Author Topic: Four recommended books and four videos of Geert Wilders' speeches.  (Read 1296 times)

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Offline Larry H

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Infidel (2007) by Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Nomad: From Islam to America: A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations (2010) by Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America (2006) by Brigitte Gabriel, a Maronite Christian and Lebanese-American.

and her clarion call to action:
They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It (2008) by Brigitte Gabriel.

1. “Geert Wilders’ Islamification Speech in Los Angeles - April 2009” 
Geert Wilders speaks about Islamification and the threat of Islam to freedom at the Freedom Center. 
27:14  Posted 4-11-09.  ! Video not found 

2. “Geert Wilders’ brilliant speech”.  Journal 24 video of Geert Wilders’ address before the Dutch court with English subtitles.  6:18  Posted 1-20-10.  Geert Wilders brilliant speech 

3. “Geert Wilders’ Warning to America Part 1 of 2”  10:09  Gert Wilders’ speech, given in English.
Posted 9-19-09.  Geert Wilders Warning to America Part 1 of 2 

4. “Geert Wilders’ Warning to America Part 2 of 2”  10:44  Geert Wilders reveals his 10 step plan of eliminating Islamic extremism from western culture in a speech given in English. 
Posted 9-19-10.  Geert Wilders Warning to America Part 2 of 2 

Ten things we need to do to stop the Islamization of the West;
(That is, to eliminate Islamic extremism from western culture): 
1. Stop Cultural Relativism.  In all our Constitutions we need an article stating we have one dominant culture based on Judaism, Christianity, and Humanism. 
2. We have to stop pretending that Islam is a religion.  Islam is not a religion.  Islam is a totalitarian political ideology.  It wants to rule every aspect of society and your life.  Shariah Law mandates that everyone must submit to total Islamic male rule.  And if we acknowledge that Islam is not a religion we must acknowledge that all the religious freedoms do not apply to Islam. 
3. Show the true face of Islamic fundamentalism.  Compare Islam to other totalitarian ideologies like Communism or Fascism. 
4. Stop the mass immigration from Islamic countries.  In order to preserve out own values, our own country, and our own culture not one Muslim should be allowed to immigrate to our societies any more. 
5. Outlaw Shariah Law and deport its practitioners.  Be tough on those who do not want to integrate who are already in our countries and are from a Muslim background.  If they adhere to our values and our Constitution they are welcome to stay as any person. 
6. U.S. Immigrants must sign a legally-binding contract, a pledge of integration and assimilation and allegiance to their new country and society. 
7. Stop building new mosques in our society. 
8. Reciprocity with Saudi Arabia for establishing Western Churches and Synagogues.
9. Close all Islamic schools, the fascistic madrases.  They promote an ideology of hate, violence and war, and do not promote assimilation into our culture. 
10. Remove weak leadership.  Get rid of our current weak leaders. 
Go on the offensive and start fighting back.  If they bombard us with Shariah Law and court cases, bombard them back with our human rights and court cases.  Millions of freedom-loving people are saying enough is enough.  I am not forgetting that American soldiers fought, bled, and died for our liberties, for European freedom.  They died not for an Islamic Europe but for a free Europe.  Everything we stand for has to be defended with all our might, our identity, our culture, our values, our democracy, our freedom, our civilization.  We owe it to our children and their children. 
“Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics doesn't take an interest in you.” --- Pericles, 430 B.C.

Offline trapeze

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Re: Four recommended books and four videos of Geert Wilders' speeches.
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2011, 08:11:23 PM »
Wilders is a voice in the politically correct, multi-cultural wilderness. I hope he isn't killed before he can accomplish a shift in attitude toward an obvious problem.

The list at the end of your post is somewhat problematic, though...

1. We will get a constitutional amendment to halt abortion before we get one that mandates a culture based on any religion.

2. islam is every bit as much a religion as any other. The difference with islam is that it has a very strong thread of intolerance running through it. Intolerance to the point of violence. Lethal violence. And that makes it an evil religion. I don't dispute the ideological aspects of islam but it's still an evil religion.

3. islam already shows its true face. I assume you want the MFM to make the comparison to communism and fascism. The problem with that is that the MFM largely supports communism and fascism already.

4. There isn't any mass muslim immigration taking place in the USA, yet. That's a European problem. We have a Mexican immigration problem.

5. shariah law (a religious law) is, by definition, irrelevant in a US court of law. Anyone who disputes that (like the moron judge in FL) should be removed from the bench and disbarred.  We are all equal under the law. muslims need not be treated any tougher than anyone else who is in violation of the law. Anyone or any group that refuses to integrate into the society will reap the result: economic and cultural isolation.

6. Immigrants aren't citizens until they become citizens. When they become citizens they swear allegiance to this country. What good is a contract in that regard? Who decides if they are in breach? How do you take away citizenship once granted?

7. You cannot halt the building of mosques any more than you can outlaw the construction of protestant or Catholic churches. It's a first amendment kind of thing.

8. As long as we are dependent on the Saudis for oil we cannot dictate anything to them. That's just a fact of life. Even if we weren't dependent on them there is nothing to stop them from giving us the finger. Everyone else does.

9. The only way you are going to close any "school" is to prove that actual criminal activity is going on. And that's on a case by case basis. Again, it's a first amendment thing. Freedom is a two edged sword.

10. Finally, I can agree that weak leaders need to go. This happens at the ballot box. Europe will stand or fall on their own with no help or influence from us. Personally, I think they are a lost cause and I wouldn't squander a drop of American blood to help them out of any mess they find themselves in. Heck, in another twenty years France will probably be run by islamic extremists and France has nukes. After they lob one in the wrong direction that problem will largely solve itself.

Reagan said that freedom isn't passed on by blood and that we are always only one generation away from tyranny. We are as close to that now as we have ever been. We will find out in less than two years if our generation has the stones to stand up for freedom.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 08:40:43 PM by trapeze »
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.