It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Radical Islam/GWOT => Topic started by: Libertas on August 26, 2013, 07:24:10 AM

Title: FFRF Terrorists Plant IED at War Memorial Cross at Coos Bay, OR
Post by: Libertas on August 26, 2013, 07:24:10 AM (

Yes, because nothing says freedom from religion like planting explosive devices near a cross...
Title: Re: FFRF Terrorists Plant IED at War Memorial Cross at Coos Bay, OR
Post by: IronDioPriest on August 26, 2013, 09:14:42 AM
Another example of actual Leftist terrorism to juxtapose with the constant stream of media reports of Tea Partiers who are just always supposedly on the brink of committing terrorism.

No handwringing angst when actual Leftists commit violence or try to blow things up. But Tea Partiers dare to speak of individual liberty without leaving a shred of litter behind are accused incessantly.

A dangerous double standard that will lead to escalating violence if it is not stopped. The media needs to be stopped.
Title: Re: FFRF Terrorists Plant IED at War Memorial Cross at Coos Bay, OR
Post by: Weisshaupt on August 26, 2013, 10:29:29 AM
Another example of actual Leftist terrorism to juxtapose with the constant stream of media reports of Tea Partiers who are just always supposedly on the brink of committing terrorism.

No handwringing angst when actual Leftists commit violence or try to blow things up. But Tea Partiers dare to speak of individual liberty without leaving a shred of litter behind are accused incessantly.

A dangerous double standard that will lead to escalating violence if it is not stopped. The media needs to be stopped.

I read an article recently where the author said the GOP had the "opportunity" to tap into the "frustration"  that is other there as evidenced by the Tea Party.  I laughed all the way through. Its not "frustration"  - Its anger. Its Rage.  It is a merciless desire to set upon our enemy- an enemy that has demonstrated they have no capacity for "compromise". An  enemy that has proved they will not deal in good faith. An enemy Hell bent on forcing others to live their way. An enemy  with no conscience, intent upon  enslaving or killing those who refuse their "enlightened control"  An enemy convinced that they are right with God when they use the government as a weapon to threaten, control, coerce,  and kill their fellow citizens in their attempt to make one Human tribe, to impose their beliefs, culture and ways on everyone. An enemy with a sociopathic and callous disregard for the founding principles of this nation and the inalienable rights of others.     An enemy that has made it clear there is no place for us in their world, and that they will not tolerate anyone who does not act or think as they do.   

 I suspect in the end they will be right IDP.  The "Tea Party" will fulfill every one of their violence expectations, right after a Concord/Old North Bridge event which leaves no doubt who the real  aggressors are, how little regard they have for human life or the inalienable rights of others, and how illegitimate the regime really is..  The pot has come to a boil and the pressure is building. They can only avoid a rupture by letting off the steam in a controlled manner. By Backing off on the heat, allowing places like North Colorado to become a reality, by again starting to uphold the Constitution - just enough to make it seem things are getting better.  But  They, like all tyrants before them,  secure in their arrogance  that they are "right" to bully others,  will of course not take advantage of those methods. . Sensing the tension they will push ever harder for control. Turn up the heat, and will eventually provide us with a Tienanmen square event - something that  makes it obvious we are at a make or break moment - foreign troops raping women under martial law,  an en-mass attempt at gun confiscation,  a Boston-like Search event where families are slaughtered for resisting the search. They WILL provide us with the event- just like these Atheists - who are probably working for the govt, can't stand to sit by idle.  It WILL come and when it does  an irreparable  rupture , an explosion of the pent up anger will occur, during which law and order will fail, police will stay home and protect their families, and the smart-ass, arrogant liberals will be targeted as the traitors they are.  They will get their violence, as tyrants always do - by bulling others till their victims  are left no choice but to resist - with nothing to loose and no choice but  to declare Liberty or Death!  The liberals, who hold no principles other than the pursuit of their own happiness  at the expense of others, and power to expand that pursuit, of course have no comprehension that anyone would make such a choice - and they will be shocked when this wave breaks upon them.  They will for sure point fingers and say "I  told you they were violent" but they will do so only for the few seconds it takes to dispatch them. 
Title: Re: FFRF Terrorists Plant IED at War Memorial Cross at Coos Bay, OR
Post by: Pandora on August 26, 2013, 10:37:27 AM
"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"
Title: Re: FFRF Terrorists Plant IED at War Memorial Cross at Coos Bay, OR
Post by: Weisshaupt on August 26, 2013, 11:06:19 AM
Obama: a Look Back.  A article that fell through a time warp from the future.

It may be that there was no real Obama, only a man who served as a metaphor for a culture that had lost touch with its own identity, embracing change for the sake of novelty and becoming incapable of paying attention to anything that was not entertaining enough. (
Title: Re: FFRF Terrorists Plant IED at War Memorial Cross at Coos Bay, OR
Post by: Libertas on August 26, 2013, 11:23:55 AM
"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Ohh Hell Yes!   ::thumbsup::
Title: Re: FFRF Terrorists Plant IED at War Memorial Cross at Coos Bay, OR
Post by: Libertas on August 26, 2013, 11:37:33 AM
Obama: a Look Back.  A article that fell through a time warp from the future.

It may be that there was no real Obama, only a man who served as a metaphor for a culture that had lost touch with its own identity, embracing change for the sake of novelty and becoming incapable of paying attention to anything that was not entertaining enough. (

Great link!

"...the secession of 23 states from the Union"   ::bows::   ::whoohoo::   ::praying::

"Even the farewell party that burned down most of the White House seemed a small thing in the wake of the Detroit Food Riots or the discovery of the Red River Gulag "  OK, not so funny...

" the farthest South American outposts of the Empire of Texas"   ::saywhat::  Interesting!

" the ceremonial million dollar burnings in the Republic of New Hampshire, where crowds burn the infamous "million dollar bills" with Obama's portrait on them that were issued during the 2017 devaluation which made ten thousand dollars equivalent to a single Euro"  Now that in some fashion or another is going to happen!

CFN, the Celebrity Funeral Network, is reported to have won the bidding rights to the Obama funeral, and plans are underway to hold a three day funeral, to be broadcast from the spot where Chicago once stood.


Obama's funeral plane is expected to fly low over every major American city still standing, inciting riots, mass panic and all the chaos and destruction necessary for a proper sendoff to the man who destroyed America.


And remember our 1000th viewer today wins a special prize. So stay with us. Because you don't want to miss a thing.

Heh, sounds like a lot of population done left!

Are there still some shabby insane drones shuffling about mumbling "hope" and "change" in plaintive voices and blank eyes totally devoid of any hope?
