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Topics => Politics/Legislation/Elections => Topic started by: Pandora on February 21, 2011, 03:51:13 PM

Title: Kevin Baker's Quote of The Day
Post by: Pandora on February 21, 2011, 03:51:13 PM
The Scum Also Rises Edition (

Every combination of two or more human beings has both a useful aspect and a political aspect. These tend to conflict with each other. As the political aspect becomes more and more influential, the organization ceases to be useful to its members and starts using them.

    Why does this happen? Because the better an organization is at fulfilling its purpose, the more it attracts people who see the organization as an opportunity to advance themselves.

    The ability to get ahead in an organization is simply another talent, like the ability to play chess, paint pictures, do coronary bypass operations or pick pockets. There are some people who are extraordinarily good at manipulating organizations to serve their own ends. The Russians, who have suffered under such people for centuries, have a name for them -- apparatchiks. It was an observer of apparatchiks who coined the maxim, "The scum rises to the top."

    Empire of the Rising Scum, Robert Shea

Found in a link in a comment to a post at Roberta's that's quite good in its own right. That's just a taste. Read the whole thing.

Brings the union-scum in Wisonsin readily to mind.  And legislators and bureaucrats everywhere.
Title: Re: Kevin Baker's Quote of The Day
Post by: warpmine on February 21, 2011, 06:38:38 PM
That about says it all, thanks Pan. ;D
Title: Re: Kevin Baker's Quote of The Day
Post by: Libertas on February 21, 2011, 08:27:46 PM
Yeah, all of Obama's cabinet, all his czars and advisers...


And they are following the Cloward-Piven blueprint...that end is inescapable...

Title: Re: Kevin Baker's Quote of The Day
Post by: BigAlSouth on February 22, 2011, 05:46:25 AM
"Why does this happen? Because the better an organization is at fulfilling its purpose, the more it attracts people who see the organization as an opportunity to advance themselves."

Anybody catch that Code Pink whale on Hannity who said she would welcome any GITMO detainee in her home? Pretty much illustrates the above point.
Title: Re: Kevin Baker's Quote of The Day
Post by: Libertas on February 22, 2011, 07:29:38 AM
"Why does this happen? Because the better an organization is at fulfilling its purpose, the more it attracts people who see the organization as an opportunity to advance themselves."

Anybody catch that Code Pink whale on Hannity who said she would welcome any GITMO detainee in her home? Pretty much illustrates the above point.

So, she want's to be "Logan'd"?

 ::)   :P
Title: Re: Kevin Baker's Quote of The Day
Post by: IronDioPriest on February 22, 2011, 08:39:21 AM
...Anybody catch that Code Pink whale on Hannity who said she would welcome any GITMO detainee in her home? Pretty much illustrates the above point.

God, I wish there was a way to force Leftists to actually live what comes out of their mouths without the world imploding for the rest of us.