It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => General Board => Topic started by: Maddy on September 24, 2013, 07:01:44 PM

Title: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: Maddy on September 24, 2013, 07:01:44 PM
Ya know, growing up in a military family of hunters, fisherman and farmers I've always had a natural respect and love for animals. We were always taught to respect both domestic animals as well as wildlife and take good care of them. Always. Without exception. I think it goes without without saying that I'm no bleeding heart liberal, but when I see senseless crap like this my head wants to explode. (


And this. (


Excerpt: Valdese Police Chief Jack Moss told the news station that his officers felt threatened by the dog and decided to use lethal force. He refused to appear on camera in the event that the Woody family decides to take legal action, though Woody said she doesn’t think she’ll file a lawsuit.

The dog did not bite or injure anyone before it was shot,
according to the report.

Don't get me wrong - I realize these are two different issues. One regarding thieves while the other involving cops blowing away a dog that they may or may not been aggressive. On the other hand, I also see where the waters are being tested with not only our domestic animals as well as, in many cases, animals that provide an absolute livelihood for much of America. This topic not only outrages me as a pet owner but as a conservative. Frankly? If anyone ever looked at my dog wrong - cop, thief or otherwise - the best that you can hope for is to be unemployed.  ::rockets::

Okay - [/rant]
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: Pandora on September 24, 2013, 07:32:47 PM
Ya know, growing up in a military family of hunters, fisherman and farmers I've always had a natural respect and love for animals. We were always taught to respect both domestic animals as well as wildlife and take good care of them. Always. Without exception. I think it goes without without saying that I'm no bleeding heart liberal, but when I see senseless crap like this my head wants to explode. (


Worse than horse thieves -- and we used to hang them.

And this. (


Excerpt: Valdese Police Chief Jack Moss told the news station that his officers felt threatened by the dog and decided to use lethal force. He refused to appear on camera in the event that the Woody family decides to take legal action, though Woody said she doesn’t think she’ll file a lawsuit.

The dog did not bite or injure anyone before it was shot,
according to the report.

Don't get me wrong - I realize these are two different issues. One regarding thieves while the other involving cops blowing away a dog that they may or may not been aggressive. On the other hand, I also see where the waters are being tested with not only our domestic animals as well as, in many cases, animals that provide an absolute livelihood for much of America. This topic not only outrages me as a pet owner but as a conservative. Frankly? If anyone ever looked at my dog wrong - cop, thief or otherwise - the best that you can hope for is to be unemployed.  ::rockets::

Okay - [/rant]

SOP for the cops these days ..... 'cause if they feeeeeel threatened.  Job one for cops today is "getting home safe" at the end of the day.  You and your dog ... not so much.
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: benb61 on September 24, 2013, 07:43:28 PM
I would really like to see one of these assclown "Officers" get sued into death.
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: Maddy on September 24, 2013, 08:24:55 PM
Pandora and Ben- exactly. Something needs to be done. Just another way of chipping away at us.
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: Glock32 on September 24, 2013, 08:26:45 PM
Here's another assclown cop, caught red handed stealing a man's pro-2nd Amendment sign from his yard: (


I guess he'll get a taxpayer-funded vacation while they deliberate and conclude a perfunctory slap on the wrist is in order.
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: Maddy on September 24, 2013, 08:29:54 PM
Here's another assclown cop, caught red handed stealing a man's pro-2nd Amendment sign from his yard: (


I guess he'll get a taxpayer-funded vacation while they deliberate and conclude a perfunctory slap on the wrist is in order.

Yep - I saw that too. Unfreakingreal.
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: Libertas on September 24, 2013, 10:37:03 PM
Police are largely paid security for serve and protect the ruling class...others not so lucky, others rights not so precious...

Never did get the mistreatment of any animal...likely the goatnappers probably are of some underclass elements where treating anything or anyone is not a high priority...Adams said it best that if property rights are ever eroded that tyranny will ensue, and tyranny can from any direction...from the PTBs down or from below by mean masses...

Senselessness of all manner and sort appears to be the only real growth industry now days...
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: Glock32 on September 24, 2013, 11:29:48 PM
I can't even read articles or watch news reports about animals being abused. It's one of my buttons. It really pisses me off. I'm no treehugger, but I believe we have the responsibility to be humane stewards of animals. They experience pain, both physically and emotionally, and anyone who would cause that deliberately is a real POS.
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: Libertas on September 25, 2013, 07:24:54 AM
I know one thing, my grandfather never put up with it.

I recall a long deceased uncle of mine (not the sharpest knife in the drawer, to be kind) had a notion to raise pigs for extra cash...the animals were poorly quartered, poorly fed and generally in poor grandfather gave him one warning to take better care of the livestock or he would take care of things uncle either misunderstood or didn't grandfather checked on them one more time, saw they were worse off and slaughtered the animals quickly and humanely and told my uncle his pig farming days are over.  We raise animals for food and that is fine, but there is no excuse for not tending to them properly!
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: AmericanPatriot on September 25, 2013, 09:41:10 AM
That's how I was raised, too, Libertas.
God gave us Dominion over all the earth and the animals.
We must treat them well.
Many of my animals are meat and I believe in taking good care of them.

Pragmatically, it makes sense even if there were no other reason.

I bought a book over the weekend at the Mother Earth News Fair here in Pa.
It's called "Animals Make Us Human"
Just starting but it's about a man who works in the meat industry.
It's not one of those animals have souls and are equal to us types

Animals do make us human. If we can't be kind to them we probably won't be kind to our fellow man
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: Libertas on September 25, 2013, 11:33:28 AM
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: LadyVirginia on September 25, 2013, 03:18:49 PM
I bought a book over the weekend at the Mother Earth News Fair here in Pa.
It's called "Animals Make Us Human"

Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: AmericanPatriot on September 25, 2013, 04:25:57 PM
Temple Grandin.

I'm not far enough into the book to determine if it is something worth reading.

The title caught my eye and gave me an opportunity to talk about things with my daughter
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: LadyVirginia on September 25, 2013, 04:41:55 PM
for anyone else interested excerpt found at author's website: (
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: Pandora on September 25, 2013, 07:35:27 PM
What she writes about natural and "natural" environments is very interesting.  From much limited exposure to dogs and cats, I have come to learn that they are happier when allowed and encouraged to be what they are -- some of my friends treat their dogs like children, not dogs, and the dogs seem confused and unhappy.

Dogs are pack animals; they need a pack and an Alpha -- oh! and a JOB!  Figure that out and y'all and the dog will get on fine.

Cats, although I've had more to do with them, still are an enigma to me.  I know they'll hunt when they don't need to do it to eat, that they need something on which to climb, and they seem to need a lot of stimulation.  When they're not sleeping or eating.   ::eyes::

There is a group here in NC calling themselves DOC -- Dogs Off Chains -- and they've made it their current mission to annoy the living sh*te out of folks who chain their dogs outside, claiming abuse and neglect and blahblah on behalf of the dogs.  Their solution is "fences"; that's what they call them, although they're pens.  They claim the dogs are happier, no matter how long the chain, in a pen.

I think they're happier inside with the pack.
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: AlanS on September 25, 2013, 07:46:16 PM
What she writes about natural and "natural" environments is very interesting.  From much limited exposure to dogs and cats, I have come to learn that they are happier when allowed and encouraged to be what they are -- some of my friends treat their dogs like children, not dogs, and the dogs seem confused and unhappy.

Dogs are pack animals; they need a pack and an Alpha -- oh! and a JOB!  Figure that out and y'all and the dog will get on fine.

Cats, although I've had more to do with them, still are an enigma to me.  I know they'll hunt when they don't need to do it to eat, that they need something on which to climb, and they seem to need a lot of stimulation.  When they're not sleeping or eating.   ::eyes::

There is a group here in NC calling themselves DOC -- Dogs Off Chains -- and they've made it their current mission to annoy the living sh*te out of folks who chain their dogs outside, claiming abuse and neglect and blahblah on behalf of the dogs.  Their solution is "fences"; that's what they call them, although they're pens.  They claim the dogs are happier, no matter how long the chain, in a pen.

I think they're happier inside with the pack.

It's easy to figure out.

Dogs have owners.
Cats have staff.

You're welcome.
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: Maddy on September 25, 2013, 07:59:00 PM
Good - thanks for the great responses, everyone. You all are awesome!  ::thumbsup::

I think another thing that really, really pisses me off about Animal Abuse is that (naturally) the Left claimed responsibility for being on the forefront of defending this issue. How in the hell did they get away with this?

BS. Plain and simple. In fact, I would wager that more right-leaning folks care about animal care than any crap-tastic left-leaning org ever has. In fact (forgive me if I'm stating the obvious but I'm new to the board and don't want to come across as an unhinged fool shooting from the hip) I find it reprehensible that terrorist orgs such as PETA & ALF can possibly still be getting away w/ the fact that they are for animal rights. Really? Freaking...REALLY? Uggh...makes me crazy.

I heard years ago not to trust the Human Society and never have (thankfully.) Heard on Glenn Beck that he's going to be doing a story on this very organization. Turns out Lois Lerner sits on the board. 'Magine that. Frankly? I'm considering taking measures to further make awareness of these A-Hats. They would never see me coming. Yeah - that's how pissed I am.

Okay - again, thanks for hearing my rant.
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: IronDioPriest on September 25, 2013, 08:04:33 PM
I heard Beck talking about Lerner on Monday. Basically saying, "If you're giving money to the Humane Society, you need to stop. right. now."
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: Maddy on September 25, 2013, 08:05:29 PM
Pandora! Yes - dogs need jobs - just like we do. I always think of water dogs - and well, who could forget these guys? (

Speaking of which I have bad-breathed Lab under my feet right now wanting her nightly treat, lol!
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: Maddy on September 25, 2013, 08:06:21 PM
I heard Beck talking about Lerner on Monday. Basically saying, "If you're giving money to the Humane Society, you need to stop. right. now."

Yup - same thing that I heard.  ;)
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: Pandora on September 25, 2013, 09:10:15 PM
It's Humane Society of the United States.  Those are the bad guys.
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: Glock32 on September 25, 2013, 10:30:39 PM
And PETA operates one of the highest kill rate "shelters" you'll find anywhere. Most of these left wing "animal rights" organizations are not so much for animals as they are against humanity.
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on September 25, 2013, 10:35:04 PM
And PETA operates one of the highest kill rate "shelters" you'll find anywhere. Most of these left wing "animal rights" organizations are not so much for animals as they are against humanity.

As far as I am concerned, it is completely fair to classify them as a hate-group. They do not love animals, they hate US.
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: RickZ on September 25, 2013, 10:57:02 PM
And PETA operates one of the highest kill rate "shelters" you'll find anywhere. Most of these left wing "animal rights" organizations are not so much for animals as they are against humanity in it for the filthy capitalist lucre.

Ever seen the salaries of the top people in these unashamedly liberal bastions of social do-goodiness?  Without running a non-profit from which to pay himself an exorbitant salary, Greasy Al Sharpton would have been dead a long time ago -- of starvation.  What value or skills does he have that someone would actually pay him for them?  You see the same thing with PETA:  The top beeyotch gets something like $400K per annum.  Look at Barack Owebama on the board of the Annenberg Project.  He made a good buck wasting other people's money to no avail as the Chicago Education System was still shyt even after all the millions thrown at it by that charity.

Years ago, being the new kid in the Tax Department, it fell to me to collect donations for The United Way; the company pushed for payroll deduction and basically was in competition with other corporations to see whose employees gave the most, without the employee even receiving a consolation prize.  I asked a question of the rep at that time, a question one of my colleagues wanted asked.  What percentage of contributions received goes toward salaries and 'expenses'?  The rep said, 'I'll get back to you'.  He never did.

I can't copy and paste from Snopes (which sucks), but check out the small list from November, 2012 of charities and the amounts that actually go to charity.

The one that really stuck out was the March of Dimes, where only one thin dime of every dollar contributed actually goes to charity work. (
Title: Re: $10,000 Worth of Goats Stolen from Hawaii Farm - like this. Really?
Post by: LadyVirginia on September 26, 2013, 12:33:39 AM
In the 70's my dad got a job with United Way. He quit when he found out they were funding abortion organizations.  Don't give to MOD either as they support abortion as a way to get rid of disabilities ( or they used to-- haven't checked them in years).