It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Economy => Topic started by: Libertas on December 01, 2011, 01:36:31 PM

Title: Running the string out...SDR's? "Poof" goes the dollar! Or will it be war?
Post by: Libertas on December 01, 2011, 01:36:31 PM
"It seems that the intent of TPTB is to somehow shift the SDR into the world’s reserve asset.  The purpose of this might be to devalue all of the world’s major Western currencies at once while also shifting the blame away from sovereign governments and Central Bankers.  At the very least, it would be a way to achieve a massive stealth devaluation of the U.S. dollar. 

"First, they would introduce this SDR and then once faith in national Western currencies’ purchasing power cratered and faith was lost TPTB would use that as an excuse to eliminate all national currencies and move to a global fiat currency that they of course control the distribution of.  Problem, reaction, solution."

"So above I have outlined what I think is the ultimate prize of TPTB.  In this paragraph I want to address whether I think their demented plan for world government and world currency can or will be achieved.  My answer is NO."

"Good luck trying to issue SDRs and devlauing the dollar."

"That said, the one way they still might try would be to crash the entire markets into oblivion (remember central bankers have TOTAL power to do this at this stage).  That way they would get people begging for central bank printing.  This woiuld then destroy the national currencies and then they would come in with the global currency solution.  Just something to bear in mind…"

"So this is where it gets dangerous.  If I am correct in my logic above they might realize that they have exhausted their conventional options.  This means the playbook shifts to the unconventional.  This probably means war."

Via ZeroHedge - (

I would argue that anybody letting the IMF devalue your currency deserves to have war made upon them!  War may be unavoidable...the real questions are: will it be conventional or not, and will it be between nation states, civil war or a combination of all of the above?!