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Topics => Judiciary, Crime, & Courts => Topic started by: charlesoakwood on July 22, 2012, 10:45:04 AM

Title: Obama: Dwarfing Watergate
Post by: charlesoakwood on July 22, 2012, 10:45:04 AM

Kuhner: Arpaio probe could dwarf Watergate ( Thursday, July 19, 2012

America may be facing a constitutional crisis. Sheriff Joe Arpaio ... declaration: President Obama’s birth certificate is fraudulent. If true ... then this scandal dwarfs Watergate. In fact, it would be the greatest political scandal in U.S. history.
[The] findings threaten to plunge America into an unprecedented crisis. ... then Mr. Obama has perpetrated the most elaborate hoax in U.S. history. A fraudulent birth certificate would mean that Mr. Obama is ineligible to serve as commander-in-chief. His presidency would therefore be legally and constitutionally illegitimate.
It would mean that he should be immediately removed from office — impeached. Moreover, every law and executive order passed under his administration — Obamacare, the economic stimulus, the Dodd-Frank financial reform, the government takeover of General Motors and Chrysler, the granting of amnesty to nearly one million illegal immigrants, the National Defense Reauthorization Act, the drone assassination list — would be null and void. The logic is inexorable:

Read it all at The Times (

The last paragraph is on the money; however, the Republicans do not have the stones to follow the Constitution and pursue this avenue of propriety.
Title: Re: Obama: Dwarfing Watergate
Post by: Glock32 on July 22, 2012, 11:54:28 AM
We all know nothing will come of it. That's exactly why they released such an amateurish forgery, it's their way of openly mocking those trying to point out this fraud. They know there is no will in this country -- political or otherwise -- to do anything about it.
Title: Re: Obama: Dwarfing Watergate
Post by: charlesoakwood on July 22, 2012, 01:59:10 PM
The whole world is watching, The whole world is watching. (

Il Watergate delle armi di Obama? Scoperto da due blogger
Dario Fabbri

Alla fine del 2010 nessuno in Usa sa del gunwalking, una tattica del dipartimento di Giustizia americano che comporta la vendita di fucili e pistole ai contrabbandieri per poi tracciarne i movimenti e catturare i boss del narcotraffico. Ma l’operazione "Fast and Furious" – com’è stata soprannominata – si trasformerà nel più grande scandalo dell’amministrazione Obama.

See it here (
Title: Re: Obama: Dwarfing Watergate
Post by: Libertas on July 22, 2012, 07:13:15 PM
"At best, Mr. Obama is a shameless liar. At worst, he is a foreign usurper."
Wash Times (

Yeah, no sh*t, welcome to the party pal, you're only 3 1/2 years late...

We do not have credible representatives to do what must be done, and there is less than credible representatives in the Democrat Party (more like active co-conspirators to the treason) so we are left with just We the People.

In any other age angry American's would acting!  But not this one.  How much more evidence do we need before we declare politics part of the problem?  Who is deluded enough to think politics and politicans can resolve this or any other issue?  This nation is dying, and we only have to look at all the idiots in DC to understand why.

This is no failure of leadership, it is much worse than that.
Title: Re: Obama: Dwarfing Watergate
Post by: Pandora on July 22, 2012, 07:18:15 PM
"At best, Mr. Obama is a shameless liar. At worst, he is a foreign usurper."
Wash Times (

Yeah, no sh*t, welcome to the party pal, you're only 3 1/2 years late...

We do not have credible representatives to do what must be done, and there is less than credible representatives in the Democrat Party (more like active co-conspirators to the treason) so we are left with just We the People.

In any other age angry American's would acting!  But not this one.  How much more evidence do we need before we declare politics part of the problem?  Who is deluded enough to think politics and politicans can resolve this or any other issue?  This nation is dying, and we only have to look at all the idiots in DC to understand why.

This is no failure of leadership, it is much worse than that.

It is; the people themselves have failed.

Our ancestors would have been shooting already.
Title: Re: Obama: Dwarfing Watergate
Post by: charlesoakwood on July 22, 2012, 08:49:06 PM

IIRC, there is always a leader.  If no leader comes forward, nada.
Title: Re: Obama: Dwarfing Watergate
Post by: Libertas on July 23, 2012, 06:49:56 AM
No George Washington, no John Adams, no Thomas Jefferson or Sam Adams or Ben Franklin...not today.  We got zip, zero, nada.
