Author Topic: More copper thievery  (Read 3699 times)

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Offline Glock32

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Re: More copper thievery
« Reply #40 on: June 15, 2011, 11:25:19 AM »
A few years ago I received an email going around, with pictures accompanying a story about a thief who had attempted to steal heavy wiring from a power substation. It seems the enterprising thief cut into a line carrying 13,000 volts and did not live to learn from that mistake. The electricity basically incinerated his arm into nothing up to the elbow, and a similar incineration occurred at the point of exit, which happened to be his groin.

But yes, we're taking on many of the characteristics of a Turd World banana republic. It's astonishing the degree of privation, suffering, and oppression they're willing to inflict in their pursuit of these discredited command-and-control economic theories.
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Offline BigAlSouth

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Re: More copper thievery
« Reply #41 on: June 16, 2011, 05:08:07 AM »
. . .
Somewhere along the line I must have lost some of my idealism  ::eyes::

Soup, as Churchhill said . . .
"If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain."
The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living
are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend; the friend of my enemy is, well, he is just a dumbass.

Offline rickl

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Re: More copper thievery
« Reply #42 on: July 03, 2011, 07:14:08 AM »
From Drudge:

Thieves Destroy ACs at Animal Welfare League

Large industrial fans were being used Friday to cool off more than 100 orphan dogs and cats at the Animal Welfare League after thieves destroyed the adoption center's main air conditioning units.

After an event Thursday night, organizers noticed the center felt hot and found the AC units damaged on the roof. One unit was completely broken, the other torn apart.

"The wires were cut and the copper piping and coils on the inside were stolen," said AWL manager Diane Spryka.

With the July heat, Spryka is scrambling keep the animals safe.

"We need the ventilation. We need the air circulating to have air exchanged for our animals," she said.

Some animals exposed to high temperatures for long periods of time could suffer from severe health consequences and even death, said Bridget Nolan, a volunteer at the shelter.

One of the AC units can be fixed, but the estimated cost for its repair is $20,000, an unaffordable price for the shelter on a tight budget.

"We need funds," said Spryka, near tears. "It saddens me because for 35 years we’ve been here to serve the community. Now the funds we receive that could be going directly to the animals will be used elsewhere to stabilize the units."

A shotgun blast is too good for those vermin.
We are so far past and beyond the “long train of abuses and usurpations” that the Colonists and Founders experienced and which necessitated the Revolutionary War that they aren’t even visible in the rear-view mirror.
~ Ann Barnhardt