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Hmm, a traitor...

But the bleed out of Smith's antics, shortcuts and violations of due process seem to be a slow-motion strangulation of his case...

Poor dumb bastard doesn't know (or isn't allowed) how to quit...

And the world yawns and pretends not to GAFF...

Obviously, this bullsh*t will not stop until the gloves come off and their sh*thole is rendered inhospitable and punitive raids on Iran for supporting this trash are executed with warnings for more vigorous spanking to come if they don't knock the sh*t off.

But, not under this corrupt US Admin....and a Europe preoccupied with WWIII with Russia...
As for this...the NeoCons have it a little out of order...

China for sure is our number one foreign foe hands down, no question...

But without diverting from the trajectory of totalitarianism this current lawless regime is engaged in (and abetted by the Cucks and their NeoCons at outfits like Gatestone) everything else impacting this nation will not be properly addressed.  If, this insane trajectory is corrected toward Liberty and away from a perverse mob-rule despotism then the foreign policy threat list would fall along the lines of China, Iran, Islamic terror groups, North Korea, drug cartels and Russia bringing up the rear.

World/Foreign Affairs / Re: Russia
« Last post by Libertas on May 29, 2024, 08:12:20 AM »
Well, pretty sure they and China et al have a plan to take others apart too...

And they are also not immune from incendiary rhetoric...

And no I don't care who started it first because that is a no-win game for anybody...

ETA - Other Russia news, some related to aforementioned rhetoric -

Is Russia Preparing To Strategically Partner With The Taliban?

Are they holding hands with the Mahdi Death Cultists in Iran?


What's one more Satanic outfit?

Be interesting to see if they ever interact with the Rus directly...seeing as they hate each other.

Have fun!   ::effu::   ::hysterical::

The rhetoric - They... "should be aware of what they are playing with" as they had small land areas and dense populations."

Nuke-friendly nations, good to know.


A real morale buster if true.
??RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan to publish Ukraine's 'unwanted' POWs list

"I have complete lists of 500 Ukrainian prisoners of war, whom Kiev has been refusing to exchange for four months now. Zelensky has selected 38 people - Azov people and others - and is ready to take only them. Ukraine does not need the rest of the Ukrainian soldiers," Simonyan posted on her Telegram channel.

"The lists include full name and dates of birth. I'll publish it in full this evening. I think it will be interesting for wives, mothers and Ukrainian citizens in general to read it."
🇷🇺🇺🇦 RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan to publish Ukraine's 'unwanted' POWs list

"I have complete lists of 500 Ukrainian prisoners of war, whom Kiev has been refusing to exchange for four months now. Zelensky has selected 38 people - Azov people and others - and is ready to take only them. Ukraine does not need the rest of the Ukrainian soldiers," Simonyan posted on her Telegram channel.

"The lists include full name and dates of birth. I'll publish it in full this evening. I think it will be interesting for wives, mothers and Ukrainian citizens in general to read it."

Could be a real propaganda Op too...I mean what are the Rus asking for?  Seems too one-sided...

I dunno. Here is the list. 500 names.
Early on in the SMO Kiev said they wanted to exchange POWs for the AZOV troops but not others, at least not then.
This was shortly after Mariupol.

So then the Rus said no deal?
I recall there were then AZOV POWs exchanged. This was early on and fewer POWs on both sides.
I recall the Ukr POW wives were pissed.

Well, when is war never f**ked up...?
World/Foreign Affairs / Re: Russia
« Last post by patentlymn on May 28, 2024, 06:10:53 PM »
I saw some video on a  conference on how to take Russia apart. Maybe many years ago and from a US think tank or the DOD.
I did not save a link. I was surprised that such things would be out in the open. There is a reason Russia does not trust the US or NATO.

Now this came up. A map. Map at 1:00:14
From state dept webside?
NATO ‘Poking the Bear’ Risks War w/Russia - Col. Jacques Baud


A real morale buster if true.
??RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan to publish Ukraine's 'unwanted' POWs list

"I have complete lists of 500 Ukrainian prisoners of war, whom Kiev has been refusing to exchange for four months now. Zelensky has selected 38 people - Azov people and others - and is ready to take only them. Ukraine does not need the rest of the Ukrainian soldiers," Simonyan posted on her Telegram channel.

"The lists include full name and dates of birth. I'll publish it in full this evening. I think it will be interesting for wives, mothers and Ukrainian citizens in general to read it."
🇷🇺🇺🇦 RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan to publish Ukraine's 'unwanted' POWs list

"I have complete lists of 500 Ukrainian prisoners of war, whom Kiev has been refusing to exchange for four months now. Zelensky has selected 38 people - Azov people and others - and is ready to take only them. Ukraine does not need the rest of the Ukrainian soldiers," Simonyan posted on her Telegram channel.

"The lists include full name and dates of birth. I'll publish it in full this evening. I think it will be interesting for wives, mothers and Ukrainian citizens in general to read it."

Could be a real propaganda Op too...I mean what are the Rus asking for?  Seems too one-sided...

I dunno. Here is the list. 500 names.
Early on in the SMO Kiev said they wanted to exchange POWs for the AZOV troops but not others, at least not then.
This was shortly after Mariupol.

So then the Rus said no deal?
I recall there were then AZOV POWs exchanged. This was early on and fewer POWs on both sides.
I recall the Ukr POW wives were pissed.
World/Foreign Affairs / Re: Gaza & Hamas vs Israel
« Last post by Libertas on May 28, 2024, 01:35:08 PM »
More on that waste of money, manpower and equipment that pier stunt meant to placate butthurt leftist trash back in the States...

Locals cannot stop chuckling at the dipsh*t Americans!

$320M literally floating away...

Should have a Biden/Harris campaign flag!   ::laughonfloor::
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