It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => 2nd Amendment/Firearms => Topic started by: Libertas on March 24, 2016, 07:57:44 AM

Title: Haywood County, NC Wants to Ban All Carry of Guns
Post by: Libertas on March 24, 2016, 07:57:44 AM (

Other than being in western NC I don't know squat about this town, being close to the hills though I thought it would be more conservative than filled with gun-grabbing leftofascist slime...but I could be wrong.

Here are their five fools for fascism - (

PO'd folks ought to hang outside their homes and voice their first and second amendment rights.
Title: Re: Haywood County, NC Wants to Ban All Carry of Guns
Post by: IronDioPriest on March 24, 2016, 08:20:30 AM
They're just never, ever going to stop until they're shot dead. The Leftists in MN are coming for the guns too. There are 4 or 5 different gun control bills being moved forward in the Dem Senate, Gov. Poopy-pants Dayton will put his mark on anything his special needs handlers tell him to, and the GOP House is full of pussies.
Title: Re: Haywood County, NC Wants to Ban All Carry of Guns
Post by: Libertas on March 24, 2016, 11:14:15 AM
True, Gov Pills doesn't want people to carry let alone have guns...same for the rest of his merry band of DemoFascists...and waaaaay too many Pubbies drink the Prog poison and think limits aren't bans and could never lead to them (which history proves bloodily wrong time and again!) and confuse "hunting" for "rights" and "militia" for "standing army".

I'm positive we are confusing Pubbies with things like "intelligence", "Founding Principles" and "innocent".

Title: Re: Haywood County, NC Wants to Ban All Carry of Guns
Post by: Glock32 on March 24, 2016, 09:05:31 PM
I am not familiar with this area, but generally in Appalachia something like that will go over about as well as a lead balloon.  I have noticed certain rural communities that, for whatever reason, become the darling of the liberal "art" community and they turn it into a deep blue outpost in overwhelmingly red areas.  Not knowing anything else about this place, I would imagine something like that is going on.

State law should preempt much of what they're attempting, particularly the "on county controlled property" thing.

But IDP is absolutely right.  They won't ever stop, won't ever just come to accept that people disagree with them.  It's their way or the unmarked grave for you.  All of them are every bit as totalitarian as that suggests too.  Just because a current crop of Leftists aren't actively using the bulldozers to shove bodies into open pits doesn't mean they don't harbor the will and the desire to do so.  Their ideological bedfellows demonstrated this innumerable times throughout the 20th century.
Title: Re: Haywood County, NC Wants to Ban All Carry of Guns
Post by: Libertas on March 25, 2016, 06:57:45 AM
Yeah, and these types infesting these areas have smug in spades, and they'll not be the ones doing the dirty work, the yes-men and women in the lower ranks of society will be doing that...they'll never get their own hands dirty and smugly go about their business confident that the greater good has been served.  Not unlike the attitude of the party faithful in Nazi Germany.  In many respects ushering these reprobates to Hell will be more rewarding than the mindless drones they use to do their murderous bidding.