It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Politics/Legislation/Elections => Topic started by: Fritz Pettyjohn on November 14, 2013, 01:59:43 PM

Title: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: Fritz Pettyjohn on November 14, 2013, 01:59:43 PM
If every American who wants it repealed made two phone calls, it would happen.  The calls go to your state legislators, House and Senate.  Just ask, " Will you use the authority given to you by Article V to repeal Obamacare, and if not, why not?""
The state legislatures, under Article V, can amend the Constitution to give themselves the power to repeal federal laws.  They can do this unilaterally.  Once they grant themselves this power, they can exercise it and repeal Obamacare.
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: IronDioPriest on November 14, 2013, 03:00:37 PM
I'm in MN dude. No hope for rebellion against the regime here.
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: benb61 on November 14, 2013, 03:20:57 PM
I'm in MN dude. No hope for rebellion against the regime here.

Or here in sunny SoCal.
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: oldcoastie6468 on November 14, 2013, 03:57:25 PM
Or here, in obamaland (Illinois).
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: Fritz Pettyjohn on November 14, 2013, 04:33:35 PM
We only need 34 to propose, and 38 to ratify, an amendment. MN, IL, and CA would be tough.  But if the havoc caused by Obamacare continues to impact the lives of ordinary non-political people, momentum for this could develop quickly.
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: RickZ on November 14, 2013, 04:51:15 PM
We only need 34 to propose, and 38 to ratify, an amendment. MN, IL, and CA would be tough.  But if the havoc caused by Obamacare continues to impact the lives of ordinary non-political people, momentum for this could develop quickly.

Add the other 5 states in New England, plus NY, NJ, MD, OR and WA.  That's already 13 out of 50 which would never vote to repeal.  The you add in all the fence-sitters like CO, PA, MI and WI, plus a few others, and it's not only a close run battle, but practically a losing battle from the start.

No, the best way to repeal OwebamaCare is for a citizen or citizens, now with standing since the law is in effect, to sue on the grounds that 'executive law-making by whim' is patently unconstitutional, as I mentioned on another thread.
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: Glock32 on November 14, 2013, 05:08:04 PM
Yeah, I heard today that His Royal Highness has decreed that he will allow people to extend, for one year, plans that do not meet Obamacare requirements. Just read that again. There's so much wrong with it on so many levels.

That he will allow?
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: RickZ on November 14, 2013, 05:16:54 PM
Glock, if you haven't read this yet, a great Ace post on Owebama and Chaos Theory.

November 14, 2013

The Lightbringer Has Come Not To Bring Light, But Chaos and Darkness

Blue Cross/Blue Shield of North Dakota has a grim bit of non-advice (

"So simply put, I don’t know what to advise anyone seeking health insurance as of this minute."

This reminds me of a book called Hit and Run, about the once-successful producing team of Jon Peters and Peter Guber.

Peter Guber, if I remember right, was something of a square, a business-oriented sort, who I think went to business school and such.

Jon Peters was the more mercurial of the pair. He was Barbara Streisand's former hairdresser, and, IIRC, lover, who then became a movie producer. (That's Hollywood for ya!)

But the book discussed Jon Peters' method. Peters, some of his colleagues believed, thrived on chaos. He made nonsensical changes last-minute, throwing off scripts, shooting schedules, and budgets. He would suddenly be committed to an oddball idea that no one had even heard before, nevermind agreed to include in the movie.

They speculated that Peters wasn't able to perform in a "normal" environment, where he would tend to feel marginalized by the more professional sorts of people.

He preferred chaos. And what some of his colleagues believed was this: When he created chaos, he was the Center of the Storm, and the only person who understood what the hell was going on, because he, after all, was causing all the problems. So creating chaos tended to put him in the central position of power on a set, because everyone would have to come to him to find out how to fix the problems.. that he himself had caused.

And by doing so, he created power for himself. On a "normal" sort of shoot, power flowed to the more centered, more predictable partner Guber, or the other more professionally-minded movie people; but on a chaotic set, power flowed to Peters, who worked well in a chaotic environment.

Or at least he wasn't as bothered by chaos as most people, and thus would appear to be calm and cool by comparison -- a rock in the storm. Again, the storm he created, but he would appear to be a fairly steady rock in that storm.*

I'm starting to wonder if No-Drama Obama shares this preference for chaos and upheaval with Jon Peters.

* Jon Peters wasn't entirely without some sparks of creativity. It was his idea to make the poster for the 1988 Batman contain no text or title, just the Batman logo and (I think) a release date. Which was credited at the time as being pretty innovative and grabby, and I think they were right to credit it as such.
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: Pandora on November 14, 2013, 07:20:57 PM
“How are the insurance companies going to deal with this issue? And, he can’t mandate it anyway. He doesn’t have the authority. So, that’s why he didn’t mandate it. He’s basically just creating chaos.” (
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: oldcoastie6468 on November 14, 2013, 10:16:41 PM
All of his actions to change anything in the "law" are unconstitutional. Why the hell don't the 'Pubs do anything about it?
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: Libertas on November 15, 2013, 07:29:59 AM
I'm in MN dude. No hope for rebellion against the regime here.

Yeah, Klobuchar & Franken?!  Now if the suggestion is tar, feather & rails, I'm interested!
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on November 15, 2013, 09:56:09 PM
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: Glock32 on November 15, 2013, 10:05:21 PM
I still can't believe a state would elect Stuart Smalley to the Senate of the United States.  Well, there was once a time when I wouldn't have believed that, anyway.
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: IronDioPriest on November 15, 2013, 10:11:58 PM
I still can't believe a state would elect Stuart Smalley to the Senate of the United States.  Well, there was once a time when I wouldn't have believed that, anyway.

Don't forget Jesse Ventura. This state is seriously messed up. In many ways, more so than any other.
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: warpmine on November 15, 2013, 10:20:11 PM
I still can't believe a state would elect Stuart Smalley to the Senate of the United States.  Well, there was once a time when I wouldn't have believed that, anyway.

Don't forget Jesse Ventura. This state is seriously messed up. In many ways, more so than any other.
Seriously, just how polluted is the water up there? Somebody bust be mess'in around with the water.
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: Libertas on November 16, 2013, 10:48:31 AM
I still can't believe a state would elect Stuart Smalley to the Senate of the United States.  Well, there was once a time when I wouldn't have believed that, anyway.

Don't forget Jesse Ventura. This state is seriously messed up. In many ways, more so than any other.
Seriously, just how polluted is the water up there? Somebody bust be mess'in around with the water.

When northern Europe and Scandinavia emptied out, I guess we got the dregs...progressives took root early here...I think TR launched his campaign at our state fair those eons ago...

Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: warpmine on November 16, 2013, 02:04:47 PM

Don't forget Jesse Ventura. This state is seriously messed up. In many ways, more so than any other.
Seriously, just how polluted is the water up there? Somebody bust be mess'in around with the water.

When northern Europe and Scandinavia emptied out, I guess we got the dregs...progressives took root early here...I think TR launched his campaign at our state fair those eons ago...

That about explains it. They don't mix well with others do they?
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: Glock32 on November 16, 2013, 02:10:25 PM
I still don't quite understand how Scandinavia become the poster child for socialism and the welfare state, or why they are so predisposed to having that mentality. It seems rather the opposite of their earlier incarnation as fiercely independent Viking raiders.

Or maybe the connection is more obvious than realized. In both cases it amounts to taking the fruits of others' labor, the weapons of choice merely evolving from the sword and the longship to the army of anonymous bureaucrats.
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: RickZ on November 16, 2013, 04:02:53 PM
I still don't quite understand how Scandinavia become the poster child for socialism and the welfare state, or why they are so predisposed to having that mentality. It seems rather the opposite of their earlier incarnation as fiercely independent Viking raiders.

After WWII, Western Europe fell under our military umbrella during the Cold War.  By not having to pay for their own defense against the Soviets and their Warsaw Pact allies, they were able to throw that money into socialism, in Norway's case plowing their oil income into socialized medicine/health care.  This was an unintended consequence of our Cold War policies.

I'm not sure they're predisposed, but Europe did lose a lot of the best and brightest during the war.  The countries sought to help all their citizens after the war, so they could and they did, again, thanks to the US and our military spending.
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: Libertas on November 16, 2013, 05:29:28 PM
I still don't quite understand how Scandinavia become the poster child for socialism and the welfare state, or why they are so predisposed to having that mentality. It seems rather the opposite of their earlier incarnation as fiercely independent Viking raiders.

After WWII, Western Europe fell under our military umbrella during the Cold War.  By not having to pay for their own defense against the Soviets and their Warsaw Pact allies, they were able to throw that money into socialism, in Norway's case plowing their oil income into socialized medicine/health care.  This was an unintended consequence of our Cold War policies.

I'm not sure they're predisposed, but Europe did lose a lot of the best and brightest during the war.  The countries sought to help all their citizens after the war, so they could and they did, again, thanks to the US and our military spending.

Once Christianity wiped out pagans what toughness there was died with them...and the peace dividend we never got Europe got and they just blew it on freebies for slackers.  Another reason to end NATO and let them all live or die on their own.
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: OldSailor on November 17, 2013, 04:26:51 PM
All of his actions to change anything in the "law" are unconstitutional. Why the hell don't the 'Pubs do anything about it?

Two reasons.  First, just like with Clintoon any impeachment proceedings would die in the Senate even assuming Harry Reid would bring it to the floor for trial.  It takes a 2/3rds majority to convict even though only a simple majority is necessary in the House to pass the Articles of Impeachment (an Indictment in legal terms.)  No Prosecutor wants to bring charges if there is no reasonable chance of a conviction.  Clintoon was accused (impeached) but never convicted for the same reason Zero wouldn't be, no Democrat would ever vote to convict The One and I doubt that Repubs could gain the kind of supermajority in the Senate required before Zero would have to leave office anyway no matter how badly the elections went against Dems, and I doubt some RINOs would vote to convict even if that miracle happened.

Second reason - The Republicans don't have the balls or spine to try because of the charges the media would level at them of being Raaaacists.
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: Libertas on November 17, 2013, 04:39:24 PM
Number Two is 99.999% of the answer.  It isn't the duty of the House to worry about what the Senate might do, it is their duty to follow the Constitution to the exclusion of all other concerns real or imagined.  They are grossly negligent in their responsibilities and for that reason alone they've earned to righteous wrath of the American people.  They will be judged accordingly.
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: KittenClaws on November 17, 2013, 05:06:57 PM
I know how to repeal obamacare without one single phone call (as if they'll listen to the will of the People!).

Don't sign up for it.


No excuses.

Don't sign up for it.

And since the fines can't be enforced, don't pay those ether.

I triple-dog-dare you.
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: Alphabet Soup on November 17, 2013, 05:52:04 PM
I wish that I could. I have a peculiar situation at my work...they provide medical/dental insurance that you can't opt out of. If you have a spouse who has insurance you can obtain a waiver but you can't just opt out.

When it was only costing me pennies for my portion I didn't care. We just went through open enrollment and I found out that my "free" healthcare insurance now will cost me $440/month I am pissed.

I'm considering suing my employer but I'm not sure that anyone would take such a case.
Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: RickZ on November 18, 2013, 03:41:25 AM
The best way to repeal OwebamaCare is to shoot those who passed it, The Won who signed it into law, and those who enforce it.  Simple.

Title: Re: How to repeal Obsmacare
Post by: Libertas on November 18, 2013, 07:09:37 AM
I like all these ideas!