It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Politics/Legislation/Elections => Topic started by: Pandora on July 20, 2015, 10:50:18 PM

Title: Industry rails against Obama’s dishwasher rules
Post by: Pandora on July 20, 2015, 10:50:18 PM
Maybe we need a category for "Permanent Bureaucracy" ......

The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers is accusing the Department of Energy (DOE) of a politically motivated drive to increase dishwasher efficiency standards, which are so bad that they would cause consumers to re-wash dishes, erasing any efficiency gains. (

Rob McAver, the group’s head lobbyist, said regulators are going too far and the new rules will allow only 3.1 gallons to be used to wash each load of dishes.

“At some point, they’re trying to squeeze blood from a stone that just doesn’t have any blood left in it,” McAver said.

I am so SICK of this sht!  Thanks to them and their stinkin' regulations, the dishwashers already don't clean the dishes and the detergent, thanks to the removal of phosphates don't wash anything well.  And all of it costs more for less.

Now they're going to up the ante?  Can't take it ..........
Title: Re: Industry rails against Obama’s dishwasher rules
Post by: Weisshaupt on July 20, 2015, 11:54:00 PM
Come on Pan,  you know they won't be happy till we all  live at a 18th century standard of living under a framework of global communism.
No wait, they STILL won't be happy even when they get that. I wonder who they will blame? Oh right, anyone trying to accomplish anything that makes their lives better.. than anyone else's.

Title: Re: Industry rails against Obama’s dishwasher rules
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on July 21, 2015, 07:19:08 AM
I'm not an engineer...but it seems to me that the best place for a rampant eco-politician to determine the efficiency of a kitchen appliance would be to be inside said appliance while it's running (possible with dishwasher if you first remove the rack).

Personally, I would set the dial for them to 'Potscrubber'.
Title: Re: Industry rails against Obama’s dishwasher rules
Post by: Libertas on July 21, 2015, 07:29:55 AM
They did it to the toilet.

Bruce "Low-Flow" Vento my old nemesis was one of the prime architects of that sh*theaded clusterf**k.

Saving water for Gaia?  Yeah, right.  Cannot even flush a  ::cussing::  kleenex without two flushes!

They came up with the econo-washers and dryers, and they suck monkey turds compared to the big clunky-ass water-chugging beasts my mother operated when we were kids.

Now they dick with dishwashers...

Why the f**k not?  They've f**ked up just about everything else...and how better to keep a suck economy limping along protect union jobs (which is a joke, there are many non-union workers now) than to make sh*t that breaks down faster than you can say "What a piece of f**king sh*t!".
Title: Re: Industry rails against Obama’s dishwasher rules
Post by: Predator Don on July 21, 2015, 07:10:48 PM
Might as well build the next house without a dishwasher.
Title: Re: Industry rails against Obama’s dishwasher rules
Post by: Libertas on July 22, 2015, 06:42:22 AM
And, they are fussy...if you don't pre-clean before loading them in...

If I am pre-cleaning...I am only a couple steps away from fully clean, dried and back in the stack!

Title: Re: Industry rails against Obama’s dishwasher rules
Post by: Pandora on July 22, 2015, 10:08:09 AM
Just heard a blurb about this on the "news".  This is the fifth time the agency (Feds) has tightened the rules.  DWs currently are permitted only 5 gallons per wash.

I think 3.1 gallons ain't gonna cut it.
Title: Re: Industry rails against Obama’s dishwasher rules
Post by: warpmine on July 25, 2015, 02:25:13 PM
Just heard a blurb about this on the "news".  This is the fifth time the agency (Feds) has tightened the rules.  DWs currently are permitted only 5 gallons per wash.

I think 3.1 gallons ain't gonna cut it.
.They'll force most into using disposable paper plates and of course bitch at the waste of paper and the cutting down of trees for that as well.

Simple fix, all and I mean all progtards must be killed humanely of course, such as cracking open the backs of their skulls to allow their 700 cc brains to be sucked out with shop vac to crush their skulls so they can fit though applesauce jar. sh*t, just shoot them an force them to pay for the entire exercise.
Title: Re: Industry rails against Obama’s dishwasher rules
Post by: Libertas on July 25, 2015, 10:02:39 PM
Just heard a blurb about this on the "news".  This is the fifth time the agency (Feds) has tightened the rules.  DWs currently are permitted only 5 gallons per wash.

I think 3.1 gallons ain't gonna cut it.
.They'll force most into using disposable paper plates and of course bitch at the waste of paper and the cutting down of trees for that as well.

Simple fix, all and I mean all progtards must be killed humanely of course, such as cracking open the backs of their skulls to allow their 700 cc brains to be sucked out with shop vac to crush their skulls so they can fit though applesauce jar. sh*t, just shoot them an force them to pay for the entire exercise.

Don't forget to sell of the usable spare parts, not sure who wants secondhand proglodyte parts but maybe someone is desperate enough to pay.