It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Faith & Family => Topic started by: Pablo de Fleurs on July 26, 2014, 07:09:55 PM

Title: Suffering
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on July 26, 2014, 07:09:55 PM
From the 'Random thought generated by other media' department...

They play this ad on the METS channel over & over - so much so that whenever it's on I quip "Oh not him again..."

#39 Anti Cigarette Smoking Emphysema New York City Ad Commercial Spot, Stop tobacco, it kills ! (

...then it got me thinking:

How's come we never see a homo in the final stages of AIDS, HIV or anal cancer, writhing on the floor....all skinny & such, moaning that he can't stand it & that the whole dick-up-the-keester schtick just ain't worth it???
Title: Re: Suffering
Post by: IronDioPriest on July 26, 2014, 07:34:20 PM
Because cigarettes are a dirty, nasty, unhealthy, habit shunned by society. Homosexual ass-sex is a normal, beloved American tradition, celebrated by all.
Title: Re: Suffering
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on July 26, 2014, 07:37:45 PM
...makes me think of that joke:

He: D'ya ever smoke after sex?
She: I dunno...I've never looked.
Title: Re: Suffering
Post by: Predator Don on July 26, 2014, 10:36:45 PM
Because cigarettes are a dirty, nasty, unhealthy, habit shunned by society. Homosexual ass-sex is a normal, beloved American tradition, celebrated by all.

Speaking of homo ass sex....has anyone caught the new hotwire commercial, featuring two gay guys getting a room for their anniversary? As grandma watches their kid?  Talk about your normalization of the sick.
Title: Re: Suffering
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on July 27, 2014, 05:01:38 AM

Because cigarettes are a dirty, nasty, unhealthy, habit shunned by society. Homosexual ass-sex is a normal, beloved American tradition, celebrated by all.

Speaking of homo ass sex....has anyone caught the new hotwire commercial, featuring two gay guys getting a room for their anniversary? As grandma watches their kid?  Talk about your normalization of the sick.

Back when Queer Eye for the Straight Guy came out, I remember people muttering how "cute" it was that semen eating faggots would dress up normal men & women because of their eye for fashion (both 'normalizing' the notion of those practicing sodomy AND demonstrating their advanced skill set in effeminate role modeling)...

...I remember silently screaming - because showing them off, amidst the general population, acculturates society by crimping the edges of perversion until it "fits right in" with the stream of decent individuals whose anuses don't lose elasticity due to abuse & whose intestines don't become pock-marked by burrowing sperm...burrowing where they ought not.

(always thought a sit-com normalizing skin-head behavior on Christopher Street would've been a nice counter...but that never happened)
Title: Re: Suffering
Post by: Libertas on July 27, 2014, 02:33:00 PM
I've been making the same argument Pablo for airing antiabortion ads depicting that so-called "safe, legal and rare" act in all its horror, but that would force libiots to face their holocaust!  So since that will happen only once the perpetrators are aborted the least we can demand is for crap like the Ad Council be hounded out of existence!
Title: Re: Suffering
Post by: richb on August 11, 2014, 05:39:05 PM
I've been making the same argument Pablo for airing antiabortion ads depicting that so-called "safe, legal and rare" act in all its horror, but that would force libiots to face their holocaust!  So since that will happen only once the perpetrators are aborted the least we can demand is for crap like the Ad Council be hounded out of existence!

to liberals: shocking ads

guy taking out false teeth due to smoking:good,  everyone should see
aborted baby: bad,  people shouldn't have to see that
Title: Re: Suffering
Post by: Libertas on August 12, 2014, 07:05:41 AM
I've been making the same argument Pablo for airing antiabortion ads depicting that so-called "safe, legal and rare" act in all its horror, but that would force libiots to face their holocaust!  So since that will happen only once the perpetrators are aborted the least we can demand is for crap like the Ad Council be hounded out of existence!

to liberals: shocking ads

guy taking out false teeth due to smoking:good,  everyone should see
aborted baby: bad,  people shouldn't have to see that

Well, pretty soon when it all goes sideways people will see plenty of prog's dangling on spikes, off streetlights...rotting in ditches and streets...

The message will be clear...don't want to be that jackass...