the chicken or the egg came first. Clearly this is a product of states jockeying for power and influence in the nomination process. But as you say it also serves the establishment and the incumbency therewith, perpetuating power and influence of that national establishment. The whole thing is just so incestuous, and I think that we see in the Tea Party movement a stark recognition and abhorring of that incest.

Out of all the political warfare that has emerged since Chairman Zero's anointing, I think the most illuminating has been the exposure of just how hostile the GOP leadership is to grassroots movement.

I would definitely put that illumination on par with the recognition of the deep radicalism of the Left by voters who heretofore believed their civic responsibility began and ended on election day every two to four years. There are America-loving people waking up all over the country and they don't like what they see from either party.
Title: Re: Florida Flexing its Electoral Muscle for 2012 Primaries
Post by: Dan on February 20, 2011, 06:27:05 PM
A Constitutional Amendment...this might be the  time.
I'd gladly support that, if I thought we had the kind of time required for such a thing.
Title: Re: Florida Flexing its Electoral Muscle for 2012 Primaries
Post by: John Florida on February 20, 2011, 06:35:21 PM
Guy this is a big state finally flexing it's muscles and putting it's foot down. The dems don't want to start here because they don't know which way it's gonna go(we have a pretty good idea though) the Repubs in D.C. just want to controll everything and we have a governor that aspires to highr office and is doing all he can toget air time.

   This is going to be fun!!(
Title: Re: Florida Flexing its Electoral Muscle for 2012 Primaries
Post by: charlesoakwood on February 20, 2011, 07:57:08 PM
Quote from: Glock32 on Today at 02:37:26 PM
When people see that their preferred candidate is already behind by several delegates, they tend to shift their vote to the candidate among the leading 2 who isn't quite as bad as the other. The whole thing is clearly rigged to serve the interests of the entrenched Ruling Class establishment...

First pick being a value may be a thing of the past.  
This paradigm was created in an era of slow information created by the MSM.  The Florida choice may burn out midway and another reaching his or her stride.
Through the slow primary process of debate and exposure the nation gets much better acquainted with the candidates as they witness their foibles and fortes.  One might consider Florida "jumping the gun" and shooting themselves in the foot with a premature selection.

Title: Re: Florida Flexing its Electoral Muscle for 2012 Primaries
Post by: John Florida on February 20, 2011, 08:11:15 PM
Quote from: Glock32 on Today at 02:37:26 PM
When people see that their preferred candidate is already behind by several delegates, they tend to shift their vote to the candidate among the leading 2 who isn't quite as bad as the other. The whole thing is clearly rigged to serve the interests of the entrenched Ruling Class establishment...

First pick being a value may be a thing of the past. 
This paradigm was created in an era of slow information created by the MSM.  The Florida choice may burn out midway and another reaching his or her stride.
Through the slow primary process of debate and exposure the nation gets much better acquainted with the candidates as they witness their foibles and fortes.  One might consider Florida "jumping the gun" and shooting themselves in the foot with a premature selection.

 The new governor has his own agenda and hopefully will settle down soon.
Title: Re: Florida Flexing its Electoral Muscle for 2012 Primaries
Post by: Libertas on February 20, 2011, 09:14:09 PM
Should just let states determine when they want their primary and caucus dates and tell the parties to bugger off.  People need to regain control of this process, period.