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Topics => General Board => Topic started by: charlesoakwood on May 21, 2013, 11:58:22 PM

Title: War on Terror will never end
Post by: charlesoakwood on May 21, 2013, 11:58:22 PM

The Pentagon Admits: The "War On Terror" Will Never End (

The second term of the Bush administration and first five years of the Obama presidency have been devoted to codifying and institutionalizing the vast and unchecked powers that are typically vested in leaders in the name of war. Those powers of secrecy, indefinite detention, mass surveillance, and due-process-free assassination are not going anywhere. They are now permanent fixtures not only in the US political system but, worse, in American political culture.

Each year that passes, millions of young Americans come of age having spent their entire lives, literally, with these powers and this climate fixed in place: to them, there is nothing radical or aberrational about any of it.

Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: trapeze on May 22, 2013, 12:37:57 AM
And it never will end until we fight it the way it needs to be fought. The way we fought the second World War, as "total war."

We have fought and continue to fight the GWOT as a holding pattern, attempting to stop jihadis from this individual attack or that individual attack or worse, attempting to "change hearts and minds" by exporting American democracy to places that neither want nor deserve it.

I said this the day that the towers came down (because I knew that it was islamic based can ask mrs. trapeze on that one) that we would never know another peaceful day unless we rooted them all out and killed every last one of them. I called it "going biblical."

I remember thinking of that line from the movie, "Aliens" about nuking them from orbit..."It's the only way to be sure," and thinking that that was the right mentality. When faced with a foe who will not surrender, who is dedicated to your annihilation, there really aren't very many options left.

So far, we have chosen the weak play...tried to have the best of both worlds. We want to be "safe" and yet we aren't willing to do the correct thing in order to achieve a real victory and ensure the future for our descendants. In a world of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons that will eventually find their way into the hands of jihadis, we face an existential threat. We cannot afford the luxury of high minded liberal compassion. Liberals are infamous for their bleeding heart compassion that flies in the face of reality and common sense. That is the reason we have to live with hardened criminals, many of them rapists and murderers, doing a partial sentence and then being set free: Because liberals are "compassionate" beyond any reasonable point. They have adopted the same attitude toward islam, a "religion" that is dedicated to the destruction of anyone who refuses to submit. Too many non-liberals go along, shamed into doing the politically correct thing.

So...we have to wait until we are nuked or worse before we can even have a conversation about doing the right thing.

And the right thing is a scorched earth policy for all muslim countries. It's too bad but it isn't our fault. It's theirs. And they need to be held accountable for it. But we have to lose a major city first. That's the price of liberalism in a jihadi world.

Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: Libertas on May 22, 2013, 07:21:34 AM
The Ron Paul/ZH angle out of this is simple: Kill all the banksters, kill all the politicans...submit to Islam.

The Leftist angle is more convoluted, as we see with the O'Bongo Regime...but in the end all it will achieve is the same result...Islam wins.

Trap is right, there is only one way to "win" this war, you have to decide up front though if you are willing to do whatver it takes or you might as well submit now, because only complete extermination of Islam will suffice.

I would argue most people know this to be true, but most people are weak and indecisive and unsure if they can commit fully at that level, so they compromise and hope things work out.

But our enemies are fully committed to Jihad and conversion, and they will not hesitate to slaughter infidels who fail to convert.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: AmericanPatriot on May 22, 2013, 10:02:18 AM
There ain't no Charles Martels.

The War on Terror will never end. If it does, then we will go to war with Oceania.
The War on Terror serves a useful purpose.
Constant fear allows the PTB to provide more restrictions and assaults on Liberty and privacy.

The WOT is necessary for the police state

I hate Muzzies and wouldn't be opposed to open season on them.
I do have one question.
Has anyone here been directly or indirectly threatened by this camel jockeys?
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: Alphabet Soup on May 22, 2013, 10:04:59 AM
There ain't no Charles Martels.

The War on Terror will never end. If it does, then we will go to war with Oceania.
The War on Terror serves a useful purpose.
Constant fear allows the PTB to provide more restrictions and assaults on Liberty and privacy.

The WOT is necessary for the police state

I hate Muzzies and wouldn't be opposed to open season on them.
I do have one question.
Has anyone here been directly or indirectly threatened by this camel jockeys?

Yes, pre 9/11.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: Libertas on May 22, 2013, 10:13:29 AM
Define "threatened"?

On principle their very presence threatens me and our future happiness and freedom.

I know where you're going with the PTBs and the police state, but their fascist efforts would march merrily along even without Muzzies...witness they are preoccupied with them only overseas, not so much at home...cannot even say trash like the Fort Hood Killer is an Islamic terrorist...and they are busy pushing the meme that WE the Liberty-obsessed people are the terrorists.

I find threats from within abound - led by government and those who aid and abet them, and all the ilk hostile to Liberty.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: AmericanPatriot on May 22, 2013, 10:51:50 AM
That's my point Libertas.
The threats inside are much bigger threats.

I don't wish to downplay the legitimate Muslim threat just that it is much smaller and may be a straw man.

We could reduce their impact on us by developing our own energy resources and telling the Saudis that we won't do their dirty work anymore
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: trapeze on May 22, 2013, 11:16:28 AM
We could reduce their impact on us by developing our own energy resources and telling the Saudis that we won't do their dirty work anymore

Coincidentally, we are doing this now. OPEC has no hold over us or the rest of the world anymore. As a bonus, after decades of exploiting their oil reserves they have begun to decline in output. They will still make money to fuel their economies but the days of record breaking middle east wealth generation are over. And they are a one trick pony. They have no other way to generate wealth. So they are screwed long term.

It is to laugh.

As regards muslims being a worldwide threat to civilization in general (and I have said this many times before on this forum), the wise man does not go to sleep in a locked room full of venomous snakes. The wise man kills each and every snake before bedding down for the night. We will never have peace as long as islam is practiced in the developing world and as long as it sends its worthless adherents to live among us. An example needs to be made of what we are willing to do. Afghanistan was a wasted opportunity. It should have been leveled. It should have been turned into an absolute graveyard with every man, woman and child exterminated. There will, no doubt, be another muslim country which will step up to the plate and take the place of Afghanistan. I'm rooting for Iran, myself. When Iran makes a move against Israel or the USA it should then be totally destroyed. Remove all doubt from the muslim world as to what we will do to defend ourselves from islamofascists.

The Russians (when they were the Soviets) had a little hostage situation pop up in Lebanon back in the 1980's. Some islamic terrorists kidnapped a few Russian nationals and issued the usual demands. Russia sent in some of their special forces and indiscriminately killed several dozen of the locals and pretty much stated that it would get geometrically worse each passing day that their citizens were held hostage. The hostages were released unharmed immediately.

These people (largely) do understand force. Talk is cheap to them. Hence, the uselessness of our State Department. Hence, the uselessness of our military's rules of engagement. The enemy understands death and destruction very well. We should communicate with them accordingly.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: Libertas on May 22, 2013, 11:33:50 AM
Yes, the Saudi days are numbered, it is why they keep buying more military equipment from us, they know once the oil is but a trickle, the fellow co-religionists surrounding them will be at risk of being rolled by Saudi forces who seek to steal what they no longer have in order to survive.  Seeing them kill each other as their resources dwindle will be one of the few pleasures we might see in those times.  The real threats are closer to home, but if not for the WOT overseas would the PTBs be more or less inclined to surpress Islam as an undesireable element within our midst?  I have my doubts.  Just like the fight against liberalism and their encroaching fascism, we need to deal with our primary enemies before we can look to purge the rest of the undesireables from our land.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: Glock32 on May 22, 2013, 11:34:09 AM
We have no Charles Martels or Vlad Tepeses anymore because, as a civilization, the West has no confidence or even a sense of itself. Leftism is a multi-headed hydra and one of those heads is the pernicious influence of relativism. Cultures are just different, not better or worse (except for white Western culture, which is always worse). We won't deal with the existential threat of Islam (and let's remember it is not a new threat; it has been an existential threat for 14 centuries now) because so few in the West actually believe our ways are better than their ways. That leads to half measures, to a false belief that we can do a few targeted operations here and there. We will rue the day when they get a hold of biological or nuclear weapons, and it's inevitable that they will eventually acquire some.

I might have a less militant attitude about Islam if they were just walled off in their sandbox, but they aren't, and they won't be. The fundamental commandment of their religion is to spread all over the world and force all other peoples to either convert, submit, or die. The comparison to the creatures in Aliens is apt, because just like with those creatures there is no negotiation, compromise, or empathy. They are single minded and the only way to remove their threat is to physically eliminate them.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: Libertas on May 22, 2013, 11:41:30 AM
Agreed, they cannot live in isolation and mind their own business, The Prophet (that murderous child-raping psychopath they revere called Mohammad) commands it!

And yes, WMDs in the hands of these unsane death-worshippers is a game changer that could plunge the entire globe into nuclear holocaust.

It is why obliterating them from the face of the Earth now is the only sane option, but nobody is willing to act on that knowledge.

Fear has them by the short-hairs and they naively think they can contain, manage and survive.

They are utter fools.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: benb61 on May 22, 2013, 11:43:44 AM
If violence and death is the language they speak, we, as a nation, need to start the conversation with them in their language.

 ::rockets::   ::laserkill::
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: AlanS on May 22, 2013, 04:17:20 PM
If violence and death is the language they speak, we, as a nation, need to start the conversation with them in their language.

 ::rockets::   ::laserkill::

It's worked in the past, as the Soviets proved. ::whoohoo::
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: Predator Don on May 22, 2013, 04:32:12 PM
Guess it's human nature to think everything will turn out ok, but i'm not sure losing a city will convince this nation we are at war ( or should be) with islam. No, when we lose that city, i'm afraid it will be left to like minded individuals to peer into the depths of the meccas that are built in the good ole USA and handle it.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: Glock32 on May 22, 2013, 04:36:24 PM
Well they just cut a man's head off right in the middle of a London street today (,8346.0.html), while shouting "Allahu akbar", and all we're hearing from "officials" is that the motives are still under investigation.

So yeah, I'm not sure a mushroom cloud or a pandemic will be enough. In fact I'm surprised we're not yet to the point where people in the West commit ritual suicide in order to atone for their sin of having European blood in their veins.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 22, 2013, 05:26:29 PM
Well they just cut a man's head off right in the middle of a London street today (,8346.0.html), while shouting "Allahu akbar", and all we're hearing from "officials" is that the motives are still under investigation.

Thats got to be so frustrating for them.. they yell Allahu Akbar, rail against English Soldiers, cut off heads   and still can't get blamed. I mean, what is the point? What if Allah doesn't blame them either. How will they get their 76 virgins?
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: warpmine on May 22, 2013, 05:42:44 PM
Well they just cut a man's head off right in the middle of a London street today (,8346.0.html), while shouting "Allahu akbar", and all we're hearing from "officials" is that the motives are still under investigation.

So yeah, I'm not sure a mushroom cloud or a pandemic will be enough. In fact I'm surprised we're not yet to the point where people in the West commit ritual suicide in order to atone for their sin of having European blood in their veins.
Meat cleavers to be banned in 3-2-1.....
OMG,  wtf is wrong with those assholes in Britain?
This is what our political betters want for us to be at the mercy of blood thirsty savages unarmed. One thing to say to Schumer and rest  ::effu::
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: warpmine on May 22, 2013, 05:48:32 PM
Does this read familiar?
"A statement from the Muslim Council of Britain said it understood the victim was a member of the Armed Forces.

It said: 'This is a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam and we condemn this unreservedly. Our thoughts are with the victim and his family."

Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: Predator Don on May 22, 2013, 05:49:34 PM
Does this read familiar?
"A statement from the Muslim Council of Britain said it understood the victim was a member of the Armed Forces.

It said: 'This is a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam and we condemn this unreservedly. Our thoughts are with the victim and his family."

muslim council must not read the koran.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: warpmine on May 22, 2013, 05:52:54 PM
Does this read familiar?
"A statement from the Muslim Council of Britain said it understood the victim was a member of the Armed Forces.

It said: 'This is a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam and we condemn this unreservedly. Our thoughts are with the victim and his family."

muslim council must not read the koran.
 Or theirs is much thinner by about 95% than the original.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: Glock32 on May 22, 2013, 05:58:21 PM
Or they'll quote you some peaceful-sounding verses from the earlier parts of it knowing full well that Islamic doctrine states whatever comes later in the Koran supersedes earlier verses. They'll tell you they condemn it right up until they don't. This is nothing less than suicide of entire nations. This is the sort of thing musloids do when they're a minority. Just wait until they're half or more of the population.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: Predator Don on May 22, 2013, 06:45:50 PM
The religion of piece(s)....after they set off thier bombs.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: benb61 on May 22, 2013, 07:38:25 PM
I wonder what the libidiots would do if duh one was assassinated by someone yelling "Allahu akbar".
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: Predator Don on May 22, 2013, 07:54:46 PM
I wonder what the libidiots would do if duh one was assassinated by someone yelling "Allahu akbar".

I'd like to find out.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: warpmine on May 22, 2013, 09:46:55 PM
I wonder what the libidiots would do if duh one was assassinated by someone yelling "Allahu akbar".

I'd like to find out.
Count me amongst those that need to know. ::rolllaughing::
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: trapeze on May 22, 2013, 11:02:11 PM
Where are those rabid, blood-thirsty English soccer fans when they are really needed? About thirty thousand of them armed with nail studded cricket bats sent into the muslim slums would put an end to this BS pretty quick.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: trapeze on May 22, 2013, 11:20:10 PM
London has taken quite a few hits from the muslim menace. Not as many killed as us but more individual attacks.

Sweden is currently in the grip of a big muslim riot that includes setting all kinds of things on fire.

France has had its share of muslim riots.

Evolution in action?

Give an armed American an opportunity to confront evil and things end a bit differently... (

(Don't know why this isn't embedding)
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: Pandora on May 22, 2013, 11:52:12 PM
It's the "s" in the httpS -- delete it and it will post.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: trapeze on May 23, 2013, 12:13:34 AM
Ah, thanks. That did it. Great video. Scratch one bad guy.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on May 23, 2013, 12:52:51 AM
scratch, rinse, repeat as needed. Eventually the whole problem is solved.
Title: Re: War on Terror will never end
Post by: Libertas on May 23, 2013, 07:34:51 AM
What CHF said.   ::thumbsup::