It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Politics/Legislation/Elections => Topic started by: Delnorin on October 11, 2011, 10:40:06 AM

Title: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 11, 2011, 10:40:06 AM
Disclaimer: Out of the people (I refuse to use the word folks) we have to choose from thus far of the Republican candidates I prefer either Cain or Bachmann.  Since Cain seems to be the one that would foster the most support at some point I had to pick a side of that fence for the good of removing OBummer from office to stop the hemorrhaging of our Country.  Also, I have joined Herman Cain's volunteer website and am joining the cause in getting his name out there and backing him for the election.

Topic at Hand:  Herman Cain's 999 Plan

The entire plan can be read on Herman's website: (

At first glance it's a God send of an improvement of the slavery code we have today that puts us all (well, those of us that actually pay taxes) subjective to the iron fist of our government, keeping us from any real freedom anymore.

But within three minutes, key words started rising to the surface and with coming to the surface a release of putrid gas that smelled up the entire area.

What key words?  Empowerment Zones.

Wow, that's a pretty neat sounding phrase right?  Until you look at how it's being used.

Business Flat tax - 9%.... good idea.. good idea.. and then... unless you live in an Empowerment Zone.
Individual Flat Tax - 9%.... good idea.. good idea.. and then... unless you live in an Empowerment Zone.
National Sales Tax - 9%.... good idea.. good idea.. and then... unless you live in an Empowerment Zone.

Wow... sounds like a great idea to pull up stakes, pack up the tent and move into an Empowerment Zone.

Where are these empowerment zones?  It sounds a government under Herman Cain would really be pushing people to live in these zones.  
On his website (link above) under Phase 1 Enhanced Plan - Summary... and I quote: "Features a platform to launch properly structured Empowerment Zones to revitalize our inner cities".

Ah... now it makes since.  The inner-city ghetto Welfare families STILL get to pay zero into the system that they suck and rape from.

Am I the only person just livid about the federal government picking who gets to be the winners and who gets to be the slaves?  How is this not redistribution of wealth all over again?

Sorry, you work outside of the ghetto so you have to pay your taxes.. but if you move in where everyone is killing each other over X-Boxes and cases of cigarettes because their government check was 6 hours late... well then you too could get on the government system and be taken care of as well.

Nobody picking up on the Empowerment Zones and talking about it yet?
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 11, 2011, 10:46:49 AM
Ugh. That about seals it then.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Alphabet Soup on October 11, 2011, 11:06:14 AM
Good catch Delnorin. I'm going to study it but at first blush I'm not liking what I see.

Oh, and 2nds on the face plant.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 11, 2011, 11:09:28 AM
And I don't believe it necessarily calls for repeal of the 16th.
So it could be end up being on top of everything else and no limit to how high it could go.

Give me the Fair Tax.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Libertas on October 11, 2011, 11:22:59 AM
Unless there are transitional mechanisms in this that ends proglodyte slavery rampant in the inner cities then these zones should be aborted.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 11, 2011, 11:33:48 AM

I'm sick of clauses and amendments.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 11, 2011, 11:35:34 AM
Unless there are transitional mechanisms in this that ends proglodyte slavery rampant in the inner cities then these zones should be aborted.

I'm not sure if this should be in a separate thread (not your comment.. but the one I am about to make next)....

I always knew this.. but it was just this very moment that it occurred to me in a more-full picture of clarity.

An inner city black man on welfare *is* a professional with a career.  Sure, he's not living the great life with a picket-fence around his house, a nicely mowed lawn and his kid in private school.  But... he does get to sleep in to 11 am each day, he gets his food paid for, he gets his medical expenses paid for, he gets his rent paid for.. the list goes on for a good distance of all his perks.

What is required of him to -earn- all of these perks?

Up until this point I thought he didn't have to do anything.. it was just given to him.

Now though, I realize that he is required to work for these things.  He's required to vote Democrat.  He's required to riot whenever he's told to.  He's required to fester in hatred.

Honestly... I'd rather work a couple jobs, give a shocking amount of my money to the government, get up at 0430 hrs every morning and spend 10 hours a day away from my wife and daughter, drive around psycho drivers and endanger my life to get to/from work, etc.

Truly.. would you vote Democrat?  Riot when the government told you to?  Live with hatred and malice every moment of your day?

I don't think I have what it takes for a career like that.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 11, 2011, 11:42:03 AM
And he's required to sire multiple children

Couple weeks ago, I read about an obit or arrest warrant for an "entrepreneur" who had about 125 children
I'll see if I can find it
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 11, 2011, 12:10:01 PM

They can couple this with his "that's racist" remark.

We're going to pick an imperfect candidate between Cain or Perry
then punch it up hard or we are going to end up with Romney.

...just heard Chris Christie has endorsed Romney, more for the MSM
to fawn over.  Christie only helps in the NE and Romney has that

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 11, 2011, 12:20:48 PM
Alright, I'll try to explain to the best of my ability - bear in mind that I am no economist - I wasn't even a good student in school!  ;D

First here is the summery bullet points from Herman Cain's website ( ( ):

*Unites all tax payers so we all pay income taxes and no one pays payroll taxes
*Provides the least incentive to evade taxes and the fewest opportunities to do so
*Lifts a $430 billion dead-weight burden on the economy due to compliance, enforcement, collection, etc.
*Is fair, neutral, transparent, and efficient
*Ends nearly all deductions and special interest favors
*Ends all payroll taxes
*Ends the Death Tax
*Features zero tax on capital gains and repatriated profits
*Lowest marginal rates on production
*Allows immediate expensing of business investments
*Eliminates double taxation of dividends
*Increases capital formation. Capital per worker drives productivity and wage growth
*Capital formation will aid capital availability for small businesses
*Features a platform to launch properly structured Empowerment Zones to revitalize our inner cities
*We all know the Fed has tripled the money supply since 2008. They have been printing money out of thin air to finance the Obama spending machine. While true Fed reform that restores sound money may have to wait for my election, the best thing we can do now is to pursue policies that increase the DEMAND for dollars to help mitigate the risks associated with the increase in the supply.
*Pro-growth economic policies equal a strong dollar policy

Now as I understand it, the 9-9-9 plan reduces individual and business income tax rates to 9% from as much as 35% currently, while imposing a 9% national sales tax, scrapping all tax breaks and eliminating the payroll tax, the estate tax and capital gains tax. Opponents are trying to say "well, how will you stop someone later from increasing the 9-9-9 plan?" Same question applies to the current IRS code. If congress is full of tax and spend people, nothing is safe.

The 9-9-9 plan will change how taxes are collected - and that will strip power away from the politicians and put it in the hands of the people. See, that is what is the real core of the Progressive's fear of this plan and Herman Cain - it/He takes power AWAY FROM THE GOVERNMENT and GIVES IT BACK TO THE VOTERS.

The democrats live by their stranglehold of power over their constituents through the tyranny of big government. That is illustrated no better than simply looking at the democrat's wet dream for taxation: The VAT. You want to discuss regressive taxation? Look into the VAT!

Ultimately it comes down to this for me. I AM a 100% supporter of the FAIR Tax (I'll provide more information on the FAIRTax in a followup post after this one for those of you that may not know what it is) - so is Herman Cain. According to Herman Cain (in speeches and on his website [see above address]), his 9-9-9 Plan is a vehicle to get us to the FAIR Tax.

From his website:
Phase 1 - 9-9-9
(see above bullet points)

Phase 2 – The Fair Tax
*Amidst a backdrop of the economic boom created by the Phase 1 Enhanced Plan, I will begin the process of educating the American people on the benefits of continuing the next step to the Fair Tax.
*The Fair Tax would ultimately replace individual and corporate income taxes.
*It would make it possible to end the IRS as we know it.
*The Fair Tax makes our exported goods and services the most competitively internationally than any other tax system.

Now, having said all that I need to conclude this post with this thought. I would MUCH rather skip this 9-9-9 plan business altogether and just get right into the FAIR Tax. There is a problem however. The FAIR Tax is exceedingly easy to demonize as an 'regressive tax' by simply dropping some mis-truth's about it...doesn't take a lot of effort and even the dumbest liberal troll can do it. It's been explained by Neal Boortz (read more about him in my followup post) that this middle step on the way to the FAIR Tax is being undertaken in an effort to make it more difficult to demonize by making the change more gradual. If you understand my meaning? The point here is that it seems to me that Cain is attempting to institute the 9-9-9 Plan because it's easier (and more likely) to get it done now than the FAIR Tax and at some point during his presidency, is then planing to transition into the FAIR Tax.

Alright - on to explaining the FAIR Tax...

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 11, 2011, 12:25:18 PM
If you do not know about the FAIR Tax, I suggest you check out or The Book, 'The Fair Tax Book' by Neal Boortz (here's that bit about Neal Boortz from my previous post :)) and John Linder.

A VAT is an *ADDITIONAL* tax on every step of production.  If someone picks cotton it is taxed because it was 'improved' when it was picked.  Spin it into thread...'improved', taxed again.  Dye it different colors...'improved', taxed again.  Turn it into a pair of socks...'improved', taxed again.  The corporation at the end of this line of 'improvements' pays all that extra tax when they receive the finished product because those taxes were passed along to each new link in the production chain and then they put that extra cost in the price of their finished product when they sell it to the consumer.  That extra cost is not called a tax then.  It isn't on the receipt as 'VAT tax' it is never 'seen' by the public.  That is exactly why politicians love it.  Because, just like our current system, the people never see the money leaving their wallets through taxation.  They only see the cost of a pair of socks jump from $5 to $6 and think it's just raising costs and not an oppressive tax by our Government.  As you can see, VAT is not a sales tax on corporations, it is a regressive tax on every single person in the country because the corporations only pass that extra tax burden on to you and I.  If you want some real damage done to our economy push for a VAT tax because that is what would happen if it were ever instituted.  Don't think so?  Simply look at the mediocrity of the economies of every country involved in the European Union which are required to institute a VAT if they want to join the EU.

For those of you advocating a FLAT Tax, it is true that a FLAT tax would be preferable to a VAT. But a FLAT Tax would still be an *ADDITIONAL* tax because it does not eliminate our current system.

The FAIR Tax would be real tax reform that would help our economy.  It would eliminate our current tax system (get rid of the IRS and all taxes including capitol gains taxes, death taxes and embedded taxes) and *REPLACE* it with a national sales tax of 23%.  The average tax-payer under our current system submits about 25% to the IRS, NOT including non-IRS related taxes like property tax and capitol gains tax, etc.  When you figure in all the other taxes we pay it is estimated that the average tax payer is paying something closer to 45%.  The FAIR Tax would eliminate all those 'other' and 'embedded' taxes leaving the tax payer with a 23% national sales tax and nothing more.  Economists have shown that it would draw in the same amount of revenue for the Federal Government while at the same time bringing fairness and transparency to the system.

The Federal Government's revenue stream would be enhanced by the collection of the FAIR Tax by EVERYONE that buys any good or service (except for essential items and second-hand items - a house is taxed the first time it is bought but not thereafter).  That means that the 50 million tourists that visit us each year would be paying into our tax system just like all the rest of us as would 30 million illegal aliens, black markets, etc.  All citizens would also receive a rebate calculated by family size up to the poverty level.

The FAIR Tax will also enhance our ability to compete in the global market thereby returning off-shore business to our borders.  Recently proponents of the FAIR Tax interviewed executives from 200 international companies.  They asked if the FAIR Tax was instituted in the US how would that affect their company.  80% of the executives said they would increase their business with the US (because their tax burden would be reduced).  The other 20% said that they would move their headquarters here. 

There is also the fact that 300-500 BILLION dollars are spent each year for us to simply comply with our current tax code.  Under the FAIR Tax system, that money would be free to enter our economy in other ways.

The current (seriously considered) options we have for taxation are:
Our current system (which is about 45% per average taxpayer which includes embedded - which equals about 22% in hidden taxes, federal and state taxes).
A FLAT Tax (which is variable % tax in *ADDITION* to our current system).
A VAT (which is a variable % tax in *ADDITION* to our current system).
Or the FAIR tax (which is a 23% consumption-based tax ***INSTEAD*** of our current system).

Now some people are going to whine that the FAIR Tax is some kind of regressive tax on the poor (You want regressive taxation? Just look into the VAT!). But those that say that don't explain that there is a built in cost of living rebate in the FAIR Tax which refunds the cost of the basic necessities thereby making the tax burden on poor people no more than they are currently carrying under our current system.  Similarly the leftists are now trying to say, "OMG the FAIR Tax will require the Federal Government to pay taxes!".  Well duh!  The Federal Government pays the same % of taxes right now with our current system as they would under the FAIR Tax.

Those people not seriously considering the FAIR Tax are essentially saying that the average taxpayer should be paying 45% or higher (with the addition of a FLAT or VAT Tax) rather than the 23% (TOTAL) under the FAIR Tax.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 11, 2011, 12:25:35 PM
I am with you on the Fair Tax.
It does nothing about spending or deficits.
But, that's another battle

I'd also like to see the rate lower than 23%
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 11, 2011, 12:29:57 PM
So, having bored most of you to tears (I'm quite certain!), the reason I'm supporting Cain is not because of the FAIR Tax or the 9-9-9 plan per-say. I'm supporting him because he is the MOST CONSERVATIVE in the race. Of all the other candidates, Herman Cain is the only one I can vote for and actually feel like I've voted for the right person for the job rather than the lesser of two evils (as I've been forced to do now for the last several election cycles). That's it in a nutshell for me. Romneycare, Mr. Isolationist and 'heartless-if-you-don't-like-illegal-aliens' just don't get it - they're not conservatives.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 11, 2011, 12:32:52 PM
I agree AP, it would be nice to have it less than 23%. The studies that have been done though show that 23% is the lowest it can be in order to balance everything. Regardless, the average taxpayer is still paying about 35% (45% if state and embedded taxes are considered). So after looking at that, 23% is sounding really good to me!
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 11, 2011, 12:34:29 PM
Alright, I'll try to explain to the best of my ability - bear in mind that I am no economist - I wasn't even a good student in school!  ;D

I'm totally stoked that you accepted my invite to come here and help out in the sharing of ideas BMG.  Since the time we went to college together you've been upfront, clear and organized with what and why you believe what you believe.  I think you were a good three years ahead of me in the conservative life with putting logic and reason behind what you believed.  It took me being introduced to Rush Limbaugh a year after college before I started to really get the ability to put real words and ideas behind my beliefs.

Thank you for dropping by BMG and adding to our group.

To everyone else:  BMG has an incredible way of organizing ideas and concepts and following a train of thought through from beginning to end.  Very much different than me.. I get distracted by... oh... shiny object!!
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 11, 2011, 12:36:12 PM

I live in a state that thrives on a sales tax, no income tax.  A state income tax is beyond imagination.

On the face of it 999 is very attractive; however, little things such as "empowerment zones" are counter intuitive
to 999's purpose and a possible insight to Cain's fallibility.   ::camelsnoseundertent::

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 11, 2011, 12:44:35 PM
I agree AP, it would be nice to have it less than 23%. The studies that have been done though show that 23% is the lowest it can be in order to balance everything. Regardless, the average taxpayer is still paying about 35% (45% if state and embedded taxes are considered). So after looking at that, 23% is sounding really good to me!

BMG... if 23% is needed in order to balance everything....

What if we were able to incorporate a 45% reduction in all federal government?  Abolish the Dept. of Education, Remove the EPA, cut the military in half by leaving 50+ bases all over the world we no longer need, cutting back or eliminating social security, medicare, medicade, etc, etc.

If we could cut the federal government down to more of what it should be.. could that 23% tax on everyone drop to maybe.... 14%?
Talk about incentive for people to cut their favorite programs.   ::thinking::
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Alphabet Soup on October 11, 2011, 12:51:12 PM
So,, having bored most of you to tears (I'm quite certain!), the reason I'm supporting Cain is not because of the FAIR Tax or the 9-9-9 plan per-say. I'm supporting him because he is the MOST CONSERVATIVE in the race. Of all the other candidates, Herman Cain is the only one I can vote for and actually feel like I've voted for the right person for the job rather than the lesser of two evils (as I've been forced to do now for the last several election cycles). That's it in a nutshell for me. Romneycare, Mr. Isolationist and 'heartless-if-you-don't-like-illegal-aliens' just don't get it - they're not conservatives.

Not bored by any stretch BMG (and welcome to the fray!)

As I commented upstream, I want to vet the crap out of all this because I want to understand. In my opinion (and my opinion only) "Empowerment Zones" are a no-starter. The very notion makes me bristle. I'm not sure that anyone can convince me of their value - and I know that no one can compel me to submit.

Just as romney broke an irretrievable trust with romneycare, and perry created a fissure that might still be a show-stopper, this twist takes Cain's 999 plan and turns it into "Plan 9 from Outer Space".

Oops - spoke too soon. There is one way that Cain can redeem himself - define "Empowerment Zones" as any of the 50 (or 57 if you are Øbozo) states.

Then we'll talk.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 11, 2011, 12:53:14 PM

Yeah, I hear ya and I agree. I think the reason for it (as I tried to explain above) basically boils down to the reality on the ground. The guy can't implement the FAIR Tax if he can't get into office. And for him come out of the gate with the FAIR Tax I believe would insure such a beat-down in the liberal media that his chances would be nil (for the reasons I outlined previously). So I think he's using stuff like these 'empowerment zones' to make it harder for the liberals to demonize this half-step to the FAIR Tax.


NP - am always happy to chit chat about politics. The more people learn, the better decisions they can make about who they feel is best for the job. People pulling the trigger for a candidate without knowing who that candidate is is how we ended up with Obama in the WH. Education is NEVER a bad thing.

About your query concerning the 23% deal, yeah - it could be lowered in the future. IF all of those dead weights on the economy now were taken away. The beauty of the FAIR Tax is that it STRIPS the power from the politicians and gives it BACK to the people. Once people understand this their eyes fly open and they start supporting the FAIR Tax. But, liberals simply scream that it is a regressive tax added onto the current tax base - a blatant fabrication - but you see how easy it is to demagogue. People never get past that - the blinders come on and their eyes are never opened to the truth of the matter.

Also, since EVERYONE would be paying taxes under the FAIR Tax (and the 9-9-9 Plan also) - this means that it would be EASY to keep it from going up. Can you imagine the hue and cry of the masses should the government start trying to raise their taxes? All the cries about widows and yeah, lowering it is always an option. Raising it would be pretty difficult. In addition to that transparency issue that the politicians would have to overcome, Mr. Cain has also built in a 2/3 vote in congress in order to change the tax rate.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 11, 2011, 01:00:51 PM
I agree AP, it would be nice to have it less than 23%. The studies that have been done though show that 23% is the lowest it can be in order to balance everything. Regardless, the average taxpayer is still paying about 35% (45% if state and embedded taxes are considered). So after looking at that, 23% is sounding really good to me!

BMG... if 23% is needed in order to balance everything....

What if we were able to incorporate a 45% reduction in all federal government?  Abolish the Dept. of Education, Remove the EPA, cut the military in half by leaving 50+ bases all over the world we no longer need, cutting back or eliminating social security, medicare, medicade, etc, etc.

If we could cut the federal government down to more of what it should be.. could that 23% tax on everyone drop to maybe.... 14%?
Talk about incentive for people to cut their favorite programs.   ::thinking::


Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 11, 2011, 01:43:57 PM
So,, having bored most of you to tears (I'm quite certain!), the reason I'm supporting Cain is not because of the FAIR Tax or the 9-9-9 plan per-say. I'm supporting him because he is the MOST CONSERVATIVE in the race. Of all the other candidates, Herman Cain is the only one I can vote for and actually feel like I've voted for the right person for the job rather than the lesser of two evils (as I've been forced to do now for the last several election cycles). That's it in a nutshell for me. Romneycare, Mr. Isolationist and 'heartless-if-you-don't-like-illegal-aliens' just don't get it - they're not conservatives.

Not bored by any stretch BMG (and welcome to the fray!)


As I commented upstream, I want to vet the crap out of all this because I want to understand. In my opinion (and my opinion only) "Empowerment Zones" are a no-starter. The very notion makes me bristle. I'm not sure that anyone can convince me of their value - and I know that no one can compel me to submit.

Just as romney broke an irretrievable trust with romneycare, and perry created a fissure that might still be a show-stopper, this twist takes Cain's 999 plan and turns it into "Plan 9 from Outer Space".

Oops - spoke too soon. There is one way that Cain can redeem himself - define "Empowerment Zones" as any of the 50 (or 57 if you are Øbozo) states.

Then we'll talk.

I'm curious why Cain believes these Zones should be cities, what with the crumbling infrastructure in almost every one.

If he's leaning toward helping the poor downtrodden Black population, still/yet/again/more, coupled with the idea that if government just butt the hell out, the whole country would be an Empowerment Zone, I'm less than interested.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 11, 2011, 01:52:16 PM
Ya know what an "Empowerment Zone" is? It's Compassionate Conservatism.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 11, 2011, 01:56:30 PM
It's Compassionate Conservatism.

Interestingly, Photobucket deleted several of my pics, including the guy holding his head, captioned, "Not this sht again".
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 11, 2011, 02:22:57 PM
I'm curious why Cain believes these Zones should be cities, what with the crumbling infrastructure in almost every one.

If he's leaning toward helping the poor downtrodden Black population, still/yet/again/more, coupled with the idea that if government just butt the hell out, the whole country would be an Empowerment Zone, I'm less than interested.

I think it's his attempt to take votes away from Obama from the Black-vote.  If he can give them some glimmer of hope that if they voted for Cain that he could keep giving them freebies... he might manage to pull a few away from OBummer.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 11, 2011, 02:45:01 PM
I'm curious why Cain believes these Zones should be cities, what with the crumbling infrastructure in almost every one.

If he's leaning toward helping the poor downtrodden Black population, still/yet/again/more, coupled with the idea that if government just butt the hell out, the whole country would be an Empowerment Zone, I'm less than interested.

I think it's his attempt to take votes away from Obama from the Black-vote.  If he can give them some glimmer of hope that if they voted for Cain that he could keep giving them freebies... he might manage to pull a few away from OBummer.

Well, if so, then that's sort of running under false pretenses, wouldn't you say?  Unless I'm the dupe because he does intend to continue the freebies.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 11, 2011, 02:45:55 PM
As we get farther into the candidates, Cain appears to be the conservative in the room. I like the 999 plan. I need a definition of empowermant zone, but I'm not going to throw out his entire premise because of one bulletpoint, because changing our tax structure will create a booming economy......

*Features a platform to launch properly structured Empowerment Zones to revitalize our inner cities

"Empowerment zone" could carry many implications. Communities all across America give tax breaks to bring in jobs. I see this as no different. I bet we all have areas in our cities that used to be run down, but have been re vilalized...I know Nashville does and the downtown business has thrived and btw, pushed the "empowermant zones" into a very small area. The issue with some of the re vilalization is it was done with taxes....I don't believe this is how Cain operates. Maybe an "empowermant zone" will be based on private business, not gov't contracts. Heck, maybe it means an electric fence. The key is "properly structured"... I take this to equate to taking areas where private business, with proper incentive, are willing to take risk for profit. Understanding Cain, I do not take it as gov't program giveaways , free housing, etc. Remember, he is a businessman and he thinks like one.

I don't want to be too quick to dismiss. Maybe Mr Cain can re define "compassionate conservative" by creating opportunity and not token giveaways.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 11, 2011, 02:49:28 PM
Well, if so, then that's sort of running under false pretenses, wouldn't you say?  Unless I'm the dupe because he does intend to continue the freebies.

My thinking was just a guess.  I'm trying to find a *reason* for his plan that makes sense to me.  He might be coming at it from a different angle and thought process.. but I can't see how purposefully keeping people in 'benefited free zones' does anything but continue class warfare and the system that we have going on already.

I am just tossing out my thoughts... I'm not saying "This is the way it is and I know what's going on here"... I'm just muddling through trying to discover the truth.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 11, 2011, 02:50:46 PM
How's the infrastructure these days in Nashville, Don -- water, sewer, roads, etc.?
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 11, 2011, 02:54:21 PM
As we get farther into the candidates, Cain appears to be the conservative in the room. I like the 999 plan. I need a definition of empowermant zone, but I'm not going to throw out his entire premise because of one bulletpoint, because changing our tax structure will create a booming economy......

*Features a platform to launch properly structured Empowerment Zones to revitalize our inner cities

"Empowerment zone" could carry many implications. Communities all across America give tax breaks to bring in jobs. I see this as no different. I bet we all have areas in our cities that used to be run down, but have been re vilalized...I know Nashville does and the downtown business has thrived and btw, pushed the "empowermant zones" into a very small area. The issue with some of the re vilalization is it was done with taxes....I don't believe this is how Cain operates. Maybe an "empowermant zone" will be based on private business, not gov't contracts. Heck, maybe it means an electric fence. The key is "properly structured"... I take this to equate to taking areas where private business, with proper incentive, are willing to take risk for profit. Understanding Cain, I do not take it as gov't program giveaways , free housing, etc. Remember, he is a businessman and he thinks like one.

I don't want to be too quick to dismiss. Maybe Mr Cain can re define "compassionate conservative" by creating opportunity and not token giveaways.

That's probably the correct perspective at this point. And you're right - there's a LOT for a conservative to LOVE with the 999 plan. Even if an "Empowerment Zone" is a tax-free ring around every ghetto with free ponies and fried chicken  for all "Urban" folks, the nation would be light-years better off from an economic growth standpoint than it is under the current burdensome tax regime.

My reaction is more, as I said initially, "Ugh". The terminology and the implication causes a gut reaction of disappointment.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 11, 2011, 03:02:44 PM
That's probably the correct perspective at this point. And you're right - there's a LOT for a conservative to LOVE with the 999 plan. Even if an "Empowerment Zone" is a tax-free ring around every ghetto with free ponies and fried chicken  for all "Urban" folks, the nation would be light-years better off from an economic growth standpoint than it is under the current burdensome tax regime.

My reaction is more, as I said initially, "Ugh". The terminology and the implication causes a gut reaction of disappointment.

I agree IronDioPriest... a good perspective and a careful reaction is best.
A very wise friend of mine has sat me down on another issue and spoke to me about the importance of incremental changes.  Yes, I would like to abolish the IRS, cut 50% out of the military budget, completely remove the Social Security System and move to a private system, remove medicade and medicare, make every $ donated to a church/charity a 1:1 tax CREDIT, and remove about 300 other government programs completely... but that would cause riots in the street and then a police state just to keep people alive.
Perhaps this Empowerment Zone is completely legit, perhaps it is a half-measure to keep the cities from Jones-ing about their programs being cut and having to go actually get a job, perhaps.. perhaps...

But I remind myself about the lesson my friend taught me and how I/We can't jump in and get 100% of what we want.  People have been poisoned for so long that pulling that poison away too fast would kill them.

The progressives have gotten their way by slow and incremental removal of our freedoms... the only way to get it back might be the same technique.. slowly give people back their freedoms and hope they grow a spine and become involved in regaining the rest of their freedoms.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 11, 2011, 03:07:36 PM
Pretty good. Our downtown is much different than 10-20 years ago. Nashville is heavily influences by the surrounding conservative areas. Our downtown has been a business/ gov't cooperation, of sorts. Now, we still have areas where tax dollars build free homes, free this, free that..... But thinking as a businessman, as I believe Cain does, I do not believe "empowerment zone" equates to free stuff. Empowerment = Opportunity = Self reliance = a little pride.

I think of it this way. Cain, a pizza guy, businessman. There is a market (opportunity) in places where business and jobs have no roots, mainly because things were given to them, so there is no pride in ownership or respect. So, to change the culture, what do you do? You create an enviroment in these areas which will attract private investment. Both jobs and business. I would be shocked if his properly constructed empowermwnt zones equates to more free stuff.

Its got to be risk/reward.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 11, 2011, 03:08:22 PM
...The progressives have gotten their way by slow and incremental removal of our freedoms... the only way to get it back might be the same technique.. slowly give people back their freedoms and hope they grow a spine and become involved in regaining the rest of their freedoms.

I pray that the good Lord allows us the time. I don't know that there's time for incrementalism.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 11, 2011, 03:11:30 PM
... I would be shocked if his properly constructed empowermwnt zones equates to more free stuff.

You sure would think so, given everything this guy seems to be all about. Entitlement zone according to demographic seems completely out of character. So out of character, that I would say that if these zones are indeed simple tax-free handout zones to Blacks, that would make him a hypocrite. He doesn't seem like a hypocrite to me.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 11, 2011, 03:21:54 PM
... I would be shocked if his properly constructed empowermwnt zones equates to more free stuff.

You sure would think so, given everything this guy seems to be all about. Entitlement zone according to demographic seems completely out of character. So out of character, that I would say that if these zones are indeed simple tax-free handout zones to Blacks, that would make him a hypocrite. He doesn't seem like a hypocrite to me.

Will be interesting in the coming weeks to receive more information and explanation. A better term, I believe, would be opportunity zone.....But to me, empowerment and opportunity carry similiar meaning.....But I'm a middle class white boy, empowerment may be a better urban term.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 11, 2011, 03:38:15 PM
When I got a chance to get back online and do some more digging I found a couple articles that may be of some help to the original post at this thread.

Excerpts taken from The Christian Science Monitor, 'Herman Cain's '999 plan': long overdue tax reform or job killer?' Sept 30, 2011 (I cut & pasted snippets from the article so if you wish to read the entire thing [it provides points of views of both conservatives and liberals in the analysis] I have provided the information which should allow you to find and read the whole piece):

"This taxes everything once but nothing twice.

A high income earner who makes $300,000 per year would pay $49,113 in taxes, which would amount to 16.3 percent of their income. But, today, that individual would pay $83,897 or 27.97 percent of their income in taxes.

A middle income taxpayer that makes $55,000 per year would pay $9,319 in combined taxes, coming to 16.9 percent of their income. Today, that individual would pay $9,875 and would pay 17.95 percent of their income in taxes.

In the near future, Lowrie says Cain will release his plan for low income areas which he terms “empowerment zones.” People living, working, and employing people in those areas would receive tax deductions.

In addition, Cain would eliminate Payroll taxes, which now go to fund Social Security and Medicare. That would mean both entitlement programs would be funded out of general revenue."

So this defines what is meant by 'empowerment zones' and gives some better details about the overall 9-9-9 plan.

Now for a more in-depth analysis I went to Free Republic's thread where they were picking apart the 9-9-9 Plan at this link: ( ( ) which proved very educational and only served to reinforce my opinion that this plan is a good half-step to the FAIR Tax and that Herman Cain IS the man to back.

I also found this snippet in the discussion concerning the 'empowerment zones' that I thought I would share:

"It’s an effort to get businesses to get into the inner city and get people off of WELFARE. I can buy into this plan because I want to see welfare go the way of the steam engine. For everyone."
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 11, 2011, 03:42:08 PM
When I got a chance to get back online and do some more digging I found a couple articles that may be of some help to the original post at this thread.

Excerpts taken from The Christian Science Monitor, 'Herman Cain's '999 plan': long overdue tax reform or job killer?' Sept 30, 2011 (I cut & pasted snippets from the article so if you wish to read the entire thing [it provides points of views of both conservatives and liberals in the analysis] I have provided the information which should allow you to find and read the whole piece):

"This taxes everything once but nothing twice.

A high income earner who makes $300,000 per year would pay $49,113 in taxes, which would amount to 16.3 percent of their income. But, today, that individual would pay $83,897 or 27.97 percent of their income in taxes.

A middle income taxpayer that makes $55,000 per year would pay $9,319 in combined taxes, coming to 16.9 percent of their income. Today, that individual would pay $9,875 and would pay 17.95 percent of their income in taxes.

In the near future, Lowrie says Cain will release his plan for low income areas which he terms “empowerment zones.” People living, working, and employing people in those areas would receive tax deductions.

In addition, Cain would eliminate Payroll taxes, which now go to fund Social Security and Medicare. That would mean both entitlement programs would be funded out of general revenue."

So this defines what is meant by 'empowerment zones' and gives some better details about the overall 9-9-9 plan.

Now for a more in-depth analysis I went to Free Republic's thread where they were picking apart the 9-9-9 Plan at this link: ( ( ) which proved very educational and only served to reinforce my opinion that this plan is a good half-step to the FAIR Tax and that Herman Cain IS the man to back.

I also found this snippet in the discussion concerning the 'empowerment zones' that I thought I would share:

"It’s an effort to get businesses to get into the inner city and get people off of WELFARE. I can buy into this plan because I want to see welfare go the way of the steam engine. For everyone."


Thanks for the update. Kinda thought it would be something like this.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 11, 2011, 04:49:28 PM
BTW, welcome to the forum BMG. Always glad to add another substantive voice.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 11, 2011, 05:07:04 PM
et al., btw - thanx for the 'welcomes'! Delnorin invited me over to chat about the topic so here I am. Normally I'm more a lurker - hanging out and reading and rarely posting stuff - unless something particularly egregious is posted. Haven't been around this blog before until today - not to disparage this blog or anything, just didn't really know about it is all.  ;)
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 11, 2011, 05:08:26 PM
I pray that the good Lord allows us the time. I don't know that there's time for incrementalism.

The discussion with my friend dove-tailed right into this comment as well.  Our discussion was about getting behind a GOP cannidate even though we're not all that thrilled about this one or that.

What *is* known.. that if we don't get rid of Obummer, then it's absolutely 100% certainty that our country is finished.

If we can replace Obummer.. then maybe.. just maybe we can keep it alive on life-support long enough to come up with a way to replace the vital organs and save its life.

I was completely in the camp of flushing the toilet and get rid of them all... but then realized that all that would do would be to give Obummer another 4 years.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 11, 2011, 05:20:12 PM
And he's required to sire multiple children

Couple weeks ago, I read about an obit or arrest warrant for an "entrepreneur" who had about 125 children
I'll see if I can find it

I found that article you are talking about:,3304.0.html (,3304.0.html)
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 11, 2011, 05:39:41 PM
If individual Fed tax rates are reduced to 9%, I don't see how this is going to change the way taxes are collected; the IRS will still be needed.  I'm less than thrilled as well that those working in the Zones will be allowed tax deductions, unlike everyone else.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 11, 2011, 05:46:04 PM

,,,and that the IRS will still be intact.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 11, 2011, 05:48:25 PM
If individual Fed tax rates are reduced to 9%, I don't see how this is going to change the way taxes are collected; the IRS will still be needed.  I'm less than thrilled as well that those working in the Zones will be allowed tax deductions, unlike everyone else.

If we want "FAIR".. then 100% of every American citizen should have exactly the same tax rate.
Anything else.. is nothing short of class warfare... picking losers and picking winners.

It smacks of my experience getting out of college and trying to get a job in my degree in Fisheries, Wildlife or Forestry... only to discover that if I got a 100% on my civil service test there was 0% chance of me getting a job.  Because Shanequa was black (+5%), a female (+5%), had spent 1 year in the army (+5%), hurt her ankle in the army (disability +5%), etc, etc.  She could score a 70% on the test and get 105% on her scoring.  I never had a chance......

Because the government had decided who would get special favors.....

The Empowerment Zones better not be like that...
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 11, 2011, 06:01:15 PM
It is true that progressive incrementalism over the last 100+ years has gotten us to this point. But I have faith that *IF* we are able to replace Obama with a true conservative like Herman Cain, keep or expand our majority in the House and gain the majority in the Senate (those last two points have been being predicted for the last 6 months or so now, even by the liberals at this point), well - there is A LOT that can be accomplished when you have all of that on your side.

If things keep going as they are I believe that the democrat party may well be either completely toothless after 2012 or possibly not even be the other party option in our political system anymore - with many of the democrats in there now going to the green, socialist, communist, libertarian and even Republican parties. I know, it is really early to be talking about this and I know that this is exactly what the liberals were saying about the conservatives in 2008. But the damage that has been in the last three years is real - it's obvious and it's getting way worse. A blind man could see it and the democrats have nowhere to hide...they had all the power for two of these three years after all. This current situation we find ourselves in is owned by the democrats 100%.

To top all of that off a lot of the stuff I've been reading lately is that we will be into another (did the first one ever end?) recession by the end of this year - it's not a question of if at this point, it's only a question of the severity ( ( ); mild or severe seem to be the two choices. Indications are that the EU may cut Greece loose in the very near future and simply let them fail. Germany is apparently balking at increasing their 'share' of the monetary aid to shore up the euro. If that happens we can expect a severe recession or perhaps even a global depression. Regardless of what happens across the pond at this point it seems like Obama's tied to the economy and the economy is sinking one way or the other and with him, the democrat party.

So I have faith that we will be very successful in the upcoming election cycle and a conservative president backed by a Republican congress could get an awful lot of good done and roll back an awful lot of leftist garbage. The one thing that does worry me however, is the election after this and the one after that. After all, if we as a country, were STUPID enough to elect Obama in the first place and hand over the reigns of power to the socialists well...that worries me quite a bit as far as the outlook of our future. So as vital and important as 2012 is (and yes, this upcoming election cycle is the most important we've ever had to date aside from the first as was mentioned earlier), I think that the election(s) in 2016 and 2020 and 2024 (etc) are all going to be equally vital. It's going to be a long, hard slog but we can't simply give up or as Delnorin just said, we'll end up with more Obama's in our future.

I said in an earlier post on this thread that I believed Herman Cain was the best candidate and I'm going to work hard to get him as the Republican nominee; this right now is the vital fight in the upcoming election btw...choosing our nominee. We allowed the Republican establishment (Progressive Republicans I like to call them) choose McCain for us last time. If we allow them to foist Romney upon us this time then all is lost imo. He's not much better than Obama and that means there will be no real win for the country. The vital fight is taking place right now. Even still, if Mr. Cain does not get the nod, it doesn't mean that I'm going to throw in the towel. I'll still vote for whatever excrement sandwich the progressive republicans foist upon us because I have little choice...because not fighting isn't a choice and not voting and allowing the socialists to win...isn't a choice. Period.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 11, 2011, 06:06:02 PM
@Pandora and Charles: (

"Here is a Herman Cain web ad explaining his “999? Economic Plan for America. Cain wants to get rid of the current tax code and replace it with:

    - A 9% tax on Corporate Profits

    - A 9% Personal Flat Tax Rate

    - A 9% National Sales Tax

The current tax system would disappear, and be replaced with these three simple measures. Cain has been a supporter of the “Fair Tax” in the past, but believes this is an interim approach that the American people would be willing to accept right now.

One thing abut Herman Cain. He keeps repeating his ideas over and over again, and it appears to be sinking into the consciousness of GOP voters. When he mentioned his “999? Plan at the Florida Straw Poll yesterday, the audience actually said it with him. Perhaps, people are beginning to really listen to Herman Cain."

Cain's plan eliminates the IRS as a prelude to installing the FAIR Tax.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 11, 2011, 06:06:45 PM
...Normally I'm more a lurker - hanging out and reading and rarely posting stuff...

Well here's to lurking less and posting more.  ::beertoast:: A forum like this lives or dies by the contributions of its members. Feel free to dig around and pipe up whenever it suits you.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 11, 2011, 06:16:21 PM
The one thing that does worry me however, is the election after this and the one after that. After all, if we as a country, were STUPID enough to elect Obama in the first place and hand over the reigns of power to the socialists well...that worries me quite a bit as far as the outlook of our future.

*Using my black woman singing voice that turns every sylobol into 53 sylobals*...

AaaaAAaAAaAAAAaaaaaa... MMmmmmeeee...MMeeemmmeeemmmeeeee... NNnnnnNnnnnnnnnn.

Translation: Amen !
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 11, 2011, 06:34:24 PM
@Pandora and Charles: (

"Here is a Herman Cain web ad explaining his “999? Economic Plan for America. Cain wants to get rid of the current tax code and replace it with:

    - A 9% tax on Corporate Profits

    - A 9% Personal Flat Tax Rate

    - A 9% National Sales Tax

The current tax system would disappear, and be replaced with these three simple measures. Cain has been a supporter of the “Fair Tax” in the past, but believes this is an interim approach that the American people would be willing to accept right now.

One thing abut Herman Cain. He keeps repeating his ideas over and over again, and it appears to be sinking into the consciousness of GOP voters. When he mentioned his “999? Plan at the Florida Straw Poll yesterday, the audience actually said it with him. Perhaps, people are beginning to really listen to Herman Cain."

Cain's plan eliminates the IRS as a prelude to installing the FAIR Tax.

Yup, caught that by looking for and finding the CSM article that you mentioned .... which I then forgot to link:


I'm not banging on Cain, I'm just not sure I like his 999 Plan as much as I ought in order to enthusiastically support him, although having to vote for Romney would be .... I'd rather set my hair on fire and put it out with a shovel.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 11, 2011, 06:40:57 PM

I want to like it to , but little things keep popping up.

The current tax system would disappear, and be replaced

It won't just disappear, he will have to kill it. 
He hasn't said he is going to kill it or how.
Saying it will be a big leap and
saying how he's going to kill it will be a doozie.


Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 11, 2011, 09:06:02 PM
@Pandora & Charles:

There's no problem with being skeptical about a politician. I'm not attempting to persuade anyone one way or another, just trying to lay out the facts on this particular topic as best I can and as I understand them so that others can decide whether they like the facts enough to vote for Cain or not. I've made my decision, but that's me and not everyone has the same opinion as I. Hopefully this thread has been useful at least and provided information enough to get you (and others that may also be interested) pointed in the right direction so that you can make an informed choice - and consider how to spend your vote with your eyes wide open. That is/was my objective in any case.

My philosophy is this: Liberalism is based on feelings and lies. Conservatism is based on reality and truth. If you objectively offer someone the facts concerning whatever issue and give them the opportunity to come to their own conclusions based on factual information then they, and in turn you, will be better for it. If you have to 'beat' people down with your views until they submit then you've done nothing but harmed your cause in the long run because eventually they'll come to dislike the cause and tell others about the bad experience. If you offer them the facts and let them come to their own conclusions and it turns out that their own conclusion happens to coincide with your cause - well, then what you have in the end is someone who will authentically support that cause because they actually believe in it. It's not 'astroturf' at that point, but 'grassroots'.

So keep digging until you're satisfied with the answers - because that is the right way to spend your vote, rather than tossing it away because someone bullied you into doing so.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 11, 2011, 09:36:43 PM
Would not the 16th A not have to be repealed to kill it?
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 11, 2011, 10:06:50 PM

Sounds reasonable, the 16th caused it, no 16th no more IRS.
Easier said than done.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 11, 2011, 10:10:16 PM

Is your question in regards to the 9-9-9 Plan or the FAIR Tax? Hrm, never mind I'll try to cover both and answer the question.  ;)

Okay, the 16th Amendment is not handled by the 9-9-9 Plan as I understand it (unless I've missed reading something somewhere). Here is my understanding of Mr. Cain's position on the 16th Amendment and the 9-9-9 Plan:

Begin Phase One:

Mr. Cain is looking to put his 9-9-9 Plan into effect as a half-step toward full implementation of the FAIR Tax at some point in his presidency. During his presidency BOTH the 9-9-9 Plan AND our current IRS system would be in place - but he would ignore the IRS system, using the new 9-9-9 Plan instead. Then, at that magic point in his presidency he would implement the FAIR Tax and the 9-9-9 Plan would cease to exist.

End Phase One.

Begin Phase Two:

There is nothing in HR25 (this is the FAIR Tax bill) that requires the 16th Amendment to be repealed prior to the Fairtax implementation. Because if it was done that way, there would be a period where we would have no way of collecting taxes in order for the government to continue running during the period between the repeal of the 16th amendment and the implementation of the FAIR Tax.  Therefore, if the Fairtax were ever to become law, there would be a seven year period to repeal the 16th amendment or the FAIR Tax would sunset and the current system would be dusted off and put back in place.

End Phase Two.

Ok, I'm not 100% certain I answered your question...if not, let me know and I'll give it another shot.

P.S.: As I mentioned earlier in the thread, there are a couple advantages to the 9-9-9 Plan and the FAIR Tax that would prevent politicians from tinkering with the tax rates even while the current system is in flux while implementing the 9-9-9 Plan and the FAIR Tax. Those being: Transparency - the advantage of the 9-9-9 Plan, like the FAIR Tax, is that the basic structure means that any tax increase will affect all Americans instead of just a selected few. Much harder to get that past the voting public as a whole. And a built in 2/3 vote in congress in order to affect any rate changes. Both those things essentially strip power from the politicians (unlike our current system) and give it to the people.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: warpmine on October 11, 2011, 10:17:13 PM
Would not the 16th A not have to be repealed to kill it?
According to the SCOTUS ruling almost a century ago, the Federal government always had the power to levy the income tax even though they past the 16th Amendment(likely the votes were tallied up by progressives, yes, probably a lie -it past) We'll never know because like Ovomit's records , it's state secret anyway their simply was infiltration into the judicial even at that early date.

Solution of course is to pass the FAIR Tax and make it illegal to institute an income tax forever. I'm hoppeful by then American's will have learned a hard lesson about the connection between income tax and government corruption, although I'm not holding my breath after all have you seen what constitutes a citizen these days. Hell, most believe we're a mobacracy rather than the cosntitutional democratic republic we're supposed to be. ::thinking::
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 11, 2011, 10:29:09 PM

Given the perceived fallibilities are only perceptions he can't still can't get this thing through congress.
Then where will we be.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 11, 2011, 10:31:57 PM
I've learned through the school of hard knocks a few things.

One... is that any tax will never depart.
Two... If someone is elected on a promise to do something, only half of it will happen.. and usually the half that bites you in the backside.

I love Cain to death.. but I'm like that woman that's been beaten for years... (bad analogy, I don't love the man who beats me... never mind that)..

I love Cain to death.. but I'm like that dog that gets kicked...

Forget analogies....

I'm tired of getting screwed by someone that I trusted.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 11, 2011, 10:48:38 PM

Well, there is a built in sunset. If the FAIR Tax fails to be sufficiently passed (the hardest part would be in the repeal of the 16th amendment), then it would sunset and we'd be right were we are now with this crappy system we are currently subjected to. By every measure the FAIR Tax is far preferable to our current system and I can't find a different system anywhere else in the world that is better than the FAIR Tax. So I'd love it if it was at least attempted. In the end we'd either be far better off than we are today - or we'd be right back where we are today.


True enough - both sides of the political isle have been severely burned by their respective party leadership and both sides are about fed up with the leadership completely. The Tea Party and the Occupy Wall Street people are the results of this unhappiness. The thing is, the Tea Party is actually affecting positive change in the Republican party and the Occupy Wall Street people (Though I view this as positive I guess they wouldn't) are serving to cripple their party. In short, there at least seems to be hope for the Republican side of the equation. But it's gonna take all us conservatives out here that are sick and tired of all the Progressive Republican garbage to start biting the foot that's been kicking us. This Republican Primary IS the 2nd battle in this fight (the 1st having been the 2010 mid-terms) and I believe this primary is also the most vital.

So instead of shying away from the guys kicking you, you need to educate yourself and vote for the best conservative choice in every election forevermore from local to state to national levels and tell everyone that will listen what you're learning. We're fighting a civil war at the moment and THIS blog - and that blog over there - and the neighbor next door are all the front line and the shots we're firing are words that are borne from facts learned through studying the issues. If we give up on this war of words now, we'll likely end up fighting a war with bullets in the not-so-distant future and well, that would be disastrous.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 11, 2011, 11:18:47 PM

Eliminating bureaucratic constraints has a much higher probability of passing than a new tax plan.
Especially one that requires the repeal of a constitutional amendment for starters. 
America is in the mood to dump acronyms, it's simple and understandable.
Everyone except the 30% already understand regulation is a killer.
They are in the mood for repeal, repeal, repeal, quick. 
Getting 999 up to full function is a long term operation.

When you are CEO you can walk into the meeting and say, here's the deal.
When at Congress you say, let's deal.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Libertas on October 12, 2011, 07:12:39 AM
I don't think the 16th needs to be repealed, all it did was authhorize the government to tax, the 9-9-9 plan is just a taxing methodology.  The harder work to get done IMO is to eliminate the IRS and let Treasury open an office of tax collections to be minimally staffed for that purpose.

I like Cain and will support him, but this quip by Bachmann last night was clever! (

And she's right, the devil is in the details, which is what we're trying to get at here, and hopefully Herman can effectively communicate how this can work should he be elected.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 12, 2011, 12:20:23 PM
Cain has done an effective marketing job with 9-9-9. He has forcefully and methodically inculcated the moniker and the basic concept into the consciousness of the GOP electorate, and he's made it impossible for the media to ignore.

He'd better have a "next phase", because this concept and plan is about to undergo a high-colonic. He needs to produce the supporting data, and methodology for the arrival at his conclusions.

Here's just one thing I need explained. He talks about the 15% payroll tax being eliminated, and that's all well and good. But for anyone who is an employee - not self-employed, in other words - the employee pays half and the employer pays half. The half that the employer pays is not calculated into the employees gross earnings. So for anyone who works as an employee (the vast majority), they would only see roughly 7.5% reduction in the payroll tax, not 15%. The only way the employee would ever see that other 7.5% is if there was some mechanism within the law that mandated the employer raising their gross pay by that amount, and I certainly have not heard of any such provision.

So what is actually happening is the employee is relieved of federal income tax and 7.5% FICA, replaced by 9%. The employer is relieved of corporate income tax and 7.5% FICA, replaced by 9%.

Cain's appearances all defend the 9% income tax/9% sales tax by stating that people will be relieved of 15% FICA tax and all federal income tax, replaced by 9%. That doesn't appear to be accurate unless one is self-employed. I'd like an explanation.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 12, 2011, 12:56:16 PM
So what is actually happening is the employee is relieved of federal income tax and 7.5% FICA, replaced by 9%. The employer is relieved of corporate income tax and 7.5% FICA, replaced by 9%.

This just my knee-jerk first thought.. and the first thought thing seems to do me good on tests.. so I'll go with it here too. :)

Right now the tax is 15% and split 2 ways; 7.5% and 7.5% (employer and employee).
Cain's lower tax is 9% and split 2 ways; 4.5% and 4.5% (employer and employee).

I'm just thinking that makes sense.

That part of the tax change isn't much different.. it's like getting a Cost of Living increase one year.... man.. I can barely even remember merit and cost of living increases.. seems like a thing lost to history.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 12, 2011, 01:06:03 PM
Well, if that's the case Delnorin, Cain certainly hasn't articulated it. Could be though.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 12, 2011, 01:13:21 PM
Well, if that's the case Delnorin, Cain certainly hasn't articulated it. Could be though.

Nor articulated (to my satisfaction) the Empowerment Zones.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 12, 2011, 01:14:53 PM
Well, if that's the case Delnorin, Cain certainly hasn't articulated it. Could be though.

Nor articulated (to my satisfaction) the Empowerment Zones.

Are we experiencing a little of what congressmen experience in D.C.?

An idea is tossed out for the masses to approve of and the media all support it or condemn it.  But we... the people that have to dig into the details and know EXACTLY what's in the small print... find a LOT of questions.

But... by then the public has either gotten behind it or they hate it and no matter what the 'truth of the matter' is about the details.. if we go against the public now we're screwed?
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 12, 2011, 01:39:29 PM
Well, if that's the case Delnorin, Cain certainly hasn't articulated it. Could be though.

Nor articulated (to my satisfaction) the Empowerment Zones.

Are we experiencing a little of what congressmen experience in D.C.?

An idea is tossed out for the masses to approve of and the media all support it or condemn it.  But we... the people that have to dig into the details and know EXACTLY what's in the small print... find a LOT of questions.

But... by then the public has either gotten behind it or they hate it and no matter what the 'truth of the matter' is about the details.. if we go against the public now we're screwed?

That's a good thought. Every once and a great while, when I get a wee glimpse of what legislators have to go through, I get a smidgen of empathy... and then it goes away.  ::exitstageleft::

As it is, with many conservatives feeling that Cain is the last hope to thwart a Romney candidacy, the last thing I relish doing is picking apart 9-9-9 now that he's done such a good job selling it.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 12, 2011, 01:45:40 PM
That's a good thought. Every once and a great while, when I get a wee glimpse of what legislators have to go through, I get a smidgen of empathy... and then it goes away.  ::exitstageleft::

As it is, with many conservatives feeling that Cain is the last hope to thwart a Romney candidacy, the last thing I relish doing is picking apart 9-9-9 now that he's done such a good job selling it.

I hate purposefully going into things looking for the hidden crap and problems also.  Especially in the ideas of people that I have chosen to support.
But that's the way I roll (to use a phrase my daughter uses).

If I am going to support you; I am going to hold you to a higher standard than everyone else.. because you have my name and reputation, my character and integrity attached to you now.  You're not just some random person on the street that makes decisions for me.  You have my family honor directly linked to you now.

And I will burn the house to the ground before you destroy that.

Major reason I couldn't back McCain.... does anyone -really- want their personal and family reputation and honor attached to that douche bag?

Same goes for anyone I vote for.. you'd better have your house in order and inspire and lead me... not embarrass me.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 12, 2011, 02:46:07 PM
We have lived thru 3 years of pelosi telling us she (libs) are ethical and 3 years of obama speeches , only to discover his rhetoric does not match his motives. We have reason to be careful and vette our candidates.

But on the same thought, with any idea, especially one changing tax code, requires planning and excution. So, on the surface, I like the 999 plan. I like its simplicity. In business, simple is cheaper. Do I want more info? Of course I do, but I've experienced ideas scuttled because the delivery and timing was wrong. In vetting Mr Cain, I've had a couple of issues with a few comments, but nothing major. If anything, he exhibits a knack to understand his missteps and overcome them. He is now flourishing in the debates......I like the fact he can learn on the run, so to speak.

Don't forget the fact he is a businessman. Its how he thinks and imo, it is why he is delivering his 999 plan as he is.....Think of it as a product....And he has two, the 999 plan and himself. He is selling both. He has watched other products blow all thier grand opening budget in the first few weeks and now no one is buying and it doesn't matter why. Allow him to grow his brand.

I know it is hard.....We conservatives have been burned....We don't want to be burned again. We have an agenda and by god, we want it, we deserve it....But, (there is always a but) two things. First, my gut....and my gut likes and trusts this guy. Second, I like him because he branding himself, just like he did his business...and it led to success. The other guys (and gals) are over in the discount bin today, feverishly attempting to be relevant or attempting to re brand an old product.

So I'll give him leeway. Some rope. I've made an investment and he hasn't reached my stop limit. Actually, he is appreciating in value.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: jpatrickham on October 12, 2011, 03:05:38 PM
If he could just cut that 9 9 9 to 4 4 4 then, he would have something! ::oldman::
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 12, 2011, 03:23:05 PM
If he could just cut that 9 9 9 to 4 4 4 then, he would have something! ::oldman::

Or even a compromise...

6 6 6

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 12, 2011, 03:38:47 PM
If he could just cut that 9 9 9 to 4 4 4 then, he would have something! ::oldman::

Or even a compromise...

6 6 6


Heck, It's what I feel we have now..... ::evil::
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 12, 2011, 03:46:51 PM
Heck, It's what I feel we have now..... ::evil::

Not making any associations with our current candidates at all.. but just pondering...

I wonder if the time of the anti-Christ.. we will welcome him with open arms because he will speak common sense and have simple answers for all the problems..... seems my Bible says something like that.

I've just had the feeling that ... anything could be better than this ... a few times (okay, a few hundred times) over the last couple decades.

It's interesting to view events through the eyes of the Bible... indeed.. I can see us/we/the people embracing someone that steps in and saves us from ourselves.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Alphabet Soup on October 12, 2011, 03:51:02 PM
If he could just cut that 9 9 9 to 4 4 4 then, he would have something! ::oldman::

Or even a compromise...

6 6 6


Heck, It's what I feel we have now..... ::evil::

Nah, I live in the 665 areacode. You know - not exactly Hell, but you can see it from my back porch... ::evil::
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Libertas on October 12, 2011, 08:10:26 PM
If he could just cut that 9 9 9 to 4 4 4 then, he would have something! ::oldman::

Or even a compromise...

6 6 6


Heck, It's what I feel we have now..... ::evil::

Nah, I live in the 665 areacode. You know - not exactly Hell, but you can see it from my back porch... ::evil::

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: ToddF on October 13, 2011, 07:43:49 AM
THE endorsement that matters

Godfather of Supply-Side Economics Supports Cain's '9-9-9' Plan (

Famed supply-side economist Art Laffer told HUMAN EVENTS that Cain's "9-9-9" plan was a pro-growth plan that would create the proper conditions for America's economy to grow and thrive again.

"Mr. Cain’s plan is simple, transparent, neutral with respect to capital and labor, and savings and consumption, and also greatly decreases the hidden costs of tax compliance. There is no doubt that economic growth would surge upon implementation of 9-9-9."

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: LadyVirginia on October 13, 2011, 10:30:48 AM
We're talking about it with a specific plan--maybe it's not the best but it's better than rhetoric that we need to do something--he put something out there.  Similar to Ryan--he put a plan out there and created a firestorm that got people talking.  These are things some people until now never thought about.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 13, 2011, 10:39:06 AM
Cain advisers a secret? (

What's up with this? I am very skeptical of Cain. I too see the "empowerment zones" as a huge red flag. I also already pay a 9% state/local sales tax, so now it would be 18%? And that will grow the economy?
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 13, 2011, 11:17:01 AM
Janny, I'm still undecided on this plan but the sales tax thing is sort of attractive to me in some ways.
People that are paying nothing now would have skin in the game
Reducing the income tax to 9% and eliminating the 7.65% ss and medicare tax gets me to an effective 1.35% income tax (plus the employer match)

The devil will be in the details and, specifically, what will be exempt from the sales tax.
Pa, for example,  has so many exemptions to their sales tax that it's impossible to know every one of them
Should food and clothing be exempt?
Will internet sales finally be included?

I assume new cars and houses would be included but what about if I sell my used car or my house and buy a "used" home?

The 9% corp tax sounds good on the face. I know it allows business investments to be deducted but what about business expenses?
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 13, 2011, 11:17:47 AM

Rasmussen Poll (

Cain ........................29%
Romney ...................29%
Gingrich ...................10%
Rick Perry ..................9%
Ron Paul ...................5%
Michele Bachmann ......4%
Rick Santorum ............2% 
Jon Huntsman ............2% 
some other candidate .3%
not sure ....................7%

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2011, 11:25:01 AM
Janny, I'm still undecided on this plan but the sales tax thing is sort of attractive to me in some ways.
People that are paying nothing now would have skin in the game
Reducing the income tax to 9% and eliminating the 7.65% ss and medicare tax gets me to an effective 1.35% income tax (plus the employer match)

The devil will be in the details and, specifically, what will be exempt from the sales tax.
Pa, for example,  has so many exemptions to their sales tax that it's impossible to know every one of them
Should food and clothing be exempt?
Will internet sales finally be included?

I assume new cars and houses would be included but what about if I sell my used car or my house and buy a "used" home?

The 9% corp tax sounds good on the face. I know it allows business investments to be deducted but what about business expenses?

Good questions re: sales tax, even in states not all items are taxable, so that has to be defined.

If businesses taxed on net income and no windfalls...even with incentives and credits waved that is a plus to me.  More details have to be worked out on individual side IMO...itemizing, 401k's, etc.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2011, 11:26:53 AM

Rasmussen Poll (

Cain ........................29%
Romney ...................29%
Gingrich ...................10%
Rick Perry ..................9%
Ron Paul ...................5%
Michele Bachmann ......4%
Rick Santorum ............2% 
Jon Huntsman ............2% 
some other candidate .3%
not sure ....................7%

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 13, 2011, 11:35:49 AM

I encourage you to read back over this entire thread if you haven't had a chance to do so yet, we've dug into the 9-9-9 Plan pretty well (for a bunch of laymen anyway :) ). You can follow some of the links and dig deeper into 9-9-9 yourself.

As I posted in a previous post in this thread (post #44):

"The current tax system would disappear, and be replaced with these three simple measures. Cain has been a supporter of the “Fair Tax” in the past, but believes this is an interim approach that the American people would be willing to accept right now."

What Cain is attempting to do with this 9-9-9 plan is to strip away all your other taxes so that you'll be paying considerably less than you are now. This 9-9-9 Plan is a stepping stone toward full implementation of the FAIR Tax which he is planing to install at some point during his administration.  

Therefore (also as posted on a previous post #34), a middle income taxpayer that makes $55,000 per year would pay $9,319 in combined taxes, coming to 16.9 percent of their income (under the 9-9-9 Plan). Today, that individual would pay $9,875 and would pay 17.95 percent of their income in taxes.

Now, having said all that; I'm fuzzy on the effects of the 9-9-9 Plan on State taxes. I'll try to snoop around and see if I can get any clarification. But all indications I've found so far are pointing to the fact that under 9-9-9 just as with the FAIR Tax, your tax burden will decrease. In the case of the FAIR Tax, the average tax payer pays 45% tax (this figure INCLUDES embedded AND State taxes) and under the FAIR Tax, that burden will decrease to 23%. How 9-9-9 impacts this figure I am uncertain. Bear in mind that 9-9-9 is a stepping stone to the FAIR Tax and Mr. Cain is supposedly planing to get the FAIR Tax instituted at some point during his administration.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 13, 2011, 11:44:03 AM
THE endorsement that matters

Godfather of Supply-Side Economics Supports Cain's '9-9-9' Plan (

Famed supply-side economist Art Laffer told HUMAN EVENTS that Cain's "9-9-9" plan was a pro-growth plan that would create the proper conditions for America's economy to grow and thrive again.

"Mr. Cain’s plan is simple, transparent, neutral with respect to capital and labor, and savings and consumption, and also greatly decreases the hidden costs of tax compliance. There is no doubt that economic growth would surge upon implementation of 9-9-9."

I'm appreciative Art agrees with me. ::thumbsup::

OK...The rest of you......Dang. You gonna throw him under the bus because of one small part of his plan you MAY not agree?
We FINALLY get a candidate who doesn't necessarily act like a politican, who thinks like a businessman ( which imo, is what we need), building his brand, has momentum....and we will go galt because of an "empowerment zone"????? WTF? We don't even know what it is, but we think we know.... And hell, it may turn out to be EXACTLY what some think it is, so I guess the question becomes will ONE point of contention make him a non starter?

It would be unreasonable.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 13, 2011, 11:46:13 AM

As I understand it, as with the FAIR Tax, Cain's 9-9-9 Plan applies ONLY to new items - not used items. So used cars, houses, etc are only taxed ONCE - when they are new. If resold, there is no further tax burden on those items.

Similarly, it operates like the FAIR Tax in that the tax applies to all goods AND services. So you would pay the tax at the point of sale (eliminating the IRS) which would include services for things like, hair cuts, 401k-related operational fees, etc.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 13, 2011, 11:53:52 AM
I'm seeing several people wondering why the tax rate in this 9-9-9 Plan is 9%. Here's what I found: (

This is an excerpt from the above-posted link in case anyone wishes to go there and read the whole piece.

"Where did Cain come up with 9 percent? One of his campaign slogans is, “If 10 is good enough for God, then nine is good enough for Washington.” That’s great marketing, but there’s more to the explanation, and my bet is that is has roots in “Hauser’s Law.”

Economist William Hauser discovered that no matter what the top tax rate is, the federal government’s tax revenues equal roughly 19.5 percent of the Gross Domestic Product. When top rates were 92 percent in 1952, the U.S. collected roughly 19 percent of GDP. When top rates were 28 percent in 1988, the U.S. collected roughly 18 percent — almost the same amount despite drastically different rates.

By my calculations, Cain’s plan would generate $2.19 trillion in tax revenue in 2011.

Is that enough to run the country? The U.S. treasury had 2010 tax revenues of $2.16 trillion. So if Washington could get its deficit spending under control and sop up some of its debt, the government could function well on the revenue generated by the 999 plan. Plus — and this is a big plus — the new policy would prompt economic growth."
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Alphabet Soup on October 13, 2011, 11:55:14 AM
Don - I've been trying to refrain from verbalizing what I would like to see happen in favor of what I think will happen. Within this context I see a problem with the "Empowerment Zone" aspect of his plan. That means we need more clarification from Cain. I'm not writing him off by any stretch.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 13, 2011, 12:08:07 PM
Don - I've been trying to refrain from verbalizing what I would like to see happen in favor of what I think will happen. Within this context I see a problem with the "Empowerment Zone" aspect of his plan. That means we need more clarification from Cain. I'm not writing him off by any stretch.

I'm just  frustrated. It's nothing personal on my part. If the empowerment zone ended up what we fear, I would still back the plan because 90+ % would be beneficial for the country. I'm also selfish because I KNOW a tax plan such as this would be good for my business. Every business. Since it  a stepping stone to a fair tax, i'm willing to endure an aspect I don't appreciate, understanding after its acceptence and as jobs grow, accepting a fair tax by the masses would be an easier sell. Well, except to the socialists.

There is a forest out there and I don't want the trees to get in the way.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 13, 2011, 12:10:41 PM
Don - I've been trying to refrain from verbalizing what I would like to see happen in favor of what I think will happen. Within this context I see a problem with the "Empowerment Zone" aspect of his plan. That means we need more clarification from Cain. I'm not writing him off by any stretch.

I'm certainly not writing him off either.  He's the one who I plan on voting for still.  No question.  But I intend to get answers to my questions too.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 13, 2011, 12:21:45 PM
I'm not writing him off either.
Even though I have read the whole thread my blond, senile, ADHD brain doesn't retain info like it did.
I apologize for asking questions that have already been answered.

What about excise taxes such as the fed gas tax ($.184/gallon), phone excise taxes, etc.

Personally, I think 401(k)s should be treated like Roth IRAs.
You paid the tax upfront, you keep the growth

But, the IRS still lives.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 13, 2011, 12:36:46 PM

From post #44 in this thread:

"The current tax system would disappear, and be replaced with these three simple measures. Cain has been a supporter of the “Fair Tax” in the past, but believes this is an interim approach that the American people would be willing to accept right now."

The way I understand it, if it's a federal tax then this 9-9-9 Plan will nullify it.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 13, 2011, 12:42:22 PM
I'm not writing him off either.
Even though I have read the whole thread my blond, senile, ADHD brain doesn't retain info like it did.
I apologize for asking questions that have already been answered.

What about excise taxes such as the fed gas tax ($.184/gallon), phone excise taxes, etc.

Personally, I think 401(k)s should be treated like Roth IRAs.
You paid the tax upfront, you keep the growth

But, the IRS still lives.

I've thought on these also. Death tax, retirement accounts, etc.

But we need a starting point and Cains plan appears to be a good start. If we are fortunate enough to implement Cains plan, as it becomes successful, imo, changing other forms of taxation will be easier.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 13, 2011, 02:21:38 PM

As I understand it, as with the FAIR Tax, Cain's 9-9-9 Plan applies ONLY to new items - not used items. So used cars, houses, etc are only taxed ONCE - when they are new. If resold, there is no further tax burden on those items.

Similarly, it operates like the FAIR Tax in that the tax applies to all goods AND services. So you would pay the tax at the point of sale (eliminating the IRS) which would include services for things like, hair cuts, 401k-related operational fees, etc.

And thus people will be encouraged to buy used items, vs. new items.

I reviewed the Fair tax several years ago, and it struck me as anything but fair.

The 9-9-9 only applies to federal taxation. That was my point. We are still subject to state and local taxes. If I buy a new car, or another high dollar item, I will be paying 18% on top of the price in taxes. That woukd amount to a huge sum of money. I don't see how it would be offset by the decrease in income tax. in fact, I think we'll get soaked.

I love the idea of Simplifying the tax code, but this doesn't seem like the solution to me. I favor a flat (income) tax.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 13, 2011, 02:24:52 PM

The way I understand it, if it's a federal tax then this 9-9-9 Plan will nullify it.

And that is the chief reason why this plan will never get off the ground. There is no way all those excise taxes and fees will ever go away. There are too many regulatory agencies, etc. receiving pieces of that pie.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 13, 2011, 02:47:55 PM
THE endorsement that matters

Godfather of Supply-Side Economics Supports Cain's '9-9-9' Plan (

Famed supply-side economist Art Laffer told HUMAN EVENTS that Cain's "9-9-9" plan was a pro-growth plan that would create the proper conditions for America's economy to grow and thrive again.

"Mr. Cain’s plan is simple, transparent, neutral with respect to capital and labor, and savings and consumption, and also greatly decreases the hidden costs of tax compliance. There is no doubt that economic growth would surge upon implementation of 9-9-9."

I'm appreciative Art agrees with me. ::thumbsup::

OK...The rest of you......Dang. You gonna throw him under the bus because of one small part of his plan you MAY not agree?
We FINALLY get a candidate who doesn't necessarily act like a politican, who thinks like a businessman ( which imo, is what we need), building his brand, has momentum....and we will go galt because of an "empowerment zone"????? WTF? We don't even know what it is, but we think we know.... And hell, it may turn out to be EXACTLY what some think it is, so I guess the question becomes will ONE point of contention make him a non starter?

It would be unreasonable.

I'm not throwing him under the bus either, but I'm not giving him -- or any of them -- a pass on unanswered aspects/questions.  Just want to thoroughly vet and fact-check everything without being unreasonable, although there are some one points of contention that, for me, are non-starters.  I suspect we all have them. 

I don't see it, or take it, as personal and would hate for that issue to raise its ugly head here this election as it did during the last.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 13, 2011, 03:22:40 PM
...I don't see it, or take it, as personal and would hate for that issue to raise its ugly head here this election as it did during the last.

We can't allow that to happen. We're all entitled to our opinion. Already, there is the basic division between those who say they will vote against Obama no matter what, and those who've had enough and will not vote for an unacceptable conservative nominee. so far, it has not caused any vitriol.

As of now, I'm in the former category - I'll vote for the GOP nominee out of a need to dispense with Obama. But I'll be damned if I'm going to fault anyone for saying "enough is enough". The "no more" sentiment may not guide my actions in the voting booth, but I'd be a fool to say that I cannot understand and respect where it's coming from.

We just need to remember that when it comes to something as personal as an individual vote, we are all entitled to deal with that duty as our conscience dictates.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 13, 2011, 03:27:47 PM
We can't allow that to happen. We're all entitled to our opinion. Already, there is the basic division between those who say they will vote against Obama no matter what, and those who've had enough and will not vote for an unacceptable conservative nominee.

This is where I was in the last election for Prez.
This time though I think if we can just get RID of OBummer and then pack another 50+ tea party congressmen and senators into their respective places.. then no matter how much of a Douche the GOP candidate is... he'll be forced to follow the lead of the citizens selected representatives.  Or.. toss him out on his ear at the end of four years and replace him/her... and again pack even more tea party congressmen and senators.

If we can make the presidency the only progressive of the branches of government.. then we can railroad him into doing what we want as a country.

Imagine having a 2/3'rds majority in the House and in the Senate... imagine a President thumbing his nose at that?  Can you say Impeachment?

Bring the power back to the people where it belongs!
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 13, 2011, 03:47:31 PM
Thought some of you might be interested in this if you haven't seen it yet. (
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 13, 2011, 03:50:06 PM
Thought some of you might be interested in this if you haven't seen it yet. (

Yup. Getting the Art Laffer and the Paul Ryan endorsement in the same news cycle is noteworthy. Let's see how Cain is able to capitalize on it.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 13, 2011, 04:12:22 PM
Thought some of you might be interested in this if you haven't seen it yet. (

Yup. Getting the Art Laffer and the Paul Ryan endorsement in the same news cycle is noteworthy. Let's see how Cain is able to capitalize on it.

We can hope.
Cain needed something to set himself apart from the group, and he did it.
And he did it in his area of expertise.  Boortz has probably told Cain, you owe me.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 13, 2011, 04:22:59 PM
We can't allow that to happen. We're all entitled to our opinion. Already, there is the basic division between those who say they will vote against Obama no matter what, and those who've had enough and will not vote for an unacceptable conservative nominee.

This is where I was in the last election for Prez.
This time though I think if we can just get RID of OBummer and then pack another 50+ tea party congressmen and senators into their respective places.. then no matter how much of a Douche the GOP candidate is... he'll be forced to follow the lead of the citizens selected representatives.  Or.. toss him out on his ear at the end of four years and replace him/her... and again pack even more tea party congressmen and senators.

If we can make the presidency the only progressive of the branches of government.. then we can railroad him into doing what we want as a country.

Imagine having a 2/3'rds majority in the House and in the Senate... imagine a President thumbing his nose at that?  Can you say Impeachment?

Bring the power back to the people where it belongs!

I believe obummer needs to go. This is not like clinton, who sent bloated budgets, rejected upon arrival. We can live thru a rino if we pack the house and senate. obama? This guy is dangerous for the country. I'd vote romney, but I'll hate doing it. With Cain, we may not have to settle for the rino, at least not as much as others, so I'll give him a little more slack, although I too want all my questions answered.

 Cain has instituted a blueprint for success, a script he is following which is effective. It's why I believe we will get our questions answered...on his timeline. He has shown more resiliant than Bachmann and Perry, imo because they have political hacks running thier campaigns and Cain does not...he has business savvy professionals. We may not appreciate our questions not answered on our timeline, but no one should doubt the handling of his campaign, keeping him outfront and not burning brightly, only to flame out.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 13, 2011, 04:25:13 PM
Thought some of you might be interested in this if you haven't seen it yet. (

Yup. Getting the Art Laffer and the Paul Ryan endorsement in the same news cycle is noteworthy. Let's see how Cain is able to capitalize on it.

Paul Ryan likes 2/3 of the plan, and he emphasized that it's a "good starting point." I don't exactly call that an endorsement.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 13, 2011, 04:26:33 PM
Paul Ryan likes 2/3 of the plan, and he emphasized that it's a "good starting point." I don't exactly call that an endorsement.

Janny... glass half full.. half full.

Stop peeing in my cheerios. :)

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 13, 2011, 04:28:33 PM
Thought some of you might be interested in this if you haven't seen it yet. (

Yup. Getting the Art Laffer and the Paul Ryan endorsement in the same news cycle is noteworthy. Let's see how Cain is able to capitalize on it.

Paul Ryan likes 2/3 of the plan, and he emphasized that it's a "good starting point." I don't exactly call that an endorsement.

It certainly isn't turning his back either.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 13, 2011, 04:32:35 PM
Well, I just want honesty here. The idea that Paul Ryan endorsed 9-9-9 is simply false. He said he is more of a flat tax guy. IOW, he appears to agree with me.  ::thumbsup::

If that's peeing in anybody's Cheerios, then they'll just have to open up a box of Rice Krispies.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: warpmine on October 13, 2011, 04:33:00 PM
Regarding the Fair Tax and 999
I remember reading that the price of an item has approximateky 25% built into it to comply with the current cost of the tax code. Meaning a $100 item would actually cost $75 if complying with the current code was scrapped. Under the 999 plan you would have to shell out $75 for the item plus sales tax of 9% or $6.25 plus whatever state sales tax ?(6% in PA) or $4.50 bringing the final price to $85.75. Currently, I'd pay $106($100+$6%)
Savings calculates as $106-$86.75=$19.25

I can either invest something else or spend it on another item. Have I missed something?
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 13, 2011, 04:33:38 PM
If that's peeing in anybody's Cheerios, then they'll just have to open up a box of Rice Krispies.

Snap Krackle Pop.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 13, 2011, 04:42:50 PM
Regarding the Fair Tax and 999
I remember reading that the price of an item has approximateky 25% built into it to comply with the current cost of the tax code. Meaning a $100 item would actually cost $75 if complying with the current code was scrapped. Under the 999 plan you would have to shell out $75 for the item plus sales tax of 9% or $6.25 plus whatever state sales tax ?(6% in PA) or $4.50 bringing the final price to $85.75. Currently, I'd pay $106($100+$6%)
Savings calculates as $106-$86.75=$19.25

I can either invest something else or spend it on another item. Have I missed something?

What does "the current cost of the tax code" refer to? We are assuming that everything included in that 25% will now be gone. I would have to see a breakdown of what that 25% entails, and where that money goes, because I'm skeptical it will all go away.

I will also want to know the breakdown of where that tax money will go. My suspicion is that less federal funds will go to local and state entities, and taxes will simply be raised at the state and local level to make up for them. ....but I have been a skeptic from birth. Maybe it's because my grandparents and great grandparents on my Dad's side were from Missouri.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: warpmine on October 13, 2011, 04:53:13 PM
What I can understand that 25% includes the money, the paperwork and the labor of the bookkeeper/accountant. Staggering how much a corp poasses on down the line isn't it.

If a foreign company wishes to purchase from domestic company than they can expect not to pay the sales tax so they would get the good or service at the cost. They can now by more of the product and this translates to new demand for it translating to longer hours of factory operation, a new shift, more laborers with new money in their pockets to buy more product leading to total employment. Tax base is broadened, production is rewarded, Federal liability can be paid off sooner rather than later. USA on top of the planet  ::cool::again barring a horrible mistake by the voters. ::bashing::
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 13, 2011, 04:55:55 PM
I think those are all good questions Janny. And I think that skepticism at this stage of our national decay is both warranted and wise.

I do think that eventually, each individual will have to hone in on the "most perfect" candidate, and I think the exuberance you see in others over Cain is in the possibility that someone other than Romney who appears to be reasonably conservative has emerged, against the odds.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 13, 2011, 05:16:46 PM

Laffer's on Fox right now saying, "I love the plan"  and that he has spoken to Cain about???

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 13, 2011, 05:18:17 PM

also said if there's anything that could be done to stop politicians from collecting taxes he would be all for it

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 13, 2011, 05:21:13 PM
 ::guillotine::    ??
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 13, 2011, 06:44:27 PM
Marlk Levin said this evening that the 16th would have to be repealed for the sales tax portion.
Didn't hear the reasoning
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 13, 2011, 06:55:03 PM
Marlk Levin said this evening that the 16th would have to be repealed for the sales tax portion.
Didn't hear the reasoning

Because he doesn't trust "them" to institute the sales @ 9% and drop the Fed income tax to 9%.  He's worried about getting the Fed sales tax and present tax rates at the same time.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 13, 2011, 06:56:04 PM

If 999 is perfect it still must be passed through congress.

Snowballs rolling down hill.
Cold days in May.
Hell freezing over.
Obama being impeached.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 13, 2011, 06:57:41 PM
Marlk Levin said this evening that the 16th would have to be repealed for the sales tax portion.
Didn't hear the reasoning

Because he doesn't trust "them" to institute the sales @ 9% and drop the Fed income tax to 9%.  He's worried about getting the Fed sales tax and present tax rates at the same time.

Would a Democrat vote for this?
Do pigs like slop?

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 13, 2011, 07:02:12 PM
Marlk Levin said this evening that the 16th would have to be repealed for the sales tax portion.
Didn't hear the reasoning

Because he doesn't trust "them" to institute the sales @ 9% and drop the Fed income tax to 9%.  He's worried about getting the Fed sales tax and present tax rates at the same time.

Would a Democrat vote for this?
Do pigs like slop?

Just so.

It's incumbent upon us to get more conservatives elected to Congress and see Boehner and McConnell kicked to the curb as leaders.  That should help our side twice.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 13, 2011, 07:05:57 PM

If 999 is perfect it still must be passed through congress.

Snowballs rolling down hill.
Cold days in May.
Hell freezing over.
Obama being impeached.

Even if 999 is pie-in-the-sky, and could never get through congress, at least it is a bold idea that brings a voice to the fact that our tax code is destructive to economic growth. Good could come of it, even if it never sees the light of day.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2011, 08:25:08 PM
Marlk Levin said this evening that the 16th would have to be repealed for the sales tax portion.
Didn't hear the reasoning

Because he doesn't trust "them" to institute the sales @ 9% and drop the Fed income tax to 9%.  He's worried about getting the Fed sales tax and present tax rates at the same time.


It shouldn't be necessary, 16th is authorization to tax and is silent as to method(s), that is up to congress.  By repealing the 16th Levin hopes to take away the impulse to layer on taxes, but to do so the 16th would have to replaced by a new and more specific tax authorizing amendment.  We're more likely to land a man on Mars tomorrow than we are to repeal one amendment and institute another before the decade is out.

I think the right approach in the short term is replacing the tax code through legislative action and going for amendment action on the side.

We can argue in another thread if we think we have the time to do any amendment stuff...
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 14, 2011, 05:42:48 AM
How do you get your questions asked on radio talk shows or on

Local conservative talk radio here in Phoenix had Herman Cain on... I sent in to ask them to ask Mr. Cain about the Empowerment Zones.... nadda.
Yesterday a conservative talk raidio I listen to ( on my phone) had Herman Cain on.. I sent in to ask them to ask about the Empowerment Zones.

I just emailed because Mr. Cain is supposed to be coming on there very soon also.

Nobody asks the question.

P.S.  Perry is supposed to be on Fox and Friends in about 15 minutes.. I just sent them the following:
Question for Perry:
Is your jobs plan to give jobs to illegal aliens?
Just wondering if there is a parallel in how you gave them cheaper education in Texas than anyone from one of the other 49 States.

Is your jobs plan for U.S. Citizens?

I figure they'll ignore that one also.  ::hysterical::
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Libertas on October 14, 2011, 06:56:51 AM
Heh, go get 'em Del!

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: ToddF on October 14, 2011, 08:13:12 AM
Good should come of it, even if it never sees the light of day.


999 scares the hell out of the establishment types...for good reason.  The Republican bundlers expect their paybacks every bit as much as leftist bundlers.  If 999 at least isn't a starting point, it's over.  It may not include a sales tax, then it might be 15/15.  It might not be that odd way of taxation for corporations that Cain envisions, so it might be 20% of GAAP income, with no tax "adjustments."  The income tax might include a deduction for each dependent.  BUT NO MORE.  

We really need something like 999 to get everybody back in the game.  I have no problem with part of it being consumption.  Hell, how many here (and on my side) want it ALL as consumption taxes.  I don't.  I'd rather it be some income, some consumption.

What I can't stand anymore, is some party hack defending the status quo, or insulting Cain with nothing constructive.  666?  Go home, Bachmann, your sell by date has passed.  Call 911?  Why, so hubby can't 'adust' the tax code to benefit cronies?  We know Mittens lovers just hate this.

I'm comfortable with the company I'm keeping.  Ryan...Laffer...(room here for more  ::grouphug::  )
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 14, 2011, 08:51:56 AM
The challenge with getting everyone "back in the game" is that 47% aren't in the game now. That means a tax hike, or even if it comes out in the wash, tax-hike-on-the-po' demagoguery by the Leftists. It'll be a very, very tough thing to get through congress.

I remember Bush's initiative to alter the nature of Social Security. I believe it was an excellent plan, and I believe he was dead serious about the initiative. In the end, a President has to bring congress along. Cain's only hope is to bring congress along. That'll boil down to leadership. Right now I'd say he's got about just as good a shot at leading those morons as anybody would.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 14, 2011, 09:28:49 AM
I did hear on the radio this AM that there would be rebates on the sales tax part for below poverty level.
Not a lot of details but it may be a little like the rebate under the Fair Tax
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 14, 2011, 11:20:32 AM
I did hear on the radio this AM that there would be rebates on the sales tax part for below poverty level.
Not a lot of details but it may be a little like the rebate under the Fair Tax

And what about all the government subsidies such as food stamps and housing allowances? The "poor" live in apartments that they pay a fraction of the rent for. Anyone who thinks there will be any (net) tax revenues collected from "the poor" is dreaming.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 14, 2011, 11:31:39 AM
Well, guess I'll go right ahead and be counted as a 'dreamer' then Janny...and I'll be voting for such things as the FAIR Tax (or the 9-9-9 step toward the FAIR Tax Plan) until the day I die, or the system is put into action. Frankly I see no other option out there that is better - including our current system. /shrug
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 14, 2011, 11:32:41 AM
The 999 plan would get more people with skin in the game.

The poor will always be among us. There will always be a program for the poor and I'm sure there would be under Cain.....But remember, Mr Cain stated this is a s t a r t i n g  p o i n t.

I can come up with a thousand questions/ queries/ concerns regarding taxation, food stamps, housing, etc and how a 999 plan may, or may not affect them. What do you want Cain to do, come out a pull a Bachmann?

Patience, grasshopper. We didn't become the gov't we are today overnite and we sure as hell are not going to change it overnite. Don't kill the messenger yet.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 14, 2011, 11:47:52 AM
I did hear on the radio this AM that there would be rebates on the sales tax part for below poverty level.
Not a lot of details but it may be a little like the rebate under the Fair Tax

And what about all the government subsidies such as food stamps and housing allowances? The "poor" live in apartments that they pay a fraction of the rent for. Anyone who thinks there will be any (net) tax revenues collected from "the poor" is dreaming.

I too see this as a vast improvement over the present system with all the arcane deductions and favoritism and forcing certain behaviors in the 80, ooo pages m/l of tax code
The government subsidies for food stamps, housing... are expenditures. I guess the rebate would be considered the same
This will be a revenue model
The rebate is for political purposes. There would be no chance of passage without it.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 14, 2011, 11:57:56 AM
I just grabbed one of my check stubs
I had $288 for fed tax, $97 for Fica, and $33 for medicare deducted from a gross of $2307
This totals $418. 9% would only be $208
Add in another 9% if I spend it all on taxable stuff and I'm at $416. It's a wash as far as that goes
But, my employer also saves $130 on the employer match. He might give me some of that. (Mine probably won't)
Then throw out all the hidden taxes (gasoline tax $.184/gallon costs me another $10 or so every 2 weeks), telephone tax and God knows how many other taxes

But, then factor in lower corp taxes and compliance costs and stuff will cost less.

I think I come out ahead
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 14, 2011, 12:12:52 PM
I just grabbed one of my check stubs
I had $288 for fed tax, $97 for Fica, and $33 for medicare deducted from a gross of $2307
This totals $418. 9% would only be $208
Add in another 9% if I spend it all on taxable stuff and I'm at $416. It's a wash as far as that goes
But, my employer also saves $130 on the employer match. He might give me some of that. (Mine probably won't)
Then throw out all the hidden taxes (gasoline tax $.184/gallon costs me another $10 or so every 2 weeks), telephone tax and God knows how many other taxes

But, then factor in lower corp taxes and compliance costs and stuff will cost less.

I think I come out ahead

You may not initally get any of that money from your employer, but take it from an employer, if I KNOW what my tax burden is, things such as bennies, raises and bonuses become much easier to give. I can almost guarantee product costs will go down at some point.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 14, 2011, 12:58:37 PM
Well, guess I'll go right ahead and be counted as a 'dreamer' then Janny...and I'll be voting for such things as the FAIR Tax (or the 9-9-9 step toward the FAIR Tax Plan) until the day I die, or the system is put into action. Frankly I see no other option out there that is better - including our current system. /shrug

I am in agreement that it is PROBABLY better than what we currently have, but I doubt it will ever be implemented. That's where the real dreaming is.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 14, 2011, 01:06:53 PM
When something sounds "too good to be true," it usually is.

I do question the analysis of the numbers in this piece, but I also question Cain and Lowrie's.

Cain is going to have to do a lot better job of explaining this and present a lot more reliable analysis of this before he will convince me.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 14, 2011, 01:18:04 PM
Maybe we can make it voluntary....You who want the current system can stay in it.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 14, 2011, 02:57:28 PM
Yeah I hear ya Janny and as I mentioned in a previous post on this thread, people are right to question politicians. The last few decades have proven that point without doubt. I have no problem with questioning them in the least.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 14, 2011, 03:30:23 PM
Yeah I hear ya Janny and as I mentioned in a previous post on this thread, people are right to question politicians. The last few decades have proven that point without doubt. I have no problem with questioning them in the least.

That's why I've come to the point I have. I used to be in the "WTF do you mean you're not going to vote for the GOP nominee, that means you're voting for the Democrat" camp. I still hold myself to that standard - for now. But I've come to the point where I cannot possibly be critical of someone who makes the decision to refuse to support a piss-poor GOP nominee. I remember the twisting in my gut when I voted for John McCain, and how I assuaged my hatred of feeling forced into it by telling myself I was voting for Palin.

I'm going to vote for the GOP nominee*, but I'm not going to tell anyone else that's what they're supposed to do, or that it'll be their fault if Obama wins. It'll be the GOP's fault, pure and simple. Just like it was with McCain.

*Assuming that either the nominee is conservative, or at the very least picks a conservative running mate. Romney/Huntsman, for example, would be the last straw for me. Romney/Christie, same thing.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 14, 2011, 03:53:28 PM
Maybe we can make it voluntary....You who want the current system can stay in it.

What is that supposed to mean? That it's an either/or? How about if I don't think either system is good, and I'd like something better than both of them? You seem to be implying that if I don't like Cain's plan than I have to settle for MOTS. Not true. There are alternatives to Cain's plan, too.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 14, 2011, 03:54:54 PM
I can't possibly vote for Ron Paul. I will sit it out or vote for Obama if he is the nominee. I hope I don't have to make that choice.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 14, 2011, 03:57:47 PM
Right there with ya Priest...

And yeah Janny, I'm right there with you too. Paul, Perry, Romney and Huntsman...none of them are conservatives. They all firmly fall into the 'as bad as a progressive' category for me.  ::puke::
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 14, 2011, 04:50:48 PM
The challenge with getting everyone "back in the game" is that 47% aren't in the game now. That means a tax hike, or even if it comes out in the wash, tax-hike-on-the-po' demagoguery by the Leftists. It'll be a very, very tough thing to get through congress.

While I agree.. I don't think it's all up to Cain.  I think it's up to every one of us that backs Cain that we let our congressman know that if he doesn't support the fix.. then they're out.

Cain can't hold the congressmen accountable... we do that.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 14, 2011, 04:52:47 PM
I did hear on the radio this AM that there would be rebates on the sales tax part for below poverty level.
Not a lot of details but it may be a little like the rebate under the Fair Tax

And what about all the government subsidies such as food stamps and housing allowances? The "poor" live in apartments that they pay a fraction of the rent for. Anyone who thinks there will be any (net) tax revenues collected from "the poor" is dreaming.

I too see this as a vast improvement over the present system with all the arcane deductions and favoritism and forcing certain behaviors in the 80, ooo pages m/l of tax code
The government subsidies for food stamps, housing... are expenditures. I guess the rebate would be considered the same
This will be a revenue model
The rebate is for political purposes. There would be no chance of passage without it.

Oh, this will have it's favoritism and deductions just like the current system.  If you live in an Empowerment Zone.. guess what.. you're one of the selected people.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 14, 2011, 04:53:51 PM
The challenge with getting everyone "back in the game" is that 47% aren't in the game now. That means a tax hike, or even if it comes out in the wash, tax-hike-on-the-po' demagoguery by the Leftists. It'll be a very, very tough thing to get through congress.

While I agree.. I don't think it's all up to Cain.  I think it's up to every one of us that backs Cain that we let our congressman know that if he doesn't support the fix.. then they're out.

Cain can't hold the congressmen accountable... we do that.

Yes indeed. We'll see how much stick-to-it-ive-ness the Tea Party has in its belly. Much will be revealed in 2012 and beyond.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 14, 2011, 04:57:02 PM
Maybe we can make it voluntary....You who want the current system can stay in it.

What is that supposed to mean? That it's an either/or? How about if I don't think either system is good, and I'd like something better than both of them? You seem to be implying that if I don't like Cain's plan than I have to settle for MOTS. Not true. There are alternatives to Cain's plan, too.

Yep.. they already have the in/out option.  Want the current system where you pay nothing and suck and suck off the teet of government.. go/stay in an empowerment zone.  No change.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Damn_Lucky on October 14, 2011, 05:39:05 PM
At least with an consumption tax we can get some monies from the Drug dealers. ::whoohoo:: ::hysterical::
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 14, 2011, 06:23:12 PM
At least with an consumption tax we can get some monies from the Drug dealers. ::whoohoo:: ::hysterical::

 ::hysterical::       ::hysterical::       ::hysterical::
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 14, 2011, 08:51:50 PM
Maybe we can make it voluntary....You who want the current system can stay in it.

What is that supposed to mean? That it's an either/or? How about if I don't think either system is good, and I'd like something better than both of them? You seem to be implying that if I don't like Cain's plan than I have to settle for MOTS. Not true. There are alternatives to Cain's plan, too.

It means I understand you don't like the plan and unwilling to show any patience to allow it to unfold because Cain must be hiding something.

I'm satisfied to allow Cain to bring his plan forth as he wants, not to what I want. Like I stated earlier, he could flame out like Bachmann.

Listen, when I look at the field, I don't see much I like, considering romney is being pushed as the answer. We have a candidate in Cain in which we seem to agree has more conservative cred than romney, who has ran his campaign to the point he has gained traction without relying on loads of money. I respect it. He has used his 999 tax plan as a focal point to gain this traction.....I can respect it. On other issues, he does show a conservative attitude, if you will.....I respect it.

Other than a few mis steps of the tongue, he has positioned himself well. So forgive me if I feel the need to allow Herman Cain to conduct his campaign, including how he chooses to unfold the 999 plan, as he chooses. It does not mean I don't have questions and it does not mean, in the end, I'll give him or the 999 plan support. I'm willing to give him latitude because I'm on record stating I will vote for the republican candidate. I believe obama is that destructive to America.......While also respecting those who may "go galt" or withhold thier vote if it is romney. We all have a difficult choice.

I may be pie in the sky, hoping against hope that cain can lead this country....As of today, I see him as my only choice. I'll give him every opportunity to prove he is worthy of support, including patience in understanding the 999 plan....because if he proves to be untrustworthy, I'll havde to vote for romney. And hate myself.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 14, 2011, 09:15:15 PM
I've got a question here and I'm hoping someone's got the wherewithal to answer:  as to the 999 Plan, if consumption is taxed at 9% for "new", what's the difference between this and a VAT tax?  Only taxed 9% at the new, finished product, retail level?
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 14, 2011, 09:24:19 PM
Correct Pandora. The product is only taxed at the end, when it is sold. VAT's are taxed at every level of production whenever the product being produced has been 'improved'. and each time it is taxed, that tax is passed on to the next part of the manufacturing chain until it ends up at the cashier where it is sold. The 999 Plan's (and FAIR Tax too for that matter) 9% (and 23% in the case of the FAIR Tax) tax is printed right on the store receipt at the time of purchase. The VAT is never seen by the consumer. When Herman Cain talks about transparency in his 999 Plan, this is one of things he's talking about. You actually get to see the tax on the item you're purchasing because it's printed right on your receipt. Not so with a VAT and not so as well, with our current system (at least for a portion of the taxes in our current system - you never get to see how much you're forced to pay out in embedded taxes under our current system for example).

So what that means is that politicians won't be able to sneak in a higher tax rate - the people will be able to look on any receipt they get after purchasing goods and say, 'Hey, yesterday my tax was 9%, why is it 10% now?' See the difference?

Here's a more detailed explanation of a VAT from one of my earlier posts in this thread:
"A VAT is an *ADDITIONAL* tax on every step of production.  If someone picks cotton it is taxed because it was 'improved' when it was picked.  Spin it into thread...'improved', taxed again.  Dye it different colors...'improved', taxed again.  Turn it into a pair of socks...'improved', taxed again.  The corporation at the end of this line of 'improvements' pays all that extra tax when they receive the finished product because those taxes were passed along to each new link in the production chain and then they put that extra cost in the price of their finished product when they sell it to the consumer.  That extra cost is not called a tax then.  It isn't on the receipt as 'VAT tax' it is never 'seen' by the public.  That is exactly why politicians love it.  Because, just like our current system, the people never see the money leaving their wallets through taxation.  They only see the cost of a pair of socks jump from $5 to $6 and think it's just raising costs and not an oppressive tax by our Government.  As you can see, VAT is not a sales tax on corporations, it is a regressive tax on every single person in the country because the corporations only pass that extra tax burden on to you and I.  If you want some real damage done to our economy push for a VAT tax because that is what would happen if it were ever instituted.  Don't think so?  Simply look at the mediocrity of the economies of every country involved in the European Union which are required to institute a VAT if they want to join the EU."
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 14, 2011, 09:30:44 PM
The product is only taxed at the end, when it is sold. VAT's are taxed at every level of production whenever the product being produced has been 'improved'. and each time it is taxed, that tax is passed on to the next part of the manufacturing chain until it ends up at the cashier where it is sold.

BMG, I've not read the rest of your post yet, but as pertains to this, the answer to my question is not clear.

If consumption is taxed at 9%, all consumption, then a 9% tax will be levied on any product sold to a company which is in business to add value to raw material.  At the next stage of production, each product or service will also be taxed at 9%, no?  As I see it.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 14, 2011, 09:39:14 PM
I see your confusion and here's the answer.

Both Cain's 9-9-9 Plan AND the FAIR Tax have this in common. The FairTax is a single-rate, federal retail sales tax collected only once, at the final point of purchase of new goods and services for personal consumption. Used items are not taxed. Business-to-business purchases for the production of goods and services are not taxed.

This resource might help to: (
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 14, 2011, 09:41:33 PM
I see your confusion and here's the answer.

Both Cain's 9-9-9 Plan AND the FAIR Tax have this in common. The FairTax is a single-rate, federal retail sales tax collected only once, at the final point of purchase of new goods and services for personal consumption. Used items are not taxed. Business-to-business purchases for the production of goods and services are not taxed.

Okey-dokey.  Just wanted to be clear because this information is necessary to battle the present misconceptions floating around oh ........ everywhere.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 14, 2011, 09:43:24 PM
Yeah I know what you mean. The progressives are SCARED TO DEATH that we might get the FAIR Tax. Why? Because it strips power away from the politicians and gives it back to the people...the politicians won't be able to play class warfare games anymore. What the democrats really want is a VAT. Do you recall Obama floating the idea of a VAT a couple years back? (

Why do they want a VAT? Because it is invisible and people have no clue if the rate goes up or down - they just see prices fluctuate and think it's inflation or something - not a regressive tax. Just like our income, SS and Medicare taxes...can you account for exactly how much is taken out of your check as a percentage each month? Likely not - your average citizen can not. And the dems love this - because they can tax the crap out of ppl and they never see it.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 14, 2011, 10:11:02 PM
Yeah I know what you mean. The progressives are SCARED TO DEATH that we might get the FAIR Tax. Why? Because it strips power away from the politicians and gives it back to the people...the politicians won't be able to play class warfare games anymore. What the democrats really want is a VAT. Do you recall Obama floating the idea of a VAT a couple years back? (

Why do they want a VAT? Because it is invisible and people have no clue if the rate goes up or down - they just see prices fluctuate and think it's inflation or something - not a regressive tax. Just like our income, SS and Medicare taxes...can you account for exactly how much is taken out of your check as a percentage each month? Likely not - your average citizen can not. And the dems love this - because they can tax the crap out of ppl and they never see it.

Progressives, I like to refer to them as Oppressives, are terrified of anything that removes even a smidge of control from them and puts it back into the hands of the individuals where it belongs.

Nevertheless, as I'm thinking about it, more questions arise about a consumption tax, to wit:  both IDP and Predator Don have their own business concerns.  Where do their purchases fall, those that are not strictly related to product enhancement, but do rightly belong in the category of business purchases?  These folks are going to need separate Tax ID Numbers or something similar to use for the buying of these items or the cost for them will simply be added to the final purchase price much in the same way they are today.  I can't come up with a list, but either of these men will be able to tell you right off the bat what they might be.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 14, 2011, 10:12:47 PM

It means I understand you don't like the plan and unwilling to show any patience to allow it to unfold because Cain must be hiding something.

I never said anything of the kind, so far as Cain "hiding" anything, so you have misunderstood and misstated my position on this. If you will read my other post, I said he is going to have to explain it better.  


I'm satisfied to allow Cain to bring his plan forth as he wants, not to what I want. Like I stated earlier, he could flame out like Bachmann

Sorry, we are diametrically opposed on this. Cain will have to win me over, by explaining his plan and backing it up with valid, understandable, analysis. I'm not going to go out of my way to adapt myself to "what he wants."

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 14, 2011, 10:16:44 PM
Janny, you've got all the room in the world here in order for that to happen.  Or not, as the case may be.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 15, 2011, 12:39:47 AM

Back to the VAT and the "final point of purchase".
The final point of purchase for whom?
If a product requires steel and wood the manufacturer buys those products, that is the end of the steel mill's and the wood mill's involvement, their end product.  Does that mean the steel mill and the wood mill do not get taxed because the "end product" comes off the line
at the manufacturer? 

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 15, 2011, 08:08:20 AM
Valid questions, Charles.

Using Pa's sales tax as an example, there is no tax on wholesale or manufacturing.
Only the final sale.

I have no idea if this is how Cain's would work.

I'm thinking that if it applies on all levels, that's a lot of tax.
Then it would be a Vat tax not a sales tax
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 15, 2011, 09:01:12 AM

It means I understand you don't like the plan and unwilling to show any patience to allow it to unfold because Cain must be hiding something.

I never said anything of the kind, so far as Cain "hiding" anything, so you have misunderstood and misstated my position on this. If you will read my other post, I said he is going to have to explain it better.  


I'm satisfied to allow Cain to bring his plan forth as he wants, not to what I want. Like I stated earlier, he could flame out like Bachmann

Sorry, we are diametrically opposed on this. Cain will have to win me over, by explaining his plan and backing it up with valid, understandable, analysis. I'm not going to go out of my way to adapt myself to "what he wants."

Ok......I'll re state.....I'm satisfied to be won over by Cain, using what I believe is a calculated, timed plan in releasing information as it pertains to his 999 plan. He is keeping himself in the game, as opposed to Bachmann and Perry, who seem to have taken themselves out of contention.

I apologize if I misstated your position. The thread is long and one of your last posts was an article questioning the 999 plan and I took it as you thought Cain is hiding something.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 15, 2011, 02:42:29 PM

The final point of purchase refers to the purchase at the cash register by the consumer.

In your last post you seem to be concerned with whether business' buying products in order to create the products that they then sell will be taxed when buying their products in order to make their products for sale. The answer is no. Under the 9-9-9 Plan as with the FAIR Tax, the sales tax will NOT be applied to business-to-business purchases for the production of goods and services.  

That is NOT the case under a VAT. With a VAT the raw materials are taxed. *Every stage* of production is taxed and at the end, the consumer is also taxed. By every stage I literally mean, EVERY STAGE.

So if the business in question makes simple wood-frame lawn chairs what materials do they require?

Lets say they require Wood, Wooden Dowels and Wood Stain. Here's how the VAT works.

A tree is cut down and taken to a mill and turned into lumber. The mill is charged a tax for having 'improved' the tree by making it lumber. The mill sells that lumber to the chair making company and passes that VAT onto the chair making company.

Next, a tree is cut down and taken to a mill and turned into wooden dowels. The mill is charged a tax for having 'improved' the tree and making it into wooden dowels. The mill sells those dowels to the chair making company and passes that VAT onto the chair making company.

Next, the same steps are taken concerning the making of wood stain with all the VAT being passed on to the chair making company.

Next, the chair making company takes all those raw materials and turns them into a chair, thereby 'improving' them and is then charged a tax for having made the chairs.

And finally, the chair making company, when determining their overhead so they can determine how much their chairs need to be sold for in order to make a profit and stay in business, adds up all those taxes at all points that they accumulated...and adds all those taxes into their final price which the customer then pays at the final point of sale.

Now I'm not an egg-headed math wiz by any means, but you don't need to be a rocket scientist to look at England's VAT of 20% and realize that if there is a 20% tax tacked on to a product at EVERY point of production then the end price is going to be considerably higher than if the merchant is not assessed any taxes at any point of production but has to tack on a sales (consumption) tax at the end. Why? Let me attempt to illustrate it like this:

Let's assume that you need $10.00 in lumber, $2.00 in Dowels and $1.00 in Wood Stain to make a chair.
VAT Method: Lumber Base Price=$10.00x.20=$2.00 in tax. Dowel Base Price=$2.00x.20=0.40c in tax. Wood Stain Base Price=$1.00x.20=0.20c.
So the end price of the VAT chair=10+2+1+2+0.40+0.20=$15.60

Now let's compare the 9-9-9 Plan method: Lumber Base Price=$10.00. Dowel Base Price=$2.00. Wood Stain Base Price=$1.00.
So the end price of the 9-9-9 chair=10+2+1x.09=$13.11

So there is a pretty big difference in price!

The next thing to keep in mind is that my comparison above was figured between a VAT and the 9-9-9 Plan but I did not include the other added taxes (in either case) that will be imposed by the government (because I wanted to keep it simple because I'm a math idiot :) ). But under 9-9-9 There would be an additional 9% tax burden on the tax payers. Now, in England the additional tax burden there under the VAT is +25% (50% is the maximum figure and I don't know what the average is - so I'm going to assume that the average would be 25% for the purpose of this example). So, total under 9-9-9 is 18%. Total under the VAT system in England is 45%.

And how does the FAIR Tax compare? Well - total under the FAIR Tax is 23%.

As I've stated in a few different posts on this thread, bear in mind that the 9-9-9 Plan AND the FAIR Tax are also transparent - the tax you pay is printed right on the receipt you receive after you pay the cashier. With the VAT Tax, you NEVER see how much you're paying in's hidden.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 15, 2011, 03:21:07 PM

I liked the Fair Tax, I like the idea of 999, I keep reading here and new little questions bubble up.

We know the Democrats want a VAT. I wasn't referring to that.  There a parts that seem to have gaps, it sounds simple until contemplated.  If I hadn't read this Topic they may have never come to mind.

Such as the point of collecting the tax; such as, the fuel tax for the machinery to cut and deliver wood to the mill or the energy tax to produce the electricity at the mill and the sales tax paid or not paid when purchasing the wood.  If there is no sales tax at the lumber yard how is an underground economy avoided when a cabinet maker can buy "tax free" wood, sets up shop in his garage making "tax free" cabinets?

This will be necessarily controlled/regulated/enforced creating another bureaucracy. 
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 15, 2011, 03:41:44 PM

Well, all I can say is that there is no perfect system and there will ALWAYS be people out to cheat and game the system. I think that the 9-9-9 Plan and the FAIR Tax are considerably better than what we have and considerably better than anything else out there. I think that the gains of a FAIR Tax system far outweigh the possible 'rogue cabinet makers' that may pop up. I don't claim to know all the ins and outs to be sure (as I mentioned in a previous post). But I think a couple of your concerns (about fuel and electricity) may be covered the with 'no tax on business-to-business sales' deal.

As far added bureaucracies go there is a layer of defense against that sort of thing; transparency. Since everyone has 'skin in the game' with the FAIR Tax (and the 9-9-9 Plan), people will be hyper-sensitive to the government fiddling with the tax code. The cries of, 'Granny's gonna have to eat cat food!' will be heard from all corners of the country. It goes back to my earlier point(s) about the FAIR Tax stripping power away from the government and giving it back to the people.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: trapeze on October 15, 2011, 03:41:57 PM
First of all, greetings to BMG...and BTW, BMG, I respectfully request that you (and anyone else) refrain from using "the masses" to refer to citizens. It's a small thing, I know, but I really don't like it when we adopt the language of the left. If I accidentally do it, everyone has permission to smack me.

Now my thoughts on these things...

Empowerment zones are not a new concept and were originally called "enterprise zones" popularized (but not coined) by Jack Kemp. I have no problem with the basic concept because it is a supply side style of program. It can work. It's in the details, as many have already said, where the problems lie.

Any wealthy elite who complains that they won't pay enough taxes under a flat rate of income tax can send in more voluntarily. The Republicans in the House are pitching this in a bill which will, of course, never see the light of day under Reid's Senate and the SCOAMF.

Yes, the poor will always be among us but right now we are institutionalizing the poor, creating more than we would otherwise have via subsidies.

I am highly skeptical of the legislature's willingness to give up the power to tinker with people's lives through the tax codes. Cigarette and alcohol taxes immediately come to mind. The tax code is the ring of power and even Frodo had to have it literally bitten off his hand when it came down to the end.

How an individual state taxes its citizens and by how much is their problem. The citizen can vote with his feet and leave if the tax (or regulatory) burden becomes too great. See: California.

I am unclear on the nature of the 999 sales tax. Is it for goods or goods and services?

As a business owner I resent being a tax collector for the state. It's time consuming, has potential liability if I make a mistake and there is zero compensation. So, like all such things, it's passed on to the consumer. It's a hidden cost.

The very real unfair potential of an empowerment zone is going to be compounded with the very real unfair aspect of disproportionate government spending. Wealth redistribution will be no less unpleasant when more money flows into any particular area than others.

So far I have only heard of empowerment zones getting a discount below 9%. What is to stop the exact opposite from happening: A disempowerment zone getting a rate of 18/18/18? But if we have one can it be where Barbra Streisand lives?

What about tinkering by the federal bench? What if they decide that a Robin Hood style of taking from the rich and giving to the poor is the right thing to do regardless of a flat (fair) tax? How is that meddling circumvented?

I certainly don't care for the racial aspect of the empowerment zone which has been introduced by Cain, himself. Here is a RedState post ( (with video) about that very thing...

“I believe in empowerment zones. Most of the unemployed black Americans in this country are in these mostly economically depressed areas. It could be, and I’m only using this as an example, because we haven’t finished establishing the parameters yet. Instead of in a designated empowerment zone, it being 9-9-9, it could be, as an example only, 3-3-3."

That may have been innocent, unintentional and innocuous but I really am ready for a post racial president who can leave the color of a citizen's skin out of policy discussions. Poor or unemployed? Sure, no problem. But the race thing really needs to be left to the Democrats.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 15, 2011, 03:48:58 PM

First off, Howdy.  ;D

Now then, "...How is that meddling circumvented?..."?

A) 2/3 vote in Congress would be required to make any changes to the tax code.


B) Transparency. Ie, everyone has skin in the game and everyone sees what their tax rate is every time they get a receipt after a purchase.

Your question is easily applied to our current system and as you are no doubt aware, our current system has the Government tinkering with it constantly and determining who is a winner and who is a loser. What our current tax system doesn't have is A & B above.

That's my understanding anyway. Hope that helps!
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 15, 2011, 05:33:21 PM
First of all, greetings to BMG...and BTW, BMG, I respectfully request that you (and anyone else) refrain from using "the masses" to refer to citizens. It's a small thing, I know, but I really don't like it when we adopt the language of the left. If I accidentally do it, everyone has permission to smack me.

Now my thoughts on these things...

Empowerment zones are not a new concept and were originally called "enterprise zones" popularized (but not coined) by Jack Kemp. I have no problem with the basic concept because it is a supply side style of program. It can work. It's in the details, as many have already said, where the problems lie.

Any wealthy elite who complains that they won't pay enough taxes under a flat rate of income tax can send in more voluntarily. The Republicans in the House are pitching this in a bill which will, of course, never see the light of day under Reid's Senate and the SCOAMF.

Yes, the poor will always be among us but right now we are institutionalizing the poor, creating more than we would otherwise have via subsidies.

I am highly skeptical of the legislature's willingness to give up the power to tinker with people's lives through the tax codes. Cigarette and alcohol taxes immediately come to mind. The tax code is the ring of power and even Frodo had to have it literally bitten off his hand when it came down to the end.

How an individual state taxes its citizens and by how much is their problem. The citizen can vote with his feet and leave if the tax (or regulatory) burden becomes too great. See: California.

I am unclear on the nature of the 999 sales tax. Is it for goods or goods and services?

As a business owner I resent being a tax collector for the state. It's time consuming, has potential liability if I make a mistake and there is zero compensation. So, like all such things, it's passed on to the consumer. It's a hidden cost.

The very real unfair potential of an empowerment zone is going to be compounded with the very real unfair aspect of disproportionate government spending. Wealth redistribution will be no less unpleasant when more money flows into any particular area than others.

So far I have only heard of empowerment zones getting a discount below 9%. What is to stop the exact opposite from happening: A disempowerment zone getting a rate of 18/18/18? But if we have one can it be where Barbra Streisand lives?

What about tinkering by the federal bench? What if they decide that a Robin Hood style of taking from the rich and giving to the poor is the right thing to do regardless of a flat (fair) tax? How is that meddling circumvented?

I certainly don't care for the racial aspect of the empowerment zone which has been introduced by Cain, himself. Here is a RedState post ( (with video) about that very thing...

“I believe in empowerment zones. Most of the unemployed black Americans in this country are in these mostly economically depressed areas. It could be, and I’m only using this as an example, because we haven’t finished establishing the parameters yet. Instead of in a designated empowerment zone, it being 9-9-9, it could be, as an example only, 3-3-3."

That may have been innocent, unintentional and innocuous but I really am ready for a post racial president who can leave the color of a citizen's skin out of policy discussions. Poor or unemployed? Sure, no problem. But the race thing really needs to be left to the Democrats.

IIRC Kemp's enterprise zones were first created to eliminate the blight caused by the LA riots.

The legislature's taxing authority is the tree they hang their rope from.
They need that money to pay for all their perquisetes and they are not about to give them up.

To impliment 999 as Cain represents it the current tax code will have to
be completely gutted and 999 implemented at the same time.  If they do not gut the tax code first we will have a variation of the current code plus 999 on top.  Oh yeah, Congress will love and vote for that.

“I believe in empowerment zones. Most of the unemployed black Americans... ."
It's going to be necessary for him to get media to think it's one of his endearing qualities.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 15, 2011, 06:12:32 PM (

"Rick Santorum vehemently objected to this plan, levying two charges: it would never get through Congress, and it is unwise to give the government another means of taxation."

The rest of the piece goes on to explain Santorum's objections to 9-9-9 and why he is wrong, according to the author.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: rickl on October 15, 2011, 08:17:21 PM
Karl Denninger has weighed in:

Raising CAIN? A Critical Look At Policy (

Math follows.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 15, 2011, 10:19:17 PM
The Federal Government and The Fed must be forced to stop debasing the currency -- that is, they must run a zero inflation policy under penalty of imprisonment (or worse.)  If Cain supports this, then he's a reformer.  If he does not, he's simply playing politics and intends to screw you blind via hidden taxation.

Rein in the Fed. One more necessary speculation, and no small feat in itself.

Cain's plans are not "radical", they're mathematically sound.  I understand the screaming that is coming from the left and right on the issue, but the fact that politicians are trying to find yet another Unicorn that craps out pretty colored candies will not make it so.

If he overcomes variables such as the out of control Treasury.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 17, 2011, 11:04:47 AM

If there's one thing that the ongoing national debate over Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan has exposed, it's how much some conservatives love our current tax code and its enforcement arm.  Who knew?
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Libertas on October 17, 2011, 11:49:07 AM

If there's one thing that the ongoing national debate over Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan has exposed, it's how much some conservatives love our current tax code and its enforcement arm.  Who knew?

That would be the Ruling Class types!

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 17, 2011, 02:04:34 PM

If there's one thing that the ongoing national debate over Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan has exposed, it's how much some conservatives love our current tax code and its enforcement arm.  Who knew?

That would be the Ruling Class types!


Who knew?  We did/do and we know, as Libertas sez, who to blame.

That said, I don't want to be berated by the likes of Wright --

" ... when the dust settles, I am fully confident that 9-9-9 will at least pass muster on the cause of liberty and reduced government influence in our lives, if not on all the details."

---  for wanting "all the details".  The days of passing the bill so we can know what's in it ARE GONE.  It's our duty and responsibility and right to question until we're satisfied.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 17, 2011, 02:16:18 PM

If there's one thing that the ongoing national debate over Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan has exposed, it's how much some conservatives love our current tax code and its enforcement arm.  Who knew?

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 17, 2011, 02:50:42 PM
tangentially Cain:

Link (


    I’m going to build a wall twenty feet high, cover it in barbed wire, and electrify it. I’m going to put a big sign on it that says if you touch this, it will kill you. Then I’m going to dig a big moat as long as a football field and I’m going to fill it with alligators.

    If anyone can climb that wall, swim that moat, fight off the alligators and live to tell about it, I’m going to find them a job.


Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 17, 2011, 07:24:08 PM

Link (

A poll released Monday shows Republican presidential candidate and former businessman Herman Cain leading former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney by 16 percentage points.

Cain                      32 percent
Romney                 16 percent.
Undecided              15 percent
Perry                     12 percent.
Gingrich                   8 percent
Paul                        6 percent
Bachmann                6 percent
Someone not listed   4 percent
Huntsman                1 percent

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 17, 2011, 08:02:37 PM
I also already pay a 9% state/local sales tax, so now it would be 18%? And that will grow the economy?
I'm fuzzy on the effects of the 9-9-9 Plan on State taxes. I'll try to snoop around and see if I can get any clarification. But all indications I've found so far are pointing to the fact that under 9-9-9 just as with the FAIR Tax, your tax burden will decrease. In the case of the FAIR Tax, the average tax payer pays 45% tax (this figure INCLUDES embedded AND State taxes) and under the FAIR Tax, that burden will decrease to 23%. How 9-9-9 impacts this figure I am uncertain. Bear in mind that 9-9-9 is a stepping stone to the FAIR Tax and Mr. Cain is supposedly planing to get the FAIR Tax instituted at some point during his administration.

So I had been unable to locate a source to answer your question until this evening. I heard a radio interview with Mr. Cain (unfortunately I tuned in after the name and organization of the interviewer had been announced so I never heard who or where the interview was conducted) but I did hear Mr. Cain explain what will happen concerning State Taxes under the 9-9-9 Plan (He had to explain it several times to the interviewer because the interviewer apparently couldn't comprehend what Mr. Cain was explaining). Anyway, here's the synopsis of what Mr. Cain explained:

State taxes will remain as they are, 9-9-9 will not impact them at all. The commentator was quick to jump on Mr. Cain and demand to know why Mr. Cain would seek to raise taxes for those states that have sales tax already (meaning if the state has a 5% sales tax the 9-9-9 Plan would pile 9% more on top). Mr. Cain's answer was this: It will not increase because the 9-9-9 plan is federal only and all other federal taxes are going to be stopped. Therefore, even though states with sales tax will have to pay a state and a federal sales tax, the tax burden overall will end up being decreased for the majority of tax payers.

In other words: State taxes will remain the exact same. Federal taxes will go down. Your overall tax burden will decrease.

I will keep trying to find a video or a write up about this, but for some reason this particular bit is really tough to find out about!

I found a transcript of the interview I mentioned (still haven't found the video but no matter, the transcript works fine). It was from a segment on 'Meet The Press', with David Gregory. (

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: John Florida on October 17, 2011, 09:53:50 PM

Link (

A poll released Monday shows Republican presidential candidate and former businessman Herman Cain leading former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney by 16 percentage points.

Cain                      32 percent
Romney                 16 percent.
Undecided              15 percent
Perry                     12 percent.
Gingrich                   8 percent
Paul                        6 percent
Bachmann                6 percent
Someone not listed   4 percent
Huntsman                1 percent

 Some of these people need to get the hell out so we can put our money in the right places.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 18, 2011, 05:45:30 AM
I would so LOOOOOVE a 45 State sweep on election day.  And HORDES of congressmen and senators showing up to kick some serious ass too.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: warpmine on October 18, 2011, 07:11:28 AM
I'm hoping for the maximum 57 state victory ::laughonfloor::
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Libertas on October 18, 2011, 07:16:21 AM

Link (

A poll released Monday shows Republican presidential candidate and former businessman Herman Cain leading former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney by 16 percentage points.

Cain                      32 percent
Romney                 16 percent.
Undecided              15 percent
Perry                     12 percent.
Gingrich                   8 percent
Paul                        6 percent
Bachmann                6 percent
Someone not listed   4 percent
Huntsman                1 percent

 Some of these people need to get the hell out so we can put our money in the right places.

Ego's reign least until campaign cash gives out.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 21, 2011, 05:55:55 AM (

DETROIT (AP) - Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain is redefining his tax plan to allow some deductions, abandoning the zero-exemption feature of his "9-9-9" plan, which has helped win headlines but would have meant a tax increase for more than four-fifths of Americans.
After sharp criticism over his one-size-fits-all plan from Republicans and Democrats alike, Cain was set Friday to propose exemptions for businesses investing in "opportunity zones" as a way to give an economic jolt to rundown neighborhoods. He's also proposing new tax brackets to reflect different income levels.

Up to now, Cain has touted a plan to scrap the current taxes on income, payroll, capital gains and corporate profits and replace them with a 9 percent tax on income, a 9 percent business tax and a 9 percent national sales tax. But the plan seems to be unraveling.

"We carved out a substantial amount from the aggregate 9-9-9 plan tax base—enough to exempt those in poverty—and we will work with Congress to best apply these in a way to break the poverty trap and replace it with positive incentives that encourage people to work and take risks in this economy," Cain said in remarks prepared for delivery Friday outside the once grand—and now unused—Detroit train hub.

Cain's shift on zero exemptions comes after an independent analysis showed his tax plan would raise taxes on 84 percent of U.S. households. The Tax Policy Center, a Washington think tank, said low- and middle-income families would be hit hardest, with households making between $10,000 and $20,000 seeing their taxes increase by nearly 950 percent.

Households with the highest incomes, however, would get big tax cuts. Those making more than $1 million a year would see their taxes cut almost in half, on average, according to the analysis.

Cain's rivals seized on the disparity and were relentless during Tuesday's debate; President Barack Obama also decried it.

"We anticipated that attack, but I didn't tell them how I was going to fix it yet," Cain, a former pizza executive from Georgia, told Republicans on Wednesday in Las Vegas. "I wanted to wait until I get attacked on that for a while. We already have a plan for that. ... We're not going to throw the people at the poverty level under the bus."

On Friday, Cain was set to detail those tax incentives for businesses to develop areas in need of economic development, such as those facing high unemployment. But he was careful to differentiate them from other efforts, such as community development grants; Cain's plan relies on businesses to work together to create those environments in the neighborhoods, instead of relying on government spending and mandates.

"Opportunity zones, in conjunction with the 9-9-9 plan, will turn the whole country into one giant opportunity zone," Cain said in remarks prepared for a train depot that last saw Amtrak service in 1988.

"Some of the most attractive features will be zero capital gains tax, immediate expensing of business equipment and no payroll taxes are factory-installed in the 9-9-9 plan for the whole country to benefit."

His plan, however, was a significant adjustment from how it was initially proposed. In an interview last week, he suggested some leeway to boost economic development. For instance, taxes in struggling areas could be set at 3-3-3 rates, 3 percent in each category.

"Because you have a lot of African-Americans located in cities like Detroit—disproportionately—it would encourage businesses to stay in business there or to move there," Cain told CNN. "It would encourage people to work there, because if you live in the empowerment zone, you're going to pay a smaller percentage in taxes."
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 21, 2011, 05:58:00 AM
From what I'm reading above...

Cain comes right out and says that with 9-9-9 the middle class can still pay all the taxes and we can leave the poor folks in the cities alone.
"We carved out a substantial amount from the aggregate 9-9-9 plan tax base—enough to exempt those in poverty—"

Please excuse me while I squirm in my chair and keep trying to defend this..... ugh.

Um.. okay.... this part makes my blood boil:
"Because you have a lot of African-Americans located in cities like Detroit—disproportionately—it would encourage businesses to stay in business there or to move there," Cain told CNN. "It would encourage people to work there, because if you live in the empowerment zone, you're going to pay a smaller percentage in taxes."

Because we have a lot of African-Americans... we have to encourage businesses to stay there?

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Libertas on October 21, 2011, 08:11:55 AM
Just an innocent question here, are we looking to be overly critical of Cain's plan?  I mean there is still going to have to be congressional approval on anything that gets proposed, so, could some of the quirks be worked out at that time?  I mean it seems like we may be replicating the sins of the Left as it pertains to how we let them destroy the Ryan Plan.  Having offered a plan that is 90% good should still be better than attacking it which can only benefit those who want to see it or the person who proposed it destroyed.  Do I have a point?  Questions I have, but I am not willing to throw a candidate on the fire if I like 90% of the rest he has to offer, especially when I consider what the alternative might be!
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 21, 2011, 08:48:25 AM
Just an innocent question here, are we looking to be overly critical of Cain's plan?  I mean there is still going to have to be congressional approval on anything that gets proposed, so, could some of the quirks be worked out at that time?  I mean it seems like we may be replicating the sins of the Left as it pertains to how we let them destroy the Ryan Plan.  Having offered a plan that is 90% good should still be better than attacking it which can only benefit those who want to see it or the person who proposed it destroyed.  Do I have a point?  Questions I have, but I am not willing to throw a candidate on the fire if I like 90% of the rest he has to offer, especially when I consider what the alternative might be!

That's a fair point Libertas. But I'm looking now at the aggregate picture of this guy, and I'm beginning to question his seriousness as well as his fitness for the job.

"We anticipated that attack, but I didn't tell them how I was going to fix it yet," Cain, a former pizza executive from Georgia, told Republicans on Wednesday in Las Vegas. "I wanted to wait until I get attacked on that for a while. We already have a plan for that. ... We're not going to throw the people at the poverty level under the bus."

Really? His walkbacks are getting so outrageous, I'm starting to think he thinks I'm stupid if he really expects me to believe them.

Within 4 days, he's said he could see himself exchanging all the terrorists in Guantanamo for one prisoner, then said he never said it, then said he misspoke. He's said he's pro choice, and then said he's unequivocally pro life. Now he's saying that the weeks of promotion and defense of 9-9-9 as-is was utter bullsh*t, and that he's had a plan all along to roll out exemptions for the poor and that it is a progressive tax plan?

I refuse to be that stupid, Mr. Cain.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Libertas on October 21, 2011, 09:02:30 AM
Herman appears to be guilty of trying to have it both ways, not being a career politician means he totally sucks at this aspect of the game.  Having said that I am by no means defending his equivocations.  I merely ask where that leaves us?  So far only the word screwed comes to mind.

I think I'll go into hibernation now.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 21, 2011, 10:23:02 AM

If there's one thing that the ongoing national debate over Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan has exposed, it's how much some conservatives love our current tax code and its enforcement arm.  Who knew?


So, if I question Cain's plan, that means I love the current tax code, blah blah blah? And you are applauding that?

From the comments on the American Thinker article:

Here's some critical thinking. 45% of the country pays no income tax (and many of those receive "Earned Income Tax Credit"). For these voters, the Cain 9-9-9 appears to take their tax burden from zero (actually less than zero) to 9% income tax (if they work) plus 9% sales tax. That adds up to 18%. Seems this 45% of voters will be solidly behind Obama in 2012 from day one. Not a great way for Herman Cain to kick off his election campaign. The fact that Mr. Cain has never been elected to public office is not surprising. The 9-9-9 plan is probably the best news Obama has heard in quite some time.

Food for thought for those who are promoting a brand new "consumption" tax as just dandy.

There are also assumptions that the decreased payroll taxes will be actually applied to people's salaries, aka "take home pay." You do realize that for people who have health insurance through their employers, a lot of their "income" is HIDDEN IN THOSE BENEFITS?  Then there is another assumption, which is that the decreased corporate taxes will result in a decrease in the prices of goods, which will MORE THAN offset the sales tax. Excuse me for being skeptical of both these assumptions. Simplified explanations of how this plan would work, and assumptions based on other assumptions of what it would lead to don't cut it.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 21, 2011, 10:31:21 AM

If there's one thing that the ongoing national debate over Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan has exposed, it's how much some conservatives love our current tax code and its enforcement arm.  Who knew?

That would be the Ruling Class types!


Who knew?  We did/do and we know, as Libertas sez, who to blame.

That said, I don't want to be berated by the likes of Wright --

" ... when the dust settles, I am fully confident that 9-9-9 will at least pass muster on the cause of liberty and reduced government influence in our lives, if not on all the details."

---  for wanting "all the details".  The days of passing the bill so we can know what's in it ARE GONE.  It's our duty and responsibility and right to question until we're satisfied.

Wright can kiss my fat rear end. The biggest value of us evaluating Cain's plan, and questioning it is in not letting the Democrats do it for us! What is indeed in question for most of us, IS THE DETAILS of how this plan would work, and I still question, like delornin, these "empowerment zones" and how they would work. I'm tired of being told I am acting like a liberal if I criticize a Republican candidate. That's what the primary is for!
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 21, 2011, 10:41:32 AM
Just an innocent question here, are we looking to be overly critical of Cain's plan?  I mean there is still going to have to be congressional approval on anything that gets proposed, so, could some of the quirks be worked out at that time?  I mean it seems like we may be replicating the sins of the Left as it pertains to how we let them destroy the Ryan Plan.  Having offered a plan that is 90% good should still be better than attacking it which can only benefit those who want to see it or the person who proposed it destroyed.  Do I have a point?  Questions I have, but I am not willing to throw a candidate on the fire if I like 90% of the rest he has to offer, especially when I consider what the alternative might be!

I'm sorry, but if the plan is not worthy of such criticism, then why would it need a lot of tweaking of the quirks!

I would like nothing better than to get rid of the current tax code, as we know it, and start from scratch with a brand new one. But the only thing that I could see that could possibly be implemented is a flat tax, and that will impact "the poor." The things the Feds are financing are ubiquitous and pervasive. I really think that the assumption that this plan could possibly be implemented in place of all other federal taxes is very naive.

 Completely revamping the tax code will impact so many things! We have to face facts, and be able to DEFEND what we are promoting, not just sit and nod our heads in agreement with 90%.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 21, 2011, 10:47:25 AM

Revising the tax code is a good idea.  Back before the idiots started destroying the nation it would have been a
bold undertaking.  However, some of our greatest prosperity happened under the watchful eyes of the IRS.  The
tax code did not create our dilemma and changing it will not get us out of it.  Cain is a good man and a good
manager, he needed something to set himself apart from the field and the 999 plan is it.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: LadyVirginia on October 21, 2011, 10:51:50 AM
Apparently, we can't have a candidate that can come up with some ideas that can survive scrutiny.  So perhaps we should look for someone willing to engage in a conversation with the American people about what we do want.  How about a little honesty along the lines of I've heard the criticisms on 999 and I understand the concerns so I'm thinking that...yada yada..."

First of all this sitting around getting atttacked on  his big idea then rolling out a new piece as "a plan" is BS.  How is that a healthy approach?

I'd rather he say-- hey the people don't like this idea and I'm ready and willing to find something they like that will work--here are the principles I believe in and I want to develop something that fits with those.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 21, 2011, 11:14:04 AM
Food for thought for those who are promoting a brand new "consumption" tax as just dandy.

There are also assumptions that the decreased payroll taxes will be actually applied to people's salaries, aka "take home pay." You do realize that for people who have health insurance through their employers, a lot of their "income" is HIDDEN IN THOSE BENEFITS?  Then there is another assumption, which is that the decreased corporate taxes will result in a decrease in the prices of goods, which will MORE THAN offset the sales tax. Excuse me for being skeptical of both these assumptions. Simplified explanations of how this plan would work, and assumptions based on other assumptions of what it would lead to don't cut it.
I guarantee my employer won't give me a nickel of the savings.

When I went off the company health plan, he refused to share any portion of the savings

I do think there is a good possibility that prices will fall.
Not necessarily out of altruism but competiton
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Libertas on October 21, 2011, 11:41:30 AM
Just an innocent question here, are we looking to be overly critical of Cain's plan?  I mean there is still going to have to be congressional approval on anything that gets proposed, so, could some of the quirks be worked out at that time?  I mean it seems like we may be replicating the sins of the Left as it pertains to how we let them destroy the Ryan Plan.  Having offered a plan that is 90% good should still be better than attacking it which can only benefit those who want to see it or the person who proposed it destroyed.  Do I have a point?  Questions I have, but I am not willing to throw a candidate on the fire if I like 90% of the rest he has to offer, especially when I consider what the alternative might be!

I'm sorry, but if the plan is not worthy of such criticism, then why would it need a lot of tweaking of the quirks!

I would like nothing better than to get rid of the current tax code, as we know it, and start from scratch with a brand new one. But the only thing that I could see that could possibly be implemented is a flat tax, and that will impact "the poor." The things the Feds are financing are ubiquitous and pervasive. I really think that the assumption that this plan could possibly be implemented in place of all other federal taxes is very naive.

 Completely revamping the tax code will impact so many things! We have to face facts, and be able to DEFEND what we are promoting, not just sit and nod our heads in agreement with 90%.

What I am hearing is though is the same crap we let the Left get away with over the Ryan Plan, it's just damn good fun to attack someone else's plan, especially when you have no plan of your own.  Why are we giving the other candidates a free pass?  What is being ignored in this whole thing is "which one of these people has a better plan"?  If this is the field, ya gotta pick someone.  Who you gonna pick?
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 21, 2011, 11:54:17 AM

What I am hearing is though is the same crap we let the Left get away with over the Ryan Plan, it's just damn good fun to attack someone else's plan, especially when you have no plan of your own.  Why are we giving the other candidates a free pass?  What is being ignored in this whole thing is "which one of these people has a better plan"?  If this is the field, ya gotta pick someone.  Who you gonna pick?
I think you completely misunderstood my point. My point was not to criticize what you said, but to clarify why I think it's not a good idea to just give Cain a "pass" on this, because we agree with 90% of what he says.

I think you're exaggerating, though. I don't think Cain's plan is being "attacked," but if Cain's plan is not workable or capable of being implemented, then it deserves to be questioned and even attacked.

The time to point out the differences between the candidates of the "R" party is during the primary. If we can't do that without being accused of being overly critical and "attacking" and "acting like liberals," then why bother to even vet the candidates at all. Let's just let the liberals set the table for us.  ::facepalm::

And I've already told you who I'm going to pick. I'm gonna pick the one I think is the most conservative who can beat Obama. I haven't decided who that is yet, so maybe you shouldn't rip me for not jumping on Cain's bandwagon, because I may yet end up doing that.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 21, 2011, 11:57:57 AM
Food for thought for those who are promoting a brand new "consumption" tax as just dandy.

There are also assumptions that the decreased payroll taxes will be actually applied to people's salaries, aka "take home pay." You do realize that for people who have health insurance through their employers, a lot of their "income" is HIDDEN IN THOSE BENEFITS?  Then there is another assumption, which is that the decreased corporate taxes will result in a decrease in the prices of goods, which will MORE THAN offset the sales tax. Excuse me for being skeptical of both these assumptions. Simplified explanations of how this plan would work, and assumptions based on other assumptions of what it would lead to don't cut it.
I guarantee my employer won't give me a nickel of the savings.

When I went off the company health plan, he refused to share any portion of the savings

I do think there is a good possibility that prices will fall.
Not necessarily out of altruism but competiton

Yes, indeed. Prices may fall, but how do we know that they will fall enough to offset the tax? We don't. It's all assumption. And if the plan doesn't work as advertised, then we have to implement more legislative changes to it. That's the crux of my point. Cain is trying to make something which is very complex, sound very simple, and that's a mistake, IMO.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 21, 2011, 12:06:42 PM
And just to clarify, I have not given any of the other candidates "a free pass."

 I have most certainly voiced my displeasure over Romney and his flip-flopping ways.  I have ripped Perry on immigration. I have ripped Bachmann on her gaffes. I have ripped Newt on his (lack of) morality and his cozying up to Bela Pelosi. I have not saved all my questions and criticism for Cain...not by a long shot.

If the other candidates want to question Cain about his 9-9-9 plan, then they are allowed to do that, and presenting their "own plan" isn't a requirement to do so. Cain has justifiably ripped Perry on immigration.  Did he give a thorough explanation of his "plan" when he did so, or did he simply point out where he thought Perry was wrong?  I think there are some that are being overly critical of Cain, but I also think that there are some who are being overly defensive on behalf of Cain. I'm trying to remain objective and judge all the candidates on their merits. I don't want to be told I'm acting like a liberal for using common sense and logic.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 21, 2011, 12:10:40 PM
I'm with Janny. It's taken me a little while to come around to it because I wanted to believe that there was a conservative among the candidates who could challenge Romney for the nomination. I won't write Cain off out of hand, and I don't think Janny's suggesting anyone should. But I think it does no service to conservatism or the nation if people fail to heed the warning flags that are being sent up about Herman Cain from his own mouth. It's up to him to put forward a candidacy worthy of support. All he's done since the spotlight has been on him because of 9-9-9 is send out conflicting signals that bring into question who he is, what he believes, and how equipped he is to be president.

It's up to him to clarify and rehabilitate his candidacy. He spent weeks asserting that 9-9-9 was vetted independently and that criticism of it was wrongheaded and based on non-factual analysis. Now at the first serious scrutiny, he's ready to cede that critics were right and put forward progressive elements to the plan?

Listen to your gut. This guy needs renewed scrutiny.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 21, 2011, 12:18:52 PM

Consider this: 
                    Mitt Romney, Herman Cain and Rick Perry are mutes.  They must be evaluated by
                    what they have accomplished and opinions they have written in the course of their
                    professional career.   

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Libertas on October 21, 2011, 12:20:44 PM
Sorry if I ruffled feathers, that is not my intent, and I am not saying questions cannot be raised, but I get frustrated when it appears to me, just my opinion, the others get a pass because they have no plan.  It seems like the process of feeding upon every wound takes precedence and makes it appear incredibly politically stupid to even attempt to offer a plan of any kind because of that certainty.  It is no wonder we wind up with cookie-cutter candidates who speak in platitudes and generalities and end up disapointed when they get elected and try to translate slogans into policy only to discover people hate the present under the wrapping.  If this debate exposes the ideas of the other contenders/pretenders then perhaps some good will come of it.  As it stands I am not sure where we are headed with this group.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 21, 2011, 12:29:36 PM
Sorry if I ruffled feathers, that is not my intent, and I am not saying questions cannot be raised, but I get frustrated when it appears to me, just my opinion, the others get a pass because they have no plan.  It seems like the process of feeding upon every wound takes precedence and makes it appear incredibly politically stupid to even attempt to offer a plan of any kind because of that certainty.  It is no wonder we wind up with cookie-cutter candidates who speak in platitudes and generalities and end up disapointed when they get elected and try to translate slogans into policy only to discover people hate the present under the wrapping.  If this debate exposes the ideas of the other contenders/pretenders then perhaps some good will come of it.  As it stands I am not sure where we are headed with this group.

I think these debates have brought to light things we needed to know about the candidates.
The field should now be winnowed and in future debates the candidates should be allowed
more time to elaborate, to develop their thoughts.  The fast and furious is good for round one.
We should proceed to an extended development and then possibly allow extended confrontation.
This would separate the glib from the thoughtful and allow us better insight into the candidate.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 21, 2011, 12:32:05 PM
Sorry if I ruffled feathers, that is not my intent, and I am not saying questions cannot be raised, but I get frustrated when it appears to me, just my opinion, the others get a pass because they have no plan.  It seems like the process of feeding upon every wound takes precedence and makes it appear incredibly politically stupid to even attempt to offer a plan of any kind because of that certainty.  It is no wonder we wind up with cookie-cutter candidates who speak in platitudes and generalities and end up disapointed when they get elected and try to translate slogans into policy only to discover people hate the present under the wrapping.  If this debate exposes the ideas of the other contenders/pretenders then perhaps some good will come of it.  As it stands I am not sure where we are headed with this group.

I very much agree with you that it seems as if sometimes we just zero in on any negative point and focus on it way too much. That's why I made the comment previously about how I wonder how people who aren't as focused on politics view all of this give and take.

I also think that it's perfectly appropriate to consider how the left will ATTACK these negative points, but that shouldn't be our MAIN focus, either.

We are all frustrated by the negative turn our republic has taken. We are all on the same team. No ruffled feathers here!  ::thumbsup::
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 21, 2011, 12:39:11 PM
I'm with Janny. It's taken me a little while to come around to it because I wanted to believe that there was a conservative among the candidates who could challenge Romney for the nomination. I won't write Cain off out of hand, and I don't think Janny's suggesting anyone should. But I think it does no service to conservatism or the nation if people fail to heed the warning flags that are being sent up about Herman Cain from his own mouth. It's up to him to put forward a candidacy worthy of support. All he's done since the spotlight has been on him because of 9-9-9 is send out conflicting signals that bring into question who he is, what he believes, and how equipped he is to be president.

It's up to him to clarify and rehabilitate his candidacy. He spent weeks asserting that 9-9-9 was vetted independently and that criticism of it was wrongheaded and based on non-factual analysis. Now at the first serious scrutiny, he's ready to cede that critics were right and put forward progressive elements to the plan?

Listen to your gut. This guy needs renewed scrutiny.

Exactly. It's not just one or two issues with Cain. It's the "whole picture" which has become a concern. This "walking back" stuff shows us a man who may very well not have the ability to lead, IMO. My biggest concern yet. I really like the man, and I think he'd be a much better president than Obama, but so would my cat, Jerry.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 21, 2011, 12:40:56 PM
How come your cat as candidate keeps making an appearance here?  I think you are pushing a Manchurian Catidate.  I wanna see his tax plan!  And the dog owners object!

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 21, 2011, 12:43:39 PM
Yes, indeed. Prices may fall, but how do we know that they will fall enough to offset the tax?

Even if prices don't fall, I've demonstrated up there in the thread that (at least to me) I will come out ahead

But, I do think a 9% corp tax rate will help with competitiveness and could possibly help re-shoring of some companies

The devil is in the details and it will depend on what a business is able to deduct as to whether there actually is a savings

Additionally, getting rid of the IRS and the social engineering in the existing tax code is a big plus.

But, I would like to see it properly vetted,too
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Libertas on October 21, 2011, 12:46:59 PM
Thanks Janny, hope we get to have a team we can coalesce around...I'd hate to see this opportunity screwed up.  I've been saying quite a while now this may be our last chance to electorally effect positive direction for this nation.

Hey, I'll take the Manchurian Catidate, he cute!  And he has no negatives (yet)!

Jerry!  Jerry!  Jerry!

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 21, 2011, 12:55:38 PM

Cat tax fever!

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 21, 2011, 02:17:49 PM
Thanks Janny, hope we get to have a team we can coalesce around...I'd hate to see this opportunity screwed up.  I've been saying quite a while now this may be our last chance to electorally effect positive direction for this nation.

Hey, I'll take the Manchurian Catidate, he cute!  And he has no negatives (yet)!

Jerry!  Jerry!  Jerry!


Hey, what could be negative about him? He's neutered, so there wouldn't be any sex scandals, and he hides all his toys under the stove. And as long as there are no increased taxes on Fancy Feast, he's open to just about any tax plan.

What could go wrong?
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 21, 2011, 02:20:46 PM
Yes, indeed. Prices may fall, but how do we know that they will fall enough to offset the tax?

Even if prices don't fall, I've demonstrated up there in the thread that (at least to me) I will come out ahead

But, I do think a 9% corp tax rate will help with competitiveness and could possibly help re-shoring of some companies

The devil is in the details and it will depend on what a business is able to deduct as to whether there actually is a savings

Additionally, getting rid of the IRS and the social engineering in the existing tax code is a big plus.

But, I would like to see it properly vetted,too

It certainly sounds like it would make it easier for businesses, but that's only at the FEDERAL level of taxation. What individual states do, and may be required to do, as a result of the changes in the federal tax structure are still in question. So, whether anyone ends up coming out ahead, in overall taxation, is very much in question. That's exactly why we need to ask more questions and get more answers!
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 21, 2011, 02:23:57 PM
Janny, I don't think this is a spending bill, just a revenue bill.
I don't see how this affects the states at all as far as their taxation

The states will still get the same amount of Fed $
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 21, 2011, 02:37:41 PM
Janny, I don't think this is a spending bill, just a revenue bill.
I don't see how this affects the states at all as far as their taxation

The states will still get the same amount of Fed $

And I'm skeptical about this supplying the same amount of federal tax funds as the current plan. If it does, then you're right. If it doesn't, and the states suffer cuts in federal funding as a result, they will take measures to make up for those lost funds. You know it and I know it.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 21, 2011, 02:43:34 PM
Just an innocent question here, are we looking to be overly critical of Cain's plan?  I mean there is still going to have to be congressional approval on anything that gets proposed, so, could some of the quirks be worked out at that time?  I mean it seems like we may be replicating the sins of the Left as it pertains to how we let them destroy the Ryan Plan.  Having offered a plan that is 90% good should still be better than attacking it which can only benefit those who want to see it or the person who proposed it destroyed.  Do I have a point?  Questions I have, but I am not willing to throw a candidate on the fire if I like 90% of the rest he has to offer, especially when I consider what the alternative might be!

I'm sorry, but if the plan is not worthy of such criticism, then why would it need a lot of tweaking of the quirks!

I would like nothing better than to get rid of the current tax code, as we know it, and start from scratch with a brand new one. But the only thing that I could see that could possibly be implemented is a flat tax, and that will impact "the poor." The things the Feds are financing are ubiquitous and pervasive. I really think that the assumption that this plan could possibly be implemented in place of all other federal taxes is very naive.

 Completely revamping the tax code will impact so many things! We have to face facts, and be able to DEFEND what we are promoting, not just sit and nod our heads in agreement with 90%.

Janny....The clap wasn't directed at anyone was directed at the cadidates....but after reading this post, you seem to want it both ways. You are defending the current system.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 21, 2011, 04:08:17 PM
Janny....The clap wasn't directed at anyone was directed at the cadidates....but after reading this post, you seem to want it both ways. You are defending the current system.

No. I am not defending the current system. I am pointing out how difficult it is going to be to be to make drastic changes in it. Those are two very different things.

 It is Cain who wants it "both ways." He wants people to accept something drastically new, without answering questions about how it will actually work.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 21, 2011, 04:20:05 PM
Janny....The clap wasn't directed at anyone was directed at the cadidates....but after reading this post, you seem to want it both ways. You are defending the current system.

No. I am not defending the current system. I am pointing out how difficult it is going to be to be to make drastic changes in it. Those are two very different things.

 It is Cain who wants it "both ways." He wants people to accept something drastically new, without answering questions about how it will actually work.

Worse than that - when the questions get too detailed for the plan to stand up to scrutiny, and his flailing attempts to answer them don't pass the sniff test, he bails on the main selling point of the plan, and makes it a progressive tax, claiming that it was his plan all along to let criticism reach a certain point and then unveil the "details".

I've really enjoyed the prospect of backing Herman Cain for the past several weeks. But he's imploding now, just like the rest - perhaps even worse than the rest.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: LadyVirginia on October 21, 2011, 04:27:25 PM
and his flailing attempts to answer them don't pass the sniff test, he bails on the main selling point of the plan, and makes it a progressive tax, claiming that it was his plan all along to let criticism reach a certain point and then unveil the "details".

Mr. Cain:

Do I look stupid?
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: warpmine on October 21, 2011, 10:12:11 PM
Apparently we need to just jump to the FAIR Tax and nix any hint of an income tax. HR25, I believe has the necessary exemptions depending on family size. It eliminates favoritism a;; together which is what the 999 seems to be plagued with. I understand what he was trying to do with the empowerment zones which is to get these idiots off the govt dole as fast as possible by weening them off gradually. Besides, let's face it I want the current code gone as I'm sick of the loopholes, the corporatism, the conflict with the fifth amendment etc. If we must go to just a flat tax for a few years to get to the final goal then we should do it and provide the trigger, a date that switches over all together. I really hate the idea of penalizing for production it seems contradictory to what the country is supposed to be about...... doing business and protection of that right.

At least we're now having the debate about how it should be done, Bush gave up on it flat out believing that Americans couldn't digest it or the income tax diehards would never let it die without a fight. We need a plan and a candidate willing to nix the scurge of humanity, the progressive income tax. ::thumbsup::
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 21, 2011, 10:26:55 PM
Herman's tweet from 12 hours ago.
 @THEHermanCain The road to renewal begins with opportunity zones!
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 21, 2011, 11:20:59 PM
Herman's tweet from 12 hours ago.
 @THEHermanCain The road to renewal begins with opportunity zones!

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 21, 2011, 11:24:35 PM
Herman's tweet from 12 hours ago.
 @THEHermanCain The road to renewal begins with opportunity zones!


Reading the 999 that first time and coming across "Empowerment Zones" it just stank.  You know.. you come into the house after vacation and you smell that spoiled milk or wrotten letuce in the garbage disposal... 1/8 of a second and you know something is just WRONG and needs to be addressed immediately.

I'm at least glad he's come straight out and said he believes black people don't have the ability to work hard and make smart choices in their lives.  It's shocking to me and something I don't believe, but I'm glad he at least comes straight out and says what he believes.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 21, 2011, 11:30:33 PM

The Fair Tax is on it's way and endorsed by Steve Forbes.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 21, 2011, 11:34:20 PM

The Fair Tax is on it's way and endorsed by Steve Forbes.

It's on it's way where?
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 21, 2011, 11:43:53 PM
I just posted on Herman Cain's FaceBook page:

I've been backing you since the very first GOP debate. But these "Empowerment Zones" really smell to me. You say that there are more Black People in the inner cities, that's why we need to give businesses better tax breaks in those areas and lower the personal tax rates in those areas also. Do you know how condescending and racist that sounds? Because there are so many black people.. we have to make sure we give them a free ride. They can't work hard and make smart life-choices. ? ? ? EX-Squeeze ME??
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 21, 2011, 11:44:17 PM (

And Forbes, who says he helped devise Perry’s plan, left little doubt that he’ll formally back the Texas governor before long.

In an interview with Yahoo News, Forbes called Perry’s proposal,announced in a speech Wednesday, “the most exciting tax plan since Reagan’s,” in 1980.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 21, 2011, 11:46:14 PM (

And Forbes, who says he helped devise Perry’s plan, left little doubt that he’ll formally back the Texas governor before long.

In an interview with Yahoo News, Forbes called Perry’s proposal,announced in a speech Wednesday, “the most exciting tax plan since Reagan’s,” in 1980.

That says flat tax, not fair tax. The two are very different. The Fair tax is a sales tax. This is an article I read a few years ago about it. (
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 22, 2011, 12:14:48 AM
I checked your link and also looked up flat tax, at a glance, they both have ifs, ands, and buts.

Saw Forbes on Lou Dobbs, I think; tonight, and he said 17% and one page to fill out. *
Something new to learn.

As much as I detest our tax code I don't think it's our problem and meddling with it right now
is taking one's eye off the ball.  We need to open up commerce, put the kybosh on the EPA and
other regulatory agencies and drill.   We have enough shale, coal, oil, and natural gas under ground
to stop buying any foreign fuel.  That would recirculate billions of dollars a month within the US instead
of laundering it to Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Getting the ball rolling, American sentiment in favor of eliminating acronym agencies motivated by
the success of eliminating the EPA could create a domino effect.  Let's do another one, BAM! And another
and another, on and on.  That's what we need.

*My state has no income tax only a sales tax. It's not hidden and much less painful than another acronym.

ETA: The acronym list includes Fanny, Freddie, and personally I'd like an elimination of the Federal Bank.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 22, 2011, 12:37:19 AM
Herman Cain Announces ‘9-9-9‘ is Actually a ’9-0-9? Plan for those at Poverty Level

Herman Cain Announces ‘9-9-9‘ is Actually a ’9-0-9? Plan for those at Poverty Level
 (http://Herman Cain Announces ‘9-9-9‘ is Actually a ’9-0-9? Plan for those at Poverty Level) (

Quote from:
That’s correct. Herman Cain announced that his signature “9-9-9“ plan is actually a ”9-0-9” plan — at least when it comes to the nation’s poor. Cain, who has accused critics of never having read his 9-9-9 plan through to completion, insisted the 9-0-9 provisions of his plan have been included in his campaign literature all along.

Speaking at the Michigan Central Station in downtown Detroit — where the unemployment rate is among the highest in the nation — Cain announced his proposal to create “opportunity zones” in the country’s inner cities.

“If you’re at or below the poverty level, your plan isn’t ‘9-9-9,’” Cain said to the crowd.

“It’s ‘9-zero-9.’ Say ‘Amen,‘ y’all! In other words, if you are at or below the poverty level based upon family size, because there’s a different number for each one, then you don’t pay that middle ‘9? tax on your income. This is how we help the poor.”

Cain’s announcement reportedly comes on the heels of a study released by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center in Washington, which concluded the 9-9-9 would increase taxes by more than 900 percent on U.S. households earning between $10,000 and $20,000 annually.

Fox News adds:

A day earlier, Fox News had exclusively reported that Cain’s opportunity zone proposal is stirring displeasure among leaders of organized labor. Although he did not dwell on this during his appearance in Detroit, Cain insists that those areas that wish to qualify as an opportunity zone must eliminate what the campaign calls “barriers” to economic growth.

Examples of how to do that, as provided by campaign sources, include a number of steps considered anathema to Big Labor. They include the abolition of the minimum wage; the institution of school choice for parents; and the establishment of “right to work” conditions, which allow workers to refuse to join unions in unionized workplaces.

“It’s tough to take anything like that seriously,” AFL-CIO President richard Trumka told Fox News. “Look, workers are working hard and their wages have stagnated. To have Herman Cain, a serious contender on the Republican side, make a statement like that – that he wants to further lower wages, he wants to do away with the minimum wage – it’s almost laughable.”

Even Teamsters President James Hoffa weighed in, stating:

“Herman Cain‘s ’opportunity zones’ appear to be an opportunity for corporate America to exploit workers and turn the United States into a third-world country.”

I had real hope we could turn this country around.  But with nearly 50% of the country paying zero tax and thinking that the world owes them even more than a free ride.  In the election/voting/ 1 person : 1 vote world.... it's too late.

That 50% will riot and die in the streets and burn everything to the ground before they are required to get off their ASSES and earn what they get.


Psst... someone send me a private message with the Lat. & Long. of the Bunker.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: warpmine on October 22, 2011, 05:55:26 AM
A reduced rate (but not zero, perhaps only 7% for two years and then 8%, wouldn't bother me to much if certain conditions are met within the "zone". Has to be spelled out and the perk ended within a four year span.
Government, not the people would have to qualify the zone by a reduction in their spending budgets. This simple condition would reduce the burden on the businesses that would relocate to the zone. As it stands, they'd merely get a revenue boost that accompanies a boost in business and spend everylast penny making it just another stream to be tapped. We've seen it before and it will happen again and again if we cannot get local govts. to restrain themselves. The DemoRats will just use the stream in the exact same manner as before to get elected and give themselves bennys. The circle must stop.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 22, 2011, 06:29:21 AM
A reduced rate (but not zero, perhaps only 7% for two years and then 8%, wouldn't bother me to much if certain conditions are met within the "zone". Has to be spelled out and the perk ended within a four year span.
Government, not the people would have to qualify the zone by a reduction in their spending budgets. This simple condition would reduce the burden on the businesses that would relocate to the zone. As it stands, they'd merely get a revenue boost that accompanies a boost in business and spend everylast penny making it just another stream to be tapped. We've seen it before and it will happen again and again if we cannot get local govts. to restrain themselves. The DemoRats will just use the stream in the exact same manner as before to get elected and give themselves bennys. The circle must stop.

I think I figured out one of the reasons why "Empowerment Zones" gave me the creeps.

Ever watch those apocoloyptic movies?

You manage to make it through the epidemic?  Phew.. one in 50,000 lived through it.  But everyone died that was in 'the zone'.

All those catostrophic and epic disease and death movies have 'the zone'.

Even the dictator futuristic socialist movies have 'the zone'.

I sure hope I don't end up living in Zone-666.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Delnorin on October 22, 2011, 06:39:45 AM
Another things just occurred to me (As either utterly stupid things do.. or the rare moments of insightful genious.  Which this one is I dont' know).

You know the way jerimandering is right (I'm positive I spelled that wrong).  Drawing of the district lines zig zag this way and that so that you always remain in power.  No matter what a dirt bag politician you are there is ZERO chance you will ever not win the next election (I.E. Harry Reid).

I am making an official prediction:  These Empowerment Zones will become precisely the same thing.  I will further predict that the jerimandered election zones will -mysteriously- follow the same borders as the Empowerment Zones.

The inner cities that breed like rats and live off the government.. but they have 8+ kids each and outnumber family sizes that live outside the empowerment zones... will have more votes.  They will continue to vote for everyone outside their zone to pay more taxes for their lifestyles (which will continue to improve).

We have reached and passed the point in which the dead-weight of the country (those not paying taxes) have enough numbers to control the other 49.99% of the country just by voting to fill their pockets at the expense of everyone else.

Move to the Empowerment zones NOW!  Buy houses and apartment buildings on credit.. whatever you need to do in order to become the slum-lord of the zones.  It's the only way to survive... to suck off the parasites that will keep gorging their stomachs on your hard work.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 22, 2011, 09:18:25 AM
Like all things government, empowerment zones will never go away and will be a source of subsidy for eternity

BTW, it's spelled gerrymandering  ::evil::
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 22, 2011, 12:37:07 PM
Not being one of "the poor", perhaps I have a biased point of view (Noooooo!  say is isn't so!), but, why does it seem everything is done to either accommodate "the poor" or punish "the rich" instead of for the benefit of the majority?  Mark Levin hit on this the other day and it resonated strongly.  Almost 50% pay no Federal income tax, which is ridiculous; we're expected to believe almost half the country is nearly destitute enough to require "assistance" and any move to dispel the notion that everyone ought to pay something engenders calls of "regressive taxation".

What is regressive about everyone having some skin in the game.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: rickl on October 22, 2011, 12:43:38 PM
I'd love to see a flat tax, but I'm dismayed by Cain's exemptions for the "poor".  That just takes us back to square one, and the existing tax code.

I want to like him, but he's making it very difficult.

I'll probably support him in the primary, but I'm not at all enthusiastic about it.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 22, 2011, 01:23:05 PM

Yes, everyone should pay and everyone, even if they pay a dollar, should suffer the rigors of the byzantine tax forms and when they bitch or whine simply explain that everybody does it.  "What's the matter with you?"

Whatever the tax if the IRS is not constrained, reconstructed, or better, eliminated it will end up an added
tax to the mess we have now.  And a missed point: The tax code did not create the mess we are in and fixing
it is not going to get us out.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 22, 2011, 01:45:22 PM

I agree with most of your post and I guess my disagreement is a pretty minor thing really. I think that our current tax code did at least help to get us into this mess. Things like having the sky-high corporate tax we have for example, drives business off-shore and certainly doesn't help our situation and fixing that could go quite a long way toward improving our economic situation. I understand the gist of what you are saying though and you are right in that, just fixing the tax code isn't going to solve our fiscal troubles. But if we did fix it and did some other things (entitlement reform, etc), all of it put together would fix our fiscal situation.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 22, 2011, 03:14:33 PM

Good and good except there is no product and America is built on product. The product may be intellectual,
or more naturally American, a good.  In order for America to deliver a product that is profitable for the
producer and enriching to the employee we must get rid of the regulators.  We have 300 years of fuel under
our soil -- no touching says the EPA.  We have hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland held hostage by
either the EPA or the Endangered Species Act  (who ever they are).  Unless it is possible to survive and reinvent ourselves at the same time we must have product.  We are a producer nation.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 22, 2011, 07:15:59 PM
Not being one of "the poor", perhaps I have a biased point of view (Noooooo!  say is isn't so!), but, why does it seem everything is done to either accommodate "the poor" or punish "the rich" instead of for the benefit of the majority?  Mark Levin hit on this the other day and it resonated strongly.  Almost 50% pay no Federal income tax, which is ridiculous; we're expected to believe almost half the country is nearly destitute enough to require "assistance" and any move to dispel the notion that everyone ought to pay something engenders calls of "regressive taxation".

What is regressive about everyone having some skin in the game.

That's exactly it, Pan. The tax system, along with the social programs, represent classic redistribution of wealth. That is how we got to where we are now, where half the people pay no taxes at all, and the rest pay for their bennies. That is the way the liberals have deliberately maneuvered it, to their advantage. It will take some very serious "tough love" to get those people to better themselves and off those entitlement programs and get the economy growing again.. Yet so many just seem to think our government can afford to just keep spending and spending, if it only seizes more wealth from the rich...and you and me.


Then there is the fact that all these people who have no skin in the game get to vote.

 ::gaah::  ::gaah::
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: John Florida on October 22, 2011, 09:06:23 PM
  The people with skin in the game are those that pay taxes and those that set the game up so that there are always people that don't pay so that they have a voter base that has been schooled in how to stay in the government dole.

 Any sense of fighting to get out of that trap has been schooled and beaten out of them mentally so that they honestly believe that that is their place in the world and it's never going to change. Their comfort zone has been cemented into their heads so deeply that they fear even thinking of getting out.

 They can't see themselves doing better than they are ever.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: LadyVirginia on October 22, 2011, 09:40:21 PM

Ever read the actual Tax Code?  It's part of the United States Code.
The United States Code is the codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. It is divided by broad subjects into 50 titles and published by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives. Since 1926, the United States Code has been published every six years. In between editions, annual cumulative supplements are published in order to present the most current information.
The complete Internal Revenue Code is more than 24 megabytes in length, and contains more than 3.4 million words; printed 60 lines to the page, it would fill more than 7500 letter-size pages.
link (

It's really a set of definitions with what seems like endless exceptions.

Define income.  Seems easy. Until someone asks "Is this income?"
Define who must pay and who is exempt. 
Being able to navigate around dependent clauses and parentheticals and understanding the word except is a huge help in researching the beast.

I'm not sure modifying it will be much help.  Personally, I'd like to scrape the whole thing and just start over by defining how much money we need to raise every year to pay for those things we Constitutionally must fund. But that ain't happening.  But even if we start over the same problem will occur.  Define income.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 22, 2011, 10:05:09 PM

Yes, junk the whole thing and give me a sales tax. 
If I don't want to pay tax I don't buy it. ::beatingheart::

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 23, 2011, 01:48:47 AM

Ever read the actual Tax Code?  It's part of the United States Code.
The United States Code is the codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. It is divided by broad subjects into 50 titles and published by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives. Since 1926, the United States Code has been published every six years. In between editions, annual cumulative supplements are published in order to present the most current information.
The complete Internal Revenue Code is more than 24 megabytes in length, and contains more than 3.4 million words; printed 60 lines to the page, it would fill more than 7500 letter-size pages.
link (

It's really a set of definitions with what seems like endless exceptions.

Define income.  Seems easy. Until someone asks "Is this income?"
Define who must pay and who is exempt. 
Being able to navigate around dependent clauses and parentheticals and understanding the word except is a huge help in researching the beast.

I'm not sure modifying it will be much help.  Personally, I'd like to scrape the whole thing and just start over by defining how much money we need to raise every year to pay for those things we Constitutionally must fund. But that ain't happening.  But even if we start over the same problem will occur.  Define income.

Arrrrggghhhhhh.  Hell is other people.  Like lawyers.

I'm leaning toward a flat tax at this point.  Would this by necessity retain the IRS?  Arrrggggghhhhh.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 23, 2011, 07:50:13 AM
I'm leaning toward a flat tax at this point.  Would this by necessity retain the IRS?  Arrrggggghhhhh.

Yes Pandora - a FLAT Tax would, by necessity, keep the IRS in place. There is only one tax scheme out there that REPLACES the IRS and that is the FAIR Tax.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 23, 2011, 11:18:19 AM
I'm leaning toward a flat tax at this point.  Would this by necessity retain the IRS?  Arrrggggghhhhh.

Yes Pandora - a FLAT Tax would, by necessity, keep the IRS in place. There is only one tax scheme out there that REPLACES the IRS and that is the FAIR Tax.

Yes, but there still has to be a system for collecting those federal sales taxes. The burden would be on businesses and the states to collect them, no doubt. Then the fair tax also includes that provision for "prebates" which is outlined here (

So, even the fair tax would not eliminate an IRS-type entity, in order to accommodate "those in poverty" so they aren't "overly burdened."

The best thing to do, at this point, in my opinion, is to keep the IRS in place, for the time being, but greatly simplify the tax code, with a flat tax.

BUT.....if tax reform is not accompanied by some sort of reining in of federal spending, we might as well not bother, because it's just going to be more of the same redistribution with another tax system funding it.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: BMG on October 23, 2011, 01:48:52 PM
So, even the fair tax would not eliminate an IRS-type entity, in order to accommodate "those in poverty" so they aren't "overly burdened."

Actually Janny that assessment is flawed I think. The IRS does not distribute Social Security checks for example...the FAIR Tax prebate would be handled in that same fashion. The IRS is not needed at all under the FAIR Tax...nor is an IRS-like entity. The entity in question would be responsible for tax prebate distribution and not tax collecting - that is a huge distinction and is what makes the difference between the IRS and the entity that would be distributing the prebate.

The best thing to do, at this point, in my opinion, is to keep the IRS in place, for the time being, but greatly simplify the tax code, with a flat tax.

You and I will just have to agree to disagree on this point methinks.  ;)  I do agree that the system you've just outlined would in fact be better than what we have - but not better than the FAIR Tax. The reason I say that is because the FAIR Tax eliminates the IRS and the IRS is how the politicians are able to get away with voter manipulation through our tax code as they have been for all these years (meaning that if we get rid of the IRS altogether that strips power away from the politicians and gives it to the voters - if we leave the IRS intact we have accomplished nothing really but delayed the inevitable). The IRS necessarily has to go away in order to fix that.

BUT.....if tax reform is not accompanied by some sort of reining in of federal spending, we might as well not bother, because it's just going to be more of the same redistribution with another tax system funding it.

Spot on analysis right there Janny.  ::thumbsup::
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 23, 2011, 02:52:44 PM
"The best thing to do, at this point, in my opinion, is to keep the IRS in place, for the time being, but greatly simplify the tax code, with a flat tax."

 Not to pick at you......LOL.....So you are in favor of the current system....LOL

I find the conversation interesting to say the least. We hate the current tax system but will sleep with the beast if we can only make a small change or two, while maligning a plan which would greatly reduce the beasts power because we may keep an empowerment zone.

Empowerment zones shrink if the economy is moving forward. They will expand under the current administration.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 23, 2011, 03:20:23 PM
"The best thing to do, at this point, in my opinion, is to keep the IRS in place, for the time being, but greatly simplify the tax code, with a flat tax."

 Not to pick at you......LOL.....So you are in favor of the current system....LOL

Excuse me, but that's exactly what you are trying to do, is PICK AT ME.

The current system is not based on a flat tax. The flat tax would vastly change the current system, so your allegation that I am in favor of the current system is quite dishonest and absolutely ridiculous.


I find the conversation interesting to say the least. We hate the current tax system but will sleep with the beast if we can only make a small change or two, while maligning a plan which would greatly reduce the beasts power because we may keep an empowerment zone.

Again, you are putting words in my mouth and mischaracterizing what I've said. I'm maligning a plan that has no chance of passing through congress. The plan has no way to "reduce the beast's power" if it won't get enacted.

Nice try, though.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 23, 2011, 03:29:17 PM
"The best thing to do, at this point, in my opinion, is to keep the IRS in place, for the time being, but greatly simplify the tax code, with a flat tax."

 Not to pick at you......LOL.....So you are in favor of the current system....LOL

Excuse me, but that's exactly what you are trying to do, is PICK AT ME.

The current system is not based on a flat tax. The flat tax would vastly change the current system, so your allegation that I am in favor of the current system is quite dishonest and absolutely ridiculous.


I find the conversation interesting to say the least. We hate the current tax system but will sleep with the beast if we can only make a small change or two, while maligning a plan which would greatly reduce the beasts power because we may keep an empowerment zone.

Again, you are putting words in my mouth and mischaracterizing what I've said. I'm maligning a plan that has no chance of passing through congress. The plan has no way to "reduce the beast's power" if it won't get enacted.

Nice try, though.

Excuse me...but you did state to keep the IRS in place. If you believe the current system, all 7500 pages, could implement a flat tax you are being dishonest with yourself.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 23, 2011, 03:34:01 PM
The function of the current IRS is to collect revenues and enforce tax laws.  

The problem with the current system and the IRS as we know it, is the TAX CODE, which is too complex.  Another system, like the "Fair Tax" where complex "exceptions" are made will not fix it. Simplifying it, by imposing a flat tax and eliminating deductions is what will "fix" it. The "prebate" systems sounds like a recipe for disaster, to me.

The allegation that there will no longer be a federal government entity like the IRS under a Fair tax system doesn't hold water. There will always be a federal government entity of SOME KIND to collect taxes and enforce tax laws. It doesn't need to be nearly as complex as our current "system" is. That's the argument I'm making.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 23, 2011, 03:39:02 PM

Excuse me...but you did state to keep the IRS in place. If you believe the current system, all 7500 pages, could implement a flat tax you are being dishonest with yourself.

I didn't realize that the entire existence of IRS is completely dependent on keeping the exact same TAX CODE that we have now. Keeping the IRS in place WHILE making DRASTIC changes to the tax code do not equal "keeping the current system."

I thought I was pretty clear on what I was saying. I do not favor keeping the TAX CODE as it is.

Your inability or unwillingness to understand what I'm saying is getting tiresome.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Janny on October 23, 2011, 03:49:36 PM
The current tax code is A BIG problem.

link here (

The various calls to revamp the nation’s highly complex tax code were joined by a significant new voice on Wednesday — the I.R.S.’s own taxpayer advocate, who urged that the system be rewritten for the first time in a generation.

Nina E. Olson, the national tax advocate who acts as an ombudsman for the I.R.S., issued a sweeping criticism of federal tax policy in her annual report to Congress. Ms. Olson found that the volume of the tax code had nearly tripled in size during the last decade — to 3.8 million words in February 2010 from 1.4 million in 2001. She estimated that Americans spent 6.1 billion hours preparing their returns each year — the equivalent of 3 million employees working full time. By comparison, the federal payroll has 2.1 million full-time workers.

The byzantine tax regulations also deprived the government of revenue by causing accidental underpayments and encouraging cheating, the report concluded, stating that the most practical remedy would be for Congress to scrap the existing code, which was last overhauled in 1986.

“The time for tax reform and tax simplification is now,” Ms. Olson said.

While the report amplifies many frequently voiced criticisms, and is likely to be welcomed by many of the tax critics who ignited the Tea Party movement, most policy experts consider it unlikely that the federal government will take up the issue before the 2012 presidential election.

Howard Gleckman, an analyst at the Tax Policy Center, has said that neither President Obama nor Congress has shown any eagerness to confront the combination of spending cuts and rate increases that would be needed to address the budget deficit.

Still, the fact that the I.R.S.’s own internal watchdog concedes that the federal tax system has become unmanageable underscores the severity of the problem.

For what it's worth, this is from the NYTimes.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 23, 2011, 03:51:01 PM

Excuse me...but you did state to keep the IRS in place. If you believe the current system, all 7500 pages, could implement a flat tax you are being dishonest with yourself.

I didn't realize that the entire existence of IRS is completely dependent on keeping the exact same TAX CODE that we have now. Keeping the IRS in place WHILE making DRASTIC changes to the tax code do not equal "keeping the current system."

I thought I was pretty clear on what I was saying. I do not favor keeping the TAX CODE as it is.

Your inability or unwillingness to understand what I'm saying is getting tiresome.

If you believe keeping the basic structure (and power) of the IRS in place to collect revenue of a flat tax, after you have given up your deductions sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.

Your inability or unwillingness to understand what I'm saying is getting amusing.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Libertas on October 24, 2011, 07:36:09 AM
Perhaps we can all agree that the IRS must go.  Yes?

And whether under Cain's 9-9-9 or some other simplified tax plan, a new (tiny!) government agency responsible for collection could be had. Just as long as the bloody IRS is utterely wiped out along with the old tax code!
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 24, 2011, 11:53:18 AM
Perhaps we can all agree that the IRS must go.  Yes?

And whether under Cain's 9-9-9 or some other simplified tax plan, a new (tiny!) government agency responsible for collection could be had. Just as long as the bloody IRS is utterely wiped out along with the old tax code!

I don't want the IRS in charge of any plan.  I sure as hell don't want to implement something different, give up deductions and find our blessed gov't raises the flat tax because they can't control spending.

It's why I'll support the 999 plan (at this time), even with its imperfections. If it is a plan that severly reduces or eliminates the IRS, while simplifying tax collection, we can work around the nuances and make corrections.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Libertas on October 24, 2011, 01:43:03 PM
Perhaps we can all agree that the IRS must go.  Yes?

And whether under Cain's 9-9-9 or some other simplified tax plan, a new (tiny!) government agency responsible for collection could be had. Just as long as the bloody IRS is utterely wiped out along with the old tax code!

I don't want the IRS in charge of any plan.  I sure as hell don't want to implement something different, give up deductions and find our blessed gov't raises the flat tax because they can't control spending.

It's why I'll support the 999 plan (at this time), even with its imperfections. If it is a plan that severly reduces or eliminates the IRS, while simplifying tax collection, we can work around the nuances and make corrections.

And we're back to where I was thinking about a zillion posts ago.

I'm the hotheaded ideologue and even I think this makes sense.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 24, 2011, 01:52:52 PM

Changing the tax code will be a monster.  Abolishing the IRS is virtually insurmountable.
It is one of the largest bureaucracies and they have every body's file.

Three presidents have tried to eliminate the BATF and not succeeded.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Libertas on October 24, 2011, 02:05:00 PM
It's because they never have enough political capital directed to that end.  A new president making this the top priority above all others and hitting it head on right out the gate could get it done.  How can we pass a healthcare bill everybody hates and not legislation that ends the reign of one of the most despised government agencies ever created?  People need to man up!
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Predator Don on October 24, 2011, 03:26:47 PM

Changing the tax code will be a monster.  Abolishing the IRS is virtually insurmountable.
It is one of the largest bureaucracies and they have every body's file.

Three presidents have tried to eliminate the BATF and not succeeded.

It will be quite the undertaking, especially in lite republicans tend to take a conservative interpretation of law. If we had no morals or ethics like libs, twist laws or ignore them completely, it could be shoved in like healthcare. I'm not advocating it, just could make it quicker.....

I'll hand it to libs, many fell on the knife for socialism, even a few who I had a wee bit amount of trust. Just goes to show the only good lib is a defeated lib.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 24, 2011, 05:28:07 PM

Heard a bit of an interview with Steve Wynn, the casino owner, he talked to his representative
and she said she understood, her husband was a doctor but if she didn't vote "right" she would
be punished.

He also talked to Harry Reid who he contributed to, before the conversation was over Harry
hung up on him.

He said Americans need to wake up and realize what's going on.

Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: Pandora on October 24, 2011, 06:27:39 PM

Heard a bit of an interview with Steve Wynn, the casino owner, he talked to his representative
and she said she understood, her husband was a doctor but if she didn't vote "right" she would
be punished.

He also talked to Harry Reid who he contributed to, before the conversation was over Harry
hung up on him.

He said Americans need to wake up and realize what's going on.

Duh Wun no sooner took office and he began "punishing" Nevada; as if that isn't enough for Wynn's rep., so she had a choice to make and now she'll see how much she likes voter-inflicted punishment.
Title: Re: Herman Cain's 999 Plan
Post by: charlesoakwood on October 24, 2011, 11:49:49 PM

Berkley-Reid-Obama - They've Made It Worse (