It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Faith & Family => Topic started by: Magnum on May 09, 2013, 08:18:02 PM

Title: MN House Passes Gay “Marriage” Bill
Post by: Magnum on May 09, 2013, 08:18:02 PM
"Minneapolis—Just six months ago, we were told often and loudly that there were no real threats to the current definition of marriage.  We publicly argued that this was false. Over one million Minnesotans voted to protect marriage in the Constitution, but the marriage amendment did not pass.  The efforts to redefine marriage today speak for themselves."


I am just sick. And angry. I went to the capitol today to try to do what I could. I failed. I should have done more but I didn't. I am also disappoined in many of the churches in my area too. Both the Messianic Jewish and Covenant churches I attended did little too.

Like I said I deserve much of the blame I let others fight the fight long before I got off my A$$ and tried to do something.

I need to regroup. I need to ask the Lord for Forgiveness for not doing more in defending His Sacred covenant. I realize more than ever I can't sit quietly any longer while the enormous battle for the soul of our country wages on.........

Title: Re: MN House Passes Gay “Marriage” Bill
Post by: IronDioPriest on May 09, 2013, 09:20:24 PM
It is awful. As Jason Lewis was lamenting this evening, in all his years as a conservative pundit, he has never seen liberalism on the march anywhere in America as it is right now in Minnesota. They got handed the keys to the candy store, and rather than eat all the candy, they wanna nuke it just to prove they can.

At first blush, it would seem that 4 republicans, led by my own uber-conservative state house rep David Fitzsimmons, gave bi-partisan cover to this. But upon listening to his reasoning, it's sound. The Leftists only needed 68 votes for this to pass. There are 71 DFL Leftists, and all but two were voting for this - they had 69. It was going to get crammed through as a full-blown homosexer marriage bill without any Republican votes. Fitzsimmons added an amendment that basically changed the bill from homosexer marriage to homosexer civil unions, and further, his amendment supposedly protects religious institutions as well as private entities with religious objections from being subject to any aspect of this outside of legal status. In other words (and according to my understanding) Fitz's amendment means that a church, a religious hospital, or a Chik-fil-A can't be forced to recognize a gay marriage if the objection is on religious ground.

Fitzsimmons is a Paulite libertarian - a streak that runs stronger than ever in my corner of Bachmann's 6th district. It doesn't surprise me that he would be comfortable a) voting for a bill that can be justified as a civil protection for individual rights, and b) voting for a bill that protects religious liberty in the language. It especially doesn't surprise me when I consider that the two options were a homosexer bill that fulfilled the Leftists wet-dream, or a homosexer bill that contained language to protect religious freedom.

My problem now is that the Leftists will work night and day, and the courts will interject, and the provisions that Fitz fought to have added to make this piece of sh*t better will be overturned.

This state is lost.
Title: Re: MN House Passes Gay “Marriage” Bill
Post by: Libertas on May 10, 2013, 07:13:01 AM
Great, next open displays of homosexer deviancy, then, bestiality and polygamy can't be too far behind.  Welcome to Sodom.

Well, to Hell with them all!
Title: Re: MN House Passes Gay “Marriage” Bill
Post by: AlanS on May 11, 2013, 11:16:48 AM
Great, next open displays of homosexer deviancy, then, bestiality and polygamy can't be too far behind.  Welcome to Sodom.

Well, to Hell with them all!

You left out pedophilia.
Title: Re: MN House Passes Gay “Marriage” Bill
Post by: Libertas on May 12, 2013, 08:32:23 PM
Great, next open displays of homosexer deviancy, then, bestiality and polygamy can't be too far behind.  Welcome to Sodom.

Well, to Hell with them all!

You left out pedophilia.

Gosh, how could I forget them?  I could forget all them, gladly.
Title: Re: MN House Passes Gay “Marriage” Bill
Post by: Magnum on May 13, 2013, 07:20:47 PM
The Bill just passed the state senate and it is all but law now. I am sick ::puke:: My home state, the state were I spent most of my life is now an abomination to God.

The millennial old definition of marriage is now in Minnesocold anyway......... redefined.

Dennis Prager was right when he said; "This is the lefts great issue their passion is to redefine marriage.The left loathes the Judeo Christian value system they know this is the lynch pen. If the left can get this done (ssm) they would have abolished the notion of having the ethics of Judeo Christian values be normative in our society. This battle is infinitely larger than gay and straights it is everything and they know it. That is why they are feverish. They hate, Hate, HATE the Bible.

The Bible to the left is the NY times editorial page not the book of Leviticus. The very idea that some of us should have our lives determined by the values of the Bible makes the left sick. The left are the "enlightened" ones and they have no use for the Bible crap that us Christians believe and witness to others on. This too is why they have so much contempt for the 10 commandments in the public sphere."

Please Pray For Us ::praying::

For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. 5 And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God. 1 John 5:4-5
Title: Re: MN House Passes Gay “Marriage” Bill
Post by: charlesoakwood on May 13, 2013, 07:31:05 PM

Please Pray For Us ::praying::

For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. 5 And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God. 1 John 5:4-5

Title: Re: MN House Passes Gay “Marriage” Bill
Post by: Libertas on May 14, 2013, 06:39:25 AM
37-30, pathetic.  Gov. Mark "Pills" Dayton will no doubt hold a huge whooptie-doo-dah for this signing, invite in all the leading fags and dykes, expound on the joys of man-on-man/woman-on-woman love and hail this as a great victory in the culture wars (or as we call it the "war against God and normalcy") wouldn't surprise me if homosexer marriages on the steps of the capitol become all the rage in the deviant community...


Cue the fire & brimstone, please!  

ETA - Freedom to Marry Deviants bill signing - 5pm

Queertastic "Love is Lewd" celebration follows - figures a band called P.O.S. is playing.   ::hysterical:: (

Satan and his demons have to be laughing their red asses off.
Title: Re: MN House Passes Gay “Marriage” Bill
Post by: Glock32 on May 15, 2013, 10:36:52 AM
It's just like how satanism has their "Black Mass" where they take certain accoutrements and rituals from the real Mass and bastardize them, a form of elaborate mockery and degradation. So it is with this, the purpose of it is to mock, bastardize, and degrade the institution of marriage by putting some grotesque inversion of it on a legal pedestal and calling it equal to the real thing.
Title: Re: MN House Passes Gay “Marriage” Bill
Post by: Libertas on May 15, 2013, 11:37:10 AM
I would now (not that I have any prospects) bypass state sanctioned marriage process in any state allowing homosexer marriage just to avoid the demonic taint associated with the state, even if that means an underground marriage by a traditionalist clergy without demonic state paperwork.