It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => TEOTWAWKI => Topic started by: Libertas on April 08, 2015, 07:32:59 AM

Title: EMP
Post by: Libertas on April 08, 2015, 07:32:59 AM
"Our entire way of life can be ended in a single day."

Well, duh!  Same for any other country on the planet that hits us...subs, remember them?

( (

"The EMP Commission, which was established by Congress, says that it is likely that most of us would end up dead…"

"What would a successful EMP attack look like? The EMP Commission, in 2008, estimated that within 12 months of a nationwide blackout, up to 90% of the U.S. population could possibly perish from starvation, disease and societal breakdown."

Yeah, no doubt.  Good luck protecting that grid.

Takeaway - Faraday cages and generators and related equipment, food, water, guns & ammo, etc, yo!  Or for sure join that 90%!

Oh, and stop trashing the 1800's, there was a lot not so bad about that time, sure the state of medicine was more primative, but life was a lot more honest and had less government intrusion, that's for sure!
Title: Re: EMP
Post by: Glock32 on April 08, 2015, 09:14:29 AM
This is why MAD was effective strategy with the Soviets.  It should be openly communicated to the entire world that should anyone do something like this, they will cease to exist less than an hour later.
Title: Re: EMP
Post by: Libertas on April 08, 2015, 11:35:00 AM
Somehow I don't see these Democrats, all of whom are progressives that are in fact the spawn of ComIntern traitors...capable of making such an obvious and sensible statement...let alone back it up should push come to a shove in the face...

The enemies within will ensure all die...if things continue as is...