It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Radical Islam/GWOT => Topic started by: trapeze on July 01, 2013, 10:57:17 AM

Title: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: trapeze on July 01, 2013, 10:57:17 AM
...which is most definitely a new experience for the USA. Sure, we have supported dictators and thugocracies before but they were at least stable and seemed for the most part to benefit our own national interests.

But with Egypt ( we have turned a new corner in our own history by supporting a thugocracy which is completely at odds with our own national interests. And now we get to own the results. HRC shares the blame for this situation.

And yes, we have always been hated by just about everyone in the middle east but now it's with good reason.

An Egyptian opposition group accused the US of "being partner to a conspiracy to keep President Mohamed Morsi in power."

Obama addressed the situation in Egypt on Saturday explaining "The United States supported democracy in Egypt. It’s been challenging given there has not been a tradition of democracy in Egypt." he said. "Our most immediate concerns have to do with our embassies and consulates."

In June, the Secretary of State John Kerry quietly gave $1.3 billion in military aid to Egypt. The money was given a month after a memo admitted "we are not satisfied with the extent of Egypt's progress and are pressing for a more inclusive democratic process and the strengthening of key democratic institutions."

The opposition is furious. "America and the Brotherhood have united to bring down the Egyptian people," said Hassan Shahin, a member of the Tamarod, or "rebel," movement.


The Egyptian army is getting ready to take over and, given the current state of affairs, that's probably a good thing.

I'm guessing that the MFM will not be showing any of the protest banners that declare President Zero as a supporter of terrorism.
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: IronDioPriest on July 01, 2013, 11:02:01 AM
But-but-but... Arab Spring?


Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: trapeze on July 01, 2013, 11:03:31 AM
I do wonder what would be the thing or things that would push millions of US citizens to march on DC.
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: trapeze on July 01, 2013, 11:06:23 AM
And you know that this protest is a big deal because a bunch of the happy democracy advocates got together and gang raped (,7340,L-4399041,00.html) a female reporter. That is the gold standard for pro-democracy protests in Egypt, you know. It's sort of like when an US east or west coast pro sports team wins a national title and the fans set cars on fire. Except it's rape. People just can't help themselves, you know...get caught up in the whole freedom and democracy thing and the next thing you know you're gang raping a Dutch journalist 'cause democracy or something.
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: Libertas on July 01, 2013, 11:29:34 AM
I do wonder what would be the thing or things that would push millions of US citizens to march on DC.

Maybe cancelling "Dancing with the stars"...but then there would just be millions of unarmed witless clowns roaming around lashing out at anybody...
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: trapeze on July 01, 2013, 11:31:33 AM
I do wonder what would be the thing or things that would push millions of US citizens to march on DC.

Maybe cancelling "Dancing with the stars"...but then there would just be millions of unarmed witless clowns roaming around lashing out at anybody drooling and mumbling...

Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: Libertas on July 01, 2013, 11:32:07 AM
And you know that this protest is a big deal because a bunch of the happy democracy advocates got together and gang raped (,7340,L-4399041,00.html) a female reporter. That is the gold standard for pro-democracy protests in Egypt, you know. It's sort of like when an US east or west coast pro sports team wins a national title and the fans set cars on fire. Except it's rape. People just can't help themselves, you know...get caught up in the whole freedom and democracy thing and the next thing you know you're gang raping a Dutch journalist 'cause democracy or something.

That's just how Muzzies just don't appreciate the Middle Eastern Islamic mind or what constitutes a good time...not very understanding and tolerant, are you?

Yeah, me neither.
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: Libertas on July 01, 2013, 11:32:28 AM
I do wonder what would be the thing or things that would push millions of US citizens to march on DC.

Maybe cancelling "Dancing with the stars"...but then there would just be millions of unarmed witless clowns roaming around lashing out at anybody drooling and mumbling...



Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: charlesoakwood on July 01, 2013, 11:35:55 AM

Yesterday report stated the Egyptian military estimated there were 17,000,000 protesters in the streets of Egypt, the largest protest in the history
of the world.  I turned the tube on to Fox to see the reportage, they were doing
a Benghazi special, CNN was doing a gun special.  Move along.
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: trapeze on July 01, 2013, 02:18:23 PM
Raw: Protests in Egypt Mount Against Morsi (
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: IronDioPriest on July 01, 2013, 02:46:15 PM
Looks like the Morsi government rats are abandoning ship. (

This Islamofascist regime in Egypt is UNMISTAKABLY supported by the O'Chimpy regime, and it is falling apart months after it seized power.

What does the Chimp do now? If consistency is even remotely on the radar, he should make a lofty speech, and then send weapons and maybe troops. Problem is, who does he send the weapons and troops to? He's already been supplying the Muslim Brotherhood and the Morsi regime. Does he just switch sides, and start supplying those in Egypt who want to rid themselves of the Islamofascists?

If Obama had ANY hope of keeping secret the fact that his true goal is to support Islamic hegemony in the Middle East, the success of the Egyptian people in toppling the Morsi regime will strain that hope. He's already aided Islamofascist coups in Libya, Egypt, and is in the process of doing so in Syria. Now Egypt is going the other way.

What will the Chimp n' Chief do?
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: trapeze on July 01, 2013, 02:59:09 PM
What will the Chimp n' Chief do?

Default strategy: Go golfing.
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: trapeze on July 02, 2013, 01:36:27 AM
As you know if you have followed this story today (yesterday, whatever) the military has already picked the winner and it's not Morsi. They gave him an ultimatum and he has now given his answer ( which is "no."  He had 48 hours to resign and now that he has given his answer I have to wonder if the Egyptian military will wait until the 48 hours is up or just go and end this thing now. Either way Morsi has to go and he says he won't so it should be interesting.

I guess President Zero can phone in some tips for what to do or something. I'm guessing that the chimp will recommend throwing a big star studded party. Or maybe shoot some hoops.
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: AlanS on July 02, 2013, 04:36:55 AM
What will the Chimp n' Chief do?

Default strategy: Go golfing.

You left out the vacation alternative.
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: Libertas on July 02, 2013, 07:01:45 AM
What will the Chimp n' Chief do?

Default strategy: Go golfing.

You left out the vacation alternative.

Parachute him into Tahrir Square?

Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: trapeze on July 02, 2013, 09:28:05 AM
What will the Chimp n' Chief do?

Default strategy: Go golfing.

You left out the vacation alternative.

Parachute him into Tahrir Square?


Chimpy phones it in. ( His solution? Hold some talks plus ease up on some of that rape stuff.
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: Libertas on July 02, 2013, 11:26:05 AM
What will the Chimp n' Chief do?

Default strategy: Go golfing.

You left out the vacation alternative.

Parachute him into Tahrir Square?


Chimpy phones it in. ( His solution? Hold some talks plus ease up on some of that rape stuff.

What a useless sack-o-scat.

Doesn't support any one group?
All forms of violence unacceptable?


Has he condemned the beheadings in Syria by his &^%$ing allies?  Hmmm?!?!?!

Obama deserves to suffer the religious orgy of a Musloid mele!
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: charlesoakwood on July 04, 2013, 08:12:00 PM

Now that the Egyptian Military has put Morsi in jail, installed an interim president, is rounding up and jailing members of the Muslim Brotherhood, and shutting down 3? media outlets including Al Jizzera President Obama must be golfing up a storm.  Fore!!

Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: trapeze on July 04, 2013, 09:21:09 PM

Now that the Egyptian Military has put Morsi in jail, installed an interim president, is rounding up and jailing members of the Muslim Brotherhood, and shutting down 3? media outlets including Al Jizzera President Obama must be golfing up a storm.  Fore!!

That would be the smart thing to do after pretty much having his (and HRC's) entire Egyptian foreign policy explode in his face.

But instead he said ( this:

Barack Obama said that he was troubled by Morsi's removal, and warned that US authorities were reviewing aid to Egyptian military – but he stopped short of calling the army's intervention a coup. He also condemned the arrest of Morsi and members of the Muslim Brotherhood which was also not a coup.

The US president had invested political capital in establishing Morsi's democratic credentials, while maintaining ties to the Egyptian military, which had been the main beneficiary of $1.3bn (£850m) in US aid.

However, Egyptian military leaders (who did not conduct a coup) also hold leverage over the US, primarily by maintaining a peace treaty with Israel as well as keeping the Suez Canal open and patrolling the strategically sensitive Sinai Peninsula.

Obama said: "We are deeply concerned by the decision of the Egyptian armed forces to remove President Morsi and suspend the Egyptian constitution even though we profusely maintain that this was not a coup or anything even vaguely like a coup. I now call on the Egyptian military to move quickly and responsibly to return full authority back to a democratically elected civilian government as soon as possible through an inclusive and transparent process, and to avoid any arbitrary arrests of President Morsi and his supporters that might be construed as a coup, even though it isn't."
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: charlesoakwood on July 04, 2013, 09:51:14 PM

Now that the Egyptian Military has put Morsi in jail, installed an interim president, is rounding up and jailing members of the Muslim Brotherhood, and shutting down 3? media outlets including Al Jizzera President Obama must be golfing up a storm.  Fore!!

That would be the smart thing to do after pretty much having his (and HRC's) entire Egyptian foreign policy explode in his face.

But instead he said ( this:

Barack Obama said that he was troubled by Morsi's removal, and warned that US authorities were reviewing aid to Egyptian military – but he stopped short of calling the army's intervention a coup. He also condemned the arrest of Morsi and members of the Muslim Brotherhood which was also not a coup.

The US president had invested political capital in establishing Morsi's democratic credentials, while maintaining ties to the Egyptian military, which had been the main beneficiary of $1.3bn (£850m) in US aid.

However, Egyptian military leaders (who did not conduct a coup) also hold leverage over the US, primarily by maintaining a peace treaty with Israel as well as keeping the Suez Canal open and patrolling the strategically sensitive Sinai Peninsula.

Obama said: "We are deeply concerned by the decision of the Egyptian armed forces to remove President Morsi and suspend the Egyptian constitution even though we profusely maintain that this was not a coup or anything even vaguely like a coup. I now call on the Egyptian military to move quickly and responsibly to return full authority back to a democratically elected civilian government as soon as possible through an inclusive and transparent process, and to avoid any arbitrary arrests of President Morsi and his supporters that might be construed as a coup, even though it isn't."

Is it now possible for any conscious person to not know that our
president is an Islamist and supports the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia?   
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: trapeze on July 04, 2013, 10:25:32 PM
The propagandists at the WaPo are being busy little beavers re-writing recent history ( in an effort to completely absolve President Dumbass of any Egyptian responsibility...

In early 2011, that reasonable alternative was the army. Despite Obama’s soaring rhetoric about the Tahrir activists being the inheritors of Gandhi and King, U.S. policy was effectively to protect American interests in Egypt by supporting the transfer of power from an 82-year-old air force general to a 75-year-old army general, Field Marshal Mohammad Hussein Tantawi, the leader of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. Egypt’s army, the country’s most popular institution, could be counted on to navigate political storms and find a civilian captain to steer the ship of state to a safe harbor — or so we thought.

In retrospect, the United States’ great error was born in the over-confidence we placed in the generals. When the White House moved on to Libya and other issues, it effectively put Egypt policy on auto-pilot, deferring to the generals on the pace and content of their “democratic transition.” Everyone knew the generals’ real interest was devising a political system that preserved their power and wealth. But they were “our guys,” men who understood the overlap of U.S. and Egyptian regional security imperatives — keeping the peace with Israel — and they claimed to appreciate the need for a political process that was popular, participatory and legitimate.

This policy was logical. And because no one imagined the breadth of the generals’ political incompetence, it was tragically wrong.

The WaPo sez:

You see, you moronic plebes, it wasn't Obama (may he reign forever) who screwed things up, but rather those idiot Egyptian army generals. Heck, Obama didn't even make the mistake of trusting those stupid generals to fix, it was "the United States."

In retrospect, the United States’ great error

And that's because El Presidente doesn't make errors. Only the United States does. And Egyptian army generals, yeah, them. They're stupid and it was all their fault.

Glad we got it all explained and stuff 'cause it's too confusing to ordinary citizens who would, left to their own devices, think that maybe El Presidente just f**ked it all up on his own.
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: Glock32 on July 05, 2013, 12:16:39 PM
I like the sound of the Army removing a president.  When can we try it here?
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: charlesoakwood on July 05, 2013, 12:19:14 PM

We certainly can't depend on congress to perform its dedicated roll.
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: Pandora on July 05, 2013, 12:25:57 PM
I like the sound of the Army removing a president.  When can we try it here?

I was hoping they were taking notes.  Then, I saw that "the military" held a gay-pride parade/event.  In Kandahar. (
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: Libertas on July 07, 2013, 07:13:37 PM
I like the sound of the Army removing a president.  When can we try it here?

I was hoping they were taking notes.  Then, I saw that "the military" held a gay-pride parade/event.  In Kandahar. (


Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: trapeze on July 08, 2013, 10:20:12 AM
You can always count on CNN to report propaganda and lies.

Cairo, Egypt (CNN) ( -- More than 40 people were killed Monday when Egyptian security forces clashed with supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsy and the Muslim Brotherhood, the government said.
Witnesses said the military and police fired as protesters took a break from holding a vigil at the Republican Guard headquarters to say their morning prayers. Morsy was reportedly detained in the building after his arrest Wednesday.
The Health Ministry put the number of fatalities at 42 and said 322 others were wounded.

Sure makes it sound like the army mowed down a few dozen people who were innocently praying, doesn't it?

The truth is that several hundred were rushing the building where Morsi is being held in an attempt to free him. Truth is they were engaging in an armed assault. But CNN isn't engaged in reporting the truth much these days.

A few paragraphs later, CNN grudgingly reports that the "prayers" resulted in a couple of dead army personnel:

But the military said it was forced to fire when an "armed terrorist group" tried to raid the headquarters. An Interior Ministry statement said two security force members -- a lieutenant and a recruit -- were shot and killed.

Only muslims pray while holding AK47s that are loaded and mysteriously going off at the same time.
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: Libertas on July 08, 2013, 11:40:49 AM
Tossing opponents of a building is a nice deal too if you can get away with it...another swell idea that might make a nice import item here, eh?

"Yo, (fill-in-the-blank)?  Come over here a sec!"   ::stirpot::
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: charlesoakwood on July 08, 2013, 02:18:10 PM

And the raping and pillaging.
And, of course... (
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: Libertas on July 09, 2013, 06:44:56 AM
That Mohammad...he sure started one Hell of a cult, eh?

Heads on
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: AlanS on July 09, 2013, 08:48:24 AM
That Mohammad...he sure started one Hell of a cult, eh?

Heads on

Can't happen soon enough.
Title: Re: Fundamental Change: Being On The Wrong Side Of History...
Post by: Glock32 on July 09, 2013, 05:48:33 PM
That Mohammad...he sure started one Hell of a cult, eh?

Heads on

( (
