Author Topic: A test for the Obama Voter  (Read 9132 times)

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Offline Weisshaupt

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A test for the Obama Voter
« on: June 06, 2014, 08:14:49 AM »
Ask a leftist:

1) You voted for a President who campaigned  upon a  promise of  "fundamental transformation" -in part  because "he believed in a country where  everyone should have healthcare" and promised to make that happen - Just as FDR believed in a country where there would be a "chicken in every pot", and Johnson believed in a Country where there would be no poverty. (y/n)

2) You fully understood that to bring this belief to reality  it would come at the cost of using the power of Govt and law  to threaten its citizens with fines, imprisonment or death  if they did not surrender their inalienable individual right to property, to conscience, and freedom to make their own decisions about what goods and services they will purchase, and how to pay their own bills - rights that this government was founded to protect (y/n)

3) You fully understood that to bring this dream of a better world to reality, you would be forcing others, under threat  of fine, imprisonment, and death,  to pursue YOUR DREAM  before they could Pursue their own dreams  - claiming  a percentage of all labor they do on their own behalf  as belonging to the community  and to be confiscated without their consent and used for services that the government was never granted the power to provide.(y/n)?

4) Did you vote for people who you knew, in advance, would impose  a system that would violate an individual rights to property and transfer the fruits of labor from the group who produced those fruits  to others who did nothing to earn it in the form of benefits that they are, by law,  entitled to (y/n)?

5) Is Slavery a system in which an individual or group is entitled by law to the fruits of labor produced by another (y/n)?

6) Do moral people advocate for slavery in order  to fund their personal moral agendas and beliefs in a better world? (y/n)

7)Does your your "belief in a better world"  and good intentions automatically justify  forcefully taking what is not yours to fund your agenda and does your "belief in a better world"   mean that any evil method  is justified as you pursue  making it happen(y/n)?

8) Is  there now a chicken in every pot.(y//n)?

9) Is there still poverty in America (y/n)?

10) Are there still  millions without health insurance.(y/n)?

11) Did your "better world" as envisioned and promised actually materialize after you voted to use force to deprive others of their liberty, their rights and to confiscate what they earned, and do the actual  results of the polices you advocate  matter to you in any way? (y/n)?

12) Is a what constitutes a "better world" subjective, and therefore may differ from  person to person?

13) Can you explain how one is to determine when the imposition of a given subjective idea of what is "better" is  justified in doing harm to others - by taking their property, their liberty and and suspending their rights, in order to impose it on those who disagree?

14) Hitler had a Belief in "a country that had no Jews" - and he was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt  that having no Jews  would create a better world, and was willing to use the  govt power of law  to deprive Jews of their right to property, their right to bear arms, their right of conscience, their right of privacy and even their right to live in the pursuit of his belief. Should he be considered evil for those actions. (y/n)?

15) Slave Owners in the South had a Belief in a country that allowed black Men to be owned by White men, and they were convinced - beyond a shadow of a doubt, that black men were inferior, incapable of taking care of themselves,  and and the world would be a  better place if they were all cared for as slaves on plantations, and voted to use the  govt power of law  to deprive Blacks of their right to property,their right to bear arms, their right of conscience, their right of privacy and even their right to live if they chose not to submit and refused to serve their masters , and as such should those slave owners should be considered evil (y/n)?

16)  If Hitler or slave owners had indeed succeeded and created a "better world" by their own subjective value systems, would their methods have been justified (y/n)?

17) If a "Gun Loving Nut" had a  "Belief in a Country in which everyone has a firearm and knows how to use it " and voted for a man who promised to make that  vision of a better world a reality by using the Law and  Govt power to deprive  their fellow citizens of their right to property,  their right of conscience, their right of privacy, and possible their freedom and even their right to live if they chose not to submit and refuse to either buy a mandated  firearm and  take training , to pay the fine or got to jail and instead choose to resist such an edict,  would you consider that man's actions to be moral and his imposition of his values on you to be justified because he felt they would lead to a better world?(y/n)

18) You had a "Belief in a Country in which everyone has health insurance " and voted for a man who promised to make that  vision of a better world a reality by using Govt power to depriving  your fellow citizens of their right to property, their right to speech,their right to bear arms, their right of conscience, their right of privacy and even their right to live if they chose not to submit and refuse to buy either health insurance , to pay the fine or got to jail and instead choose to use their second amendment rights to defend themselves against such tyranny. Are your actions evil?(y/n)

19) Given that this is how most conservatives  perceive your actions, do you have enough empathy to understand why they might be "hateful" toward you and your beliefs and that "Racism" probably isn't the cause of their anger? (y/n)

20) Can you provide proof that the power to make people buy health insurance  were granted to our government with the KNOWING CONSENT and FULL UNDERSTANDING of those who ratified the Constitution and therefore Conservatives should not be upset when those powers are used? (y/n)

21) Can you explain how you are within your rights to use govt force to  take from others the fruits of their labor that they  have justly earned and deserve  in order to attempt  making  YOUR ideas of a better world a reality, but that Slave Owners, Hitler, and the Gun Nuts would not be so justified?(y/n)

22)Does Jesus, when preaching of Charity, ever suggest going unto your neighbors house with a sword, demanding the fruits of his labor under threat of force, and then going forth to do good works with the wealth so obtained (y/n)?

23)Does Jesus, when preaching of Charity, suggest that charity  is a communal act,  to be undertaken by representatives that systematically visit everyone's houses with swords, Christian and non Christian households  alike, and forcefully confiscate wealth  in the name of the church and God  and in support of those whom the church deems worthy? (y/n)

24) If a Christian sect  did do that , would you resent it when they arrived on your doorstep? (y/n)

25) Does Jesus, when preaching of Charity, suggest that charity  is a communal act,  to be undertaken by a govt  that will visit everyone's houses with swords, Christian and non Christian households alike, and forcefully confiscate wealth  in the name of the the State   and in support of those whom the state wishes to bribe so they can obtain a reliable voter and power base y/n)?

26) Given your answers above, do you still claim that contributions collected by force in the service of YOUR idea of morality is a noble and moral thing (y/n)?

27) Given your answers above, can you justify voting to use Govt to confiscate the wealth of others by force and without consent violating the rights of the individual and the agreement which founded that government, the purpose of which was to protect  the rights and liberties  of individuals - thus breaking both fundamental principles of morality  - "Do no harm" and "Do all you say you will do"?(y/n)

Your Leftist  should now be a gibbering idiot..

the same as when you started. Except probably a lot angrier.

« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 04:23:51 PM by Weisshaupt »

Offline Dan

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Re: A test for the Obama Voter
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2014, 08:32:06 AM »
I think I'll print this up and have it handy, W.
Leave it posted around town or stick it in selected mailboxes maybe.
Signing it would be subject to the wife's acquiescence though. She still isn't ready for this kind of in-your-face sort of thing. Her head is still in the sand a little bit.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: A test for the Obama Voter
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2014, 10:58:49 AM »
I think I'll print this up and have it handy, W.
Leave it posted around town or stick it in selected mailboxes maybe.
Signing it would be subject to the wife's acquiescence though. She still isn't ready for this kind of in-your-face sort of thing. Her head is still in the sand a little bit.

Oh If I only had the time.  Print this up , hang it at a bus stop in a liberal neighborhood and film the reaction.

Maybe adding a question right to the front:  Would tearing down a public sign, legally posted, be a violation of another's  right to free speech?( y/n)

Bet you it gets ripped down within seconds of reading the first 5 questions, and not one would read all of it

Early on I tired giving liberal co-workers such tests.   They never once marked an answer. You could see them reading down the page, getting redder and redder in the  face and more and more angry.  I would tell them that if they felt a question was "unfair" they could simply write down WHY it was unfair..

But every single time they would just walk out and then usually not speak to me again.  Ever.

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Re: A test for the Obama Voter
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2014, 11:49:59 AM »
Big loss, right? /
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"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: A test for the Obama Voter
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2014, 12:11:30 PM »
Big loss, right? /

No these things are a boon that way.

  Still has yet to work on my Mother, but the rest of my leftard family leaves me alone now- mostly.
Worked best on my Father, which is odd, because at times he can sound downright conservative. I blame living in California.
My Sister still insisted on sending me two announcements of her latest birth - because apparently, she got no response to the first.  Kudos to Michelle for guessing the name of  the third child ( our poor groaning planet! How will my sister offset the carbon footprint of a third child? Maybe she will protect population growth by hashtag.. )  Child one was color ( indigo) , child two was wood ( cypress)  and Michelle correctly guessed child three would be rock ( Jade)  - all girls which makes me suspect Child four will be coming.. and what do you think its name will be?
My mother still insists on filling me on on crap in her life via my email.  She doesn't even know where I live now, and she still feels compelled to do this. Some lefties never learn I guess.

Offline Libertas

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Re: A test for the Obama Voter
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2014, 12:34:37 PM »
"Print this up , hang it at a bus stop in a liberal neighborhood and film the reaction."

Trail cam, dang that is a good idea, and could provide great entertainment!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline AlanS

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Re: A test for the Obama Voter
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2014, 12:59:57 PM »
Print this up , hang it at a bus stop in a liberal neighborhood and film the reaction.

Bet you it gets ripped down within seconds of reading the first 5 questions, and not one would read all of it

The 'hoods I've seen, they MIGHT read the first question, then lose interest.
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Offline LadyVirginia

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Re: A test for the Obama Voter
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2014, 01:27:02 PM »
  Child one was color ( indigo) , child two was wood ( cypress)  and Michelle correctly guessed child three would be rock ( Jade)

oh my gosh I laughed out loud!
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: A test for the Obama Voter
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2014, 02:25:02 PM »

The 'hoods I've seen, they MIGHT read the first question, then lose interest.

I wasn't thinking so much of 'hoods, where the literacy rate probably would allow them to take much interest,  but rich liberal enclaves:  College Campuses, The Peoples Public of Boulder, Stapleton, Berkley.. But yeah, High Praise to anyone who pares this down to their favorite 5 questions (or write 5 of your own!)  , cams the show and uploads it.

Offline AlanS

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Re: A test for the Obama Voter
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2014, 04:08:32 PM »

The 'hoods I've seen, they MIGHT read the first question, then lose interest.

I wasn't thinking so much of 'hoods, where the literacy rate probably would allow them to take much interest,  but rich liberal enclaves:  College Campuses, The Peoples Public of Boulder, Stapleton, Berkley.. But yeah, High Praise to anyone who pares this down to their favorite 5 questions (or write 5 of your own!)  , cams the show and uploads it.

Crap. Didn't think about that. But then again, I try to avoid BOTH hoods.
"Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem."

Thomas Jefferson