Author Topic: "The Islamic Calendar is Trippy"  (Read 1053 times)

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Offline Shelgeyr

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"The Islamic Calendar is Trippy"
« on: September 17, 2013, 11:42:14 PM »
There's an article over at that isn't exactly "about" the Islamic calendar, but rather about how much the writer loves this country, and it really is about the 4th of July. But the guy has an insane style, or was seriously behind on his medications when he wrote this. If you can hang on until the part about the Islamic calendar I think most people (except for Muslims) will like it.

Here's the link and some example quotes.

"I Love America - And I Love This About America"

1:    That's Forbidden Because It’s Sinful

This is considered a "holy month”, one of four, which means they start off their year steeped in a cognitive dissonance so deep and vast it is scarcely comprehendible by Western non-Marxist minds, especially since none of their non-holy months are called names like  “That’s Permitted - You're Now Free To Go Hog Wild”, although now that I think about it, even if that were the case, I seriously doubt they'd use the term "hog wild", because if they did it would reach a level of searing irony unbearable by the human psyche because, well, just look what they call their first month!

“That's Forbidden Because It’s Sinful” contains "Don't Forget to Beat Yourself with Knives Day", which is a “festival (?)” they hold because they're all distraught and completely beside themselves mourning the untimely death of a guy who was only famous because he was someone else's grandson.

What? Don't think people still care about that sort of thing?  Well I guess you didn't watch or read any news this past week because - trust me - the media would just not shut up about a brand new “someone who just started off in life famous for being someone else's great-grandson”, and it is just totally overwhelmingly so so sad that he (the guy we were originally talking about, not the new British Royal Baby) was martyred in battle (yeah, I couldn't work that one out either – just roll with it).

I guess we should try to be understanding... after all, it was a great loss, and people need time to grieve.

We all know that “time heals all wounds” – they'll eventually get over him, stand straight, square their shoulders, and with heads held high, while wiping away a final tear, get on with their lives, and with bringing their culture into a century a bit closer to ours.

In the meantime we just need to be patient.  After all, it's only been 1333 years.

He goes on through the other 11 months, although not in so much depth.  The multiple "pig" references are what make me laugh:

9:   Scorched
This is their holiest month, and I hope you’re at least beginning to detect a theme. 

In joyous celebration of their culture being rendered impervious to change, they fast like vampires during the daylight hours, all 29 or 30 days (it varies) of this month, then pig out eat once the sun sets.

Offline Libertas

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Re: "The Islamic Calendar is Trippy"
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2013, 07:21:52 AM »
Where are we now?  The month of knocking up camels or some such crap?


Isslam, it's to die from!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.