It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Politics/Legislation/Elections => Topic started by: IronDioPriest on July 28, 2014, 04:37:57 PM

Title: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: IronDioPriest on July 28, 2014, 04:37:57 PM
It's an interesting prospect. Given the unrestrained cynicism of this regime, I don't consider this at all out of the realm of possibilities.

Does Obama WANT to get impeached? (
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Glock32 on July 28, 2014, 04:54:49 PM
Interesting theory.  One of the commenters suggested that playing up the mere threat of a possible impeachment is the only electoral strategy the Dems have this year. Nationalizing every House and Senate race by making it a "is a vote for this (R) a vote to impeach our historic first mulatto president?" referendum.  I could see them playing that angle.  Regardless, the one absolutely certain thing is that the GOP will be caught completely flat footed.

And Rich Lowry is still a gutless little weasel.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: AlanS on July 28, 2014, 05:04:42 PM
The SCoaMF KNOWS the eGOP doesn't have the cajones for impeachment, thus allowing him and his merry band of riffraff to continue to use the Constitution to wipe their collective azzes.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on July 28, 2014, 08:30:35 PM
Could be...

...but the American way is to always give the customer MORE than he asks for. . .
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Libertas on July 29, 2014, 07:50:32 AM
Lowry is a dick!

This is complete bullsh*t!

"Drive the middle away from the GOP"?  We f**king wish!  If they stopped catering to the middle and the left then they wouldn't be going the way of the Whigs now, would they?

f**king moron!  This is pure manipulation of the E-GOP and the sad f**king part is it is probably going to work, it will keep their cowardly little tails between thier legs and the progs get to scare-monger their base into funneling huge amounts of cash into DemonRat coffers (some of which might even come from legal sources) and another so-called fair-election goes by...


f**k it and them!
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Glock32 on July 29, 2014, 10:37:52 AM
What kills me are the claims that coming out too vocal in opposition of the total lack of border security is something that, somehow, will benefit the Democrats by alienating the precious middle.  I don't see it that way at all.  I don't think the majority of people are happy at all about the border situation.  If anything, it would benefit the GOP to take a hard stance on it.

I think the grand opportunity they had is already gone though. In 2010 they had a ready made groundswell and all they did (after using it to win the House, of course) was strategically bust bubbles and take the wind out of sails.  Enough people are now so sick of them that they've said to hell with the inconsequential electoral process.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Pandora on July 29, 2014, 11:17:40 AM
What kills me are the claims that coming out too vocal in opposition of the total lack of border security is something that, somehow, will benefit the Democrats by alienating the precious middle.  I don't see it that way at all.  I don't think the majority of people are happy at all about the border situation.  If anything, it would benefit the GOP to take a hard stance on it.

I think the grand opportunity they had is already gone though. In 2010 they had a ready made groundswell and all they did (after using it to win the House, of course) was strategically bust bubbles and take the wind out of sails.  Enough people are now so sick of them that they've said to hell with the inconsequential electoral process.

The eGOP takes a hard stance on nothing save not taking a hard stance on anything.  Moderate your moderation.  TEA Party needs to temper its temperament.

I'll stick with what Goldwater said in 1964 when he still made sense - "... extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice" and " ... moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"

I'm going to stop describing myself as a conservative 'cause I sure as sht do not care to conserve what this country has become.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Libertas on July 29, 2014, 12:19:00 PM
Yeah, I agree.  Conservative has been hijacked by the eGOP and as such is sullied, they and the Dems have and continue to sully the Tea Party name, we can debate if that term means anything or not, but we can all at least agree that not all Tea Party candidates/officeholders agree with our beliefs and thinking.

Some names I would like have been sullied by crackpots and other sundry loons...Libertarian, Foundation Party...

Something new needs to be selected, built and defended to the hilt giving no quarter to any enemy...

And it must have Founding Principles, unyielding and unchanging, which should include but are not limited to:

1.  Our Rights emanate from God, Our Creator only, not from some mortal!  (See: The Declaration of Independence)

2.  These Rights are inalienable and include Life, Liberty, the pursuit of Happiness and the right to Individual Property!  (See Declaration and Continental Congress historical records)

3.  All Power comes from The People, if we did not specifically authorize it, we do not consent, and we reserve the Right of recall, impeachment, trial and physical removal up to and including armed revolt and secession if The People so deem it proper!  (See all Founding historical records)

4.  Any Government established by The People is a Limited government of specific duties no matter what form that Government takes, regardless if the preferred Republican model with checks and balances as established by Our Founders or any other system!  There are no dictators of one or many, where there is disagreement The People are the final arbiter.  (Read the Founders and those that influenced them - Locke, Montesquieu...)

5.  A Written Constitution and Legal Amendments are the highest statements of Law in a land ruled by The People, they mean what they say and there is no redefining or changing of original intent and the plain speaking and understanding of the words!  There will be No activism, no reinterpretation, no eroding of a single pillar of Constitutional Law!  (Read the Founders, the Enlightenment scholars that influenced them, read Colonial history going back to the Mayflower Compact!)

6.  No one, No Government, Nobody, will be allowed to remove the free and open practice of religion!  This nation was Founded Christian and respected the rights of others including Deists, Atheists, Agnostics, Pagans as well as Jewish practitioners...religion will not be driven from the public square or any public discourse, ever!  The only so-called religion that Will Not be tolerated is Islam, if you follow that murderous Death Cult, you will be ostracized or expelled!  The Cult of Mohammad is incompatible with Life, Liberty, Happiness and Property and is therefore banned!

Our Founders were called Patriot's, Whig's, Congress-men, American's, Rebels, Revolutionaries, Traitors, Minutemen, Sons of Liberty, Continentals, Militia, etc etc...

Regardless if a new label is desired to merely differentiate ourselves from others or as a loose or firmly organized outfit, it would make sense not to take a name that already exists or has already been used (up) (

It would be nice to have one word...something like American Founders Party appears unique, but search the interwebs and similarly named sites exist, some may be little better than something run by a snot-nosed kid in his momma's basement...but, there we are.

For me, I'll say I am Liberty-centric, asked what that means I'll say I believe in Our Founders and those who influenced them, everything else no matter what it is called is bullsh*t of some form or another if it deviates one iota from what they established!
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Glock32 on July 29, 2014, 12:23:00 PM
I would add:

7. On the eve of the Harvest Moon, 1 in 3 elected politicians will be ritually sacrificed.  They may escape this fate by resigning their office.  Elections will be held on the following day.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Libertas on July 29, 2014, 12:31:05 PM
Heh, if The People go for it I am game!  Could make being the Master at Arms a fun gig!

"Slippy devil resigned, drat!  Better luck next time!"
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: whimsicalmamapig on July 29, 2014, 09:42:32 PM
I can think of no other reason for obama to be poke, poke, poking his finger in the face of all republicans by not supporting Israel, threatening to give amnesty to all illegals and coming down hard on energy. He is trying to rally a base that is beginning to see him as less than the god-like figure he poses as.

If he could get enough radicals on the right to reach for impeachment, knowing full well that any attempt at this point would be a worse failure than the one tried against clinton, he could play the threatened minority who needs his base to come out to the polls and defend him.

it's all he has left, really. He knows if the republicans take the senate he is just a joke for 2 more years. this is his saul alinsky move.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: IronDioPriest on July 29, 2014, 10:53:08 PM
I can think of no other reason for obama to be poke, poke, poking his finger in the face of all republicans by not supporting Israel, threatening to give amnesty to all illegals and coming down hard on energy. He is trying to rally a base that is beginning to see him as less than the god-like figure he poses as.

If he could get enough radicals on the right to reach for impeachment, knowing full well that any attempt at this point would be a worse failure than the one tried against clinton, he could play the threatened minority who needs his base to come out to the polls and defend him.

it's all he has left, really. He knows if the republicans take the senate he is just a joke for 2 more years. this is his saul alinsky move.

And if he gets away without being impeached, he'll be able to do whatever the f**k he wants for those two years.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Libertas on July 30, 2014, 07:00:10 AM
I can think of no other reason for obama to be poke, poke, poking his finger in the face of all republicans by not supporting Israel, threatening to give amnesty to all illegals and coming down hard on energy. He is trying to rally a base that is beginning to see him as less than the god-like figure he poses as.

If he could get enough radicals on the right to reach for impeachment, knowing full well that any attempt at this point would be a worse failure than the one tried against clinton, he could play the threatened minority who needs his base to come out to the polls and defend him.

it's all he has left, really. He knows if the republicans take the senate he is just a joke for 2 more years. this is his saul alinsky move.

And if he gets away without being impeached, he'll be able to do whatever the f**k he wants for those two years.

 ::siren::   ::siren::   ::siren::

We have a winner!

This was all a scam to take impeachment OFF the table, and lookie here, that eGOP Ruling Class Clown Boehner took the bait ( and removed ANY possibility of impeachment, thus giving Obama a blank check to do any f**king thing he wants!!!

This is surrender, this is treason, most everyone in Das Kapital should be strung up by angry people!  We've been totally f**ked over from within and without!  There is no more American Republic, it is dead!

It doesn't matter what is written into any Bill (!), any law will be reinterpreted to suit the Dear Leader and there isn't a damned thing the Congress or the Courts can do to stop it!

It's over people, all this chatter, all this talk of politics and such is meaningless and pointless, there is acting and not acting, and right now not acting is letting the statist win without suffering a single scratch!

I am embarassed, sickened and enraged, anybody letting this happen or participating in it is committing treason, period!  Damn them all!
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Glock32 on July 30, 2014, 10:55:01 AM
This is surrender, this is treason, most everyone in Das Kapital should be strung up by angry people!  We've been totally f**ked over from within and without!  There is no more American Republic, it is dead!


And that's just it, there aren't enough angry people. He was elected. Twice. Now obviously there were major irregularities with the electoral process, but all those could really do is push him over the finish line if it was sufficiently close. Unfortunately we have crossed that threshold where half the population will vote for Team D no matter what. There is literally nothing Obama or the Dems could do that would dissuade them from voting D. He could get on national TV every night and put puppies and kittens into a blender, and they would still vote for him.

There won't be any torch wielding mobs because fully half (or more) of the population supports what he is doing. Our side made a lot of mistakes over the past few generations, mostly in areas of culture rather than politics. We now reap the fruits of a thousand different "this isn't the hill to die on" excuses. All those little hills became a mountain, and we now have a population that is literally incapable of even understanding most of our positions.

The only real difference between "our" side and the Left is that the Left are bold. They also never accept defeat. "Settled law" only exists when it's in their favor, otherwise it's the Living, Breathing Document. "Our" side still seems to labor under the misapprehension that surrendering on this or that minor issue will satiate the Left. I certainly don't admire them, but I do respect their tenacity and refusal to acquiesce -- ever. Their long march through the institutions was wildly successful. They own the culture.

Trouble for them is that their ideas are mostly unworkable bullsh*t.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Libertas on July 30, 2014, 11:11:37 AM
It will all end in epic misery, pain and is just a matter of when not if, and only one side will survive...
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: benb61 on July 30, 2014, 11:31:23 AM
It will all end in epic misery, pain and is just a matter of when not if, and only one side will survive...

And it won't be their side, even if we die off for whatever reason they will eventually kill themselves.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Glock32 on July 30, 2014, 01:44:58 PM
Everything about the Left is unnatural.  Look at their electoral coalition.  Sure, this constellation of nutjobs is presently united against their common foe (i.e. traditional Western civilization), but what common thread do they have otherwise?  Islamists and Feminists?  Islamists and Homos?  Islamists and Militant Atheists?  Environmentalists and Labor Unions?  Each of these factions seems to think the others are temporarily useful allies.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Weisshaupt on July 30, 2014, 01:48:20 PM
Everything about the Left is unnatural.  Look at their electoral coalition.  Sure, this constellation of nutjobs is presently united against their common foe (i.e. traditional Western civilization), but what common thread do they have otherwise?  Islamists and Feminists?  Islamists and Homos?  Islamists and Militant Atheists?  Environmentalists and Labor Unions?  Each of these factions seems to think the others are temporarily useful allies.

Oh, after wiping out freedom the left will be all surprised that Islam isn't willing to COEXIST.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Predator Don on July 30, 2014, 03:18:31 PM
What kills me are the claims that coming out too vocal in opposition of the total lack of border security is something that, somehow, will benefit the Democrats by alienating the precious middle.  I don't see it that way at all.  I don't think the majority of people are happy at all about the border situation.  If anything, it would benefit the GOP to take a hard stance on it.

I think the grand opportunity they had is already gone though. In 2010 they had a ready made groundswell and all they did (after using it to win the House, of course) was strategically bust bubbles and take the wind out of sails.  Enough people are now so sick of them that they've said to hell with the inconsequential electoral process.

Pubbies are idiots. We live in a nation where the people in the most liberal state in the union voted AGAINST same sex marriage, needing an activist judge to overturn it, and they fret over being too confrontational about our border. If they had a brain and any gonads, they may be surprised how many vote(r)s would be there for them.

We could win the House, the senate and have the presidency and still couldn't lead.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: whimsicalmamapig on July 30, 2014, 06:53:46 PM
If the republicans do take the senate, there would be other methods of undoing what obama has done. In fact, rather than impeaching him (which would really rally the left for the 2016 election) I think it would be much more excruciating to have obama watch, powerless as his agenda is dismantle before him.

Discretion is the better part of valor. Impeachment may be well warranted but would only defeat the right in the end in 2016. Better to use the power of congress and the courts to illuminate what exactly was wrong and undo it.

Let history be obama's final judge and jury while we spend our energies healing the nation.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Libertas on July 31, 2014, 07:22:30 AM
If the republicans do take the senate, there would be other methods of undoing what obama has done. In fact, rather than impeaching him (which would really rally the left for the 2016 election) I think it would be much more excruciating to have obama watch, powerless as his agenda is dismantle before him.

Discretion is the better part of valor. Impeachment may be well warranted but would only defeat the right in the end in 2016. Better to use the power of congress and the courts to illuminate what exactly was wrong and undo it.

Let history be obama's final judge and jury while we spend our energies healing the nation.

That just is not going to happen, the time for that has passed, the damage is too great, the patient is comatose and it is time to pull the plug.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Pandora on July 31, 2014, 09:41:02 AM
Obongo is basically immunizing himself against impeachment.  It's a ploy he's used before -- make a mockery of something he thinks his opponent might do; "so, sue me"; "they want moats and alligators on the border".  If the proposition is advanced, like the Republican House's court suit, he gets to do the "I told you so" smirk.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Weisshaupt on July 31, 2014, 10:11:16 AM

And that's just it, there aren't enough angry people. He was elected. Twice. Now obviously there were major irregularities with the electoral process, but all those could really do is push him over the finish line if it was sufficiently close. Unfortunately we have crossed that threshold where half the population will vote for Team D no matter what. There is literally nothing Obama or the Dems could do that would dissuade them from voting D. He could get on national TV every night and put puppies and kittens into a blender, and they would still vote for him.

I told my mother that -- that Obama could come personally to my house, shoot me in the head and then proceed to rape my wife and daughter, and she would STILL support him. She didn't deny it. 

Its a fun questions to ask lefties-  Are there any conditions - any conditions at all, that would make you rethink your support for Democrats and thier polices and stop voting for them - and they NEVER  will answer.  Never.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Pandora on July 31, 2014, 10:26:32 AM
Andrew McCarthy .... (

... The GOP believes it has a problem: President Obama calculates that it helps him and hurts Republicans to claim, falsely, that Republicans are about to impeach him, so that is what Democrats are doing. As I argued before — and it sounds as if Bill Kristol agrees — this is a foolish calculation on their part. To be clear, neither Bill, I, nor most Obama critics, nor any elected Republicans that I know of, are calling for the president’s impeachment at this point: The public case has not been made for it, and defeat would be certain in the Senate.

Yet even if you assume, as the Republican establishment appears bent on doing, that Obama is right and that his knowingly false alarm about imminent impeachment is bad for Republicans, the solution is simple: Just make it very clear that there is no plan to file articles of impeachment against Obama — not now, and not in the foreseeable future. It is already clear that that is the case to sensible people, and after a short while it will be clear to everyone — the Democrats’ cynicism will be seen for what it is.

But no, the GOP can’t leave it at that. For whatever reason they feel compelled to say not only that they will not impeach Obama but that Obama’s systematic refusal to execute the laws faithfully does not rise to the level of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” the Constitution’s impeachment standard.

Recently, we heard Representative Bob Goodlatte, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, making this absurd assertion. Today, according to the Wall Street Journal, it was Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan’s turn. On impeachment, Ryan reportedly said:

    I see this as sort of a ridiculous gambit by the president and his political team to try and change the narrative, raise money, and turn out their base for an upcoming election that they feel is not going to go their way… (The Republicans’ differences with the White House do) not rise to the high crime and misdemeanor level.

Wrong. To repeat, “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a British term of art borrowed by the Framers, does not refer to penal offenses. It refers to what Hamilton called “the misconduct of public men, or in other words . . . the abuse or violation of some public trust.” Such misconduct need not be an indictable wrong. It could involve dereliction of duty, lies to Congress or the public about serious matters, the failure to honor an oath (such as the oath to execute the laws faithfully), and any conduct that intentionally undermines the governing framework that safeguards our liberties and security (the president, of course, takes an oath to preserve the Constitution).

It is perfectly understandable — indeed, it is wise — for Republicans to explain that there is no prospect of removing President Obama from power because you’d need lots of Democratic votes in the Senate and the Democrats will protect President Obama no matter how lawlessly he conducts himself. No one sensible would blame the Republicans for taking this position. More importantly, making that argument would highlight the president’s often outrageous lawlessness and derelictions of duty as well as the Democrats’ complicity in them.

It is, however, downright dumb to claim, as Representative Ryan, Representative Goodlatte, and other Republican leaders have done, that the president’s misconduct is not serious enough to be considered impeachable; or to posit the related claim that impeachment — the Constitution’s remedy for serious presidential lawlessness — would be a “disproportionate” response to serious presidential lawlessness.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Libertas on July 31, 2014, 11:37:07 AM
Obama’s systematic refusal to execute the laws faithfully does not rise to the level of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” the Constitution’s impeachment standard.

Wrong, wrong, wrong....

And the GOP will pay the price for their failure to perform their Constitutional mandate, along with the treasonous Dem's they are enabling!


More gasoline!!!
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: John Florida on July 31, 2014, 12:36:25 PM
Obama’s systematic refusal to execute the laws faithfully does not rise to the level of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” the Constitution’s impeachment standard.

Wrong, wrong, wrong....

And the GOP will pay the price for their failure to perform their Constitutional mandate, along with the treasonous Dem's they are enabling!


More gasoline!!!

 I see it as too close to elections to step on that mine. Impeachments isn't going to help anything other than make us feel good and give their base a reason to come out in force. Right now the base isn't interested in coming out by 14 points last I heard on Fox and I like it just like that.

   We need 7 senate seats and a WH win,lose the battles and win the war that fixes the mess later.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: AlanS on July 31, 2014, 06:14:22 PM
Obama’s systematic refusal to execute the laws faithfully does not rise to the level of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” the Constitution’s impeachment standard.

Wrong, wrong, wrong....

And the GOP will pay the price for their failure to perform their Constitutional mandate, along with the treasonous Dem's they are enabling!


More gasoline!!!

 I see it as too close to elections to step on that mine. Impeachments isn't going to help anything other than make us feel good and give their base a reason to come out in force. Right now the base isn't interested in coming out by 14 points last I heard on Fox and I like it just like that.

   We need 7 senate seats and a WH win,lose the battles and win the war that fixes the mess later.

That would be a great start.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Libertas on August 19, 2014, 11:41:45 AM
The Troller In Chief is not wetting his pants for fear of the Weeping Carrot or anybody else...plotting more EO's to advance his coup and finish of the last vestiges of a representative republic... (

Order 66 grows near.

Nice reporting...behind closed doors...yeah, what he does with Reggie is behind closed doors, what he is doing here is right in the Oval Office of the People's House!
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: AmericanPatriot on August 19, 2014, 04:33:35 PM
We need 7 senate seats and a WH win,lose the battles and win the war that fixes the mess later.

That presumes there is a political solution, John.

And the same Pubs who led us into this mess are the ones who will lead us out.

Those establishment Pubs who support Dems rather than a true liberty minded Tea Party candidate
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: warpmine on August 21, 2014, 07:38:28 PM
Personally, I'm not calling for impeachment as it's for lawful presidents and zero isn't one. Therefore, I call for execution! ::rockets::
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Predator Don on August 21, 2014, 08:31:14 PM

And that's just it, there aren't enough angry people. He was elected. Twice. Now obviously there were major irregularities with the electoral process, but all those could really do is push him over the finish line if it was sufficiently close. Unfortunately we have crossed that threshold where half the population will vote for Team D no matter what. There is literally nothing Obama or the Dems could do that would dissuade them from voting D. He could get on national TV every night and put puppies and kittens into a blender, and they would still vote for him.

I told my mother that -- that Obama could come personally to my house, shoot me in the head and then proceed to rape my wife and daughter, and she would STILL support him. She didn't deny it. 

Its a fun questions to ask lefties-  Are there any conditions - any conditions at all, that would make you rethink your support for Democrats and thier polices and stop voting for them - and they NEVER  will answer.  Never.

This came up today. A discussion broke out over all the crap obbummero is doing and why impeachment should be considered, if not carried out, and the local lib spouted off he hasn't crossed the impeachment line. I asked him, in the context of "pen and phone", where is the line and what would he need to do for you to speak "impeachment".......No answer. The conversation degenerated from there.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Glock32 on August 21, 2014, 08:41:50 PM
Yes, in those situations I like to remind them that Santa Claus isn't the only one who's keeping a list.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Pandora on August 21, 2014, 09:17:01 PM
Yes, in those situations I like to remind them that Santa Claus isn't the only one who's keeping a list.

f**kin' A.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: trapeze on August 22, 2014, 12:19:02 AM
When things finally spiral out of control (in what way? take your pick) just watch how fast those "Obama/Biden" and "Coexist" bumper stickers get removed from every lib's car.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: warpmine on August 22, 2014, 08:47:32 AM
When things finally spiral out of control (in what way? take your pick) just watch how fast those "Obama/Biden" and "Coexist" bumper stickers get removed from every lib's car.
I thought those signs were there so we all could easily identify them as "marked for death" Rarely does the other side make it easy to to identify themselves without opening their mouths.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Weisshaupt on August 22, 2014, 09:25:45 AM
When things finally spiral out of control (in what way? take your pick) just watch how fast those "Obama/Biden" and "Coexist" bumper stickers get removed from every lib's car.

I can still tell if the car is  a Subaru or a Hybrid (or full on electric) .  The Cannabis sticker will still be there.  The back will still be packed with crap and dog hair, and a cloud of SMUG will still surround them. And if you can get them talking they will reveal themselves -- they simply can't have a conversation without injecting their heartfelt and arrogant superiority and bragging about their fabulousness ( "I  live next door to the VERY BEST Ice Cream store in the world. The Ice Cream you eat is okay, but you have to try this store, because it has the VERY, VERY BEST, no one makes it better, ice cream.. except for maybe that one place I visited before I  climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and after that fabulous Trek that I took to Nepal..."  BANG!)

And even if that doesn't work just ask them if they believe in Live and Let live, or to explain the idea that their rights end where yours begin, or just to explain why they believe something and how they came to that conclusion.  Silence?  BANG!

They won't be fooling anyone.
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Pandora on August 22, 2014, 01:43:42 PM
Lol.  Love the BANG!
Title: Re: Rich Lowry speculates: Perhaps Obama is trolling for impeachment
Post by: Libertas on August 22, 2014, 05:28:54 PM
Perhaps carrying a good fast-drying clear sealer in the car will be helpful in making tard sticker removal more difficult?

But we don't need the stickers, as previously discussed all they have to do is be made to talk...

BANG!   ::thumbsup::