Author Topic: Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale  (Read 1453 times)

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« on: June 30, 2012, 06:00:51 PM »

This is the way healthcare has been marketed since the '70's.
It's been forced upon all of us.  It's to the point Drs. don't want
to know the cost, maybe because when they see you they don't
want to see x number of dollars signs above your head.  Asking
is akin to farting in public.  I don't know, one doc was offended
when I asked the price and when pressed incensed with himself
that he didn't know.

Whatever it is, it's not the consumer, it's the culture.
It's the culture because it's been embedded so long
that there's no living memory of it being different.

I'm not disagreeing I just saying turning it around is going
to be a lot rougher row to hoe than putting it off on the consumer.

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2012, 06:14:18 PM »
I get my routine, general medical care from a Nurse-Practitioner in partnership with a physician.  They do not accept insurance and the fees for various items are posted right in the lobby; they have no problem with pricing anything that isn't on the list either.  If a specialist is needed, they have a list of those with whom they've worked, some of which they have an "arrangement".

I can take the "visit report" and, for now, submit it to my insurance company for a small reimbursement if I choose, or not if I decide what goes on there is none of their damn business.

The practice does not have to pay a person/s to argue with the insurance companies, nor the Medicare/Medicaid bureaucracy, so they afford to charge what they do.

At one time, I did dicker with a doctor in a regular practice with regard to paying cash outside of "the system".  He wasn't annoyed, but he did regard the premise with cynical amusement.  Wonder if he's still amused.

eta:  Lately, I've had the medical insurance company bombarding me with mail and phone calls "offering" to help me manage my "healthcare".  I find this infuriating.  I'm not speaking on the phone about these things to some stranger, I don't need their gawdamn "help managing" anything -- a robocall actually attempted to badger me (answer yes or no) into getting a mammogram I'd already gotten -- and I greatly resent the meddling.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 06:18:49 PM by Pandora »
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2012, 08:14:53 PM »
I was considering posting that at the local forum, but I realized none of the Lefties would watch because the female in it would look them like Sarah Palin.

Not to mention that every friggin one of them is dumber than dirt.

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2012, 10:42:42 PM »
As I've said elsewhere, I don't get sick so I haven't been to a doctor in my adult life (knock on wood). But that doesn't mean that I haven't paid for medical insurance. I've probably underwritten about three thousand procedures for other people during my working career.

There was a time where I was unemployed for an extended period and did not have insurance. I had an accident (a tool broke, striking me in the face and breaking my nose). I drove myself to the hospital and paid cash out of pocket for the procedure and drugs. They even gave me a discount for paying cash. Another time I sliced open my hand fixing a dryer. Paid cash for that too.

All that is about to change. I'm older now and expect to start falling apart just like old folks do. And just like in the u-toob video, while I am still working (and paying for insurance) I am going to get my money's worth out of it. I intend to run the tab for all it's worth. I may even become a hypochondriac.



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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2012, 04:56:19 AM »
EWTN doesn't need to pay any fine. They should keep on as they are and force the Regime to send their jackbooted thugs and physically remove them from their broadcast facilities. The same should go for every other Christian organization that refuses to pay for legalized murder. The sooner the ante is upped and the government forced to reveal just who they really are, the better. The worst thing any of us can do now is to let them get away with the narrative that there is voluntary compliance.


And my thoughts exactly!  People have forgotten/never been taught just how evil communist statism is.  Not having understood that lesson, we are now having to learn it all over again and it can be quite painful a lesson.  Freedom is not guaranteed.  It can die a miserable death within a generation.  We are at the beginning of one such generation.  I often wonder just how surprised the Romans were in 476 A.D. when the barbarians finally came crashing through their City's gates?  I wonder if the final denouement to what was the greatness of Rome was a shock or whether the locals had become numb to the violence while living in its decline?  Just like I used to wonder about Nazi Germany, of how that whole ideology could be created out of the whole cloth found in the polemic political treatise Mein Kampf?  Hitler took a decade from the Munich Putsch to get into elected, then appointed, power.  The self-inflicted Reichstag Fire led quickly to the Enabling Laws, then to the Nuremberg Laws, then to the Wannsee Conference, then finally to the whole factory-like government-run machinery of death.  Now I understand.  It was a gradual decline, made numb by the stultifying inflation during the Weimar Republic.  The Great Depression gave socialism a boost everywhere, some places worse than others.  Russia got the Purge.  Germany got the camps.  We got Social Security.  (Where's James Burke with his Connections?)

People have forgotten/not been taught the evil that communist statism is, of just how bloody its fairly recent history is, of just how base (in two senses) its ruthless governance is.  Our own government sold guns to Mexican drug cartels to have their citizens die, at best, or be maimed, at worst, just so this Administration could push legislation to bring our country, when it comes to gun control, into alignment with upstanding nations like Syria or Iran or Venezuela.  There's a less than 10 second soundbite for the alphabet networks.

2012 really is the last desperate hope for this Country as we now somewhat know it.  And because of who we are, the last hope for the stability of the world for quite some time.  The whole 'Arab Spring' has a muslim sharia sympathizer's fingerprints all over it -- just like that weapon found at Brian Terry's murder scene.  Taking out friendly dictators and enemy dictators, at least the easy ones (there's a reason Ogabe hasn't tried to roll into Syria yet) and showing none of the US' historical strength of not supporting terrorist thugs like the Muslim Brotherhood (who own this Arab Spring, and they are damn proud of it, and were actually supported by this Administration -- which should frighten any rational person).  Scary times ahead.  Can't say whichever way it goes I'll be surprised.  But there are so many just recently hearing of F&F thanks to a slanted propagandist media and are quite surprised it's been going on for as long as it has and that like, ya know, people died.  They'd literally never heard of it before being spoonfed those 10-second sound bites which were not nearly as accurate nor informative as what I wrote in the paragraph above.  I'm still sadly convinced that far too many of the majority of our citizens do not understand there really is a communist in the White House, and that he is the (supposed) son of a radical black African communist, that his mother was the daughter of communists from lily white bread Kansas, that his mentor as a young man back in Hawaii after being in Indonesia (where he claimed to eat dog and called the glaring blare of the muezzin at the crack of dawn the sweetest sound on earth) was Frank Marshall Davis, another committed communist, that Obama has admitted he hung out with radicals his whole academic career, that he sought out radical racial marxist professors, that his 'church' for 22 years was a racialist communist perversion of Christianity.  Interesting times ahead, the kind of interesting I can do without.  Did Roe v. Wade curse this nation such that we are where we are because of legalizing the destruction of our species in a way Mother Nature abhors has led to a graduated process 40 years later where a communist can sit proudly in the Oval Office?  Or was it the century-long Gramscian march through the halls of academia dumbing down the dangers inherent in being Free Men and Women?  I don't know and, at this point, really don't care.  All I know is that there is a communist in the White House and that our country's recent political history was to kill commies.  Now the Supreme Court ruling an unconstitutional health care mandate penalty a Constitutional tax -- with the Administration's PR team already out there right after the decision saying no, no that tax is really a mandate penalty just like we sold it to you (but not what we argued before the Court).

Help!  I've fallen down the rabbit hole and I can't get up!
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 05:05:59 AM by RickZ »


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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2012, 07:00:32 AM »
Read a good description of what happened, all in a name:

The Dread Justice Roberts.

Ha!  Henceforth, just as with 'Owebama', I'll refer to the Chief Justice as The Dread Justice Roberts.

Online Pandora

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2012, 01:28:06 PM »
I reversed my US Flag today.  It now flies upside down, an SOS for our country and our liberty.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline John Florida

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2012, 07:11:23 PM »
I reversed my US Flag today.  It now flies upside down, an SOS for our country and our liberty.

Gadsden all the way for me to show my unbridled contempt for douche-bag dhimmicrats.


 ::viking:: ::crusader:: machinegun ::seagalvseals:: ::taz:: ::guillotine::
All men are created equal"
 Filippo Mazzie