Author Topic: The Way Ahead?  (Read 1573 times)

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Online Libertas

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The Way Ahead?
« on: May 19, 2015, 01:22:03 PM »

Regardless if you agree with everything he says or not, he does make some interesting points and stimulates thoughts along lines we should all be considering.  I think it probable his regional approach is the most sensible, I think most of us realize there will be many areas simply written off as lost causes or because they will or already have disintigrated into chaos, and performing this function on a larger scale cannot be considered shocking at all.  This fella seems to be thinking we have no more than a decade left before the system collapses one way or another, so that is revealing in the context of his self-admitted Intel background...which I guess I would want to know more about.  It would seem the next step for many encountering this topic the first time and acting in accordance with this fellas advice would be to ascertain which community to reside in that offers the best hope of surviving what is coming and resisting what chaos might be paying a visit.  That exercise is not a total crapshoot, but in many respects in terms of location/scale it could might be in a good immediate location but too near/too surrounded by not so good locations...and that could be neighborhood/neighborhood, neighborhood/town, town/county, county/state and state to state from one combination to all.  And who is to say when push comes to shove what dynamics are at play to make any one better than another...because all of the possible external variables alone cannot be fully unaccounted for!  Talk about the unknown unknowns!
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: The Way Ahead?
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2015, 01:52:22 PM »
"We still live in a $15 trillion economy, after all.  Who, with any wealth and in their right mind, would support a violent plan that, regardless of outcome, would endanger the value of their money and investments? "

And in under 10 years the vast majority will no longer have money nor investments.

The ability for the regime to decimate a domestic insurgency of terrorists of three or five or even ten percent of the population is quite strong. You will experience the unlimited, boundless power of the regime; without the limitations of transoceanic supply lines, language and culture barriers, and, most importantly, laws.

Um, no. Sure, they could hit  houses with drones.. you think there won't be collateral damage? They really count bring their full force to bear - and they have maybe 2.5 million people to use in defense.. and they will have to guard multiple targets. The three percent will number 9 million and have to hit only a fraction of those targets.  Simply leaving a heavy brown paper bag on the street will burn their assets and resources as they call out the bomb squad.  They can't really handle a bunch of quasi-trained  guerrilla towel heads in the middle east effectively and there they can sit behind beachheads. There are no beach heads here. Their children attend school with our children.

You will turn America into an Iraq or Afghanistan, and Americans will tire of their quality of life being disrupted.
only it will have already been  - in order to justify the imposition of  martial law (if that is indeed where this is headed)  they will false flag the violence if they can't get for real. Race riots, ISIS or homegrown- its irrelevant. Americans lives will be disrupted.

I’ve written at great lengths about the need for popular support for both your cause and your actions.  So perhaps the first metric of a good plan is whether your own people will support you.  Movements that don’t gain the support of 15 to 25 per cent of the population, regionally if not nationwide, generally result in failure. 

Huh? where is that figure from? Our 1st revolution had no more than 12%  supporting it. And the sheeple will beleive whatever the media tell them, and they will lie about it if required. Its not going to matter. You can't win that battle. Don't waste time trying..

Going to lunch.. more to follow as I digest.

Okay - onward..

Because when parents are having problems buying stuff for their kids or affording fuel to drive to work or are experiencing rolling brownouts from cyber attacks, their best option isn’t five years from now when the conflict is settled; it’s five weeks from now after they’ve turned in everyone they know.

80+% of the population just wants to stay the hell out of the way of history.
They will do without if they sense there is risk, and  there will be risk - turning in your conservative neighbors and becoming known as a quisling. Turning in your conservative neighbor won't get your kids new shoes, nor will it get the cable back on.

Truly a very small number of us.  And when we’re gone, that’s it.  If what we’re building is a small army, then it can’t be easily replaced.  We are a non-renewable resource because the train-up time is too long and the learning curve too steep.  That’s another reason why the pursuit of violent means of securing our Liberty shouldn’t be our first choice.

As we examine the behemoth we’re dealing with, the condition of the regime, it doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure out that it’s losing legitimacy.  More and more people are ‘waking up’ to the poor state of fiscal and monetary policy, lawlessness and new age liberalism.

Which is why the terrorism of such groups would be focused on leaving heavy brown packages on sidewalks, downing power and utility lines, etc, and not say, blowing up buses of schoolchildren. Sure its "terrorism" to destroy a pipeline, take out a bridge, sabotage locomotives and shut down substations-- but to people who depend on the government, it makes them look all manner of incompetent when they A) can't catch the people who did it without a dragnet roundup of "conservatives" B) can't repair the damage quickly.  Such dragnets would of course highlight the fascist nature of the government and no one- not even liberals- would be able to claim that "its a free country" anymore, driving more support for the freedom movement, not killing it.

"The more you tighten your grip Tuck, the more star systems will slip through your fingers"-Princess Leia

 This guy is also missing the geographic nature of the battle - it is rural vs City. Public opinion can run against the "terrorists" in the city , and probably will- given they are cesspools of liberal idiocy, but really as things break down, will they blame the minority riots, expanding gang violence and race wars on "terrorists" as well?

Even if the patriots do nothing, the Cities will die.

"This city is afraid of me...I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down and whisper "No." They had a choice, all of them. They could have followed in the footsteps of good men like my father or President Truman. Decent men who believed in a day's work for a day's pay. Instead they followed the droppings of lechers and communists and didn't realize that the trail led over a precipice until it was too late. Don't tell me they didn't have a choice. Now the whole world stands on the brink, staring down into bloody Hell, all those liberals and intellectuals and smooth-talkers... and all of a sudden nobody can think of anything to say." - Rorschach"

Your rural neighbors won't be turning you in - because they will also be afraid of the Feds showing up to confiscate everything they have during the "emergency"  Ultimately the cities require the hinterlands, not the other way around ( not that the libtard city folk understand that relationship..)   So yeah, public opinion only matters where there is a Public.

So the plan is simply this: we have to bide our time, community organize, train, network, build support at the local and state levels.  There will be a day when the regime is in free fall.  Days when there are bank holidays, when there are furloughed workers, when Americans are trying to replace their accumulated wealth of dollars with something else, when this nation is teetering on collapse, then we will have our opportunity.  Many of us see it: America is failing by design.  When it fails, we need a solution because the regime certainly has plans.  We don’t have to reinvent the wheel and we don’t have to spend lots of energy on replacing our leaders in DC.  They will cease to exist because they will be irrelevant to us.  The solution is a pre-existing state, groups of counties or regions that are pro-Liberty, and we need to begin the work of empowering our leaders, both elected and unelected, to sever the ties.

Tending my own garden till I can't  has been my plan all along. But, at some point, they will force someone to shoot back, just as the British forced those in Concord to shoot. There wasn't a vote.  There wasn't a decision made to resist. One can even argue the shot was taken by mistake- because that group of militia saw smoke and believed the British had torched the town ( they hadn't) However, once it was done,  3-12 %  agreed it was time... and the rest - the rest didn't matter - the pent up anger of a few boiled over and took us to 1776. This has been the question all along - will those in power try to use military force - gun  confiscation, FEMA Camps,  and SWAT teams to try and purge the nation of freedom lovers, or will they just slink off of island retreats when the music stops. No one knows.

You can count on   80+% of the people to  just stay out of the way and keep their heads down.  A guerrilla  war would not be nearly as lopsided as he supposes, and the value of public opinion is far,far over rated in an environment where political decisions are made at the ends of rifles and these smaller communities of like minded individuals already exist. .  He isn't wrong that we need to use this time to prepare, organize and get ready for when the enemy's power wanes, and be ready to defend ourselves if he decides to strike before then. But it doesn't exactly take a genius to see that either.

If the free state movement had chosen Wyoming, instead of NH,  I think they would have met with far greater success.  Someone should write a book about that

« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 03:17:37 PM by Weisshaupt »

Online Libertas

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Re: The Way Ahead?
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2015, 01:59:51 PM »
As I said, points to argue, but the exercise is worth it.  I think he is inflating the support level, or more accurately discounting the current crop vs what the Founders had to work with in their day...and I cannot say I disagree with that approach.  I'd say a conservative support number would have to be 20% to be viable.  Others opinions may differ, but I look around and even those I think could be candidates as allies, if I truly ask myself "what can they offer?" I don't get a sense much beyond "very little".
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Online Libertas

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Re: The Way Ahead?
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2015, 11:36:21 AM »
Another point of view via WRSA -

Some valid points, but the three biggest items I would flag are:

1)  "The loyalties of you in government will be far more mixed than ours.  Your security groups will have a higher proportion of patriots than vice versa, by a lot."

They are actively working on this angle both within the military (The Purges and moonbat social engineering being the favored devices) as well as the federal bureaucracy and local LE organizations (mostly through political activism and pc/diversity/mutli-culti asshattery) so the interplay here as to "sides" is in flux and going the wrong direction.

2)  "There is no shortage of weapons in any high-technology country. We will be able to support our political clout with arms if you force us to it."

Obviously the Federal government and to a lesser extent the states and the local outfits are better equiped and trained with a wide range of toys, increasing in scale the further up you go.  The implication here being even if states retain guard units and most local LEO support against a tyrannical Federal government (something far from universal we well know) the Feds still have the military, the FBI, DHS, CIA, NSA, ATF and other armored up alphabet soup agencies.  So even if they refrain from WMDs they can still cause an awful lot of damage.  To presume they will refrain from shooting civilians seems a foolish gamble to me, at some point they would have to respond to a liberty movement either by siding with the people or by targeting them.

3)  In his closing statement he says " We can win without firing a shot by demonstrating how much we oppose you and how great the damage of a shooting insurgency."

Again, like the above the presumption of a lack of insanity on the part of statists seems foolish, as is their unwillingness to cause physical damage.  Anybody see them coming to their senses and surrendering power to the people?
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Offline Glock32

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Re: The Way Ahead?
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2015, 04:57:22 PM »
The one good thing about the loyalty purges in the military is that they're basically trading skill and dedication for Yes Men.  The military has largely become another big social program when you look at the support roles, but I have always been told by people in the military that the closer you get to the tip of the spear, the composition of the units quickly takes on certain characteristics (basically more politically conservative and also much whiter).

Stalin infamously purged the Russian army in the 1930s and was left with an officer corps of politically reliable, militarily incompetent Yes Men.
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Online Libertas

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Re: The Way Ahead?
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2015, 06:45:29 AM »

The bad news is even with incompetent Yes Men, they can cause a lot of harm with the material at hand.

It's why in the end it comes down to a battle of wills, and usually the victor is the one whose principles and purpose are more true and noble, self-preservation by itself will only take you so far...

So yes, tyrants and their stooges eventually crumble, but too many good people will perish along with the despots before it is done.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline John Florida

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Re: The Way Ahead?
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2015, 08:12:24 AM »
   I am thinking about rebuilding my weapon and ammo stores. Maybe I should not have sold them off.
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