It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => The "Educators" => Topic started by: Weisshaupt on April 28, 2012, 08:32:26 AM

Title: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: Weisshaupt on April 28, 2012, 08:32:26 AM
Its okay to be a Bully if you are a liberal . After all, its for your own good. They are  making you a better person.

You see if you were   bullied for being gay as a child, its okay as if you return as an adult and bully Christian kids. (

Because obviously just feeling homosexuality is a sin is "bullying", but an adult telling children that their religion is evil, that's okay.

The lack of self-awareness is always stunning. However this is just one more data-point that the Gay movement has nothing to do with equality or fairness and everything to do with satisfying a childish need for  revenge. They want to force people to accept them, to like them, to love them. All this guy did was prove that everything he ever got as a child, he deserved.

Sometimes I can't believe how cold I have become, but I swear I won't feel a thing watching these people starve, or even wince when I pass by them lying injured in a street somewhere.  You brought it on yourselves. You have reaped what you have sown. I wil just stay out of the way as you collect your harvest.

Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: Glock32 on April 28, 2012, 10:50:53 AM
What are the odds that this Super Fabulous speaker would have cited the Koran, and launched into a verbal assault on Islam? Yeah, zero. Why? Because Muslims make good on their threats. That's why they're ascendent all over Europe. They can scarcely believe the enfeebled, emasculated civilization at their feet.
Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: trapeze on April 28, 2012, 12:54:04 PM
Obama endorsed, Militant homo Dan Savage discusses bible denounces Christians at High School Journalism convention (
Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: LadyVirginia on April 28, 2012, 01:41:17 PM
...has nothing to do with equality or fairness and everything to do with satisfying a childish need for  revenge. They want to force people to accept them, to like them, to love them.

That's it in a nutshell.

Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: Pandora on April 28, 2012, 05:03:14 PM
Tuttle said that he “felt duped” by the event. “There were Christian schools who went to the conference. To have this happen was disappointing and shocking.”

The NSPA said they should have done a better job preparing schools for what to expect.

Duped? Preparing schools?  Oh for Pete's sake, it's the disgusting pig that is DAN SAVAGE.  What he said is exactly what to expect.  What the hell is wrong with the parents that allowed their teens to attend such a thing in the first place?  Any seminar/speech/presentation that focuses on "anti-bullying" is always -- always -- about teh gayz and their "victimhood".

"His husband" the article stated.  Unh hunh.  No, his partner in sodomy.

There's an Amendment on our primary ballot in a couple weeks that would affirm marriage as between one man and one woman and, as you could imagine, discussions are nasty.

In advocating for the Amendment, I did not refer to the Bible; I spoke of the inevitable societal damage while barely referring to homosexuals at all, and yet, I was told by an opponent that he hopes my "homosexual hatred keeps me warm at night".

We can't live and let live with these people; they simply will not allow it.
Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: Sectionhand on April 29, 2012, 04:46:09 AM
This guy probably engages in "Drive-By Slappings" !
Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: Pandora on April 29, 2012, 12:58:04 PM
THIS Dan Savage:

An hour and a half later, most everyone has left the offices for a pizza party. I am alone, like Cinderella after her sisters trotted off to the ball. My nose is running like a faucet, so I'm not too upset at missing the pizza. Besides, I've got work to do.

I go around the room licking doorknobs. They are filthy, no doubt, but there isn't time to find a rag to spit on. If for some reason I don't manage to get a pen from my mouth to Gary's hands at the conference, I want to seed his office with germs, get as many of his people sick as I can, and hopefully one of them will infect the candidate. I lick office doorknobs, bathroom doorknobs. When that's done, I start on the staplers, phones, and computer keyboards. Then I stand in the kitchen and lick the rims of all the clean coffee cups drying in the rack. I grab my coat and head out.

... He takes the picture, and I pull the pen out of my mouth and hand it to him. Score! My bodily fluids -- flu bugs and all -- are all over his hand! When he tries to sign, no ink comes out. Gary looks up at the cameras and says, "Looks like everything is frozen." He grabs a poster and scribbles on it to get the ink flowing, then signs the picture. He hands me my pen, and starts to walk toward his van. He stops to answer a reporter's question, and I see him run a finger under his nose. Perfect.

I didn't need to lick all those doorknobs after all. (

The sonofabtch had the flu and decided to infect everybody in the campaign office, including Gary Bauer.

Unfortunately, that is not the worst of Savage’s dirty tricks against his ideological enemies. You would quite literally retch if I were to describe the details of his crusade against former Senator Rick Santorum.

In the same article, Savage admits to lying about his residency in order to fraudulently vote in the Iowa primary. He was charged with a felony but pled guilty to a misdemeanor, making Savage a convicted liar and fraud. (
Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: Libertas on April 29, 2012, 06:19:04 PM
Crap like that won't last long...the more ilk like this goes out of its way to announce to the world they are a despicable POS's, the easier it is for us to mark them.
Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: Libertas on May 01, 2012, 08:56:27 AM
More on this asshat - (

What a scumbag of the rankest order.

Know what really sucks?  How fricken government is in on this anti-bullying bullsh*t! (

You know how you stop bullying?  You learn how to defend yourself and pop the fool in the face as hard as you can!  Assholes usually settle down once they experience sudden pain and catch sight of their own blood!

Insufferable fools!  Sooooo sick of them!

I heard someting on the radio that outfits like the Twins have sponsored crap by this Savage fool, but I cannot find any evidence to that, it must be scrubbed off their site.

Anybody supporting this tool is going to get an earfull from me and ZERO dollars, that's for damn sure!

Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: LadyVirginia on May 01, 2012, 10:10:10 AM
from (

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.

I was bullied in school. This one kid threatened me all year.  I spent every recess standing near the teachers who were keeping an eye on everyone.

That said, I am cycnical about this anti-bullying campaign that's sweeping the country.  First of all, I suspect the reasons behind it have to do with pushing the  acceptance of gay lifestyle.  Second, the structure and prison-like format of public schooling lends itself to the rise of this type of behavior.  Third, the idea that all kids, because they're kids, must like all other kids is ridiculous.  I'd read somewhere that some school was banning kids having best friends.

"Excluding someone from a group on purpose" I think is a real stretch unless you're liberal.  Who cares if the cheerleaders only want other pretty girls around?  I don't think they're the ones anyone cares about being bullies.  On the other hand, some kid doesn't get into a club it has to be because he's gay.

Sure kids can be mean to each other.  It's going to happen if they're forced to be with each other day-in and day-out.  Parents used to teach kids how to treat others.  Not any more, they expect the schools to do all that.  I know some parents who've taken on this anti-bullying campaign with religious zeal.  In an ironic (or maybe not) twist one of my kids sports teams had a meeting on bullying lead by the president of the organization --I learned later that his kid was a bully--apparently to this day he doesn't know.   None of these zealots with first hand knowledge told him--they'd rather inflict rules and meetings on all of us instead of dealing with the problem directly.

Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: Pandora on May 01, 2012, 01:43:49 PM
...  I suspect the reasons behind it have to do with pushing the acceptance of gay lifestyle.

I suspect you're right.

All of this = zero tolerance/anti-bullying campaigns have been implemented and expanded about the same time as homosexual indoctrination was introduced.  If it wasn't to mostly benefit teh gayz, why would the likes of Dan Savage be invited to browbeat the kids.

Now we have a Federal push to "protect our gay students".  Oy.

Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: IronDioPriest on May 01, 2012, 02:00:09 PM
...  I suspect the reasons behind it have to do with pushing the acceptance of gay lifestyle.

I suspect you're right.

All of this = zero tolerance/anti-bullying campaigns have been implemented and expanded about the same time as homosexual indoctrination was introduced.  If it wasn't to mostly benefit teh gayz, why would the likes of Dan Savage be invited to browbeat the kids.

Now we have a Federal push to "protect our gay students".  Oy.

And I suspect that pushing the acceptance of the gay lifestyle has less to do with acceptance of gays than it does with undermining the existing societal infrastructure to serve Leftism.

As in all victim groups relating to the Leftist agenda, teh gayz are just useful idiots who brazenly latch onto their victimhood as if the Leftist agenda and the homo agenda are equivalent. They fail to see that the alliance is only temporary and convenient, and that when push comes to shove, they will be among the first sacrificed on the Leftist altar. Complete control does not allow for coinciding disparate interests.
Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: BMG on May 01, 2012, 02:36:27 PM
They fail to see that the alliance is only temporary and convenient, and that when push comes to shove, they will be among the first sacrificed on the Leftist altar.

History is rife with leftism going to the gays first as elements of the population that needs culling. Hitler, Pol Pot, etc...

This is similar to the whole mind-set of the Jews here in America now and for that matter, even back in Germany circa 1930: They are on the side that actively wishes them DEAD and still they aid them.
Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: Libertas on May 02, 2012, 02:04:54 PM
The angry militant faggot anti-Christian/anti-Catholic bully is at it again... (

What a skunk of the first order...

Here's to his early death via buttsexualitis!   ::beertoast::

Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: IronDioPriest on May 02, 2012, 02:20:50 PM
The world would be a better place altogether if such people did not exist.
Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: Glock32 on May 04, 2012, 12:35:39 AM
The world would be a better place altogether if such people did not exist.

They certainly won't be producing any progeny in the large intestines of other men, that much is for sure.

Yeah, that is a crude way to put it but sometimes it's necessary to step back and think about what their whole "lifestyle" is about. It's clearly a massive psychosexual disorder. They can call it "natural" if they want, to the extent that they were born like that, but then there's a lot of defects that are just as "natural" if we go by that definition. The difference is, we consciously try to treat those defects with everything modern medicine has to offer. Yet somehow this particular sort of defect is to be instead celebrated?
Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: warpmine on May 07, 2012, 10:27:44 AM
The world would be a better place altogether if such people did not exist.

They certainly won't be producing any progeny in the large intestines of other men, that much is for sure.

Yeah, that is a crude way to put it but sometimes it's necessary to step back and think about what their whole "lifestyle" is about. It's clearly a massive psychosexual disorder. They can call it "natural" if they want, to the extent that they were born like that, but then there's a lot of defects that are just as "natural" if we go by that definition. The difference is, we consciously try to treat those defects with everything modern medicine has to offer. Yet somehow this particular sort of defect is to be instead celebrated?
It is true but in decades past it was treated every bit as a disorder as in being mentally ill. As with everything we allow the government to interfere in our lives and then we regret it. Our citizens are dolts that are incapable of learning the lesson of totalitarianism by legislating soft tyranny. 16 ton weights only work for Python as the people would just get up and do it again and again. ::rockethrow:: ::rockethrow:: ::rockethrow:: ::rockethrow:: ::rockethrow:: ::rockethrow::
Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: LadyVirginia on May 07, 2012, 10:38:06 AM

They certainly won't be producing any progeny in the large intestines of other men, that much is for sure.

Yeah, that is a crude way to put it but sometimes it's necessary to step back and think about what their whole "lifestyle" is about.

I know I do. every. single. time.

I was thinking about this yesterday.  Whenever I encounter one of my "straight" male friends I don't give a thought to his sexual life with his wife or girlfriend.  But whenever I'm talking to a gay man--it's there, it's always there--gross, he likes other men up the backside. I can't get past it and never will.
Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: Alphabet Soup on May 07, 2012, 11:06:47 AM
They got the best that they were ever going to get from me - civic tolerance. As long as they didn't try to be "in you face" with me or mine I would keep my silence (I was going to say "hold my tongue" but I almost threw up in my mouth).

That is concluded; a closed chapter. They couldn't help themselves but be disgusting, obnoxious pricks. they insisted on waggling it in my face and the faces of my parents and my children. So no more. I'm back to "GTF away from me faggot!"

I'll have none of their degeneracy in my presence. Either they go or I do.
Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: Pandora on May 07, 2012, 02:30:49 PM
Tomorrow we go to the polls; the Amendment on marriage (one man/one woman) will be on the ballot and I'm getting calls today wanting to "affirm" that we're voting against.

I've no idea where the callers came by such a notion, but I corrected the young lady's erroneous information.  Maybe I should have just let them count us as two "against", just to screw with 'em.
Title: Re: Bully Pulpit.
Post by: Glock32 on May 07, 2012, 02:36:56 PM
They got the best that they were ever going to get from me - civic tolerance. As long as they didn't try to be "in you face" with me or mine I would keep my silence (I was going to say "hold my tongue" but I almost threw up in my mouth).

That is concluded; a closed chapter. They couldn't help themselves but be disgusting, obnoxious pricks. they insisted on waggling it in my face and the faces of my parents and my children. So no more. I'm back to "GTF away from me faggot!"

I'll have none of their degeneracy in my presence. Either they go or I do.

This describes my view as well. I was content to take a live-let-live attitude, which is the literal definition of tolerance. But the "tolerance" they claim to want is no such thing at all, no, what they want is to take the institutions that our very civilization is built upon and pervert them into accommodating their disorder.

So to that end, game on. I'm a big FOR on NC's amendment tomorrow.