Author Topic: So, Umm...What Happens Next?  (Read 1804 times)

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Offline trapeze

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So, Umm...What Happens Next?
« on: December 23, 2013, 12:42:56 AM »
Amidst the schadenfruede that we are now experiencing is the flip side of the situation: What is our president experiencing really? And more importantly, where will it all lead?

If you believe, as I do, that our president suffers from some form of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) then what is the endgame for him and for us?

As I was pondering this question, one of the questions that popped into my mind was, "Is it conceivable for a narcissist, when finally confronted with undeniable evidence of his failure and/or his lack of perfection, to just end it all and commit suicide?

I am not a psychologist and, with the exception of a couple of very basic psychology classes I took in college, have little to no education on the subject. So I went looking around the web to see what I could find. Naturally, I read the wikipedia entry on narcissism which was mildly informational but did not answer that question..."What happens when a narcissist is finally forced to deal with reality?" So I dug around a bit deeper and found an article that did address it. I am not so naive as to believe that this one article is the end all/be all on the subject but it is at least a semi-informed opinion (which is more than I have) so here it is:

In response to a life crisis (divorce, public disgrace, imprisonment, accident, bankruptcy, terminal or disfiguring illness) the narcissist is likely to adopt either of two reactions:

1. The narcissist finally refers himself to therapy, realising that something is dangerously wrong with him. Statistics show that talk therapies are rather ineffective with narcissism. Soon enough, the therapist is bored, fed up or actively repelled by the grandiose fantasies and open contempt of the narcissist. The therapeutic alliance crumbles and the narcissist emerges "triumphant" having sucked the therapist's energy dry.

2.  The narcissist frantically gropes for alternative Sources of Narcissistic Supply. Narcissists are very creative. If all else fails, they exhibitionistically make use of their own misery. Or they lie, create a fantasy, confabulate, harp on other people's emotions, fake a medical condition, pull a stunt, fall in ideal love, make a provocative move or commit a crime... The narcissist is bound to come up with a surprising angle to extract his narcissistic supply from a begrudging and mean world.

Experience shows that most narcissists go through (1) and then through (2).

The exposure of the False Self for what it is - false - is a major narcissistic injury. The narcissist is likely to react with severe self-deprecation and self-flagellation even to the point of suicidal ideation. This - on the inside. On the outside, he is likely to appear assertive and confident. This is his way of channelling his life-threatening aggression.

Rather than endure its assault and its frightening outcomes - he redirects his aggression, transforms it and hurls it at others.

What form this conversion assumes is nigh impossible to predict without knowing the narcissist in question intimately. It could be anything from cynical humour, through brutal honesty, verbal abuse, passive aggressive behaviours (frustrating others) and down to actual physical violence.

No one knows or will say if our president sees a therapist. He may or he may not. But he does spend some time having "talks" or "conversations" with people who ask him questions with the supposed objective of trying to understand him and discover more about him and those persons would be the members of the media. I find it interesting that in the first year of his second term that the media (some of them, anyway) are beginning to display the attributes of the "bored therapist." Some of the media are beginning to be "fed up" with our president and some are beginning to show "open contempt" for his "grandiose fantasies."

I do believe, though, that the president is getting close to, if not already in the midst of, a "life crisis." His signature legislative achievement (perhaps his only actual achievement) is being destroyed and, worse, at his very hand. 2013 seems to be an abject failure for him on just about any front you care to glance at and 2014, with the ominous shadow of the midterms, seems to be as bad if not worse. Historically, when presidents have trouble in the domestic arena, they head overseas in an attempt to mask failure with foreign policy adventures. This, however, seems a bridge too far because the president and his very un-serious secretary of state have zero credibility with just about the entire world now. The NSA revelations have made him almost entirely unwelcome just about everywhere. Remember that even before the real scope of Snowden's NSA info became known to the world, the president's second big speech in Germany was a big dud. Since the NSA leaks have become more detailed it is possible that he would be greeted with hostility rather than indifference if he were to give another big public speech before the Brandenburg Gate.

So...failing at home (and being given less cover for it with each passing day) and reviled abroad, could the president experience a narcissistic life crisis? And if he does, what direction will it take him, us and the country?
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Offline Dan

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Re: So, Umm...What Happens Next?
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2013, 08:37:48 AM »
Heh! If this posotus ever went to a shrink, your can bet your ass O would say he's a better therapist!
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Offline warpmine

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Re: So, Umm...What Happens Next?
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2013, 10:14:39 AM »
Wow Trap, that was a most interesting analysis of the situation at present. This is probably the same thing that happened to Hitler as he failed he took it all out on the people of Germany and decided all by his lonesome that they deserved the fate of the dismal future befalling them, conquest from the Russians and Allies. They didn't deserve to live because they failed him.

Hitler eventually cheated the victors with his suicide but what will our posotus do since he's not currently under threat of death for his crimes? What will the secret service do when that time comes? Perhaps they will just allow themselves to be compromised into failure at their job or just not show up mentally for the job allowing one patriot to take care of business.(It is a dream I have)
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Offline AlanS

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Re: So, Umm...What Happens Next?
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2013, 11:03:23 AM »
.......but what will our posotus do since he's not currently under threat of death for his crimes?

I see this happening:

Rather than endure its assault and its frightening outcomes - he redirects his aggression, transforms it and hurls it at others.
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Offline oldcoastie6468

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Re: So, Umm...What Happens Next?
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2013, 11:10:17 AM »
...but what will our posotus do since he's not currently under threat of death for his crimes?...

I'm unsure of that. So many millions hate him, so what do we really know?
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Offline rustybayonet

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Re: So, Umm...What Happens Next?
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2013, 11:40:23 AM »
I've always thought he was just a puppet, with Soros pulling the strings. 
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Re: So, Umm...What Happens Next?
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2013, 01:34:17 PM »
No one knows or will say if our president sees a therapist.

My guess is that he that he can lecture the poor schlub.  ::doh::

Online ToddF

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Re: So, Umm...What Happens Next?
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2013, 01:49:19 PM »
This isn't the first time I've thought Scoamf was losing it.  He always does seem to bounce back, though.

Offline trapeze

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Re: So, Umm...What Happens Next?
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2013, 12:51:55 AM »
Professor Reynolds had some interesting comments that sort of tie in with this line of thought:

Increasingly, Americans see him as a loser. But more importantly, he's perceived by our friends and enemies abroad as weak and preoccupied. The Saudis are livid about our handling of Iran; needless to say, so are the Israelis. The Iranians clearly don't take us seriously, and Vladimir Putin, who outfoxed Obama over Syria, is plainly unimpressed. The combination of distrust by our friends and disrespect from our enemies is a dangerous mix, and comes at an unsettled time that some scholars are comparing to the years before World War I. It's a time when we need better than usual diplomacy, and that does not appear to be in the offing.

Boxed in. Cornered. Out of good options. Which leaves us with a depressed and pissed off megalomaniac who just happens to be in charge of a lot of stuff. Not a good combo.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

Offline IronDioPriest

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Re: So, Umm...What Happens Next?
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2013, 01:01:54 AM »
If I had to guess between lashing out and a... ahem... self-correcting measure... I'd bet on lashing out.
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Offline KittenClaws

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Re: So, Umm...What Happens Next?
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2013, 01:21:19 AM »
If I had to guess between lashing out and a... ahem... self-correcting measure... I'd bet on lashing out.

When he lashes out, it may very well end up being self correcting.
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Re: So, Umm...What Happens Next?
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2013, 01:25:29 AM »
wow, this post shocks me, as it shows TWO of us coming across it s
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Offline trapeze

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Re: So, Umm...What Happens Next?
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2013, 01:36:33 AM »
This isn't the first time I've thought Scoamf was losing it.  He always does seem to bounce back, though.

The bounce back factor isn't what it used to be. Fewer and fewer people like him which is a major source of narcissist fuel. It's becoming difficult for the media to keep propping him up. And that's because he's just not that smart. It's been obvious to us that he isn't smart. We've known it from day one. But now it is becoming apparent that he is a bit of a dim bulb to even the casually disinterested non-observer. It's becoming "common knowledge" and when that happens it is irreversible.

So...not much narcissist fuel available to stoke the mega-ego anymore. No more Nobel prizes on the come. No more affirmative action mulligans. Has a tipping point been reached both for his acolytes and for himself? If it hasn't then we are most certainly getting perilously close to that moment. And that's what worries me. Desperate men do desperate things but the president of the USA isn't your typical loser who hits bottom. I mean, the a typical loser (of that there is no doubt) but the president as a symbol or figurehead isn't a typical loser.

Historical comparisons? There are precious few. Perhaps LBJ in 1967 deciding to not run in 1968. But LBJ, although an arrogant asshole, wasn't stupid. Obama appears to be, at best, rather dull. There is a reason that no one has seen his school transcripts. There is a reason he picked Biden to be veep and has surrounded himself with dullards. His light must shine brightest, after all...can't have any of the wrong sort around to distract from himself.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2013, 01:41:37 AM by trapeze »
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

Offline trapeze

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Re: So, Umm...What Happens Next?
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2013, 01:40:19 AM »
If I had to guess between lashing out and a... ahem... self-correcting measure... I'd bet on lashing out.

When he lashes out, it may very well end up being self correcting.

Perhaps. Predicting the future is hard. Predicting the future behavior of a narcissist is extremely difficult because they are each unique.

In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

Offline Glock32

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Re: So, Umm...What Happens Next?
« Reply #14 on: December 25, 2013, 09:10:21 PM »
A narcissist is defined as someone incapable of seeing fault in themselves, so for them to be suddenly confronted with spectacular evidence of their very real faults is sort of like the computer in 2001. HAL was unable to reconcile his programming with the reality of events, so he deduced that by killing the human crew his mission objectives would not be threatened by their interference. That's like the narcissist trying to reconcile his lofty self-assessment with reality: there's no telling what sort of novel coping strategy will emerge to preserve that sense of personal superiority.

I could see this bastard doing the equivalent of HAL killing the crew in their hypersleep capsules.
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Offline Libertas

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Re: So, Umm...What Happens Next?
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2013, 03:06:44 PM »
A narcissist is defined as someone incapable of seeing fault in themselves, so for them to be suddenly confronted with spectacular evidence of their very real faults is sort of like the computer in 2001. HAL was unable to reconcile his programming with the reality of events, so he deduced that by killing the human crew his mission objectives would not be threatened by their interference. That's like the narcissist trying to reconcile his lofty self-assessment with reality: there's no telling what sort of novel coping strategy will emerge to preserve that sense of personal superiority.

I could see this bastard doing the equivalent of HAL killing the crew in their hypersleep capsules.


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Re: So, Umm...What Happens Next?
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2013, 03:38:35 PM »
I think you are correct, Trap, in that BO has NPD. I'm not an expert by any means but I have read several books on it and the prez fits the type (as least as far as I can deduce from his public behavior and what I've read about his private behavior).

Most NPD's when eventually confronted with a target (the person who is the fuel that feeds their NPD)  that no longer wishes to be a target, will lash out at that target and when that effort finally fails will move on to a new target.  Keep in mind most NPDs are extremely lazy so moving on can take a long while and they will often seek the path of least resistance.

While it's possible he could decide to be a dictator and take us all hostage to his whims I think it's unlikely.  I think he's probably very frustrated and spends a good deal of time blaming all of us for his failures. He really believes he's smarter than us. But he's also very lazy and has gotten where he is by others' efforts.  Even NPD enablers eventually get sick of the NPD's behavior. I don't think he'd have much support among his people for any wild diabolical plans. That said a NPD feeds on spreading misery whenever he can so I believe he'll do whatever he can while he's in office to prove he's right (right being defined as the best thing ever and worthy of super-mega respect for just being and the one deserving of power and control). NPD often suffer from depression because it is frustrating to be right all the time and smarter than everyone else and no one appreciates it. But they don't usually kill themselves.  They just keep seeking new targets. It's likely that his wife or one of his daughters takes the brunt of it in private.

I think he'll end up spreading his poison at some university/think tank in Hawaii where he will recreate the little world he functions in. A new place that is unfamiliar with his MO and delighted at first that he's chosen to be among them. They will feed his ego for awhile until they realize he's stupid and lazy.

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