Author Topic: You Have Been Robbed  (Read 734 times)

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Offline Delnorin

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You Have Been Robbed
« on: October 19, 2011, 01:10:14 AM »
So.. here I am on a Friday afternoon with my weekly earnings from my job.  My employer and I had this agreement that if I came in each day and worked this/that duties for him for X amount of time; at the end of the week he was going to pay me a specific amount of money.

So, here I am walking to my car with my pay and this guy in a limo pulls up with secret service types and throws me to the ground, puts a knee in the back of my neck and they chat amongst themselves about how much money they're going to allow me to keep.

They pull out some money for someone named FICA they say needs some cash, they take some out for a friend they call Medicare and then someone named Medicaid and they yank out even more for someone called Social Security.  And.. for good measure they take several more bills and tell me to shut up and deal with it.. they'll be back next week and take even more if I dare say anything.

I struggle to my car with the few bills that remain and wonder how its enough to pay for fuel in the car to/from work the next week, pay for the rent/food, etc for my family.  And I know they're right.. there is nothing I can do.

When I finally make it home I turn on the Teli as I'm cleaning the house and doing the chores that need done and my family is mulling about doing whatever they're doing for the day.

On the Teli is the news telling me that I'm a crook and I want the old people to starve and the children to grow up unable to read.  They call me a crook because I whispered to someone at lunch the day before about being worried the men in black in the limo were going to get me on Friday and take my money again.  That bastard must have told on me.  My picture is on the Teli and they are belittling me and calling me a hater... oh.. now they called me a racist because a lot of my money they take goes to the inner cities and if I don't let them steel more next week.. then I hate little black babies... RACIST !

phew... I guess this story could go on forever couldn't it.

So I was thinking.... I've got this medical deferment thing at work.  At the beginning of the year tell them... I want to spend $3000 on medical (prescriptions, co-pay's, etc) over the year.  Divide that by how many paychecks I make and then take that money out every paycheck.  The men in the black limo say that if I do that.. they won't steel money out of that $3000 over the year.  But the employer is going to take that money out every paycheck and set it aside.. if I don't use all $3000 for medical expenses over the year.. then the men in the black limo are just going to keep it anyway.. all the remainder.  So I had darn well better be sure to use every last penny of it.

So here I am in mid-October and I have $1000 remaining in it.  I'm contemplating talking to the Orthodontist and pre-paying for some braces for my daughter the $1000... at least drain it from that $3000 balance so the men in the black limo never get to it.  The work won't be done before the end of the year.. but if I can shuffle the money to the Orthodontist before the end of the year.. the limo guys can't touch it.

Question:  What if I decide in January that I don't want that Orthodontist work done and they refund me that $1000 back?  Did I just stick it to the limo men and get away with not letting them steel that money from me?

I'm sure they'd call that breaking the law and throw me in prison....

It got me thinking about a couple things:

1.  Is keeping the men in the black limo from steeling my money really breaking the law?  If it is, then what sort of a law is that other than to keep people in slavery?

2.  I don't feel so bad about the "rich" people that have figured out ways to shuffle and move/hide their money to keep it safe from the men in the black limo.  FRAG those limo bastards... frag them all to Hell!!!
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 01:13:23 AM by Delnorin »

Offline BMG

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Re: You Have Been Robbed
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2011, 08:12:56 AM »
Well, I don't know a whole heck of a lot about those 'flexible medical spending accounts'. I'll tell you what I assume would happen though. You'd get your refund - minus whatever tax wasn't paid in the first place. That's my guess but I'm not a tax accountant!

On a side note, doesn't Obamacare do away with these types of flexible spending accounts in the very near future? I think I remember reading something about that back when Pelosi was passing it so she could find out what was in it.
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Offline Predator Don

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Re: You Have Been Robbed
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2011, 01:07:45 PM »
The obama administration doesn't favor ANYTHING that defers or reduces a tax.....Even if you are middle class.
I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.

Offline Damn_Lucky

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Re: You Have Been Robbed
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2011, 05:06:55 PM »
FYI aspirin, vitamins, foot care...ect is all reimbursable.   
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